bblancobrnx June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 (edited) I LOVED the look on Cameron's face when Andy said "well let's bring him out" about her husband. Her eyes got as big as saucers and she almost got whiplash looking around amazed for a hot second Edited June 28, 2016 by bblancobrnx 5 Link to comment
izabella June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 (edited) 13 minutes ago, CriticalMass said: I keep reading references to Kathryn's failed drug tests. Thomas didn't provide receipts even when prompted by Landon. Is this public record? It seems as if every gossip website repeats it, but has it been verified? Thanks I haven't seen a "verification" except that the custody order requires that Kathryn be supervised when she has the kids. Thomas does not have to have supervised time with his kids. I doubt Landon would have said it if it weren't true. If it weren't true, Kathryn would have brought the receipts to show it's not true (in the most loud and obnoxious way possible, no doubt), especially since it was all over the tabloids before the reunion was taped, so she knew this would come up. In any case, the reunion isn't over and Part 1 was (conveniently) edited to end on that supposed cliffhanger. Part 2 will likely pick up right there after Kathryn walks out, and we'll hear the rest. Edited June 28, 2016 by izabella 4 Link to comment
biakbiak June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 Thomas has confirmed it in several interviews and the court documents weren't sealed, so you can look it up. I still think it was messed up that the judge didn't seal the documents because of theor participation in the show, the kids don't have any say about being on the show. 5 Link to comment
CriticalMass June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 15 minutes ago, bblancobrnx said: I LOVED the look on Cameron's face when Andy said "well let's bring him out" about her husband. Her eyes got as big as saucers and she almost got whiplash looking around amazed for a hot second I started out liking Cam, until I saw what a Grade A bitch she was. Next year, she'll be the consummate reality show gal and deign to bear a child (because that's what she and her husband agreed to before marriage - there are no REAL conflicting feelings despite her pimping out her sweet and understanding mother). I know some sleuths can figure out her real estate commissions for the past three years - has she really been supporting herself other than the Bravo paycheck? My Cam dislike is deep - I can't decide if it's assumed dry contact lens wearing or too heavy false eyelash wearing that drives me absolutely batty. Her blinking is so not natural. (Justin Timberlake and Mark Zuckerberg, the never blinkers, also bug me to no end.) 7 Link to comment
jumper sage June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 42 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: Most likely it was part of his salary and orchestrated his return to Charleston. These folks make six figures. It is the greatest disservice on the show when they pretend they have no money. Like Landon moving from the boat to an apartment, travelling all over the world-where did the money come from-Bravo. I think Craig is out to find the next Bravo Skinnygirl find. Next year I bet he and Naomi both collect six figure checks. Agreed. I never know how to not answer as if this were all true. 1 Link to comment
njbchlover June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 (edited) 17 hours ago, ninjago said: Nothing makes me crazier on these Bravo shows than people trying to claim they are "above it" and "hate drama" and then in the next breath take a nasty shot. Landon. Patricia. Carole Radziwill. Heather on RHoBH. Landon wants to be recognized as a Gracious Lady, while still slinging mud, talking shit, giggling with glee at every slight, and whispering nastiness in people's ears. She could not even keep her mouth shut when the conversation had nothing to do with her and someone else was talking. Cameran does a good job avoiding the drama. Kathryn does not. If you want to claim you are a Cameran, don't act like a Kathryn. Also, and this might be "harsh", but until you do have a kid, I think it is hard, especially when you are a simpleton like Landon, to understand the gravity of having a baby and no one is interested in your flippant barbs about paternity and health scares and parenting. I agree with you on all points...excellent post! Last night, while watching, I was wondering why, if Landon and Kathryn both claim to have "zero fucks to give" (tm - either Erika Jayne or Bethenny Frankel, depending on who you are talking too) about each other, why would they even involve themselves in each other's business. Kathryn stated that "irrelevance doesn't enter her brain" or whatever she said when speaking about Landon, and Landon has repeatedly commented that she wants nothing to do with Kathryn, doesn't care what Kathryn does, etc., but, yet, both their actions are the exact opposite of their words. Landon constantly inserted herself into conversations about Thomas and Kathryn that had absolutely NOTHING to do with her. Kathryn jabbed at Landon's comments with immature, petulant comebacks. They both sounded like five year olds in a sandbox fighting over the one pail and shovel. If you want nothing to do with the other party, stay the hell out of their business, don't comment on their actions or behaviors - pretend like that other person doesn't exist. Cameron is doing a fairly good job of that, as you said. I think both Landon and Kathryn are a little crazy, just in different ways. Edited June 28, 2016 by njbchlover 5 Link to comment
njbchlover June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 7 hours ago, RedDelicious said: I agree that Kathryn's behavior on the reunion part 1 was very painful to watch. I know a lot of people think that Thomas and Kathryn "carry" the show, and if that is the case, I won't be tuning in any longer. I found myself recoiling into my couch as the outbursts went on. There's a difference between television drama that is a by-product of cattiness and cliques and drama caused by all out drug fueled, irrational and combative behavior / poor mental health. I would rather watch the former and so I will happily move on to other pseudo-reality shows. I think Andy Cohen should be ashamed of himself for forcing Kathryn to appear on the reunion show (there are reports that she was threatened with breach of contract if she refused to join the reunion). She is clearly unwell and needs help. I felt like I was watching a caged, abused circus animal. It doesn't matter if she brought it on herself. It doesn't matter whose opinion is what. She was out of control and her behavior will live on in perpetuity. I think they took advantage of her for ratings. While I agree with you on some level, I don't think that Kathryn's behavior was anywhere near as bad as what we saw during the Scary Island episodes of RHNY, and Kelly Bensimon's epic meltdown. Now, that, I would definitely say was used by Bravo for ratings. Kathryn and Thomas' behaviors are fairly mild in comparison. 4 Link to comment
