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Captain Marvel (2019)


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10 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I just saw it and loved it. I agree with those who say it falls in the middle of the Marvel movies. 

Can someone answer this (sorry if it has been asked and answered already)? Why are only some of the Kree blue? I am a Marvel movie fangirl but only read a handful of the comics and don’t know.

I'm not sure about the in-story reason, but the meta-reason in the comics was so that they could tell metaphorical racism stories using the Kree, with the two races of the Kree not getting along.

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

IIRC the Blue Skin Kree are pure bred while the Pink Skin Kree where mixed race. There is something about the Kree evolution being stagnant so they tried mating with other races to jump start their evolution. 

Jude Law’s and Djimon Honsu’s characters are not pink, but I do remember hearing something like this on the AOS board I think. 

16 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

Jude Law’s and Djimon Honsu’s characters are not pink, but I do remember hearing something like this on the AOS board I think. 

They call them Pink Skin but, they look Caucasian so Jude Law is a Pink Skin Kree. Not really sure about Djimon Honsu's character. I didn't even know he was Kree in GotG. 

ETA: I tried to find pink kree images but, can't. So I don't really know if theyre pink or blush or peach looking LOL. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

When I think pink I think of Blink from X-Men comics. Looked up Mar-Vel and, he looks like Captain Britain (Tom Hopper would be perfect casting) LOL.

I mean, comparatively, compared to the blue Kree like Ronan.

Yon-Rogg is usually pink, but Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes depicted him as blue.  Strange universe.

I think "Pink" Kree have been just Caucasian looking Kree. Some go to Earth and pass as human. I don't recall any Kree with dark, African-like skin tones.


By the way, this is how the Supreme Intelligence is usually portrayed in the comics. A giant head in a vat of liquid plugged into their network. That little figure at the bottom is Silver Surfer. The Kree's best minds are added to the Supreme Intelligence after they die. I think the virtual reality image of your most trusted person is an invention of the screenwriters, but I haven't read regularly in years so I'm not sure.


13 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

I think "Pink" Kree have been just Caucasian looking Kree. Some go to Earth and pass as human. I don't recall any Kree with dark, African-like skin tones.


By the way, this is how the Supreme Intelligence is usually portrayed in the comics. A giant head in a vat of liquid plugged into their network. That little figure at the bottom is Silver Surfer. The Kree's best minds are added to the Supreme Intelligence after they die. I think the virtual reality image of your most trusted person is an invention of the screenwriters, but I haven't read regularly in years so I'm not sure.


That is how the blue Andorians of Star Trek:Enterprise used the term "pink skin" as slang for the mostly white Starfleet officers they saw.

So one of my sweet loves wanted to see this. I want them to be happy, so we went. 

Yes, I went in predisposed to not enjoy it,(just like fans go in predisposed to defend it and love it no matter what, just opposing sides) but decided to try and find things to like. And there were some things: I enjoyed Fury, and I never really care about him in any of the other movies. I think he's less cynical and lighter and happier in this one. It's nice. I predicted the cat would be the reason he lost his eye,  after he started cuddling with it, though. 

I loved seeing Jude Law. His presence elevated the movie. I, and my sweet love, hated that he was a villain. I wasn't particularly surprised he was bad, though, because he has such a overpowering screen presence. It would not have made sense to cast him as a good guy in this. I won't go in to the reasons why because that will open up a can of worms.

Talos was awesome, best part about the movie. I wanted more of him.

I really don't have much to say about Brie Larson one way or the other. I think most of my problems with her character are in the writing. What was the deal with not giving her character any real vulnerabilities ? Even Superman has Kryptonite. What was hers, or did I miss it ? And even if she doesn't have one in the comics (well, that's stupid, if so), they could have written one in. How can you root for someone who doesn't have a significant vulnerability to her powers ? And the "she's human" doesn't wash, when you see her doing the things she was doing at the end.

What some people think of and see as spunky and sarcastic, etc, I just saw as smug, arrogant, rude and condescending. Again, that's mostly the writing, but honestly throughout the movie(until the last twenty minutes or so) I felt she had one facial expression: angry. And while I get she had reason to be angry.....switching to a different facial expression when around people you aren't angry with, would be helpful. Not having an attitude with people who are trying to help you, when you obviously need it...would be helpful. So is it the writing, or was it her, or both ? I don't know, and truthfully....don't care.

