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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I don't know if Kirstie Alley has endorsed any other weight loss programs, but she's done Jenny Craig more than once and gained it back.  Hopefully for her, this time it will stick.

Kirstie lost with Jenny Craig, and then gained it back. Kirstie invented her own diet plan ("Organic Liaison"), lost, sold a bunch of books and diet foods, got sued that she actually lost the weight by appearing on DWTS, and gained it back. Now she's back with JC.

I suspect that all this extreme yo-yo dieting is bad for her health, and maybe she would have been better off accepting herself and leaving Hollywood.

Btw, there are many who claim that Marie Osmond lost all her weight by appearing on DWTS, and not by Nutrisystem.

Edited by ennui
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I heard it was all the training for stunts on Spy that made her lose weight.


More power to Oprah if she's trying to get healthier, but given her history if I had a weight loss system she's the last spokesperson I'd want for my products. If I were a yo-yo tycoon, on the other hand...

But, I would think that that might make her a good spokesperson because it makes her more identifiable to the audience.  I would think that most people on WW have tried other diets and "systems" and it didn't work for them.  I feel like thats why there is all this talk of her and the audience going on a "journey" together, because they are all alike in that way.


But truly, maybe I've mostly seen the cover of "O" magazines, but I don't think Oprah looks fat for being Oprah.  I thought she looked odd when she lost all that weight in the 90's.

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Oprah saying "journey" is standard WW lingo, they've been using it for years. I like it, because, in my mind, once I reached goal weight didn't mean my journey had ended, to me it means the journey continues with a different goal - stay healthy by eating healthy food and exercise that helps maintain good health. Life is a journey. I've found it helpful not to think, okay, I've lost my weight, now that's done and over with, because it isn't.


Okay, I'll stop waxing philosophic now.

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Kirstie [...] got sued that she actually lost the weight by appearing on DWTS, and gained it back. Now she's back with JC.

Btw, there are many who claim that Marie Osmond lost all her weight by appearing on DWTS, and not by Nutrisystem.

Well, apparently they need to make a diet book about DWTS.

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I hope someone has already mentioned this Liberty Mutual ad, but I hate the one where the lady with the cup of coffee says, "You do all this research on the perfect car. Gas mileage, horsepower, torque ratios. Three spreadsheets later, you finally bring home the one . . . then smash it into a tree. Your insurance company is all to happy to raise your rates. Maybe . . . you should have done a little more research on them." And she walks off with an arrogant smirk.

I can't help cussing at her as she walks away

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I hope someone has already mentioned this Liberty Mutual ad, but I hate the one where the lady with the cup of coffee says, "You do all this research on the perfect car. Gas mileage, horsepower, torque ratios. Three spreadsheets later, you finally bring home the one . . . then smash it into a tree. Your insurance company is all to happy to raise your rates. Maybe . . . you should have done a little more research on them." And she walks off with an arrogant smirk.

I can't help cussing at her as she walks away

They yammer on about their accident forgiveness in another spot and it is included in your coverage, so this must not be her first accident...maybe she should direct more attention to driving carefully rather than making spreadsheets (and 3?) and drinking coffee. Edited by DeLurker
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They yammer on about their accident forgiveness in another spot and it is included in your coverage, so this must not be her first accident...maybe she should direct more attention to driving carefully rather than making spreadsheets (and 3?) and drinking coffee.

On a shallow note, she might also consider directing attention to finding a pair of pants that fit.

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I've noticed that the GMC show offs are back. The guy is unloading his storage bins and the neighbor said his was in his garage...Yep..you guessed it. He had a new car in there and that's how he's starting off HIS year.

Go away show off neighbors!!!!!!

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I love the song "Beth", because that's my name and I just think it's a beautiful song. I hate that it's in a commercial.

On a shallow note, she might also consider directing attention to finding a pair of pants that fit.

I just noticed those terrible, awful, ill-fitting pants the other day, for some reason I actually paid attention to a LM commercial?

Edited by kariyaki
fixed quote tags
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Well, apparently they need to make a diet book about DWTS.

Way, way back when Tina Turner made her comeback - and this was pre-Internet, so Google is no help for my fuzzy memory - someone asked her how she still looked so good at that age. Her answer was something like "spend 20 years dancing your ass off."

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I like the song "Beth," and I think it's an adorable commercial. However, I often wonder how these people fit so many activities into one day. Remember the guy doing the computer backup who still had time to go into the ocean for fresh lobster? There are only so many hours in a day, iirc.