CriticalMass June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 14 minutes ago, njbchlover said: While I agree with you on some level, I don't think that Kathryn's behavior was anywhere near as bad as what we saw during the Scary Island episodes of RHNY, and Kelly Bensimon's epic meltdown. Now, that, I would definitely say was used by Bravo for ratings. Kathryn and Thomas' behaviors are fairly mild in comparison. Unfortunately, there are a scion/heir and a derivative born of Thomas and Kathryn's "fairly mild" wild behavior. I guess Thomas embraces Kathryn's genetics as "eccentric" as opposed to obviously troubled given her antidepressant use (no judgment) and Kathryn does the same since she called TRav an alcoholic drug abuser. Poor children, glad they have two caring nannies. 57 minutes ago, biakbiak said: Thomas has confirmed it in several interviews and the court documents weren't sealed, so you can look it up. I still think it was messed up that the judge didn't seal the documents because of theor participation in the show, the kids don't have any say about being on the show. Yes, Thomas has confirmed it, but I have googled my fat little fingers off and I've found nothing that confirms any drug test results. 1 Link to comment
bosawks June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 I wonder if Kathryn's awesome quote of "Nerp" came from one of the books Shep gave her? 3 Link to comment
RHJunkie June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 Kathryn is easily provoked and becomes manic in those situations. I found it interesting that she mentioned that she was on anti-depressants as I didn't know this about her before. I always get nervous when I hear someone is on anti-depressants. I've looked at several studies back in my university days where depression patients who didn't exhibit a certain threshold of depression would have dangerous side effects to anti-depressants where they become even more depressed rather than the intended opposite. Kathryn and Landon behaved poorly all night long. Landon calling out the failed drug test was low because when she was called out for her comment, she threw it to Thomas to back her up. Landon doesn't need to take any and every opportunity to take a dig at Kathryn. Landon is intentionally trying to get under Kathryn's skin because if she wasn't, she wouldn't go out of her way to bring up things that have absolutely nothing to do with her. Apparently Kathryn has said nasty things about her even off screen - if you're so offended by them then take her up on that stuff. Don't make your entire defense about Kathryn's behaviour with everyone else on the stage. Why did Landon find Shep's weed story so amusing but took such delight in outing Kathryn's drug use? Double standards are so rampant. Thomas saying he didn't want to degrade the mother of his child but apparently he's mentioned it to the media. Craig is gonna Craig. I won't be surprised when we see him again next season and he's found another excuse for why he didn't take the bar. For all his fuck ups, I will say that I really like his girlfriend and he lucked out with her. She seems like a level-headed and normal girl. Maybe I'm bias because I feel like a lot of her reactions to the drama are what mine would be too. The most classic is when Thomas went 0-100 and started with his rant and she responded with an incredulous 'what?', haha. 6 Link to comment
chipsnsalsa June 28, 2016 Share June 28, 2016 1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said: I don't get the love for this guy. On the one hand, I like Shep. I sort of like it that he seems kind of chill and rejects the drama between others. He seems to be able to adapt to a bunch of different social circles. On the other hand, I find it super distasteful that he's now middle-aged (36, right?) and he's constantly talking about bedding all of these women and so is everyone else. I'm sure his date Robyn appreciates him announcing to the world that they had sex. Who does that? Sorry. I just find that gross. Perhaps because I grew up in the 80s and times when STDs were all prevalent in the media, I wouldn't touch that guy with a 10 foot pole. He's just nasty. Now add in the bragging about getting busted for 'shrooms. I guess it is good that he says he's not marriage material God....he has the maturity of a 19 year old. Blech. Not cute. Not hot. Incompetence is a big turnoff to me. I completely agree! Picture for a second everything Shep said... coming out of Landon's mouth. How well would that go over with this group? I will say I have no issue with Shep not wanting to get married yet, or maybe not at all. I don't care! Get married, don't get married, sleep with women.... it's all fine. BUT: Don't talk about these women and rate them on a scale("binary" -- pompous much?), or say they're DtF, or announce whether you've slept with them on national TV, or you are going to sleep with someone tonight after the show, and then proudly announce you have no intention with them other than sex. Shep wants to somehow see himself as this scholarly and fair person who treats everyone equally -- as he often says. But then he goes and talks shit out the other side of his mouth that negates everything said prior (in regards to women specifically). His words are worthless. You say something off-color or inappropriate once and apologize, it's a mistake. When you say it repeatedly, it's not a mistake. That's how you think. I don't mind Shep, but it really bugs me when he acts as though he's above everyone when his behavior is actually gauche (I can be pompous too, Sheppy). 9 Link to comment
KnoxForPres June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 I felt like Landon either screamed in her pillow a bit the night before or got a coach to ditch that voice because it was so different. And I give odd props for that. 7 Link to comment