I think this movie suffers from the same issue all superhero (not just Marvel) movies suffer from: your main protagonist coming across as self righteous and smug and somehow better than everyone else in the room. And someone a few pages back called her joyful ? I'll just say we obviously have a very different definition of joyful, and leave it at that. I don't like  smug "I'm smarter and better than you" IRL in dealing with people, and I definitely don't like it in fictional characters in a movie I just paid $14 to see.

It also suffers from "your villain and side characters are more interesting than your main character". (again, a typical superhero movie problem).

Annette Bening is awesome and should be in more movies. She, Jude Law, Ben Mendelsohn and yes, even Samuel L. Jackson. I liked them. The little girl (Maria's daughter), I can't remember her name-looks and acts a lot like one of my nieces. I thought she was adorable.

I really didn't hate it, just mostly bored and underwhelmed, but that's how I respond to most of the movies of this type. And while you can't really compare this movie to say a movie like "Run the Race", that movie is more my speed because I actually cared about the characters and the outcome of their story. I cried and laughed with them, and that to me is the mark of a good movie, when you don't want it to end because you love the characters. And it isn't because I don't like good action, adventure, intrigue..this just wasn't it for me.

I've never had that with any Marvel movie, though I have had it with some individual Marvel characters(Loki, the Hulk). I don't know why that is.(actually, I do know why, but..can of worms, and all that).

Different strokes for different folks. 

It's making lots of money, though, for anyone that matters to. Disclaimer that lots of money never means a movie is good by itself, just like failing at  the box office doesn't mean a movie is bad. Some of the best movies I've ever seen lost money, and some of those that made tons are complete and utter trash.

I will give the movie one more prop: they did not shoe horn in some ridiculous "romance". I honestly think it was because they had too many other things to address, but whatever the reason : THANK YOU.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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37 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I think this movie suffers from the same issue all superhero (not just Marvel) movies suffer from: your main protagonist coming across as self righteous and smug and somehow better than everyone else in the room. And someone a few pages back called her joyful ? I'll just say we obviously have a very different definition of joyful, and leave it at that. I don't like  smug "I'm smarter and better than you" IRL in dealing with people, and I definitely don't like it in fictional characters in a movie I just paid $14 to see.

I was the poster who called Carol joyful. I was referring to her excitement and her reactions to her powers-although looking back at my post I could have been more clear about that. She was whooping and celebrating as she was flying about-and I really liked that. How many of our heroes look at their powers with regret or don’t want them anymore? I liked that Carol wanted to use them and not even knowing what she was really capable of, trusted them to get the job done. Mile may vary though-I went in with low expectations and loved the movie. Definitely top five Marvel Movies for me.

I was coming here to post I went and saw the movie again-loved it just as much as the first time I saw it. Knowing the ending this time around, the gaslighting by Jude Law was super noticable this time. “Trust me,” “tell me if your dream changed,” “abuse your powers and off to the Supreme Intelligence,” and so on and so forth. Even in the phone once, Carol looked so shamed at what he was saying to her-just really felt like classic emotional abuse tactics. Also, that the Skrull were never really trying to kill Carol in that first fight on their ship, they all had the taser sticks but never guns.

I hope Captain Marvel gets some sequels. They definitely set-up at least one more movie. And I hope Maria and Monica would be back. I wonder if Monica went the scientist or engineer route. Can anyone who read the comics spoil me? I really hope we see pair again in future movies. Maybe Monica is a spy like Fury. That would be cool too.

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47 minutes ago, SnoGirl said:

I hope Captain Marvel gets some sequels. They definitely set-up at least one more movie.

I think you’re going to like what Feige has to say about phase 4.

 Captain Marvel Will Lead The MCU, Kevin Feige Says

45 minutes ago, morakot said:

I like the theory that Howard was originally behind Project Pegasus (before he was killed by Bucky of course...).

I was rewatching Iron Man 2 last night and noticed something that supports  that theory. When Tony is making the new element the crates are labeled with Project Pegasus. It’s visible in the scene where Coulson finds a Captain America shield. 

Edited by Guest


Captain Marvel $760 Million World Wide. 

