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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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17 hours ago, chessiegal said:

My Whole Foods doesn't charge prices that are any more expensive than other grocery stores in the area, and the quality is almost always better.

I believe you, but that's not true where i live. 

Edited by chenoa333
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5 hours ago, funky-rat said:


We were at a restaurant with a buffet a few weeks back, and a middle school age kid decided to give an impromptu dance recital in everyone's way.  Anyone who pushed past, said "excuse me" or was visibly unamused got an ugly look from her mom, who thought it was adorable.


Mom would have gotten a look from me that would melt lead. I am a bitchface master. As I shoved past her and her annoying crotchfruit. Sometimes I feel like the only one who actually disciplines their kids and expects them to behave. Granted, it doesn't always happen, but I do my best. My husband and I refuse to raise wild animals. 

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On 11/6/2018 at 7:31 PM, andromeda331 said:

All of this yes. In-laws are going to understand your three year old probably not. But the part that bugs me is she didn't realize water did that much damage. She's never watch the news? Seen what happens in hurricanes and the aftermath? Big storms. But also her husband is in the military and this is what rocked her world? He's never told her the crap he's seen? Places he's been stationed, never been deployed to hurricane or other disaster areas? Storms where ever he was deployed? My dad still talks about typhoon season he experienced during Vietnam. Every time one hits he brings it up again. How bad it was. He did search and rescue. He still talks about all the places he's had to rescue people. Being called out on Thanksgiving during a blizzard to go rescue someone in the mountains. Having a spouse in the military she should be even more aware of how bad things can be not "shocked" and having her world "rocked" by a water leak?

I live up the road from the Coast Guard Academy. And a naval base. And General Dynamics, where submarines are built. Those folks must loooove this spot. We have old family friends where the dad and all the kids were in the Navy. Their spouses experienced some genuinely catastrophic things during deployments; on their behalf, I declare this ad to be ass.

Edited by spaceghostess
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Any Old Navy commercial annoys me.  I am not sure why but they just do.  I really get annoyed when they have the entire cast of the commercial stand together at the end of the commercial.  

Also, this one doesn't annoy me but it perplexes me.  This commercial is for Cricket Wireless were the green fuzzball character is singing the jingle for the company while wiping himself/itself with a towel.  Anyway, the green fuzzball drops the towel just as a P.A. enters his trailer to summon him to the set.  Once the P.A. sees that green fuzzball has dropped his towel the P.A. hurriedly walks away as the oblivious green fuzzball says, "Whoops."

Okay what perplexes me about this commercial is, they are obviously saying that sans towel green fuzzball is naked and therefore folks are not supposed to see him naked.  However, in every commercial prior to that one that featured green fuzzball, green fuzzball is in his birthday suit.  So why is it a big deal to see him naked if he clearly has no issue with being naked because the dude walks around naked all of the time.

Yes I have too much time on my hands, but damnit I want an answer to my green fuzzball question!

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I always hated The Addiction Network's ads, but after seeing Last Week Tonight's segment on these outfits, I violently, deeply, despise them. I can't even with the manipulative bullshit they're shoveling toward addicts and their families. Whenever I see/hear the fake doctor in those spots, I want to kick him in the face.

Edited by spaceghostess
Needed additional descriptives to adequately express hatred for Addiction Network and all they stand for
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5 hours ago, spaceghostess said:

I always hated The Addiction Network's ads, but after seeing Last Week Tonight's segment on these outfits, I violently, deeply, despise them. I can't even with the manipulative bullshit they're shoveling toward addicts and their families. Whenever I see/hear the fake doctor in those spots, I want to kick him in the face.

I hate those commercials too. Do you have a link to the report? 

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6 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Yes I have too much time on my hands, but damnit I want an answer to my green fuzzball question!

Apparently GFBall is related to Donald Duck, who runs around with only a sailor top on. Yet if something happens where his top gets ripped off him, he covers his nether regions with his wings/hands. Even as a child, I wondered about the stupidity of that.

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1 hour ago, SmithW6079 said:

I hate those commercials too. Do you have a link to the report? 

