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S03.E03: Speechless

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I never noticed how thin her hair is.  

Have we ever seen Whitney sit w a nutritionist?  I hate that she thinks it'll take an all or nothing approach to lose weight.  She doesn't have to eat 100% clean to drop weight.  She could start with leaving the cheesesteak toppings off of her pizza. That's an easy 800 calories off of her daily intake.  

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 13

If Whit thinks that Lennie is going to take care of her when she is older. Ha. Lennie will be out of there faster than Whit can order a pizza.

I applaud the guy and the girl who called Whit out at the university presentation. Her no BS campaign is freaking B.S.

Whit didn’t just gain back 150 pounds. But more like 200.  You can really tell the difference from the 2 years ago video footage. Glad Will called her out on her crap and the fact she was smoking.

If she wasn’t at the studio to dance why was she at the studio? Smells like TLC set up.  Boy Whit is very jealous and pissed.

Yeah I got the same size of that small Tupperware. I use it for chia pudding or dressing for my salad. (and I mean homemade vinaigrette dressing).  If she won’t make a lifestyle change, she isn’t going to make changes period.

First she says she pushes herself. And then she says she doesn’t. Which one is it? Oh right, Whit is a ball of contradictions.

Just enough.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, PityFree said:

Whitney told the trainer that all she'd had to eat was a cup of coffee. Nice try, Whit. We all know that that was an 800 calorie Frappuccino.

You are right about that. Which makes me wonder how many cigarettes a day "having an occasional drag" equates to. I'd guess she smokes at least a couple of cigarettes every day.

She really needs therapy to deal with all of her issues. She said that skinny people can be unhealthy too, so when people ask if her weight is causing her to be unhealthy and have a shorter life they are just hating on fat people. That's messed up thinking. She is just unable to face the reality about her behavior and what it is doing to her body. She doesn't like to talk about smoking because she is ashamed of it.  We know she lies about how much and what she eats because coffee = Frappuccinos and Buddy caught her secretly eating a tub of ice cream in her car.

It seems like that trainer has her number, at least to a certain extent. I hope for her sake that he does. She looked so much better in the flashback scenes of working out with him. I'm sure she was much healthier and felt better at that weight.

What was her weight on the scale when she went to the doctor? I couldn't quite see it.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, PityFree said:

 One class a week. One! no wonder she collapsed after 45 minutes at the dance marathon.

Love your name! Love your comment! 

Hated how Whit was so rude to her dad,  but sucked up to the trainer. 

Whit is like Trump in that she poo-poos everyone's advice,  but doesn't specifically say what she is going to do.  Horribly unlikable person, so I don't care what she does.  

  • Love 13

So if Whitney can't get the choreography, it must be bad choreography? She can't do turns so therefore her students don't get the opportunity to ever learn them? Why is she implying that the students can't learn a pirouette? I don't think I'd want a dance instructor who can't instruct a turn. I think the big girls should be given every opportunity and if Whitney can't instruct them then maybe they do need a substitute every now and then.

  • Love 19


Trying to elaborate . . . but just too much to comment on . . . . where to start . . . . . well here goes:

"Where's Lenny?"  In bed?  Yeah.  In bed at home because TLC would only pay him SAG-scale for so many hours of acting.

You're afraid of your college?  Bitch please!  If everyone in America avoided everywhere they used to go when they were skinnier, no one would ever go anywhere!

The guy in the audience with the question raised a very legitimate issue: at what point does/can the "fact acceptance" movement become an excuse for avoiding necessary lifestyle changes.

Which combined with the other final lady's question makes glaringly obvious that Whitney is wholly unqualified and far too ignorant to be a spokesperson for anything.

There actually is a good bit of data to challenge the female questioner's assertion about a direct correlation between weight and health.  Specifically, there is good evidence that being within a certain range of "overweight" is actually correlated with better morbidity and mortality than being "underweight".  Of course, Whitney has none of that information ready to respond to the question, on a topic on which she chooses to travel and speak.  And, ultimately, those studies also usually include the caveat that the lack of correlation between weight and health only applies up to a certain level of obesity, beyond which the weight really is correlated with negative health.  Unfortunately, Whitney falls within that category, and so really isn't the best spokesperson on that issue.