OhIgetit June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Best part of the reunion was when Thomas snapped at Land on to stay out of it when she was pressing him for evidence of Kathryn failing the drug test... Her piping in on that conversation is what makes me believe that she and Thomas slept together. 16 Link to comment
HunterHunted June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 2 hours ago, njbchlover said: While I agree with you on some level, I don't think that Kathryn's behavior was anywhere near as bad as what we saw during the Scary Island episodes of RHNY, and Kelly Bensimon's epic meltdown. Now, that, I would definitely say was used by Bravo for ratings. Kathryn and Thomas' behaviors are fairly mild in comparison. When Shep was talking about Kathryn going off on Whitney at Jekyll Island and how scary it was, I just started laughing because it's clear that the Charmers don't watch anything else on Bravo. I kept thinking that was scary? That was unhinged? I can think of a solid 2 dozen fights that I would list before Kathryn going off on Whitney at Jekyll including Whitney going off on Craig at Shep's mountain home. Scary Island was scarier and more unhinged than anything we've ever seen on Southern Charm. So is the prostitution whore table flip, the pillow talk fight on Atlanta, most of the fights on New Jersey, most arguments on OC involving Tamra and/or Vicki, that fight on OC at Lizzy's house when they were gas lighting Shannon, the dinner party from hell, the limo fight on the first season on BH, the game night fight from BH, Kim Richards crawling around on the floor looking for pills, the fight at Eileen's, the Amsterdam dinner fight, all of the Berkshires fights on NY, the fuck fight on NY, anything Michaele and Tariq ever did on DC, the fight between Adriana and Joanna on Miami, the Austin trip on Dallas where Leanne was apparently throwing shit around, all of the dipshit fights on Vanderpump Rules (special mentions to Stassi birthday fight, Kristen getting backhanded, the Miami girl fight on VdP Rules, and Kristen and James' breakup fight in the SUR alley), Rocky diving off the boat on Below Deck, every fight Mama Joyce started on Atlanta, Laura Leigh screaming at Jax in SUR, and the fact that we learned in the Uncensored special that Vicki has more than once assaulted the producers. The Charmers are neophytes to Bravo drama. Kathryn calling Whitney disgusting for taking Thomas to a strip club is junior league drama. Call me when she's throwing wine at people or glasses at people while screaming "who are you to get me wet?!?" 18 Link to comment
tumamita June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Kathryn's jealousy & hate for Landon is REAL 4 Link to comment
ChrissyT June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 On 6/14/2016 at 6:56 AM, olivia1 said: Who packs a suitcase for a one night stand? 15 hours ago, Major Bigtime said: Go back and watch season 1 episode when Whitney brought Kathryn, as his date, to a party where she zeroed in on Thomas and made a play for him. He never led her on. She had slept with Shep, then Whitney, then set her hat for Thomas. She moved into his house, and it wasn't until he told her "I'm too old for you...." did she move back to her parents' home. She's a calculating girl, but a girl who doesn't know how to play her cards right. She's a dumb gold digger. This is spot on. She thought Thomas was going to be the easiest catch and she blew it. 5 Link to comment
ChrissyT June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 12 hours ago, jumper sage said: I think that comes from the rumors she was trading with a drug dealer. I disagree. I don't like him but he seems to laugh off and own his own wrong doings. Drug convictions, sex with young women etc. I still contend that all these people are around him because he still delivers the goods around town and you don't want to piss off your dealer. Thomas does absolutely own up to his own mistakes. However, the big difference is he is self-made. He's worth millions and has several successful companies throughout Charleston, well, really SC. He's primarily in real estate. I know because I've had to write his company checks every month for over ten years. He's got dozens of employees and because of his politician father is well-known. The difference is that he's not relying on anyone else to live or support his kids. Kathryn's got nothing - no money, no jobs, no prospects. 4 Link to comment
zoeysmom June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 4 hours ago, CriticalMass said: I keep reading references to Kathryn's failed drug tests. Thomas didn't provide receipts even when prompted by Landon. Is this public record? It seems as if every gossip website repeats it, but has it been verified? Thanks But, he's Shep! He's got lineage and mailbox money! How dare you question his illicit drug use. According to Thomas, the parties were ordered to submit to hair analysis for the presence of drugs. Because Kathryn uses hair color the lab used body hair from Katherine. Surprisingly, Thomas doesn't color his hair so they used hair collected from the head. Katherine is claiming through her fans that Thomas paid off the lab for a false positive on her and that on its face the drug testing was unfair because Thomas did not have to submit to the body hair examination which generally can trace drug usage back as long as a year. There is a double standard with this entire cast and as Whitney pointed out he does not have two children to raise. Craig was a drunk and gave up liquor and apparently does smell bad anymore, Shep can uses hallucinogens, Cam can drink and fall over in the bushes at a party Kathryn was deemed not classy enough to attend. 8 Link to comment
Bronzedog June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Kathryn is a failed gold digger. Without a ring, she's not even a silver digger. She's a baby momma. 4 Link to comment
HunterHunted June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 27 minutes ago, ChrissyT said: This is spot on. She thought Thomas was going to be the easiest catch and she blew it. She figured wrong. Thomas was galavanting around Charleston after his drug arrest and prison stint. It's going to take a lot more than an out of wedlock baby to shame Thomas into marriage. 3 Link to comment
