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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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The easiest way to figure out if Jinger has SM is to check out who Jessa/Jill/Duggarfam follow. They follow so few people that it's a piece of cake. Even if Jinger is private on IG, her account will still show up. This is the case with Alyssa Webster and Carlin Bates' IG accounts. I know what they are (accidentally requested Carlin...oops), but when you click them, they show up as private. Mine would do the same. I did that so fundies don't go prying around my stuff. Hell, Jessa blocked me without even looking me up; I just posted on the wrong account on a day when she was on the warpath. 

I just checked Jill's and everyone there checks out as a family member, Bates, or Gothard fundies I know. No Jinger. 

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Or maybe it's because Jeremy is a grown ass man and not a mouth breathing teenager like Bin or a Dullard with a bride with the maturity of a 12 year old.  Maybe they set a standard to court in private and filter what actually gets filmed.

Just clad I don't have to endure bug eyed selfies of them sharing a milkshake yet.

  • Love 6

Jeremy used to have an Instagram account. He was tagged by the teammate who posted the topless pic. 

I guess as a "preacher," such things are beneath him.However, if he and Jim get are going to be on this show, and KJB knows courtships and weddings sell, they will have to have social media to appease their fans. That's the way of the world now. 

16 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

This blog is either phony or "odd" doesn't begin to describe it. Here's an entry from 2014. Very very hard to imagine that this isn't satire (and it's even odd as satire, actually ...)    http://zedicy542.blogspot.ca/search?updated-min=2014-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&updated-max=2015-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&max-results=50    :

"This, ladies, is why you need to submit as much as you can to your husbands.

"My husband complained that I have not been properly submitting to his Authority, so things will soon be changing.

"I suppose this has something to do with last week when he told me to buy the Gain liquid detergent, and instead I bought the Purex powder because I am allergic to Gain.

"My blog is the only thing I am allowed to have to myself, and even then, my husband will keep a strict eye on it to make sure I am not speaking evil towards him behind his back.

"That must have something to do with me telling a friend of mine about the Gain/Purex debate.

"I am not to leave the house unless he says so. I am not allowed to make any dinner he does not tell me to make. I am not allowed to buy any food he doesn't pre approve. I am not allowed to do anything except feed and change babies without his permission. I even had to ask for permission to type up a blog post on submission.

"He says when Matthew gets older, I am supposed to submit to my own child. He thinks that the age of three will work. Troy trumps Matthew, but Matthew trumps me.

"I am telling you all of this so you can see what can happen if you try to make one decision on your own when your husband has told you to do something else.

"From now on, we use Gain. And I am not allowed to scratch."

Maybe Michelle is the author.

This has to be a joke.

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9 hours ago, Marigold said:

Seems Jinger is a quiet girl!  Good for her.

Or does that mean she is not yet engaged?  Was it engaged or courting that gives you the social media account? 

Or MAYBE Jeremy, who has a lot more life experience, said "no way" because he feels social media is from the devil. 

Or maybe Jeremy became more aware of how toxic the Duggars are after that Instagram post of him, Jinger, JB, M and a store owner. The owner of the restaurant was inundated with negative responses to the picture.

  • Love 1

Good point, GeeGolly.

JinJer might've seen first hand how vicious social media can get and how the Duggars can attract very very negative attention in a matter of minutes. I'm sure Jeremy knew but "knowing" and seeing your name involved feels very different. Plus, the purple beads post might've shook him up a bit too. JinJer might be laying low, which is advisable. 

  • Love 3

NO WAY that KJB would allow them to break up with the show's mediocre ratings. He had to pretty much have a guarantee that they were going through with this before they announced it to the world. They pretty much had to, since it's pretty obvious that's what is going to consume a large part of this coming "season" of the show's life. 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Or maybe it's because Jeremy is a grown ass man and not a mouth breathing teenager like Bin or a Dullard with a bride with the maturity of a 12 year old.  Maybe they set a standard to court in private and filter what actually gets filmed  

I hope this is the case.  It would show a level of thoughtfulness and maturity we haven't seen yet.  Ok, just convinced myself that a good reason like this is probably not it, then  

8 hours ago, lulu69 said:

Or....because Jin & Jem really are that boring and have been advised by tlc to keep what precious little info there is to themselves.

Or, maybe this. But honestly so are most of them and they don't hesitate to post thier pics and film thier show of doing nothing everywhere without shame. 

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

The lack of photos is concerning, IMO. The last courtship that produced little to no photos was Josiah's and we all know how that turned out...

I know, right? They annoy the piss out of us when they post attention whoring stuff, but we feel lost when we hear nothing.  We can't have it both ways, but I'd much rather hear from Jinger any day than Muffy or Blessa. 

