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S12.E06: Week 5

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8 hours ago, piewarmer said:

Sit right here next to me, my dirty friend, and we'll turn the sound off and make googly eyes at him together.

Can I sit with you guys? Look, I made cool jackets for us! 

Anyway, awwwwwww, Wells... :( He was my favorite but it was increasingly obvious that he was a poor match with JoJo.

I have to take a moment here to note the music, which included a rhythmic bell tolling under the piano as the producer came to collect Wells's bag. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, suitors. It tolls for thee. That sequence was hilariously overwrought! JoJo wandering the empty streets, then standing among the Fuerza Bruta audience, looking like a stock photo for the keywords "alone in a crowd." Dial it back to a ten, please, producers, because you're at seventeen right now. 

  • Love 11

James had nothing to go on but to trash Jordon over rules and poker playing? That makes him question character? LOL James is very self conscious with himself compared to the others and I think trying to bring the others down with stupid comments like that he probably saw work with Chad/Derek but it was too dumb to work this time.

While Jordon wasn't that famous before this show, he was famous enough that he doesn't need Jojo for fame. If he needed fame he could have be a hanger on of his brother. 


Jojo should have just cut both James and Alex at once.

  • Love 7

Addendum: Can we talk about the dress JoJo was wearing on her date with Derek and Chase? Girl... no. With the weird wrinkly black mesh triangles on the torso, more black mesh on the hem, and the inexplicable black straps? Confidential to the wardrobe department: Jo has a gorgeous figure but skin-tight white is not the least bit forgiving. Just go up a size! It's okay! Cut the tag out, it'll be our little secret. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, Lesia said:

Watched this season for the first time last night.  Meh.  Hard to make a tango NOT sexy, but the three of them sure managed to do that.

The parts of the tango where the two guys kind of "tossed" her back and forth to each other -  I swear I saw some splicing going on, like they played a part where she danced with Derek, and then re-played it a minute later.

4 hours ago, alexa said:

I agree with others that she isn't really developing any relationships or using her time wisely to get to know the guys.  And why she kept the two guys at the end, only to dump them very soon makes no sense to me.  

Right - there's no way in the world she wants to marry or even go to the fantasy suite with Alex or James.   It would be kinder to let them both go.   I suspect some producer interference there.   Jojo is ready to narrow the field ASAP.   Her kiss with Wells, and saying "that was the moment!  We did it!"  came across as very condescending, like she was patting a puppy on the head for finally mastering a trick. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Artsda said:

 and James had nothing to go on but to trash Jordon over rules and poker playing? That makes him question character?

Yeah, like maybe what is commonly accepted as "official poker rules"  might vary in different places.  It seemed like a stupid thing to bring up.  I know James was using it as an example of "arrogant attitude" or "entitlement", but it's Jordan's personality.  And Jojo seemed to lock in on Jordan from the start, which encouraged his sense of entitlement. He acts entitled because he sensed, as did everyone else, that he was already chosen as the "winner"  even before anyone got out of the limos. 

Nobody mentioned a funny moment that had me laughing.   When Wells went on his date, all the guys were speculating that he would no be coming back - he hasn't kissed her yet, they don't have a connection, he's too quiet, etc. No way is she keeping him around.    Then, when the staff member comes in for Wells' bag, indicating that he was eliminated on the date, the guys react with "NO!   I can't believe it!"  and we see shocked expressions everywhere.   Really?  You're SHOCKED?  You all discussed and predicted exactly this event, and then you express shock?

Edited by backformore
  • Love 4

JoJo thinks that fairytale romances are real, and that if/when she finds one, it means that she'll be just as excited and horny by her new husband in 50 years as she is right now.  Wells politely disagreed, and her smile immediately turned upside down.  Aaaannnndddd.....he's gone.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that whoever JoJo picks as the "winner" this season won't be around for very long.

  • Love 15

I'm sad for me that Wells left, but he seemed just fine with it. It seemed in recent episodes that he was pretty over it and finding the whole scene more amusing than anything else. It's too bad that he's clearly not Jojo's type, because he was debatably the most genuine guy there. Her seeming annoyance over his completely reasonable statements that passion often fizzles eventually seemed childish and deluded. 