Grey Goose June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 If the other cast members suspected Kathryn was using illegal drugs while pregnant and while caring for a young child, I can't really blame them for avoiding her and avoiding filming with her. She really does present as mentally ill and so very very very immature, like arrested emotional development. She's also not interesting. Or funny. Or charming. Or interested in other people. There are 24 year olds who are teachers, nurses, pilots, electricians --- people with stressful, demanding jobs that don't allow for error. I think Kathryn is being given a huge pass on the youth excuse. She's not a teenager even though she acts like one who's doesn't have parents who insist she be civil - petulant, self-absorbed, vulgar, rude, loud. The drug thing really bothers me and it makes me think like Kelly Bensimon, it's really broaching on immoral to have such a fragile individual as Kathryn on a reality show. 13 Link to comment
Auntie Velvet June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 2 hours ago, HunterHunted said: When Shep was talking about Kathryn going off on Whitney at Jekyll Island and how scary it was, I just started laughing because it's clear that the Charmers don't watch anything else on Bravo. I kept thinking that was scary? That was unhinged? I can think of a solid 2 dozen fights that I would list before Kathryn going off on Whitney at Jekyll including Whitney going off on Craig at Shep's mountain home. Scary Island was scarier and more unhinged than anything we've ever seen on Southern Charm. So is the prostitution whore table flip, the pillow talk fight on Atlanta, most of the fights on New Jersey, most arguments on OC involving Tamra and/or Vicki, that fight on OC at Lizzy's house when they were gas lighting Shannon, the dinner party from hell, the limo fight on the first season on BH, the game night fight from BH, Kim Richards crawling around on the floor looking for pills, the fight at Eileen's, the Amsterdam dinner fight, all of the Berkshires fights on NY, the fuck fight on NY, anything Michaele and Tariq ever did on DC, the fight between Adriana and Joanna on Miami, the Austin trip on Dallas where Leanne was apparently throwing shit around, all of the dipshit fights on Vanderpump Rules (special mentions to Stassi birthday fight, Kristen getting backhanded, the Miami girl fight on VdP Rules, and Kristen and James' breakup fight in the SUR alley), Rocky diving off the boat on Below Deck, every fight Mama Joyce started on Atlanta, Laura Leigh screaming at Jax in SUR, and the fact that we learned in the Uncensored special that Vicki has more than once assaulted the producers. The Charmers are neophytes to Bravo drama. Kathryn calling Whitney disgusting for taking Thomas to a strip club is junior league drama. Call me when she's throwing wine at people or glasses at people while screaming "who are you to get me wet?!?" It was especially rich coming from Shep, because during that "scary" moment he was giving little fist pumps of approval behind Kathryn as she was mocking Whitney's relying on his mother. He loved her tirade, to some extent. 2 Link to comment
breezy424 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, tumamita said: Kathryn's jealousy & hate for Landon is REAL So is Landon for Kathryn. If Landon slept with TRav and I'm leaning pretty hard that she did, I can understand Kathryn's feelings more than Landon. (WWHL pole last night was do you think Landon slept with TRav. 76% thought she did). Yeah, Kathryn told Landon f you at a party. Not cool but no where near the actions afterward from Landon. In the interview that someone posted earlier, TRav said that Landon (and him too) posted those photos of the two of them to get a rise out of Kathryn. And then we have Landon lying about inviting Kathryn to Shep's birthday party. Landon denied, denied, denied about this. Landon is a 'mean girl' to the core. And after seeing that incident, I have no doubt that Landon would lie about a hook up with TRav and going on to deny, deny, deny that. As for TRav, he's a total liar. We've seen that in his interactions with Kathryn. And then we have Landon's comment about Kathryn and her career and that her talent is she's good on her back. Funny thing. Landon is like ten years older than Kathryn. What's Landon's career? What's her talent? Oh. She's starting over because of a divorce. Sure. You want to give people info about traveling (yawn) on a website but you can't even create anything on a computer. That's for other people to do. Landon butting in and saying that Kathryn failed the test is just another example of Landon hitting below the belt and chiming in on something that's none of her business and was not her place to say. As for the hair tests: When taken from the scalp, generally an inch and a half is tested - 90 days. Body hair, because of it's slower growth can represent a longer time frame. The hair tests do not measure how much a person has used a particular drug. It only shows that that the person used it. Kathryn is screwed up for sure but so is TRav. As for the reunion, I think Kathryn took too high a dose of Xanax, just like we've seen Vicks and Ro do. I'm not buying into the Kathryn being a addict because there's nothing to back that up and it's a serious charge. Volatile? For sure. So is TRav. Kathryn needs a good friend or someone who can listen to her but at the same time respond to her with reality especially 'if' Kathryn truly has a drug problem, . I don't think she has that kind of friend. Jennifer just adds fuel to the fire. Edited June 29, 2016 by breezy424 12 Link to comment
lunastartron June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 I don't think Kathryn's conduct comes anywhere close to rivaling Kelly Bensimon's on-camera mental disintegration but I thought the dynamics of this summit were every bit as disturbing as Bethenny literally screaming and jumping for joy at the psychiatric unraveling of a rude coworker - although, for once, Andy Cohen wasn't the most heinous person on a reunion set. I rarely regard any behavior on Bravo as genuinely evil but the sheer glee with which Landon, Whitney, and their host were issuing their salvos at Kathryn was blood-curdlingly disturbing; I suppose it didn't trump Naked Wasted for sociopathy (but what ever will top a mother exhorting her son to sexually assault her colleague?) but, in the context of Kathryn's demeanor and the general indicators of manic depressive tendencies, I thought it definitely flirted with authentic personal destruction. So, per the cast, if I'm not mistaken: responding negatively to an adversary who aggressively disparages and demeans you to your face = "scary" erupting in an clearly chemically induced upper-fueled rage apropos of nothing and literally threatening physical violence to those in