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S06.E06: Blood Of My Blood

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Yay for U. Benjen to the rescue!  Where has he been all this time when Jon could have used his help?  Those warg visions went too fast, I wanted more.

I wasn’t expecting Freddie Stroma as Sam’s brother, I recognized the voice before I recognized him, especially since I had just watched Half Blood Prince.

The Faceless men do their own brand of flaying, ugh!  Yay for Arya and Needle, fuck being nameless, it was a waste of my time.

Yay for Marge, imprisonment didn’t stop her from playing the game, she’s good, she even fooled her family and the High Sparrow into thinking he won.  At least that’s my opinion.

Dany is always more impressive when she speaks Dothraki and can ride the dragons she was born to ride. 

  • Love 19

Dany needs 1000 ships?  Why, what a coincidence!

I wonder what percentage of Sam's total screentime this season was in this episode?  Nice story for him and Gilly, though I'm not sure this plan to steal his family's incredibly valuable heirloom sword and then hang around Oldtown for years is very well-thought-out.

Woo, Benjen!  Finally.

The quality of the dialogue in that Braavosi play increased noticeably for Cersei's monologue on her son's death.  So Arya's story has at last arrived at a turning point, though I question whether her observational skills are all that great, seeing as she somehow didn't notice that the Waif was right there looking exactly like she normally does.

  • Love 9
Just now, armadillo1224 said:

I feel like Dany's storyline this season and perhaps most seasons has just been a bunch of "epic" moments strung together. No character development, no conflict, no growth, just a lot of lighting shit on fire and making the exact same speech over and over and over again with progressively larger dragons.

At least the 'epic'ness is actually impressive about once per season.

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Dany's about to tear some shit up. Finally.

Arya's story is going somewhere finally. Even if I am annoyed that she'll probably escape leaving a deadly organization.

So I guess we found lightbringer.

Ok this is hilarious watching these people try to match wits with the high sparrow. He's making them all look like clowns every step of the way.

Benjen return. Get hype!

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Benjen Fucking Stark!

I really enjoyed this episode.  Jon, Sansa and Tyrion were out this week but I thought the narrower focus helped.

Lord Tarly was even more horrible than I imagine him with how he tore down Sam.  I'm not sure how Sam thinks stealing Heartsbane is a good idea.

Jaime and Olenna really got outplayed by the High Sparrow and I can't help but wonder if Cersei was the one who engineered this.  Hopefully this will be the final breaking point with Jaime when he comes to her.  The confrontation with the High Sparrow and Jaime getting all Ser Barristan in the throne room were really good scenes.

I'm thrilled we're getting the treat with Blackfish and Jaime, as well as the siege of Riverrun.  A lot of storyline felt like they were returning tonight.  David Bradley is always ridiculously entertaining when he's on screen.

Captain Jack!  Okay, I don't watch Outlander but I know about Tobias Menzie's role on the show.  Nice to see him doing double duty.

I liked Arya's scene with Lady Crane and glad she didn't go through with it.  Thrilled that a trip back to Westeros seems imminent for her.

Hmmm...Dany's speech at the end was the first time I got a "bad" vibe from her.

Also noticed we got to see the Mad King and Jaime cutting him down in Bran's vision.

  • Love 9

Worst Episode of the season I'm going to guess.  Aside from Jaime, I don't give a shit about Kings Landing, the Lannisters or the Tyrells.  The way they moved him to his Book story was awkward, but he's going there.  I don't like how they've made Cersei almost seem rational.  Hopefully, Jaime will no longer be interested, once he sees the Riverlands and his "can't shit gold" father's work a la the Red Wedding and beyond.  He belongs with Brienne trading barbs and talks of honor.  

The best part of the episode were the scenes for next week.  

Oh, and Fuck Dany.  Take your Dragons and take a fucking hike.  I suppose we're supposed to cheer when her Dothroks rape the highborns and lowborns alike?  The problem is once you show the Whitewalkers and the Jon Snow/troubles of the North, the South and East  can go do whatever.  Exception: Arya.  Go Home Girl and Do Theater.  

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 14

What a disjointed episode, with some moments that felt either rather abrupt (Arya changing her mind) or unearned (Dany giving yet another motivational speech). The Tarly story seems to exist mostly to introduce another Valyrian steel sword into the eventual fight against the white walkers. The returns of Benjen and Edmure were interesting, though. Not one of the better outings of the season, but at least we're progressing forward.