Yup. To be more accurate, it's really a segment on the need for oversight in the rehab industry in which T.A.N. is briefly mentioned (about halfway through) as an example of a conduit through which addicts are funneled to random rehabs. They earn for every referral, and that's all they want: lots of desperate people calling so T.A.N. can make money. After seeing this report, I just automatically associate T.A.N. and places like it with sketchy practices that prey on people at their most vulnerable.

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17 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

The gold one? I swear they show that one eleventy billion times a day. Or the "Whenever you're lucid" one? Same there.

The one that has the "24 Karat....24 Karat" while it sounds like someone is saying "Sound, sound, sound" and the pitch keeps getting higher.  HATE that one.

17 hours ago, Brattinella said:

MIND YOUR KIDS!  Damned inconsiderate people!

13 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

Mom would have gotten a look from me that would melt lead. I am a bitchface master. As I shoved past her and her annoying crotchfruit. Sometimes I feel like the only one who actually disciplines their kids and expects them to behave. Granted, it doesn't always happen, but I do my best. My husband and I refuse to raise wild animals. 

We stopped saying things when we had the unfortunate luck to be sitting next to two parents, and grandma, and 5 kids all under the age of 10 at a pizza restaurant.  The one girl kept turning around in her seat and annoying me - sticking her tongue out at me, etc.  I just ignore her.  After a few times of her being right next to my husband's head, he said "Hi.  Can you please turn around?  Thank you."  We got daggers from all the adults.  The mom asks what the kids want to eat, and the girl wanted a hot dog.  Pizza place doesn't have them.  She starts screaming "HOT DOG HOT DOG!!!!" at the top of her lungs.  People were staring.  She turned around again while the waitress was at the table.  The girl was right next to my husband's ear when she screeched "I WANT A HOT DOG....NOW!!!!!".  He was not expecting it, and dropped what he had in his hand (which landed in his lap), and reflexively said "JEEZ!  WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!".  We spent the next 20 minutes listening to the mom cry (literally) saying she was a good mom and people are just asses, the grandma reassuring her that she was indeed a good mom and the little girl was a good girl, and the dad saying he was going to be waiting in the alley behind the restaurant for my husband.  We've had kids steal food from our plates (I think it was French fries), kids build a "fort" under a table we were sitting at - and many other things that escape me right now.  And every time we asked the parents to have the kids stop, it's always us.  "I can tell you don't have kids", "It's none of your business", "It's just kids being kids", and on and on.  We always talk to the kids politely, and ask the parents politely.  The one where the kids took the food from our plate kicked the families out - there were 2 or 3 of them together where the adults drank wine and ignored the kids - because the kids were helping themselves to candy bars and other items at the register and not paying for them.  The parents essentially said "prove it" and a number of us said we saw them do it, and they also had security footage.  All adults left without paying the bill as well.  I watched a kid a few months ago at a local meat market that also sells homemade deserts, stick his finger in his nose, then poke holes in small pieces of cake.  The kid turned around and saw me looking at him, and he scooted away.  I gathered them all up and gave them to the girl at the counter.  She asked the family to leave.  I didn't say word one to them, but the kid knew I caught him, and he kept telling his dad "She's telling lies about me".  I just continued to ignore the kid and his dad, who made comments like "I guess I have to beat you when we get home unless someone says they lied, because bad kids get beaten" (he had no intention of beating his kid - he was trying to get me to say I lied - I did not).  I'm not a kid hater.  I'm an asshole parent hater.


8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Also, this one doesn't annoy me but it perplexes me.  This commercial is for Cricket Wireless were the green fuzzball character is singing the jingle for the company while wiping himself/itself with a towel.  Anyway, the green fuzzball drops the towel just as a P.A. enters his trailer to summon him to the set.  Once the P.A. sees that green fuzzball has dropped his towel the P.A. hurriedly walks away as the oblivious green fuzzball says, "Whoops."

Okay what perplexes me about this commercial is, they are obviously saying that sans towel green fuzzball is naked and therefore folks are not supposed to see him naked.  However, in every commercial prior to that one that featured green fuzzball, green fuzzball is in his birthday suit.  So why is it a big deal to see him naked if he clearly has no issue with being naked because the dude walks around naked all of the time.

Yes I have too much time on my hands, but damnit I want an answer to my green fuzzball question!