close proximity = an episode that can be shrugged off in a matter of days possibly fucking a drug dealer and recreationally using = a nonpareil sin actually being a drug dealer, exhibiting uncontrolled and menacing anger reflective of continuing cocaine ingestion, and promoting legalization of all controlled usbstances because of your felony convictions and prison time thanks to that stint in trafficking = no biggie asserting that Kathryn is a "disgusting" mom who uses her children for her own venal self-interest and is the sum of her sexual prowess = "I've never said anything bad about you" Personally, I don't think accounting for Kathryn's age constitutes extending her a wholesale pass for her transgressions. I personally can recall, at less of a remove than Landon and certainly the rest of the cast, how much of an idiot I was in my early 20s. That there are plenty of gainfully occupied, successful, and mature individuals that age isn't relevant to the double standard that has defined the collective treatment of and salvos against Kathryn. And there are no words for how horrific a middle-ager like Whitney has to be in order to invoke mental health medication against anyone as a weapon in a shaming campaign. Or how perverted Landon has to be to try to reduce another woman to her carnal facilities after Thomas has waxed rhapsodic over her own fellatio talents on national television. 16 Link to comment
biakbiak June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) Quote possibly fucking a drug dealer and recreationally using = a nonpareil sin Well the accusation/rumor was that she was doing it while pregnant. Quote And there are no words for how horrific a middle-ager like Whitney has to be in order to invoke mental health medication against anyone as a weapon in a shaming campaign. Well Whitney clearly doesn't think the pills were antidepressants and given that Kathryn stated that she was only on them because Whitney and Patricia were mean to her I don't buy it either. Abuse of prescription drugs is also apparently called out in the modified custody agreement I don't necessarily think he is wrong. Edited June 29, 2016 by biakbiak 6 Link to comment
AnnaMayWong June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) Supposedly, Kathryn was in the throes of a drug-fueled rage illustrated by screeches, wild gesticulations, and the slinging of some profane-laced accusations. Hmmm, well (Okay, I guess if you say so, Producer and oft-times Sμ!+ - Stirrer, Whitney). Maladroit, uncouth, and hysterical behavior to be sure. Kathryn DOES DISPLAY OUTRAGEOUSNESS. Her life is disordered. Whether mental illness or gold-diggery be the crux, I dunno. Some way, somehow, Kathryn needs to (get help[?]) pull it together--that IS for damn sure. So, what about ole tHOmas' downright crude, erratic, hysterical, and venomous behaviors ❓ Where are the accusations of fear inducing acts....(huh, Shep?)❓ Kathryn screams at Whitney, Shep, et al. and all are afeared. Buuut, Thomas. During The Supper-time [attempted] Dining Experience, Thomas was ranting, screaming insults, spewing wrathful utterances akin to 'a call to duel', frothing, foaming, cussin', threatening physical violence, forcefully and profanely demanding his guests to "get the hell outta here", and, then LITERALLY chasing said guests from his not humble abode all the while viciously, continuously hurling invectives, insults, and threats of bodily harm. And, his bizarre atrocious deportment incur...(?) No surprise--dealer and user TRav is excluded from the public flogging visited upon Kathryn. Yeah, yeah, this group is just reacting to HER craziness. So disgustingly hypocritical. So misogynistic. SoCharm-less. Edited June 29, 2016 by BookElitist 10 Link to comment
bravofan27 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) Quote Shep is an intelligent man. You can tell by his answers to the questions that Andy asked, and the references he has made to literature and history throughout the show. Regarding the numerical scale of his "hook-ups", and when Craig said something about going home with a "2", his response about a binary scale was priceless, and even more priceless was the look of utter confusion on Landon's face, because I think she has no freakin' clue what he was talking about! AND - that, right there, is the reason that Landon and Shep would not be a good match. She is just not on the same level, intellectually, as he is. Don't say that for sure... Landon could have looked confused because a binary scale is 0 and 1, there is no 2. So she could have had no idea what a binary scale was, OR she could have known and wondered why Shep asked about 2 on a binary scale. In any case, Shep messed up the binary scale thing, he might sound smart, but maybe he's just making shit up and hopes people don't know the difference. If Whitney said, "Shep would go home with a 1" and Shep said, "On a binary scale?" That would make sense. But a binary scale is only 0 and 1s, no 2s. Never ever. Edited June 29, 2016 by bravofan27 6 Link to comment
biakbiak June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) 12 minutes ago, bravofan27 said: Don't say that for sure... Landon could have looked confused because a binary scale is 0 and 1, there is no 2. So she could have had no idea what a binary scale was, OR she could have known and wondered why Shep asked about 2 on a binary scale. In any case, Shep messed up the binary scale thing, he might sound smart, but maybe he's just making shit up and hopes people don't know the difference. It's been awhile since computer science, but I think the number 2 on a binary scale is 11. A 2 is a 10 on the binary scale so I assumed that was the joke, they said he went home with 2s and he asked if they were talking about in a binary scale which would mean he went home with 10s. Edited June 29, 2016 by biakbiak 5 Link to comment