I feel like Jojo is reminding me uncomfortably of Andi--knowing that she tends to pick guys who act a certain way or look a certain way and knowing equally well that it works out badly for her and brings her pain--and yet not being able to help going after that exact type of guy even in a field of 20+ men. If she ends up picking Jordan, this season will basically be Andi redux to me. We all know that wouldn't have a prayer of lasting. I'm holding out some small measure of hope that she'll see the light and pick anyone else, since the editing doesn't seem to be fully set on Jordan. I wish more bachelorettes would learn from Des' season and realize the guy they're spellbound by who seems sort of ambivalent and whom they have to chase around for affirmation is quite likely obscuring the guy who would actually be the best match.

At this point, I think Luke is likely her best bet if she actually wants a relationship that might go somewhere. He seems able to converse, thinks about what he says, is her type looks-wise, is definitely "manly" enough for her, and seems to genuinely like and care about her. Alex has some unflattering insecurity that plays out as attacks on others; James was clearly friendzoned from the beginning and seems to need to grow up quite a bit; Chase seems generic, strangely flat, and a bit mean to other guys, and Robby is just a disaster.  Didn't another Bachelor/Bachelorette send someone home for proclaiming their love too early when it was clear it couldn't be real, saying that s/he was concerned at the strength of that contestant's feelings when s/he didn't feel the same way? Or did I make that up? Regardless, I think Robby should have been tossed last week for that reason. 

  • Love 12

I had passion with a guy for years and years, but we didn't like each other very much.  I wonder if you can have it with like, a good guy who likes you. I wouldn't know.  Would be cool.

Wells has a lot of fans on Twitter, I am happy for him.

Derek seemed cool, but what if it's all the John Krasinski good faith rubbing off on him?

I think that Alex has a temper, and while he acted "okayish-normal" for most of the episode, as soon as he got the rose his "real" personality came out, IMO, the one I hate.

James is so insecure.  I thought I was bad, but he is more insecure than I am.  He needs to shut up on national TV about all of the weaknesses he sees in himself, and just keep it to himself, and it's a good learning lesson for me, too.

I still think Robby is very beautiful!  I don't care!  He just seems kind of spacey and totally happy without getting to show his substance on the show.  It's kind of funny.  He's like the happy appendage of the group.  I also think it's funny how he looks like Will Arnett and Will Forte

I thought the scene between Luke and Jojo was super hot, but he said Like too much.  Like 1000 times too much. 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 3

It's so sad that she sent Derek home. He was my favorite. I've noticed that usually producers invite favorites to last one-on-one date. It looks like they ask the bachelor/bachelorette to write the list of participants (according attractiveness for her or him)  and then invite the second and third place  to one-on-one to get more drama.

And unfortunately all the other guys want to be famous except Chase. I don't believe them at all, especially Jordan.

  • Love 1

Okay, so, I don't THINK anyone has mentioned this so maybe it's my poor addled brain misremembering but please help a poor-brain-addled-misremember out ...

Chris Harrison comes in at the beginning, announces to the crowd that there will be a 1-on-1 date, a group date and, for The! First! Time! Ever!, a SECOND 2-on-1 date.

He then finishes his shpiel by saying something to the effect of "Good luck, gentlemen, and I hope to see all of you again at the Rose Ceremony." (Paraphrasing but the key point is the "see ALL of you again")

By definition, doesn't a 2-on-1 date require that someone is being sent home? So, there's no way they'll all be back for the Rose Ceremony, right? Doesn't Chris Harrison know the rules of his own show?

On other pressing issues of state ... Wells for Bachelor! I know it won't happen but he's just so adorkable and really the only remaining (well, no longer remaining technically) guy I'd actually give a hoot about from the motley crew remaining.

This is absolutely the WORST HAIR CROWD ever.  Between Jordan (ugh to the maximum degree), Robby (WTF is that thing on your head and face?) and Luke (make it stop), it's like they have a secret inner competition to see who could have the worst gravity-defying hair ever and maybe they're getting side $$$ from some hair gel company.

I'm not a JoJo fan so I admit I hope she winds up with Jordan because he's just horrible and it will be a s*$t show.  But that would also mean he "won" and I don't like that result either. PLEASE don't let him be the next Bachelor. UGH UGH UGH. He takes smarmy to new levels of smarm.

Finally, I kept thinking that JoJo had mispronounced Buenos Aires so many times that they were on like the 86th take and she had to read it out syllabically every time she raved about being in BOO-AY-NO-OS AH-EE-AY-REZ.