Disney's Captain Marvel topped the weekend box office for a second weekend in a row, delivering an estimated $69.3 million sophomore frame, dipping -54.8% and outperforming the -56% average second weekend dip for a film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This pushes the film's domestic cume over $266 million after just ten days in domestic release.

Internationally, Captain Marvel opened in its final international market this weekend, finishing #1 with an estimated $5.6 million in Japan. China remains the top grossing international market with an estimated $132 million followed by South Korea ($36.5m), the UK ($30.9m), Brazil ($24.3m) and Mexico ($22.4m). Overall, the film brought in $119.7 million from 54 markets this weekend for an overseas cume that now totals $494 million for a global cume that is now over $760 million. That number already surpasses ten previous releases in the MCU globally and will soon top Guardians of the Galaxy ($773.3m globally) to become the tenth highest grossing worldwide release in the MCU.

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Saw it for the third time, and loved it even more. The 2 Captains are my favorites, Captain America and Captain Marvel.  I thought Carol was joyful when she discovered what she was really capable of. She was laughing and excited about it. If she was a man being smug and self righteous would've been celebrated (ie: Tony Stark and many male characters throughout the years). I didn't see smuggness I saw someone that is confident and snarky. Plus all her memories were wiped, she didn't have a past to pull from.  When she finally started getting some of her memories back she lost her some of her snark. Thor's a God, I don't see anyone complaining that he has no weaknesses. So like Thor and Wonder Woman, Carol's weaknesses are the people she loves. They are powerful but they are not perfect. The whole movie was about her failing and trying again. 

Hearing people call Brie Larson unlikeable is weird to me because I fell in love with Carol and want to see more from her. My sister who only casually watches these movies and mostly waits for them to be on streaming now wants to see Endgame opening weekend because of her. I suppose from the money it's making, those people saying that were in the minority. 

Edited by Sakura12
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3 hours ago, SnoGirl said:

I was the poster who called Carol joyful. I was referring to her excitement and her reactions to her powers-although looking back at my post I could have been more clear about that. She was whooping and celebrating as she was flying about-and I really liked that

I figured that had to be the part you were talking about, because she wasn't remotely joyful in any other part of the movie. 

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41 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

If she was a man being smug and self righteous would've been celebrated (ie: Tony Stark and many male characters throughout the years).

No. I already said, but apparently, have to say AGAIN, that the smugness and self righteousness of most of the characters in this franchise is why I hate it. That includes the men characters. That should have been obvious, but I'll go ahead and clarify.

Some folks like making this about her gender. Newsflash: I'm gonna call out an annoying character I did not like, and/or a movie I did not like. I'm not the kind of person who is going to compromise and praise something I thought was less than, to make someone else happy. Gender has nothing to do with it. I have been, and will be (because I really, really don't like him) far worse in the past, on Thor(who is *gasp* a MALE).  Mainly because he's the MCU  character I'm the most familiar with (besides Hulk/Banner) as most of the rest of the MCU movies have annoyed me so much I either turn them off out of boredom or the characters are so vanilla I don't remember them.

Edited by IWantCandy71

Even though I loved this movie I did find it had its share of problems and don’t think that Anna and Ryan were exactly the right directors for the job. 

I hope the next Captain Marvel that it gets a new director. If the Eternals are great than I hope that Chloé Zhao directs the next Captain Marvel sequels. I heard that she wa as great director. Carol definitely needs her personality flushed out more and though I want to give faith to the Russo brothers, they are handling 60 plus characters in the MCU’s biggest movies. I have my doubts that Carol will get that focus. 

The thing that I really loved about this movie is that they kept Carol grounded. That’s the best thing about Marvel are there very grounded characters. 

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35 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I suppose from the money it's making, those people saying that were in the minority. 

Yes, it's making a lot of money. That's already been stated. Here's the thing about money at the box office, though: all that proves is that people are curious enough about the movie to see it.  It never has proven a thing to me about the quality of any movie, ever. But, I guess I just have a different set of standards. I think "it's made X amount of money" doesn't mean a thing in terms of any argument that the movie itself is good. I think I'd rate this movie a 5.5 out of ten. It's above average, but it's not something I'll ever willingly watch again. And my sweet loves are going to have to find someone else to sit through End Game with, bless them.