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The thing is, this time there is a show that we have a bunch of rabid famewhoring grifters trying to make sure happens and happens in the way they want.  The courtship, engagement and wedding is the means to that end in my opinion.  I think they have let enough hang out there and hope that all those fans will beg for the show to come back and soon in a way that lets the Jim Bob Ill make the calls.  I know the show is coming back, but I wonder what kind of stipulations TLC has placed on it that maybe that buck-toothed slack jawed piece of hair and belly finds onerous.  Could it be his sinful oldest son maybe?   Could it be that the largesse the last two courtships and weddings afforded them isn't falling into their hands already and so they are playing coy in hopes of raising the stakes? 

  • Love 1

@PoshSprinkles post reminded me that there actually WERE a few pics of Josiah and Marjorie. I remember a trip to Silver Dollar City, in which Marjorie wore jeans. They were pictured in stocks, eating, and in another scenario that I can't recall, as it's been over a year. It's all moot now, since Josiah scrubbed the pictures from his IG after the breakup. But that IS all we got because they WERE filming them before Joshgate in what became that Lost Season. 

All we've seen from Jinger is thecontraversial ice cream shop picture. I think Joshgate really taught the Duggars to do a better job of keeping shit under wraps, and that became doubly true after they got their show back. 

  • Love 2

Amazon showed up while I was watching that stupid produce video with Jana and Jason. I was already bored by it, so I just let it run while I threw the box into the recycling bin outside. When I came back, this video was playing. How pathetic that Jinger, 21 years old and trying to learn more about her craft, has to have Jessa shadow her on a shoot. How defrauded is she going to be shooting a mom and her babies? Jeezus. 


  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Amazon showed up while I was watching that stupid produce video with Jana and Jason. I was already bored by it, so I just let it run while I threw the box into the recycling bin outside. When I came back, this video was playing. How pathetic that Jinger, 21 years old and trying to learn more about her craft, has to have Jessa shadow her on a shoot. How defrauded is she going to be shooting a mom and her babies? Jeezus. 


That is sad.  If I had been the PROFESSIONAL photographer lady (of course it had to be a lady & not a man), I would have turned to Jessa & asked why she was there.  We all know it's hard taking posed kid's pictures, but what if Spurge decided to throw a fit & start crying in the middle of it?  That would have upset things even if Jessa took him out of the room.  I also liked Jin's dig about "book learnin", that she is a hands on type of learner & can't be bothered with learning things from a book or on line. The usual Duggar spiel.  

  • Love 7
18 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Amazon showed up while I was watching that stupid produce video with Jana and Jason. I was already bored by it, so I just let it run while I threw the box into the recycling bin outside. When I came back, this video was playing. How pathetic that Jinger, 21 years old and trying to learn more about her craft, has to have Jessa shadow her on a shoot. How defrauded is she going to be shooting a mom and her babies? Jeezus. 


Of course Jinger is limited to chintzy baby photography. There's absolutely nothing interesting to see in the big wide world outside of the home. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

That is sad.  If I had been the PROFESSIONAL photographer lady (of course it had to be a lady & not a man), I would have turned to Jessa & asked why she was there.  We all know it's hard taking posed kid's pictures, but what if Spurge decided to throw a fit & start crying in the middle of it?  That would have upset things even if Jessa took him out of the room.  I also liked Jin's dig about "book learnin", that she is a hands on type of learner & can't be bothered with learning things from a book or on line. The usual Duggar spiel.  

Exactly.  There's a full service hair salon near where I live.  You can also get Henna.  They have painted on their window, "For ladies only".  Basically, men don't come in and ask for a wax. Clearly a business designed by and for Muslim women and respecting them and their modesty so they can go there alone and have a bit of peace from their men. 

I'm wondering why she needs a chaperone to go to a woman owned business, and likely a Christian woman owned business. It's likely the only condition that Boob lets her leave the house at all. I've seen my share of male nudes and men wearing BDSM gear floating about in the school darkroom, so no way would Boob ever let her go to an art school.  I get that, but they could have had her pay for private lessons.  

There's lots of YouTube videos that I've found on loading and unloading vintage cameras and other techniques as well as Udemy.  These only show you how or give you an idea of how to start.  You will learn photography only by DOING and doing a LOT of it.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaand when you look at that negative scan or digital camera image...more often than not you don't get what you thought you would.  A lot goes into getting a good image. Kids, babies, and pets will always be awwwwwwww. 

