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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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While Jinger's part will reveal some new things about life in the Duggar compound, the writing is stilted, childish, and boring (at least what I read). Jinger's lack of formal education is showing as is her inability to reflect on and analyze her experience. None of this is her fault, and the ghost writer correctly lets her keep her voice. 

Jeremy has less to say--and nobody really cares anyway--but he will come off more sophisticated than his famous wife. If he sounds arrogant, I hope the ghost writer doesn't meddle. 

Edited by BradandJanet
basic editing
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Just now, BradandJanet said:

the ghost writer correctly let her keep her voice. 

Yeah that's what I am picking up on. You can have a coauthor who still preserves your voice, and you can have one that completely strips that away. It seems like her ghostwriter did the former. I am really curious what Jeremy's parts sound like now. Like, I can't even imagine the potential pomposity. 😂

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Also on Instagram live, Jessa confirmed Jinger had an eating disorder, so that's no longer speculation. 

And Jessa is the most reliable narrator.  

Didn't she say that Josh "Was just a little too curious about girls"?  She lies as easily as breathing.  

She's put ZERO speculation to rest.  


Edited by leighdear
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18 hours ago, JoanArc said:


I'm sorry - but what are we looking at here?  What is Jeremy in the process of writing?

And what are they signing - inserts to put in the books?  Or am I just supposed to awestruck by his sunglasses?  I am all kinds of confused here. 

EDIT: I can't stop chuckling at the pretentiousness of his signature.  It's even better than anything I could've imagined.

Edited by laurakaye
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4 minutes ago, laurakaye said:


I'm sorry - but what are we looking at here?  What is Jeremy in the process of writing?

And what are they signing - inserts to put in the books?  Or am I just supposed to awestruck by his sunglasses?  I am all kinds of confused here. 

EDIT: I can't stop chuckling at the pretentiousness of his signature.  It's even better than anything I could've imagined.

He is truly the snark gift that keeps on giving. Hilaria gives him a good run for his money, but Jeremy being an utter twat will always trump her being Fundie Mrs. Robinson for me. 

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2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:


I'm sorry - but what are we looking at here?  What is Jeremy in the process of writing?

And what are they signing - inserts to put in the books?  Or am I just supposed to awestruck by his sunglasses?  I am all kinds of confused here. 

EDIT: I can't stop chuckling at the pretentiousness of his signature.  It's even better than anything I could've imagined.

Usually it's a bookplate that the author signs that is then placed into the physical copy of the book by bookstore employees.  It may just be an insert because I believe their preferred bookstore is Barnes and Noble.  Neither their publisher nor B&N want to pay the cost of shipping boxes of books to LA for the Vuolos to sign and then pay return shipping to get the books back to a central warehouse before then being shipped to people's homes.  Far easier for them to mail one smaller package of pages in between.

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23 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jinger and Jeremy were part of the live video. 

And I'm sure Jessa has made sure that over the years, Jinger's shortcomings are clearly pointed out to her and the world.  

How could a normal person be naturally thin?  Jessa isn't, so of course Jinger had a disorder.  Only Jessa is the flawless one.  

They were practically starved as children.  That's not a disorder, that's abuse. 


1 hour ago, laurakaye said:


I'm sorry - but what are we looking at here?  What is Jeremy in the process of writing?

And what are they signing - inserts to put in the books?  Or am I just supposed to awestruck by his sunglasses?  I am all kinds of confused here. 

EDIT: I can't stop chuckling at the pretentiousness of his signature.  It's even better than anything I could've imagined.

The part I don't get is that the note says "Tell Jim Bob it was me".

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7 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Chapter 1 of the audiobook. Warning: Jer is narrating.


I've never listened to any of his sermons, but from the many descriptions I've read here I have a hard time buying that the style of writing conveyed in this snippet, the expressive use of similes, etc. comes from the same author of the sermons I've seen described here multiple times.   I struggle to believe that the same turns of phrase came from an alum of the SOTDRT either.  Perhaps the intro is where the ghost writer was deployed to lift this project off the ground?

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1 minute ago, Tikichick said:

I've never listened to any of his sermons, but from the many descriptions I've read here I have a hard time buying that the style of writing conveyed in this snippet, the expressive use of similes, etc. comes from the same author of the sermons I've seen described here multiple times.   I struggle to believe that the same turns of phrase came from an alum of the SOTDRT either.  Perhaps the intro is where the ghost writer was deployed to lift this project off the ground?

The pomposity of the reading voice, however, came directly from the sermons. 😁

If the MacArthur enterprise somehow cuts him loose and he finds himself looking for a pastor job, I'm very interested to see what crazy church search committee volunteers to pay to be bored and condescended to by that tedious intoning week after week after week year after year

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1 minute ago, Churchhoney said:

The pomposity of the reading voice, however, came directly from the sermons. 😁

If the MacArthur enterprise somehow cuts him loose and he finds himself looking for a pastor job, I'm very interested to see what crazy church search committee volunteers to pay to be bored and condescended to by that tedious intoning week after week after week year after year

No idea how it might work in fundie circles, but in mainline denominations the pickings are frequently slim when committees are searching for pastoral candidates.   The education required is expensive, while a lot of churches are having serious issues with funding in order to be able to offer a bare bones salary and compensation package.    I know of several instances where congregations are very fortunate to be able to retain their pastor because the pastor's spouse is actually the real breadwinner of the family with their own independent career. 

