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S08.E18: Body Of Evidence

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10 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I don't necessarily think Dorinda's a shit stirrer. I honestly like that she keeps putting shit front and center for people to get out and discuss cause it's bullshit the way things just keep on going and going and going. I feel like every time Dorinda does what she does is to fucking finally put the topic to rest. Like she wants them to just get it over with. The problem is tho that Dorinda sometimes stops too short and tries to still keep a certain amount of distance. On the one hand she wants to get the shit started so it can just run it's course or burn itself out but doesn't want to take sides since all she want to do is get the ball rolling without having to actually be involved with much of it but on the other hand she's fucking up because she does involve herself in the attempt to sorta jump start it but in her attempt to then immediately get out of the way she gets messy. I would like it if she had a bit more of a stance on everything.  The small issue for me about Dorinda is you can't be all forward and "let's do this" gung ho about resolving or getting it out there so it can be put it to bed then fizzle out when shit really gets going. You can see her discomfort when shit starts getting close to home, she sits there like an observer cause she doesn't want to be dragged in and honestly I didn't fault her a few time when she did that because a couple of times she was brought up to deflect the real issue. You know, it's the whole "who told you"? Angle when it becomes more about who said what than what was said.

Like with when Jules confronted Beth and Carole and then she was asked who told her XYZ because they want to deny what they said. I mean I don't think it should become an additional fight between the snitch and who was being snitched on. The focus should stay with the original offense and not about how it came to the other persons attention. However I do think that even though I understand why Dorinda wouldn't want to be thrown in the line of fire and why she avoids saying much once she's got the dialogue underway (I mean hell her relaying the message shouldn't be the major focus anyway) but if she sees it going sideways and she see's that someone is trying to weasel out of it by deflecting and making it about the "source" then I think Dorinda should man up and say I told her and that's exactly what you said. 

I'm always cheering Dorinda on when she starts cause I get what she's driving at but it's when she let's go of the bike before the person is ready to steer on their own that bugs me. If you're trying to get things resolved and handled then stick with it til the end. She gets nervous and jumps shit before reaching the end goal and that just makes it seem like she's just doing it for shits and giggles which I really don't believe she is doing. I truly think she just wants to diffuse the impact by sort of spoiling the surprise aspect and instead of one person getting the jump on another she TRIES to kinda ease the subject of the ground instead of someone else who is planning to come out with it with a big BANG. Kinda like in the middle of an engagement party, or engagement dinner etc. etc. and we know these women prep like nobodies business to drop bombs left and right. I feel like Dorinda's the difference between it being a nuclear attack or just an explosion with minor injuries.. LOL.

I'm not so sure her motives are that simple/noble. LOL I think she plays runtelldat for a few reasons. 1, it gives her more camera time, they are all aware that being on camera is important to them keeping their jobs next season. 2, she keeps herself out of the line of fire by keeping the warring fractions at war (no new attacks on her/John) and 3, it keeps her front and center with all the other HWs, which ties back to 1 and 2. Notice that when Dorinda tells on someone else she always leaves out her part/involvement in the conversation? As an example, she left out that she was the first one to vote against Sonja going to Mexico. And she never speaks out in defense of a person to the opposing side, example, she didn't defend Luann/Tom relationship to Sonja/Ramona on the ride to the yacht. That said, she doesn't play dirty when she spreads the gossip like Ramona does and she doesn't seem to derive pleasure from nasty gossip like Bethenny, Carole, Ramona, Luann and Sonja do, so that does make her less nasty in her ways. LOL

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Bethenny did say in a talking head when Luann asked her about who she was dating that she would never tell Luann because Luann was a man stealer.  So Bethenny gets to pick and chose.  The rest don't.  I don't think Ramona is long for the show if her storyline is about keeping her love life private.  We have seen Ramona get her flirt on and her solo dancing-time to move on.  Sonja has washed her hands of Ramona so there isn't much left for the old gal.

Get off reality TV of you aren't going to share  your relationship.  It is like the woman from Shahs that dates Jermaine Jackson, Jr..  I like her but there is a huge piece missing from her life-for gawd's sake they show her mother's cats.  She doesn't share that part of her life, one wackadoodle said it was a good thing because it is the only relationship that has lasted and another one said, "if we all did that there would be no show."  If Bethenny doesn't want her love life on the show perhaps she should zip it when it comes to Luann's.   Going after Luann and then saying it was okay because Luann is resilient is really unfair.  Other than arguing with others, what has Bethenny offered us?  Fibroids and childish group meetings where her minions take votes on how to hurt Luann. 

According to Dorinda, John was downstairs in the bar of the hotel and production was telling John what Bethenny had said.  If you notice they take the hotel room door and keep trying to keep it open-Jules job apparently.  Dorinda was a little steamed over the move.  That is why John came in like a bull in a china shop. 

I guess I don't understand how that is picking and choosing. Beth said she wouldn't tell Lu who she was dating. She didn't say she wouldn't tell anyone else. People are allowed to not tell everyone everything. Lu could have kept her engagement on the down low for a while if she had wanted too. She didn't. She wanted to make it a big thing. To have her guy be on TV and it all be a huge exciting deal. She was fine with the fact that he had gone out with Ramona and it would be a topic, and moved ahead regardless. Good for her. Girl got burned a few years ago when she got demoted, and every once in a while you can see the terror in her eyes and I swear smell her fear through my TV. 

I find it stunning that folks are shocked that there are different rules for different HW's, or that now it's decided they don't like those rules. These aren't employees entitled to the same working conditions as their co-workers. These are contract workers. They all negotiate and sign a contract. They are all treated differently, and they all make different money. It's all about your worth to the network. How important they think that you are. Maybe Beth gets to keep her PL quiet because in general she keeps her PL quiet. She doesn't make a big thing out of her PL ever (not since Jason). She doesn't talk about the guys she dates. Doesn't post intimate pics on Twitter for the most part. Everything we knew about her boyfriend last year came from other sources. I don't believe she ever interviewed about him at all. That is just the way that she rolls. The others understand that she might get treatment that they don't, and yet they still put on their big girl panties and sign their contracts, right? If they don't like it, they can find something else to do. It always drives me crazy when people bitch about stuff like this. I negotiate my contract with my employer. I get a lot of special treatment that some of the other folks don't get. Some of them it drives nuts. I always tell them the same thing. Learn to negotiate better. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I'm not so sure her motives are that simple/noble. LOL I think she plays runtelldat for a few reasons. 1, it gives her more camera time, they are all aware that being on camera is important to them keeping their jobs next season. 2, she keeps herself out of the line of fire by keeping the warring fractions at war (no new attacks on her/John) and 3, it keeps her front and center with all the other HWs, which ties back to 1 and 2. Notice that when Dorinda tells on someone else she always leaves out her part/involvement in the conversation? As an example, she left out that she was the first one to vote against Sonja going to Mexico. And she never speaks out in defense of a person to the opposing side, example, she didn't defend Luann/Tom relationship to Sonja/Ramona on the ride to the yacht. That said, she doesn't play dirty when she spreads the gossip like Ramona does and she doesn't seem to derive pleasure from nasty gossip like Bethenny, Carole, Ramona, Luann and Sonja do, so that does make her less nasty in her ways. LOL

En guard addition sign, take that division symbol....j/k that made me giggle.

