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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Yeah something about some card that earns you points when shopping elsewhere. I kind of missed what they were saying cause I was busy shouting 'bitch'!

This wasn't one of those, 'husband turns into a big baby when he's sick' clichés. The dude was toe up. And then at the end he asks if she's wearing new jeans but she can't hear him because she's also wearing her new headphones.

  • Love 3

The recent Cheez-It/Variations on Original Cheez-It crackers commercials, with the immature, talking wheel of cheese. The original was, maybe, *kinda* funny, but I think the longer the premise goes on, the less funny--& more immature, & stupid--the premise gets.


I don't mind them by comparison to FAR more annoying ads tbh.


Loved the most recent one when the cheese wheel commented that the Cheese it was kissing :P. And the other one 'Ice Bank Mice Shelf' (I spank myself)... I laughed my butt off at it. It was so silly. It's a guilty pleasure commercial I guess. *shrugs*

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Yeah something about some card that earns you points when shopping elsewhere. I kind of missed what they were saying cause I was busy shouting 'bitch'!

This wasn't one of those, 'husband turns into a big baby when he's sick' clichés. The dude was toe up. And then at the end he asks if she's wearing new jeans but she can't hear him because she's also wearing her new headphones.

It might have been an ad for Plenti where you earn points shopping at one location to use at another. Haven't seen that particular ad, though.

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Thank you all for the education about toe hair. I have about 4 or 5 hairs on my big toes and never considered it a problem. I am blonde haired, you can barely see hair except on my head, quit shaving my legs years ago, it's just not worth the bother unless I'm going to wear hose. And since I'm retired, I wear jeans all the time. But I also get creeped out by the ads for removing rough skin and calluses from feet too. I just use lotion a couple of times a day and it's not a problem.


And I don't like the KFC Col. Sanders ads, just creepy.

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The weird thing about the Sanders ads with Darrel Hammond are...it's obvious to a lot of people it's him, and to a certain extent there was already publicity announcing it was him. Which is not to say there aren't plenty of people who might not notice or realize but still...they hired a famous comedian to do the character who is famous for doing impressions that lampoon the person he's playing. And yet the content of the commercial isn't overtly satire. But it's also clearly not 100% straight either. It's like they were trying to split the difference and hope the people who still have affection for the Colonel would react all "oooh the Colonel" /nostalgia, but that anyone else who might cringe would assume they were sort of making a joke? Or something? And it ends up not really being either.

Edited by theatremouse
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The weird thing about the Sanders ads with Darrel Hammond are...it's obvious to a lot of people it's him, and to a certain extent there was already publicity announcing it was him. Which is not to say there aren't plenty of people who might not notice or realize but still...they hired a famous comedian to do the character who is famous for doing impressions that lampoon the person he's playing. And yet the content of the commercial isn't overly satire. But it's also clearly not 100% straight either. It's like they were trying to split the difference and hope the people who still have affection for the Colonel would react all "oooh the Colonel" /nostalgia, but that anyone else who might cringe would assume they were sort of making a joke? Or something? And it ends up not really being either.

It's distracting. I don't really care for KFC, myself but its like they should have gotten some cute, unknown  really elderly man, IMO. 

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I've got a new one that I hate.  It's Panera Bread and the woman is stuffing her face with a salad.  She looks like she's been on a deserted island and had nothing to eat for a year.  The guy she's sitting next to looks at her like she's crazy and she just shrugs her shoulders.   I hate those gluttonous commercials.


Someone, please get rid of Flo.  She's over used her welcome, especially with her singing "I'll Stand By You".  Hate it !!!!!

  • Love 4

Someone, please get rid of Flo. She's over used her welcome, especially with her singing "I'll Stand By You". Hate it !!!!!

Yes!!! Flo was a cute concept for a while, but now they're just shoving her down our throats. I especially hate the commercial where she plays every character. And all her damn voices in the radio ads are just as annoying.

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I hate that Panera Bread commercial, too. The girl hogs down her salad before the guy even finishes putting the dressing on his. Tells me that gluttonous slobs with no manners eat there. And I happen to like Panera.

