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S08.E10: Unhappy Holidays

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Not to defend but I get a feeling that the crazy attempt to get Sonja to approach Beth reeked a little bit of desperation. It just hit me, especially from Lu that they were a bit frantic about it cause there's a real worry among the HW (Dorinda, Lu even Ramona) that she just might lose her apple if she doesn't? I know that makes the scene a bit humane but I just couldn't understand their desperation over it all. I guess it's cause there really wasn't any cattiness involved, it sorta looked like it was coming from a slightly panicked state. Sorta like "come on Sonja, we're working our apple and dancing to keep it, if you don't get on it yours is in serious jeopardy and we don't want to lose you". I know far fetched? <shrug>

  • Love 24

The reunion should be interesting, Luann now has "fuck you" money being engaged to D'Agostino & will surely be acting Countess-like again.

During the filming, she was extemely thirsty for camera time & the money that goes with it, hence the Bethenny ass-kissing.  Let's face it, if she knew that she will be marrying into money, she would not have put up with being called a whore, etc.  She would have flounced it out of Dorinda's in her fiance's limo & justifyingly so. 

I'm not a fan of Luann & I get the disconnect of how she truly is off-camera & how she likes to portray herself, but Bethenny needs to calm the fuck down about it.  She is not doing herself any favors being a rabid dog about it & frankly Luann's actions do not affect her at all.

But I get this is a "reality" show & conflicts are de rigueur but I'm now ready for some fabulosity

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, others have attempted to freeze out another HW but none have been as successful except Bethenny. On Atl. the cast did film with Kenya, she went on all the trips, Alex/Simon never missed an event/trip and neither did Bethenny when she/Jill were at it. This season so far, Sonja was excluded from the first trip and from the previews,

People have not been invited on trips before, though. Ramona didn't invite Jill to Scary Island. Heather didn't bring Ramona to London.

  • Love 10

I used to love Bethenny, but her wanting to freeze out Lu and Sonja, is ruining the show for me.  Ramona must be shaking in her boots.  I was proud of Sonja not running after Bethenny.  Ramona was <thisclose> to blurting out, "Sonya, your job depends on kissing Bethenny's ass!"

Jules is just a dumb girl.

i was bored to death again this week.

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 10

Carole, Ramona and get your butt off the fence Dorinda, need to stop and reflect why it is insane to go all in with a woman and try and dissect their love life.  At this point it is not "the words of my enemies but the silence of my friends" that is driving the narrative.  Ramona is not helping, she is adding fuel to the fire with her insipid accounts of guy cruising and shock of shock some man not interested in the sixty year fake boobed, bad face work, extension wearing, barely conversational Ramona.  I guess Bethenny has to give the right of way to Ramona, because in their turn guys head challenge last year Ramona won.  Of last year she was looking Ramona's age, fake boobed, bad face work, extension wearing, jock toting, motor mouthed terror.  I guess both of them were fortunate Luann sat out the challenge.

Ramona saying Luann's guy Tom is a player and Luann has only known him three weeks is laughable.  Somehow Ramona knows the guy's ex-girlfriend and how often he calls her and what he got her for Christmas but has no idea the guy use to date Sonja or was okay dating Tom when he had a girlfriend?  Ramona's hypocrisy is showing.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Gaily said:

Sorry WireWrap -- you are right. Wanted to give Bethenny the benefit of the doubt. Here are more photos of them together. He is very good looking:


I also love her handbag.

This proves that many men are stupid.  What the hell does he see in her?  If I had a penis I wouldn't fuck her with someone else's penis.  

Edited by Neurochick
would and wouldn't are two different words
  • Love 14

I turned this one off and went back to my sewing machine (seriously,l it's what I do for a living). Beth showed up (or, more likely, was scripted) to be pissed out of the gate, angry at being there, angry at the other women, determined to be a bitch and kill any good vibes or fun to be had.