I agree....Dorinda is a shit stirrer..if she wanted to resolve the issue...all parties would be present during her "talks". i.e. she told Ramona Luanne was mad at her and therefore shouldn't be throwing the celebration dinner for Lu. When Ramona left, she told Luanne to tell her I should be the one throwing the party because I introduced you two. While I agree it made more sense for Dorinda to be the hostess, she was starting shit by letting Ramona think Luanne was mad at her. Dorinda is consistent...she did the same thing in T&C on Sonja...she gets them riled up.

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I'm not so sure her motives are that simple/noble. LOL I think she plays runtelldat for a few reasons. 1, it gives her more camera time, they are all aware that being on camera is important to them keeping their jobs next season. 2, she keeps herself out of the line of fire by keeping the warring fractions at war (no new attacks on her/John) and 3, it keeps her front and center with all the other HWs, which ties back to 1 and 2. Notice that when Dorinda tells on someone else she always leaves out her part/involvement in the conversation? As an example, she left out that she was the first one to vote against Sonja going to Mexico. And she never speaks out in defense of a person to the opposing side, example, she didn't defend Luann/Tom relationship to Sonja/Ramona on the ride to the yacht. That said, she doesn't play dirty when she spreads the gossip like Ramona does and she doesn't seem to derive pleasure from nasty gossip like Bethenny, Carole, Ramona, Luann and Sonja do, so that does make her less nasty in her ways. LOL

Nah, I think she's a timid buttinsky. I think she would be great for the job if she could close the deal right. I don't think she's all that thirsty for camera time. I really don't think she cares that much about it. I do think she's more invested in the other's business than she likes to admit though and considering their shit blows up at different functions and affects all of their comfort levels regularly I don't get why she doesn't just up and say "Look bitches, that's right I brought it up, I'm tired of the wars creeping in and blowing up everywhere all the time so I get it started so there isn't some huge explosive that will take everyone down".

I think she's leaves details out because of that timidness because she doesn't want to have to be pulled in as an additional player in the original beef so I feel that's why she doesn't go completely into details about HER opinion and where SHE stands. It's the side stepping that annoys me and I think it's just cause she usually doesn't ever have a real dog in the fight and she knows she screwing herself up by inserting her opinion and advice so when all the talking and hashing shit out comes to the forefront Dorinda plays dumb and doesn't want to be a main player so she drops out and into the shadows which is lame.  I don't think she's noble I just think she corny with it. She has strong feelings about something but then it loses steam when it starts heating up and to me she's just an undercover scaredy cat that can't handle other people's conflicts but then because she wants those conflicts to be handled she decides to insert herself only to jump right back out the circle. It's the wishy washy approach that makes it distasteful. However I don't think she's deliberately being shady. She just has bouts of not having a spine.

It's not the coolest either but I think it's more about her needing to chose a lane. Either she wants to make things nice or she wants to steam in with an opinion, steer these bitches to resolution once and for all taking her lumps in the process. But, all this half assed pointing and encouraging only to get lost and insecure along the way is just ridiculous and causing more of a ruckus and I'd wish she'd stop.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

Say it with me:

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and everyone must respect everyone else's opinions and not call anyone out.

In general, please stop trying to "win" an argument here, no one is right or wrong. 

Remember you are welcome to ignore posters you find annoying! 

If you think something doesn't belong in this thread please report it! Don't engage!

Report things you find disrespectful or off topic. Don't just quote it and point it out in thread. 

Finally, this topic is for the episode, if it didn't happen in this episode, (or maybe a prior episode and you're referencing back) I don't want to read about it here. There are housewives threads for all that stuff. That stuff includes but is not limited to: Goings on with Bethenney and her new BF, Ramona extension company drama, Bethenney divorce stuff, Bethenney company stuff... etc. 

We've got an extra week of no show because of the Olympics so lets all try to keep the sniping down and the speculation about current stuff to the threads where that stuff belongs. 

Please and thank you. 

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Dorinda came clean on WWHL last week about HOW she manages to sit in the middle of all the ruckus.

She freely admitted that she 'mothered' the others in the cast.

She just plays the shoulder and ear for the group and she uses that to her advantage?

I think she is the closest to what the cast dynamic is about. I mean they are all "In the middle" of it all and its all about how they handle it. I think Dorinda just tries to engage in the subject matter because well that's what the shows about but she tries to keep some sort of integrity but fails somewhat cause in all honesty in the real world you sorta give your opinion and then keep mum and don't usually announce what you're position was in a conflict between two friends during a private conversation. I think Dorinda is that friend that will have that talk with you and be encouraging and tell you how SHE feels about it but that doesn't mean she's gonna go on a rampage on the person in question. Dorinda's that person that will lay it out FOR YOU but at the same time just cause she can support your position in something against someone else doesn't mean she's automatically gonna behave like the one with a bone to pick with THAT person. That's actually normal. I mean I can feel you and completely agree with you if your mad that XYZ did something uncalled for to you but then on a different day interact with said person amicably and be friendly because at the end of the day that person didn't do anything TO ME. It's a tricky place to be and I kinda see that's what's going on with Dorinda. She can feel strongly about something and completely support your reaction to it but she's not gonna turn it into a beef of her own and side with one against the other. I think Dorinda attempts some CYA in all of this cause she knows the cameras are rolling so what I see is that she immediately brings things up cause she knows it's gonna come out and instead of watching it unfold during the season and her looking fake, that she was in one room discussing something sensitive with one group then heading into the next room all easy breezy like shit is kosher, smiley smiley in the others face... I think she chose a tricky approach to that very slippery detail that surrounds them all during filming for the season and hasn't always pulled off too well. I give her credit for being pretty consistent cause she's constantly a sounding board for the others and she's also a bit of a whistleblower when the need arises however her implementation and execution of these moments haven't been the best.

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I think she is the closest to what the cast dynamic is about. I mean they are all "In the middle" of it all and its all about how they handle it. I think Dorinda just tries to engage in the subject matter because well that's what the shows about but she tries to keep some sort of integrity but fails somewhat cause in all honesty in the real world you sorta give your opinion and then keep mum and don't usually announce what you're position was in a conflict between two friends during a private conversation. I think Dorinda is that friend that will have that talk with you and be encouraging and tell you how SHE feels about it but that doesn't mean she's gonna go on a rampage on the person in question. Dorinda's that person that will lay it out FOR YOU but at the same time just cause she can support your position in something against someone else doesn't mean she's automatically gonna behave like the one with a bone to pick with THAT person. That's actually normal. I mean I can feel you and completely agree with you if your mad that XYZ did something uncalled for to you but then on a different day interact with said person amicably and be friendly because at the end of the day that person didn't do anything TO ME. It's a tricky place to be and I kinda see that's what's going on with Dorinda. She can feel strongly about something and completely support your reaction to it but she's not gonna turn it into a beef of her own and side with one against the other. I think Dorinda attempts some CYA in all of this cause she knows the cameras are rolling so what I see is that she immediately brings things up cause she knows it's gonna come out and instead of watching it unfold during the season and her looking fake, that she was in one room discussing something sensitive with one group then heading into the next room all easy breezy like shit is kosher, smiley smiley in the others face... I think she chose a tricky approach to that very slippery detail that surrounds them all during filming for the season and hasn't always pulled off too well. I give her credit for being pretty consistent cause she's constantly a sounding board for the others and she's also a bit of a whistleblower when the need arises however her implementation and execution of these moments haven't been the best.

I do think that her 'mom-ing' has another benefit for her?

She gets the inside skinny on the goings-on of the group - she doesn't have to comment on the topic - sometimes you just need to ask a person how they feel - that is enough to send people off into a tizzy. They will work themselves into a lather, walk away, ready to battle again.

