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S28.E06: The Naked Truth

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Ugh. Sarah, no! Of course, she now rescinds everything she has said in the past and she cried ABOUT IT. It was not a cowardly move. Are you kidding me with this? Also, Johnny and Sarah, apparently are not friends outside of these shows. This is such BS, it's now making me think that their "feud" was not real at all and was a ploy for this season. But good job Sarah :slow clap: I now dislike you again.

And so I guess, Johnny now really has no loyalty to Nany now since the last challenge. Weren't they really friends? And didn't Johnny cry sad crocodile tears when he voted her in last time because he said, "everyone else did, so I had to do that as well, otherwise I wouldn't have".

Sarah, you were doing so good..I liked you for a little bit there and the you ruined it. Sarah will always and forever be the puppy dog she was on her very first challenge when she chased after J/E/K because she had a crush on Kenny and giggled at all of their antics. 

Cousin Bananas is an idiot. And I don't know really know who the guy Thomas is who got into a fight with him but it was hilarious how stupid Vince is by getting into a "scuffle" with him and I love Johnny trying to act like it's Thomas's fault when really, Thomas can yell and scream and be equally stupid but he is not putting his hands on Vince, that's all on your idiot cousin Johnny, so.. yeah. And also, what is the difference between a scuffle and a brawl? Like, how does one determine this much? My guess is production was all, "well, we've found a team cheating so, that's already going down, no one in the scuffle ended up bleeding so, let's slap Vince on the wrist and then deal with the cheating scandal by throwing that team into elimination round".

On the cheating thing, before the break, Nany looked scared she threw her head down and even Sarah looked nervous  and she hit Johnny's arm but that could have been a 'well that throws off one of the teams we were going to send in', but Nany looked nervous. So I thought maybe the key was thrown by mistake and none of the teams did it intentionally so why should they be punished if it was accidental. But then it was Camilla and her partner. So whatever. Camilla is the worst. God damn, drama queen. Also, Nany is damn good at handling the crazy people when she isn't one. I still remember her dealing with the Jenna and cousin fight over Jenna's cousin wanting to leave to go back to her boyfriend who got her ice cream or something. But her deadpan "I know, Camilla" to Camilla's "I have bruises all over MY BODY!" was hilarious. 

Wes is my favorite person ever. "I hate his stupid little speeches" you and me both, Wes. I want to hang out with Wes outside of this show. he seems pretty cool. And Nany may be smarter than I realized. I feel like Wes really wants to have alliances and he doesn't realize that he really doesn't have any real ones here. This isn't like on his first couple challenges where half of his friends would be around. Sadly, Wes doesn't realize that while yes, he does try and get to know the new kids, the new kids will toss him as soon as stupid Johnny says he will take care of them. Which..Johnny won't. Johnny uses people until he is done needing them and/or when he can send them into elimination rounds.

TJ has a heart, he let Thomas go without some speech about quitting. But I guess girlfriend in hospital trumps you know, this game. Which it does. 

  • Love 5

Best episode so far. I too laughed at Wes's not a good day for a ginger. And I'd much rather see the guys harrass each other than some of the dumbshit women & their ridiculous screetching catfights. Disappointed with Sarah.
Also nice to see a return of the Nany I like rather than her previous incarnations. Delighted not to spend any time with her cousin.

Loved the prevtv write up on this ep. Some great pics - Teej, what the fuck now & Tony's face as Camilla freaks out.


Great write up but I can't call the Camilla/Tony thing unjustified. Camila new she took the wrong number at a certain point and didn't return back to where she got it, notify the other team when they couldn't find it due to her blunder (where she threw it down was past where they had gone which is why they didn't find it. they had no reason to search a part of the course they never went to), and didn't fess up when asked. She did none of these things and still continued to act like she was totally in the dark. That's on her. They never said she did it with malice (TJ said that outright) but she still did it and tried to play it off.

That comp was difficult enough that not having a elimination was OK . And once again, it wasn't up to them. I haven't been getting mad at the show for the non eliminations because they have a certain episode order. People leaving throws it off. Great episode though.