We have Cricket - we love them, and I love the fuzzballs.  Cricket sent me one for posting on Facebook (he's a blue fuzzball named Glen - according to his tag, he likes to take selfies).  I don't think too hard about the fuzzballs, but you have a point, lol.

54 minutes ago, spaceghostess said:

Yup. To be more accurate, it's really a segment on the need for oversight in the rehab industry in which T.A.N. is briefly mentioned (about halfway through) as an example of a conduit through which addicts are funneled to random rehabs. They earn for every referral, and that's all they want: lots of desperate people calling so T.A.N. can make money. After seeing this report, I just automatically associate T.A.N. and places like it with sketchy practices that prey on people at their most vulnerable.

I do service work with a 12 step group (so does my husband, but a different one), and I hate these things with a passion.  They don't care about the addict at all.  Did you ever see the one that they run called "Make America Sober Again?".  They're targeting a specific segment of society with that one, and it really irritates me.  I've heard horror stories about bad/shady rehabs from families of addicts, and it's awful.

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The "no yank tank" commercials from Duluth Trading Company: this is a solution in search of a problem, no?

Edited by jcbrown
because somehow a weird image of the word "broccoli" got embedded. Gremlins?
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34 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

The "no yank tank" commercials from Duluth Trading Company: this is a solution in search of a problem, no?



Don't wear the super low rise jeans so you don't have to keep yanking to cover your ass crack. I got a name for their product: the no yank, ass crack tank.

And please, no snide remarks from female plumbers! Unless you work for The Smell Good Plumbers." 

Edited by chenoa333
Smokin' hot Jamaican
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1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

We've had kids steal food from our plates (I think it was French fries), kids build a "fort" under a table we were sitting at - and many other things that escape me right now.  And every time we asked the parents to have the kids stop, it's always us.  "I can tell you don't have kids", "It's none of your business", "It's just kids being kids", and on and on.  We always talk to the kids politely, and ask the parents politely.  The one where the kids took the food from our plate kicked the families out - there were 2 or 3 of them together where the adults drank wine and ignored the kids - because the kids were helping themselves to candy bars and other items at the register and not paying for them.  The parents essentially said "prove it" and a number of us said we saw them do it, and they also had security footage.  All adults left without paying the bill as well.  I watched a kid a few months ago at a local meat market that also sells homemade deserts, stick his finger in his nose, then poke holes in small pieces of cake.  The kid turned around and saw me looking at him, and he scooted away.  I gathered them all up and gave them to the girl at the counter.  She asked the family to leave.  I didn't say word one to them, but the kid knew I caught him, and he kept telling his dad "She's telling lies about me".  I just continued to ignore the kid and his dad, who made comments like "I guess I have to beat you when we get home unless someone says they lied, because bad kids get beaten" (he had no intention of beating his kid - he was trying to get me to say I lied - I did not).  I'm not a kid hater.  I'm an asshole parent hater.


Yikes!  I'm with you there, I'm an asshole parent hater, too.  But sometimes, I feel like Brian in Family Guy at the restaurant.

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@funky-rat, oh, lord, your stories about the kids you've encountered...and their parents. Oof. 

I can sympathize, too. Everyone in my family has worked retail at some point, and we've all had stories about having to deal with parents who glared at us because we dared to tell their kids that hey, they're not supposed to take this item, or climb on that shelf/table/chair, or to stop running through the store, or whatever. And then there's the parents who seem to think that we can totally babysit their kids while they go do whatever else, 'cause y'know, it's not like retail is a busy job and we have a ton of stuff to do or anything! 

And the whole "you don't have kids"/"it's just kids being kids" thing. First off, yes, kids get rambunctious and restless, that's what they do. I was a kid once, too, after all. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be told to settle down if they're bothering other people or running around somewhere where they could get hurt or break something (besides that, if I'm working at the place where kids are running around, I kind of HAVE to say that, 'cause otherwise the employees and store/restaurant/wherever could be held liable for whatever happens, and that's a headache I and many others would rightly like to avoid). And second, I don't get where not being a parent automatically means somebody doesn't have the right to speak up if a kid is misbehaving in public and causing trouble. 