  • Love 3

I noticed none of the guys brought up the (probable) reason that Wells hadn't kissed JoJo yet - he just didn't seem that into her.  I know they can't really break the fourth wall and admit that, but it seemed clear as day to me that Wells wasn't really feeling JoJo.  He could not have looked less interested in that date, appeared to be psyching himself up to even kiss her, and then didn't seem all that broken up to leave.  Wells my friend, you are probably how I would end up edited if I was ever a contestant on The Bachelor, and therefore, I'm sorry to see you go.

Not that I think he's going much further, but I cannot understand why James is still around.  I find him so unattractive, and he's not even charming enough to make up for it.  

I can't even describe how hard I laughed at Derek sitting in the limo on a shame spiral muttering to himself "Why am I crying? Don't cry!"

If you told me that Chase and Jordan were separated at birth in some kind of Parent Trap-type scenario, I would 100% believe you.  They look more alike to me than Jordan does to his actual brother.  I do think Jordan is her #1, but I could see Luke as a spoiler - she seemed VERY into their makeout session, and to me, looked like she wanted him to stop talking so they could get back to kissing.

  • Love 9

I'm wondering why everyone is saying Jordan is so horrible? I think he seems like a nice guy and is not proclaiming mad love for someone he just met. He also seems pretty friendly with the other guys, so what has he done that's so awful? I agree he has bad hair but the others do as well. Luke's boy band hair doesn't go at all with his craggy face and Robbie's hair looks the hair on the old Big Boy mascot for the restaurant. 

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

If you told me that Chase and Jordan were separated at birth in some kind of Parent Trap-type scenario, I would 100% believe you.  They look more alike to me than Jordan does to his actual brother.

I agree.  When they are together, they don't really, I guess look alike.  But when one of them is on the screen, damned if I can tell which one it is!

9 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

I was sad to see Wells go home. It was time though. I think he was the most genuine of the whole group. He obviously wasn't into JoJo that much. He seems very reserved and thoughtful when it comes to love but with that said I honestly think if he had been more into her it wouldn't have took until this episode for him to kiss her. But he wasn't trying to fake a connection as I think some of these guys do to stay in the "game".

I disagree with others who don't see the chemistry between her and Luke. He looks like a very good kisser and  I thought she was very into him during the kissing scene. But I think it's all just physically attraction on her part. She doesn't act with any of them like she does with Jordan. She worries about how he feels about her, doesn't act sure of herself with him and just dying to please. Same way Ben acted with Lauren. 

Agreed!   Last night was the first time I really  noticed Wells.  IMO,  his pics did  not do him justice.  As soon as I realized that he was seemingly the most genuine of the guys,  probably the most intelligent,  and one of the few of them  whose eyes aren't set too close together,  I knew he was a goner.  As for Luke, I definitely saw the chemistry between them when he and Jojo were kissing . 

10 hours ago, redfish.bluefish said:

Just had to comment to agree with all the side-eye being thrown Jordan's way. I think he looks like a ferret and he is so glib. i. don't. get. it. She definitely has a type. I feel so dirty admitting this, esp in light of what seems to be common opinion here, but I find Alex just captivating. NOT based on his personality - at least what we've seen on screen - and I KNOW he's short, but when he smiles....damn. I also like how he is always the first to stand when JoJo walks in the room, and stands again when she leaves, and always steps forward to greet/hug her hello. It reads a well-mannered to me. I know he's acting whiny, but I am guessing that is his insecurity coming out. For all I know he's a sociopath -- but I sure do like looking at him. My second favorite is Luke. Love his strong, reserved, laid-back vibe. Derek has gorgeous eyes. That is all.

So I live in NE FL and somehow didn't discover until this week that I have two friends who know Robby. One friend had nothing but good things to say about Robby and his family. Said he has always been a great guy, swears he is not gay (I remain skeptical) but Friend said Robby has always been into clothes and did some modeling and that he's just super metro. Which doesn't really fit JJ's type, but there you go. Robby: confirmed nice guy and metrosexual. Friend also confirmed the spoilers and told me that the girlfriend situation has been overblown. From what I was told, the relationship was not going anywhere, they were on different pages and it was going to end anyway. Friend said that Robby did not dump her just to do the show. FWIW.

ETA: Not to mention Jordan and his f*^&^&A% skinny pants. He is the WORST.

