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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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As I was walking through the kitchen/cafeteria at work today, I caught a glimpse of this commercial. Giant stuffed animals creeped me out as a kid (thanks, Poltergeist's almost-lifesize clown), but I am doubly horrified that this man thinks that fucking teddy bear is a great gift for his lady friend/wife/whoever. He needs to be castrated. I'm only slightly kidding.

I just think of this scene from Chronicle 

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The Our Time commercials annoy me because I think they mislead their target audience of older people looking for dates (I'm not sure what the site's age range is, exactly).  Let's face it, the people in the commercial are so damn above-average, it's ridiculous.  All of the women are wrinkle-free and have long, lovely, contemporary hair.  The men are Macy's sales circular model-variety handsome, and they wear up-to-date haircuts and clothes.  This is NOT reality in Our Time, Their Time, Anyone's Time.  Sure, there might be some foxy folks on that site (whose photos actually match their real appearance), but I'm betting there aren't a lot of people like the actors in this commercial.  Wonder if some old farts meet up with a normal-looking lady and leave disappointed (or vice-versa with genders).


btw - I plan to maintain foxiness for decades to come, so I'm not throwing shade at the people in the commercial.  (lols) ;)


I kind of disagree here.  There was a time when fifty was OLD, rocking chair old, but today that's not the case.  I'm 55 and I'm in better shape than a lot of twenty somethings, at least I didn't grow up eating fast food.

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I imagine the people in the commercial for any dating site look better than most of the people actually using said dating site.


(With the obvious exception of the eHarmony ads featuring the creepy founder.)

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The other exception was the very first FarmersOnly.com commercials.  They found some really dumpy-looking people for those; I immediately thought of MADtv's "Lowered Expectations" dating ads.  The newer commercials feature more attractive models (and are probably therefore more dishonest).

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The Our Time commercials annoy me because I think they mislead their target audience of older people looking for dates (I'm not sure what the site's age range is, exactly).  Let's face it, the people in the commercial are so damn above-average, it's ridiculous.  All of the women are wrinkle-free and have long, lovely, contemporary hair.  The men are Macy's sales circular model-variety handsome, and they wear up-to-date haircuts and clothes.  This is NOT reality in Our Time, Their Time, Anyone's Time.  Sure, there might be some foxy folks on that site (whose photos actually match their real appearance), but I'm betting there aren't a lot of people like the actors in this commercial.  Wonder if some old farts meet up with a normal-looking lady and leave disappointed (or vice-versa with genders).


btw - I plan to maintain foxiness for decades to come, so I'm not throwing shade at the people in the commercial.  (lols) ;)

Exactly. It makes no sense. And it's rather sexist to boot imo.

I imagine the people in the commercial for any dating site look better than most of the people actually using said dating site.


(With the obvious exception of the eHarmony ads featuring the creepy founder.)

I don't know if the Our Time ads are more misleading than any online dating ad.  Or the sex chat line ads.  Though I do have to think that the availability of attractive singles dwindles as the age progresses (more in the 20s, less in the 30s, maybe a spike in the 40s from divorce, then less again in the 50s and 60s). 

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I like the Honey Maid wholesome commercials, but there is just something about the one with the divorced parents that irritates me.  I don't know if I've been watching too much TLC, but something about the two moms in the commercial gives off a Sister Wives vibe.  Maybe it's the slight resemblance between the two women.

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Well, live and learn.  For a long time, I thought "50 Shades of Grey" was an ad for Benjamin Moore paints.

I HATE how the phrase "shades of grey"  now cannot be used to teach people not to see things in terms of extremes.  I work with adolescents, and one of the concepts we teach them is not to engage in black/white thinking, not to think everything is either all good or all bad, but to see the "shades of grey".   We've had to stop using that term, it has a different connotation now.  

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I HATE how the phrase "shades of grey"  now cannot be used to teach people not to see things in terms of extremes.  I work with adolescents, and one of the concepts we teach them is not to engage in black/white thinking, not to think everything is either all good or all bad, but to see the "shades of grey".   We've had to stop using that term, it has a different connotation now.  