Kellyanne - "My mouth tastes like balls" Good old The Challenge.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 6

Once again Nate and Christina get out of going to an elimination. They are golden. And huh, Christina was right about someone picking up their token. Seriously Camila, all that ranting and raving made her look so stupid. All she had to do was when she figured out that it wasn't their token was say, hey, who's token is this? They didn't carelessly lose their token if Camila picked up before they could find it and carried it away

That was a pretty hard challenge. I like when they throw in mini versions of final challenges.

Hate so much that Sarah had to apologize to John and that he had to deign to forgive her. Did he ever go on camera and point out how wrong it was to kick Paula out of the boat on the Island? Or apologize for just being an ass?

Going home because your girlfriend is in the hospital means a lot more than going home because your girlfriend misses you soooo much.

  • Love 5

That was the best challenge so far this season that they've had, actually. Next week looks kind of fun to and reminds me of an old challenge when they had to ride tiny bikes. Not over water off a ramp but still. Memories. Anyways, like I said earlier, Wes was in awesome form tonight. I love how much he dislikes Johnny, it can't be said enough but when Johnny starts in on his speeches, it gets ridiculous. Like Johnny, just say the name of the team and be done. Why won't TJ call him out on this. 

Sarah didn't have to apologize. She didn't do anything wrong. Johnny would have done the same thing and why did she cry? It makes me think this whole thing was fabricated from the start. Johnny really is the worst. I love how he expects all these people to say sorry for him and he does no wrong doing whatsoever. In his speech, he said something along the lines in regards to Wes, "I was hoping things would change with this person" as in Wes needs to admit he was wrong but Johnny does not. Because he never has to.

I think there is a real issue with Johnny and Wes that goes beyond the show, I'm not sure what it is. In a previous episode forum, I did mention Wes being hurt by the hookup of Johanna and Kenny on the Island and how on the next challenge right after J/E/K were all there and acted like Wes had no right to be hurt by that. And then Wes kind of acted like a jerk on that challenge after but I sort of get it. It seemed like everyone on The Ruins had a chip on their shoulder that season. 

  • Love 4

Screw sarah, I thought this girl had changed but this episode just showed that she is still that insecure women who after all this years is still looking for approval and to fit with who she considers the "cool" kids. She just can't handle the fact that johnny doesnt talk to her, and bashes her left and right with the cast. And the funny thing is that, that looser needs her more than she needs him, johnny cant live without winning a challenge and he needs the money more than she does, eventually he would have come around he is not that stupid, yet sarah is the one who does the most to be like again by him, does she really need him? I mean get real. This is the reason on why no one ever stands against johnny except for wes, johnny knows that all the people will come around and would kiss his ass, thats why that idiot has new minions every challenge. Its the cast who make johnny to have a big ego, they give him a lot of credit and let him affect them to the point where is like: I need to be his friend or else he will talk shit about me. you are too dumb if u let someone from a show to do things like that, specially bc Im sure that in real life no one really takes him serious. 

Vince just shows that probably all of johnny relatives have huge egos and big heads, its really not a coincidence that him and vince are so alike thinking they control the game and are far more superior than everyone there. They are pretty delusional.

  • Love 3

The casual misogyny on this show continues to astonish me. I don't understand these women (e.g. Jessica, Sarah) who practically beg their idiot partner for some kind of affirmation.  They so want their d-bag male partner to validate them as a competitor.  It doesn't surprise me with Jessica, but Sarah? I thought she grew past that nonsense. I weep for the future.

That said, I mostly enjoyed this episode because the challenge itself was so good and it was a return to format albeit without an elimination round. 

And because it cannot be said enough, shut up Bananas.  Did he ever apologize to Paula for putting money above friendship???

  • Love 12

When Sarah sent John to the elimination against Leroy, I think he was genuinely pissed. A lot of  the veterans throw tantrums when they get voted into the eliminations. I'm not sure I believe he has stayed mad at her all this time. He was way over the top with his "hatred" of Sarah, he is not a good actor. 

A Wes/Nani vs. Tony/Camilla elimination would've been awesome. Who do you think would've won? I think Camilla is a stronger competitor than Nani, but Wes is way smarter than Tony. 

The challenge was very entertaining. I'm impressed everyone got naked instead of eating that yummy looking cake. I know it was faster, but no one was in danger of losing because of Nate/Christina. I would never be able to get naked in public and/or on tv, but that's because I eat too much cake!