I hate to admit it,  but even though he's been a mean-girl crybaby lately, something  I find extremely unattractive (he's in like-company though),   I agree that  Alex is quite "facially" handsome.  Not to be shallow, but his height  would probably be a problem  for me.   He does seem well-mannered, which is a huge positive,  but I would worry about  his Napoleon complex  being  more than just a show-related stress reaction . 


2 hours ago, thejuicer said:

I loved that purple dress Jojo was wearing at the rose ceremony.

I had a feeling Wells would be a goner. Why would anyone think a water trampoline with waves gushing everywhere is a good place for a first kiss? Anyway, he's too smart for her, sorry to say. I could feel HE was getting bored on the date. Run far away from the Bachelor Nation, Wells.

Derek was also a sweetie pie and a nice guy and that's why he's gone because Jojo has a type (arrogant assholes).

Jordan is straight up ugly to me. And a prick. I can see through him from a mile away. If that's who Jojo picks she's in for a messy, messy breakup.

To me, Jordan is the physical embodiment of the word "insincere".  I wouldn't trust him any further than I could throw his giant-sized bottle of hair gel. I do not find him at all attractive.

 Someone said that the guys pretty much resemble one another/have similar type of features,  just change the hair - - I agree.  I'm just not  attracted to any of them (except Wells, but I realized that  much too late  ). They're all too.. I don't know... plasticky? pretty?  manicured? too.. something, with their weird peanut heads, big hair, close-set eyes, and large-glowy-teeth. 



Last season was the season of "The Busteds".  Any ideas on this season? The BJs--Busted Juniors? The Dumbelgangers? 

[Jordan =Alan Thicke. Alex reminds me of Mark Consuelos (Kelly Ripa's husband).  Robby =  Josh Lucas (or better yet, John from "Single Dad Seeking"! Twinsies! ) .  Luke is Richard Marx? (or Christopher Knight,  lol) . Chase=... Ooof..barely Blake Shelton?] 

  • Love 4

OMG, so many tight ill-fitting pants on display during that rose ceremony!

I think the only two people left on the show who might actually be genuine are Alex and Luke.  The rest, including JoJo, are obviously just there for the 'fame'.  I think that's why JoJo is sending home the nice, genuine guys, because she knows she isn't interested in finding love, which makes me think maybe she isn't a completely horrible person.

Wells.... you were doomed from the start of that date, when you walked out of the hotel completely stiff-armed.  I get the nerves thing, totally understand, but you had to know it wasn't going to be well received by someone who's made the rounds of all the other guys on the show.

Loved the fake angst over whether to send Jordan home or not.  Honey, we all knew you were going to keep him!

Oh man, the tight pants.  I just can't deal with it. 

Forgot about James T - I guess he's another nice guy who is probably there for love.  But he really has no chance.  I don't know why JoJo is keeping him around.  She was probably asked to as he seems to be someone who is willing to tell on the other guys, thus causing drama.

Edited by Canada
Forgot about James T
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, dleighg said:

On the 1 on 1 date I was just cracking up seeing Derek sit there alone at the table with three uneaten steaks getting cold. So sad. Then JoJo comes back and dumps him before anyone had a chance to eat! Even sadder! 

They were beautiful Argentinian beef filet mignons - and just DYING on the plates.  The horror!!!

Sad to see Wells go, but not surprised.  If I weren't happily married and about 30 years younger, I'd be looking him up.  Also sad to see Derek's beautiful eyes leave my screen as well.  I wish she had kept those two and sent James and Alex home.  Why can't she say she doesn't want to hand out the rose on the 2-on-1?  Some rules can be broken, and some can't???

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Canada said:


I think the only two people left on the show who might actually be genuine are Alex and Luke.  The rest, including JoJo, are obviously just there for the 'fame'. ...

Maybe Alex, because any girl who could be the B'ette probably wouldn't give him the time of day outside the show to even meet him, but he thinks he's all that (at least that is the impression I get) and perhaps is hoping once she sees what a catch he is, she'll be head over heels in no time. But pretty sure Luke has a band and is on the show to further his music career. 

At this point in the show's life I'm not only okay with "wrong reasons" contestants, I think I'd be shocked if someone seriously thought they would find their soulmate on this show, so I don't hold any ulterior motives against them.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 5

Why are there so many overly catty and insecure guys this season? The way most of them jumped on the Wells-bashing train as soon as he exited the hotel was sickening. Who cares if he kissed her or not? It's as if they were trying to prove he wasn't as macho and manly as the rest of them because he hadn't yet played tonsil hockey with JoJo. If anything, it shows that he's secure enough in himself to not feel the need to kiss a girl just because it's what the rest of them are doing. 