Edited by stagmania
  • Love 7
Just now, stagmania said:

What a disjointed episode, with some moments that felt either rather abrupt (Arya changing her mind) or unearned (Dany giving yet another motivational speech). The Tarly story seems to exist mostly to introduce another Valryrian steel sword into the eventual fight against the white walkers. The returns of Benjen and Edmure were interesting, though. Not one of the better outings of the season, but at least we're progressing forward.

My thoughts exactly. That episode was pretty painful to watch. It felt like such deliberate exposition to the point that the script didn't even flow that well. Every scene was clunky and weird. 

I mean is my cynic cap too firmly in place? Didn't we just see a really shitty and skippable episode overall? Anyone? Bueller???

  • Love 8

This episode was sloooow and mostly terrible.   In watching Dany give yet another bombastic speech about wanting to unleash the Dothraki to rape and pillage a land that they have no claim to and is already wracked by war, am I supposed to be rooting for Drogon to incinerate them all and be done with it?

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 19

Lots of former characters back again! Hey Benjen, missed you at The Wall, but good to know that old Three Eyed had a contingency plan. Gusts that lays the Coldhands speculation to rest.

Blackfish!! Edmure! Uncles rocked this episode, and always good to see Tobias pop up, chains or not

Why is Walder still around? You'd think one of the family would off the old letch. He's one step up from Craster. And speaking of crap fathers, Randall Tarly is worse than I pictured him. Loved Sam's mom and sister though.  

So, Jamie got dumped from the Kingsguard? Tywin's wish finally came true. Margery better be playing the long game here, because she's left her brother in that dungeon. Knight of the Flowers will be wilted soon. Was really hoping to see Septa Shame die, so that has to happen soon.

Arya has a name again. A woman is pleased.

  • Love 12

I mean is my cynic cap too firmly in place? Didn't we just see a really shitty and skippable episode overall? Anyone? Bueller???

I see your point, but I think it was a bit of a "move the chess pieces around" episode.  I liked that it wasn't emotionally wrenching like last week, I can't take two of those in a row.  Being with Walder Frey back in the Red Wedding Hall was all I could take. 

  • Love 12

I'm starting to be persuaded to the idea that Dany could end up being the antagonist (it's been a long day - sorry).

But um, yea Benjen!

Oh and I was VERY happy to see Arya retrieve needle. I can now look forward to her stories again. Thank goodness!

Edited because jjjmoss pointed out that I really used the wrong word in that sentence. :)

Edited by nksarmi
  • Love 3

I didn't think this episode was really interesting.  The other episodes this season made me want to rewatch them.  The only good thing was seeing Not!Joffrey die.  Benjen being Coldhands seems like pandering to me.  I may not find Sam and Gilly that interesting but I would've like to seen a raven from Castle Black arriving to inform Sam that Jon was murdered by his fellow brothers but it's okay cause he was brought back to life with magic and Edd is now the Lord Commander.

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So are we supposed to be rooting for Dany to show up in Westeros with a dothraki horde eager to rape and burn and pillage?  And did she free all the dothraki slaves or is she over that shit now?

Going to be super annoyed when the 1000 ships built in a matter of weeks on a treeless island show up just in time.

Liked Sam's story and happy to get back to riverrun and the Frey's and tie up that storyline hopefully.  


(Edited - autocorrect  does not have GOT dictionary, apparently.)

Edited by s-k-s
  • Love 5

Listen D&D I don't care HOW many "epic" moments you give her-I don't CARE about Dany or her storyline.  Get back to Jon and Sansa!

Good to see Arya FINALLY rejecting this 'no one" nonsense and bringing out Needle once more.

Looks like we're getting ready for some gratuitous revenge against Frey scenes!  I can't wait.  And how hilarious was Walder's little tantrum about how everybody's now laughing at them?!?

I think we can safely assume that all of Sam's good qualities came from his mother's side of the family. 

So happy Benjen's back.


Agree with Sunflower that a BIG problem is that now that we've all got a good idea of what's happening up North, NOTHING happening in Essos or KL seems especially important anymore.  It's all "Ho hum, Kings and High Sparrows alike-none of this bullshit could be LESS significant in the long run.  The Night's King is gonna eat all of y'all for breakfast."


It will be good to have Jaime re-unite with Brienne and Podrick and thus maybe get in on a storyline we DO care about.

Edited by Winnief
  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, Paws said:

I see your point, but I think it was a bit of a "move the chess pieces around" episode.  I liked that it wasn't emotionally wrenching like last week, I can't take two of those in a row.  Being with Walder Frey back in the Red Wedding Hall was all I could take. 

It did bug me that Bran seemed emotionally flat this episode.  Nothing about Summer or Hodor.  No emotion at learning the uncle he thought was dead was actually (sort of) alive.