Thomas has always seemed boring and blah to me but I loved him this episode. Way to push Vince's buttons and to stand up to John. I also loved that he made fun of himself and his "dad" body. The abs are nice to look at, but there's nothing wrong with a dad body.

  • Love 3

Wes' line about being in the sun naked cracked me up. "I'm sunburning my balls…this is not a good day to be a ginger." Add that to his dislike of John's lame speeches and Wes wins the episode.

I wasn't surprised that Sarah weekly apologized to John; she's always had a weird need for validation from him and his "crew".

No Jungle?  I get it, people are dropping like flies bit it's still annoying.  At least the challenge seemed more old school.  As does next week's challenge.

Tony has some balls talking about Ashley going from Jamie's bed to his.  You know we saw your RW season, right?  Plus, you went from Jessica's bed to inviting Ashley into yours in the same (if not shorter) amount of time.

  • Love 6
42 minutes ago, OnceSane said:


I wasn't surprised that Sarah weekly apologized to John; she's always had a weird need for validation from him and his "crew".


It isn't even just him. During Battle of the Exes 2 she also wrote a letter of apology to Jordan for calling him an asshole, which he totally deserved (edit- he deserved being called an asshole, not the letter of apology). And I don't even think he was bullying her, he just avoided her in the house, but Sarah still couldn't stand that he was mad at her. And Jordan has always been on the outside of the in-crowd on these challenges anyways. But I guess it still bothered her that he was mad. Sarah must be one of those people that just can't stand when someone doesn't like her, even if she doesn't really like him or her either.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

Not defending douchebag behavior, but want to clarify some information that can be confirmed if anyone wants to do some online sleuthing with past episodes, behind the scenes footage, and interviews.

1)  If anyone "screwed" Paula over on The Island, it was Kenny, not Johnny. Kenny went to Evelyn to try to save Johnny, and her ultimatum was that she would save Johnny only on the condition that she get to go in their boat instead of Paula. Point blank period, there would be no negotiating. Evelyn knew she was screwed in the final, because she was stuck with the other boat-- Robin, Ryan, and Jenn. No way they would beat Kenny, Derrick, Dunbar, and Paula. So she found a way to guarantee the victory even if it meant Johnny also won. Some people say she "sold her soul". I say get the fuck out of here. Evelyn played it very smart, and good for her. She's not the poster child of the I Hate Johnny club, why should she lose out on $50,000 just to prove a point on a reality tv game show?

Honestly, I still don't think Paula was double-crossed, because Kenny and Johnny had only promised to take her and Johanna as far as they could without screwing up their own game. Their main alliance was with Derrick, as well as Abram before he left. When Kenny was left with choosing between Johnny and Paula, he went with his main alliance mate. So was Johnny supposed to say, thanks but no thanks, give my $50,000 to Paula? I like Paula, but she is notorious for rewriting history to fit her as the victim. Perhaps in her own head, she did see it that way. But The Island situation with Paula is not the same as the BotExes2 situation with Johnny despite her incessant tweeting about it.

I agree with all this, and while Johnny is a jerk, I have never understood how he screwed over Paula, or how Paula thinks her friends "stole" money from her. While it's great to be loyal to your friends, when you go on a game show specifically to win a 5 figure sum, I think it's a bit much to expect someone to say, "yeah, I know I took off work and have spent the last 6 weeks in hell on this low grade Survivor knockoff, but I'd like to forfeit my shot at winning the money so my friend can win instead".


Plus, Ev was bringing her sailing experience, Derrick, Johnny and Kenny were bringing the muscle and Paula's contribution to that point was...discouraging the girls from building a second boat and voting the way Kenny and Johnny told her to.


I suppose Johnny COULD have pressured Kenny and Derrick to go back on their deal with Ev, but really, how would that be any better?


All that said, Kenny did seem sad that Paula was so hurt, while John just shrugged it off. That to me, was a little shitty. Also, they did not tell Paula she was off the boat until Teej announced it. Paula thought Derrick was getting bumped instead of her.