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23 minutes ago, Jazzy24 said:

Even though I loved this movie I did find it had its share of problems and don’t think that Anna and Ryan were exactly the right directors for the job. 

I hope the next Captain Marvel that it gets a new director. If the Eternals are great than I hope that Chloé Zhao directs the next Captain Marvel sequels. I heard that she wa as great director. Carol definitely needs her personality flushed out more and though I want to give faith to the Russo brothers, they are handling 60 plus characters in the MCU’s biggest movies. I have my doubts that Carol will get that focus. 

The thing that I really loved about this movie is that they kept Carol grounded. That’s the best thing about Marvel are there very grounded characters. 

I agree that the movie had its problems, but I thought that the last 30 minutes showed who Carol could be with the right script and director to help her blossom into a great superhero. It reminds me about how I felt about Captain America. I really liked Steve and thought the movie was good, not great. Then Steve got Winter Soldier and he became everything!

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24 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

No. I already said, but apparently, have to say AGAIN, that the smugness and self righteousness of most of the characters in this franchise is why I hate it. That includes the men characters. That should have been obvious, but I'll go ahead and clarify.

Some folks like making this about her gender. Newsflash: I'm gonna call out an annoying character I did not like, and/or a movie I did not like. I'm not the kind of person who is going to compromise and praise something I thought was less than, to make someone else happy. Gender has nothing to do with it. I have been, and will be (because I really, really don't like him) far worse in the past, on Thor(who is *gasp* a MALE).  Mainly because he's the MCU  character I'm the most familiar with (besides Hulk/Banner) as most of the rest of the MCU movies have annoyed me so much I either turn them off out of boredom or the characters are so vanilla I don't remember them.

I wasn't talking about you specifically. I was saying generally smug, arrogant male characters are well received. Making money also generally means people like these movies. Are these movies perfect, no.  And no one is saying they are. But they entertain me and I like getting to see these characters grow and change throughout the years.  

I don't go into a movie to critique every little thing, that to me would be boring. All movies have flaws and plot holes if you are looking for them.  We all like different things for different reasons. I love the Fast and Furious franchise and I know they are dumb and unrealistic but I enjoy them because they are a fun escape. That's what the Marvel movies are for me as well.  Is Captain Marvel the best movie ever, No, not at all.  It's not even close to being my favorite Marvel movie. But I like Carol and can't wait to see more of her. For me that is what matters more then whatever flaws this movie has. 

36 minutes ago, Ravenya003 said:

One another thing: having seen this movie I ended up googling the comic version of the character and learning about Kamala Khan for the first time. Holy shit, what a revelation. These movies matter, and we NEED Kamala Khan on the big-screen ASAP. 

Brie Larson has said she wants them to bring Kamala Khan into the franchise. I think they will in this next phase with Carol and T'Challa. 

  • Love 12

I really enjoyed this and am surprised that the critics' reviews haven't been better. I didn't like Yon-Ragg and picked up some oddities with the Kree, but I was caught completely by surprise by the big twist. And like everyone else, I agree Ben Mendelsohn did a great job with a challenging part.

I thought Larson was great. She brought Vers/Carol on such a journey, but kept the evolution continuous over the movie. 

I appreciated the prominence of female-female relationships but agree that it really jumps out that SHIELD mooks are generally 100% male. SHIELD has female agents. The female agents with names are supposed to fight well. Diversify the mooks! It shouldn't be that hard to do.

I liked "Just A Girl" for the big fight scene because the very first line is "Take this pink ribbon off my eyes." It fit so well with Carol realizing that the Kree chip was about inhibiting and controlling her powers rather than helping her. Also, "Just a Girl" was such a 90s classic.

There's no word of a casting of an adult Monica Rambeau, right? She was so prominent, it seems like an adult Monica has to show up as a superhero in one of the upcoming movies. 

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I wasn't talking about you specifically. I was saying generally smug, arrogant male characters are well received. Making money also generally means people like these movies.

Smug, arrogant female characters are also well received. Look at how many people like Sif off of Thor. And Black Widow can be annoying as all fire. 