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Did you know buying postage via the internet is actually cheaper than when you go to the counter at the USPO? That's why my ex-boss used stamps.com. It was cheaper. I suppose he thought the monthly fee and the expense of the sheets of stamp labels was worth it. <shrug>

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I've noticed that the GMC show offs are back. The guy is unloading his storage bins and the neighbor said his was in his garage...Yep..you guessed it. He had a new car in there and that's how he's starting off HIS year.

Go away show off neighbors!!!!!!

He is begging for someone to key his car. Just so he can start off his year RIGHT.

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If you pay attention to the Liberty Mutual commercials, "accident forgiveness" is a feature you have to pay extra for. I gather it isn't even available in some states.

Because I am pathetic and wondered about that before I made my post, this is what it says on the site:  At Liberty Mutual, we know how much you count on your car because others are counting on you. That's why we do everything we can to keep you on the road. With Accident Forgiveness, your price won't go up due to your first car accident. Accident Forgiveness comes standard with your policy at no extra charge to qualifying customers.


I don't know what you have to do to be a "qualifying customer" - maybe agree to be on one of their annoying commercials?

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Because I am pathetic and wondered about that before I made my post, this is what it says on the site:  At Liberty Mutual, we know how much you count on your car because others are counting on you. That's why we do everything we can to keep you on the road. With Accident Forgiveness, your price won't go up due to your first car accident. Accident Forgiveness comes standard with your policy at no extra charge to qualifying customers.


I don't know what you have to do to be a "qualifying customer" - maybe agree to be on one of their annoying commercials?


My guess is that:  You have been a long-standing customer with NO ACCIDENTS.  Or maybe just full coverage.

Edited by Brattinella
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There is this infomercial style ad for some fixit instantly product, whose name I've already blocked out but I think does have "fixit" in it. And of course they show some disembodied hand reconnecting handles to mugs and pitchers, or two pieces of rope together, or leather or whatever and it magically is strong enough that you can tow a truck with it or whatever.

Here's the problem: everytime they show the magical-fixey-whatever product being applied to something it makes this HORRIBLE sound. The sound, I assume, is supposed to be some futuristic "action" type indicator. Sonic-screwdriver or teleporter it is not. Thing sounds halfway between a high-pitched fire alarm beep and screeching brake rotors grinding metal on metal. But it's such a brief sound I almost wasn't sure it was coming from the commercial. I muted my TV to make sure there wasn't some actual industrial accident somehow happening outside and maybe the sound was only just what I could hear of it over the TV and through my insulated walls on my otherwise usually quiet street. Nope. Totally an "every time they apply the stuff" sound effect. Not only was it irritating but the sound engineering was clearly weird if it were pitch-and-volumewise difficult for me to tell that it was, in fact, coming from the ad.

If I never hear that sound again that'd be great.

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I prefer going to the Post Office myself. Whether I need stamps to mail something or want a set of commemorates I'd prefer a ride down the street and going to the counter to get them. It's easier for me. I'm a sometime stamp collector so that's more money for them

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I can understand not wanting to have people laid off, but man, the post office can be a rough situation.  I went to the post office the other day, because I wanted to get tracking on my letter.  


There was a guy at the counter trying to hand over an open box to the clerk.  Oh, wait, an open box without the address on it.  Apparently the address was in his pocket.  Had no tape, had no way to write the address on the box.  he was just somehow hoping the clerk would take the box and take care of it.  Seemed shocked that he had to tape his own box shut and write the address on it.


I think that there will always be people like this, and there will always be a need for a post office to help them.  If the post office can be primarily for people with these "special issues" and people who like the post office maybe that will be better so I don't have to overuse my eye rolling muscles.  And, for some reason there is always someone coughing in every post office I've been in.  Now, I'm not about to pay some monthly fee since I'm not at the post office very often, but still.

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In my whole life, I can count on one hand the times the post office has screwed up a delivery, and those times it was the holiday season when packages were being delivered by new hires. UPS and FedEx, on the other hand...if there was a way to demand Amazon and their ilk not use them, I'd sign up. Packages misdelivered, left out in the rain, not left at all because I lived in an apartment and UPS deemed that an inside hallway was not secure when leaving things on the stoop of a house all day was A-OK...give me the USPS any time.

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I, on the other hand, love my UPS and FedEx guys. They always knock and hand me my packages. They don't just leave them. The USPS, however, sucks big time. They won't deliver anything. I have to go to the Post Office, stand in line forever behind people with 486 kids each, people who apparently have TB and then figure out how to wrestle my packages to my car and then up a flight of stairs to my door. I cringe whenever I see a package is sent via USPS.

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UPS and FedEx, on the other hand...if there was a way to demand Amazon and their ilk not use them, I'd sign up.

You probably weren't serious but just in case - there's always the option of regular shipping when I check out, and whatever purchase I've chosen to take the scenic route does arrive by USPS.