Applebees has a new sandwich called Triple Hog Dare Ya. Pulled pork, ham and bacon covered by some gross cheese sauce. Made my arteries clog just looking at it.

Flo needs to go. She's way past her expiration date.

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I can't stand this commercial.

ACK! If you want to shrink your own snacks, fine. But to impose your smug attitude on someone else because you don't want to eat what they're having?

May your co-workers shun you for the inconsiderate wenches you are...or push you into a giant vat of Dannon yogurt while they're singing "I've got the power!".

  • Love 8

ACK! If you want to shrink your own snacks, fine. But to impose your smug attitude on someone else because you don't want to eat what they're having?

May your co-workers shun you for the inconsiderate wenches you are...or push you into a giant vat of Dannon yogurt while they're singing "I've got the power!".


Agreed.  OK, so you have the ability to minimize temptation for yourself.  That being the case, keep it to yourself and wipe that self-righteous smirk off your face, because if I catch you smirking like that in my direction while I'm eating, I'll wipe that smirk off your face for you!

  • Love 8

Credit card ads that feature celebrities shilling the cards never fail to bug me, especially those with Jennifer (horse face) Garner.

Credit card debt is one of the main causes of personal bankruptcies. It's all fine and good for people with means (like Garner) to use them but a slippery slope for desperate folks who may resort to use them to buy gas or food. The commercials make getting a card seem so easy to get when it's a bitch to ever pay one off.

  • Love 3

I've got a new one that I hate.  It's Panera Bread and the woman is stuffing her face with a salad.  She looks like she's been on a deserted island and had nothing to eat for a year.  The guy she's sitting next to looks at her like she's crazy and she just shrugs her shoulders.   I hate those gluttonous commercials.


Someone, please get rid of Flo.  She's over used her welcome, especially with her singing "I'll Stand By You".  Hate it !!!!!

I hated the one where the girl was slurping the soup.They latter edited it out. 

Seeing people slopping food like hogs turns me off your product, thank you very much.

  • Love 4

The weird thing about the Sanders ads with Darrel Hammond are...it's obvious to a lot of people it's him, and to a certain extent there was already publicity announcing it was him. Which is not to say there aren't plenty of people who might not notice or realize but still...they hired a famous comedian to do the character who is famous for doing impressions that lampoon the person he's playing. And yet the content of the commercial isn't overtly satire. But it's also clearly not 100% straight either. It's like they were trying to split the difference and hope the people who still have affection for the Colonel would react all "oooh the Colonel" /nostalgia, but that anyone else who might cringe would assume they were sort of making a joke? Or something? And it ends up not really being either.

The first time I saw the ad there was no sound and my reaction was nostalgia. As soon as I saw it with sound it sounded like Hammond playing Clinton doing an impression of the Colonel. 

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That VW "mamas don't let your babies..." commercial was apparently placed on EVERY.NETWORK.EVER last night. No matter where I surfed to, there it was. Hate.


I was also amused that both of the other cars in the commercial were a Chrysler and a Dodge. Seriously, VW, don't you have the nads to put Camrys/Accords/Fusions in your ad? 

  • Love 1

That VW "mamas don't let your babies..." commercial was apparently placed on EVERY.NETWORK.EVER last night. No matter where I surfed to, there it was. Hate.


I really wonder if ads like this do well in focus groups - i.e. for every one of us (sensible) people who are horrified by an ad where kids destroy property and act like baboons, there are two people who think it's adorbs.


The only ad where I want to see kids tearing apart a store like that is this one. :)


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I've been seeing a bank commercial, where an older guy is giving a speech at a graduation. He claims that more than 50% of "recent graduates" don't have a full time job.

In my area, this ad started airing VERY recently. Just after the state colleges had graduation. SO - saying that half the people who graduated, like LAST WEEKEND don't yet have jobs means anything? give them a few weeks to finish writing their resumes!

I don't think "recent" necessarily refers to the graduates who just graduated that weekend. The man might be referring to grads who were awarded their degrees at winter graduation or even from the year before. A year out, you're still a recent graduate.


Yes!!! Flo was a cute concept for a while, but now they're just shoving her down our throats. I especially hate the commercial where she plays every character. And all her damn voices in the radio ads are just as annoying.


