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S18.E07: Power of Veto 2

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Victor, you sweet summer child. You're almost as delusional as Jozea.

Corey is just as dull hosting the Veto comp as he is talking about Christmas. And did I mishear the rules of the comp? They were allowed to take one letter back at a time? And then the camera shows Da'Vonne running back with an E and an O in her hands. Hmm...

Did the usual necklace of the Veto break or something? It looked like just a piece of rope, versus the usual black cord. 

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Tiffany is very reminiscent of Vanessa with the over-paranoia and the crying. But she's not entirely wrong in her paranoia. She has to keep her alliance happy, but I'd be paranoid about being evicted instead. It's still early enough in the game where you're still figuring people out. All Tiffany needs to do is calm the hell down and keep her paranoia to herself. 

And look, Day/Frank already thinking about sending Tiffany home this episode.

I still am surprised at Paul only being 23, so I have to remember he's still a young guy. But LOL at him picking Zak instead of Victor. They should have played the comedic sad music, or the record scratching at that moment.

I do love the spelling comp. I laughed at Day getting sprayed. Girl, just splash water on your face! You're standing in water! Also I laughed at Paul feeling confident on the 9 point word....followed by Tiffany immediately beating him. Good on Paulie for that win, though. Sustainability has to be the longest spelt word they've had yet. 

Oh no, Tiffany not wanting to throw the veto when she's up on the block? The horror! How dare she not do your bidding? How dare she not trust that the house won't turn on her! Ok, she was counting your board. Sure, she wasn't throwing it like you want, Day. So you decide to take it personally. Of course. I guess that's what happens in the game of Big Brother. 

Look, another prank from James. I guess they don't have other clips to show? Not that I mind James' pranks. I actually like some of them. Again, his scares just humour me for some reason. 

ROFL at Paul's power of friendship speech. Day, you really need to shut up about Tiffany now. I know Tiffany's one of my favourites, which is why I'm so passionate, but I also feel like Day needs to chill out, get off her high horse and actually talk to Tiffany about her issues.

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That cryfest in the HOH room with Paulie happened before the Road Kill nomination reveal.

She was upset because she had asked Frank minutes before if he knew who Vic would put up. Frank said no, then told Paulie that it's Tiff, and Paulie then told Tiff to give her a heads up so she wouldn't freak out during the ceremony.

Paul's speech was hilarious. He actually played a good game this week. Not his fault Vic can't buy a clue.

Are we ever gonna get an episode without a James prank?

Edited by Stinger97
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I expected a much bigger screaming reaction from Nicole over the prank. Shoot.  She really has grown-up a lot and it makes her less fun to watch.  Now if Bridgette had been the victim... or Corey...

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I feel like 'The Messiah' divinely gifted his powers of observation upon Victor before he left... that pool playing convo was painful to watch esp. with Paul wanting to explode saying how wrong he was. Nice gameplay by Paul btw.

I never knew that paranoia was genetic... but I have to say that "Da" is my least favorite kind of person. She's the kind that draws lines nobody knows about and cuts people off if they cross that line. No conversation/trying to figure if she was right just right from alliance mates to "I'm going to get her out for this."

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Well, I guess I should have known it was too good to last. I was enjoying DaVonne's play this year but she is totally going to blow up her own game with this vendetta against Tiffany. Its her rage against Clay, Shelly and  Aubrey all over again and eventually its going to make her a liability to her own alliance if she can't hold her s@#t together.

I was having SURVIVOR flashbacks tonight when Vic was jonesing with his eyes to get Paul to use his power to pick him. Those were the same eyes Scott (d-bag) was using on Tai to play the super idol...both came to the same result...but in this case I felt a twinge of sympathy towards Vic because he's so hapless.

In other news I forgot Brigette was even in the house. Also on Rob Cesternino's podcast he was suggesting Natalie was receptive to James's charms....I think I would rather see footage of that than another James prank but since probably 50% of the reason he was brought back was for these pranks we should expect to see them all summer.

I am really liking Zakiyah's cool demeanor. I think she could go a long way in this game and I did notice her sleeping in Paulie's bed. That would be a hot showmance right there.

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I still have absolutely no use for James but I did laugh at Nicole's reaction.

Shut up, Da.  Your over the top reaction was worse than Tiffany's crying.