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Paws said:

I see your point, but I think it was a bit of a "move the chess pieces around" episode.  I liked that it wasn't emotionally wrenching like last week, I can't take two of those in a row.  Being with Walder Frey back in the Red Wedding Hall was all I could take. 

Yeah I guess what it felt like to me was watching basic cable. And that makes me sound like a cable elitist but there's something to this series being on a "premium" channel. You expect to get a certain level of production and even screenwriting out of the show. I feel like we could've been watching this show on USA or TNT.

Edited by sumiregusa

Not the most exciting episode more setting up for the remaining back half.

But the little bit of the North was good, I wonder how long Bengen last then, until the last battle; does he just go puff?

I liked Sam and Gilly with his Mom and sis, Randal was worst then I thought, won't feel bad if he dies; and the Twins are back, looks like Frey has a new wife already.

Liked Arya's part also, the rest, well I didn't take a bathroom break so that's something.

Holy hell!! Benjen Stark!!! My god, though, what is he?? A man? A wight? Both? Is it his Stark blood that kept him from dying immediately after getting stabbed by a WW? I'm so excited and so confused.

Gods, I love Meera. She pulled Bran's ass for miles until dawn. She has nothing to apologize for, Bran should be apologizing to her for getting their protection and muscle killed.

Everyone else did see Ned's bloody hand and a woman's hand next to his in Bran's vision, right? Lyanna!!! TOJ!! OMG.

The Tarly family dinner was something else, LOL. I was so hoping Sam would stand up to his father as he bad mouthed Gilly but unfortunately he cowered. Sigh. His mother and sister were sweet, as promised. Gilly looks better in her Wildling clothing. I was sure he was going to leave her and baby Sam behind but thankfully he came to his senses. I LOLed when he stole Heartsbane. Send that sword North, ASAP.

Walder Frey is still wonderfully awful. Edmure looks pretty good for having been imprisoned the last few years. Can't wait to see the Blackfish next week.

A girl and her Needle reunited and it feels so good. At least Arya knows the FM won't let her escape without a fight. Jaqen looked disappointed and pained that Arya will have to be killed. Maybe he is the Jaqen from S2. 

Is it next Sunday already??

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

It did bug me that Bran seemed emotionally flat this episode.  Nothing about Summer or Hodor.  No emotion at learning the uncle he thought was dead was actually (sort of) alive.

Yes, this bugged me too. The whole episode felt this way. There were what should have felt like major turning points in several long term plots, but it all just kind of came off like we were shrugging and moving on. None of the big moments really landed for me. 

  • Love 3

I guess this is the reunion season. The return of the uncles. Benjen! They took their sweet time introducing him. I wonder if non-book readers even remember who he is. Blackfish, Edmure. Earlier we had the siblings reunions.

Margery's got a plan. Playing from the inside seems much smarter than just killing everyone. 

I'm glad Gilly stood up to Sam's dad since he wasn't going to do it. Although it's not smart to take a prized heirloom if you don't want to be chased down. 

Finally Arya Stark is back. Kill the waif and go back to Westeros to finish your kill list. 

Why do they insist on making Dany's storyline so stagnant? We think they are finally moving her into place, then they stop and have her make speeches. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 6

Ho. Lee. Shit!  Benjen is Coldhands!!!!!  I am already pumped for all things North but this just raises the bar even higher.  I want a full episode of the North. 

That's not to say the rest wasn't interesting.  I think Margery's playing Tommen and the High Sparrow but I also think it will bite her in the ass since both are now true believers.

Nice to see Drogon again.  Looks like his wounds have healed and Dany's ready to invade Westeros.  I'm guessing that the Greyjoy fleet will get her started but that's just speculation.

Seriously, though, Benjen is back!

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, sumiregusa said:

Yeah I guess what it felt like to me was watching basic cable. And that makes me sound like a cable elitist but there's something to this series being on a "premium" channel. You expect to get a certain level of production and even screenwriting out of the show. I feel like we could've been watching this show on USA or TNT.

Well, to be fair critics generally DID put USA show Mr. Robot higher on their best of the year lists than GoT S5.

  • Love 8
Just now, jjjmoss said:

Well, to be fair critics generally DID put USA show Mr. Robot higher on their best of the year lists than GoT S5.

Oh that doesn't even surprise me. GoT hasn't been all that fantastic to me for quite a while so I don't mean to disparage other really great shows. It's more just being disappointed that sometimes it feels like the writers make it really obvious when they don't care about things. It shows in the production.

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