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S06.E06: Blood Of My Blood

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I'm so glad we're wrapping up Arya's storyline.  I'm sick of the sighing over a man, and speculation that he really only cares about Arya's welfare.  Clearly not true.  Hope she and Needle take care of him and the waif.

Poor Meera.  How long was she out there running before Bran woke up?  She looked so scared and broken.

Is there a reason that Bran had to drink rabbit's blood?  He seemed to think it was perfectly normal.

When Sam and Gilly arrived, I noticed they were playing Dany's special poignant dragon music.  I was trying to figure out the significance. 

I was shocked that they hadn't recast Edmure.  It must mean he's not long for this world.  Looks like he's been truly imprisoned, versus held hostage a la Theon and Sansa.

27 minutes ago, kittykat said:

As much as I hate Walder Frey I could watch him berate his family for awhile.  He's like the al bundy of Westeros with a lot more murdering.

Maybe if his child bride wasn't standing there waiting for a slap on the ass.

37 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Yay for U. Benjen to the rescue!  Where has he been all this time when Jon could have used his help?  Those warg visions went too fast, I wanted more.

He saw the deaths of all his family members, but it was his non-family visions I found interesting.  Specifically, Dany and her newly hatched dragons.

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Bran's vision, or what I could catch of it:

First: Shadow of a dragon over KL. Cat's throat slit. NK raising his arms at Hardhome. Drogon flying overhead. Dany with the newborn dragons. Craster's son being transformed into a WW. Ned getting his head chopped off.

Second: Dragon shadow over KL. Craster's son being transformed. Bunch of crows. Pyromancers pouring wildfire into a jar. Aerys on his throne shouting "Burn them all!" Underground wildfire explosion. Jaime whipping out his sword and striding towards Aerys. Young Ned asking Arthur Dayne "Where's my sister?" Two hands covered in blood (one hand appears to be a woman's) on a bloodsoaked surface (a bed, maybe?). Roose stabbing Robb. Jaime plunging the sword into Aerys' back. The three-eyed raven (the bird). Robb falling to his knees, dead. Leaf shoving the dragonglass into the man's chest. The WW preparing to kill Jon at Hardhome. More wildfire. Another mashup of images (Craster's son being transformed, Jaime killing Aerys, etc.).

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Uncle Benjen ex machina! I like it. 

Walder the Murderous Shit Frey got himself another teenage bride. Ew. What did the poor girl do to deserve that?  Oh hey, Edmure! 

I assume Margaery is putting on a good act after her scene with Loras a few episodes ago. Speaking of, what became of Loras? Was his freedom part of the deal or is he still in a stinking jail cell?

The High Sparrow is drunk on power and likes sticking it to high born. He's shrewd and quick on his feet, and yeah that makes him dangerous.

I was glad Arya made the choice she did. It looks like she knows what's coming and will be ready with Needle.  Watching that play out must have been a surreal experience for her. 

The Tarly dinner party was painful. Gods, what an asshole Randall is. I'm glad Sam took a stand, but I'm not sure how far Sam is going to get away with Heartsbane. 

And Daenerys gets to lead her Khalisar on dragonback. It's a little over the top but I liked it. I do think that she's going to be in for a rude awakening when and if she ever gets to Westeros, if she thinks killing her "enemies" is going to win her a kingdom. Daario is right. She's a conqueror, but I don't think she is a good ruler. How long before some combination of Yara, Theon and Euron manages to get 1000 ships conveniently together so that she can make her way to Westeros with a Khalisar? 

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35 minutes ago, Paws said:

I will totally zapruder the Bran visions.  I believe we saw the mad King (and Jaime about to kill him)?

I Zaprudered that vision as I was watching. There was a totally new shot of someone pouring Wildfire from a glass container into a stone (?) jar. Aerys, obviously, yelling "burn them all". Jaime (NCW) stabbing Aerys and then sitting on the Iron Throne. And what looks to be Ned's bloody hand next to a woman's hand. And the the bedding or clothing of the woman is covered in blood. That is not a shot from previous episodes. It has to be when Ned finds a dying Lyanna. 