I've had echocardiograms.  I've never been able to just lean on my side like that and watch the film.  Also, I seriously doubt they were able to get a good readable study with a regular echo on Whitney.  People of Whitney's size almost always require a trans-esophageal echocardiogram (where they snake the camera down your throat) in order to get a proper view of the heart.

And, in the end, as predicted, the fainting was a big nothing.  But, of course, the cardiologist is going to suggest that Whitney lose weight, as any doctor she ends up in front of (for whatever reason) would.  But now its "oooh, I had a close call, and I had to see a cardiologist . . . "  

The dance studio thing was absolute bullshit.  You can't fucking dance because of your health.  You can't keep up with someone who's supposed to be a student in your class?  Then fuck off!  You're afraid you're going to lose your job because you fainted?  That's not your student's fault.  And, frankly, maybe the fact that your student can do a better job than you is a bigger problem than the fact that you fainted.  What a fucking joke.  Back in the day when I used to do aerobic and step classes at various gyms, we usually had the same group of folks in every class and if the instructor ever couldn't make it, one of us would always step up and lead the class because it was better than not getting to work out.  Trust us, Whitney, no one is gunning for your shitty "job" as a dance instructor.

And between Whitney's discussion with trainer Will (who's the man) and the fucking snide attitude she gave her father, it's clear that Whitney is either willfully ignorant or intentionally disregards any notion of improving her health whatsoever.  She obviously has no concept of meal planning, meal spacing, meal frequency, serving size, etc.  

"Yeah, I figured that being my weight at 50 would probably lead to heart problems, but not at 32"  You. are. a. fucking. idiot.

I could tell she's gotten much fatter, but I was shocked at that flashback footage of her working out with the trainer two years earlier.  

  • Love 21

So sad about how poorly she treated her father. He was very thoughtful in everything he brought for her and she just shot it all down except for the toilet paper. She's really lucky that she has so many people in her life that truly care for her. I understand she feels "attacked" or ganged up on, but if she were to take a step back and examine why, she might find some very humbling answers. I hoped her scary ER visit would knock some sense into her, but she was determined to prove that she was just fine even though hard evidence proving the opposite was smacking her in the face. So frustrating!

  • Love 11

I think the dance class going on without her was a producer instigated set up.  The cameraman was already in the dance hall when Whitney walked in.  Now I don't know if she was in on it because they could have set her up for it just to get a rise out of her for show drama.

I'm starting to wonder why Lennie isn't being filmed.  Is this the 2nd or 3rd episode where they make excuses for him?  Something is up with that but I don't think it's that they don't want to pay him.

So now we got our confirmation that she did indeed gain back more weight since last season.  Her comment about figuring she'd have medical/heart issues at 50 but not 30 shows how in denial she is about the effect weight can have on a person no matter their age.  Hasn't she heard about the sedentary obese kids who become diabetic?  Why would her age give her a pass on all of that?

I think "a few drags" really means a half a pack a day.  Sorry, I am an ex smoker and one has to remember that this is an addict talking.  It's like the alcoholic who says they only have a "few sips" of alcohol a day.  She isn't fooling me.

That business about the thin people who never get called out for their unhealthy behavior - I have to say that this is a pet peeve of mine too, but it has absolutely nothing to do with HER particular situation.  Just because thin people don't get criticized for bad behavior since it can't be seen is no justification for digging one's heels in and refusing to admit to the world that you have a problem.  I think she has a bit of a self-destructive attitude towards the criticism.  Like she is going to spite all her critics by refusing to admit they're right that she needs to take steps to improve her health.  I would have more respect for her if she admitted she needed to take steps to improve her health but pointed out that it's not only fat people that need to improve their health, it's just that fat people are criticized more for it because it's the painfully obvious cause of their problems.  She is way too self-centered and immature to see it that way, though.  It's all about her all the time.

Babs by herself deserves a show.  Babs and the pig NEED to get a show.  Now.  Whitney who?

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

So if Whitney can't get the choreography, it must be bad choreography? She can't do turns so therefore her students don't get the opportunity to ever learn them? Why is she implying that the students can't learn a pirouette? I don't think I'd want a dance instructor who can't instruct a turn. I think the big girls should be given every opportunity and if Whitney can't instruct them then maybe they do need a substitute every now and then.