It goes back to the 'let sleeping dogs lie'? way of thinking.

  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I do think that her 'mom-ing' has another benefit for her?

She gets the inside skinny on the goings-on of the group - she doesn't have to comment on the topic - sometimes you just need to ask a person how they feel - that is enough to send people off into a tizzy. They will work themselves into a lather, walk away, ready to battle again.

It goes back to the 'let sleeping dogs lie'? way of thinking.

In fictitious land, Dorinda has 3 kids, Hannah, Bobby, and Jim. There is hostility amongst her children. Dorinda pulled her momming move and speaks to them individually about the their issue.

Fast forward, Hannah no longer has eyebrows, Bobby got kicked in the balls and Jim is crying in the corner.

On WWHL, Dorinda shaded Bethenny and did not agree with the way she handled the Lu/Tom thing. I think she’s just pissed off cause she wasn’t in the know (as in not there with Carole and Ramona)

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I guess I don't understand how that is picking and choosing. Beth said she wouldn't tell Lu who she was dating. She didn't say she wouldn't tell anyone else. People are allowed to not tell everyone everything. Lu could have kept her engagement on the down low for a while if she had wanted too. She didn't. She wanted to make it a big thing. To have her guy be on TV and it all be a huge exciting deal. She was fine with the fact that he had gone out with Ramona and it would be a topic, and moved ahead regardless. Good for her. Girl got burned a few years ago when she got demoted, and every once in a while you can see the terror in her eyes and I swear smell her fear through my TV. 

I find it stunning that folks are shocked that there are different rules for different HW's, or that now it's decided they don't like those rules. These aren't employees entitled to the same working conditions as their co-workers. These are contract workers. They all negotiate and sign a contract. They are all treated differently, and they all make different money. It's all about your worth to the network. How important they think that you are. Maybe Beth gets to keep her PL quiet because in general she keeps her PL quiet. She doesn't make a big thing out of her PL ever (not since Jason). She doesn't talk about the guys she dates. Doesn't post intimate pics on Twitter for the most part. Everything we knew about her boyfriend last year came from other sources. I don't believe she ever interviewed about him at all. That is just the way that she rolls. The others understand that she might get treatment that they don't, and yet they still put on their big girl panties and sign their contracts, right? If they don't like it, they can find something else to do. It always drives me crazy when people bitch about stuff like this. I negotiate my contract with my employer. I get a lot of special treatment that some of the other folks don't get. Some of them it drives nuts. I always tell them the same thing. Learn to negotiate better. 

Self editing my post outside of the scope of the episode.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

Dorinda is what we called "two-faced" in grammar school.  She gossips and talks shit with one friend about someone else, and then does the same with the other friend.  "Ro was talking about you, Luann!  Wait til you hear what she said!"  "Luann was talking about you, Ramona!  Wait til you hear what she said!"  And she never mentions how she talked shit right there along with them.  She plays both sides.  It works great unless the other two compare notes and turn on her, "I never said that!  Wait til you hear what SHE said about YOU!"

Edited by izabella
  • Love 16

Luann Season was demoted, had a great year and according to her rep made out better financially.  She held to her guns about not doing a public break with Jacques and still was able to garner far more camera time than say Carole or Ramona.  Ramona took her break up off camera and ended up just bitching about accommodations on trips all year.

she also held out for more money this season, and now has ended up as the central storyline of the season. It must frost Bethenny especially to be orbiting around LuAnn.

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

she also held out for more money this season, and now has ended up as the central storyline of the season. It must frost Bethenny especially to be orbiting around LuAnn.

Really, what did Bethenny bring to the show that wasn't anger/judgement directed at someone else? Bloody Fibroids?  Oh, almost forgot, her 30 second segment that showed her shilling her product in the rain and her 30 second segment showing her candy. Other than these, she brought nothing about her personal life to the show! So.......a drink, candy and bloody fibroids! LOL

  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, izabella said:

Dorinda is what we called "two-faced" in grammar school.  She gossips and talks shit with one friend about someone else, and then does the same with the other friend.  "Ro was talking about you, Luann!  Wait til you hear what she said!"  "Luann was talking about you, Ramona!  Wait til you hear what she said!"  And she never mentions how she talked shit right there along with them.  She plays both sides.  It works great unless the other two compare notes and turn on her, "I never said that!  Wait til you hear what SHE said about YOU!"

I thought Dorinda was out of bounds with the "did they take a shower".  Dorinda is very clear she doesn't approve of the Sonja/Tom/Luann situation.  Of course it is okay for her to date and bang a close friend of her late husband's.

I will say when they were having the meeting at Bethenny's regarding Luann and her high horse, Dorinda didn't contribute anything negative about Luann. it was Ramona who came back with the albeit inaccurate report of Luann's cocktail party, one Bethenny and Carole could not bother to attend. I getting the impression that the "Sonja and her drinking problem" now that things have become more transparent, was more about "Sonja and her attorney, Gloria Allred".  Have Sonja and Dorinda ever hit it off?  I always get the impression Sonja is kind of invisible to Dorinda she tolerates her but doesn't understand her.   It felt like after the holidays it became, everyone needs to have a scene with Sonja.  I absolutely agreed with Dorinda it was stupid of Sonja to pull her friends with benefits move.

I also liked that Dorinda warned Jules off of oversharing.  it may have been too late, but she did try and warn her.

This latest Dorinda moment, I kind of agree with her-hags in the berths ragging on Tom.  I thought Dorinda did play a valuable role in keeping Ramona from bringing the newspaper articles up to Luann during her engagement party. 

My favorite Dorinda moment this episode is her asking Ramona why she is crying.  Perfectly played showing what an idiot Ramona is and always has been.  must have been the drugs and booze Ramona popped  pre-breakfast.

  • Love 9
33 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I thought Dorinda was out of bounds with the "did they take a shower".  Dorinda is very clear she doesn't approve of the Sonja/Tom/Luann situation.  Of course it is okay for her to date and bang a close friend of her late husband's.

I will say when they were having the meeting at Bethenny's regarding Luann and her high horse, Dorinda didn't contribute anything negative about Luann. it was Ramona who came back with the albeit inaccurate report of Luann's cocktail party, one Bethenny and Carole could not bother to attend. I getting the impression that the "Sonja and her drinking problem" now that things have become more transparent, was more about "Sonja and her attorney, Gloria Allred".  Have Sonja and Dorinda ever hit it off?  I always get the impression Sonja is kind of invisible to Dorinda she tolerates her but doesn't understand her.   It felt like after the holidays it became, everyone needs to have a scene with Sonja.  I absolutely agreed with Dorinda it was stupid of Sonja to pull her friends with benefits move.

I also liked that Dorinda warned Jules off of oversharing.  it may have been too late, but she did try and warn her.

This latest Dorinda moment, I kind of agree with her-hags in the berths ragging on Tom.  I thought Dorinda did play a valuable role in keeping Ramona from bringing the newspaper articles up to Luann during her engagement party. 

My favorite Dorinda moment this episode is her asking Ramona why she is crying.  Perfectly played showing what an idiot Ramona is and always has been.  must have been the drugs and booze Ramona popped  pre-breakfast.

When Dorinda first joined the RH cast I think Sonja was threatened by her as in oh shit they might get rid of me next year and keep Dorinda. Dorinda has money and a huge McMansion in the Berkshires. She has the money to maintain her house and the money for landscaping and it’s gorgeous – compare that to Mrs Haversham’s abode. Ramona is the one who introduced Dorinda to the cast as her friend…so the Ramonja duo was no more.  Maybe there were hostile vibes coming from Sonja that Dorinda picked up on it at the jump.

