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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm kind of glad they're PR idoits.


Now she's asking for two jogging strollers. Why? One isn't enough. Twins? (Yeah, right).


Well, they need one for Ben and one for Jessa, right? Right? Don't they?


It actually wouldn't surprise me if this is how the thought process went.


More likely, though, I suppose it may be because they figure on following up child one with child two, biological or adopted, sometime next year. So then they'll need two jogging strollers. So it's a just-in-case, should the new Ben/Jessa show not get the greenlight beyond a "special" or two.

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Wow, that was painful to watch. Ben has no public speaking skills and is not a quick thinker. His clumsy attempt to make their polar-opposite answers sound the same, or even similar, was excruciating. And painfully prolonged. I will give him credit though, for absolutely obliterating the standing record for most "likes" uttered in a run-on, messy sentence. So, go Ben?

They're hilarious. These two are going to carry a TV show?

I think the specials may do all right, ratings-wise, particularly since Nielsen does not distinguish among the hate-watchers, the train-wreck crowd, and the actual fans. But if they try to build a series around these two and their equally charmless sister- and brother-in-law, things will go downhill fast.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 6

She did the same thing on her bridal registry. I still haven't figured out what a woman who registered for four place settings thought she was going to do with three forty-five piece flatware sets.



Said she, tangentially.

(I'll show myself out)

Edited by Julia
  • Love 7

I agree that the registry is starting to look fake. If it is real, Jessa will be promoting it on social media any minute now. But I dunno, asking for her own book is pretty out there, as is asking for both the boys' and girls' versions of the Bible story books. But she is who she is, and she might be trying to plant the notion of boy/girl twins to ramp up interest in her VSE.


ETA: Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute here. Girls' and boys' versions of Bible stories? In what kind of Fundie hell do boys and girls get different Bibles? 

Edited by momofsquid
  • Love 10

I wonder if Jessa and Ben will take the crib Josie gnawed on. It's no longer being used by Izzy.  I think Jessa wants everything new and sparkly. I wonder if Jessa really had anything new or first use prior to marriage. Maybe once the show became popular.


Jessa could at least have put up some small, necessary items - a mix of fun essentials and practical things.  We know they are gift grabbers, now they are blatant money grubbers. They need to hide the grift better. 


Honestly, I am not sure that I would allow my dog to sleep in a crib Josie used.  Sorry!  I'm more particular about my pets than the Dugs are about their infants. I'm sorry, but MEchelle has about 2 tons of infant wear somewhere on that compound.  There is no reason Jessa would need anything.

Wow, that, like, video!  Like, well, like, they are so, like, inarticulate!!!!!

Okay- I just watched that horrible video and all I could think of was how sad their life would be if they could not use the word LIKE!


"Oh fiddle-dee-dee, get this tiny, precious little one out of my pee-pee holder!"

Honestly, I want to see Princess Jessa do some down home Arkansas cussing (I believe that is the correct spelling in Arkansas.) and throwing things. 


ETA:  OMG- I meant to say that your pee-pee holder comment was the funniest thing I've read since our Friday night sermons and "Need more cowbell."  

Edited by truthtalk2014

I think their want for gift cards is snobbery. I would guess many a fan or fundie could not afford what was on their wedding registry and substituted a similar, but less costly gift. I'm sure they don't want to get outed for returning these 'less than' gifts.  If they put jogging strollers on their registry they could possibly end up with umbrella strollers, and they can't have that happening because - you know - celebrity.

  • Love 2

Honestly, I am not sure that I would allow my dog to sleep in a crib Josie used.  Sorry!  I'm more particular about my pets than the Dugs are about their infants. I'm sorry, but MEchelle has about 2 tons of infant wear somewhere on that compound.  There is no reason Jessa would need anything.

Okay- I just watched that horrible video and all I could think of was how sad their life would be if they could not use the word LIKE!


Honestly, I want to see Princess Jessa do some down home Arkansas cussing (I believe that is the correct spelling in Arkansas.) and throwing things. 


ETA:  OMG- I meant to say that your pee-pee holder comment was the funniest thing I've read since our Friday night sermons and "Need more cowbell."

Pee-pee holder is what one of Josh's molestation victims used to describe to the police were Josh touched. The very sad thing, besides the molestations, of course, is that Michelle couldn't be bothered to even teach her daughters proper names of anatomy.

