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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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There's a new Safelite windshield commercial that annoys me. A young couple with a baby get a windshield crack, and the mom says "We can't drive this car!" and looks down at the infant in his carrier. I always think, sure you can. I had a rock chip that turned into a crack and I drove the car to work all week until I could get the windshield replaced. Trust me, lady, the car will run.

(In the interest of disclosure, I did use Safelite.Very pleased.)

I don't know if it's the same company but there's a commercial from a windshield place and the guy says "if your windshield needs fixed". It drives me crazy.

Hearing "Needs fixed" on a commercial by a professional business makes me cringe.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

Speaking of Fan Duel...

"Girl Dumps Boyfriend, Then Begs Him Back After He Makes $362,259 From Fantasy Sports"

The article also explains how it works unlike the commercial.



That reads like one big ad for FanDuel.


"Look at this guy!  He's just like you!  Terrible things are happening to him, but in one day, he won thousands of dollars!  It was so easy!  And so can you if you follow these steps!  But we're not FanDuel!  We're just hoping that one of you can win just like this guy!"


Does that sound cynical?

  • Love 6

I recently started seeing a lot of commercials for rehab centers.  I'm bugged by the claim that they can "cure" your addiction.  I was under the impression that most former addicts "manage" their addiction but ...the facilities always look pretty posh too.  Like a good massage and yoga on the beach will fix what ails you.  I'm not an addict of any sorts, but I'm thinking a stay at a nice resort and some indulgences would do me good too!

  • Love 8

Good news (maybe), Congress Critter has called for an investigation of Fan Duel/Draft Kings to really question whether they are gambling.   So far they have slipped under the radar because fantasy sports is about skill not luck.   It's gambling if it is all luck based, but not if it is skill based.


It was Congress that originally exempted fantasy sports from gambling legislation.



The term `bets or wagers'--


               `(D) does not include--


                          `(ix) participation in any fantasy or simulation sports game or educational game (if)


                                    `(II) All winning outcomes reflect the relative knowledge and skill of the participants and are determined predominantly by accumulated statistical results of the performance of individuals (athletes in the case of sports events) in multiple real-world sporting or other events.



I guess they forgot about that.

  • Love 1

WTF is that ugly-ass pink fish looking thing with no skin in the Promoted Stories that shows up at the bottom of the site?  I'm scared to click on it.

That image never ceases to repulse me.  I hate getting to the bottom of the page and seeing it there.  It looks like some guy went to his urologist and said, "Can you surgically alter the end of my johnson to look like Grumpy Cat?"

  • Love 7

This explains the FanDuel, DraftKings advertising explosion.  From Forbes and ABC news respectively.


"Fantasy operators especially have no desire to witness the eradication of entry fee based fantasy sports.  They, and their high profile investors, which include the National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball and Comcast."


"Two of the most popular daily fantasy sports providers are FanDuel and DraftKings, both estimated to bring in tens of millions of dollars in entry fees for the NFL’s first week, according to a recent Bloomberg article. The services have partnered with major sports leagues and brands. DraftKings, for instance, has an advertising relationship with ESPN, which, like ABC News, is part of the Walt Disney Co."

  • Love 2

Back to hating Wal-Mart, thank goodness.

While I actually think all of the PEOPLE in the game-day ad seem like perfectly nice friends, who throws a party the day of the game, but has no idea how many people are coming even minutes before the game starts? And did she have all that food in her house, or did one of them take a trip to Wally World that I missed?

  • Love 4

As we enter the election season, the mod team just wanted to clarify something:

We're not going to allow political ad discussion here because there's really no way to discuss the ads with devolving into a discussion about the actual politics, and that never ends well.

Posts violating this request will be deleted without explanation.

Did not know about this rule. Good to know.

Good news (maybe), Congress Critter has called for an investigation of Fan Duel/Draft Kings to really question whether they are gambling.   So far they have slipped under the radar because fantasy sports is about skill not luck.   It's gambling if it is all luck based, but not if it is skill based.

So much gambling is a combination of luck and skill.  While I would like to see these fantasy football let's-not-call-it-gambling sites shut down, my reason is purely selfish.  I am so sick of the ads.  At this point, I expected to see Draft Kings printed on my underwear.  It reminds me of the Futurama episode when Fry learns that everyone has ads piped into their dreams.  


That reads like one big ad for FanDuel.


"Look at this guy!  He's just like you!  Terrible things are happening to him, but in one day, he won thousands of dollars!  It was so easy!  And so can you if you follow these steps!  But we're not FanDuel!  We're just hoping that one of you can win just like this guy!"