/end rant. Anywho, so, yeah, back to ranting about commercials :p. 

5 hours ago, funky-rat said:

Did you ever see the one that they run called "Make America Sober Again?".  They're targeting a specific segment of society with that one, and it really irritates me.  

...oh, for god's sake, seriously? 

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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

..oh, for god's sake, seriously? 

6 hours ago, Brattinella said:

"Make America Sober Again" is a company DBA The Addiction Network.  Same nasty company,   Only the MASA part is just a marketing scheme in Florida, not an actual rehab or helping anybody.

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8 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Don't wear the super low rise jeans so you don't have to keep yanking to cover your ass crack. I got a name for their product: the no yank, ass crack tank.

And please, no snide remarks from female plumbers! Unless you work for The Smell Good Plumbers." 

I agree about the jeans, but some women have long torsos, and shirts run short for them. I have a friend who loves these shirts. She can reach over her head or bend over and not have the shirt ride up. Her only other alternative is to buy shirts a couple sizes too big to get more length. 

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On 11/13/2018 at 2:02 PM, ari333 said:

I HATE that commercial with Kelly what's her name where she finds out she is 74% italian and she starts talking in an accent in a bakery and says one word in italian. I just hate it. HATE

This is the WORST.  Am I supposed to find her butchering Italian cute?  Because I sure as fuck do not.  Get bent, ancestry.com.

Also Walmart can go to hell with their lazy ass marketing agency who slaps together an ad, puts a good song under it and calls it a day.

Also also I am so beyond tired of cell phone, and computer, and camera, and cell phones that are computers with cameras ads.  It feels like every company has one and they are all ten minutes long.  We get it.  People are shit at taking pictures.  Leave me out of it.

Edited by mojoween
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18 hours ago, BK1978 said:

This commercial is for Cricket Wireless were the green fuzzball character is singing the jingle for the company while wiping himself/itself with a towel.  Anyway, the green fuzzball drops the towel just as a P.A. enters his trailer to summon him to the set.  Once the P.A. sees that green fuzzball has dropped his towel the P.A. hurriedly walks away as the oblivious green fuzzball says, "Whoops."

Okay what perplexes me about this commercial is, they are obviously saying that sans towel green fuzzball is naked and therefore folks are not supposed to see him naked.  However, in every commercial prior to that one that featured green fuzzball, green fuzzball is in his birthday suit.  So why is it a big deal to see him naked if he clearly has no issue with being naked because the dude walks around naked all of the time.

Yes I have too much time on my hands, but damnit I want an answer to my green fuzzball question!

The fact that you spend time thinking about the green fuzzball in the Cricket Wireless ad makes me think that in real life we would be friends.  And having an awesome time sharing a glass of wine while people watching.

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20 hours ago, funky-rat said:

The one that has the "24 Karat....24 Karat" while it sounds like someone is saying "Sound, sound, sound" and the pitch keeps getting higher.  HATE that one.

That's actually a great Bruno Mars song.

Oh, man, Funky Rat, your kid experiences in restaurants is awful.  Management should have stepped in in all those cases.

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16 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

I agree about the jeans, but some women have long torsos, and shirts run short for them. I have a friend who loves these shirts. She can reach over her head or bend over and not have the shirt ride up. Her only other alternative is to buy shirts a couple sizes too big to get more length. 

Plus some tanks just manage to work their way up to your natural waist throughout the day if you never pull them down.  Those are the ones I think of when I see the No Yank Tank commercial.

The other thing I think of is I'm pretty sure the shot of the lady prying a plank off the side of a house appears in the tank top commercial and their yoga pant commercial.

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On 11/15/2018 at 4:44 PM, Pickles said:

The Hershey bar commercials. The music/song is just annoying to me. Same with Chili’s and the repetitive baby back rib song. Ughhhhhh.

You mean the "Don't worry Maddie, it'll get better, I promise" commercials?    Ugh, they make me want to say "Grow the F up Maddie and get over it!". 


The Peleton and Nordic Track commercials make me want to punch every single person in them.  They are never-ending.

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Anyone see the spot where a British-accented narrator intones "if you are on the list for a liver transplant..." and goes on to imply you can jump the line by signing up with a living donor program?