Endless nasty remarks, aimed to hurt aren't my idea of entertainment. Even assuming that each cast member was in on the plot--a ruined party, tears, anger and a thoroughly horrible weekend--isn't something I need to waste my time on. I'd rather wind bobbins.

The $ must be good for them to submit to this crap and have it aired, knowing that their families, kids and friends will see it.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, snarts said:

Wait, so now Bethany & Carole ridicule Luann for being civil and displaying some manners while a guest in someone's home?  Meanwhile the rude ass bitches try to sneak out without even saying goodbye, after ruining the party to begin with?  ...and they think they're the arbiters of dood taste and in a position to judge and chastise Luann?  They can suck it.  They're both petty jealous shrews.  

Ramona had some nerve.  If anyone demands attention, it's her.  I can think of a number of events/dinners where's she's made a scene and/or stormed out.

This is some bullshit.  Even Carole, whose name is "Perpetual Sycophant Crawling up Bethenny's Ass" broke character as they were ONCE AGAIN being consummate, rude assholes. Once again, Carole and Bethenny were thinking they were oh-so-cute-and-edgy by slipping away early the next morning without doing the minimum and saying the only two magic words that count -  "Thank You" and "Goodbye" to their most gracious hostess Dorinda.

Dorinda (who, by the way put up with WAAAAY TOO MUCH BS - Thank You Entitled Bethenny for once again ruining every fucking thing with your Aderall-fueled neurosis).  Stay the fuck home if you can't behave and stop blaming others (i.e. - Dorinda) for having bad mojo, a witch's spell, whatever! in order to deflect from your own lack of maturity and impulse control.  Fuck you.

Even Carole broke rank sounding exasperated, saying something to the effect to Beth "We need to go in there and say good-bye".  God.  (Sigh).  I hate Bethenny with the fire of a thousand suns.  Carole I hate too.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 23
12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I wish that someone would explain to me why people feel the need to "call people out" to "tell them about themselves."  Why?  Who the fuck cares?  I don't get it.

Well in real life I agree with your sentiment every day of the week and twice on Sunday.  But on a reality show... well.. you know. Different animal altogether. In real life, almost none of the situations we see would even be happening because none of these ladies would even be hanging out together.  

Still, of course, Beth takes it to a whole other cruel and unusual level.  Evil hosebeast that she is.

11 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Jumpsuits, especially red lace ones, are NOT Lu's friend.

Oof, that jumpsuit was tragic.  I gotta say between this monstrosity and that shiny-blue nightmare she wore at the reunion last year, I am NOT impressed with Lu's "collection."

9 hours ago, BookElitist said:

WHAT IS Jules able to do❓ Seriously, what❓  She's another one who needs to 'lighten up' with the weave.

Are you talking about her hair?  That's definitely all hers - not a "weave."  I actually think her hair is lovely--thick, shiny.

11 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Ya'll, Bethenny's ass is a medical marvel. So many people can fit up there. When she dies, it should be in The Smithsonian.

I missed the first half hour, but I'm with Sonja on not cornering Bethenny to talk. I can't stand forced interactions. If someone doesn't want to talk to you, leave them alone. Also, motherfuck Bethenny. Who the hell cares if she never speaks to you again? I'm going to paraphrase asshole Chad from The Bachelorette. "You've gone your whole life not knowing Bethenny, who cares if you don't see her.?"

Good on Sonja for telling Ramona her party sucks, though she lost me with her soft boiled comment? I don't know where she was going with that. If she were smart, she would've loaded up on some food on the way before she left.

"Medical marvel" -- I died!  Too good.  I think the "soft-boiled" was a play off of Lu saying that Beth said she had "no hard feelings" comment.  I get the soft part, but not sure where the boiled fits in..

11 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Wait a minute. .. Did Jules say this episode that this has been the best 24 hours of her life?!?!? Isn't her dad in the hospital and really sick? Hell is wrong with this chick!!!