Edited by bunnyblue
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33 minutes ago, mac123x said:

Bran's blink-and-you'll-miss-it vision montage was pretty interesting.  I can't wait for the inevitable frame by frame analysis on youtube.  I thought the flashes of Arys "burn them all!" and glimpses of wildfire were pretty heavy handed foreshadowing.  

That was my impression, too.  Though Arys was probably not thinking of the Long Night at the time.

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The Mad King!! Now just give me Rhaegar and Lyanna.

Poor Tobias.  Edmure is in chains for years without seeing his wife the only sexy Frey in existence, plays Brutus and then losing his even sexier wife to time travel and a ripped Scot. Dude has definition of second place nailed down as an actor.

That Frey scene was awkward as hell. Might as well just have had Walder roll a clip, would've been easier for people to follow. But man the name drops Mallisters and Blackwoods!

Speaking of the Riverlands boy does Jaime need to get there fast. No character on the show has been destroyed like his. I've wanted to see these chapters on screen for so long but I don't know anymore. They're some of Martin's best work and if the show butchers them it would be a huge shame.

Mace Tyrell and his awesome plumage. Swag confirmed.

Randyll Tarly's actor was perfect. He had the smug, cruel asshole bit down pat. One of the best scenes the show has done. Plus we got Heartsbane, a Fossoway name drop and Gilly looking smokin. 

Really have grown tired of the High Sparrow, you can tell they've fallen in love with Pryce's portrayal. Its a waste in my IMO especially when they spent so little time with Bloodraven in comparison.

Benjen is Coldhands? Not buying it feels like one of those things understandably condensed for the show.

This season as a whole feels weird. Its almost like a director's cut and alot of this material should have happened in previous seasons and now they're shoving it in as quick as possible.

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22 minutes ago, Unknown poster said:

His hand of the King? He wasn't there when Arey's was killed in the books, (already dead) and Jaime never mentioned him at all on the show.

Thanks, I stand corrected. He killed Rossart on the way to the throne room.

So why did Dany need to get on her dragon before she started pontificating? I imagine that the dothraki were already impressed with her after her last act.  The Dragon felt a bit show offish.

Edited by Oscirus
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Just now, Oscirus said:

Thanks, I stand corrected. He killed Rossart on the way to the throne room.

So why did Dany need to get on her dragon before she started pontificating? I imagine that the dothraki were already impressed with her after her last act.  The Dragon felt a bit show offish.

And how did she know he was hanging around? And why weren't the Dothraki and especially their mounts just a bit more surprised at the appearance of a gigantic, recently extinct beast? 

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, MadMouse said:


Randyll Tarly's actor was perfect. He had the smug, cruel asshole bit down pat. One of the best scenes the show has done. Plus we got Heartsbane, a Fossoway name drop and Gilly looking smokin.

Definitely.  I just want to if it's a red apple Fossoway or a green apple Fossoway.

Poor Sam.  His mother and sister were lovely people.  And Gilly too loved her line about hating the horrible people who treat good people badly.  Aka: the entire show in a nutshell.


Tommen got Jaime to leave the King's Guard.  Jaime  who served 2 psychopaths and a drunk, was fired  by King Tommen, his Royal Highness of Milksop.

I took it as giving up.  He lost to the FM and it's his last living child.  All I care is that he's going to see the Blackfish and hopefully he goes on that path all us book readers have been waiting for.

Are we ever gonna see Bronn again?

Edited by kittykat
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12 minutes ago, MadMouse said:

Poor Tobias.  Edmure is in chains for years without seeing his wife the only sexy Frey in existence, plays Brutus and then losing his even sexier wife to time travel and a ripped Scot. Dude has definition of second place nailed down as an actor.

