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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Also, not Joan of Arc - that's pretty clearly Puritan times (a couple of hundred years later), so it would be the witchcraft trials of Salem, etc. (even though no one was actually burned in Salem - that was more of a European thing). I also think it's funny just for its general theme of "EVERYBODY finds Flo annoying! See how she would have fared throughout the ages! Yep - still annoying."

Edited by riley702
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My friend finds this one offensive because it mocks Joan of Arc. I just think it's dumb because people didn't have cars back then!



It doesn't have anything to do with Joan of Arc, it's supposed to be Salem, Mass, although they never burned witches in Salem.


The Belvita Bites guy revels in breaking the law by riding in the carpool lane by himself.  Hope he gets a ticket.

  • Love 3

Also, not Joan of Arc - that's pretty clearly Puritan times (a couple of hundred years later), so it would be the witchcraft trials of Salem, etc. (even though no one was actually burned in Salem - that was more of a European thing). I also think it's funny just for its general theme of "EVERYBODY finds Flo annoying! See how she would have fared throughout the ages! Yep - still annoying."

Ha, I never knew that!

I think she thought it was because of a queen saying "kill her" in the scene just before that.

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OK, this ad isn't as bad as some, but it still bugs me. The Berkshire Hathaway realtor ad where they have this slow music while people take phone calls about having sold their houses. I get that it's a big relief when you sell your house, but the whole thing is just so OTT, like it's a matter of life and death. The whole tone of the ad is pretentious. Maybe I hate it because it is on HGTV all.the.time. 

Edited by peggy06

I have no problems with people who serve in the Navy, but that one guy whose daughter is so excited because her room is pink pisses me off when he gravels "So she's a princess. Got a problem with that? HOO-RA!" Who is going to have a problem with a little girl who wants to be a princess? Don't buy trouble, Navy man.

Nationwide is apparently a corporate partner for the NCAA so Julia Roberts and Mindy Kaling are annoying me on the regular. I hate hate HATE when Mindy barks at the basketball player "there are worse things than an attractive woman touching you."

No, Mindy. Shut your face. I'm not saying she's not attractive, but if you yourself are saying it? That's gross. I can't believe she agreed to read that copy.

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When I watch OnDemand, this commercial plays over & over & over & OVER again. I am so sick of this friggin' commercial I want to blow up my local Panera Bread.

EDITED: Since I have posted the above, (only 35 minutes ago) they have run this commercial FIVE MORE TIMES. I now understand how people who hear voices telling them to kill feel.

The REALLY annoying thing is that the bowl meal they're selling is kind of an upscale version of a bowl of ramen noodles. For 8 - 9 dollars. Yes it's tasty, I tried it because I'm on the Panera email list so they sent me a $5 coupon to try the Bowl. I like panera, but I'd never pay full price for the bowls.
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The REALLY annoying thing is that the bowl meal they're selling is kind of an upscale version of a bowl of ramen noodles. For 8 - 9 dollars. Yes it's tasty, I tried it because I'm on the Panera email list so they sent me a $5 coupon to try the Bowl. I like panera, but I'd never pay full price for the bowls.

I've had the soba noodle bowl with chicken & have paid full price every time LOL. They seem to have stopped playing the commercial on OnDemand though (at least the shows I watch) now they're driving me crazy with a Tom's of Maine Toothpaste commercial. Why do they run them 10 times an hour?

Who is going to have a problem with a little girl who wants to be a princess?

Every single feminist who thinks it teaches girls that a man is necessay so she can live happily ever after.

I hate hate HATE when Mindy barks at the basketball player "there are worse things than an attractive woman touching you."

No, Mindy. Shut your face. I'm not saying she's not attractive, but if you yourself are saying it? That's gross.

I'm more bothered by the fact that she's touching someone without permission.

And actually, she says, "There are worse things than an attractive woman touching your body."

Imagine the pearl clutching had it been a man saying, "There are worse things than a handsome man touching your body."

Edited by SmithW6079
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In that internet commercial for whatever, she was googling "Mindy Kaling Cute" & "Mindy Kaling Sexy" -which leads me to conclude that, at least in commercials, she does have an over-inflated sense of herself.  Maybe that's her schtick.  I don't know.  I never heard of her before that ad.  But as someone totally ignorant of who she is, it was appalling.

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In that internet commercial for whatever, she was googling "Mindy Kaling Cute" & "Mindy Kaling Sexy" -which leads me to conclude that, at least in commercials, she does have an over-inflated sense of herself.  Maybe that's her schtick.  I don't know.  I never heard of her before that ad.  But as someone totally ignorant of who she is, it was appalling.

She was a regular in The Office and yeah, I think that is pretty much part of her schtick. Apparently she is a pretty talented writer and director. I know what you mean about the ad being off-putting though. There does seem to be a lack of humility nowadays.

Edited by SoSueMe
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In that internet commercial for whatever, she was googling "Mindy Kaling Cute" & "Mindy Kaling Sexy" -which leads me to conclude that, at least in commercials, she does have an over-inflated sense of herself.  Maybe that's her schtick.  I don't know.  I never heard of her before that ad.  But as someone totally ignorant of who she is, it was appalling.