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My guess is that:  You have been a long-standing customer with NO ACCIDENTS.  Or maybe just full coverage.

AKA, the "Dummy Deluxe" insurance deal.


I noticed the Liberty Mutual ad is back in rotation with the woman bitching about getting 75% for her totaled car and thinking she's going to have to buy a car with three wheels.


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Packages misdelivered, left out in the rain, not left at all

An item I ordered was shipped FedEx.  Tracking said it was delivered.  Nope.  Called seller, they said they'd send another one.  Meanwhile, a week after it was allegedly delivered, it showed up on my doorstep.  THEN I got a call from the FedEx guy...did I get my package?  He said he couldn't find address 1229, so he just left it at the building next to 1228, assuming it was the right one.  Did I hear that right?  A delivery dude for FedEx doesn't know odd numbers are on the OTHER SIDE of the street from the evens?  WHAT criteria do FedEx look for in new hires?


Yeah, I'll take USPS over the big shippers AND stamps.com any day.  Especially if, the next time they re-juggle the routes, we get back Patrick the Ponytailed Postman.  He's great!

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just noticed that Brad's former owner said she had him for four years and went through two boyfriends and three jobs


The boyfriends clearly broke up with her because they couldn't compete with Brad.   The jobs fired her because all she could do was talk about Brad instead of do her damn job.   


Seriously girl, get a grip.   3 jobs in 4 years is really bad.   The boyfriends not so much, she looks young enough to still be dating a lot rather than settling down.

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I ordered a Christmas present from a mail order catalog a couple of years ago, and waited and waited and it never arrived.  I contacted the catalog, and they said it had been delivered, and gave me the tracking information.  According to the tracking information, UPS had attempted to deliver the package on a Friday, but nobody was home, so they left a notice that the package was at the UPS warehouse, and then the next day, they had delivered the package and left it on my doorstep.  Now, to begin with, I was home the entire day, Friday, when they claimed that the had attempted to deliver.  It was pouring rain so I never stepped out the front door.  Nobody showed up to deliver a package.  And, logically, if they had attempted to deliver a package on Friday, telling me that it was at the warehouse, why would they have tried to re-deliver on Saturday, instead of letting me come in with the supposed delivery notice (which they never left either) on Saturday?  Which they never did on Saturday, either.


Lots of lies going on in that order.,

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You probably weren't serious but just in case - there's always the option of regular shipping when I check out, and whatever purchase I've chosen to take the scenic route does arrive by USPS.

But sometimes when you choose the FedEx/UPS option they end up handing your stuff to the USPS for final delivery.

USPS does a marvelous job of really fucking my stuff up.

What thread am I in?

Oh Yeah. Brad. I have never named a car. And 3 jobs in 4 years sucks. Because of Brad?

Howard Stern did a show about those romantic aberrations. Ew.

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The awesome sauce sisters commercial is back in rotation. Make it stop!

What I don't get about that commercial is, they're apparently close sisters--especially if you think all the stuff they say about twins is true--yet the 1 making the call doesn't even seem to know her sister has that job, considering how surprised she is when the word "Awesomesauce!" is used. You'd think she'd have already known. Or maybe she knows, but is just surprised to have gotten connected to her sister, instead of a random customer service rep, when she called (shrugs).

Edited by BW Manilowe
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The awesomesauce girls weren't sisters originally, back when then point of the ad was "we treat you like you'd treat you." You were supposed to be talking to yourself, essentially. I wonder why they changed it?

But sometimes when you choose the FedEx/UPS option they end up handing your stuff to the USPS for final delivery.

That post was for the person who actually preferred USPS. So that would be win-win for them.

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There is a commercial running frequently that has people trying to guess the make/cost of a car with all identifying logos removed. It's an Impala, which I'm sure is a lovely car, but no way is it going to be confused with a Lexus. And one woman guesses it costs $80k. Really?

eta: Oops, it's a Malibu, not Impala. Still...

Edited by Haleth
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The awesome sauce sisters commercial is back in rotation.  Make it stop!

It took me awhile to wonder who the "sauce sisters" were and why you thought they were awesome. ha ha

I hate that Discover Card ad campaign.


There is a commercial running frequently that has people trying to guess the make/cost of a car with all identifying logos removed.  It's an Impala, which I'm sure is a lovely car, but no way is it going to be confused with a Lexus.  And one woman guesses it costs $80k.  Really?

I've learned to quit paying attention when I see the man in those ads, but I thought he (once again) tricked those people into identifying the "luxury car" with all the identifying labeling removed, so of course someone's going to say "Lexus".

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My two most hated Phrases


"call now"  and............


