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S03.E11: Words Of Wisdom

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Paternity questions arise, provoking a response from Thomas. Meanwhile, Patricia tutors Landon in the art of wooing Shep, and Thomas hosts a dinner party, where tension and drama may tear the group apart forever.

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Here's a scheduling heads up for tonight's episode.  It's airing an hour earlier than normal, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EDT.  The re-broadcast which normally airs at 11:30 p.m. EDT immediately following Watch What Happens Live (tonight featuring Cameran, Whitney and Landon in the clubhouse) will air an hour later running from 12:31 a.m. to 1:32 p.m.  Adjust your DVRs!

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Wrathryn says, "You know I get along with everyone." Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! [Gasping for air] Hahahahahahshahahahaha! Whew.

T-Rav and Wrathryn should only live in ranch houses. Or maybe high rises, depending on your opinion of them.

Everyone knows Landon is in love with Shep--except Kathryn. Maybe someone should have told her and saved a whole lot of drama.

Oh, boy, T-Rav's "words of wisdom" coming up! Doesn't one typically need to be wise to share words of wisdom? Or is this one of these "those who can't, teach" type of scenarios? I'm riveted to the edge of my seat!

T-Rav, maybe your sisters are judgmental and sanctimonious because you do nothing but self-destructive crap, though I'll give you that Cameran is a little self-righteous. Ok, Craig is trying to be something he's not. Landon's vagina is rusty, but Shep can buff that out, as he's had experience with every other woman in Charleston. Shep's mommy probably does give him money--or he has some type of family money, obvs. T-Rav's not really wrong per se, but his "I'm being nice!" and saying he's giving compliments is as delusional as Kathyrn's "I get along with everyone!"

And nearly the entire cast almost dies sideswiping into car on a golf cart, leaving only T-Rav, Kathryn, Cooper, and Whitney behind. 

Edited by JenE4
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5 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Thomas went full Tamra Barney!

He was scary to look at. It started off reeking of producer set up, and then he just went unhinged. I think he is pissed Landon (allegedly) wants Shep and not him. 

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I thought Cooper was ridiculous with his "you're a Ravenel! Charleston!" Really Cooper? Cause he's acting like a drunken idiot. He's ruining whatever good name Ravenel is supposed to be.

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Quite obvious what Thomas was doing at his dinner party.

He could see that Kathryn was going to play nice with everyone and that they might start to reconsider letting her back into the circle.

No way in hell was he going to let that happen. He knows he can appear to Kathryn like he was sticking up for her when in actuality he was further pitting everyone against her.

He knows the others will at some point forgive his drunken rant and will blame it on trying to appease a horrible Kathryn.

Nice try asshole!

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Wow. Poor Kensington and Saint Julien of Ravenel Manor.  First,  Kensington is reduced to just Ken after St. Julien's birth, and, they both have to live with Raging Ravenel and Drunkalot Kathryn as parents.

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I enjoyed seeing Shep calmly engage TRav, like it was a joke and he'd dish a little back, which drove TRav batshit. And then, little Cooper playing the role of bouncer so TRav wouldn't get a drunk and disorderly or actually assault someone.

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21 minutes ago, jkitty said:

He was scary to look at. It started off reeking of producer set up, and then he just went unhinged. I think he is pissed Landon (allegedly) wants Shep and not him. 

That's what I thought too - jealousy!

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Rats.  I got a call right before all the words of wisdom started.  I couldn't hear what was going on or what was being said exactly, but I basically watched with sound off or muted.  The first thing I thought of was oh Thomas is all coked up - the sweating, the raging.   I don't think he needed something to necessarily estrange Kathryn from his group of friends.  There's plenty of bad history there, and it would take a lot for her to be in all of their good graces.  Kathryn was acting petty by not saying hello to Landon, but honestly Landon drives me nuts too.  

Landon, with her gosh, golly gee, smile, giggle, smile, wipe away a tear conversation with Patricia - give me a break.  And Patricia suggests Thomas as a potential boyfriend/SO/whatever if Shep doesn't work out?  WTH.  That was just stirring the pot - and she really hates Kathryn.  Actually she must hate Landon, too by suggesting that old drunk cokehead.  Why didn't she suggest her precious Whitney?  Oh, wait.....

Speaking of Whitney, I didn't see him.  Have we ever seen him walk by a mirror?  I swear, he'll burst into flames sometime during the daylight.  Count Creepula (although I do like the name Count Chocula, but that Count is actually cuter and less creepy than Whitney).  

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13 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

There's plenty of bad history there, and it would take a lot for her to be in all of their good graces.  Kathryn was acting petty by not saying hello to Landon, but honestly Landon drives me nuts too.  

