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S01.E05: My Big Fat Greek Threesome

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This was a pretty joyless filler episode for me. Captain Mark's gonna need to put the tweezers away and get started firing, because my interest is completely waning.

Danny is still really giving me the wiggins. There's just something about him that's really unnerving to me, which might be harsh, but...he clearly thinks he's saying all the right things to project himself as a team-player and extroverted people pleaser that charter guests will be endlessly charmed by. And it's not just that his bullshit is super transparent and feeble, it's also just really off, like he's doing his very best to fake being normal, not just faking being competent at his job. Also the fact that his idea of a scathing insult against Bobby is that he's got a "tampon in his pussy" speaks volumes about the sad little MRA he must be.

  • Love 20

No fraternizing with guests...except when it comes to writhing around for them in a dance contest in your Daisy Dukes!  I loved that Julia wanted no part of it.  

Danny.  He's so fucking creepy.  Ted Bundy creepy.  

Bryan and Bobby both remind me of guys who were probably the nerds in school that were picked on. 

The Captain and his Eyebrows.   Does he do drag shows in his part time?

  • Love 12

Yeah, at this point, Danny needs to go. It's not like he hasn't been warned a gazillion times. Hannah was right about him not knowing his boundaries 

Interesting that the worst comment you can throw at a guy in a heated argument is to basically call them a woman. Does Bravo realize, that most likely, the majority of their audience is probably women?  Maybe women viewers need to be the ones who are legitimately offended with that whole scene. 

  • Love 21

I'm so sick of Danny.  Imagine being on a yacht and working with him?  Yuck.  The guy has never been taught to respect authority.  He's probably been coddled his whole life.

Sorry Ben but you don't go against the chief stew in front of who she is criticizing, and deservedly so.

All in all, I'm enjoying the series.  Well, except Danny.  He's just sooo annoying.

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Danny should be a cruise director.  Then he could dance all night with the 70 year olds.

Ding. Ding! DING!! I suspect that the reason Danny is in yachting rather than cruise ships is because he can move up faster in yachting than he can on a cruise ship. And yachting probably pays better.

Danny doesn't even work as a steward because he's such an attention hog. He wants to entertain the guests by being the star. He honestly would be best served by being an intern for Andy Cohen or David Tutera.

  • Love 11

The more I see the Captain's face the more I'm convinced that he was burned as a child.  Just the way his skin and eyebrows are, I've always thought that it looked like he had had skin graft kind of thing in his past.

  I could be wrong of course but that's my opinion on it so I'm not comfortable making fun of it. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 13

Danny needs to learn that five star service isn't puppy dog friendly; ideally, it's invisible.  Housekeeping doesn't tap on your door with cheery morning warmth to ask if you'd like your room made up--magic secret pixies take care of that when you leave for a few minutes.  Hannah set a good example when she didn't want the guests to see her rooting around in the seat storage, looking for their vodka.

But the guests have to play their part in the magic pixie concept and not be summoning the staff to a dance-off instead of letting them perform their duties.  (Too bad about that.  I was hoping the crew might have to rethink being so judgmental assessing the guests' worthiness.  More tilted kilters and "Oklahomians" renting your joint than Russian billionaires.)


Ben's getting too big for his, er, breeches.  One chance to please this bunch and he decides again that job number one is to elevate the diners' palates instead of complimenting the hoedown theme.  Then the captain has to sub in for Danny because Ben recruits him for the galley.  And I guess if he's still "undecided" about Hannah, he probably shouldn't invite himself into the middle of her lectures about professionalism.

Edited by candall
  • Love 10



The more I see the Captain's face the more I'm convinced that he was burned as a child.  Just the way his skin and eyebrows are, I've always thought that it looked like he had had skin graft kind of thing in his past.

  I could be wrong of course but that's my opinion on it so I'm not comfortable making fun of it. 


Yes! I came to the same conclusion. He has that shiny, discolored, patchy look of a burn victim. It was bothering me, especially when they showed flashback pictures of him a few episodes ago. Up until maybe his thirties, early forties, he had bushy eyebrows and a lot of hair. I'm almost positive that he was burned, pretty badly. I feel so bad, because I was convinced that he was a secret drag queen!

  • Love 5

Like someone else said, this was definitely filler, but it had its moments, like the one stew not knowing what daisy dukes were, or that they were even pants, I think she asked "What about the bottoms?", or Hannah thinking the girl who went to FAU was country. I don't remember where in FL she was from, but there are enough rural areas it's possible, but she could also be from a well populated city like Jacksonville.