The one thing about John's comments that I was unclear on was when he said some "pranks" might have been taken a little too far. In light of recent news events, it's clear there are a number of people who are uneducated on what constitutes sexual assault. While the specific incident with a toothbrush may or may not be true, I am pretty sure there WERE incidents that B/M Productions have on tape that show highly inappropriate behavior that could be considered sexual assaults, that were at the time brushed off by production as "pranks", or, "boys being boys", and even if Tonya couldn't prove anything happened (or was lying about it in the first place), B/M had some culpability in other incidents. Just a theory. There was a lot of speculation on TWoP that if the toothbrush incident happened, Evan and Kenny probably didn't even think of it as victimizing Tonya, only the owner of the toothbrush. I honestly don't know what's worse.

  • Love 7

So this was my favorite episode so far, mainly because it was like a normal challenge. YAY!! Hopefully the rest of the season follows suit. The whole naked thing was hilarious, but the obvious choice

Tony is such a skeezeball, man! 

I woud;l have loved to see Wes and Nany go against Camilla and Tony. I think in the end Nany and Wes would won because Camilla is so emotional and probably would have lost it. Her arguing with TJ was annoying lol

My predictions are John and Sarah are going to win, followed by Dumbo Vince and Jenna. I love Jenna. Can her and Sarah be on a team? Lol.

Vince really should have been kicked off, in my opinion. You either tolerate is or your don't MTV. But im glad Jenna got to stay.

Does anyone know what happened to Thomas's gf?

  • Love 2

I forgot to add extra time to my DVR so I didn't get to see the end of the episode or the preview for next week. Thank you to those above who filled me in! Sucks that there was no elimination. I would've liked to see who would've won the Jungle. My best guess is that it would've been Nany and Wes. Speaking of Nany, she's not one of my favorite people on this show, but I like that she's come to the realization that she can't expect loyalty from Johnny or anyone else for that matter. I couldn't agree more with her when she told Wes that they can only rely on themselves and the only way to win is competing instead of depending on alliances.

Camila is just an emotional mess and I think it would be exhausting to live with her. I don't think she purposely intended to take Christina and Nate's token, but she didn't own up to the fact that she found an extra one and threw it on the ground instead of handing it over to a producer or camera man. 

Ugh, Sarah! Why did you have to cry and start feeling bad about what you did to Johnny? It was a totally smart move and at the end of the day, she did what she needed to do in order to win just like other people in the past have done especially Johnny. He never apologizes for anything and he was basically forcing her to give him an apology when he treated her like crap for the remainder of that Challenge and continued to do so on this one. If they're not really friends outside of the show, I don't know why she feels so bad about her decision.

  • Love 1
56 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

2)  I applaud Sarah for doing what she needed to do to win BotExes2, and yes, life-changing money. Johnny needs to get over himself on that part. However, Sarah went on to deny she and Johnny were actual friends as a way of justifying her actions, when in fact they were. They were supposed to help each other get to the end, guaranteeing some prize money for both. That is the only thing I didn't like that she did-- deny there ever was an actual friendship. Which is what she admitted to-  it was easier to deny the friendship then just own her delicious backstabbery without trying to justify it. So I understand her tears and need to fix things with him. Sarah is a kickass woman and competitor but she is also a genuinely good person, and she did care about their friendship as did he. He acted like a huge asshole about it though, which is on him.

So I don't see Sarah's tears or reaching out to Johnny as her being weak or a follower. Many of these people have actual friendships outside of the show that we are not aware of because the show doesn't edit the friendship in that light. A perfect example is Johnny and Diem. I hate when people say Sarah was/is a blind JEK follower because she actually does have friendships there. She likes them, they like her, and that's it. She was not seeking validation from Johnny as a person or a woman. She was trying to repair a friendship and finally rid some icky feelings she had inside of her. She even straight out told him she would not apologize for the game move, just for the way she tried to justify it. She would have done that regardless of who it had been-- it has nothing to do with it being "Johnny".