SMH.  They find an advertising budget for this stuff while people are going bankrupt trying to pay for inadequate health care coverage.



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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 8:41 AM, Prevailing Wind said:

Apparently GFBall is related to Donald Duck, who runs around with only a sailor top on. Yet if something happens where his top gets ripped off him, he covers his nether regions with his wings/hands. Even as a child, I wondered about the stupidity of that.


On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:30 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

The fact that you spend time thinking about the green fuzzball in the Cricket Wireless ad makes me think that in real life we would be friends.  And having an awesome time sharing a glass of wine while people watching.


On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 10:50 AM, funky-rat said:

The one that has the "24 Karat....24 Karat" while it sounds like someone is saying "Sound, sound, sound" and the pitch keeps getting higher.  HATE that one.

We have Cricket - we love them, and I love the fuzzballs.  Cricket sent me one for posting on Facebook (he's a blue fuzzball named Glen - according to his tag, he likes to take selfies).  I don't think too hard about the fuzzballs, but you have a point, lol.


I now don't think he is green unless there is more than one.  In the commercial I saw tonight he was yellow, now I really am confused.  What FUNKY-RAT said has me believe there are more than one but I am not sure.

Also, I hate the 24 Karat song as well.  I believe that is Bruno Mars singing the song but I am not positive.  

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Ugh I see Honey Bunches of Oates is doubling down on that annoying factory worker lady. And now she’s singing. Kill me now!

On 11/16/2018 at 10:50 AM, funky-rat said:

The one that has the "24 Karat....24 Karat" while it sounds like someone is saying "Sound, sound, sound" and the pitch keeps getting higher.  HATE that one.

We stopped saying things when we had the unfortunate luck to be sitting next to two parents, and grandma, and 5 kids all under the age of 10 at a pizza restaurant.  The one girl kept turning around in her seat and annoying me - sticking her tongue out at me, etc.  I just ignore her.  After a few times of her being right next to my husband's head, he said "Hi.  Can you please turn around?  Thank you."  We got daggers from all the adults.  The mom asks what the kids want to eat, and the girl wanted a hot dog.  Pizza place doesn't have them.  She starts screaming "HOT DOG HOT DOG!!!!" at the top of her lungs.  People were staring.  She turned around again while the waitress was at the table.  The girl was right next to my husband's ear when she screeched "I WANT A HOT DOG....NOW!!!!!".  He was not expecting it, and dropped what he had in his hand (which landed in his lap), and reflexively said "JEEZ!  WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!".  We spent the next 20 minutes listening to the mom cry (literally) saying she was a good mom and people are just asses, the grandma reassuring her that she was indeed a good mom and the little girl was a good girl, and the dad saying he was going to be waiting in the alley behind the restaurant for my husband.  We've had kids steal food from our plates (I think it was French fries), kids build a "fort" under a table we were sitting at - and many other things that escape me right now.  And every time we asked the parents to have the kids stop, it's always us.  "I can tell you don't have kids", "It's none of your business", "It's just kids being kids", and on and on.  We always talk to the kids politely, and ask the parents politely.  The one where the kids took the food from our plate kicked the families out - there were 2 or 3 of them together where the adults drank wine and ignored the kids - because the kids were helping themselves to candy bars and other items at the register and not paying for them.  The parents essentially said "prove it" and a number of us said we saw them do it, and they also had security footage.  All adults left without paying the bill as well.  I watched a kid a few months ago at a local meat market that also sells homemade deserts, stick his finger in his nose, then poke holes in small pieces of cake.  The kid turned around and saw me looking at him, and he scooted away.  I gathered them all up and gave them to the girl at the counter.  She asked the family to leave.  I didn't say word one to them, but the kid knew I caught him, and he kept telling his dad "She's telling lies about me".  I just continued to ignore the kid and his dad, who made comments like "I guess I have to beat you when we get home unless someone says they lied, because bad kids get beaten" (he had no intention of beating his kid - he was trying to get me to say I lied - I did not).  I'm not a kid hater.  I'm an asshole parent hater.