Bingo!  God forbid they venture outside of Whitney's comfort zone of wiggles and forearm spins. (I have no idea if any of these moves have names lol)  Mix it up!  I think most of the other women in that class can handle a spin here and there.  I mean you have to push a little... If nothing else, you're going to get bored by the same stinking routine.

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, Nowhere said:

She is so mean to her dad, I can't even stand it. He bought her all this stuff and she criticized everything he bought her and then rudely said, "I think we're done here." Whitney is no longer even likable. 

Agree. TLC seems to be showing a nasty side of Whitney this season that likely had been edited out of earlier shows. She's becoming the new Kate Gosselin.

  • Love 16

I too was confused about the echo cardiogram as I have had quite a few and never got to lay on my side.  Have never been in a really good position to watch the screen.  For someone who fainted after a short work out she seemed very unconcerned about what the cardiologist had to say.  I could feel my blood pressure rising as she blew off the comments those two people made at her college presentation.  She is in no way a spokesperson for her body shaming campaign as she is in complete denial.  Nothing but excuses even to her poor father. 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Alapaki said:

The guy in the audience with the question raised a very legitimate issue: at what point does/can the "fact acceptance" movement become an excuse for avoiding necessary lifestyle changes.

Which combined with the other final lady's question makes glaringly obvious that Whitney is wholly unqualified and far too ignorant to be a spokesperson for anything.

There actually is a good bit of data to challenge the female questioner's assertion about a direct correlation between weight and health.  Specifically, there is good evidence that being within a certain range of "overweight" is actually correlated with better morbidity and mortality than being "underweight".  Of course, Whitney has none of that information ready to respond to the question, on a topic on which she chooses to travel and speak.  And, ultimately, those studies also usually include the caveat that the lack of correlation between weight and health only applies up to a certain level of obesity, beyond which the weight really is correlated with negative health.  Unfortunately, Whitney falls within that category, and so really isn't the best spokesperson on that issue.

Whitney thinks she is the authority on being fat, so why does she need to learn from or cite any other source or authority?  If it doesn't come from her and her experience it's not relevant to the issue or to anyone else either.  This is so she can continue to live in denial about needing to lose any weight and never learn from or put any credence in scientific evidence.  She thinks she is above the facts.  Even if she knew about the facts, she'd never use them because they wouldn't make her denial case of being able to stay the same weight and be healthy.  I just don't get how people like that put themselves up as authorities.  I am aware of those studies - I could have answered that question better in my sleep.  The truth is that there is so much pressure to be stick thin in our society, and it's not even necessary to be that thin for optimal health.  A lot of people carry around an "ideal weight" in their minds that's actually too low for optimal health.  You're right, she could have pointed that out, but she would still have to admit to needing to be at least 100 lighter for it to apply to her, which is what she refuses to do.

I almost couldn't believe she was stumped by that guy's question.  Like she never even considered that before?  Yeah, because she has been using it as an excuse herself, that's why!

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 14
11 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I never noticed how thin her hair is.  

Have we ever seen Whitney sit w a nutritionist?  I hate that she thinks it'll take an all or nothing approach to lose weight.  She doesn't have to eat 100% clean to drop weight.  She could start with leaving the cheesesteak toppings off of her pizza. That's an easy 800 calories off of her daily intake.  

She's just making excuse after excuse for why she can't lose weight and dieting "doesn't work" for her. She said that a million times.  "It didn't work; it didn't work." She did lose weight before; it's the keeping it off that takes a lot of work.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Lightning said:

Whitney's "dancing" cracks me up.  Stomp your left foot, stomp your right foot, keep right foot in place and take 5 steps with your left foot for a "pivot"; wave left arm and take a step back; wave right arm and take a step back.  Stand still and wag hips side to side 4 times.  There!!!  Choreography!!  

I'm roaring at this. Even without watching an episode (and part of the repeat before it) until last night, I knew those *exact* "steps" from the endless promos over the years.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, greekmom said:


I applaud the guy and the girl who called Whit out at the university presentation. Her no BS campaign is freaking B.S.

Whit didn’t just gain back 150 pounds. But more like 200.  You can really tell the difference from the 2 years ago video footage. Glad Will called her out on her crap and the fact she was smoking.




I miss it. What was said to her ?