Why on earth did she choose to keep Alex and James Taylor? Their blatant insecurities are so obnoxious and not the least bit attractive. I would've gotten rid of those two and kept Wells and Derek--they seemed like the best options out of the men she had left. Luke is okay and really the only decent option remaining IMO. 

I'm not a football person at all, so I had to google Aaron Rodgers to see what he looks like. I happened to come across a roster photo of Jordan's and his hair looked even worse to me in that photo than it does now--didn't think that was possible! It was somewhat long and shaggy and just an all-around bad look. I think he should keep his hair short and not try any of those awful "trendy" looks. And don't even get me started on those girly skinny jeans that he wears. Not a huge fan of those in general, but he really doesn't have the body type to pull those off. He ends up just looking super effeminate. I don't at all understand what JoJo sees in him other than him having a famous sibling. He's not charming, charismatic, handsome or funny. And worst of all, I don't think he's honest or faithful. Seems like he'd be the type to cheat right from the start. Run from that one, girl! Jordan might end up making her ex, Chad, look appealing in comparison. 

I wasn't paying attention to the TV very much when she was on the two-on-one date with Derek and Chase. But from the little bit that I did see, Chase seemed super disinterested in JoJo and seemed to be phoning it in. I was shocked that she kept him around. I'm starting to think that JoJo is a masochist. 

JoJo seems to have very delusional thoughts about what true love is like. She wants to have continual fireworks but doesn't want to stray from her usual type at all in order to get said eternal fireworks. So she thinks she will somehow get this man who adores her and brings home a bouquet of roses everyday after work by choosing the same type of guy who's burned her in the past... Gee, what could possibly go wrong? 

Edited by amcfar
  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Those tight pants! They guys looked like they could barely walk as they went forward to get their roses!

They're awful!  I can't imagine they're wearing them voluntarily.  I just imagine them all, once filming ends, ripping them off with a sigh, saying "oh thank f***, now my nads can breath!!"  We're breeding a generation of sterile men with pants like that.

  • Love 5

Yeah, I know re Luke's band. James already took the role of singer songwriter singin' and playin' a couple of times, so I'm hoping we don't have to hear Luke if James leaves.... 

The only person who can pull off tight pants with a slightly pigeon-toed walk is that other former competitive swimmer Timothy Olyphant playing my imaginary true love Raylan Givens.... These guys are no Raylan Givenses.

  • Love 2

I'm so crushed about Wells!  Although I don't think he and Jojo are a good match, I selfishly want him on my tv.  He's so sweet.  He's been my favorite since the first episode.   I don't like Alex though.  He's way too competitive to the point that I think he's a jerk.  I hated how excited he got when they came to get Wells' bag and his reaction at the end.

Also, not a fan of Jordan in general, but his reaction to being "tattled" on creeped me out.  I get being mad but the way he was being all silent and glaring was creepy to me.  I feel like if there weren't cameras around he could have gone the crazy Chad route.

Im actually surprised how much people like Derrick.  I feel like he looked at Jojo in a borderline obsessive way.  Although I felt genuinely bad for him when he was crying. 

The rest I'm pretty indifferent to.

  • Love 3

Luke has yet to mention he can play an instrument or even carry a tune. If promoting his band was the plan behind coming on the show, he is doing a terrible job. He also seems pretty into JoJo and does not waste his time with her talking about anything but them. Had I not gone and done my own research, I would think he just left the military and is now a farmer.

  • Love 3

Oh Wells. You were definitely too good for this nonsense. You'll be fine.

I will say though that I hope that shot of JoJo in the crowd means that they did at least actually get to experience the full Fuerza Bruta show, and not just the bits and pieces we saw, because I saw it in New York, and it was one of the coolest, most amazing theatre/performance pieces I've ever experienced. And I'm a lifelong theatre kid, so I've had a lot of theatre/performance experiences. The whole rave-like atmosphere is part of the Fuerza Bruta experience, so I really hope that they didn't just watch a few bits by themselves and then do the acts themselves. Although I would super love to play in that water tank thing. All that said, if any of y'all get the opportunity to see this show, you should definitely do it.