I thought she was being sarcastic...?  But then when I think about it, her delivery didn't seem like she was making a joke did it?? Hmmm, yeah, she's a strange one.  Yet, still, probably my favorite HW at the moment by default!

10 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Nope, she is worse than Jill ever was!

SO true.  Jill annoyed me to the heavens - especially seasons 3 and 4. And she was shady as a mofo when it came to certain people (Alex for one)  But I still don't think she was ever as cruel and vicious as Bethenny has been these past 2 seasons, especially last night.  

10 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

Didn't she just say she was up to 3am with someone she'd known for a long time and that it was really good. I've been wondering if that was the guy...

YES! I'd forgotten all about that -- it had to be the married guy!  The article about them says they've known each other for 25 years.  And WHO was she going to Vermont with at night hmmm??? I am thinking their affair started some time ago.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Back in the city, Jules once again cannot do anything. She can't make eggs, can't make coffee, can't get her kids to and from school. How on earth does anyone function without a nanny??? (Oh, that's right, they make their housekeeper fill in.)

And that confused me.  While bemoaning her lack of nanny to her husband an episode or two ago, didn't she ask her husband if HE was going to be doing the cooking and cleaning, etc. from now on?  And she hasn't bathed in a week with her braided three inch long armpit hair, while some other woman has been doing her cooking and cleaning?  If she comes back next season she needs to sit down and decide what she wants her story line to be because she's confusing herself and her husband (and me).  It's sort of amusing that she called out her husband as not being a hands-on dad.  Pot meet kettle.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

People have not been invited on trips before, though. Ramona didn't invite Jill to Scary Island. Heather didn't bring Ramona to London.

Actually Ramona did invite Jill. It over lunch at The Four Seasons.

Sonja has been pretty much frozen out this season and LuAnn has been the outsider.  I suspect that may have something to do their salary disputes with BRAVO. 

I think it was completely wrong for Dorinda to exclude Sonja, especially when she never had any issues with her.  Bethenny always had the option of opting out.

  • Love 8

Bethenny is just hideous.   Who LuAnn sleeps with, how often she sleeps with them, is no one's business.   LuAnn certainly didn't deserve that. I give LuAnn alot of credit.  I'd have smacked someone before I left for the hotel. 

And then Bethenny acts all high and mighty (with Carol) at Ramona's party like LuAnn is the problem. 

And no one calls Bethenny out on her behavior.  Ever.  In fact, we get another round of why people should apologize to Bethenny.

She's just horrible.  And she's ruined the show.   Thanks Andy.

(It is interesting that the two people everyone is choosing to go after this season are Sonja and LuAnn - the two that held out for more money.)

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Best part of this episode was the WTF face Bethenny's driver gave her when she handed him an empty wine glass while he was loading the car up. Is he your waiter too, fool? Why would you even take that outside? 

That was the monogrammed wine glass that Dorinda had given here.  I guess she didn't want to pack it for fear of it breaking.  Still, of course, the way she handed it to the driver was annoying.

3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

B has never looked more unhinged than walking in to the house after handing the driver the glass (a gift, mind you)  like it was a used Kleenex. She looked bat shit. High heeled ankle wobbling track shoes baggy ass unmatched pjs biker jacket, crazy hair and Squeaky Fromme hat. This is how I imagine her Mother. (From B's description) 

LOL. She did look deranged.  Like, really, you couldn't take 2 damn minutes to throw a pair of jeans and a sweater on for the drive home?? No no -- you had to SHOW us how urgently and desperately you needed to get out of there by not even taking the time to take your PJs off.  Oh well, at least they were hers and not Brynn's.