Yeah, I don't have a problem with Sarah making nice with Johnny.  I think when she threw Johnny and Nany in that season, she was doing something out of character, and she denied a friendship with Johnny to justify it.  It's a perfectly acceptable move in the game, but perhaps not something Sarah would typically do.  I think the enmity between the two has been very genuine, but more Sarah reacting to Johnny's anger.  I don't think it makes Sarah weak or pathetic for wanting to resolve this tension, and I think Johnny initiated the discussion - as far as we were shown.  Personally I think they were both affected by the whole thing, and I thought for a moment that Johnny was about to start crying.  And he's not that good of an actor.  And Sarah did give a qualified apology - she wasn't prostrating herself - and Johnny accepted the apology as is.

  • Love 3

Camilla made me laugh with how indignant she got...when she knew what she did.  And she had the audacity to be all like....I AM SO TIRED AND HAVE BRUISES...AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!  Yeah, no shit sherlock....cause you took their key and so they couldn't move on because YOU TOOK THEIR KEY.  

While I understand that Johnny and Wes no likey one another....however he has no loyalty whatsoever to Nany???  And he wants to talk to Sarah about loyalty?  *rolls eyes*  If I was Johnny....I'd keep some Real Worlders around because if you don't....one of the new Are You The One kiddos will decide to make a big move and take you out.  

Hope Thomas' girlfriend is doing well.  

I also agree that Vince was allowed to stay because his violence was basically attaching himself to Thomas and pushing him on a table.  I expected worse.  I initially thought they were horsing around and pretend fighting because who does it THAT way.  Vince does.  He even fails at trying to intimidate and fighting people.  

  • Love 6

The Vince/Thomas "fight" looked more like an awkward hug. 

Who was Christina making out with at the club?

I wasn't a fan of Simone this season but I am glad that she stood by Thomas and supported him going home to be with his girlfriend. 

Camilla, girl, calm down. You screwed up. You could have easily fixed it by saying "hey, whose token is this?"

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

The Vince/Thomas "fight" looked more like an awkward hug. 

Who was Christina making out with at the club?

I wasn't a fan of Simone this season but I am glad that she stood by Thomas and supported him going home to be with his girlfriend. 

Camilla, girl, calm down. You screwed up. You could have easily fixed it by saying "hey, whose token is this?"

Right.  She knew it belonged to someone else.  I think in her exhausted mind she thought she might get in trouble if she said anything.  Stupid since the camera sees all.  She coulda yelled....THERE IS A 3 COIN HERE.  Whoever it belongs to better come get it.....  But she didn't and she screwed a team over.  

I'd also like Camila to meet Jenna and Vince...who found out they made a stupid mistake and just bucked up and dealt.  And Vince is an infant.  

  • Love 6

Another week, another wack ending. I mean, awesome that Simone is out, because she's reprehensible, but I wanted her to suffer in the Jungle (or whatever the endgame is called). How fucked is it that we've only had two teams eliminated through conventional means, and one of them came back? And I was expecting TJ to ask Thomas for a doctor's note in order to appear in future seasons. Because Teege hates quitters. Brandon had "QUITTER" in the cold open, and I suspect nobody will let him hear the end of it.

I'm really hoping Sarah is insincere about wanting to remain friends with Johnny. Aside from supporting Diem, there is nothing redeemable about this asshole. At all. I can joke about how the mission wasn't the first time he had balls in his mouth because he's a douche, and because he slagged Tonya on behalf of Kenny, which . . . do the math. Next time we have an After Show, they'll show talking head clips where Sarah is laughing and making quips about needing tweezers to jerk Johnny off, because she wouldn't use her hands. And once again: Johnny & Nany had already lost in that Challenge, and the stupid "Battle Of The Ex-iled" "twist" brought them back.

"Whatever" to Wince. Jenna deserves better, but she's probably never going to get a good partner.

Nice mission, even though it seemed very Survivor and The Amazing Race to me. Given Wince's resemblance to Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, they should have been given the options to eat the ingredients of a cake. I'd do that over getting naked. It would get the taste of cow brains out of my mouth.

ETA: Read the recap. Forgot about Teege's eerie wardrobe choice. And nice to see Camila turn the dial towards 10. Again.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

As if I couldn't hate this dude any more... Bananas was interviewed about the Tonya lawsuit. Note there is no denial of events, just that he thinks nothing criminal occurred. Unreal!

Rapist Brock Turner and his sexual assault apologist family would be proud of John(ny).