Don't overlook his role in the Night Manager...he's the Brit official stuck holding the bag on the arms deal, and the final scene has him pinned in his office chair as the forces of law come to take him down. This actor always starts as an aristo or important guy and then bites it in the end.  Really, he should talk to his manager about this.

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Olenna and I were on the same page during the showdown between the Tyrells and the Faith. Ugh, Tommen is a spineless weakling as usual.

I had so much respect for Margaery because I thought she was playing a longer game. Very disappointing that she appears to be turning on Loras. I was so impressed with how loyal she'd been to him up until this episode and now it seems like she's willing to write him off as a sinner because she's supposedly seen the light and goodness of the Seven. VOMIT.

The only thing more nauseating is that Jaime and Cersei are still as close as ever. Ugh. 

Meanwhile, Arya finally takes a step in the direction I'd like her to go in and shows that she knows it would have been wrong to kill that actress and now the FM have put a hit out on her. 

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All I want to know right now is what happened to Dany's horse. Did she let Drogon eat it?

And holy shit, I hope someone gets Bran's vision posted on youtube and slows it down so it can actually be watched.

Loved Sam's mother and sister. His brother even seemed like an ok guy. Dad's a total fuckwad though.

** I am now TOTALLY shipping Bran and Meera.

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Jaime is finally going to the Riverlands! In the scene with Jaime and Cersei, her trial was mentioned. I think that Cersei's lovers and sins will be revealed during her trial and that will drive J away from her and back towards book!Jaime. We know that Brienne is on her way there too. I hope Tormund is with her, because Brienne deserves better than Jaime. 

A poster upthread mentioned that Randyll Tarly was even worse than predicted. I'm not sure that is possible. Remember, this is a guy who not only disowned his eldest son in the land of primogeniture, but sent him off to the NW and threatened to kill him like a boar during a hunt if Sam didn't comply. And meant it. Just how much worse can he get? Loved mom and sis though and adored Sam taking the sword. 

Arya is finally moving, but she is going to have Faceless Men on her ass for the rest of her life, whether she kills the waif or not.  I'm so glad she didn't kill the actress and that we are done with no one. I do wonder what loing game the FM are playing but think we will only find out in the books. 

Like many of you, I'm done with Dany. She holds slaves in all but name and is bringing a world of hurt to the seven kingdoms for spurious reasons. She isn't meant to sit a throne, but I shudder about what will happen when, like Alexander, she has no more kingdoms to conquer. 

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6 minutes ago, kittykat said:

 I just want to if it's a red apple Fossoway or a green apple Fossoway.

According to Sam's sister, it's yellow teeth Fossoway.

But who cares, my personal fave, even beyond Benjen, the Blackfish is returning. Finally. And he has driven old Walder into a major hissy fit. I love that the Freys are not only ugly cowards, but they insist on wearing their little hats...even in the house. And Tywin is dead, and so is Roose, so who ya gonna call now, Walder?? Still waiting to see this loathsome old goat get his.

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1 minute ago, Knuckles said:

According to Sam's sister, it's yellow teeth Fossoway.

But who cares, my personal fave, even beyond Benjen, the Blackfish is returning. Finally. And he has driven old Walder into a major hissy fit. I love that the Freys are not only ugly cowards, but they insist on wearing their little hats...even in the house. And Tywin is dead, and so is Roose, so who ya gonna call now, Walder?? Still waiting to see this loathsome old goat get his.

Benjen, Edmure, the Blackfish. It was really the Uncle Hour, wasn't it?

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22 minutes ago, MadMouse said:

Poor Tobias.  Edmure is in chains for years without seeing his wife the only sexy Frey in existence, plays Brutus and then losing his even sexier wife to time travel and a ripped Scot. Dude has definition of second place nailed down as an actor.

Well, he can be comforted by being a Golden Globe nominee for his current show, unlike everyone on GoT besides Dinklage.