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13 minutes ago, Suzn said:

The part I don't get is that the note says "Tell Jim Bob it was me".

It is a reference to Game of Thrones. Without are giving too much away, it was one character’s way of turning their own murder into an awesome victory. 

Basically it’s saying “tell Jim Bob I ruined his life“.

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2 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

It is a reference to Game of Thrones. Without are giving too much away, it was one character’s way of turning their own murder into an awesome victory. 

Basically it’s saying “tell Jim Bob I ruined his life“.

Thanks for that!  I can't imagine why he would link something from Game of Thrones with their bullshit book!  But I forget, these people don't need to make sense.

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9 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

No idea how it might work in fundie circles, but in mainline denominations the pickings are frequently slim when committees are searching for pastoral candidates.   The education required is expensive, while a lot of churches are having serious issues with funding in order to be able to offer a bare bones salary and compensation package.    I know of several instances where congregations are very fortunate to be able to retain their pastor because the pastor's spouse is actually the real breadwinner of the family with their own independent career. 

Yeah, definitely true. And that's unlikely ever to get better.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jim Bob has been actively steering his sons away from those dreams of preacher-hood we used to hear about from a lot of them. He knows how to keep his eye on the dollar. 

While a few guys get rich in the job and probably will continue to, it's getting harder and harder for the average preacher even to earn poverty-level wages. I don't see Jer even trying for it if another option presents itself. But another option may not present itself.

His divinity degree won't be much help in finding work outside a church -- but I guess it is providing him with a nice four-year vacation in LA and an extended chance to prove to guys in the MacArthur empire that he's a suckup they'd like to keep around. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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 what church would pay him enough, give him free housing and all to keep him in the style he is accustomed to? 

No one in L.A.  -Jer and Jing would sneer at Laredo or the like now.

Jer is less about leading people to Jesus and more about leading people to the "break out stars"

Nike didn't pick him up as a celeb endorser even though Jer tried for years. Now he is on to try to get an influencer thing with Golf Wang. Also the cooking/restaurant guy.

makes me dizzy sometimes. Are they aiming to be pastor and pastor wife, foodies with a home cooking youtube? Aiming to be influencers or grifters?


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35 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

The pomposity of the reading voice, however, came directly from the sermons. 😁

If the MacArthur enterprise somehow cuts him loose and he finds himself looking for a pastor job, I'm very interested to see what crazy church search committee volunteers to pay to be bored and condescended to by that tedious intoning week after week after week year after year

Jer should do a podcast called “Let me bore you to sleep darlings “

His preaching should cure insomnia nicely 

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1 hour ago, Tikichick said:

I've never listened to any of his sermons, but from the many descriptions I've read here I have a hard time buying that the style of writing conveyed in this snippet, the expressive use of similes, etc. comes from the same author of the sermons I've seen described here multiple times.   I struggle to believe that the same turns of phrase came from an alum of the SOTDRT either.  Perhaps the intro is where the ghost writer was deployed to lift this project off the ground?

Maybe the ghostwriter was brought in more to rein in Jeremy than to corral Jinger. Jinger's overly simplistic writing is going to be a lot easier to work with for an editor or a reader than purple prose. If so, I bet that REALLY pissed him off. 

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But now I can't decide if I want Jinger to watch Game of Thrones, just to know if she reacts by thinking it would be awesome to see a certain member of her family crunched by a dragon, or never, ever ever see in case she decides - with some reason  - that her family really is wonderful in comparison to several families on that show.

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17 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I wonder how Joshley's arrest will affect book sales? Jeremy must be spitting blood right now.

The timing honestly couldn't be worse for Jeremy/Jinger and Worthy Books/Hachette. 

The book is getting released next week - which means that customers do have time to cancel their preorders for whatever reason. It also means that it was probably shipped this week (possibly last week), meaning that Worthy Books/Hachette will have to pay for returns.

And given that this book apparently didn't go through an agent, I will bet hands down that someone at Hachette got a clause in there requiring Jeremy and Jinger to repay advances against those returns along with shipping costs. 

On the bright side, the number of books shipped is usually loosely based on preorders, so - the earlier lack of promo/marketing for this book may actually turn out to work to their benefit. 

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8 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

They are upstaged by JOSHUA the great lol



I doubt the book will sell more than 10,000 copies


Now if they write a biography about JOSHUA and spill everything maybe they would make some $$$

Someone else would have to write it, otherwise it would be filled with unreadable bs like "Joshua prayed for days and the Lord put it in his heart to propose to Anna." "Joshua felt moved by the Lord to work at FRC in Washington DC for the improvement of morality in the US." "Satan built a fortress in Joshua's heart leading him from the path of happiness with Anna toward an unhappy sinful pursuit of porn." 