How does she "hide in the car eating ice cream" if there is a camera crew filming her ?

Edited by stillhere1900
  • Love 1

More and more, I suspect that our good friends at TLC have discovered that a train wreck brings in more money than an inspiring story. They started Whitney out as a role model and just a handful of episodes later they've turned her into a freak show. The sad thing is I don't think she knows it. This episode was tragic from start to finish and Whitney came off as a thoroughly despicable person.

  • Love 14

It wasn't the pizza and beer she was "constantly" consuming during her freshman year that was making her gain weight, you guys! It was the PCOS! It suddenly kicked in when she left the controlled environment of home and went to college! Ugh, she is so full of crap.

She doesn't want to make a lifestyle change with her eating (or smoking--I guarantee she's a regular smoker and is lying about it), but she expects that working out with a personal trainer is going to be enough? She's also lying and denying how much she's eating. Lying, denying, lying, denying. She is stopping and eating fast food from drive-thrus all day long so that nobody's the wiser, then going home and eating again with friends/family so they can see what/how much she's eating ("Look, I'm not even eating that much and I can't lose weight! PCOS strikes again!"). How many clips have we seen of her eating in her car? And don't forget a couple of seasons ago when her dad told her she needed to clean out her car, which was bursting with fast food wrappers.

Edited by shoovenbooty
  • Love 12

Somehow in Whitney's mind, she's going to lose weight & get fit just by working out with the trainer, no need to change her diet.  Like another poster said, even something as small as leaving toppings off a pizza will help. She thinks she is the Queen Bee of working out just cuz she was able to do the stairs.  Instead of embracing it with the positive, "I' AM going to make it up the steps", we had to hear the negativity & excuses come out on the third step.  I can't wait to see what the trainer has in store for her.

Another poster mentioned about if Whitney had body image issues growing up, like being compared to Babs.  IIRC, hasn't she said she did have issues as a teenager with her weight?  I remember something about her not wanting to wear a bikini or bathing suit because she thought she was heavy.  Does anyone know?   If she did have issues back then, this proves her weight problems are deep seeded & didn't just occur when she went to college & developed PCOS. BTW, why don't we ever see her following up with a doctor about her PCOS since its such a big deal with her? Besides the one visit a season or two ago, we haven't seen a thing. Why isn't she more involved about her PCOS (support group)?  I do know the answer, because she would be told her current weight has nothing to do with her PCOS. 

I was expecting her to spew out  "But I'm not pre-diabetic!!!" during her college presentation or did she?  She wears that phrase like a coat of armor.  

On a side note, her choice of clothing drives me nuts!  I know she thinks it's hot as a fat girl to show off her jiggly arms, stomach & butt rolls & plunging cleavages, but I don't need to see it every week.  Even at the speech, she had to wear the sleeveless cover up thing over top of her usual tank top, exposing her jiggly arms. (& it was Winter too but I guess all that weight insulates her & she is constantly hot.)  And those loud patterned leggings would be cute on a much smaller gal not a person of her size. She looks nice when she wears a normal shirt.  I know it's just to draw attention to herself but enough is enough - we've seen waaaay too much of Whit!!!

  • Love 8

I'm a fan of the show and I actually like Whitney. I don't find her despicable, though she has her moments.  And, if people acted perfectly in their private life, they would not be good candidates for reality tv shows.

  I think she has done a lot of good, but lately, I strongly believe that she needs psychiatric help.  It's not unusual for super morbidly obese people to have a warped sense of reality.  You may have seen the various shows that showcase this.  She's just not dealing with reality about her obesity.  Maybe, it's staged by the show or maybe not.  HOWEVER, what we are seeing may be big and fat, but it is NOT a Fabulous Life.  (I love you Whit, but, you need help and not just a little bit.)

She did see a Nutritionist a season or two ago.  They aired the consult. 

  • Love 6

I couldn't get over how she talked about having sex during her presentation at her alma mater with her parents in the audience!!!!

My sex life is something I would never talk about in front of my parents. Then again we saw her help her mom make a sext. Whitney has odd boundaries with her parents.

ETA: I think she hasn't been wearing fake hair this season and that's one reason we are noticing her hair being so thin. I wonder if just having a one-hour-per-week job is hurting her financially and hair pieces aren't in the budget anymore. (That would also explain why Glenn had to bring her TP.) 