Making the comment of What are you doing here without Dorinda? Implying that John was doing something not so nice. Walking into John’s presence in her negligee. Having Sonja dumped in her lap to take care of her in Atlantic City.

I don’t think Dorinda likes Sonja. She got her jab back first in T&C by getting her riled up, and then once more by not inviting her to the Berkshires.

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Really, what did Bethenny bring to the show that wasn't anger/judgement directed at someone else? Bloody Fibroids?  Oh, almost forgot, her 30 second segment that showed her shilling her product in the rain and her 30 second segment showing her candy. Other than these, she brought nothing about her personal life to the show! So.......a drink, candy and bloody fibroids! LOL

If I remember correctly she TRIED to sell in the store and no one gave her the time of day.

The rainy day clip was her giving away her product - Her proclamation the "People really like it" didn't take into consideration that she was giving it away and people will line up for anything "free"?

  • Love 4

Oh no! I hope they never get rid of Sonja. She has an energy that is unlike anyone on any of the franchises. I think Dorinda is a great add to the cast, but she couldn't replace Sonja. Ramona is less interesting these days as well, she seems a little preoccupied with other stuff. Jules is nice, but she is sort of like having a child on the show. She doesn't do much and even without her low weight, she still wouldn't be interesting. In fact, the only thing interesting about her is her eating disorder--- maybe that's why she keeps it. 

Bethanny must have spies in town. How psycho for someone to notice Tom, take pictures, and then send to Bethanny. It's really none of her business. The person taking the pictures is super creepy, whoever it is. Let Luann figure it out on her own-- it's really annoying how everyone seems to be trying to ruin Tom for her. Bethanny needs to tend to her own life.

I would love for Carole to leave. She's so jealous of everyone it's annoying. 

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

It was on their beloved Page Six February 21st-the day after the engagement party. As a matter of fact Bethenny dating a married guy was right smack in the middle of filming:  http://pagesix.com/2016/02/21/is-bethenny-frankel-dating-a-married-man-or-not/  The Luann and Fashion Week story appeared February 17th-three days before the engagement party.  So you would be incorrect.  I think this is where the animosity begins to show with the women.

Well certainly they cannot force anyone to be on the show.  The producers can say they will not allow a RH to hide their dating or marital status.  It is like Brandi she had maybe one guy who was actually a date/someone she was involved with.  brandi was just always pathetically breaking up or having one night stands.

It was on their beloved Page Six February 21st. As a matter of fact Bethenny dating a married guy was right smack in the middle of filming:  http://pagesix.com/2016/02/21/is-bethenny-frankel-dating-a-married-man-or-not/  The Luann and Fashion Week story appeared February 21st.  So I would say there is the off chance it may be in the finale.

This link from the Miami Herald (some spoilers ) puts the HW in Miami Feb 27 & 28. Page Six story was way before engagement party. I think ??? http://www.miamiherald.com/entertainment/ent-columns-blogs/lesley-abravanel/article63328867.html

If my timeline is right, everyone knew Bethenny was dating a married man before the yacht party and Miami. IF B thought Luann knew about Shields back in the Berks (holidays) and IF Bethenny thought Luann gave that blind item to the press on 2/21 (Ramona seemed to be on a rant that Lu is always going to the press) then Bethenny may have gone pre emptive for the jugular on Luann during her engagement weekend in Miami to blow shit up in a serious way to slay Luann once and for all, high stakes . 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 1

Bringing it back to the episode...Beth didn't want to go to the engagement party because it wasn't about her.  It was about Lu, Tom, Ro and Sonja.  She would get no attention.  Twas better in Beth's mind to sit it out throw shade about Tom's wealth (there was no reason for that comment except to give a dig.  I don't think I heard a word about Tom's wealth prior to that on the show).  And then she somehow got the 'nugget' about Tom making out with another woman.  Keep in mind we're talking about Beth's truth here....the great exaggerator.  I still believe she has PI's following all the women or every bartender on the UES knows that they can make cash sending info to Beth.  Beth is that obsessed.  So obsessed she doesn't care what viewers' reactions are going to be to her.  It's more important that she's got to win and be the queen.

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

This link from the Miami Herald (some spoilers ) puts the HW in Miami Feb 27 & 28. Page Six story was way before engagement party. I think ??? http://www.miamiherald.com/entertainment/ent-columns-blogs/lesley-abravanel/article63328867.html

If my timeline is right, everyone knew Bethenny was dating a married man before the yacht party and Miami. IF B thought Luann knew about Shields back in the Berks (holidays) and IF Bethenny thought Luann gave that blind item to the press on 2/21 (Ramona seemed to be on a rant that Lu is always going to the press) then Bethenny may have gone pre emptive for the jugular on Luann during her engagement weekend in Miami to blow shit up in a serious way to slay Luann once and for all, high stakes . 

The women's Instagram photos support the earlier date.  I think everyone knew Bethenny was dating Dennis.  Carole, Adam, Bethenny and Dennis had gone on vacation over the break for the holidays.  Ramona is so screwed up-what she and Bethenny were going on and on about is Luann announcing her engagement to Page Six on February 8th.  After Luann and Tom got back from Vail, Luann was approached at Fashion Week.

If I had to pick a go to the press person, I would say it is Ramona.  Ramona gave an interview-right before dating Tom because she was on her failed book tour.  The Tom and Ramona dating story came out before Luann ever met Tom.  The Skinny Girl vs. Tipsy Girl story came out and I believe through either Ramona or production, Sonja had no press at the party and I think it convenient, Bethenny passed send her regrets through Ramona, Luann wasn't around when Ramona got thrown out of the John party, so it appearing points again to Ramona (I think Ramona thought she would receive sympathy and John would be the big bad guy).  I think my favorite Ramona Page Six story was a vanity piece done for all her good work  http://pagesix.com/2016/05/26/ramona-singer-new-boobs-new-tude/  I suppose she will blame Luann for this piece of fluff-because Ramona never talks to the press.

I always blame production for these little nuggets getting back to the women.  I think between the shooting schedules and the fact they are each assigned a production assistant I think the tales get carried back and forth.  Here is a link to the stories for the past year appearing on Page Six:  http://pagesix.com/tag/real-housewives-of-new-york/  It gives one a pretty good idea who talks and who doesn't to Page Six-the answer is most all of them do.

  • Love 3

For those who saw Marysol Patten on this week's episode apparently she is invited to the wedding.  Sounds like the wedding won't be part of the show-Luann  wants to avoid the curse and Tom is a private person.  He should be after this week's revelation:  http://www.eonline.com/news/786180/luann-de-lesseps-wedding-guest-list-revealed-find-out-which-real-housewives-made-the-cut

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, izabella said:

Dorinda is what we called "two-faced" in grammar school.  She gossips and talks shit with one friend about someone else, and then does the same with the other friend.  "Ro was talking about you, Luann!  Wait til you hear what she said!"  "Luann was talking about you, Ramona!  Wait til you hear what she said!"  And she never mentions how she talked shit right there along with them.  She plays both sides.  It works great unless the other two compare notes and turn on her, "I never said that!  Wait til you hear what SHE said about YOU!"