  • Love 3

I agree. The more we learn about the Seewalds the more I'm getting a Mama Rose/Baby June vibe from Mike and Bin. I always found it odd that they were driving four hours each way to attend an unofficial church on the Duggar compound when there's probably a dozen churches in their area. Similar to Derick, I think there was a definite agenda, otherwise why allow your barely 17 year-old son to court a 20 year-old woman? That's insane.

"I had a dream. I dreamed it for you, Bin...."

("Gypsy" is one of my favorite musicals - probably my favorite but it's in a close race with "Rent." It makes me sad that the Jessa & Ben will probably never see either....sigh...)

All the Duggar males live in a patriarchy, yet are totally dependent on the woman's careers to support them. They're all dull, impotent, empty men who's wives smile at cameras and breed. So much for that dominion over everyone bullshit.

This.^^^^ So much this! Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

Looking at the registry, I'm calling fake. Who asks for a copy of their own book?

It is odd but authors do have to buy their own books after they've used up what the publisher gives them. I sell used and several authors have purchased from me. Maybe they scanned it in the store for laughs and giggles. 

It is odd but authors do have to buy their own books after they've used up what the publisher gives them. I sell used and several authors have purchased from me. Maybe they scanned it in the store for laughs and giggles. 

Whoever is responsible for the registry later removed it. I don't think they liked being called out as fake, so they made several changes to clean up inconsistencies. 

  • Love 6

Well, they need one for Ben and one for Jessa, right? Right? Don't they?


It actually wouldn't surprise me if this is how the thought process went.


More likely, though, I suppose it may be because they figure on following up child one with child two, biological or adopted, sometime next year. So then they'll need two jogging strollers. So it's a just-in-case, should the new Ben/Jessa show not get the greenlight beyond a "special" or two.

Normal people who want a jogging stroller and plan to have a couple of babies relatively close together in age would just request a double running stroller. That way one parent could go jogging with both kids when the other parent is at work or the parents aren't both jogging together...... Eh, ok, nevermind....since they do things a little bit differently and all.

  • Love 4

Normal people who want a jogging stroller and plan to have a couple of babies relatively close together in age would just request a double running stroller. That way one parent could go jogging with both kids when the other parent is at work or the parents aren't both jogging together...... Eh, ok, nevermind....since they do things a little bit differently and all.


Yeah, we keep wanting them to be logical. Don't know what we're thinking with that.

  • Love 3

If the registry is genuine, they could have filmed the registering of items and a producer told them to scan their book for fun.

We already saw them  endearlingly scan crap for their nuptials with Jessa's "buddy" team. Are they really going to subject people to that yet again? 


That said, I still think it's fake. 

  • Love 1

Back in the day, we didn't know what we were having. My boys wore beautiful crocheted sets in white, baby green and yellow. The nursery was actually done in Peter Rabbit decals and bedding.

Jessa is a tool.


So cute! I don't have kids, but if I ever had, I would have done the nursery in a Beatrix Potter/Peter Rabbit theme. I can remember poring over the wonderful illustrations in those little books when I was 3 years old and thinking that I just couldn't wait !!! - until I could read the words on the pages like my Mom.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 9

All this talk of Jessa & Ben not requesting anything that could give away the sex of their baby made me think of a post I saw on tumblr the other day: "Yeah, I'll just colour code my baby so strangers know what its genitals look like." I have never been more creeped out by the thought of specific colours for boys & girls.

  • Love 2

All this talk of Jessa & Ben not requesting anything that could give away the sex of their baby made me think of a post I saw on tumblr the other day: "Yeah, I'll just colour code my baby so strangers know what its genitals look like." I have never been more creeped out by the thought of specific colours for boys & girls.

pretty much. I've been on expectant mom message boards where some of the same people who were aghast at certain names being "girl names" and others being "boy names" also thought that looking between the baby's legs at delivery was "one of the last great surprises in life."

On topic, People has an article on Jessa, basically just rehashing her Instagram video of her belly and pretending their playing about whether they're having twins is legit. That some hard-hitting journalism there.

  • Love 4

She did the same thing on her bridal registry. I still haven't figured out what a woman who registered for four place settings thought she was going to do with three forty-five piece flatware sets.ETASaid she, tangentially.(I'll show myself out)

Sell them on eBay?