1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

Not to defend but I get a feeling that the crazy attempt to get Sonja to approach Beth reeked a little bit of desperation. It just hit me, especially from Lu that they were a bit frantic about it cause there's a real worry among the HW (Dorinda, Lu even Ramona) that she just might lose her apple if she doesn't? I know that makes the scene a bit humane but I just couldn't understand their desperation over it all. I guess it's cause there really wasn't any cattiness involved, it sorta looked like it was coming from a slightly panicked state. Sorta like "come on Sonja, we're working our apple and dancing to keep it, if you don't get on it yours is in serious jeopardy and we don't want to lose you". I know far fetched? <shrug>

Yep, this was exactly my train of when it came to the Lu and Ro PUSHING Sonja to make up with Beth.  Same train of thought I had as to why Lu was the one practically groveling at Beth's feet, both in the Berkshires and at Ro's lame-ass Xmas party. 

  • Love 14

I like Sonya as she can be amusing to watch. However, she does have a history of being inappropriate when it comes to buisness. I read that lawsuit which cost her the seven million and it does not paint a pretty picture of her. She screwed with some hardworking people who were trying to make a living.  And it is her niche to play the victim after the fact. Thing is she has the personality to get away with it too.  However, she isn't as innocent as she portrays. With that I agree with Beth. Yet, she is smarter than Beth, in the sense, she knows you have to exhibit some kindness, not to come off as a shrew and gain favor with people.

Beth can't get out of her own way. That woman is all sharp angles. There is no softness for anyone to lay their head. She says she is nothing like her own mother, but she can be brutal.  It is really ironic. 

  • Love 10
27 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

E News is reporting Bethenny began seeing Dennis,  married guy, before the holidays and in fact had him on set but not camera during filming.  http://www.eonline.com/news/771267/real-housewives-of-new-york-city-s-bethenny-frankel-is-dating-dennis-shields.  Oh and how convenient she is comes out with another Bravolebrity in tow:  http://nypost.com/2016/06/09/bethenny-frankel-spotted-house-hunting-with-new-beau/

So she is reaming Luann with all her "fvcking married men", while of course she is doing it.

Bethenny is a fool and thinks the rest of us are stupid that we won't find this out.  I don't get why Andy likes her at all, what is she doing, sucking his dick?  I can't get why anybody with a brain would like Bethenny.  As for all her "hard work," okay, I'll give her some of that, but about 60% of that was pure luck, had she not been on Housewives, she still would be standing in Food Emporium selling her wares to an empty supermarket.

  • Love 23
10 hours ago, Southernbelle55 said:

O.M.G. I hope Bethenny and Carole are so embarrassed watching this. 


10 hours ago, ninjago said:

I hope Carole is ashamed of herself watching this.

Housewives and shame go together like oysters and cake frosting - NOT AT ALL. I fully expect them to double down on their assholishness.

8 hours ago, film noire said:

 (Sidebar: I cannot stand watching Carole eat anymore. Some people are appetizing eaters to watch on camera, but that woman shoves vast amounts of food, machine-like, into her mouth, all of it turned into a giant food-ball wodged in a cheek when she starts snipping on about LuAnn while eating. It's like watching an angry, snorting horse burrowing through a feedbag.)

Best description ever.

4 hours ago, ticklemepink said:

So I also hate Bethenny for making me like Luann on this episode. That woman embodies cool in the best sense of the word - Bethenny and Carol tried to verbally ravage her and she ends up being the one who wins in the end because she acts so chill after their argument that they get flustered and uncomfortable. They expected that their words would run her out of town but instead her calm ran them out. Its actually a great lesson for any of us who are in a similar situation - don't let those bitches see you sweat (until you are in private, and I was touched by her tears outside with Dorinda). If she were to ever write another book, this is what she should write about - how to stay a boss bitch in the face of haters.

Queen Camille of RHOBH was right. The one to yell and lose their shit in an argument always is the loser. 

2 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:


Like I said ^^^ someone needs to throw a rock or two at Bethenny! (IMO!) Luanne is my only hope!

This reminds me of my favorite one liner from the show Roseanne: People who live in glass whorehouses shouldn't throw stones.