Yes, there are many people who like the Marvel franchise and will go multiple times to see this movie. But I stand on the fact that the amount of money a movie makes means nothing in terms of the overall quality of a movie. Once you've bought your ticket, your money counts in the total, even if  you walk out thinking it sucked. Meanwhile, someone somewhere is celebrating how much it made while the people who hated it wished they'd seen something else.

Agree to disagree.

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22 minutes ago, Zuleikha said:

I really enjoyed this and am surprised that the critics' reviews haven't been better. I didn't like Yon-Ragg and picked up some oddities with the Kree, but I was caught completely by surprise by the big twist. And like everyone else, I agree Ben Mendelsohn did a great job with a challenging part.

I thought Larson was great. She brought Vers/Carol on such a journey, but kept the evolution continuous over the movie. 

I appreciated the prominence of female-female relationships but agree that it really jumps out that SHIELD mooks are generally 100% male. SHIELD has female agents. The female agents with names are supposed to fight well. Diversify the mooks! It shouldn't be that hard to do.

I liked "Just A Girl" for the big fight scene because the very first line is "Take this pink ribbon off my eyes." It fit so well with Carol realizing that the Kree chip was about inhibiting and controlling her powers rather than helping her. Also, "Just a Girl" was such a 90s classic.

There's no word of a casting of an adult Monica Rambeau, right? She was so prominent, it seems like an adult Monica has to show up as a superhero in one of the upcoming movies. 

I think the critics expected something more than what we got. Yeah it had its pacing issues and Carol wasn’t as flushed out but as a orgin story I thought it was great. I also like how Marvel tried to do something different. 

I have seen more positive than negative  reviews and some mixed reviews also. But a lot of the critics have shown bias with this movie and I’m trying to take it with a grain of salt. 

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Saw this yesterday and liked it more than I thought I would. Carol's origin has a fish out of water aspect in a similar vein to Steve's: she lost her memories and time and had to readapt to a home planet while he lost time and had to adapt to a world that had moved on. I can see them having a mutual respect /bond because of that. And I can see her as leader of an incarnation of the Avengers post whatever happens on Avengers:Endgame. 

Brie had some great moments of Carol's bravado being organic in some scenes or (to me) Carol playing brave to cover her own insecurities. We saw example after example of the woman being told she wasn't strong enough, good enough, and she's had to cover that hurt, pain, and rejection with a brave face that can come off as smug or condescending but by the end she wasn't fronting anymore. She wasn't repressing or covering anymore and she not only had the smarts and power to back up the talk, she displayed it and her control of it to give her healthy respect as a big gun in the cosmos. Gender politics aside, Fury explaining that following your gut in spite of logic and training was a nice voicing/nudge/counter to Yon-Ragg's drilling for Carol to become the best version of herself-although not the way Yon-Ragg  intended (Major points to Jude Law for playing that 'I'm so proud of you!' so hilariously well. The man knows how flip on a dime and bring the humor. Which reminds me we need Spy 2 asap!) 

Having said that one of my favorite moments was when Carol was fighting Yon-Ragg and Co. during 'I'm just a girl' and there were moments when her powers were getting away from her and she would laugh and she was impressing herself with how powerful she was and you could see her thinking 'Damn! Gotta control better but damn I'm freaking powerful!' 

Carol and Fury had some mad chem. Fury seemed like he had a wee bit of  a respectful crush on Carol. He named the Avenger initiative after her! Even Ronan was in awe of her and while I'm sure it was because of her potential as a weapon Lee Pace also was winking in some 'Damn, girl, wanna go get a drink' in there as well. 😂

Yeah, the Skrulls got a sympathetic story in this movie, but as pointed out their survivors are scattered across the universe and other factions may not be as nice as Talos and his crew. And it's not so outside the realm that if the survivors do all find each other and build their numbers and are led by a Skrull seeking vengeance the Skrull-Kree war is gonna kick back up where our lovable Skrulls aren't so lovable in the sequels.

Carol's 'Where's Fury?! really got me. She seemed spent from hauling ass back to Earth, angry, worried, and anxious. While his dusting was surprising when it happened in Infinty War, it takes on a whole new meaning and gravitas when we suspect how it'll affect Carol.

Still chortling over 'This is your science guy' exchange. Felt bad for the guy but he deserved the side eye when he said he could make the adjustments for the ship to be able to go into orbit.😂 But then he sacrificed himself to help Talos and the team get a head start and got redeemed big time.