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 10

Okay, I watched this episode.  My second one.  So when do I get to see the fabulous part of Whit's Big, Fat, Fabulous Life?  So far all I've seen is a whiney, scared, petulant girl who, in her 30's, has only recently moved out of her parent's home and who has a couple of part-time jobs.  Doesn't seem so fabulous to me.  Did I miss something?

And Whitney dear - as fabulous as your mom's pig is, you should NOT be feeding him whilst driving down the road.  That's called "distracted driving", and it's generally against the law.  Your mom has 2 arms and hands - let HER feed the pig, if he needs to be fed at all while he's in the car.  Or, better still, wait until you're done driving.

And how fake was that whole "drama with the dance class" thing?  Unless they already had 5 different cameras in the class for whatever reason, I call BS on that whole scene.  We got multiple points of view of when Whitney burst into the room.  I can just see it now - the director placing the women around the room and telling the leader, "Okay - we've got the camera on you.  It's going to pull in for a close up.  I want your best look of confusion and guilt.  Everyone ready?  Someone pull Whitney out of the catering tent, thanks.  Okay Whitney, you ready to enter?  Good.  Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnddddd... go!"  "Okay, good shot people.  Now we're going to move the camera over here.  You there - yes, you in the red top.  We're going to do this again, only this time we're going to pull in for a close up on YOUR reaction.  I want to see your best shocked face when Whitney comes in.  Where's Whitney - we're ready.  Someone go get Whitney out of catering again.  Okay - once more with feeling!"  And so on and so on, until they got all their reaction shots from different points of view.  I know "reality tv" has little to do with reality, but really!  It's almost insulting.

And yes, Whitney, if I see a nearly 400 pound person chowing down on a quart of ice cream, I'm going to stare.  And I'll probably be judging you inside my head.  I don't care if that's the only thing you've eaten that day - it's still not a healthy choice.  For even fewer calories you could have had all the fresh fruits and veg you could eat, plus a good amount of dairy and protein.  And your body would thank you. 

I, too, use that small size container all the time.  I use it for condiments for sandwiches, bbq sauce for my bbq chicken salad (instead of dressing - bbq has less calories), nuts, low cal salad dressing, etc.  If Whitney isn't planning to change her way of eating, I'm forseeing a small weight loss, followed by another gain.  She can't exercise enough to make up for the crap (and the crap way) she eats.

  • Love 13
8 hours ago, Lightning said:

Whitney's "dancing" cracks me up.  Stomp your left foot, stomp your right foot, keep right foot in place and take 5 steps with your left foot for a "pivot"; wave left arm and take a step back; wave right arm and take a step back.  Stand still and wag hips side to side 4 times.  There!!!  Choreography!!  

LOL! I could see every move as I read your breakdown. If you can teach the Previously TV "class" her routine sans photos (I just conquered it)... methinks Whitney's sessions are a tad stale and rudimentary.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, PityFree said:

I couldn't get over how she talked about having sex during her presentation at her alma mater with her parents in the audience!!!!

My sex life is something I would never talk about in front of my parents. Then again we saw her help her mom make a sext. Whitney has odd boundaries with her parents.

Yeah, TLC doesn't show Whit interacting with other girlfriends,  so she's giving her mom some $ by being on camera.  Her girlfriend --with the dark eye makeup-- from the first season looks like she's gained weight as well. Her other "best friend" is now fucking Buddy, so that girl is not a bestie anymore.  Her dance class students still need to listen to this " dance master" ...which is the biggest joke I 've heard on the show....so they don't count as friends.  What a big, fat ego. 

Oh, and the trainer's use of the word, "crafty" , to describe Whit, really means "bullshitter" ......master bullshitter. 

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 13

I really hope Will is able to get through to her, although that is a tall order for any trainer. She does seem to think that teaching one lousy dance class a week is enough to get into shape. I actually have laid this out for super obese clients in the past (with little success on my part, so what do I know?), that they only see me 1-2 hours a week, and it's what they do the other 166 hours that really matters. I know it's a big trend in magazines and stuff to tell people "just ten minutes a day of working out is enough," NO IT IS NOT. Someone like Whitney needs to work out for 1 hour, 6 days a week. Mostly cardio. Especially with PCOS. And watch her diet closely. Fact is, it requires huge lifestyle changes that Whitney has explicitly stated in this episode that she is unwilling to do. It really is too bad that she has no idea what "I like to push myself" actually means. It doesn't mean working hard for four lousy minutes doing some stairclimbing. She should have continued exercising for another 56 minutes. Then again the next four days in a row. But something tells me she thought those four minutes "earned her" a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a pack of cigs.