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

This proves that many men are stupid.  What the hell does he see in her?  If I had a penis I wouldn't fuck her with someone else's penis.  

For any man to spend a significant amount of time with B and develop feelings I think they would need to have Gene's technique:


  • Love 24
39 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Thank You Entitled Bethenny for once again ruining every fucking thing with your Aderall-fueled neurosis).  Stay the fuck home if you can't behave and stop blaming others (i.e. - Dorinda) for having bad mojo, a witch's spell, whatever! in order to deflect from your own lack of maturity and impulse control.  Fuck you.

Even Carole broke rank sounding exasperated, saying something to the effect to Beth "We need to go in there and say good-bye".  God.  (Sigh).  I hate Bethenny with the fire of a thousand suns.  Carole I hate too.

This. This. This! 

24 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

E News is reporting Bethenny began seeing Dennis,  married guy, before the holidays and in fact had him on set but not camera during filming.  http://www.eonline.com/news/771267/real-housewives-of-new-york-city-s-bethenny-frankel-is-dating-dennis-shields.  Oh and how convenient she is comes out with another Bravolebrity in tow:  http://nypost.com/2016/06/09/bethenny-frankel-spotted-house-hunting-with-new-beau/

So she is reaming Luann with all her "fvcking married men", while of course she is doing it.

Yet she deflects the secrecy about who she is dating on to Luann with the excuse no one wants to tell Luann who they are dating. Nice try Beth. Why does she say this freakin' bullshit on camera when it's false? She was deflecting that she was dating a married man. 

She drives me CRAZY. The very first time in S1 when she said she was poor, didn't have parents and Jill referred to her as an orphan I was like huh? I happened to know very well who her (wealthy, connected) father and father and stepfather were prior to the show so I thru her, IMMEDIATELY. She may have had a 'hard' (read the book Etched in Sand if you want to know what a hard home life is) home life but poor, no parents, and orphan were fucking bullshit from the get go. No surprise to me she keeps it up and it's worse now  that she has more money. It is who she is, always was and without a lot of intensive off camera therapy it is who she will be forever. 

I still want to know what she inherited from her father's estate. And when she'll bring her mother, and their reconciliation on camera. Oooh trust me, that's coming prob next season because she is death spiraling w/fans this season. 

  • Love 17
12 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Wait a minute. .. Did Jules say this episode that this has been the best 24 hours of her life?!?!? Isn't her dad in the hospital and really sick? Hell is wrong with this chick!!!

well, to be fair, she didn't have to deal w/those annoying nanny-less children, all wanting to be fed and things....

11 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

Worse. She's become Jill Zarin.

or Kelly.  She just makes five-minute "appearances" whenever possible.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, izabella said:

When Carole was lying in bed with Beth the morning after, her cheekbones scared me.  Bethy needs to get rid of that gray onesie she was wearing, Sonja needs to trash that ill-fitting red pantsuit, and Lu needs to shred that lace jumpsuit.  Maybe they can use Ramona's extensions to light a bonfire.

Someone said last year that Sonja probably hasn't bought any clothes since her Lady days in the 90s, and I'm inclined to agree

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Bethenny is a fool and thinks the rest of us are stupid that we won't find this out.  I don't get why Andy likes her at all, what is she doing, sucking his dick?  I can't get why anybody with a brain would like Bethenny.  As for all her "hard work," okay, I'll give her some of that, but about 60% of that was pure luck, had she not been on Housewives, she still would be standing in Food Emporium selling her wares to an empty supermarket.

And yet Bethenny can't acknowledge or comprehend what Luann is eluding to.  Luann was the person a camera having the "a skinny girl's margarita" with Bethenny.  Luann is not saying she thought up the idea although she was the first on camera to call it a Skinnygirl.  It is akin to someone reminiscing about going to someone's baby shower, they are not trying to take credit for the conception, they are just remembering the beginnings.  People do it all the taime when they introduce two people.  Bethenny Season 1 and including the Reunion was still calling it a "skinny girl's margarita" and would give the recipe, which is not even reflective of the swill she now slaps Skinnygirl on.  Bethenny was about  Bethenny Bakes, Season 1 and it wasn't until Season 3 her swill got rolling. 