Yeah, this. I never really minded Flo - in fact I thought the early commercials were kind of cute and she was kind of funny. But Progressive seems to have over-estimated Flo's popularity with these commercials where Flo is with her family and she's playing all the different family members. They've also over-estimated the actress's acting talent, frankly. 

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What is American culture coming to?


Not sure I want to know the answer, especially if it's that we're devolving into a nation of weirdos overly obsessed with our own feces and toilet habits. If you don't like splatter or cling (two things I really don't need to think about), you have two choices: clean your toilet or don't look. Or buy a bidet. Or wear diapers. Or don't eat Super Colon Blow or whatever makes you prone to splattering. Or take a medication that may cause mild to severe clinging fecal matter as well as tremors, death, paralysis, etc. The newfangled toilet won't clean itself, unless that woman actually lives in the toilet and cleans it before she pops up and announces herself.


Did Rome fall once the fecally-obsessed people became the primary consumers and became the driving force behind marketing campaigns?



I'm not bothered by there being a Red Nose Day, I'm annoyed with Walgreen commercials about it.


I was seriously annoyed that, a month or so before the big day, I couldn't go to the blasted Walgreens right down the street because the corporate suits decided to tell the clerks to sell Red Noses at every. freakin'. transaction. Oh, I see you're buying a pack of gum for fifty cents. Want to buy a red nose for a dollar and save a child from poverty or are you going to be a selfish prick? It's like when I buy stuff at Petco - want to donate a dollar to save a homeless animal or do you just want to purchase the $50 worth of pet food and toys you have here and go on your merry way NEVER THINKING OF HOMELESS ANIMALS AGAIN YOU BASTARD??!!!



driving with a paper sack over your head


Hey, look, sometimes, after a hockey game, that's the only way I'm driving home. Maybe I should be on their commercials. "So, you go to a sports game and your team loses. You're UPSET. Of course you're going to drive home with a paper bag on your head. It's what people DO. So, you do it ONE TIME and you just HAPPEN to tickle the sides of another car that wasn't even at the game and, whoopsy daisy, someone is IN the car that you didnt' SEE and their family claims that they DIED. And you're arrested and then your insurance company raises your rates. Hey, insurance companies, hello!? Haven't I been through enough? Why don't you go pick on someone who deserves it?





  • Love 21

Not sure I want to know the answer, especially if it's that we're devolving into a nation of weirdos overly obsessed with our own feces and toilet habits. If you don't like splatter or cling (two things I really don't need to think about), you have two choices: clean your toilet or don't look. Or buy a bidet. Or wear diapers. Or don't eat Super Colon Blow or whatever makes you prone to splattering. Or take a medication that may cause mild to severe clinging fecal matter as well as tremors, death, paralysis, etc. The newfangled toilet won't clean itself, unless that woman actually lives in the toilet and cleans it before she pops up and announces herself.


Did Rome fall once the fecally-obsessed people became the primary consumers and became the driving force behind marketing campaigns?



I was seriously annoyed that, a month or so before the big day, I couldn't go to the blasted Walgreens right down the street because the corporate suits decided to tell the clerks to sell Red Noses at every. freakin'. transaction. Oh, I see you're buying a pack of gum for fifty cents. Want to buy a red nose for a dollar and save a child from poverty or are you going to be a selfish prick? It's like when I buy stuff at Petco - want to donate a dollar to save a homeless animal or do you just want to purchase the $50 worth of pet food and toys you have here and go on your merry way NEVER THINKING OF HOMELESS ANIMALS AGAIN YOU BASTARD??!!!



Hey, look, sometimes, after a hockey game, that's the only way I'm driving home. Maybe I should be on their commercials. "So, you go to a sports game and your team loses. You're UPSET. Of course you're going to drive home with a paper bag on your head. It's what people DO. So, you do it ONE TIME and you just HAPPEN to tickle the sides of another car that wasn't even at the game and, whoopsy daisy, someone is IN the car that you didnt' SEE and their family claims that they DIED. And you're arrested and then your insurance company raises your rates. Hey, insurance companies, hello!? Haven't I been through enough? Why don't you go pick on someone who deserves it?