13 minutes ago, Tosia said:

What a big, fat ego. 

Big Fat FABULOUS Ego! ;)

  • Love 9

I was really discouraged with her talk with Glenn.  It's obvious she has absolutely no intention of modifying her eating habits. She was like a drug addict faced with the prospect of having her drug taken away from her, forever.

She doesn't want to change. It is going to take an actual heart attack or stroke, and then she'll only want  to change until she gets used to her new "normal".

  • Love 7

Damn, Whitney is rude as all hell.  This episode really showcased what an entitled asshole she can be.  First of all, what an unbelievable bitch she was to the woman who "took over" the dance class.  Throughout that entire scene, I was praying for that poor woman to set Whitney straight.  What is so special about her "choreography" that makes her think she's the only one who could possibly teach those classes?  I've seen very similar moves in my grandmother's Sweatin' to the Oldies fitness classes.  I hope to God that was a fake scene because it did my patience with Whitney no favors.

She was also really rude to her father when he brought her toilet paper (?) and all of that healthy food, plus the little portion-control containers.  I thought that was a really nice thing for him to do, but she treated him like crap.  Does she not realize that there aren't many dads who would do that for their grown daughters?  And she actually has the audacity to close down the conversation with "I think we're done here?!"  Glenn should have packed up the fruit and the Tupperware and headed back home to Babs and the pet pig.  I think Whitney's main issue is that she has been (and continues to be) enabled her entire life.  She always has some big, overwhelming drama going on that she believes allows her to behave the way she does.  I also didn't know that she smoked, for God's sake.  Whitney is an expert excuse-maker.  She has a reason at the ready for anything she does that might be frowned upon.  "Oh, it's okay that I do it because . . . blahblahblah."

I realize that her friends and family love her and want the best for her, but at a certain point, even with people we love, we have to just back away and allow them to make their mistakes.  No one can wrestle the food out of her hands or force her to make good choices.  That's where impulse control and personal responsibility come into play.  Whitney clearly has little-to-none of either one. 

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

I really hope Will is able to get through to her, although that is a tall order for any trainer. She does seem to think that teaching one lousy dance class a week is enough to get into shape. I actually have laid this out for super obese clients in the past (with little success on my part, so what do I know?), that they only see me 1-2 hours a week, and it's what they do the other 166 hours that really matters. I know it's a big trend in magazines and stuff to tell people "just ten minutes a day of working out is enough," NO IT IS NOT. Someone like Whitney needs to work out for 1 hour, 6 days a week. Mostly cardio. Especially with PCOS. And watch her diet closely. Fact is, it requires huge lifestyle changes that Whitney has explicitly stated in this episode that she is unwilling to do. It really is too bad that she has no idea what "I like to push myself" actually means. It doesn't mean working hard for four lousy minutes doing some stairclimbing. She should have continued exercising for another 56 minutes. Then again the next four days in a row. But something tells me she thought those four minutes "earned her" a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a pack of cigs.

Big Fat FABULOUS Ego! ;)

Geez, regarding her exercise regime, doesn't anyone remember she takes the tap dance class before teaching  HER class? (Said with a gallon size of sarcasm).

I forgot about having to listen to her sex tales during her speech.  Very embarrassing for her parents esp her dad.  As discussed in other show's threads, isn't there the unwritten rule that you don't want to think of your parents as having sex, just as parents don't want to think of their kids as doing the deed.? Just another FU moment, "see I could still find someone to (want to) have sex with me" kind of comment.

1 hour ago, Ocean Chick said:

Okay, I watched this episode.  My second one.  So when do I get to see the fabulous part of Whit's Big, Fat, Fabulous Life?  So far all I've seen is a whiney, scared, petulant girl who, in her 30's, has only recently moved out of her parent's home and who has a couple of part-time jobs.  Doesn't seem so fabulous to me.  Did I miss something?