I just wish Luann would say, I remember when a skinny girl's martini had Patron and Contreau, real lime juice instead of 60% rot gut tequila and a bunch of chemicals. 

Bethenny's attempt at a joke or slam regarding someone ordering drinks and their ingredients and their blood consisting of vodka and gin made zero sense.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 14

I thought Luann's apology to Carole at Ramona's party sounded very sincere, yet Carole said it sounded 'a little more sincere' than the last one.  What is Luann supposed to do, keep apologizing until Carole deems it to be sincere enough for her?

i haven't see Luann broadcasting her sexual exploits as mentioned by someone in an earlier post.  Of course she has no need to since Bethenny feels it's her job to do it for her.  That motormouth never stops to take a breath when she's on a tangent.  She is a nasty piece of work and I find her SO exhausting!

  • Love 21

This is what I wonder - do the producers of this show think all of the fighting is entertaining? Seriously, it makes me feel like I'm on a road trip with a couple of squabbling pre-teens in the backseat. Constant fighting over nothing, which just serves to make everyone around you miserable.

I miss my old show, where the women just hung out in New York City and I got to see how the other half lives. I liked watching them shop and go to fashion shows and decorate their houses. Sure, there were conflicts, but they were smaller - like Ramona being rude when Simon came to the 'girls' dinner.' Now everyone just seems so mean, ugly, and immature. I think I'd rather they just do a clean sweep and get a whole new cast and start over.

  • Love 19

Carole's eating! YES! I am sorry I forget who mentioned it but it's awful. She does it for attention, it's a weird over exaggerated eating while she talks food noisy mouth open chewing dramatic act to draw attention to herself, as she was with her ass on the counter (again) at Bethenny's apartment. And I HATE it. Oral fixation + needs attention = Carole.

  • Love 9

Bethenny says that Luann can't speak to anything other than what's going on between Luann and Bethenny but Bethenny can talk about Luann and Ramaon/Carole/every woman? Luann was right, Bethenny is compiling a list - and she's borrowing items from everyone so that she can make her list longer. Here's the thing with Carole - you are only limiting your access to Luann at social gatherings, do you really expect carnage each time because otherwise people would be pretending? No dear, it's called being cordial. Being polite and keeping interaction very superficial is not being fake, it's being respectful of the environment and the people around you. Someone else's home/any social event is not the place to air grievances, especially when it can escalate to such a magnitude. 

I felt bad for Jules - she was the only person that being respectful and she tried very hard to give Dorinda some normalcy while the others were busy arguing. 

Luann won't win with these ladies. You can fling a million different feelings (combined with accusations) toward someone and not expect them to defend themselves. And if they didn't, you would only take their silence as validation of the way you've characterized them.  When Bethenny was trying to discredit Luann's comments about the type of friend she is or her loyalty, Luann brought up Dorinda and Bethenny quickly shut that down because she knew that if Dorinda had come into the picture, she would have spoken up for Luann and in turn, discredit everything Bethenny was saying and because she likes Dorinda, she wouldn't to put Dorinda in a position to go against her Honestly, I thought Luann handled herself well...much better than the last episode even. She took everything in, she calmly responded. 

Carole is such a following lapdog. Carole had one thought about breakfast and then leaving and as soon as Bethenny said that she's leaving in her pyjamas, Carole is seen packing her bags. It's not like she came with Bethenny. The only reason they went back in to say goodbye is because they got caught trying to escape. 