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Speaking of the Riverlands boy does Jaime need to get there fast. No character on the show has been destroyed like his. I've wanted to see these chapters on screen for so long but I don't know anymore. They're some of Martin's best work and if the show butchers them it would be a huge shame.

Mace Tyrell and his awesome plumage. Swag confirmed.

So much this. Jaime is going into the Riverlands with his character development as badly damaged and repressed as possible.  I hope Cersei's actions will finally turn him off but I just don't see that as happening.

Heheh.  Mace riding into battle (or having someone lead his horse) was a favorite small moment of mine in this episode.

Meera seems eager to rock the cradle with Bran.

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2 minutes ago, lmsweb said:

I can't remember and I am too lazy to look it up, but in the books, how wealthy are the Tarlys compared to the Lannisters and Tyrells? Their home/castle was absolutely beautiful and much more grandiose than I had expected for that family.

Not particularly.  They're a powerful martial house, but they've never been mentioned as especially wealthy by the standards of the Reach.  But then, in 502 Stokeworth was absolutely enormous, so the show's portrayal of the southern castles tends in that direction.

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35 minutes ago, benteen said:

Hmmm...Dany's speech at the end was the first time I got a "bad" vibe from her.

Me too. Obviously she's given very similar speeches and done actual ruthless things before, so I was trying to put my finger on what was different for me this time. I think the biggest reason is just the context of the speech - no immediate threat to Dany, or other injustice she's responding to. However, I do also wonder, if Dany is going to be more of an antagonist in the end game, at what point D&D tell her this or she otherwise gets more explicit direction to inject more of this into her performance.

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They have pretty thoroughly screwed up the pacing of Dany's storyline.

There was a time that I wanted her to cross the ocean and vie for the Iron Throne.  That was back when forces were actually vying for the throne.  Now that the battle for the throne is mostly squabbling over who gets to pull the child King's strings, I just can't see anything interesting about Dany coming to conquer.

Putting Dany in charge of the Dothraki again and screaming about Drogo's promise makes it feel like everything in between was just pointless and treading water and they are trying to reset to where they story was at when the dragons were born.

Edited by ParadoxLost
4 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Not particularly.  They're a powerful martial house, but they've never been mentioned as especially wealthy by the standards of the Reach.  But then, in 502 Stokeworth was absolutely enormous, so the show's portrayal of the southern castles tends in that direction.

If they're strong military wise that means soldiers, which means taxes. So it would make sense they would be fairly well off, maybe not on the same level as the Hightowers who are probably in some ways more powerful than the Tyrells. I always put them at the level of Rowans, Florents, etc 

I am happy Benjen is back. At least there is a Stark coming back instead of one dying. 

I feel like I need to rewatch and analyse what Bran saw cause they went by so fast. 

I like Dany's speech in the end. She is finally done with that whole let's save Meereen thing and is back to her old plan of conquering the west. 

Arya and needle little reunion really made me happy but also made me scared. I know Arya won't die but I am scared for what they would do to her. Last season they blinded her. This season, I hope she doesn't lose a body part. 

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19 minutes ago, lmsweb said:

I can't remember and I am too lazy to look it up, but in the books, how wealthy are the Tarlys compared to the Lannisters and Tyrells? Their home/castle was absolutely beautiful and much more grandiose than I had expected for that family.

Seriously. How palatial must Highgarden and the Golden Grove be if that's what Horn Hill looks like.

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2 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

I am happy Benjen is back. At least there is a Stark coming back instead of one dying. 

I feel like I need to rewatch and analyse what Bran saw cause they went by so fast. 

I like Dany's speech in the end. She is finally done with that whole let's save Meereen thing and is back to her old plan of conquering the west. 

Arya and needle little reunion really made me happy but also made me scared. I know Arya won't die but I am scared for what they would do to her. Last season they blinded her. This season, I hope she doesn't lose a body part. 