Wasn't it also a Grateful Dead hit a long time ago? Biggest hit I believe. But I see what you're saying. When I was younger I engaged in this sort of thinking all the time. Very destructive. Now it's become all the rage with everything being extremes and no middle ground. With us or against us stuff. Well, that's my philosophical thought of the day...

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Me, too, except for the locker room one -- I know it's supposed to remind us of those After School Specials, but the way she's so quick to say "sprinkles are for winners" makes me think she's going to beat up the poor kid.


The locker room one is the only one I like from Flo.  I'll have to figure out how to work "sprinkles are for winners" into everyday conversations.

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Wasn't it also a Grateful Dead hit a long time ago? Biggest hit I believe

It was also the title of a Monkees song.[/oldies geek]

Didn't "Jake from State Farm" outlive its 15 minutes of fame sometime last year?

ETA: the Greatful Dead song was actually called "Touch of Grey."

Edited by smittykins
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It was also the title of a Monkees song.[/oldies geek]

Didn't "Jake from State Farm" outlive its 15 minutes of fame sometime last year?

ETA: the Greatful Dead song was actually called "Touch of Grey."

Thanks, can't believe I forgot that. It was on MTV a lot back then. I'm getting old enough now that everything is mixing together.

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There is not one, but TWO commercials with screaming goats in them. Not kidding, you guys... Screaming. Goats. Geico and Sprint must have the same advertising firm because that is just awful.

Edited by lachesis
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I don't really have an opinion on whether the goats are funny, annoying, or something in between, but I don't understand why it's a trend.  Is it some internet meme now being brought to television, were screaming goats part of a movie, or what?  It's so random to me, that for at least two commercials to be featuring it makes me think it's based on something of which I am unaware.

Edited by Bastet
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I love animals but hate the screaming goats (there's your new band name). I don't think they are funny at all. A lot of goats have that "uncanny valley" humanoid face. For that matter, I'm also freaked out by most monkeys/chimps/orangutans/etc. Zoos and farms are real minefields for me. Lemurs and cows--yes! Monkeys and goats--NOOO!

Edited by bilgistic
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I don't really have an opinion on whether the goats are funny, annoying, or something in between, but I understand why it's a trend.  Is it some internet meme now being brought to television, were screaming goats part of a movie, or what? 

Yeah, I vaguely remember it being used somewhere and then becoming a meme. 

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I hate the Xfinity commercial where the bitch downloads her shows to watch while on jury duty. I'm touchy as I was a violent crime victim and the case went to trial, but the police, the ADAs & their staff all worked their asses off for years before it got there. The jury had to sit through some pretty graphic descriptions of events so the photos of shocked facial expressions belittles so much.

Yes, being on jury duty can be a PITA but it is part of our legal system and the jury's decision makes a huge difference in a victim (and their families) life.

So a big FU to Xfinity.

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The thing that annoys me about the new "hump day" Geico commercial is when the voice over says, "If you're a camel, you have to put up with this."  Actually, I'm sure that isn't true.


Also, do the people in that commercial believe that the camels understand them?  I mean, is this meant to be the same world in which there is a talking camel that works in an office?  Because if so, it seems pretty fucked up that there would be camels in a zoo, if humans knew them capable of interacting with humans as peers.

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I hate the Xfinity commercial where the bitch downloads her shows to watch while on jury duty. I'm touchy as I was a violent crime victim and the case went to trial, but the police, the ADAs & their staff all worked their asses off for years before it got there. The jury had to sit through some pretty graphic descriptions of events so the photos of shocked facial expressions belittles so much.

Yes, being on jury duty can be a PITA but it is part of our legal system and the jury's decision makes a huge difference in a victim (and their families) life.

So a big FU to Xfinity.

Plus, last time I was called for jury duty, we were told if we were picked the only electronic device we could even bring into the courthouse was a cell phone and it had to off at all times except on breaks.

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I can't stand that commercial for the thing that shaves the dead skin off your feet.  I just don't want to watch that.  Now I found out that they are playing it during the commercials at our movie theater.  Who wants to watch that on the big screen?  Ewwww!