It hasn't been as deliberate as that. She comes into a room rolling her eyes and giving a heads up cause she know the bs is gonna spill into the day so she's just moving it forward. Again I get that Dorinda is messy but I don't think she's doing it to cause problems cause come on the problems have already surfaced. Dorinda KNOWS that these women speaking about Lu in this room isn't going to be dropping the subject. She KNOWS its about to go down and the subject is still a hot topic meaning that the women will be dropping coy comments saying slick shit and talking out the sides of their mouths or trying to blindside Lu with more of the inappropriate narrative as well as more Q&A about Tom among each other (I.E. Lu's Engagement party) so she just comes right out and comments that the are still at it.  I think Dorinda holds back too much cause she's too scared to actually jump right in and then get caught up in a position over it all. You can tell that she's not a fan of all the bullshit and the dragging out of details and yet she's convinced herself it's not her fight to fight so she sits back and drinks it in.

It doesn't help that yeah, she's nosy. She does want to get the skinny but because she's still trying to keep a neutral distance she's coming off as gossipy. I think she has her own opinion, questions and skepticism about it .  I think she wants to get to the bottom of it hence all the probing of information but then when shit comes out that needs further verification she pulls back cause then, if she continues to push, it will come out that she's not buying this or that and  she runs the risk of offending one wife or another by implying that someone isn't telling the truth. You see her sometimes leaning towards one side then she remembers herself and leaves it right there but it's still nagging her so that's when she'll move forward and put the information in the hands of the person who CAN inquire some more, who's place IT IS to ask those questions and grill the others for verification of their claims and that's where being "two faced" comes into play.

So yeah, I don't really think it's necessarily two faced or her trying to shit stir. I think she WANTS to hold a complete investigation and SHE'S really curious about what's accurate and what's not but she isn't bold enough to seal the deal cause she knows in all actuality that it really isn't HER place to grill this person or that person or challenge anyone's claims. And you know what I wish she would. I wish she would just say fuck it and go all in on all of them, sit them all down compare detailed notes all in each others presence and pick all the information apart til shit is all accounted for and out in the open cause if they are going to be running around screaming at each other and or crying all the fucking time then someone needs to shut the amusement park down once and for all. GEEZ!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

I can't forget last season when Dorinda got drunk and was a crazy asshole this season we have seen episodes of her slurring words and she actively twists words during her gossip sessions in a way that heightens the drama and doesn't defuse it, I mean that's cool for continuing on this show but she isn't being a peacemaker. 

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 8
14 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

My favorite Dorinda moment this episode is her asking Ramona why she is crying.  Perfectly played showing what an idiot Ramona is and always has been.  must have been the drugs and booze Ramona popped  pre-breakfast.

See this is the Dorinda I want to see just burst on the scene one of these days. She was at the table asking why she was crying and Dorinda said something about "No, we're not crying about that..." She has it in her. You can see she thinks a lot of shit they do is out of bounds, unnecessary and inappropriate. I just wish she would have those type of "this is ridiculous and you're being stupid" dismissive declarations more often. It would throw these bitches off and shut them up in a heartbeat.

Carole: "It's hard to watch Jules eat"

Dorinda: "No, we're not making negative comments about a friend two feet away about a life threatening disorder she's battling"


Beth: "Lu, you fuck married men"

Dorinda: "No, we are not commenting on being involved with married men since you're seeing a married man while you yourself are still married"


Sonja: "I've lost a lover"

Dorinda: "No, we aren't rewriting history Sonja, you yourself admitted to it being a friends with benefits situation so cut the crap you're just laying it on thick to bother Lu.


Ramona: "Tom was flirting with me"

Dorinda: "No, smelling like a bitter, sour fruit seems more like a character description he was offering and not so much a come hither move."

  • Love 15
16 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

On WWHL, Dorinda shaded Bethenny and did not agree with the way she handled the Lu/Tom thing. I think she’s just pissed off cause she wasn’t in the know (as in not there with Carole and Ramona)

Up until that WWHL, I was of two minds about whether Bethenny should have talked through the text messages with Dorinda. Bethenny wasn't really getting along with LuAnn and Dorinda was closer to LuAnn, but Dorinda has been so messy on this trip. There was something about Dorinda's response on WWHL that didn't sit well with me. Dorinda's inability to acknowledge that it was a messed up situation just rankled me. I feel like if Bethenny had pulled Dorinda aside to talk about the texts that Dorinda would've just marched back to LuAnn and said "Bethenny was gossiping about Tom and saying that you don't really know him and that he might be cheating." Dorinda has been stirring shit in the most accusatory and incendiary fashion. I don't think she would have been diplomatic in trying convey this information to LuAnn. Bethenny didn't solicit the texts and there is photographic evidence. Bethenny isn't telling Lu to not get married, but that Lu and Tom need to talk.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

Bethenny didn't solicit the texts and there is photographic evidence.

We don't really know who sent those texts to Bethy, nor why.  I am having a hard time grasping who and why they would take a picture of Tom kissing someone in a bar, and why anyone would think to send them to Bethy.  That makes me suspicious of Bethy. 

  • Love 13
28 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Up until that WWHL, I was of two minds about whether Bethenny should have talked through the text messages with Dorinda. Bethenny wasn't really getting along with LuAnn and Dorinda was closer to LuAnn, but Dorinda has been so messy on this trip. There was something about Dorinda's response on WWHL that didn't sit well with me. Dorinda's inability to acknowledge that it was a messed up situation just rankled me. I feel like if Bethenny had pulled Dorinda aside to talk about the texts that Dorinda would've just marched back to LuAnn and said "Bethenny was gossiping about Tom and saying that you don't really know him and that he might be cheating." Dorinda has been stirring shit in the most accusatory and incendiary fashion. I don't think she would have been diplomatic in trying convey this information to LuAnn. Bethenny didn't solicit the texts and there is photographic evidence. Bethenny isn't telling Lu to not get married, but that Lu and Tom need to talk.

Maybe it would have been better for Bethenny to send the photos to Dorinda's phone, talk to her about it and then allow Dorinda to talk to Luann. No matter how much Bethenny says she was just worried about Luann getting hurt, she was not coming from a good or caring place IMO. That kind of info isn't something you want to hear from someone that called you a man stealer, a whore/slut/plastic F doll, someone that has made it clear they want to see you fall and fall hard. Of course that would have meant that Bethenny needed to give her up control and camera time, things she has no intention of doing.

25 minutes ago, izabella said:

We don't really know who sent those texts to Bethy, nor why.  I am having a hard time grasping who and why they would take a picture of Tom kissing someone in a bar, and why anyone would think to send them to Bethy.  That makes me suspicious of Bethy. 

Well, it was someone close enough to Bethenny that they had her private cell phone number and that they knew she would want this kind of dirt on Tom to begin with. IMO, it is someone she pays to keep tabs on the other HWs and their SOs for her, like her bartender "friend". She needs to keep her ammo supply against the other HWs stocked to the hilt at all times. Oh, and on her radio show she says that it is someone she "knows" and that she tried to get them on camera, she even said she tried to get production to bribe them into signing the release, but that they refused. Bethenny went to great lengths to get this dirt on camera all to hurt/discredit Luann/Tom and their relationship. I think she thought their relationship was fake and she was going to prove it no matter the cost to anyone else. I hope it backfires all over her.....big time! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 11
25 minutes ago, izabella said:

We don't really know who sent those texts to Bethy, nor why.  I am having a hard time grasping who and why they would take a picture of Tom kissing someone in a bar, and why anyone would think to send them to Bethy.  That makes me suspicious of Bethy. 

It could be that same friend of Bethenny who saw LuAnn walk over to Tom when he was on a date, flirt up a storm, and then saw Tom and LuAnn leave together. Or the same way that we've argued that LuAnn should have reasonably known that Tom and Ramona briefly dated because it was in the news and friends in their circle knew. Perhaps someone in Bethenny's circle knew about Tom and LuAnn. That doesn't really bother me because this show continues to demonstrate is that their social circles are small.