If you watch her show, that totally is her schtick. But it is more like an over-inflated sense of self that is really a defense mechanism to hide her insecurities, but really just amplifies them.

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I recently saw an ad for Honest Diapers with a bunch of babies dancing around to some pop song with the word booty in it. I really don't want to think of babies booties. They're going to have a lifetime of being objectified over one thing or another. Can they have at least this little period to themselves? Babies don't know from booties. It's for the "hip" mothers. It's not cute and fun. Leave "em alone.

Every time I see that ad I think, "Would it have killed them to at least put shirts on the kids?"  They're too old to be only in diapers IMO.

Edited by InDueTime

In that internet commercial for whatever, she was googling "Mindy Kaling Cute" & "Mindy Kaling Sexy" -which leads me to conclude that, at least in commercials, she does have an over-inflated sense of herself. Maybe that's her schtick. I don't know. I never heard of her before that ad. But as someone totally ignorant of who she is, it was appalling.

As SoSueMe said, she was a regular on The Office (the Steve Carell/US version that was on NBC). For about the last 3 seasons, she's starred in a show called The Mindy Project which airs/aired (no renewal, yet, for next season) on the Fox network. Full disclosure: I haven't watched either show, ever. Just not my "thing".

There's at least two different Viagra ads running now where women are pushing the product, which makes about as much sense as ads where men promote tampons. Furthermore, would it have killed them to make sure to get an actress who can pronounce her "r"s? "Ask youw doctow if Viagwa is wight fow you."

Maybe they are projecting into the future and that woman is Cawoline from e-Hawmony?

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Sure. But are young kids in grade school really going to be more excited about a Toyota receptionist than an astronaut or a fireman? Especially when the latter two have shown up in full uniform/gear? I think not. It's the kids who look dumb in that commercial.

This, I hate that receptionist and want to smack the smug look off of her face, let's put all the fake spokespeople in a boat and give them a viking funeral.


Was watching Columbo, nostalgia, this weekend, has anyone seen the commercials with author James Patterson shilling his new superhero book? First, he is really creepy to look at, and should never appear on television, especially not in a superhero type outfit. Second, please don't hawk your crap by putting doen Marvel. If it can't stand on it's own, that's your fault. Third, for the love of goddesses, never let me see that man's face on my television again!

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I've had it with the woman who grinds out (I refuse to call it singing), "Aaaw Fiiiiiiiiiinally!"  I want to steal her pee-pee pads so that she has to shut up.

The part about that Tena commecial that gets me every time is when the voice-over says, "With Tena, let yourself go." Did they mean that as a pun?


I can't stand listening to that woman in the car, as you put it, grind out that song! OR the next lady laughing that nails-on-a-chalkboard cackle. Shudder.

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The part about that Tena commecial that gets me every time is when the voice-over says, "With Tena, let yourself go." Did they mean that as a pun?

I can't stand listening to that woman in the car, as you put it, grind out that song! OR the next lady laughing that nails-on-a-chalkboard cackle. Shudder.

I'm just trying to figure out if the lady with the Scottish accent, who does the voice over in that commercial, is singer Sheena Easton or not. I think it sounds like her--more than just because the commercial's voiced by a Scottish female. I've looked on at least 1 site which gives info about TV ads, but the only thing they had was the name of the singer who does the song in it: CeCe Peniston, who I think is a Gospel/Christian Music artist.

There's at least two different Viagra ads running now where women are pushing the product, which makes about as much sense as ads where men promote tampons.

Because women don't like teh sex and are grateful when their husbands can't get it up anymore? Why wouldn't they be in favor of something that helps keep the spark alive in their marriages?
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I am not weirded out by the thought of women talking to women about Viagra, which is the claim that these ads aim to do.  The issue is how these women are presented.  If they're trying to reach me, a middle-aged woman who could be expected to have a partner who might be starting to have issues getting it up and/or keeping it up, the coy, stretch across the bed, talk over your shoulder act does not make me want to listen to the spokesbeing. It does, however, make me a little queasy and more than a little stabby.    

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"Real Person" LaVonne Wandschneider got new floors from Empire.  Because Empire is "where it's at."  Really?  Is it still the 60s?

AND then she says people come to visit, see her floors and say, "Wow!  Where did you get that done?" and she tells 'em, "Empire."


I sit there wondering how she did that.  Did she have to send each room out to Empire individually, or did they move the whole house over to Empire, because that's *where* she got it done, not *who* did it.  I dunno about LaVonne, but when I had new floors put it, they came right over to my condo to do it.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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I am not weirded out by the thought of women talking to women about Viagra, which is the claim that these ads aim to do.  The issue is how these women are presented.  If they're trying to reach me, a middle-aged woman who could be expected to have a partner who might be starting to have issues getting it up and/or keeping it up, the coy, stretch across the bed, talk over your shoulder act does not make me want to listen to the spokesbeing. It does, however, make me a little queasy and more than a little stabby.    