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Also, do the people in that commercial believe that the camels understand them?  I mean, is this meant to be the same world in which there is a talking camel that works in an office?  Because if so, it seems pretty fucked up that there would be camels in a zoo, if humans knew them capable of interacting with humans as peers.

And lo, the zoo camels joined with their proletariat brethren and launched an uprising, and thus began the world we live in today: Planet of the Camels.

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I'm tired of that truck ad in which they show people's reactions to pictures of a guy in front of a red truck or grey sedan. Why do they think the guy ias more macho with a truck? It's not like the guy is dressed differently for the truck, so I just don't get this woman thinking he's the bad boy she'd leave her husband for.

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Chaz Dean, for Wen shampoo for dogs, wash your hair!  You look greasier and filthier than Daryl on The Walking Dead.  Daryl has an excuse with being in the zombie apocalypse.  What's your excuse for that slicked backed grease bomb on your head?

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I'm tired of that truck ad in which they show people's reactions to pictures of a guy in front of a red truck or grey sedan. Why do they think the guy ias more macho with a truck? It's not like the guy is dressed differently for the truck, so I just don't get this woman thinking he's the bad boy she'd leave her husband for.

And I have to assume these people know they're in a focus group for trucks.  So the fact that they're even being shown the pictures annoys me, as they're completely irrelevant, since the question they're really being asked is not which of these men do you prefer (since it's the same guy with a different photoshopped background -- much like my friend gets for her daughter's school pictures.  Maybe next time those pictures come around, I should show her the one with her daughter in front of a bookcase and the one with her daughter in front of a locker and ask her, "Now which daughter do you love more?"), but would you rather date a guy in a truck or a sedan?


Show me an ad where they take women who don't know they're there to discuss trucks and show them pictures of two different guys in front of two different vehicles and then show another set of women the same guys but with each one standing in front of the opposite vehicle.  Then if the majority of the women are into the truck versions, maybe then I'll not think your ad is complete bullshit.

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I'm seriously annoyed by the Number 7 (tada) commercial where they take the women's mirrors away. If the product is so amazing, why are they not showing the actual before and after. The women's reactions to seeing themselves after six weeks without a mirror are useless. Most women have some kind of body dysmorphia which would probably be amplified by not being able to see yourself. You spend six weeks imagining yourself much worse and then the reality is a relief. That has nothing to do with your super special British snake oil.

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The women's reactions to seeing themselves after six weeks without a mirror are useless.

I don't see how they could spend weeks without seeing any mirrors, much less any reflective glass where they might catch a glimpse of themselves. No public restrooms? No department store shopping?

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I don't see how they could spend weeks without seeing any mirrors, much less any reflective glass where they might catch a glimpse of themselves. No public restrooms? No department store shopping?

We've locked these women in a dark room for six weeks, only letting them out when we applied our products.  We have told them that if they like what they see when we let them see themselves in a mirror at the end of this time, they will be allowed to go home.  Surprisingly, they were all over-joyed with their results.  Yet, none were willing to do another six week stint. 

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Are we supposed to believe that when women are invited into a back room for "a makeover" that

1-they aren't told ahead of time what this makeover is going to involve

2-when they are encountered with a shower that they are actually going to hop into that shower and then get dressed in the clothes they were wearing and touch up their makeup and hair with whatever they have with them

3-we, the audience, are supposed to believe these are not actresses?

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I don't know why Maury Povich would want to bring even more shame to himself & his show for even appearing in this crap.

I'm pretty sure you can't get any lower than being Maury Povich and having hosted that show. If anything, the Progressive commercials are a step up.

I hate the Xfinity commercial where the bitch downloads her shows to watch while on jury duty.

I hate my local Optimum commercial where the husband's excited to go camping and his wife pisses on his enthusiasm by declaring she's excited too -- because she's going to watch all her shows on demand thanks to the Optimum app. Edited by SmithW6079
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The commercial that's irritating me right now is the one for coke where the guy pours it out and then his (I suppose) girlfriend sits down, drinks the whole thing, then smiles at him like she's done something clever.


Isn't she cute?


No, she's a rude bitch.



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