The problem is that most of Bethenny's interactions with LuAnn this season have not been positive so it's hard to imagine that this info came to Bethenny without her scheming.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, izabella said:

We don't really know who sent those texts to Bethy, nor why.  I am having a hard time grasping who and why they would take a picture of Tom kissing someone in a bar, and why anyone would think to send them to Bethy.  That makes me suspicious of Bethy. 

That does not seem weird or suspicious at all to me.  It seems that Tom is a regular at The Regency, so the idea that someone would know Tom, know that he was engaged to LuAnn and also know Bethenny doesn't seem all that implausible.  Clearly someone who knows both of them also knows Bethenny, as it was a friend of B's that outed the story that LuAnn picked up Tom while he was out on a date with someone else.  

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Up until that WWHL, I was of two minds about whether Bethenny should have talked through the text messages with Dorinda. Bethenny wasn't really getting along with LuAnn and Dorinda was closer to LuAnn, but Dorinda has been so messy on this trip. There was something about Dorinda's response on WWHL that didn't sit well with me. Dorinda's inability to acknowledge that it was a messed up situation just rankled me. I feel like if Bethenny had pulled Dorinda aside to talk about the texts that Dorinda would've just marched back to LuAnn and said "Bethenny was gossiping about Tom and saying that you don't really know him and that he might be cheating." Dorinda has been stirring shit in the most accusatory and incendiary fashion. I don't think she would have been diplomatic in trying convey this information to LuAnn. Bethenny didn't solicit the texts and there is photographic evidence. Bethenny isn't telling Lu to not get married, but that Lu and Tom need to talk.

I think I would have preferred your scenario of Bethenny telling Dorinda.  Sonja, Ramona both have his phone number-I could see Dorinda forwarding the incriminating photos to Tom and let him deal with it with Luann.  There is no way around it-Bethenny is gossiping about Luann and Tom.  Her approach with Luann was downright insulting asking about the monogamy.  So Bethenny needs to "own it" she is a malicious gossip.  She delighted in sharing the info with her friend, Ramona, Sonja, Carole all on camera.  There were about a hundred ways to get the information out and Bethenny chose the route most hurtful to Luann. Her feigning tears is just unbelievable and makes her want to be some sort of victim.  BTW this could have been handled the day of the engagement party or the day before.   Might have made for a far more interesting party.

The onus would then be on Luann to go to Bethenny and tell her Tom told her of the indiscretion and they are working through it and thank her for handling it in such a noble fashion.  If Luann didn't go to Bethenny that would be her folly.

  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think I would have preferred your scenario of Bethenny telling Dorinda.  Sonja, Ramona both have his phone number-I could see Dorinda forwarding the incriminating photos to Tom and let him deal with it with Luann.  There is no way around it-Bethenny is gossiping about Luann and Tom.  Her approach with Luann was downright insulting asking about the monogamy.  So Bethenny needs to "own it" she is a malicious gossip.  She delighted in sharing the info with her friend, Ramona, Sonja, Carole all on camera.  There were about a hundred ways to get the information out and Bethenny chose the route most hurtful to Luann. Her feigning tears is just unbelievable and makes her want to be some sort of victim.  BTW this could have been handled the day of the engagement party or the day before.   Might have made for a far more interesting party.

The onus would then be on Luann to go to Bethenny and tell her Tom told her of the indiscretion and they are working through it and thank her for handling it in such a noble fashion.  If Luann didn't go to Bethenny that would be her folly.

In a nutshell.

  • Love 7
51 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think I would have preferred your scenario of Bethenny telling Dorinda.  Sonja, Ramona both have his phone number-I could see Dorinda forwarding the incriminating photos to Tom and let him deal with it with Luann.  There is no way around it-Bethenny is gossiping about Luann and Tom.  Her approach with Luann was downright insulting asking about the monogamy.  So Bethenny needs to "own it" she is a malicious gossip.  She delighted in sharing the info with her friend, Ramona, Sonja, Carole all on camera.  There were about a hundred ways to get the information out and Bethenny chose the route most hurtful to Luann. Her feigning tears is just unbelievable and makes her want to be some sort of victim.  BTW this could have been handled the day of the engagement party or the day before.   Might have made for a far more interesting party.

The onus would then be on Luann to go to Bethenny and tell her Tom told her of the indiscretion and they are working through it and thank her for handling it in such a noble fashion.  If Luann didn't go to Bethenny that would be her folly.

All true but that would mean that Bethenny relinquished control and then couldn't make it about herself. After all, this information caused her distress, put her in an awkward situation, brought up bad memories for her and makes her cry because she is the victim in all of this, not Luann! LOL

  • Love 13
On August 8, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Fig Newton said:

As ashamed as I am to actually make this very public admission- I totally, TOTALLY understand where  Sonja is coming from in terms of the whole "friends with benefits" debacle. Sadly, so very sadly, I allowed myself to be be caught up in a quite similar situation, with (egads) a man named Tom (however, my very own Tom, not Lu's so this is not BL!)  What started out as a hook up, became an occasional hook-up, which eventually was a more often than not hoop-up etc. Both of us, adults with supposed brains, indicated we were not looking to invest ourselves in a relationship with one another. We were, bestest of best friends, crazy amazing in the sack, and each others cheerleaders through life for 16 years. We were, at best, off and on- but amazingly always found ourselves back in each others arms. We swore we would never part, we ALSO swore we would never be together. And, life, well, it just swirled around us. I promised myself early on, as did he, that we WOULD NOT FALL for one another. Yeah, sure. Right. OK! Ha. Tell that to the heart. We fought, we became toxic and yukky (really yukky) to one another. Why? Anything, anything would be better than allowing your heart to take control and admit love. Even though we told each other ALL the time we loved one another so deeply, that we would get married one day. Fast forward.....Tom got married eventually. Also got divorced.   We got back "together". Even though, I DID NOT WANT a relationship with him, his marriage killed me inside. Slayed me really. Yet, I didn't want him. So, what gives? Ahhhh, to be a woman. Current situation???? I told him off. I , I finally realized this was not healthy, for me. So, I am TOM FREE now almost a year! Cheers to me, right?

So. Sonja. I feel your pain girlfriend. But, we don't need men like that. And guess who gets the asswipe now. LU! Who is laughing now?

So Tom is an asswipe for being a FWB, but Sonja isn't?  Sexism at its finest.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I think I would have preferred your scenario of Bethenny telling Dorinda.  Sonja, Ramona both have his phone number-I could see Dorinda forwarding the incriminating photos to Tom and let him deal with it with Luann.  There is no way around it-Bethenny is gossiping about Luann and Tom.  Her approach with Luann was downright insulting asking about the monogamy.  So Bethenny needs to "own it" she is a malicious gossip.  She delighted in sharing the info with her friend, Ramona, Sonja, Carole all on camera.  There were about a hundred ways to get the information out and Bethenny chose the route most hurtful to Luann. Her feigning tears is just unbelievable and makes her want to be some sort of victim.  BTW this could have been handled the day of the engagement party or the day before.   Might have made for a far more interesting party.

The onus would then be on Luann to go to Bethenny and tell her Tom told her of the indiscretion and they are working through it and thank her for handling it in such a noble fashion.  If Luann didn't go to Bethenny that would be her folly.