I don't know what it is exactly, but Jessa makes me almost as stabby as her mother and that's saying something. I get that many young people think they have the world by the ass and life will be all kittens and moonbeams, but her Smugometer is turned ALL the way up.

Ben is the village idiot. It's lucky he has the bible to blather about, because otherwise he'd just stand there with his mouth open.

ETA: I hope their kid is homelier than a mud fence, has an IQ of 200, and starts giving them the side eye before he/she is a year old.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 15

I can see that, 'cause being silly and having fun is one of their most endearing traits. :)


I don't often snort coffee out of my nose, but when I do, it's because of posts like this on here.


Stay snarky, my friends. 

ETA: I hope their kid is homelier than a mud fence, has an IQ of 200, and starts giving them the side eye before he/she is a year old.


Then sues for emancipation at age 13 so that he/she can go to an actual school and ends up being an evolutionary biologist.  

  • Love 18

Sell them on eBay?

I thought maybe she was stocking up on shower gifts to give at future weddings.

ETA: I hope their kid is homelier than a mud fence, has an IQ of 200, and starts giving them the side eye before he/she is a year old.

Now now. Too many of our people are already wandering the desert.

  • Love 2

I really want that baby registry to be legit, because we need to discuss the fact that there is an iPod touch and a selfie stick now listed on it.


But if it is an evil genius trying to defraud leghumpers, then I applaud their sense of humor. The selfie stick was a great touch! 


ETA: If it is legit, based on the baby merchandise selected thus far, I'm getting a BOY vibe from it. 


ETA#2: I'm leaning toward the registry being legit, because the names on the registry have now been edited from "Jessa & Ben" to "J & B," and it no longer comes up when you search for their last name. Someone is trying to do damage control and hide the registry. Too bad our link still works. Hehe.  



Edited by Guest

ETA#2: I'm leaning toward the registry being legit, because the names on the registry have now been edited from "Jessa & Ben" to "J & B," and it no longer comes up when you search for their last name. Someone is trying to do damage control and hide the registry. Too bad our link still works. Hehe.  



Memory Company MC-COL-ARK-893 Arkansas Razorbacks Neon Display Helmet

Sold and shipped by: UnbeatableSale.com, Inc.

Color: Multicolor




Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

I hope it's real. I like the food bullet thingy. Whoever made this registry is planning on making baby food, so maybe they will use fresh ingredients. Hey Registry person whoever you are, add gardening tools.


Still hoping for twins so I can see which lost girl goes into service.

  • Love 4
ETA#2: I'm leaning toward the registry being legit, because the names on the registry have now been edited from "Jessa & Ben" to "J & B," and it no longer comes up when you search for their last name. Someone is trying to do damage control and hide the registry. Too bad our link still works. Hehe.  



Isn't that what they want, though? The appearance of being humble and not asking for gifts from their adoring public while having the info still out there for those fans who really *do* want to send them something?

  • Love 4

I hope it's real. I like the food bullet thingy. Whoever made this registry is planning on making baby food, so maybe they will use fresh ingredients. Hey Registry person whoever you are, add gardening tools.


Still hoping for twins so I can see which lost girl goes into service.


I doubt anyone's making baby food in this family.  A post-baby crash diet and cleanse I can totally see though.

  • Love 9

I really want that baby registry to be legit, because we need to discuss the fact that there is an iPod touch and a selfie stick now listed on it.

But if it is an evil genius trying to defraud leghumpers, then I applaud their sense of humor. The selfie stick was a great touch!

ETA: If it is legit, based on the baby merchandise selected thus far, I'm getting a BOY vibe from it.

ETA#2: I'm leaning toward the registry being legit, because the names on the registry have now been edited from "Jessa & Ben" to "J & B," and it no longer comes up when you search for their last name. Someone is trying to do damage control and hide the registry. Too bad our link still works. Hehe.


I guess they don't know that their iPhones already do everything an iPod touch can.
  • Love 2

My guess is that it is real if the names have been changed to initials.


ipod Touch and selfie stick - WOW.  The selfishness it burns,  Again, can't you buy used and save the difference.  Oh wait, my bad.  It is not your money so let the minions buy you new.  Carry on everyone.

  • Love 7

I guess they don't know that their iPhones already do everything an iPod touch can.


The iPod Touch is for the baby (all the functionality of the phone without actually calling anyone), and the selfie-stick is for group family photos.


Also, watching myself type that made me slightly nauseated. 

  • Love 8
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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