I took it that Arya is waiting in the dark to kill the waif and then make her escape, though it just occurred to me that she could kill Little Miss Sunshine of the Faceless Men and that would buy her way into the assassin's cult on her own terms. Please no.

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1 hour ago, benteen said:

Hmmm...Dany's speech at the end was the first time I got a "bad" vibe from her.

Yeah, I've been team Dany the whole time, but this season, she's kind of . . . lost her humanity? I shudder to think what might happen if the new Red Woman gets into her head - why yes, burning the unbelievers sounds like an excellent idea! Crazed Dany juxtoposed with Bran's visions of her crazy-ass father wanting to burn everything kind of drove the danger home.

In his notes to his editor, GRRM made it clear that Book Coldhands is not Book Benjen - but for the show, combining the characters makes total sense. As does combining Asha and Victarion into Yara. This show does not suffer from having not enough characters. 

Loved the Tarly stuff - holy crap Sam's family is rich! I knew the Reach was the wealthiest region - but Horn Hill makes Winterfell look like a hovel. I cannot imagine the Tarlys leaving a tower in ruins for a century or more - they'd totally bring in contractors from Oldtown to rebuild it in a new, contemporary style. I expected Sam to tell his dad he's going to need that sword sooner rather than later, rather than steal it. What's he going to do with it?

On the other hand, Horn Hill doesn't look as defensible as Winterfell, Riverrun or the Eyrie, suggesting that war doesn't come as often to this part of the world, and the Tarlys are accustomed to riding out into other people's territory to fight. Now I definitely want to see Highgarden and Old Town, since both of those families outrank the Tarlys and are probably even richer. 

Speaking of Old Town, until I see it on screen, I'm going to picture the Chicago neighborhood in my head, with all the maesters hanging out at the Old Town Ale House. Which is a weird thing to picture because the decor at the Ale House prominently features a painting of a naked Sarah Palin, with a hunting rifle over her shoulder, one foot on the body of a recently shot grizzly bear. So it's really more of a House Umber vibe.

Those visions really went by too fast. I trust the Internet will find a way to gif them for me by tomorrow afternoon?

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28 minutes ago, Knuckles said:

Don't overlook his role in the Night Manager...he's the Brit official stuck holding the bag on the arms deal, and the final scene has him pinned in his office chair as the forces of law come to take him down. This actor always starts as an aristo or important guy and then bites it in the end.  Really, he should talk to his manager about this.

Nah, he's in good company with Sean Bean, hope he has Sean's manager.

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1 minute ago, AuntieMame said:

I took it that Arya is waiting in the dark to kill the waif and then make her escape, though it just occurred to me that she could kill Little Miss Sunshine of the Faceless Men and that would buy her way into the assassin's cult on her own terms. Please no.

Well, the many faced god is owed a life, is he not? A girl needs a name. Waif is a name, of sorts.

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Thanks for the clarification on the wealth of the Tarlys.  I never got the impression from the books that they were super wealthy like the Lannisters, so I was a bit taken aback at their home. 

Trying to sort out my feelings on the scene with Jaquen and the Waif. The Waif has always seemed almost irrationally hateful towards Arya. On the other hand, I got a little feeling from Jaquen that he is hoping Arya comes out on top and makes it out of Braavos. That could just be the little tiny remaining piece of my heart that the show has left me with projecting my own feelings though.

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If this episode wasn't as riveting as last week, it was still better than just about any episode from Season 5. Happy as all hell to see Arya back and starting to recover from her traumas. It's not just that she reclaimed her own identity in pulling Needle out of the rocks (how very sword in the stone?), but that her new identity, of her own choosing and no matter how temporary it may be, is "Mercy." As much fun as the idea of Arya-the-assasin is, I was afraid she was going to go too far into the FM and lose herself. Now, they'll be looking for her, but eventually she may have enough money to pay them off and sign a gag order, or the Westerosi equivalent of such.