OMG, that's the funniest bunch of rants I've read in a long time! It took me 5 minutes to read because I had to stop and wipe the tears streaming down my face from laughter. I did, however, get a moderate to severe cramp in my side that may mean I'm dying. Oh, and you owe me a pair of Depends.

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It's like when I buy stuff at Petco - want to donate a dollar to save a homeless animal or do you just want to purchase the $50 worth of pet food and toys you have here and go on your merry way NEVER THINKING OF HOMELESS ANIMALS AGAIN YOU BASTARD??!!!

YES. I feel like such an asshole because I don't give a dollar to the poor, homeless animals when I shop at PetSmart, even though one of my cats was poor and homeless when I got him, and the other was living in a house full of crazed elementary school-aged boys when I got her. They were both given a better, quiet life. I buy them nice, healthy, expensive food and sing them songs and tell them how much I love them, and they have been with me for 13 and 17 years, respectively, and they have regular, expensive vet visits during which the vet tells them how proud she is of them, but I still feel like a jerk when I don't give a buck to homeless animals.
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And here I thought everyone was going commando these days.

So, I'm a teacher, a high school teacher.  A former colleague of mine decided to go commando one memorable school day.  He didn't notice the hole in his pants.  The kids did.


Let's make THAT a commercial, TP company!  Also, kiss my (underwear-clad) ass.  (Can you tell that commercial/campaign really skeeves me out?)

  • Love 9

YES. I feel like such an asshole because I don't give a dollar to the poor, homeless animals when I shop at PetSmart, even though one of my cats was poor and homeless when I got him, and the other was living in a house full of crazed elementary school-aged boys when I got her. They were both given a better, quiet life. I buy them nice, healthy, expensive food and sing them songs and tell them how much I love them, and they have been with me for 13 and 17 years, respectively, and they have regular, expensive vet visits during which the vet tells them how proud she is of them, but I still feel like a jerk when I don't give a buck to homeless animals.

I read that as mice and thought wow you really go that extra step...

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I read that as mice and thought wow you really go that extra step...

Thanks for that laugh! They would love if I brought them home some mice! I had two hamsters (one didn't live very long) for a while when the cats were much younger and it was like cat TV. They would sit on the coffee table and stare for long expanses of time at the hamster cage(s) that were atop the entertainment center (the only thing the cats couldn't climb/jump onto). Edited by bilgistic
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I am actually enraged by those Panera commercials that feature hipsters shoving food in their mouths like they haven't eaten in weeks and then <gag> licking their fingers. So disgusting and if Panera thinks it makes their food look appetizing, guess again!

I normally would mentally tune out the vaginal/pelvic mesh commercials but the way the announcer pronounces "sling" drives me a little (actually a lot) crazy. I don't even know what her accent is but she says bladder "slang" and pelvic "slang." Gah!

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You guys crack me up. Since I've gone through menopause, I have no period pads to repurpose*. And if I were going commando I'd have nothing to stick my period/pee pads on. I'm sure not going back to wearing a Kotex belt. Hell no!

*Recycling period pads suggests they are being worn more than once. The thought gives me a severe to terminal case of puking.

Now, pardon me while I go phone my Incontinence Specialist to order some drawers to be delivered in a discreet package. Don't want anyone, especially the teenaged kid at Walgreens, to know I piss my pants. Of course, he's wearing a fucking red nose, so what do I care?

  • Love 22

I love the bladder 'slang' and pelvic 'slang' thing; I hear that accent every day of my life!  And I laugh too!

You guys crack me up. Since I've gone through menopause, I have no period pads to repurpose*. And if I were going commando I'd have nothing to stick my period/pee pads on. I'm sure not going back to wearing a Kotex belt. Hell no!

*Recycling period pads suggests they are being worn more than once. The thought gives me a severe to terminal case of puking.

Now, pardon me while I go phone my Incontinence Specialist to order some drawers to be delivered in a discreet package. Don't want anyone, especially the teenaged kid at Walgreens, to know I piss my pants. Of course, he's wearing a fucking red nose, so what do I care?


I am laughing SO HARD here!  Thank you!  Oh, and I remember Kotex belts. *shudder*  You young girls have no idea!

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