bravofan27 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) Quote A 2 is a 10 on the binary scale so I assumed that was the joke, they said he went home with 2s and he asked if they were talking about in a binary scale which would mean he went home with 10s. Hum, that's a great thought, but Shep didn't say that. He said, "you mean on a binary scale? Where there is only a one and a two?" There is no 2 on a binary scale. Edited June 29, 2016 by bravofan27 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Ah, Horseteeth, you're just so charming & hilarious. Driving around San Francisco on mushrooms & getting arrested & landing in jail, eh? What a lovely & hysterical story, Horseteeth. I died laughing. Except -- er, not really. I think I hate him more after watching this reunion ep than I did before -- when he merely presented himself as a waste of space who sleeps all day. So I'm supposed to love Horseteeth because he takes nothing seriously? Well, supposedly he takes nothing seriously. OK, maybe Horseteeth doesn't take women or drug use seriously -- but as far as being on the show? Horseteeth doesn't take being on the show seriously? Um, not so fast, Whit. Anyone see what Horseteeth has been saying on Twitter? Oh sure, he's not breaking the 4th wall here on the reunion, but he's gotten extremely nasty (in response to negative comments about him on the show) on Twitter, where he directly contradicted the fake casual attitude he's portraying at this reunion. I'd say you're full of shit, Horseteeth. Oh yeah, Horseteeth is playing all those Shep-lovers like a fiddle. As far as Craigie-poo goes, I knew something was off about the bullshit he's been throwing at us. His story never made any sense to me. And yet, there he was at the reunion still throwing the same bullshit at us -- that he's gonna be a lawyer. Cut it the fuck out, Craigie-poo. We're not idiots. We know you're never gonna be a lawyer or take the bar, so enough with this babble. Just look cute & wear as little as possible & you'll serve your purpose (as I'm sure Satan Andy has intended for you). I'd say Whit got off pretty lucky. He wasn't pressed too hard on his bullshit story of Kathryn being a one-night stand. She was insistent she wasn't & brought out some very believable deets. Whit dismissed her deets as fantasy. Yeah, Whit looked very, very nervous when he did that, didn't he? Wish someone woulda brought up his bullshit fake "girlfriend". Poor widdle Snowflake didn't really speak much, did she? Oh, there she was giggling cutesy & squinting hard (as we've seen her do so annoyingly all season), but she only made short blathering comments -- mostly mean & pointed at Kathryn. About earlier comments that she sounded different? No, I caught the same whine going on. It's just that she didn't speak much. But I did love hearing widdle Snowflake babble something about still working on getting her website together. Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, Snowflake. On the same planet where Craigie-poo is gonna be a lawyer, right? Oh, Thom-ass, God, you really are a vile man. When you laughed about starting on a 3rd child with Kathryn, I wanted to punch you in the face thru my TV. 7 Link to comment
Grey Goose June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Landon is trying to be relevant and save her place on the show: No career, no husband with a cool career, or a lot of money, looks, or family name, no cool house for a back drop, no kids, not particularly witty or clever, not so great with repartee. No significant other to create sexual tension or mystery. She inserts her opinion into the TRav/Kathryn mess so awkwardly. The "skills" on that back thing --- she came off like a jealous fishwife. Her chemistry with TRav and Shep is about as intriguing as Gretchen and Slade. Manufactured. She's Southern Charm's Gretchen of OC. I think Landon is very beautiful though. Better skin and a less artificial beauty than Gretchen. 2 Link to comment
Major Bigtime June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) Quote Because Kathryn uses hair color the lab used body hair from Katherine. My hair is colored and the woman who snipped a sample for my pre-employment drug test said it doesn't matter. Kathryn doesn't have enough body hair for a test unless she's stopped shaving her armpits for a long while. I had a friend who's done drug and alcohol counseling watch some of this episode last night and he said due to the flat look Kathryn had, she was most likely on opiates. I wasn't sure what she'd taken, but he's pretty sure that's what she was high on. I pointed out Shep's shaking foot and he said no, he's just nervous and possibly lying, but that his affect, voice, eyes, all indicated he was sober. Edited June 29, 2016 by Major Bigtime 5 Link to comment
sasha206 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 13 hours ago, RHJunkie said: Why did Landon find Shep's weed story so amusing but took such delight in outing Kathryn's drug use? Double standards are so rampant. Thomas saying he didn't want to degrade the mother of his child but apparently he's mentioned it to the media. I'm loathe to defend Shep and contribute to a double standard, but in this case, I don't think the double standard exists. I think when you are a mother of a toddler and an infant, being on any type of drugs is a much different scenario that being an adult without dependents. There was a story the other day about a female reporter who breast fed her baby 12 hours after ingesting coke and the kid landed in the hospital. So it's very dangerous. It also makes me wonder whether she's much more than a recreational user. So to me, there's not really a double standard on drug usage. A double standard would come into play if Thomas was using drugs when the babies were in his care and he wasn't penalized. 6 Link to comment
sasha206 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 On Kathyrn and Thomas, I would suspect the reason he was so attracted to her and ended up with two kids by her is he found her volatility initially exciting. The fiery redhead! It probably wasn't til just recently that he realized that volatility is not a great thing when you have children. I wonder if Thomas has actually dated an accomplished woman? Or is he one of these men that like having purse strings he can control? We have a friend who is like that, except unlike Thomas he isn't even remotely attractive. He does have women his age who are intelligent that are interested in him that he can date. But instead he tends to date younger women with head cases. He buys them things, they get hooked. 1 Link to comment
Major Bigtime June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Quote I wonder if Thomas has actually dated an accomplished woman? He tried to date a friend of mine in Charleston, who owns a business and is very smart, successful. She turned him down when he asked her out. As I said, she's successful and smart. Dani turned him down. The only women who will go out with him are looking for a sugar daddy. 5 Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Landon laughing while Kathyrn and Thomas fought over there kids was disgusting. What a THOT Landon is. (That Ho Over There) 6 Link to comment