I totally believe Luann's comment that Ramona is taking issue with Tom because she wants that. I don't think Luann is saying that Ramona wasnts Tom. Ramona's ideal man has Tom qualities. He's mature, he's successful, he's attractive, he's sociable, etc. Ramona wants to have her version of that and for whatever reason that it didn't work with Tom, Ramona seems to be slightly burning inside that Luann managed to find that and do so before her. 

Bethenny needs to stop talking if she if she doesn't care about anything and that it doesn't affect her but then turn around and act as if it's a huge grievance. How can she have no hard feelings when the moment she saw Sonja she started saying she wanted to kill herself. If you can't be in the same room as someone or talk to them civilly then you aren't past it, you aren't unaffected by it. You are affected a lot by it. This is why Bethenny is so damaged. When she feels really slighted, her idea of dealing is to prattle off insult after insult to your face, leave before you can defend, then she cuts you off but says that she doesn't care. She cares a lot. 

Dorinda - "it holds a whole bottle of wine, isn't that great?", hahaha.

How does Jules cook but doesn't know how to make coffee or tea?? 

  • Love 11

Regarding Bethenny dating the married man Dennis Shields (who was the husband of 26 years of her high school BFF Jill Schwartzberg), I think this was planted deliberately to give this show a ratings lift. Bethenny is far too smart and media savvy to look like a hypocrite -- she would have kept this relationship under wraps tightly.  NY Post reported back in February that she was seeing a married man but did not name him.  What a coincidence that she was seen out luxury house hunting with him in Manhattan immediately after her take-down of LuAnn for "not being real," being a hypocrite and slutting around with men who are committed to other women.

This is a build-up to a big Reunion showdown over this.  

Edited by Gaily
  • Love 6


So, apparently, this is ok but it's not ok when someone else does it even though Beth may not know the circumstances.  Beth needs to stop judging and making assumptions about other people. #knowitall

Just like her saying to Lu that she needs to own it but apparently Beth can keep her relationships private and no one is allowed to say anything...unless Beth gives her permission.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 9
52 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

let's talk about hypocrite Carole, who is vacationing with Adam, Bethenny and married guy.  She sits there while Bethenny puts Luann on blast once again for her behavior around men while Bethenny is fvcking (using Bethenny's preferred term) a long time friend's husband.  Carole has situational integrity and she hasn't been on the right side of a situation for a very long time.

Well Carole gave zero fucks that her screwing situation was a bit sensitive and awkward with her friend (and friend's family) and although I understand that it isn't at the fucking a married man who is separated from your HS friend level it's still par for the course with regards to Carole's situational integrity. How about she has none because a person whose go to reaction to anything that doesn't jive with what she thinks should be okay and what SHE wants to do is "oh well", and zero fucks complete with bucky giggling doesn't have the best working moral compass period. So over this cloak of right and wrong that Carole tries to hide behind when slamming Lu all the time instead of her admitting what her ongoing issue is and it's that she's mad at Lu and she wants to continue being mean to her cause she's not over it and doesn't want to be nice. That's all. None of this reaching about oh the hypocrisy, oh Lu this, oh Lu that, the crimes against humanity schtick her and Beth want to recycle over and over again. Ummmm nope, ya'll just grasping for excuses. Ya'll just want to keep being mean to Lu cause ya feel like it. Not cause the cosmic forces deems it necessary. Spare me the bullshit already. I'm so over the exaggerated outrage.

Carole is just pissed that someone called her out on something and the she chose to handle it in such a juvinielle and nasty way. She's mad that the situation brought so much attention to how inconsiderate and selfish she is while making it clear that if something drags on for more than 2 minutes and she's being taken to task then she can't be bothered and you're the problem. Even if something is turning out to be me in your favor than not that doesn't mean "YOU WIN" and that just shuts down the conversation. You should still be able to hear someone else's feelings out and respect that they feel that way, not hogwash it away as if you can freely determine whether the feelings are valid. She doesn't ever try to invest in any solution. She's quick to take the stance that YOU don't matter, YOU are ridiculous, YOU are overstepping, YOU are wrong instead of getting to the heart of the matter and talking it out respectfully. Her go to is rolling her eyes and being offended that she just may have to make an effort when resolving a conflict. Such a child.