Tiffany you can wear the 'Cuse hoodie or you can wear the MSU hoodie but you can't wear both.

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1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Do they not do the "Who wants to see my HOH room?" any more or is that after the herd has been thinned out more?

I think it doesn't get included on Sunday night's show this season because the Roadkill comp takes up extra time. Or maybe they didn't want to show it this week to spare us the HGs ooo-ing and aaaah-ing over photos of Daddy Calafiore making kissy-kissy time with his sons.

Edited by TimWil
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I like that the spelling comp is more Scrabble based in that you have to get the most points. It was still incredibly boring. As was this episode. Good job trying to make us think that something exciting was going to happen. 

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4 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Do they not do the "Who wants to see my HOH room?" any more or is that after the herd has been thinned out more?

They still do the HOH room reveal each week but they don't usually air it unless they need something to fill time in an episode or the reveal somehow plays in to the "story" for the week.  I think we see it regularly later in the season as the number of people gets whittled down and the paranoia gets ratcheted up.  I'm glad they don't air it all the time because I think it's usually boring and pointless.  

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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tiffany is very reminiscent of Vanessa with the over-paranoia and the crying. But she's not entirely wrong in her paranoia. She has to keep her alliance happy, but I'd be paranoid about being evicted instead. It's still early enough in the game where you're still figuring people out. All Tiffany needs to do is calm the hell down and keep her paranoia to herself. 

The sad part is that from where I was sitting, it looked like her paranoia and tears were unnecessary.  From what I've seen (and I'm not the best BB historian) the backdoor has mostly been used for competitors that are too good at comps and so you have to get them out through the backdoor.  To date, I don't think Tiffany has won anything.  I don't particularly remember her being close....so why would she think she would be backdoored?

Especially given that it was someone totally out of her alliance, and completely out of the majority alliance that put her up.  I guess you could believe that Victor went to the entire 8 pack and they gave out your name as a person to backdoor, but your alliance can turn on you at anytime and get you out in an easier way.  I might better understand her paranoia if she had no idea who won the RK.

But even logically, to me, it seems like the plan to BD Victor would be honest because it makes so much more sense.  He is a strong competitor, didn't he almost win the first competition on the rocket?

I don't even quite understand the tears, because she has to know that is going to make people compare her to Vanessa.  Especially when she was crying over being backdoored when it wouldn't have made much sense for anyone.  Except maybe Frank?

I also don't understand why she wanted to win the POV so much.  Lets just say she won it and took herself off the block.  Thats awesome, but doesn't it just make her look like she doesn't trust her alliance?  Doesn't it put a target on her back with the rest of the majority alliance?  She takes herself off, and Victor puts up a new nominee and the entire plan to get him out is ruined....it seems to me like they would blame her.  Would she want to really lose any trust she has with 7-8 other players?  I don't know.  Maybe it would be worth it if she could get the HOH, but if they are playing on teams that is a 1 in 3-4 chance.....with a vet who will surely not want her to get HOH.  She would at least be safe, but no matter who was put up, she would have that target on her back.

2 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

I like that the spelling comp is more Scrabble based in that you have to get the most points. It was still incredibly boring. As was this episode. Good job trying to make us think that something exciting was going to happen. 

So -- I love words with friends/scrabble.  I wonder if the best play isn't to just find a high value letter and work with that.  For example, I wonder how much a Q or Z is worth.  A lot of the letters seem to be worth 0.  I'm thinking maybe QUASH or SIZED or if the opportunity presents itself SIZZLE.

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4 hours ago, mojoween said:

I still have absolutely no use for James but I did laugh at Nicole's reaction.

Shut up, Da.  Your over the top reaction was worse than Tiffany's crying.

Tiffany you can wear the 'Cuse hoodie or you can wear the MSU hoodie but you can't wear both.

I wonder if people just sent her college gear when they found out she would be on BB.  She seems to rep a different school every week.

I certainly don't mind, but if thats the deal I want to see my alma mater represented on national TV too!

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49 minutes ago, urusai said:

Tiffany wears Nicole's MSU hoodie and Paulie's Syracuse hoodie.

Dang, my local state school is never gonna get the recognition I think it deserves.

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I hate when this show makes me agree with a character I'm otherwise annoyed by.  Dayvonne usually gets on my last nerve, but she's so right about Tifanny. She isn't ALMOST like her sister. She a freaking clone. SO paranoid that she makes what she's squawking about into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Apparently she learned NOTHING from watching her sister on this show.