  • Love 13
18 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I think this movie suffers from the same issue all superhero (not just Marvel) movies suffer from: your main protagonist coming across as self righteous and smug and somehow better than everyone else in the room. And someone a few pages back called her joyful ? I'll just say we obviously have a very different definition of joyful, and leave it at that. I don't like  smug "I'm smarter and better than you" IRL in dealing with people, and I definitely don't like it in fictional characters in a movie I just paid $14 to see.

It also suffers from "your villain and side characters are more interesting than your main character". (again, a typical superhero movie problem).

As much as I like Steve Rogers, self-righteous, smug and thinking he's better than everyone in the room is how I would describe him.  It's on full display in The Winter Soldier.

Disagree about the villains being more interesting than Carol though.  Jude Law has given far better performances and played far better characters than the one he played in Captain Marvel.  I blame the writers on that one.  I liked Annette better as Mar-Vel and thought she wasn't as interesting as the Supreme Intelligence.  I blame the writers on that one too.

Edited by benteen
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20 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Yes, it's making a lot of money. That's already been stated. Here's the thing about money at the box office, though: all that proves is that people are curious enough about the movie to see it.  

I think this is true for the first few days. After that it’s more an indicator of audience enjoyment than quality. I only care about the box office numbers because they influence the type of movies that will be made on the future. 

Edited by Guest
On 3/16/2019 at 7:57 PM, Darlin said:

I saw Captain Marvel today.  I liked it but I didn't love it (I need to see it again).  However I'm glad I saw it because I am stoked about the next Avengers movie and Carol's role in it. I thought Brie did a fabulous job and I was moved by her scenes with Maria, Monica and Fury (never have I loved Fury as much as I did in this movie!)

Small quibble-- the use of 90's music took me out of the scenes, especially the "Just A Girl" bit.

I did get tripped up by the Tesseract (and still am). I was so convinced that the Tesseract Goose threw up/spit up would be used to un-dust those that were dusted in Avengers 3. I didn't realize until I read this thread that said Tessaract is already on Thanos' gauntlet.  I thought that the Tesseract that Goose spit up was after Fury got dusted.  

There's only one Tesseract.  Every instance of it we've seen in any Marvel movie is the same one. Then Thanos crushed it and revealed it was just a cube shaped disguise for the blue infinity stone. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Dani said:

I think this is true for the first few days. After that it’s more an indicator of audience enjoyment than quality. I only care about the box office numbers because they influence the type of movies that will be made on the future. 

I think it's true for the first few weeks, if not longer. Many people who go to see it, will purposely wait until the crowds thin out. Some people simply take three weeks to see it because they have busy lives that don't revolve around what movies are playing.

And then there are the fanboys who go to see it ten times. So, is the box office proof of quality?

No. It isn't. Look how much money Aquaman made, and it's nothing but a shiny turd. The shine on it is purely for Patrick Wilson, BTW. He was awesome, and the one bright spot. And I liked Nicole Kidman's brief part, but otherwise.....it was a Christmas day disappointment. I went for my sweet loves, who apparently have that power over me to sit through some STUFF, man, that I would never ever bother with otherwise. And I say that as someone who has admired Jason Momoa in at least one other project. But that movie, man. It was really undeserving of all that bank. And I'm being nice.

Edited by IWantCandy71
5 hours ago, Cranberry said:

I agree that the amount of money pulled in isn't the best indication of whether or not people liked a film. The CinemaScore, which can't be gamed by anyone online, works better.

And actually, what I've heard about the Cinemascore, is that it rates the audience on simple, basic questions. For instance, "was the movie what you expected it to be, etc? " Meaning, if you go in to see a scary movie, did it scare you ? If you say yes, it scared me, it gets a high rating because the movie effectively did what it set out to do. If you say no, wasn't scary at all, it gets a low score. That's just what I've read in the past about it. It can't be as manipulated, but it is already biased, because an "A" rating can simply mean "I expected it to entertain me and it entertained me".  It doesn't mean the movie is a good movie. 

But then-I guess if it entertains you and makes you forget your troubles, it's worth it. Not everything has to be The Maltese Falcon. And that's a good thing, because Hollywood, idea wise, is dry as a bone these days.