James, James, James, did you learn nothing from Leah? Throwing the lead's favourite under the bus is not going to do you any favours. And OMG, stop whining about how unattractive you are. You're not really my type (or JoJo's, clearly), so I kind of agree, but going on and on about it doesn't make you more attractive.

I had one moment of really enjoying Alex this episode, though, when Jordan and James were having their little standoff. Dude looked like he wished he had popcorn. The confrontation didn't really amount to much, but Alex's apparent eagerness for it to become something did amuse me.

And I will agree with everyone that that was the most unsexy tango ever. If any of the three of them had any skill — or at least chemistry, maybe? — it could have been plenty hot. But that was terrible. Even if you're not actually being flung from one man to the other, you can pretend, and make it look a little more impressive. Arg.

And as beautiful as that rendition of Don't Cry for Me, Argentina was, especially with the bits in Spanish, I just can't quite get behind using it in a romantic context. That was just weird to me.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, amcfar said:

Why on earth did she choose to keep Alex and James Taylor? Their blatant insecurities are so obnoxious and not the least bit attractive. I would've gotten rid of those two and kept Wells and Derek--they seemed like the best options out of the men she had left.

I agree.  If I were the Bachelorette (well, first I'd be younger and single) I'd want to send all the others home and keep Derek and Wells. 

  • Love 5

James and Luke are performing together, but Reality Steve posted the link on his site, and the blog that contains the info also has spoiler information. 

The fact that Luke says nothing about being a musician isn't very strange to me.  The combatants almost never talk about what they do.  Almost all of the commentary on the dates is some rotation of the stock phrases: "Isn't this crazy", "I need you to open up", "This is just so magical", "I can't imagine being here with anybody but you", "I'm falling for you", "I love being with you", "This _______ is so beautiful", "I feel like your shutting me out", etc, etc, etc. 

Never is there ever any substantial conversation, except for a few tiny snippets.  We did get some of the PTSD drama convo about Luke's dead buddy. And no, I'm not being insensitive. They used that info to tell his "story".  But won't ever reveal anything else significant, because the grieving Vet is Luke's pigeonhole.  She may know all about his career, but we'll probably never know. 

  • Love 3

I really liked JoJo on Ben's season and was thrilled she was B'ette, but this is painful to watch... I am hoping the hometown visits spark up some interest, and then there's her fun family to bring a little action to look forward to, but otherwise zzzzzzzz... and second-hand embarrassment. Poor Wells. Poor ole James T. Poor greasy Derek.

Jordan is going to 'win' and it will be all over in three months. I'd rather Luke was the last man standing as he seems sincere and has a bit more of a brain and sure brings the passion when he kisses her... Otherwise this is like watching a bunch of beige puppies competing for a dog-toy. (Also slobbering over the same dogtoy. It's all really unhygienic, to my mind, and kind of porny.)

Her taste in men is inexplicable. If there's a dead-eyed creep or smarmy player, bam! (Makes me feel slightly better about my own, ha!) But to be fair, this was not a marvellous pool of men to pick from, to begin with; and then I think she culled too many dark-haired, decent possibilities far too soon. JoJo loves the beige!

I thought Desiree's season was painful - but at least there was Brooks! This is just beige men with competing bad hair and one angry little guy. (The way Alex's eyes lit up with spite and fury when James and he both got 'a pity rose'. Yeech.) My only hope for this season is Luke continues to sizzle his way to the end, and she sees the light and dumps Jordan's duck-ass.  I don't mind the tight skinny pants on the right man at all, let me say, but that bum is not made for skinny jeans. With the fluff on top of his head and his big old bum in those jeans he reminds me of one of those dipping birds.

Aside from that, I really enjoyed seeing some of Buenos Aires and its beautiful architecture.

And did anyone else see Chase's eyes light up when the Tango instructor with the extreme side-slit skirt lunged during her demonstration tango, and her entire lady parts were almost exposed, seemingly with no underwear!

  • Love 7

I was mortified for JoJo when she was clutching, groping, and nuzzling Luke and he was obliviously talking on and on.  She was beyond desperate.  He does look like the best kisser in the bunch, though.  Still not Arie-worthy.

BTW, I read Courtney Robertson's book this weekend and she said sex with Arie was the best she's ever had in her life.  Just thought I'd toss that in.