I definitely agree that Danny gives off some kind of creepy vibe, but at the same time if the guests truly are the ones talking to him what's the big deal? I've definitely never chartered a multi-million dollar yacht before, but I've gone on a couple of cruises and I kind of like to get to know the room stewards or bartenders a little. I mean I get why you definitely should not make out with a guest or watch them have a threesome, or discuss crew issues with them, but the general annoyance with him seemed to be based more on him just talking to them.

I do think that almost-fight should've been strike three. Also while Jen definitely has been annoying in her attitude, I find it kinda funny that one of the deckhands had to go off the rails before she got to go on the tinder or anything.

Why was Hannah so rude when Tiff was asking where the breaker was? "Do your f***ing job", like.. she's trying to? Would you rather she just leave the washer/dryer there with a blown fuse or whatever the issue was?

Edit: Also why did Ben not just go with the theme? It didn't have to be fried chicken, it could've been chicken-fried steak, whatever meat he wanted with some collards or green beans, like why does he never seem to go with the themes?

Edited by thelonerafter
  • Love 5

Let's see, we're on a yacht in the Mediterranean off the coast of Greece and are from the Oklahoma and would like a theme dinner for a hoe down - what's for dinner?  Asian food, of course.  Ben's lucky it was delicious and satisfied the diners.  On the other hand, we don't know what the guests requested on the preference sheet.  At least they didn't want a cake.

As far as fraternizing with the guests - some conversation is fine but it should never interfere with your duties.  And you are on duty almost all the time.  It's very hard to keep things clean and sparkling with the salt air alone let alone dealing with guests.  The down time is very limited for the staff - they are more or less on for the length of the charter followed by a day or two off in the season.  I think a good example is when Tiffany was watching the football game with the guest instead of doing the work on her list.  She should have been breezing through the room, asking the score, breezing out washing dishes, coming back celebrating a touchdown, going back to wipe down counters, etc... It must be very frustrating to the crew to see Danny talking with the guests or just disappearing while his duties remain undone.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, thelonerafter said:

... like the one stew not knowing what daisy dukes were, or that they were even pants, I think she asked "What about the bottoms?"

She's from England... "Daisy Dukes" don't really makes sense in England and "pants" are underwear in "England's English" :)

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 4

The editing on the threesome was a bit wanky. Danny was shown to be standing nearby when the three guests were standing around naked in the hot tub - shown from a faraway long shot - but not there when the three guests were in a clench (gagging). He either walked away before the action or was summoned away.

Also, I don't like how ready Bobby was to fight with Danny.

I wonder if production is encouraging Danny to challenge everyone. If not, he certainly has a king-sized sense of his own importance.

Ben is passive-aggressive. He decided to try to take down Hannah a notch by challenging her authority in front of the junior deck hand. And on top of her putting in what appeared to be a very long day. If she was up at 10am to greet the charter at 11am, and she was still working at 4am, that's an 18 hour day.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 3

I don't know what it is, but I am just not feeling this show, at all!  I'm not really liking any of the staff, except Ben, and even Ben seems like his heart is not in it like it was on the original BD.

Danny is a hot mess, Bobby seems like he could have some anger issues (and, I get the importance of the brotherhood of firefighters, but I don't need it shoved down my throat every five seconds), Bryan seems like a jerk most of the time.  The girls - meh - just not feeling them at all.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, rehoboth said:

Let's see, we're on a yacht in the Mediterranean off the coast of Greece and are from the Oklahoma and would like a theme dinner for a hoe down - what's for dinner?  Asian food, of course.  Ben's lucky it was delicious and satisfied the diners.

It's not unreasonable to serve fish on a yacht, regardless of theme, but I think something like chicken-fried in a beer batter would fit a hoedown better than anything Asian. Ben's probably just extremely limited in what he knows how to cook, focused on some stereotype of what he thinks rich people would want to eat.

  • Love 6
29 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I don't know what it is, but I am just not feeling this show, at all!  

Really?  I like this one so much more than the original.  I'd rather just watch the yachting than all the drama generated over heinous behavior from one crewmate or another.  I know the producers love it when viewers are inspired to a white hot passion about Rocky vs. Eddie or Kate, but I'm pretty happy with the relatively mild friction.