Truthfully, I just don't rely on what other people say about a movie, period. Online, offline, whatever.  If I want to see it, I see it. If I like it, I say so, if I don't, I say that too, and if someone disagrees in person or online, EH.

I mean-I see people all the time "hey does this movie suck"? on Twitter, and I can't fathom that. If you have a brain, decide for yourself. If you enjoy it, no one else matters. Same for if you think it was awful. As long as someone has something to say other than "it was awesome" or "it sucked", both opinions are equally valid.

5 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I think it's true for the first few weeks, if not longer. Many people who go to see it, will purposely wait until the crowds thin out. Some people simply take three weeks to see it because they have busy lives that don't revolve around what movies are playing.

And then there are the fanboys who go to see it ten times. So, is the box office proof of quality?

No. It isn't. Look how much money Aquaman made, and it's nothing but a shiny turd. The shine on it is purely for Patrick Wilson, BTW.

Well of course curiosity drives ticket sales through a movies entire run but that isn’t enough to make a movie a blockbuster. For the record I said the box office numbers are a sign of enjoyment not quality. Aquaman made a lot of money because people are enjoying it. Quality is highly subjective. Lots of movies I think are awful make hundreds of millions because other people have different tastes than me. 

8 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

And actually, what I've heard about the Cinemascore, is that it rates the audience on simple, basic questions. For instance, "was the movie what you expected it to be, etc? " Meaning, if you go in to see a scary movie, did it scare you ? If you say yes, it scared me, it gets a high rating because the movie effectively did what it set out to do. If you say no, wasn't scary at all, it gets a low score. That's just what I've read in the past about it. It can't be as manipulated, but it is already biased, because an "A" rating can simply mean "I expected it to entertain me and it entertained me".  It doesn't mean the movie is a good movie. 

I was given a Cinemascore ballot at a screening a few years ago.  You're essentially asked if you enjoyed the movie.  "Good" is subjective.

1 minute ago, Dani said:

Well of course curiosity drives ticket sales through a movies entire run but that isn’t enough to make a movie a blockbuster. For the record I said the box office numbers are a sign of enjoyment not quality. Aquaman made a lot of money because people are enjoying it. Quality is highly subjective. Lots of movies I think are awful make hundreds of millions because other people have different tastes than me. 

So maybe we can agree it's a combination of things. Curiosity, quality, and just...well, hype. There are people out there who won't know a darn thing about some movies, or the franchise, but they'll go if they're hyped enough. There are those who will go simply because they are movie goers and they will go see anything that comes out. There are lots of reasons a person will buy a ticket to a movie that doesn't necessarily mean anything about the quality of the movie. It's a social thing, and many times, the actual movie isn't really the point.

That's why movies aimed at children almost always do really well-because entire families go to see them. Not because mom and dad are just dying to see Toy Story Part 20, but out of necessity and to spend time with their kids. And not because the movie is a great classic. It's just what people do.

4 minutes ago, starri said:

I was given a Cinemascore ballot at a screening a few years ago.  You're essentially asked if you enjoyed the movie.  "Good" is subjective.

Good is absolutely subjective, because you can enjoy and be entertained, by something that isn't good, from a technical standpoint. And you will walk away and say "that was good", when really, it wasn't. Or you will say the opposite, because you didn't like it. Not liking it, doesn't make it bad, and liking it, doesn't make it good. And I think that "good" and "entertaining" get blurred a lot when talking about anything like this.

1 hour ago, starri said:

I was given a Cinemascore ballot at a screening a few years ago.  You're essentially asked if you enjoyed the movie.  "Good" is subjective.

That’s actually the reason I like Cinemascore. Critics are trying to hard and its almost impossible to sort through audience reviews so I like a simply scale. I probably won’t go see a movie just because of the score but it helps  me to make a decision. 

1 hour ago, IWantCandy71 said:

So maybe we can agree it's a combination of things. Curiosity, quality, and just...well, hype. There are people out there who won't know a darn thing about some movies, or the franchise, but they'll go if they're hyped enough. There are those who will go simply because they are movie goers and they will go see anything that comes out. There are lots of reasons a person will buy a ticket to a movie that doesn't necessarily mean anything about the quality of the movie. It's a social thing, and many times, the actual movie isn't really the point.