Edited by Kromm
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10 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Do they not do the "Who wants to see my HOH room?" any more or is that after the herd has been thinned out more?

I sure hope they aren't doing it anymore. It was so fake anyway - especially when someone just kept winning it every other time. But I do wonder if they are even giving them their HOH treats they usually get - their favorite snacks and one CD of music. 

10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

In other news I forgot Brigette was even in the house.

I even mentioned that to my husband tonight after the show because it was a nice change of pace. I am sure it is the edit TPTB are giving her - not that she has actually grown up and matured in a week and a half. I liked that we didn't have to see the jumping up and down and squealing at all lately.

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Tiffany is totally Vanessa 2.0 - just not as hyper. I really cannot stand her, and I wouldn't be sad if she went home tonight over Victor. And it's not because she fought for herself in the Veto comp, I know that urge is hard to resist. But it's because she's totally unstable and if it were me, I wouldn't want to be in alliance with her. Why is she becoming all paranoid about her own alliance when Victor is the one who put her up??? I could understand if he didn't out himself as the RK winner, but damn. He's on the block, he nominated someone from the power alliance. Big surprise. Your group had nothing to do with it, so take a seat. 

Victor's face is glorious. He hides nothing. I loved watching him during the Veto pick ceremony. It was almost as great as watching Scot on the last season of Survivor, waiting for that Idol to be handed to him. The confidence, the expectation, the realization....just awesome. 

As much as I don't like Paul, he may just be playing a smart game. At this point, he had little chance but to go along with Paulie. But it wouldn't shock me if a little bromance developed out of this, and alliances shifted, and Paul ends up safe next week. We shall see. 

As for the Veto comp itself, it was interesting to see a new twist on the old "spell a word" challenge. Instead of aiming for the longest word, you needed to try and use harder letters. But I don't think everyone caught onto that. Take Paulie - he had the longest word, but it was worth the same amount of points as shorter words. He only won because he got it in quicker. I was impressed, though, that he correctly spelled such a long word. In fact, I was impressed that there were no misspellings. But at the same time, I was depressed by it. Because snarking on words like "potroasts" is my favorite part of these challenges!

Final thought - does everyone just shower in the HOH room? I might piss people off, but damn....if I had my own shower for the week, I wouldn't be letting everybody and their brother funk it up.

Edited by ghoulina
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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:


If anything can happen on Big Brother, why can't it be that Grodner and the entire production staff be replaced?  It is abundantly clear that they have completely run out of ideas.  Same old shit, different year. 

So true, so sad, I once loved this show second only to Survivor. I think one huge mistake is to bring back people, or relatives of people, of whom we are already sick..  Casting is far too bland and one-note.  There isn't anywhere near the animosity we need for a good show.  When the Friendship was pitted against Howie/Janelle -- that was good TV.  They could take a tip from Survivor and cast naturally antagonistic groups like half old people and half young.

This is about the point I quit watching last year and it's not just the boredom, it's THE MESS!  Dirty clothes and  crusty dishes and hair brushes and toothbrushes and cosmetics and puddles of dirty water and half-full cereal bowls all scattered against decorating that was far too busy and cluttered looking even before the filthy hoard came in.  It gives me bad dreams.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Final thought - does everyone just shower in the HOH room? I might piss people off, but damn....if I had my own shower for the week, I wouldn't be letting everybody and their brother funk it up.

Twice now, I've heard one HG ask another, "did you shower?" while in the HOH room.  Is there a schedule for using that shower?  Or do they not want smelly people in the HOH room?  It's a weird question.

Not only is "SUSTAINABILITY" an awesome word choice, I am trying to figure out how Paulie retrieved all of those particular letters in only 12 minutes.  That's a lot of slime-searching in a fairly short amount of time.

Does Paul consult the Encyclopedia of Cliches before every visit to the DR?  "So my hands are tied, and I'm at the end of my rope, but actions speak louder than words, better to be safe than sorry, and you can't judge a book by its cover blah blah blah...."

Is anyone else bothered by the "clink-clink" sound whenever a HG reaches into the name bag to pull out a chip?  I don't know why that gives me shivers, but it totally does...especially when they rattle their hand around in there for several seconds.  I'm like, "DRAW A DAMN NAME ALREADY."