I think the "operations" stuff is interesting, with the staggered shifts and so forth, and I'd like someone to find another excuse to go wandering around those pretty cobblestone streets and whitewashed buildings.

Edited by candall
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, kitten59 said:


Yes! I came to the same conclusion. He has that shiny, discolored, patchy look of a burn victim. It was bothering me, especially when they showed flashback pictures of him a few episodes ago. Up until maybe his thirties, early forties, he had bushy eyebrows and a lot of hair. I'm almost positive that he was burned, pretty badly. I feel so bad, because I was convinced that he was a secret drag queen!

Oh geez me too.  That's probably correct about burn victim.

Danny reminds me of "Boner" from Growing Pains.  Name fits him too.



  • Love 4
9 hours ago, kitten59 said:


Yes! I came to the same conclusion. He has that shiny, discolored, patchy look of a burn victim. It was bothering me, especially when they showed flashback pictures of him a few episodes ago. Up until maybe his thirties, early forties, he had bushy eyebrows and a lot of hair. I'm almost positive that he was burned, pretty badly. I feel so bad, because I was convinced that he was a secret drag queen!


A burn victim? I don't think so, you guys. Unless you mean he's been sunburned a lot on his face and its taken it's toll. I think he's just ethnically very fair skinned and he's been out in the elements for years upon years. With age, he has gotten a lot of age spots and his skin has taken on a waxy look. To compare, Captain Lee looks weathered in a different way, but still weathered. Lee has more melanin in his skin, but he still had that waxy appearance. It just looks different b/c of his tan/skin coloring.

Edited by lightbeam
  • Love 1

As the great Helen Mirren said in Gosford Park, the mark of a good servant is anticipation. Hannah, seeing where the night was going, correctly anticipated her guests' needs (privacy). Danny was incapable of reading the room. Even if (and it is a huge if) the primary "asked to speak to me," if they're in a hot tub and about to have a threesome, they are not going to remember whether you talked to you or not and it is not going to influence your tip (also, the fact that they asked to speak the deckhand means that he already went too far! The guests should barely know who he is!). The mark of good service isn't "connection", it's that the crew serves you promptly, humors you in your drunkenness, and knows when to leave you alone. Danny is really inflating his importance and failing to realize his place.

  • Love 15

Really?  I like this one so much more than the original.  I'd rather just watch the yachting than all the drama generated over heinous behavior from one crewmate or another.  I know the producers love it when viewers are inspired to a white hot passion about Rocky vs. Eddie or Kate, but I'm pretty happy with the relatively mild friction.

I am with you. I do like certain members of the original recipe crew like Kate, Captain Lee, Amy, Dave, and Eddie (Yeah, I know. I still like him though), but I like watching a whole new crew. Danny is the only one irritating me now, but he doesn't elicit a strong reaction from me like Rocky, Kat, Leon, or Sam. The other crew members have all said or done things I am not wild about, but it does not seem like a constant ongoing behavior with them, and is relatively benign. I also do not think if someone makes a stupid comment about women or gets angry automatically means they are a misogynist or have anger issues. Sometimes a stupid comment is just that, a stupid comment. I like the relatively mild drama overall. 


Unless you mean he's been sunburned a lot on his face and its taken it's toll. I think he's just ethnically very fair skinned and he's been out in the elements for years upon years. With age, he has gotten a lot of age spots and his skin has taken on a wavy look.

I agree. Captain Mark looks like he has a lot of sun damage going on, which isn't really surprising considering his profession and the amount of years he has been in said profession. 


My screen says I'm not allowed to watch the video (??) but the crewmates were funny, chiming in.  So what's the big reveal?

It is basically one of the charter guests from last night with Tiffany saying that he did not call Danny over to tell him his life story, but Danny came over to tell them his (Danny's) life story.

One of my issues with Danny is that he does not seem to get that he is doing something wrong. He thinks it is perfectly okay to hang out and talk to the guests. He thinks the tip reflects all the time he spends with the guests (which it may a bit, but who knows). I think it would be a bit more okay if he was not neglecting his work and it wasn't as overboard as he goes. The other crew members talk and joke a bit with the staff, but they seem to balance it better. They also get that work comes first. I think when Danny was telling the charter guest that he got in trouble the last charter with the Tilted Kilt ladies. It is just too much. Danny does not seem to get professionalism at all. There is a time and place. The guests want the crew to dance, so they do, but then go back to work. 