I don't think Landon is perfect at all.  But what is wrong with people today that they are unable to be civil, even to people they don't like?  I mean, would it kill Kathryn to say, "Hello Landon?"  I just don't get people today, who have this attitude that, "if I dislike someone, I don't have to be civil to them."  Yes you do, that's what it means to live in a civilized society.  

I also don't get Landon, she doesn't drive me nuts, to me she's pathetic, I just don't get the hatred of her, just because she doesn't act like...whatever people want her to act like.  

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7 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't think Landon is perfect at all.  But what is wrong with people today that they are unable to be civil, even to people they don't like?  I mean, would it kill Kathryn to say, "Hello Landon?"  I just don't get people today, who have this attitude that, "if I dislike someone, I don't have to be civil to them."  Yes you do, that's what it means to live in a civilized society.  

I also don't get Landon, she doesn't drive me nuts, to me she's pathetic, I just don't get the hatred of her, just because she doesn't act like...whatever people want her to act like.  

Kathryn did say hello to Landon though. Pretty nicely too. I can understand Kathryn not rushing right up to Landon when she came and waiting for a more "organic" moment when she was in close proximity to Landon. It feels less forced that way. It also gave Landon a chance to greet others and feel comfortable before enountering Kathryn.

Also, for someone thinks so highly of herself Landon defaults to defensive, dolphin shouting pretty fast. 

Edited by jkitty
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Cameran: "Does she tickle your pickle?"   LOL

So Thomas & Kathryn only want to invite people who have been supportive to their dinner party, but then he is allowed to say all kinds of vile things to those people? Alrighty then.

I wonder how much time passed between touring Thomas's house and sitting down to dinner because Thomas seemed sober on the tour, but raging drunk or high by the time they sat down.

Edited by absolutelyido
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Some advice..If you are at a party where there are people you don't really care for at the moment you do the following: Thank You for coming or we appreciate you coming tonight to join our celebration.

Throw a "nice" in there also ala: what a beautiful dress/outfit/necklace/bracelet/earrings/coat/shoes/hairstyle/suit/tie/watch/links ect.

Not hard to do and it makes the other person allow a compliment from you and let down their guard a little bit.

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4 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I think the worst part is that they never got dinner.  That would have pissed me off if I got all dressed up and ended up at a place with a drive thru window.

Seriously. I started to think that Thomas only bought enough food for a single serving of everything in hopes that the dinner would implode and he'd be able to eat his dinner alone and in peace.

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2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Why was the back of his shirt all sweaty? From sitting in a chair? Makes me want to see what was edited out, or how many times they filmed the scene.

Yes, I kept wondering how long it took to film the actual "words of wisdom" segment because otherwise Thomas went from zero to 120 in about 5 minutes. Guess he snuck off to the pantry for a "pick-me-up" prior to his speech.

So much of it seemed like it could be fake except seeing the look JD gave the camera and how Cooper was trying so hard, and mostly in vain, to get Thomas to calm down and come in off the street.

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Thomas jumped out Kathryn's window (!), but all we could see werehis legs and feet through the window.  I thought Kenzie's room was upstairs?

Edited by izabella
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The WATCH WHAT HAPPENS  LIVE appearance of that trio, Whitney, Landon, and Cameron, was to bash Kathryn--that's it. No amount of giggling, shifting, and skincrawling lying of 'I'm evuh so much better than she' can mask the stench. They desperately wish to ensure that their double-standard criticisms of Kathryn ensure Kathryn's demise on The Show. As a male. No, wait!  As a male UP in his 40s pushin' 50, this is what ole NitWitney does--relentlessly slam a 24yr old ❓ The others, also. 24 years of age is different from 30s, 40s, 5Os (uh, yeah, i'm aware not all 24year-olds behave in such a crude undisciplined manner--some do, some don't). The Twittering Triumvirate all readily discuss Kathryn's bizness. Actually, they relish it. What about tHOmas' nasty lifestyle ❓ Such a damn classist, elitist, paternalistic, almost misogynistic double standard ( and, i don't even like Kathryn, however...) If they're so mature as Landon ridiculously and fallaciously intimated, talk about their OWN business. Sure Kathryn is messy...BUUT has Kathryn, PERSONALLY, done anything to this catty coven for them to hold this Kathryn Obsession❓  And, WOW (!), they are thoroughly consumed by the woman.








And, of course, there's good ol' boy Shep guffawing with the rest of 'em. Yuck❗ ❗  CanNOT stand any of them.

Edited by BookElitist
horizontal lines in previous post
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One little moment that struck me was Elizabeth trying twice to leave and JD calming her and defending Thomas by saying he sometimes gets this way but actually not defending what he said. She was clearly unnerved by his behavior.