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Kind of annoyed that Arya's decision to turn her back on Lady Crane seemed to hinge on her realization that her revenge was more important to her.

I don't think that was it (revenge) at all. Well...If I were in her shoes and hating Cersei, I'd have no trouble killing Lady Crane - she's making Cersei look sympathetic to the masses. I think it was Arya's basic sense of fairness and, as she's now calling herself, mercy. And isn't it just fortunate that by showing Mercy, she'll have a ride to hitch to the Riverlands.

2 hours ago, benteen said:

Hopefully this will be the final breaking point with Jaime when he comes to her.  The confrontation with the High Sparrow and Jaime getting all Ser Barristan in the throne room were really good scenes.

Didn't look like that's what was happening. Looked like Jamie & Cersei were tighter than ever.

Whether it was ultimately Marg's or HS's manipulation of events that led to the standoff being put off, I'm okay with it. I'm really not liking some of the spoilers I've seen and this puts one of them at bay, at least temporarily and anyway, I'd rather see HS win this particular exchange than Cersei.

Frey - hey, Edmure - welcome back! Mostly I was happy to see the Riverlands get attention for the spoilers I DO like, that this is going to usher in.

Sam & Gilly: A waste, but an amusing waste. Gilly looked lovely, if uncomfortable and thank goodness Sam isn't going to leave her and baby Sam with that jerk-off of a father. Randall Tarly makes Tywin seem reasonable in comparison. One day, I reckon Sam will have enough of a spine to stand up to the old man's face, without having to put one over on him by stealing the family sword in the middle of the night and sneaking off. Until then: tee hee.  I'd love to see the note he left: Dear Dad - thanks for letting me borrow the sword, now I'm off to kill more WWs. .... if the show follows the books, we'll see more of Daddy Tarly, and I wonder what reaction he'll have when he finds out Sam & Gilly weren't lying about the WWs.

Bran et al: Agree he wasn't very exciting tonight, but he's still jacked up on info and, these days, compartmentalized as all hell. Uncle Benjen! That's a big welcome back, right there. Well you  know what they say - Cold Hands, warm heart.

Unhappy to be sympatico with those who are a little worried about tonight's Dany seeming to go off the deep end. Until there's reason to think otherwise, I'm going to hope she's just putting on a good show for the new fans.

Edited by FemmyV
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Benjin this week and Blackfish next? I don't even care if they have changed the Coolhands to fit Benjen, I am so happy! Though kind of wish he was in the tree to talk to Bran everytime the kid got bored.

One thing I hope is that Edmure's wife turns on Walder so she can get back to being the Lady of the Riverlands with Edmure. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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So . . . another rah-rah Dany speech.  Great.  The point?  We know there may be a fleet coming towards her.  But she doesn't.  Her idea of leadership is to puff out her chest and rant for awhile until it's time to kill a bunch of people.

Also, Tower?  You know.  Of Joy?  C'mon D&D.  You're killing me.  I'm starting to wonder if there isn't going to be an even bigger reveal in the TOJ than R+L=J?

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I think Marge is playing the long game. She was pretty defiant last time we saw her, and I think the High Sparrow's plan to get to her through Loras worked. I'm sure we'll see her and Grandmama try to work out a plan to get him safe, but at least she is free to do so and has the nominal friendship of the Faith for now. Of course this is all going to go spectacularly pear-shaped, and I can't wait to see it do so.

I pretty much hate that Jaime was kicked out of the King's Guard and is now being banished from King's Landing. That takes away any of the power his story has. Just being in the Riverlands won't get him back on book track. It is well and truly too late for that now. Not that I had much faith it would work out that way, but this put the nail in it for me. I'm in mourning for the Jaime I know and love. Ferchristsake, they even give him a loving send off from Cersei (as loving as those two get, anyway). Grrrrrrrr!

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