RHJunkie June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, sasha206 said: I'm loathe to defend Shep and contribute to a double standard, but in this case, I don't think the double standard exists. I think when you are a mother of a toddler and an infant, being on any type of drugs is a much different scenario that being an adult without dependents. There was a story the other day about a female reporter who breast fed her baby 12 hours after ingesting coke and the kid landed in the hospital. So it's very dangerous. It also makes me wonder whether she's much more than a recreational user. So to me, there's not really a double standard on drug usage. A double standard would come into play if Thomas was using drugs when the babies were in his care and he wasn't penalized. In Landon's case, it was very much a double standard. Kathryn did something stupid and fortunately it hasn't impacted the health and well-being of her children. Shep did something stupid the moment he and his equally high friend decided to jump in a car and drive while under the influence. Just because he isn't the immediate caretaker of someone doesn't negate the fact that he put lives in danger of every other driver, passenger and pedestrian on the roads within the vicinity of that vehicle. Again, he did something stupid and fortunately it didn't have a tragic impact on himself, his friend or anyone else on the road with them that night. The point was Landon saw one story as so hilarious while the other she went out of her way to share news about Kathryn that didn't involve her as a way to shame Kathryn. So I do think it was a double standard but I can see that the way I phrased it, it may have come off as a general observation. I meant it was yet another double standard for Landon. Kathryn seems equally insufferable to me but Kathryn doesn't hide herself so picking her apart is so easy because she exposes herself, flaws and all. With Landon, she's so shady about all of it but wants to maintain an air about her when she's more like Kathryn than she thinks. Edited June 29, 2016 by RHJunkie 6 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 1 hour ago, Major Bigtime said: He tried to date a friend of mine in Charleston, who owns a business and is very smart, successful. She turned him down when he asked her out. As I said, she's successful and smart. Dani turned him down. The only women who will go out with him are looking for a sugar daddy. This is not surprising to hear. Thom-ass is a dud. Sure, he's good looking & has money, but he's a dud as someone to have any relationship with. He's a boozer & a cokehead & treats women horribly. We know why Kathryn latched onto him. Um, but what about Landon? WTF was/is she lookin' to get outta him? 2 Link to comment
lilmarysunshine June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 19 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said: This is not surprising to hear. Thom-ass is a dud. Sure, he's good looking & has money, but he's a dud as someone to have any relationship with. He's a boozer & a cokehead & treats women horribly. We know why Kathryn latched onto him. Um, but what about Landon? WTF was/is she lookin' to get outta him? She wants someone to pay her bills. 4 Link to comment
sasha206 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, RHJunkie said: In Landon's case, it was very much a double standard. Kathryn did something stupid and fortunately it hasn't impacted the health and well-being of her children. Shep did something stupid the moment he and his equally high friend decided to jump in a car and drive while under the influence. Just because he isn't the immediate caretaker of someone doesn't negate the fact that he put the lives of every other driver, passenger and pedestrian on the roads within the vicinity of that vehicle. Again, he did something stupid and fortunately it didn't have a tragic impact on himself, his friend or anyone else on the road with them that night. The point was Landon saw one story as so hilarious while the other she went out of her way to share news about Kathryn that didn't involve her as a way to shame Kathryn. So I do think it was a double standard but I can see that the way I phrased it, it may have come off as a general observation. I meant it was yet another double standard for Landon. Kathryn seems equally insufferable to me but Kathryn doesn't hide herself so picking her apart is so easy because she exposes herself, flaws and all. With Landon, she's so shady about all of it but wants to maintain an air about her when she's more like Kathryn than she thinks. Ah, I got it. I didn't know much about Shep's case and missed that part of the reunion. Yes, what they did is equally irresponsible. I shouldn't have commented w/o watching the reunion in its entirety! Edited June 29, 2016 by sasha206 Link to comment
Major Bigtime June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 17 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said: She wants someone to pay her bills. Exactly. Daddy told her to get a job, she's not getting any more from him. She needs to latch onto someone. She and Kathryn are cut from the same cloth. 3 Link to comment
sasha206 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 2 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said: Exactly. Daddy told her to get a job, she's not getting any more from him. She needs to latch onto someone. She and Kathryn are cut from the same cloth. And when Thomas fell through, she decided to see if maybe Shep was game. Now that this didn't work, I'm sure she's looking for Patricia to hook her up. 5 Link to comment
Tara Ariano June 29, 2016 Author Share June 29, 2016 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! Andy Cohen Fails Interviewing 101 And Southern Etiquette Class On The Southern Charm Reunion People get slandered and sloshed and it's all very tacky. Link to comment
AnnaMayWong June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) I still do not understand Craig's problem with the composition and submission of a 20page(?) 'typed paper' in law school even if he required a touch of additional time for completion barring a calamitous occurrence. Just as some posters have relayed, I, too, was required to periodically submit papers of that length during university undergraduate studies. Actually, my son's Extended Essay--required for his high school International Baccalaureate Degree--was that length. This is perplexing to me. Since so much time has elapsed, is Craig able to complete the requirement❓ Why expend that time and effort to stall at what is tantamount to a relatively short research paper or expanded composition. Even if he does not practice law, the attainment of the degree should boost his employment prospects. Is this not correct(?). To whom has Craig been lying all of this time❓❓❓ How are his parents reacting❓ What is Naomi's/her parents' reaction❓ Edited June 29, 2016 by BookElitist 2 Link to comment