"but wait"

and BTW


How about the inane ad


A cutie steps up to a McD's counter and wants the McPick2




It's the same crap with more marketing drivel - it's nothing new but you see 20 somethings laughing and eating tasteless $1 menu food (maybe they been smoking something and the 7 eleven down the street was out of Mt Dew and Doritos?)

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The awesomesauce girls weren't sisters originally, back when then point of the ad was "we treat you like you'd treat you." You were supposed to be talking to yourself, essentially. I wonder why they changed it?

Perhaps they thought people saw it as a sign of insanity?  I call my credit card company and I am talking to myself.  Aaaaaaaaaargh!  I can't get out of my own head.  My whole world is trapped inside of my brain.  Let me out!!!!!  Wait, just me?


How about the inane ad


A cutie steps up to a McD's counter and wants the McPick2




It's the same crap with more marketing drivel - it's nothing new but you see 20 somethings laughing and eating tasteless $1 menu food (maybe they been smoking something and the 7 eleven down the street was out of Mt Dew and Doritos?)

Like random chance, McPick makes me think of nose picking.  I haven't seen the ad yet (and I hope I never do), but I'm now predisposed to think the 20-somethings are slurping down snot burgers.  What are they making McDonald's workers do to make sure they have enough snot to supply the McPick menu?  Or do they import mucus from other countries?  How does that clear customs?  Somebody call the CDC.

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I just saw an ad for a bank named First Merit.  They're advertising for people to take out home equity loans.    Part of it is "whether it's for your son holding a diploma, or your daughter holding a bouquet....."    WTF?  are we in 1950 now?  We take out loans for sons to go to college, but for daughters to have weddings??


It pissed me off.   Yeah, it's how I was raised, but haven't we moved passed that? 

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The reason I hate the stamps.com commercial is because by encouraging people not to go to the post office, the USPS can justify laying off workers and closing offices. I like the people who work at my post office, and don't want to see them lose their jobs or even have their hours cut.


My post office has had a huge banner above the entrance for the last 6 months saying that they are hiring.  And they no longer sell rolls of 100 stamps, so I have to get them on-line or at a retail store (Office Max).

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I saw a KIA commercial that had folks make cookies or crackers in car shapes, lots of cookie pans with the exact same car shape. The usual blather about how they are different from other companies that make all the same, boring cars.


Unless KIA's autos are artisanal, the fleet of cars imported to these shores are made of the same parts too. If KIA indeed employs blacksmiths and related artisans to individually make cars for their customers, then KIA needs to back off this line of self-important drivel with a quickness.


In case none of the people involved in the campaign have noticed, most cars look similar to one another.  It happens.  Just don't act like you are above the fray unless you actually are delivering customized cars, and I don't mean cosmetically, like paint jobs or extras packages.  If I can get a three-wheeled Robin Reliant-esque KIA, I might be interested. ( Yes, I saw Jeremy Clarkson drive one on Top Gear (UK). )

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I saw a KIA commercial that had folks make cookies or crackers in car shapes, lots of cookie pans with the exact same car shape. The usual blather about how they are different from other companies that make all the same, boring cars.


I haven't seen this commercial, but it's reminding me of the current Altima commercial. It's the girl and the boy who apparently march to the beat of their own drummers and meet up as adults, and they both drive Altimas. Except I can't throw a rock without hitting an Altima, including the 2008 one parked in my own driveway. How in the world is an Altima some special car that only off-kilter people drive. I think it's just an common as an Accord now. 


And the McDonald's Pick 2 commercial bugs me because everyone is sitting there enjoying their food, and not one beverage is sitting on the table, not even a cup of water. I guess that messes up the 2 for $2 deal, but still. Wendy's had a similar campaign a few years ago where the deal didn't include a drink, and no one was drinking a thing!

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I just saw an ad for a bank named First Merit.  They're advertising for people to take out home equity loans.    Part of it is "whether it's for your son holding a diploma, or your daughter holding a bouquet....."    WTF?  are we in 1950 now?  We take out loans for sons to go to college, but for daughters to have weddings??


It pissed me off.   Yeah, it's how I was raised, but haven't we moved past that? 


Traditionally, the bride's parents still foot the bill for the wedding.  The groom's parents don't.  So a daughter could require a loan for her wedding as well as for her college education (which both she and the son would be applying for on their own anyway).

Edited by legaleagle53
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I only hope this ring comes with a little countdown clock to tell you when you can expect it to turn your finger green.


I like that the diamondz color is off in the commercial.  They look yellowish and cloudy which is hard to do with new CZ,  Give this a year and the quality silver plate will have worn completely away and the diamondz will be cloudy.  But hey, they're flawless!  

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