And while I'm nitpicking, it also bugs me the way Julie Chen holds her cue cards during live shows, but this may be a sign that I've watched this show for far too many seasons.....

Edited by laurakaye
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2 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I sure hope they aren't doing it anymore. It was so fake anyway - especially when someone just kept winning it every other time. But I do wonder if they are even giving them their HOH treats they usually get - their favorite snacks and one CD of music. 

I believe they still get their snacks, but it's not a CD any more, it's one of those small iPod shuffles. 

It kind of irks me though that people seem to treat the HOH room like it's Grand Central Station. I remember when the HOH could see who was coming up to the room and people had to knock or ring a doorbell or something to get in. 

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Did Tiffany not watch her sister? How well did the paranoia and tears work for Vanessa? Ugh! I wanted to like Tiffany, but her complete lack of awareness when it comes to this game is galling. Overly paranoid players make other players paranoid.  There was absolutely no target on her back this week.  Yet, her behavior could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I know by the end of the episode, I sure wanted to boot her. It didn't start that way though.

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9 hours ago, RCharter said:


So -- I love words with friends/scrabble.  I wonder if the best play isn't to just find a high value letter and work with that.  For example, I wonder how much a Q or Z is worth.  A lot of the letters seem to be worth 0.  I'm thinking maybe QUASH or SIZED or if the opportunity presents itself SIZZLE.

I thought I heard them say that the point value of each tile would be 1, 2 or 3, but I'm pretty sure I saw a 0 on at least one of the tiles as well.  In any event, I think 3 was the highest.

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1 hour ago, sharkfan said:

It kind of irks me though that people seem to treat the HOH room like it's Grand Central Station. I remember when the HOH could see who was coming up to the room and people had to knock or ring a doorbell or something to get in. 

I have thought this same thing in more recent seasons. The HOH room should be a reward - your own private space in the sea of people.

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2 hours ago, laprin said:

Did Tiffany not watch her sister? How well did the paranoia and tears work for Vanessa?

Actually, pretty darn well -- considering she made it to third place. I always thought when it came down to it, Vanessa could talk herself out of a bad situation -- the paranoia and tears would be accompanied by speeches. Tiffany just has the paranoia and tears. She also seems to lack Vanessa's ability to perform well under pressure -- Tiffany has the will to win, but not the skills to actually do so.

On the other hand, I think Paulie got whatever smarts were in his family line. If Cody was Derrick's dumb puppy dog, Paulie is a German Shepherd by comparison.

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2 hours ago, MMLEsq said:

I thought I heard them say that the point value of each tile would be 1, 2 or 3, but I'm pretty sure I saw a 0 on at least one of the tiles as well.  In any event, I think 3 was the highest.

Yea, I'm pretty sure the "E"s were worth 0 points. 

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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Twice now, I've heard one HG ask another, "did you shower?" while in the HOH room.  Is there a schedule for using that shower?  Or do they not want smelly people in the HOH room?  It's a weird question.

Not sure why, but I have the distinct impression there's some kind of problem with at least one of the downstairs showers - either not working properly, or has achieved a truly monumental level of funk in the past 2+ weeks.  

Maybe the mayonnaise clogged up the drainage pipes...?  :>

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14 hours ago, RCharter said:

The sad part is that from where I was sitting, it looked like her paranoia and tears were unnecessary.  From what I've seen (and I'm not the best BB historian) the backdoor has mostly been used for competitors that are too good at comps and so you have to get them out through the backdoor.  To date, I don't think Tiffany has won anything.  I don't particularly remember her being close....so why would she think she would be backdoored?