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25 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Not to defend but I get a feeling that the crazy attempt to get Sonja to approach Beth reeked a little bit of desperation. It just hit me, especially from Lu that they were a bit frantic about it cause there's a real worry among the HW (Dorinda, Lu even Ramona) that she just might lose her apple if she doesn't? I know that makes the scene a bit humane but I just couldn't understand their desperation over it all. I guess it's cause there really wasn't any cattiness involved, it sorta looked like it was coming from a slightly panicked state. Sorta like "come on Sonja, we're working our apple and dancing to keep it, if you don't get on it yours is in serious jeopardy and we don't want to lose you". I know far fetched? <shrug>


2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

People have not been invited on trips before, though. Ramona didn't invite Jill to Scary Island. Heather didn't bring Ramona to London.

Ramona did invite Jill to Scary Island.

  • Love 5

The real and scripted parts are creating such friction, it's so ugly to watch, but I'm sure the producers are happy because it's bringing on a lot of comments!

Yes, but the question is whether or not it's bringing in ratings, which are what ad revenue--and the real value of any show-- is based on. Anyone know how the ratings are doing? Just MHO, but I find this unending nastiness, the drunken arguments and endless BS to be less than entertaining and have basically signed off aside from the commentary on this site. I ain't watching and they've lost this viewer and I suspect I'm not alone.

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7 minutes ago, Beden said:

Yes, but the question is whether or not it's bringing in ratings, which are what ad revenue--and the real value of any show-- is based on. Anyone know how the ratings are doing? 

I don't know where to get the most accurate ratings report but from this page it seems like RHONY ratings are low. It's Southern Charm's ratings that are high.  https://www.realmrhousewife.com/2016/05/23/reality-tv-may-2016-week-3-ratings-breakdown/

Edited by Anna525
22 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Okay Season 1, the Reunion (or WWHL special) it is Ramona's turn on the hotseat and Bethenny is leading the pack about how it is inappropriate to ask a host what they are serving for dinner or who else was invited.  Bethenny of two meltdowns and two drunken performances that season, lecturing on manners and etiquette. Kind of stealing Luann's thunder.  Hypocrite.  You don't announce you are hosting a trip and then make it contingent on if Carole will go.  If they did a poll I don't think either Carole or Jules would show up on the ratings meter.  I am guessing in Tequila, Mexico, if that is in fact where thet are going has accommodations suitable for two warring factions.   This is not difficult, I don't think anyone other than Carole really truly wants to be around Bethenny.  It is amazing Carole and Bethenny don't hold it against Jules, Ramona or Dorinda, that they can  be on the receiving end of insults and still talk to the holier than thou Carole and Bethenny.  If Luann and Sonja stay home, I hope John crashes the party.

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41 minutes ago, HoosierJen said:

This is what I wonder - do the producers of this show think all of the fighting is entertaining? Seriously, it makes me feel like I'm on a road trip with a couple of squabbling pre-teens in the backseat. Constant fighting over nothing, which just serves to make everyone around you miserable.

I miss my old show, where the women just hung out in New York City and I got to see how the other half lives. I liked watching them shop and go to fashion shows and decorate their houses. Sure, there were conflicts, but they were smaller - like Ramona being rude when Simon came to the 'girls' dinner.' Now everyone just seems so mean, ugly, and immature. I think I'd rather they just do a clean sweep and get a whole new cast and start over.

It's not just the producers who think the fighting is entertaining.  Look at "The Bad Girls' Club," if folks thought fighting was boring, that show would have bit the dust years ago.  People are watching, I'm watching.  I don't know if I'd watch a show featuring women going to fashion shows and decorate their homes, every single week. 

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