Beth absolutely could have handled it off camera. But then we would all be complaining about something else that happened off camera. That is the only thing I can fault her for. The information came to her, from someone she knows. She would have no right to ask someone else to take on the burden of delivering hurtful information to Lu. The person who gave Lu the news was always going to be the bad guy. No way around it, especially doing it on camera. Beth and Beth alone had the responsibility to either give Lu the bad news, or take it to her grave. She certainly had no right to expect someone else to take on the task. 

The interesting thing is that there is so much more judgement for Beth vs. Tom. As far as I can see, Lu has been hurt by two people. One who cheated on her, and one who brought her the information in a less than gracious manner. The first person says he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Has posed with her in pictures in the media. Allowed himself to be part of her story. The 2nd person is someone that most folks on here don't believe likes Lu very much, and the other way around - that Lu doesn't really like Beth very much. Yet there are far fewer harsh words for Tom and what on earth he must have been thinking. There was much press about their engagement. She was gushing all over social media. Then he goes into a public place and makes out with someone two days before their big engagement party. Why not more discussion on what would make someone do this to someone they love, and why someone would put up with being treated like this? That is much more of an interesting question than why someone who doesn't particularly like Lu would do something that might shame her publicly. 

We will now all get to watch it play out in typical HW fashion. Beth will pretend that she cares deeply about Lu and that this was HARD to do. IMO that is a lie. As much of a lie as the one that Lu will tell when she will pretend to be hurt and OFFENDED that Beth would do such a thing. She will act as if they are actually friends and pretend that she would have expected for Beth to protect her. They will both be pathetic in their feelings of betrayal  by someone they don't actually like at all. 

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Beth absolutely could have handled it off camera. But then we would all be complaining about something else that happened off camera. That is the only thing I can fault her for. The information came to her, from someone she knows. She would have no right to ask someone else to take on the burden of delivering hurtful information to Lu. The person who gave Lu the news was always going to be the bad guy. No way around it, especially doing it on camera. Beth and Beth alone had the responsibility to either give Lu the bad news, or take it to her grave. She certainly had no right to expect someone else to take on the task. 

The interesting thing is that there is so much more judgement for Beth vs. Tom. As far as I can see, Lu has been hurt by two people. One who cheated on her, and one who brought her the information in a less than gracious manner. The first person says he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Has posed with her in pictures in the media. Allowed himself to be part of her story. The 2nd person is someone that most folks on here don't believe likes Lu very much, and the other way around - that Lu doesn't really like Beth very much. Yet there are far fewer harsh words for Tom and what on earth he must have been thinking. There was much press about their engagement. She was gushing all over social media. Then he goes into a public place and makes out with someone two days before their big engagement party. Why not more discussion on what would make someone do this to someone they love, and why someone would put up with being treated like this? That is much more of an interesting question than why someone who doesn't particularly like Lu would do something that might shame her publicly. 

We will now all get to watch it play out in typical HW fashion. Beth will pretend that she cares deeply about Lu and that this was HARD to do. IMO that is a lie. As much of a lie as the one that Lu will tell when she will pretend to be hurt and OFFENDED that Beth would do such a thing. She will act as if they are actually friends and pretend that she would have expected for Beth to protect her. They will both be pathetic in their feelings of betrayal  by someone they don't actually like at all. 

I don't think anyone is letting Tom off the hook for his behavior but right now, we really don't know exactly what he did or the extent of it but we do know what Bethenny did. Bethenny talked about this to a friend of hers, someone that doesn't know Luann, then she talked to Carole and Ramona (both of whom are not in a good place with Luann) about it and did so with all 3 on camera. Then when she had the chance to tell Luann she didn't, instead she grilled Luann about the relationship and kept her mouth shut about Tom's make out session with another woman. Then she talks about it some more on camera with Carole and Ramona again instead of going directly to Luann. Bethenny is stretching this out as long as possible for maximum effect and maximum damage IMO, not because she doesn't want to hurt Luann. Had she really though about Luann's feelings then she would have gone straight to Luann without discussing it with anyone else or if she really needed to talk to someone, she should have gone to Dorinda who is on good terms with Luann/Tom.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I don't think anyone is letting Tom off the hook for his behavior but right now, we really don't know exactly what he did or the extent of it but we do know what Bethenny did. Bethenny talked about this to a friend of hers, someone that doesn't know Luann, then she talked to Carole and Ramona (both of whom are not in a good place with Luann) about it and did so with all 3 on camera. Then when she had the chance to tell Luann she didn't, instead she grilled Luann about the relationship and kept her mouth shut about Tom's make out session with another woman. Then she talks about it some more on camera with Carole and Ramona again instead of going directly to Luann. Bethenny is stretching this out as long as possible for maximum effect and maximum damage IMO, not because she doesn't want to hurt Luann. Had she really though about Luann's feelings then she would have gone straight to Luann without discussing it with anyone else or if she really needed to talk to someone, she should have gone to Dorinda who is on good terms with Luann/Tom.


Especially the Bolded..

  • Love 3

Our office had a Christmas party and because it was couples, I invited a gal from another office to be my 'date'.

She worked for the same company - but at another site.

We were just friends, She was married and one of the other women in the office made a HUGE deal about it.

"You know she is married, that doesn't look good, OMG she is cheating on her husband!!!!"

Sometimes things aren't what they seem?


I had to laugh at the 'heightened asshole alert' face that beffeny had on in the clips for the upcoming show.

Knowing her penchant for overstating the facts of a story (being a lying fucker) the photos she got of tom aren't that revealing?

I mean, the countess and tommy are still together AFTER the 'heart to heart' that luann and methenny have, so just HOW damaging are they?

It's just like Methenny to pull some fuckery like that and when it blows up in her face? 

She was pushed to do it, she cries and that absolves her of any sins against the group?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Beth absolutely could have handled it off camera. But then we would all be complaining about something else that happened off camera. That is the only thing I can fault her for. The information came to her, from someone she knows. She would have no right to ask someone else to take on the burden of delivering hurtful information to Lu. The person who gave Lu the news was always going to be the bad guy. No way around it, especially doing it on camera. Beth and Beth alone had the responsibility to either give Lu the bad news, or take it to her grave. She certainly had no right to expect someone else to take on the task. 

The interesting thing is that there is so much more judgement for Beth vs. Tom. As far as I can see, Lu has been hurt by two people. One who cheated on her, and one who brought her the information in a less than gracious manner. The first person says he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Has posed with her in pictures in the media. Allowed himself to be part of her story. The 2nd person is someone that most folks on here don't believe likes Lu very much, and the other way around - that Lu doesn't really like Beth very much. Yet there are far fewer harsh words for Tom and what on earth he must have been thinking. There was much press about their engagement. She was gushing all over social media. Then he goes into a public place and makes out with someone two days before their big engagement party. Why not more discussion on what would make someone do this to someone they love, and why someone would put up with being treated like this? That is much more of an interesting question than why someone who doesn't particularly like Lu would do something that might shame her publicly. 

We will now all get to watch it play out in typical HW fashion. Beth will pretend that she cares deeply about Lu and that this was HARD to do. IMO that is a lie. As much of a lie as the one that Lu will tell when she will pretend to be hurt and OFFENDED that Beth would do such a thing. She will act as if they are actually friends and pretend that she would have expected for Beth to protect her. They will both be pathetic in their feelings of betrayal  by someone they don't actually like at all. 

Seriously, this is the bread and butter of the real housewives shows, forget all this 'off camera' and protect LuAnn, I hope they show the damn photo on the show!  Drama.  I love it!  Tom making out with the Playboy Bunny made the whole damn season as far as I'm concerned. 