Edited by WhoAmIReally
  • Love 8
40 minutes ago, violet and green said:

And did anyone else see Chase's eyes light up when the Tango instructor with the extreme side-slit skirt lunged during her demonstration tango, and her entire lady parts were almost exposed, seemingly with no underwear!

I had almost forgotten about that -- ya, that was a bit of a show.

Mr Schenke and I went to Buenos Aires in March.  It was a layover on the way to points south and not originally planned for an overnight.  I was happy to see the park and neighborhood we stayed at in the beginning of the episode.  It's a beautiful and colorful city, if you get the chance - go!  I'd like to return.

  • Love 1

I kept thinking Derek looked like an unfunny John Krasinski. Sad but cute and much more of a keeper than mini me Alex or James who will permanently be in the friend zone. Things are too boring after Chad's departure. My favourite part is Stephanie's recap!
There is no one left to root for. I'd go with Luke I guess who seems to have something sexy going on and the other's frat boy or jock arrogance doesn't appeal

  • Love 4

I feel so bad for James Taylor because I think he may be the only man who genuinely likes this boring girl. What's her name again?? I don't think he realizes this is all fake and she already knows she's picking Jordan in the end and she at least wants Luke in the fantasy suite. Poor guy. I really do feel bad for him. He sells himself short. There is nothing wrong with his looks or his personality and he seems to think he's in a room full of gods. Which is why he felt the need to throw Jordan under the bus over a game of poker. It was a dick move and unnecessary. Dudes talk shit to eachother when they compete. It's in their nature I think and I'm pretty sure Jordan was blind-sided by whatever the problem was being taken so seriously. James was grasping.

Bottom line though, most of us think your looks are just fine, James T. And we've been discussing how repulsive we think some of the other guys are. You're too good for whoever that girl is. No need to resort to tattling.

Geez she's boring. Literally nothing has happened since Chad left. Literally.

Wells just looked like he was a little disappointed that a "pretty" girl didn't like him (btw, she's average at best. Not trying to be critical of people's looks but if you're trying to portray yourself as THE most eligible bachelorette and there are 25 men obsessed with you, I'd hope I'd be just as impressed. I'm not.) I don't think he really cared for JoJo in particular, so when she didn't give him the rose, I saw that his feelings were hurt but I don't think it was because he liked her soooooo much. Just a kick to the ego maybe. 

Edited by Nowhere
  • Love 7

I think that both Alex and Jordan suffer from the same problem:  sibling rivalry.

Jordan's probably been in his brother's shadow all his life... and used to getting girls using him to get to Aaron.  Then there's Alex with the identical twin who has been married a couple of years.

They are both desperate for the spotlight and to be the special brother.

  • Love 3

I kept thinking Derek looked like an unfunny John Krasinski. Sad but cute and much more of a keeper than mini me Alex or James who will permanently be in the friend zone.

Yes Derek totally resembles John Krazanski.  At one point he even made a smirk and a "go figure" face that was *exactly* like one that John Krasinski does.  Derek would totally be my front runner.  If I were on this season I would have bounced Jordan off on Night 1.  He's so obviously phony pretty boy to me.  He reminds me of Nicholas Cage in Valley Girl (the skinny jeans is what does it).  And not in a good way, because Randy in the movie was the hero, but I did not like his physical look at all even back then.



Which is why he felt the need to throw Jordan under the bus over a game of poker. It was a dick move and unnecessary. Dudes talk shit to eachother when they compete. It's in their nature I think and I'm pretty sure Jordan was blind-sided by whatever the problem was being taken so seriously. James was grasping.

It never works to use your 1:1 time to trash another person.  This has backfired so many times now both when the girls do it and when the guys do it.  It ultimately puts you in a friend zone, like " I care about you as a person so this is why I need to tell you this".  Friend.  There is no way to come off as anything but petty and a tattle.  Look at how James T used his time to talk about Jordan, then Jordan's 1:1 time got absorbed with this also.  In the meantime Luke was using 100% of his 1:1 time to be mackin' on JoJo, and making them all look like foolish catty hens.  Winning!


 I don't think he really cared for JoJo in particular, so when she didn't give him the rose, I saw that his feelings were hurt but I don't think it was because he liked her soooooo much. Just a kick to the ego maybe.

Agreed. It seemed through their conversation they both were realizing that they were not on the same page about how they see relationships.  When he was dumped I think his reaction was more embarrassment like this is happening on TV for all to see, not really rejection or heartbreak. 

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