  • Love 5

A part of me thought Teej may have been doing a sarcastic "honey" when addressing Camilla. But then again, maybe it was actually sincere and maybe he knows he needs to talk this girl off the edge and try to avoid her doing damage to the challenge house as she may have done some damage. I still remember that time she went nuts over Johnny and like, I think, threw a chair into a pool and then jumped in. But still, Nany was kind of awesome with her deadpan reposes to Camilla losing her mind. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

A part of me thought Teej may have been doing a sarcastic "honey" when addressing Camilla. But then again, maybe it was actually sincere and maybe he knows he needs to talk this girl off the edge and try to avoid her doing damage to the challenge house as she may have done some damage. I still remember that time she went nuts over Johnny and like, I think, threw a chair into a pool and then jumped in. But still, Nany was kind of awesome with her deadpan reposes to Camilla losing her mind. 

I remember that scene. Camila is drunkenly stomping around throwing things, Paula is chasing after her trying to calm her down, and Aneesa turns to John (the two are watching the whole scene from a different room with alternate amusement and bewilderment) and says, do you think you could go in there and calm her down? And Johnny looks at her with honest fear and says, I'm not going near her.


I guess I give these kids credit (or maybe they're just that desperate to avoid actual jobs) to keep coming back after making total asses of themselves on national TV. If I had a televised meltdown like Camila did on Battle of the Exes, I would never go on camera again.

  • Love 4

The only thing Camila did wrong was not speak up when TJ asked if anyone knew anything about the token, and she should have known that if TJ is asking, he already knows the answer. She didn't grab the token out of Nate or Christina's hands (so she didn't "take it" in that sense), she found it and thought it was hers, that's not cheating. Yeah, she could have called out that she had someone's token, but I couldn't tell how far away she was by that time and I doubt the producers were going to help. Nate and Christina didn't seem to know they didn't have the token until TJ (?) pointed it out to them, because he knew what had happened. Then all of a sudden Christina just knows that someone took it. Right. So TJ let Jenna and Vince finish their trip up with the mattress and come back down before he said they had taken the wrong one. But yet he stopped Nate and Christina below where Camila dropped the token. Why not let them continue up and realize they had lost it once they got to the top? Hell, they maybe would have found the token and realized it was theirs on the way up. If not, they probably would have found it when they came down from the top to look for it. Smells like producer shenanigans to me. Regardless, Nate and Christina losing their token put the whole thing in to motion, so they screwed themselves.

Redhead Zombie is probably right about there being four white skulls in that container. The producers would have known beforehand that Thomas and Simone were leaving, no need to lose another team and they knew Camila would bring the drama in the meantime.

I love Wes and his comments, glad he's staying. Glad Tony's staying too. As long as he's not speaking I can enjoy looking at him.

That Devin guy seems emotionless and creepy.

If I'm not mistaken we've seen competitors push and shove each other before without there being a public warning about if it happens again you're out. I thought they drew the line at punching or hitting. What even started that whole thing with Thomas and Vince? It looked staged.

I'm already outside of the demographic for this show so maybe it's just me (and I'm not a prude), but this challenge seems more exploitative than previous ones. There's a humping the soap bar challenge, including slo-mo thrusts for us viewers, which wasn't even important since no elimination came after (and those poor girls getting infections from it). And now choosing to eat a cake or run naked. Hmmm, that was a no brainer. It's like the producers are twirling their mustaches thinking "what else can we make them do for money?". At least when they were naked they only had to jog up the side and not climb those steps.

  • Love 1

I don't think TJ knew that  Camilla had grabbed the token before they reviewed the tape. He just knew Christina and Nate didn't have it at the check in point. It was the producers who kept asking them about it.

To me it looked like they'd just tossed their token up before scrambling up over that step. They could have picked up it up if Camilla hadn't taken it first and then carried up more steps.

  • Love 3

I loved the challenge in this episode! Wes did have some good lines, but my favorite was Simone and her, "Rock that dad bod, Thomas!" after they got naked. I laughed for a full minute. Sarah's, "Please don't play us running naked in slow-motion" followed by footage of her and Johnny in slow-mo was equally hilarious. Good Lord. 

I've been trying to think of who Amanda (The Freckled) looks like, because she looks so damn familiar, and I've decided that she is the brunette reincarnation of Julianne Moore. She could be her freaking daughter with how much they look alike, freckles and all.