That's why movies aimed at children almost always do really well-because entire families go to see them. Not because mom and dad are just dying to see Toy Story Part 20, but out of necessity and to spend time with their kids. And not because the movie is a great classic. It's just what people do.

I agree that all those things play a part but I’m still going to say enjoyment is the biggest factor. 

I actually see the exact opposite trend happening in kids movies. I have noticed parents being less likely to sit through a movie just because the kids want to see it which is driving quality up. Of course my view might be skewed because most of the people I am related to want to see Toy Story 4 even though only one is still a child. 

Edited by Guest
6 minutes ago, Dani said:

That’s actually the reason I like Cinemascore. Critics are trying to hard and its almost impossible to sort through audience reviews so I like a simply scale. I probably won’t go see a movie just because of the score but it help me to make a decision. 

I agree that all those things play a part but I’m still going to say enjoyment is the biggest factor. 

I actually see the exact opposite trend happening in kids movies. I have noticed parents being less likely to sit through a movie just because the kids want to see it which is driving quality up. Of course my view might be skewed because most of the people I am related to want to see Toy Story 4 even though only one is still a child. 

I enjoy animated movies myself,  but I am Toy Storied out. I will probably wait for that one on DVD. I fully expect it to make major bank, though. Especially since I think it's released in the summer ? Yes, it will do well.

I saw a retweet from someone I follow, i should've saved it because I don't remember who it was. Anyway they said something like this, "all movies have holes, but if the movie brings me joy, inspires me and entertains me I can forgive almost anything. Its the whole not the hole that counts"

That's how I feel. It doesn't have to be the best movie ever if I come out of the movie smiling and entertained, it did it's job. Marvel movies as whole are entertaining. The connected universe makes it even more entertaining because I know I can see these characters again interacting with other characters I love. Of course I was excited to see End Game, seeing this movie made me even more excited because I want to see Carol with the Avengers.

Edited by Sakura12
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I don't like Cinemascore because *everything* gets a high rating.  Jurassic Park Lost World got a B+.  Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull got a B.  Thor: The Dark World got an A-.  Iron Man 3 got an A.  It suffers from too much grade inflation.  Or, to quote The Lego Movie (which got an A) "Everything is awesome!"

Edited by ICantDoThatDave
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On 3/17/2019 at 5:27 PM, Zuleikha said:

I appreciated the prominence of female-female relationships but agree that it really jumps out that SHIELD mooks are generally 100% male. SHIELD has female agents. The female agents with names are supposed to fight well. Diversify the mooks! It shouldn't be that hard to do.

There was at least one female agent. She was the one who told Coulson that Fury was to be taken in dead or alive. 

4 hours ago, ICantDoThatDave said:

I don't like Cinemascore because *everything* gets a high rating.  Jurassic Park Lost World got a B+.  Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull got a B.  Thor: The Dark World got an A-.  Iron Man 3 got an A.  It suffers from too much grade inflation.  Or, to quote The Lego Movie (which got an A) "Everything is awesome!"

I still find it useful as long as I keep in mind that blockbusters usually don’t go below a B. For the most successful movies I consider a B to be closer to a D. 

I felt like this was an overall good movie, but that they should have done more to make uncovering Carol's past the driving motivation for Vers through the first two thirds of the film. We're basically left with a protagonist who, for most of the movie seems to have less interest in who she actually is than the movie itself and the characters around her do.

More moments of familiarity on Earth with the music or culture, the Skrulls finding a way to use her past against her to escape during the train sequence, even a moment of realizing that her translator is broken and she's able to speak the local language.

That said the second half of the movie is a lot of fun, between Carol, Fury, Goose, Maria, Monica, and Talos and the Skrull crew coming together as an unlikely team. Once Carol actually starts to connect with her past and her power this is a great film.

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I think that shows how good of a job the Kree did on Carol, they not only wiped her memories they also made her barely care about why she has no memories. Then for 6 years she was raised in the Kree society where they are taught to not show too many emotions. Talos even said they really did a number on her. I don't even think she got all her memories back by the end of the movie. She just knows she's from Earth and was a pilot with Maria and was an aunt to Monica. I do hope in End Game we learn that Carol did visit Earth from time to time and learned more about herself in the last 25 years. 

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