That's how I feel.  It makes no sense how the women are presented.  If their target is women who have sex with men, why are their spokeswomen being "seductive"?  I think commercials where women sit around talking with their girlfriends about tampons, etc. are cheesy, but that approach would make more sense in the Viagra commercial.  "Larry's having trouble performing." "Oh he should take Viagra like Tom does!  Side effects may include heart attack or death."

  • Love 11

That's how I feel.  It makes no sense how the women are presented.  If their target is women who have sex with men, why are their spokeswomen being "seductive"? 

Because the target isn't women, it's men. The commercial is saying, "Hey, you older guys! Look what you might be missing out on because you're flaccid! Have some Viagra!"

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I am not weirded out by the thought of women talking to women about Viagra, which is the claim that these ads aim to do.  The issue is how these women are presented.  If they're trying to reach me, a middle-aged woman who could be expected to have a partner who might be starting to have issues getting it up and/or keeping it up, the coy, stretch across the bed, talk over your shoulder act does not make me want to listen to the spokesbeing. It does, however, make me a little queasy and more than a little stabby.    

The one commercial with the one with the darker hair kind of scares me. Sort of reminds me of a "Real Housewife of Long Island" type. And they can't be serious that these ads are aimed towards women. These actresses are middle-aged male fantasies. Not for me, since they're kind of above my economic bracket. Hell, Viagra might be above my economic bracket. So, I'm screwed.....or not.

  • Love 2

I am not weirded out by the thought of women talking to women about Viagra, which is the claim that these ads aim to do. The issue is how these women are presented. If they're trying to reach me, a middle-aged woman who could be expected to have a partner who might be starting to have issues getting it up and/or keeping it up, the coy, stretch across the bed, talk over your shoulder act does not make me want to listen to the spokesbeing. It does, however, make me a little queasy and more than a little stabby.

Why? Because middle-aged women can't be coy and sexy and playful? What's the appropriate level of sexiness a middle-aged woman may indulge in?
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Without any added cost or effort, they've also planted the fear that your wife is talking about your performance problems to her friends.


The more men and women talk about Viagra (and become comfortable with the idea), the more pills get sold.  I think Pfizer is banking on an inverse relationship between embarrassment and product sales.


This may be apples and oranges, but I wonder if we'll ever see men in commercials hawking those medicines for vaginal dryness or painful intercourse.


Also, will we ever see Viagra commercials aimed at gay men?

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Why? Because middle-aged women can't be coy and sexy and playful? What's the appropriate level of sexiness a middle-aged woman may indulge in?

I can't speak for the original poster, but for me, there is no appropriate level of sexiness the women in these commercials should be indulging in.  The ads are targeting women (not Jamoche's link).  Women who engage in sexual activity with men.  There is no point in the women in the ads trying to seduce the target.  It's like using steak to catch a rabbit.

  • Love 4

Why? Because middle-aged women can't be coy and sexy and playful?


Oh, yes, we can.  But we straight women usually aren't when talking with other women, even about sex.



Viagra insists this ad campaign is aimed at women. They're so clueless about what male gaze is, they can't even avoid it when they try.


Thanks for that link.


If you think about the difference between the new ads and the old ones, I think what they mean by "targeted to women" becomes clear.


The old Viagra ads were about virility.  Motorcycles, cowboys, sportscars, horses.


The new Viagra ads are about romance.  Which is just supposed to sucker us women in.  Regardless of who is delivering the romance, apparently.

Why? Because middle-aged women can't be coy and sexy and playful? What's the appropriate level of sexiness a middle-aged woman may indulge in?

Middle-aged women can be very sexy.  They can also chose to be coy and playful.  They can fuck like bunnies, be seductive and adventurous.  But even as a woman who is attracted to both men and women, the way these women are supposedly speaking to women does not make me want to talk to my man about Viagra.  Or what janie jones said: 


I can't speak for the original poster, but for me, there is no appropriate level of sexiness the women in these commercials should be indulging in.  The ads are targeting women (not Jamoche's link).  Women who engage in sexual activity with men.  There is no point in the women in the ads trying to seduce the target.  It's like using steak to catch a rabbit.


If the ads were supposed to be aimed at men, they could be as flirtatious as they like.  Be the fantasy woman.  Flirt, seduce and make the not very veiled promise that if you take the penis pills women as sexy as these will want take you to a tropical paradise to fuck your brains out.  Then get on your motorcycle and play dad rock at the bar with your cronies (oops, wrong ad).   

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Viagra insists this ad campaign is aimed at women. They're so clueless about what male gaze is, they can't even avoid it when they try.


Wow. /facepalm


I think they're clueless about women tbh. How about having an attractive 'male' spokesperson on it then? Women like seeing men in a similar light at times.

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Where are these women???

The sad truth is that just because a woman is sexy and interested in sex, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is interested in sex with you.  Maybe you should look for pairs of empty bathtubs in odd locations.  Settle into one and see if anyone jumps into the other.  Take your Cialis first.  I believe that's the cost of admission to the tub.  

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