Mtv has succeeded in getting me to watch Are You The One?. It's strangely addicting...I'm a little ashamed to admit that I binge-watched the first two seasons over this past week, and am currently working on the third. 

Edited by Zima
3 hours ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

Damn Ashley! Sex with 2 castmates so far.  And Tony, who won't he have sex with? I sure hope they have condoms stashed in their beds.  Ick. 

Vince is an idiot and annoying. Call me a bitch again! So Thomas does.  That was pretty funny. 

Do we know for sure that they went all the way, or just got to third base or something? Either way, meh. She's single and in her early 20s and there's (beauty is in the eye of the beholder) attractive guys around. It's like summer camp/living in a college dorm. Really Tony is the more disgusting one - he's got a baby mama back home and I think on some behind-the-scenes crap they had on one of these challenges, they mentioned there is no shortage of condoms. If they did fully have sex, I sure hope Tony used a condom so he doesn't impregnate another MTV gal.

Twitter gives me too much of a headache to check out to get updates on these fools, so not sure if he's posted anything about it, but does anyone know what was wrong with DadBod!Thomas' girlfriend and if she's okay now? I mean I'm guessing she's okay now. If they're even still together. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

If I'm not mistaken we've seen competitors push and shove each other before without there being a public warning about if it happens again you're out. I thought they drew the line at punching or hitting. What even started that whole thing with Thomas and Vince? It looked staged.

They do draw the automatic you're gone line at punching or hitting.  And, there have been other times when a scuffle did not cause a public warning, but I suspect that in those cases neither party nor anyone else complained to production.  I thought I heard Tom taunt Vinny that he was gone, so he probably ran straight to production to get Vinny sent home after the scuffle happened.  Production chose to give Vinny a warning and a second chance (just like they gave to Tony last season when he got into it with Shane) instead of sending him home because he didn't actually throw a punch.

12 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

A part of me thought Teej may have been doing a sarcastic "honey" when addressing Camilla. But then again, maybe it was actually sincere and maybe he knows he needs to talk this girl off the edge and try to avoid her doing damage to the challenge house as she may have done some damage. I still remember that time she went nuts over Johnny and like, I think, threw a chair into a pool and then jumped in. But still, Nany was kind of awesome with her deadpan reposes to Camilla losing her mind. 

I'm shocked this isn't a instant memory. They use the clip that goes - Camilla throws chair while people yell, she yells I will kill you to Johnny followed by aneesa and Johnny looking like they shit a brick every single time they talk about Camilla and her temper. They can't help themselves.  They've shown it like twice this season alone.

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I've been trying to think of who Amanda (The Freckled) looks like, because she looks so damn familiar, and I've decided that she is the brunette reincarnation of Julianne Moore. She could be her freaking daughter with how much they look alike, freckles and all.

Wow, not to me at all.  Linsday Lohan maybe.  The eyeliner is distracting (but not as bad as Nicole's!)

Yeah, my favorite part was Sarah asking for no slo-mo which she should have known would instantly get her shown in slo-mo!


On the cheating thing, before the break, Nany looked scared she threw her head down and even Sarah looked nervous  and she hit Johnny's arm but that could have been a 'well that throws off one of the teams we were going to send in', but Nany looked nervous.

I thought Nany was nervous because she knew she'd likely have a chance of going against someone tougher than Nate and Christina, not because she thought she did it by accident.

The one thing that felt super abrupt was how there was all that drama-llama about who was going into "elimination" (how many teams have we had that have actually gone home because of an actual elimination round- not including Devin/Cheyenne who came back- I can only remember Jessica/JohhnyDouchecanoe Jr.?), it was just like, okay Thomas and Simone are heading home! Bye! Cool story bro! How anti-climactic, especially compared to Simone's attitude and actions last week with Ashley. And likewise, no satisfactory shots of Ashley who was so adamant about Simone peacing out. No, "well shucks my BFF is going home" shots of Cory (not that he cared enough anyway) either. Because they had to spend 6 billion hours on Nate/Christina freaking out, then another 6 billion more on Camilla freaking out. This has to be one of the more boring challenges ever. I want them all to go home!

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