Jinger might be able to take nice photos of her family...but digital lets you take pictures with impunity, whereas with film, you are more deliberate and careful since reloading some cameras is annoying. Photoshop has its limits as well...so looking at books of other artist's work, portfolios, galleries, and attending critiques are all essential.  I can't stress the importance of having a mentor. I'll give Jinger credit at least for that, since she's forbidden to own art books and go to galleries.. I find it hard to snark on her since she's got to develop her talent however she can, within the strictures of her upbringing. Going from good to great requires also some book learn in', Jing.

1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Uhm, honey, we sinners learn from BOTH books and practical experiences. Why? Because there is always more to explore to improve oneself.

@Arwen Evenstar what say you about learning the craft of photography as opposed to what Jinger (and pretty much every fun die with a camera) does?

Sew, my response to your query is above

  • Love 2

Stupid lag time on this server. I post on an active board here that while pecking out a post on the phone, ten posts cane up inbetween, and I have to edit for context.

In other news, it looks like Jing has succombed ei the sideswiped bang. Not a bad move, but her gauntness illustrated in that skinny, long-sleeved arm reaching out to take a selfie when it's pretty much 100 degrees with 90% humidi everywhere but here.

I'm really sad for her.

She looks like an owl with those big eyes. They look pretty cozy for all the Duggar dating rules. What is it with those wonky lopsided photos? They only work when you've got no obvious horizontal and vertical lines like doorways...

Derick better kiss than man bun goodbye. Jeremy is sporting a short do, and likely gets the dubious honor of man bun shaming and removal.

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Obce again, we post here and "they" respond.  We just said the lack of pictures is strange.  Boom. a picture! like magic. Ok, not magic because that is from the devil. 

I feel complimented that they like our suggestions, criticism etc. 

Her caption of "getting to know this man of God" is creepy. It's too much religion. It's a picture, JinJer...not a testimony meeting.  We aaaaall know Jeremy is a man of God. Just hit "share" and enjoy your day. No need to tell us, once again, how the goalie is holy. 

  • Love 13

Having not followed this after the story broke -- is it me or does he look uglier now in the FB pic just posted? Did he have the beard before? Is it something about the teeth? In the initial pics with her and her parents, he looked like a hot Italian guy -- now -- not so much.

As for "getting to know the man of God" -- I mean what else do they have in common? That's what they talk about when getting to know a spouse. I think Jill and Derick were skyping about the bible; and Ben and Jessa were texting verses with their parents' supervision. I'm sure it's the same in person. I mean ALL that matters in a marriage are your views on scripture -- who cares about world views; sports teams; finances; who'll do the housework -- bc the world views = Christians are the BEST; sports = whatever he likes; finances = whatever money he makes; housework = Jinger.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, cereality said:

Having not followed this after the story broke -- is it me or does he look uglier now in the FB pic just posted? Did he have the beard before? Is it something about the teeth? In the initial pics with her and her parents, he looked like a hot Italian guy -- now -- not so much.

Yeah, something about this new picture has him looking distinctly less hot than before.

  • Love 11

Looking at it again -- I think it's the hair combed down and the thick/full beard; rather than a cooler hairstyle before and a scruff beard which suited his face more. Add to that the shirt he's wearing and the fact that he's lost his tan - and it looks like he's trying to (or has been asked to) tone it down and "fit in" with the Duggar men.

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I mean all of the sons in law so far have been gutless, so why would one think Jeremy is different? There's nothing that's so special about these girls and even amongst fundies there are girls out there who are funny, outgoing, have a real GED followed by even some local college education etc. -- i.e. the Bates. So in my view if you're ok associating with + marrying into the Duggars at that stage esp. after all their molestation issues have come to light, you are either incapable of getting a girl on your own but know that parents like you so you look for an arranged marriage with a Duggar (see Derick) or you have no career and no idea of what to do except for a vague idea re "ministry" and think Duggar fame will help you (see Ben and Jeremy most likely). If JB knows you're going to benefit from him financially, you WILL be dancing to his tune at least thru the wedding and in reality for your whole life.

  • Love 6
34 minutes ago, cereality said:

Looking at it again -- I think it's the hair combed down and the thick/full beard; rather than a cooler hairstyle before and a scruff beard which suited his face more. Add to that the shirt he's wearing and the fact that he's lost his tan - and it looks like he's trying to (or has been asked to) tone it down and "fit in" with the Duggar men.

His eyes aren't smiling, his expression looks fake and that doesn't help it.  

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I don't see any happiness in Jinger; put your hand over the smile and she mostly looks tired and a bit sad. And thin.

The holy goalie seems to be one of those people who look very different depending on how they're photographed. In the three photos I've seen so far he's been anything from moderately attractive to pretty fucking ugly. I'll reserve judgement until I see a proper video of him. He does look like someone who's reached his peak and will age badly imo. He'll just get hairier and chunkier as he goes, with some male pattern baldness lurking.

  • Love 3
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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