Edited by cmr2014
Satan built a fortress in Joshua's heart, not Stan.
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14 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I wonder if Jinger was aware of Josh’s arrest prior to people posting about it on her most recent Instagram post.

She has since deleted all comments, and turned them off.

I would hope one of her siblings or parents tipped her off.  I'm sure a few facetimes took place as well.  They will all need to be on the same page when it comes to damage control

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2 hours ago, galaxygirl76 said:

I wonder if Jeremy is crying in his pocket squares over Smuggar taking his spotlight away.

As disinterested as he's seemed in his own book, maybe he's battling between being angry and relieved and has just resolved to take more pictures of sneakers and burgers while he works through his complex, conflicted feelings. 

Actually, if the family has known/suspected for a while that the feds were closing in on Josh (as one unnamed source has claimed), do you guys think that might explain why the Vuolos' social media has seemed so batshit lately? I've thought they've seemed stressed and unhinged for a while and had several theories on the whys, but maybe the most likely one is simply the dawning realization that they were going to have to deal with the fallout from this and nerves about not knowing when it was going to drop. 

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9 minutes ago, Zella said:


Actually, if the family has known/suspected for a while that the feds were closing in on Josh (as one unnamed source has claimed), do you guys think that might explain why the Vuolos' social media has seemed so batshit lately? 

I can see it, and it might also explain why they pulled the kids off social media. The last thing I'd want under pictures of my infant is comments about my molester brother. 

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I checked a few Duggar SM accounts last night. Any who had posted yesterday posted around 5 or 6 hours prior to us finding out. I have a feeling no one knew this was coming, possibly not even Josh, considering Anna's response post a few days ago, about what a diligent husband he is.

TMZ is fast, they broke the story just a few hours after the arrest, the Vuolos likely found out maybe 4 or 5 hours before we did.

Edited by GeeGolly
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8 hours ago, Zella said:

As disinterested as he's seemed in his own book, 


You know your soon-to-be-released-by-a-major-publisher book is mediocre when even you aren't interested in talking about it. 

There's nothing in your life worth writing a damn book about, Jer. Get used to it. Because it's quite possible there never will be. You'll be overshadowed constantly by stuff even less remarkable than Josh's arrest. Just enjoy your sandwiches and dumb-looking trendy suits and jackets privately. 

Jer has recently seen his idol Jonny Mac's response to his so-godly-raised kid, along with a pal who's also a graduate of Jonny Mac's so godly university, be charged with quite serious investor fraud by the SEC.

Hard to believe MacArthur didn't do some behind-the-scenes freakout about that in some part of his life, but he didn't seem to show any public reaction to it at all. ..... Those we gave the very best most virtuous Christian upbringing to turn into various kinds of criminals and fraudsters who get charged at the federal level -- but, hey, we're still the world's greatest authorities on virtue and vice! (Vice is a church that allows a woman in the pulpit or a preacher who feels sympathy for a gay couple who wants to marry...) 

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12 hours ago, BigBingerBro said:

I would hope one of her siblings or parents tipped her off.  I'm sure a few facetimes took place as well.  They will all need to be on the same page when it comes to damage control

Good heavens, wouldn't that be like herding cats?  How does JB rally his troops and get the story straight?  Does he e-mail a boilerplate response to everyone: "We are deeply saddened by the recent news involving our son/brother/brother-in-law/brother-dude by proxy (for Hilaria).  Please respect our privacy at this time."  That's not going to fly with Jere, who has a book to hype, or Derrick who is probably desperate to distance himself from his wife's idiot brother.  JB would have to have every single member of his extended family under his thumb and we know he doesn't have that power anymore.


11 hours ago, galaxygirl76 said:

I wonder if Jeremy is crying in his pocket squares over Smuggar taking his spotlight away.

So good to know those pocket squares finally came in handy for something practical!

Edited by laurakaye
  • LOL 23
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Good heavens, wouldn't that be like herding cats?  How does JB rally his troops and get the story straight?  Does he e-mail a boilerplate response to everyone: "We are deeply saddened by the recent news involving our son/brother/brother-in-law/brother-dude by proxy (for Hilaria).  Please respect our privacy at this time."  That's not going to fly with Jere, who has a book to hype, or Derrick who is probably desperate to distance himself from his wife's idiot brother.  JB would have to have every single member of his extended family under his thumb and we know he doesn't have that power anymore.


So good to know those pocket squares finally came in handy for something practical!

Depending on the situation it may make a lot more sense for the perpetual headship to take at least two very big steps back.   The feds will subpoena everything, and anyone who might be an actor in a scheme can face even more charges for attempting further cover ups, especially if they are found to be openly engaging in a conspiracy to do so.  

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21 hours ago, Zella said:

Yeah that's what I am picking up on. You can have a coauthor who still preserves your voice, and you can have one that completely strips that away. It seems like her ghostwriter did the former. I am really curious what Jeremy's parts sound like now. Like, I can't even imagine the potential pomposity. 😂



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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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