Also, Thomas was relishing the Kathryn/Landon fight.

Edited by biakbiak
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You don't throw someone's clothes out on the street after a one night stand unless the person left the house naked.  Makes no sense. 

Whitney put Kathryn's things out on the sidewalk after she went to a party with him and then went home with Thomas. She's lucky he didn't set them on fire.

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Did I hear cokehead TRav say in his talking head that Landon had a beautiful smile or something like that? Ohhhh wait till Kathryn see's that! I guess she already has by now. And now that TRav gets to see his dinner theater behavior on camera I wonder just how embarrassed he must be. And what was that bullshit about him saying to Shep that he was "self made". Yea, with daddy Ravenel's money. Who is he kidding? He was born rich, just like Shep. No difference at all, so STFU old man. 

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Why do these people continuously insist upon stating that tHOmas is such a gentleman. His behavior on this program as well as IRL has not supported this conclusion. Do these people actually know AND understand the PARTICULARS and CIRCUMSTANCES of tHOmas' dope arrest ?

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All the insults flung tonight will somehow get pinned on Kathryn so the rest of the cast can continue to bask in the reflected glory of Thomas's South of Broad pedigree.  You want to know what white male privilege is, look at Thomas Ravenal.

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It was only a split second, but watching Danni's face change when she realized Thomas's speech was a roast not a toast was the realest thing I've ever seen on reality tv.  I think they were all blind-sighted.    

So Cooper styled that ridiculous outfit Kathryn was wearing?  I can only assume since they were shopping together.  

I love that Patricia was basically calling Landon a frumpty-dumpty and needed help.  Ha! 

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I think it's funny that his friends, even JD, call him ThomASS.

And yes, I agree with Sonoma's post that his longtime friends will always side with Thomas. They were probably there for the BevCart girl engagement that ended with a text.

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You know, I was looking forward to seeing Horseteeth being called out on his bullshit, but WTF did we get?  The rambling/babbling of Thom-ass, completely fucked up on booze or coke or a combo of both.  What we got was lame as hell.  You're a "self-made man", Thom-ass?  Yeah, right.

Interesting that all season, Kathryn, while she was pregnant, was mostly so calm -- almost serene, right?  The preggers Kathryn was such a nice gal, eh?  Ah, but now that she's given birth, welcome crazy, freakin' lunatic Kathryn back to Charleston!

OK, some observations on this ep --

Uh, was Snowflake wearing fur?  First off, what the fuckety fuck?  Does anyone wear fur in Charleston?

Wait, so Patricia is gonna do a makeover on Snowflake to sex her up so Horseteeth might get actually get a boner for her?  Really?  Since when is ole Pat an expert on makeovers?  Um, is Bravo gonna give Pats her own show?  Maybe an update on What Not To Wear, now that Stacy & Clinton have gone onto other gigs?  Alrighty then.  Good luck trying to turn whiny Snowflake into Pam Anderson, Pats.  Sheesh, was Snowflake whiny as hell with Pats, or what?  I was hoping Pats was just gonna slap her silly & order her to quit the non-stop whining.

Oh my, did I hear Cams say to Horseteeth that no women ever wants a casual bang?  Look, Cams, er, fuck off for sayin' that, hun -- cuz most of us know for darn sure that ain't true.  And don't speak for all women, Cams.  Thom-ass was not so far off in his coked-out, drunkety haze, in his assessment of Cams, was he?  While I can't stand Horseteeth's treatment of women, he does seem to be very upfront with everyone about himself.  So if these moron chicks wanna be with someone who sleeps all day & indiscriminately bangs any young chick who comes his way, then hey -- that's on them.  So once again, fuck off, Cams -- you really are bugging the shit outta me now.  Your judgemental act is wearing very thin, Cams.

Wow, Horseteeth"s mom has dreadful skin.  She seemed like a sensible gal, if a quite a snob.  I thought she was his sis, but that was Snowflake & her sis we saw, right?  Anyhoo, give my thanks to your mom, Horseteeth.  Her terrible skin reminded me to slap on some extra sunscreen when I go out today.  And btw, Horseteeth looked absolutely ragged in direct sunlight.  I know I seem to say this in every thread for each ep, but Horseteeth's hair really looks horrible -- even in his TH's.  I mean, Jeez Louise, don't they have barbers in Charleston?  Or maybe maybe they're all closed by the time Horseteeth drags himself outta bed?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Kathryn reverted quickly to her old unhinged behavior. Her eyes made her look insane as she clearly relished spitting vitriol at her perceived enemies, trying to prove her superiority by hurling insults. She is trash.