glowlights June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Did anyone ask Thomas what he meant by referring to Kensie as a derivative? He needs to be challenged on that, although I suspect if we were to look inside his head all we'd see is a little graveyard for dead brain cells. It sounds like Craig wants to be a lawyer the way I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a little kid. It's okay, Craig, there'll always be a job making coffee for JD. I believe Kathryn is at the intersection of mental illness and substance abuse, and imo it was really gross that Andy required her to be present when she didn't want to be and was by all accounts acting "off". He's become nothing more than a sleazy sideshow profiteer. Although... did Cooper style Kathryn for the reunion? I need an explanation for that necklace. 7 Link to comment
bichonblitz June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 5 minutes ago, glowlights said: I believe Kathryn is at the intersection of mental illness and substance abuse, and imo it was really gross that Andy required her to be present when she didn't want to be and was by all accounts acting "off". He's become nothing more than a sleazy sideshow profiteer. How do we know that Andy required her to be present at the reunion when she didn't want to be? I'm just curious, several posters have said this and I'm wondering how they know? Isn't it in their contract that they are to be at the reunion? If she didn't want to be subjected to having to explain herself then maybe she should choose not to be on the show at all next season. Doubt that's gonna happen. She'll be there front and center stealing the spotlight with her craziness all over again. 2 Link to comment
glowlights June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: How do we know that Andy required her to be present at the reunion when she didn't want to be? I'm just curious, several posters have said this and I'm wondering how they know? Isn't it in their contract that they are to be at the reunion? If she didn't want to be subjected to having to explain herself then maybe she should choose not to be on the show at all next season. Doubt that's gonna happen. She'll be there front and center stealing the spotlight with her craziness all over again. You're right, I'm going by other people's statements and fair enough it might not be true. But... I'm also going by Andy's reputation and past antics. :/ Pretty sure it's in their contracts to be present, but there should be an allowance for illness, which includes mental illness or substance problems, imo. Maybe the decent thing to do would be to kill Kathryn's contract for her. 2 Link to comment
Nancybeth June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 There have been several housewives who have missed reunions over the years, including Kim Richards sitting it out when she was in rehab. Now, that doesn't generally go over very well with Andy and/or the viewers. But I honestly think that if Kathryn or her lawyer said, "Look, we have someone who is mentally ill or struggling with a drug problem and this is not a healthy situation for her to be in," Bravo would let them off the hook. Maybe she'd get her own interview off to the side that they could insert into the program. But Kathryn is a famewhore, and I don't think she has the wherewithal to realize the state she's in mentally or the fact that this show has in some ways contributed to it. She was never going to voluntarily sit out the reunion and the producers aren't going to suggest it! 8 Link to comment
ava111 June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 On 6/28/2016 at 0:25 AM, psychoticstate said: Why was Miss Kitty rolling her eyes or making a face when Cameran was explaining how she had her own bank account and credit card? Because it was a dig at Kathryn that she (Cameran) doesn't need a man to pay for things she needs a wants? At least that's what I got from it. On 6/28/2016 at 0:38 AM, zoeysmom said: At some point in Kathryn's life she was told it was okay to throw temper tantrums. Shep was right when he said Kathryn was scary when she went after Whitney of Jekyll Island. She wanted someone who would make her life easy and wealthy and it is now apparent she and Thomas are not compatible. She speaks of what Thomas provided her (rent) I am thinking she pulls down a pretty hefty chunk of change from the show. The last thing she needs to be doing is alienating every last person on the show. It has to feel good to get a big fat six figure check every year--so why blow it over trying to be right over petty stuff. Not only that it was OK to throw tantrums but that it was required to be on the show and getting paid for it. If Kathryn was responsible and even tempered young mother the show wouldn't survived 3 seasons. And I think season 3 is the first time they got six figure paycheck, they even got real reunion for first time instead of in the clubhouse. The first season they probably got barely anything worth of all that embarrassing themselves and their families. Patricia hates Kathryn because she rejected her "fabulous" son Whitney. She definitely knows how long Kathryn stayed with Whitney that "one night stand" as she met her when getting coffee in the morning (as Pat said herself) and found her stuff in Whitney's room (on camera). She probably even approved of her because of who Kathryn's family is until Kathryn moved onto Thomas. She is the biggest hypocrite. I don't understand how its OK for her to teach Landon to sexy it up and giving her lessons on how to catch the right (meaning rich) kind of man but she is calling Kathryn gold digger? I guess its OK if you do it her way with a class. Glad Whitney finally kind of admitted that he spent more than 1 day with Kathryn. That's what drives Kathryn crazy, all these lies and double standard. She just can't and doesn't know how to be crazy (respond to it) with a class LOL 13 Link to comment
biakbiak June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 (edited) Patricia has also never been to a reunion or on WWHL. Edited June 29, 2016 by biakbiak 1 Link to comment
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