We have Cricket - we love them, and I love the fuzzballs.  Cricket sent me one for posting on Facebook (he's a blue fuzzball named Glen - according to his tag, he likes to take selfies).  I don't think too hard about the fuzzballs, but you have a point, lol.

I do service work with a 12 step group (so does my husband, but a different one), and I hate these things with a passion.  They don't care about the addict at all.  Did you ever see the one that they run called "Make America Sober Again?".  They're targeting a specific segment of society with that one, and it really irritates me.  I've heard horror stories about bad/shady rehabs from families of addicts, and it's awful.

Yikes. Where in the heck are you eating that children - but moreso parents - are behaving this way? I’d like to know so I can avoid them. 

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3 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Ugh I see Honey Bunches of Oates is doubling down on that annoying factory worker lady. And now she’s singing. Kill me now!

Wait, there's more!  There is a brand-new one of Honey Bunches of Oats where she is singing and it is a blooper reel!  Meaning, lots of repeats of the horrible first line of the jingle!

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30 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

Wait, there's more!  There is a brand-new one of Honey Bunches of Oats where she is singing and it is a blooper reel!  Meaning, lots of repeats of the horrible first line of the jingle!

Oh dear lord. Talk about a blooper reel that nobody asked for! 

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11 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Yikes. Where in the heck are you eating that children - but moreso parents - are behaving this way? I’d like to know so I can avoid them. 

All local (ie: one-off) restaurants in about a 100 mile radius of where I live.  I don't even recall the names of many of them - one was a small café that bragged about their bagels in a town where we spent a weekend once (where the kids took food of our plate and stole candy bars and candy at the register), one was a diner that isn't open anymore that we stopped at occasionally when my husband had a delivery in the area (where the kids built a fort under our table).  The HOT DOG!!! one was a local pizza place that is named after the owner's kid - the kid is cute, but there's a horrible picture of him on the sign (looks nothing like him) and we always nicknamed it "Ugly Kid Pizza".  I have not been back to that restaurant to eat there since that incident.  We did go back once or twice after that, but it was strictly take-out.

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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 11:10 PM, BK1978 said:



I now don't think he is green unless there is more than one.  In the commercial I saw tonight he was yellow, now I really am confused.  What FUNKY-RAT said has me believe there are more than one but I am not sure.

There are a number of fuzzballs.  Some are different colors, like yellow and blue.  One of the green ones has hair, making him different from the bald green fuzzball.  :)

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On November 8, 2018 at 6:25 PM, peacheslatour said:

Rumor has it she keeps a spit bucket behind the counter and after she tastes a recipe she spits it out into the spit bucket. How lovely for her crew.

(From pages ago)

On November 9, 2018 at 6:51 PM, Ubiquitous said:

I think that's standard procedure. I know that's what they do in food commercials in which someone eats or drinks something.

It's also what they do in movies, or filmed TV series, for eating scenes. With the number of retakes and different angles that have to be covered (a dinner scene in a movie might take a whole day to shoot), there's no way everybody could actually eat everything they chew. So there are spit-bucket people whose job is to dash around the table each time the camera stops.

11 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I like the Honey Bunch of Oats lady! I think she's adorable. Mileage truly does vary.

I'm not a fan of the silly song, but I like that they've had the same Honey Bunches of Oats lady for so long -- since 2002. It turns out that she's an actual Post company employee! Diana Hunter retired last year after 41 years on the job (for the last half of which she also appeared in the ads), but returned to kick off this new campaign (which will apparently then continue without her). I hope she got a good contract on the commercials and will now live out her retirement in luxury.

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1 hour ago, Rinaldo said:

(From pages ago)

It's also what they do in movies, or filmed TV series, for eating scenes. With the number of retakes and different angles that have to be covered (a dinner scene in a movie might take a whole day to shoot), there's no way everybody could actually eat everything they chew. So there are spit-bucket people whose job is to dash around the table each time the camera stops.

I'm not a fan of the silly song, but I like that they've had the same Honey Bunches of Oats lady for so long -- since 2002. It turns out that she's an actual Post company employee! Diana Hunter retired last year after 41 years on the job (for the last half of which she also appeared in the ads), but returned to kick off this new campaign (which will apparently then continue without her). I hope she got a good contract on the commercials and will now live out her retirement in luxury.