  • Love 4

More food for thought?

If Meth is so eager to destroy Luann, she COULD have posted the photos on SM.

Doesn't EVERYONE need to know what an AH Tom is?


Now, exactly what are the pictures of? Is it like the Zapruder film?

Something that poses more questions than answers?

The photos probably AREN'T what they are touted to be.

Made up drama usually doesn't hold up under scrutiny?

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Up until that WWHL, I was of two minds about whether Bethenny should have talked through the text messages with Dorinda. Bethenny wasn't really getting along with LuAnn and Dorinda was closer to LuAnn, but Dorinda has been so messy on this trip. There was something about Dorinda's response on WWHL that didn't sit well with me. Dorinda's inability to acknowledge that it was a messed up situation just rankled me. I feel like if Bethenny had pulled Dorinda aside to talk about the texts that Dorinda would've just marched back to LuAnn and said "Bethenny was gossiping about Tom and saying that you don't really know him and that he might be cheating." Dorinda has been stirring shit in the most accusatory and incendiary fashion. I don't think she would have been diplomatic in trying convey this information to LuAnn. Bethenny didn't solicit the texts and there is photographic evidence. Bethenny isn't telling Lu to not get married, but that Lu and Tom need to talk.


Dorinda knows what she is doing. What she says to each party has the goal of inciting and escalating, not resolving and calming. She makes each party think that she is on their side but then when everyone’s together she doesn’t “back it up”, “take a side”, or “pick a lane” and she can’t because both parties think they’re the one that has her in their corner.

I don’t think her motives are all that altruistic.

That said, it’s entertaining and great for Reality TV. I love when she hostesses events – it's a guaranteed whirlwind of shit. She needs to hostess Luanne’s bachelorette party.


  • Love 5

I doubt it's fake for lots of people, and maybe LuAnn is one of them, to be and feel hurt by someone who is intensely desperate to hurt and humiliate you on-camera.  You don't have to like someone in order for them to try to hurt you when they are twisting an ankle in their eagerness to hurt you, mock you, call you vicious and misogynistic names, and out a betrayal of you on camera.  You don't have to respect someone for them to hurt you when the currency isn't over winning respect from that person.  

ITA it's so fake for Beth to try and produce tears (I hope there's some kind of feed line coming from the saline in her chest) over LuAnn while shivving her.  Perhaps she can Instagram a pic of her wracked, upset face the day the episode airs and the tracks of her tears will spell out "Hey fans!  I'm still your underdog heroine right???!  One fuck given, buy my truffles and I'll DM you!"  Skeletor, please. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, shoegal said:

Seriously, this is the bread and butter of the real housewives shows, forget all this 'off camera' and protect LuAnn, I hope they show the damn photo on the show!  Drama.  I love it!  Tom making out with the Playboy Bunny made the whole damn season as far as I'm concerned. 

I listened to Bethenny’s radio show where she said the video/texter is a male and they were hoping that he would sign a release. Now was it sign the release for the texts/pictures to be viewed on TV or for him to appear on camera?

I’m picturing the mystery man signs the release to show the pics/video/texts and there is AUDIO…then we hear a male voice “Oh phuck! He’s a betch! You see how much I love you Luanne!!! We should be kissing like that…..and the voice is distinctively…Rey … Luanne’s Ibiza Boy.

Doing my Dorinda scurry to the corner aerobics move now

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Beth absolutely could have handled it off camera. But then we would all be complaining about something else that happened off camera. That is the only thing I can fault her for. The information came to her, from someone she knows. She would have no right to ask someone else to take on the burden of delivering hurtful information to Lu. The person who gave Lu the news was always going to be the bad guy. No way around it, especially doing it on camera. Beth and Beth alone had the responsibility to either give Lu the bad news, or take it to her grave. She certainly had no right to expect someone else to take on the task. 

The interesting thing is that there is so much more judgement for Beth vs. Tom. As far as I can see, Lu has been hurt by two people. One who cheated on her, and one who brought her the information in a less than gracious manner. The first person says he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Has posed with her in pictures in the media. Allowed himself to be part of her story. The 2nd person is someone that most folks on here don't believe likes Lu very much, and the other way around - that Lu doesn't really like Beth very much. Yet there are far fewer harsh words for Tom and what on earth he must have been thinking. There was much press about their engagement. She was gushing all over social media. Then he goes into a public place and makes out with someone two days before their big engagement party. Why not more discussion on what would make someone do this to someone they love, and why someone would put up with being treated like this? That is much more of an interesting question than why someone who doesn't particularly like Lu would do something that might shame her publicly. 


I so agree with you here. 

My status as a fan of Bethenny died a sad death this season, so I figured I'd be the last to defend her, but in this instance, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.  In my opinion, to keep it to herself would be even shittier than telling LuAnn on camera.  I'd much rather be told something like this from the get-go, before I've married the dickhead and spent years with him.  LuAnn has a right to make an informed choice as to whether or not she wants to commit to the douche, knowing what she now knows.  She may have decided to go through with it anyway, but she still had a right to know.  

I've been shocked by the fact that there hasn't been more said about the cheater himself, and about the fact that it's ok with Lu.  I think it says a lot about both of them and their (possible) future "marriage".

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, shoegal said:

Seriously, this is the bread and butter of the real housewives shows, forget all this 'off camera' and protect LuAnn, I hope they show the damn photo on the show!  Drama.  I love it!  Tom making out with the Playboy Bunny made the whole damn season as far as I'm concerned. 

Right?? This shit is the raison d'etre of the Housewives. Do it off camera??


  • Love 8
2 hours ago, straightshooter said:

I so agree with you here. 

My status as a fan of Bethenny died a sad death this season, so I figured I'd be the last to defend her, but in this instance, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.  In my opinion, to keep it to herself would be even shittier than telling LuAnn on camera.  I'd much rather be told something like this from the get-go, before I've married the dickhead and spent years with him.  LuAnn has a right to make an informed choice as to whether or not she wants to commit to the douche, knowing what she now knows.  She may have decided to go through with it anyway, but she still had a right to know.  

I've been shocked by the fact that there hasn't been more said about the cheater himself, and about the fact that it's ok with Lu.  I think it says a lot about both of them and their (possible) future "marriage".

The engagement party was Friday night and we see Tom arriving.  Bethenny got the videos early Thursday am.  Plenty of time for her to get the information to Luann or Tom for that matter.  There is nothing that says she had to do it on camera, but Luann would have to understand, if Bethenny didn't bring it out the photo-gossipiest would most likely be selling the story. From Bethenny's comments that the news was so big it went frrm being one episode to three or this could cause the cancellation of the wedding, she clearly was all about the show and absolutely gave zero fucks about Luann and was really delighting in another's misery.   I don't know what disappointed Bethenny more-that Luann asked to stopped being filmed so we could not see her devastation on camera or they didn't call the wedding off.

It is kind of like when a drunken Luann brought the pirate back to the house and realized the next day she would have to explain how he had been there before and then set sail on the really bad cover story.  It seems to me she is aware and has been guilty of being indiscreet and had to choose whether the indiscretion could be dealt with or she needed to move on.  She stayed with Jacques for better than a year, so now she is feeling the pain. 

I think there will be plenty said about Tom, hence the reason he released a statement 10 days or so ago.  We know it is something big that is coming, it comes out and six months later he has to deal with the aftermath.  I am wondering if it would have come out at the time, if the relationship would have continued?  The two of them knew this moment was coming.

Edited by zoeysmom
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