Does that sound cynical?

It is a "advertorial" ; this is noted at the bottom of the page.  So you don't sound cynical at all.  It's an advertisement designed to look like an editorial.  Yet another rung on the ladder to hell.  

  • Love 3

I don't know if it's the same company but there's a commercial from a windshield place and the guy says "if your windshield needs fixed". It drives me crazy.

Hearing "Needs fixed" on a commercial by a professional business makes me cringe.


Like the stop smoking ads which talk about how many users "were quit".

BTW, there's a grammar pet peeves forum at http://forums.previously.tv/topic/11652-literally-and-other-offenders-on-the-grammar-police-docket/

  • Love 3

Like the stop smoking ads which talk about how many users "were quit".

BTW, there's a grammar pet peeves forum at http://forums.previously.tv/topic/11652-literally-and-other-offenders-on-the-grammar-police-docket/

I spend a lot of time there bitching.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2


So much gambling is a combination of luck and skill.  While I would like to see these fantasy football let's-not-call-it-gambling sites shut down, my reason is purely selfish.  I am so sick of the ads.



Me too for the same reason.


I know people who play fantasy sports. I see absolutely no difference in how they act vs. the $$ winners. They all go nuts over what I consider silly things. And I'm a big fat hypocrite because I game and I go nuts when I win. Or lose. However, I'm not on an ever-playing annoying commercial promoting gambling in a gazillion dollar business/sport that I despise to begin with. And it is gambling no matter what loophole they're leaping through.

  • Love 3


When was the last time you saw a grown-ass man put all the fingers of both hands in his mouth?!  Seriously looks like a cartoon!

It's like he's doing his impression of the ghost with all the hot dogs in his mouth in "Ghostbusters."


I just returned from the beach and the hotel where I stayed used Cottonelle bath tissue. But I did not go co-mahn-do. I did, however, really annoy my companion by singing "Cholera's a beautiful thing, I know, I know" after I had a few too many cocktails.

  • Love 6

Hearing "Needs fixed" on a commercial by a professional business makes me cringe.

Eliding the "to be" in constructions like that is a regionalism (parts of Pennsylvania for sure, maybe elsewhere) that I find harmless and colorful. I'd hate to see all the local variations in our language disappear.

  • Love 8

Eliding the "to be" in constructions like that is a regionalism (parts of Pennsylvania for sure, maybe elsewhere) that I find harmless and colorful. I'd hate to see all the local variations in our language disappear.


I can't speak for yinz, but that would make me sad too.

Edited by xaxat
  • Love 10

CINNAMILK!!! That might be a favorite coffee creamer for me!!!


On another commercial note, Downy is no longer a "Fabric Softener"....I know right? They went all PC or change of branding with the new annoying yet obvious label, " FABRIC CONDITIONER"


The same way "creme rinse" became "conditioner" and noodles became pasta.

  • Love 6

Dear Cinnamon Toast Crunch Ad Execs:

I apologize for complaining about the cannibalistic cereal in many of your commercials. I will gladly watch them if that means this atrocity goes away forever.

Thank you,


Omg. Why is there a baby. What... what... why is the woman twerking for mail? Wh... Jack Black? I can't keep up.

  • Love 2

One commercials that annoys me is the David's Bridal commercial.  They have a black man marrying a white (or white skinned) woman, but no black woman getting married.  That sucks.  Maybe they need to check this page out:  http://www.blackfemaleinterracialmarriage.com/


I always thought the song in the commercial was, "Color is a beautiful thing," I think Nina Simone is singing.

Edited by Neurochick

Lately, I find these the most annoying commercials that seem to run 24/7:

• The women wearing yellow, singing about their multi-vitamin in the car, the grocery store, etc.

• The dog dancing around on it's hind legs wearing a coconut bra. I have a dog. I love my dog. I'd never make my dog do that.

• Drug commercials that spend 90% of the commercial telling you that taking this drug can possibly maim or kill you.

• All ambulance-chasing law firms that repeat their phone number eleventy times.

  • Love 10



I wandered over here to complain about the stupid car commercial (Nissan?) that is happily trivializing the counterculture icon song "War" as a backdrop to a cutesey "gender war" road race. Look, I know ad execs will cannibalize anything and everything that might net some attention, but do you really want attention for disregarding a song's original tone/purpose just because you think it would be a cool jingle? Well, you've got my attention, but it's not the attention you might want.