Perhaps, and I do agree that she needed to just chill. However, the backdoor is also used to get out a big threat. Unfortunately for Tiffany, she is riding her sister's coattails. Just like the vets, her and Paulie are big threats because of their connection to the game. People may view Tiffany as well as Paulie as second tier vets because of their siblings. It's why there was consideration last week with some houseguests to get out Paulie (I imagine). I think if Tiffany wasn't Vanessa's sister, there may be less paranoia...or, at the very least, people wouldn't be comparing her to Vanessa. Of course, this wasn't a backdoor thing because she had the chance to play for the veto. But even being on the block, she could be seen as a threat that needs to get out, and it's because of her sister that she's probably more paranoid than she would have been if she was a new player with no connection. At least, that's how I see it.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Perhaps, and I do agree that she needed to just chill. However, the backdoor is also used to get out a big threat. Unfortunately for Tiffany, she is riding her sister's coattails. Just like the vets, her and Paulie are big threats because of their connection to the game. People may view Tiffany as well as Paulie as second tier vets because of their siblings. It's why there was consideration last week with some houseguests to get out Paulie (I imagine). I think if Tiffany wasn't Vanessa's sister, there may be less paranoia...or, at the very least, people wouldn't be comparing her to Vanessa. Of course, this wasn't a backdoor thing because she had the chance to play for the veto. But even being on the block, she could be seen as a threat that needs to get out, and it's because of her sister that she's probably more paranoid than she would have been if she was a new player with no connection. At least, that's how I see it.

But, I don't see how she would be a big threat to her alliance at this point.  I could see her maybe being a threat if she was forming other alliances, but I haven't heard much about that.  But going and crying to your alliance about being a backdoor target when there is no indication that you are seems like you're just painting a big old target on your back.  And going against them at this point, also paints a big target on her back.  Paulie was actually put up by his "alliance" (in quotes, because he isn't in TEP) and he took it in stride even though he also has a family member connection.  Tiffany knew that she hadn't been put up by anyone in her alliance but by some guy that was just sort of shooting in the dark.  

At this point, I don't know if I would trust her.  Paul isn't in TEP and he was adhered more to the plan than Tiffany did.  

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25 minutes ago, RCharter said:

But, I don't see how she would be a big threat to her alliance at this point.  I could see her maybe being a threat if she was forming other alliances, but I haven't heard much about that.  But going and crying to your alliance about being a backdoor target when there is no indication that you are seems like you're just painting a big old target on your back.  And going against them at this point, also paints a big target on her back.  Paulie was actually put up by his "alliance" (in quotes, because he isn't in TEP) and he took it in stride even though he also has a family member connection.  Tiffany knew that she hadn't been put up by anyone in her alliance but by some guy that was just sort of shooting in the dark.  

At this point, I don't know if I would trust her.  Paul isn't in TEP and he was adhered more to the plan than Tiffany did.  

I'm definitely not disagreeing with you! I think she's just made herself a bigger target because of her paranoia. I just think Tiffany was warned by Vanessa about how she could be a target because of her, and that's where she keeps jumping to. The Roussos are definitely more sensitive, more paranoid, and think about the worst case scenarios. So she is assuming that her alliance may be lying to her and may actually be trying to get her out instead of Victor, and that they may have teamed up to get her out. Paulie's done a much better job at calming down and not letting himself overthink things, while Tiffany lets it get the best of her. She's just overthinking things, but it's not the worst thing to consider. It's just those thoughts take over and that can be very, very frustrating. 

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Not sure why, but I have the distinct impression there's some kind of problem with at least one of the downstairs showers - either not working properly, or has achieved a truly monumental level of funk in the past 2+ weeks.  

Maybe the mayonnaise clogged up the drainage pipes...?  :>

The ants invaded it early in the first week or early in the second. That might have something to do with it, too.

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On 7/6/2016 at 6:17 PM, JudyObscure said:

I expected a much bigger screaming reaction from Nicole over the prank. Shoot.  

I too thought that prank looked staged.  

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48 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I too thought that prank looked staged.  

I expect it was more burnout than anything else - something along the lines of, "<SCREEE...> Oh, it's you, James."

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One thing I noticed - is someone picked up a box of Betty Crocker pancake mix in the kitchen and wouldn't you know it, next commercial is a General Mills commercial.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

I expect it was more burnout than anything else - something along the lines of, "<SCREEE...> Oh, it's you, James."

Yea, I get the impression that people are so used to James's pranks, they're basically expecting one all the time. He's going to need to really switch it up if he thinks he's going to genuinely shock anyone at this point. 


11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

The ants invaded it early in the first week or early in the second. That might have something to do with it, too.

I'd tell them they could shower with the ants. Winning HOH gives you the luxury of an ant-free shower. I know, I'm mean. I'd probably be first evicted. 

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8 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I too thought that prank looked staged.  

No.  "Staged" would have been Nicole walking by and saying "Hi, James" before James popped out.

Edited by legaleagle53
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