She was also known as "Herkel" back in the old TWOP days.

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13 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I like the Honey Bunch of Oats lady! I think she's adorable. Mileage truly does vary.

I agree - it is refreshing to see someone proud of their work but I agree she can get on some people's nerves.  Speaking of nerves, the couple who put their heads flat on the table to see how thin or thick the crust is......just stop.

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4 hours ago, BigBingerBro said:

I'd actually prefer listening to the Honey Bunches of Oats lady sing than listen to the Geico group screeching out "Heaven is a place on earth". 

Same here.  And, I'd listen to it on an hour-long loop before I'd watch that "Johnsonville brats are made in the U.S.A." woman's commercial a single time.  None of this is to say I like the new Honey Bunches of Oats commercial with the singing, just that the Progressive one is even more annoying and that Johnsonville one will be Exhibit A in my affirmative defense if I ever happen across that woman and punch her square in the mouth.

Edited by Bastet
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I normally don't mind - or, in the case of "sprinkles are for winners," outright like - the Jamie commercials, but that one with the a capella group is awful; Jamie manages to be even more annoying than the singers.

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On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 7:46 PM, chenoa333 said:

I believe you, but that's not true where i live. 

There aren't any where I live.  The closest one was near Chadd's Ford, PA, and it was a lot more expensive, but I'm not even sure if it's there anymore.

But that commercial is obnoxious.

On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 11:10 PM, BK1978 said:

Also, I hate the 24 Karat song as well.  I believe that is Bruno Mars singing the song but I am not positive.  

Yes, it is Bruno Mars, and I hate that song with a passion.


14 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Oh dear lord. Talk about a blooper reel that nobody asked for! 

I didn't ask for it, but I find it very amusing.

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It's also what they do in movies, or filmed TV series, for eating scenes. With the number of retakes and different angles that have to be covered (a dinner scene in a movie might take a whole day to shoot), there's no way everybody could actually eat everything they chew. So there are spit-bucket people whose job is to dash around the table each time the camera stops.

I saw a touring version of "Hello, Dolly" with Carol Channing. There's a scene where she's supposed to be eating chicken & dumplings. You can't have a spit bucket on stage. It took 'em a while to figure out how to make realistic-looking dumplings out of cotton candy, so Channing wouldn't be laden with too much food.

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On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:20 PM, chessiegal said:

I was watching Giada this afternoon (don't judge, she has some good recipes), and she took 2 bites of a dish and clearly swallowed. I've read she exercises something like 4-5 hours a day.

Wow, that reminded me of another Food Network show from that time in which we endlessly speculated about whether the hostess had an eating disorder or not because she would sample whatever crap she was making but she never seemed to swallow her miniscule portion. We used to rag on her show all time on TVwoP. Robin's Quickfix Meals?

On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 7:23 PM, peacheslatour said:

Really? Huh, I think It's funny.

I think it's rude for them to bring a meal when someone else is cooking for you but even worse that they're trying to subvert her Thanksgiving dinner with their own food and without her noticing!

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5 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Speaking of nerves, the couple who put their heads flat on the table to see how thin or thick the crust is......just stop.

Whoever created this fever dream of idiocy had to have been baked out of their minds.  In no way does this make me want to even consider a Little Caesars pizza.

The ad for Rexulti bums me the fuck out.  Maybe I don’t truly understand depression, but when the lady says she no longer has to use the mask she still doesn’t look happy!  I mean, I know that taking med isn’t a magic pill, but her face looks no different at the end of the ad than it did at the beginning.  Maybe it’s just the actress.  

Edited by mojoween
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9 hours ago, BigBingerBro said:

I'd actually prefer listening to the Honey Bunches of Oats lady sing than listen to the Geico group screeching out "Heaven is a place on earth". 

I would rather listen to my cat cough up a hair ball than listen to either. 

5 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

She was also known as "Herkel" back in the old TWOP days.

Ahh i don’t remember that. Why did

she get that nickname?

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37 minutes ago, mojoween said:

In no way does this make me want to even consider a Little Caesars pizza.

Ditto, but OTOH, even if Little Caesar's were my only option for pizza, I might just go without pizza.  Besides, I like a good crust!

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