And then I read this:


Chicken fries are back at Burger King!  "French fry and I are pregnant and we're having chicken fries!"  AAArrgghhh, just shoot me.

And, oh my god. No, no, NO. Food does not need to shown reproducing, having itself for a snack, having sex or going on dates, thankyouverymuch for ruining ANY appetite I might have had.


Oh, forumfish. I clicked on your link because I thought nothing could be worse than the cereal that eats itself. Why, Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Why? 


I just...well, I guess I'll go find an offgrid shack somewhere and live with the wolves and spiders and use the woods for a toilet and hope the bears in the wild don't approach me to ask if I have pieces. 

  • Love 13


I always thought the song in the commercial was, "Color is a beautiful thing," I think Nina Simone is singing.

That is what Nina Simone is singing, but it just sounds like "Cholera's a beautiful thing."


The infernal Party City Halloween commercials are back to haunt us for another six weeks or so. Blech.

  • Love 6

That is what Nina Simone is singing, but it just sounds like "Cholera's a beautiful thing."




My ears must be weird, because I never heard "cholera."  Oh well.


• The women wearing yellow, singing about their multi-vitamin in the car, the grocery store, etc.



I can't stand that commercial because it's bad lip syncing.  I thought it was funny that they all have the same singing voice.

  • Love 1



I wandered over here to complain about the stupid car commercial (Nissan?) that is happily trivializing the counterculture icon song "War" as a backdrop to a cutesey "gender war" road race. Look, I know ad execs will cannibalize anything and everything that might net some attention, but do you really want attention for disregarding a song's original tone/purpose just because you think it would be a cool jingle? Well, you've got my attention, but it's not the attention you might want.


And then I read this:

And, oh my god. No, no, NO. Food does not need to shown reproducing, having itself for a snack, having sex or going on dates, thankyouverymuch for ruining ANY appetite I might have had.


Oh, forumfish. I clicked on your link because I thought nothing could be worse than the cereal that eats itself. Why, Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Why? 


I just...well, I guess I'll go find an offgrid shack somewhere and live with the wolves and spiders and use the woods for a toilet and hope the bears in the wild don't approach me to ask if I have pieces. 

Seriously ad folks, please research the music you use!  The one with "War" is just SO WRONG.  Another one is I think, GMC and they are using "Eminence Front"  with the lyric "It's a put-on".  Do you REALLY want people to associate that with your product?

  • Love 4

They must have removed the "Milkface" Cinnamon Toast Crunch commercial because all the links pointing to it are now broke. They horrendous comments left, however, remain on the site. SMART.




UPDATE: I did just see it running live on TV. SMH...what are they thinking!

Edited by Flnurse


I wandered over here to complain about the stupid car commercial (Nissan?) that is happily trivializing the counterculture icon song "War" as a backdrop to a cutesey "gender war" road race. Look, I know ad execs will cannibalize anything and everything that might net some attention, but do you really want attention for disregarding a song's original tone/purpose just because you think it would be a cool jingle? Well, you've got my attention, but it's not the attention you might want.

There are so many examples of this "not getting it" syndrome.  Remember that cruise company using Iggy Pop's "Lust for Life"?. New Jersey wanting to use "Born in the USA" as their state song?  Republicans using, well just about any rock song at all?  They just don't give a shit.


  • Love 7

I'm a couple of days late on the Draft Kings/Fan Dual hate, but OMG! I'm not going to make it through football season. Seriously. And for some reason, the Draft KIngs commercials annoy me way more!


That said, while doing some research the other day before bitching on Facebook, I did find out the guy in the red jersey (finger eater, lol) and his brother in the blue who's holding the check with him are actually wearing Patriot jerseys. The current blue and a red No. 12 throwback. Draft Kings has digitally edited the details out and slapped those stupid DK patches on them. That made me feel better, actually, because I couldn't figure out what douches would be wearing Draft Kings jerseys.

Edited by tanyak
  • Love 1

Advertising is leading the way on one of my biggest peeves, the infantilization of language. Between "melty" cheese and "bouncy" balls and the complete disappearance of the actual word "vegetables" in favor of "veggies", we might as well all be in pre-K.

I was coming on here to complain about veggies.  Yes, the word exists, but does it have to be used in every commercial possible?  Calling them veggies will not make me like them more.  Using the term veggies around any of the children I know will not make them think they are not vegetables.  So if you advertise something to me as having veggies, I will not buy it.  I'll just go to the store and buy some actual vegetables.  


Dammit!  I have to go get those kids off my lawn!

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