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 13
37 minutes ago, candall said:

My screen says I'm not allowed to watch the video (??) but the crewmates were funny, chiming in.  So what's the big reveal?

Oh that stinks. The video shows tiffany and the primary guy from last night(I think his name is ken). Theyre at a bar and Tiffany asks if ken pulled danny away to talk about kens life. Ken says no danny pulled me away to talk about Danny's life. So we have another interference from danny with guests.

I really wish the captain would fire him or at least pull the kid from the night shift. The kid is really annoying now

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Blah said:

I had to create an account just to comment about how crazed it made me to see Hannah toss the broken cake plate into the Med.  It's not your garbage dump.  Kind of ironic considering earlier in the episode the captain asked them if they made sure if they left the beach clean.


Plus this wasn't the first time someone has done it, Bryan did it too. Just tossed a plate off the boat and then said, "Ya'll are going to need another plate." It was when they were having docking issues with the Tilted Kilt girls. It made me so angry!

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, tinaw said:

I found this on twitter. Tiffany posted #belowdeckmed

Check out @NautiYachty's Tweet: https://twitter.com/NautiYachty/status/737824669215035392?s=09

[slaps head]


2 hours ago, Blah said:

I had to create an account just to comment about how crazed it made me to see Hannah toss the broken cake plate into the Med.  It's not your garbage dump.  Kind of ironic considering earlier in the episode the captain asked them if they made sure if they left the beach clean.

This is why I won't swim in lakes or oceans.  You never know what you may encounter.

  • Love 1
51 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

I don't get why anyone would travel from Oklahoma to Greece, charter and yacht and then request a hoedown on the only night aboard. Seriously? You can have a hoedown anytime you want back home on the range. Experience some Greek culture people! 

I hear you.  And if I'd paid whatever sort of money warrants a $20k tip for 24 hours of yacht action, I wouldn't want to be picking sand out of my beach picnic, either.  Beach picnics are probably pretty simple to arrange when you're rich and vacationing in the Greek Islands.

I'd just ask to have the ship go puttering around the pretty islands, fast enough to riffle my hair with an ocean breeze while I lounged in a cushy deck chair having my champagne flute refilled and ladling tiny spoons of caviar into my mouth (alternating with bites of flaming saganaki to say "Greece!")

  • Love 7

They threw something into the ocean in one of the earlier episodes.  I'm thinking it was when they were setting the outside table and everything was choppy and windy.  I think it was a big white plate that fell off the table and broke a bit off and one of the women threw it in right away.  It startled me then.

Is it just tone of voice, or the person it's coming from, that makes Danny say what Hannah was telling him was not "constructive criticism?"  Because I thought it was pretty clear advice.  


I don't get why anyone would travel from Oklahoma to Greece, charter and yacht and then request a hoedown on the only night aboard. Seriously? You can have a hoedown anytime you want back home on the range. Experience some Greek culture people! 


But the guests have to play their part in the magic pixie concept and not be summoning the staff to a dance-off instead of letting them perform their duties

I am 96% sure that the hoedown was production's idea. I think that the show's format requires every charter to have a story line--the "diving contest" the guests "requested" on the original Below Deck, streaming the football game, etc--that sort of challenges or annoys the crew. I also dislike the "suspense" building up to when we find out what the tip is. I really don't care a great deal about their tip. But I do love the show, for the idiocy, the pettiness, and the scenery.

The "sinking ship" in the preview made me think about the refugee crisis. I don't know a ton about the geography of the Greek islands or when they filmed, but I keep wondering a bit about whether they're in any areas where refugees are landing. Maybe they're too far west for that?

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

They threw something into the ocean in one of the earlier episodes.  I'm thinking it was when they were setting the outside table and everything was choppy and windy.  I think it was a big white plate that fell off the table and broke a bit off and one of the women threw it in right away.  It startled me then.

Is it just tone of voice, or the person it's coming from, that makes Danny say what Hannah was telling him was not "constructive criticism?"  Because I thought it was pretty clear advice.  

It was Bryan who threw the plate during the previous episode not one of the women.

  • Love 2

I'm not really sure what more Hannah could have said to Danny.  She said he wasn't being professional when he kept talking to the guests.  If he doesn't know what that means, I'm not sure what else there is to say.  Further, Danny was even more out of line when he was telling the guest about how he got in trouble last trip with the Tilted Kilt girls.  If he can't understand that that is clearly over the line, then I'm not sure there's any hope he will eventually understand.

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