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Cameron and Landon need to " get a hobby" other than minding and talking about Kathryn's bidness. Yup, they do. 

Kathryn, tHOmas' interest in YOU is minimal at best. Get a grip. Summon some self-respect. Keep the nanny.  (remove the weave.)  Get tHOmas to fund your school completion then find a job(use your connections), focus on that job and your children, engage in socially enjoyable yet appropriate activities. Oh, and a bit later, find a decent guy( if you so desire) nearer your age.

Guffawing Shep claims Landon is well-traveled and bright(?). I have yet to see evidence of this so... 

Cameron lots of women don't want children,  therefore, don't have them. Onward and upward, please. Smugness and self-righteousness is thy name.


Ah, 'Patrician and NitWitney'--Wonder Twins unite! Mighty vain. Mighty tiresome. MIGHTY know-it-all the d@mn time.

Ser Drink-and-Dope A Lot Ravenel will be forgiven, and all will be chalked up to 'youthful' hijincks.                                                                 Well, that and blamed upon Kathryn.

Edited by BookElitist
Golly! This Show--The dumb. The dumber. The dumbest.
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4 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Wow, Horseteeth's sister has dreadful skin.  I thought she was his mother.  She seemed like a sensible gal, if a quite an obnoxious snob.  Well, give my thanks to your sis, Horseteeth.  Her terrible skin reminded me to slap on some extra sunscreen when I go out today.  And btw, Horseteeth looked absolutely ragged in direct sunlight.  I know I seem to say this in every thread for each ep, but Horseteeth's hair really looks horrible -- even in his TH's.  I mean, Jeez Louise, don't they have barbers in Charleston?  Or maybe maybe they're all closed by the time Horseteeth drags himself outta bed?

That was his mom

Edited by Jezebel97
edited the quote
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No wonder Kathryn keeps getting pregnant it seems to act as a natural mood stabilizer.

Her face has the ability to contort in all sorts of configurations.  It's actually refreshing seeing a face with movement.

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I guess Thomas is conveniently rewriting the definition of self-made man.

Agree that the "roast" was taped over several hours, as he went from calm charming host to sweaty foul-mouthed mess. Also agree that his remarks were coordinated with production, and that the rest of the cast was blind-sided. I did kind of laugh when at one point they had herded themselves into another room, waiting to be released by production, and then sped away on that swerving golf cart. Very Keystone Kops.

Kathryn looked and acted like cheap Christmas trash (as my mother used to say). And she's veering dangerously into Baby Jane territory. Kathryn, if you want to rumble with this crowd, you need to up your Insult Game. You seem to have two speeds: schoolyard bully (with the juvenile vocabulary) and demented fishwife.

I loved Landon's dinner-party dress but hated the vintage mink cape. I love most of the fashion I see on this show.

Regarding Kathryn's age as an excuse for her behavior, I know too many pleasant, productive young people -- teachers, soldiers, graduate students -- for that to fly. She's a waste of space.

Cooper flapping around like a useless schoolmarm was annoying in the extreme.

Edited by pasdetrois
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6 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

You don't throw someone's clothes out on the street after a one night stand unless the person left the house naked.  Makes no sense. 

Who packs a suitcase for a one night stand? 

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7 hours ago, Christi said:

On another note, Landon's sister got hit with the Ugly Stick . Jesus Christ, she looks like a character from SNL?

She still made more sense than anyone else last night. After listening to Landon whining about the problems she's having getting her ridiculous website project off the ground, she said "If you need money, why don't you just get a regular job with a salary and benefits?". That was the last thing Landon wanted to hear.

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Landon's constant annoying nervous giggle during the scene with Patricia made me want to stab the TV.

The dinner party scene started off smelling producer driven to me but as the mess unfolded some of the reactions seemed too real, and none of them are good enough actors to pull that off.  Kathryn sure didn't waste much time reverting back to her old mean girl bitchy self.

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10 hours ago, jkitty said:

Kathryn did say hello to Landon though. Pretty nicely too. I can understand Kathryn not rushing right up to Landon when she came and waiting for a more "organic" moment when she was in close proximity to Landon. It feels less forced that way. It also gave Landon a chance to greet others and feel comfortable before enountering Kathryn.

Also, for someone thinks so highly of herself Landon defaults to defensive, dolphin shouting pretty fast. 

Yes, Kathryn is the one who went up to Landon and said hello.  She was trying to be civil.   It's Kathryn's baby's birth they were there celebrating so really it should have been Landon who  made the first move, say hello, congratulate Kathryn on her baby.  If Landon didn't think she could be civil to the baby's mama she should not have attended the dinner party.

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