And Whitney dear - as fabulous as your mom's pig is, you should NOT be feeding him whilst driving down the road.  That's called "distracted driving", and it's generally against the law.  Your mom has 2 arms and hands - let HER feed the pig, if he needs to be fed at all while he's in the car.  Or, better still, wait until you're done driving.

And how fake was that whole "drama with the dance class" thing?  Unless they already had 5 different cameras in the class for whatever reason, I call BS on that whole scene.  We got multiple points of view of when Whitney burst into the room.  I can just see it now - the director placing the women around the room and telling the leader, "Okay - we've got the camera on you.  It's going to pull in for a close up.  I want your best look of confusion and guilt.  Everyone ready?  Someone pull Whitney out of the catering tent, thanks.  Okay Whitney, you ready to enter?  Good.  Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnddddd... go!"  "Okay, good shot people.  Now we're going to move the camera over here.  You there - yes, you in the red top.  We're going to do this again, only this time we're going to pull in for a close up on YOUR reaction.  I want to see your best shocked face when Whitney comes in.  Where's Whitney - we're ready.  Someone go get Whitney out of catering again.  Okay - once more with feeling!"  And so on and so on, until they got all their reaction shots from different points of view.  I know "reality tv" has little to do with reality, but really!  It's almost insulting.

And yes, Whitney, if I see a nearly 400 pound person chowing down on a quart of ice cream, I'm going to stare.  And I'll probably be judging you inside my head.  I don't care if that's the only thing you've eaten that day - it's still not a healthy choice.  For even fewer calories you could have had all the fresh fruits and veg you could eat, plus a good amount of dairy and protein.  And your body would thank you. 

I, too, use that small size container all the time.  I use it for condiments for sandwiches, bbq sauce for my bbq chicken salad (instead of dressing - bbq has less calories), nuts, low cal salad dressing, etc.  If Whitney isn't planning to change her way of eating, I'm forseeing a small weight loss, followed by another gain.  She can't exercise enough to make up for the crap (and the crap way) she eats.

"Pulling Whit out of the catering tent"  just cracks me up.   

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52 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

I was really discouraged with her talk with Glenn.  It's obvious she has absolutely no intention of modifying her eating habits. She was like a drug addict faced with the prospect of having her drug taken away from her, forever.

She doesn't want to change. It is going to take an actual heart attack or stroke, and then she'll only want  to change until she gets used to her new "normal".

Whitney thinks she's so special and unique and fabulous, but the sad truth is that she's just another addict. Her drug of choice is food. Everything she says and does is typical of addict behaviour: the sneaking around, the complete and total denial, the magical thinking, the willingness to put her drug (food) first even when it's her family and loved ones who get thrown under the bus. 

That's not fabulous. That's just another addict, destroying her life and the lives of everyone unfortunate  enough to be close to her.

Addicts change for one reason and one reason only: When the pain of addiction outweighs the pain of quitting. Whitney isn't even close to that point yet. Not only is she surrounded by well-meaning enablers at home, she's on a TV SHOW fer god's sakes which hugely rewards her for remaining an addict. No obesity = no TV show, and Whitney knows it.

TLC could help if they would cancel her contract as long as she refuses help. They could offer her a show about how she gets serious and works with some real experts to kick her addictions and clean up her life. THAT would be Fabulous and might help many others who would see it.

Watching an addict self-destruct and create misery for her family in the process isn't fabulous at all. It's just common, everyday life for far too many.

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I took a healthy eating course last year, taught by nutritionists and part of a weight loss group I belong to (lost 92 lbs with about 50 more to go) and they reviewed portion sizes.  What an eye opener that was.  That small container was perfect portion size for a lot of stuff, and for Whitney to dismiss it just shows how ignorant and not interested in learning anything she is.  I have had to adjust my portion sizes after taking that course and I think most everyone in the class did also.  I am also an overweight person and I have  serious heart issues due to congenital heart disease.  The cardiologist has told me how important it is to my heart health to lose weight.  That cardiologist was far too easy on Whitney and of course she wasn't paying a lot of attention to him anyway.  She is so delusional and arrogant, so dismissive of those who are trying to help her, that this show isn't just enjoyable anymore.

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