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S12.E02: Week 2

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Thanks GinnyMars.  I hope it is true that he has changed his position and not for damage control, either.  Christians and their judgments astound me all the time.  

Edited by wings707
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I'm wondering if Chad's protein powder jars were filled with water. That's heavy.

Regardless, as a wrong reasons viewer, I'm going to find it hard to quit Chad. I could watch him shovel meat into his face and do pull-ups using weird workout gear all day long. It may also be difficult to quit Daniel, who is as dumb as a post. Of course, if you read their contestant profiles on abc.com, Daniel is the one who continuously compares himself to a "lambo," and Chad repeats something about "myself in 10 years....alright, alright, alright." That's some real marriage material, right there.

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Thanks GinnyMars.  I hope it is true that he has changed his position and not for damage control, either.  Christians and their judgments astound me all the time.  

It astounds me that people continue to lump Christians together.

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4 hours ago, GinnyMars said:


All in all, I'm really glad I started watching this program! It's my first time, I'm a Bachelorette virgin. What does "F1" mean btw? And what's the inside joke about "Wrong Reasons"?

Welcome to the show! F1 is finalist 1, or the winner, and F2 is the second place finalist who gets dumped in the finale.

"Wrong reasons" is a term within the show that contestants are always accusing other contestants of "being there for the wrong reasons," which means not for love and typically for some type of self-promotion. This happens EVERY year without fail, so just wait! One year (was it Emily's season?) a group date consisted of the guys singing the "Wrong Reasons Rap," in which they portrayed infamous Wrong Reasons contestants from seasons past. The show is aware that many fans of the show love the drama, so we (at least in this group here) tend to make it a proper noun as Wrong Reasons viewers.

You'll also see us capitalize Amazing and Journey and other catch phrases they use ad nauseum. For instance, every finale is "the most dramatic final rose ceremony in Bachelor[ette] history," according to Chris Harrison. He had also coined the terms Bachelor Nation and Bachelor Family on their live shows, so when you see those terms, Bachelor Nation is the die-hard fans, and Bachelor Family are the past contestants that get together for various weekend getaways and Bachelor events. Bachelor Family is very incestuous--past contestants all seem to date each other.

We take for granted that everyone gets the show trope, so just ask if anything else comes up. If you really want to see the show laugh at itself, Bachelor in Paradise (coming in August, I think) cannot be missed!

Edited by JenE4
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7 hours ago, seasick said:

I liked Luke alot and was impressed with his West Point background and Texas home for her.  But then--when talking about his last break-up,  he touched his nose.   A 'tell" for a lie.  Proceed with caution.

Interesting! I had a coworker in sales who would constantly touch his nose while writing emails. Makes sense now.

JoJo is very good at making guys feel comfortable -- interlocking fingers, neck caressing. It's a genuine warmth, and no coincidence that she was also Ben's "go to" person.

It'll be interesting to how it plays out over the weeks, though, as the men start getting eliminated.

Luke looks like a former boyfriend. Not just mine. Everyone's. Dangerous. 

Chad is totally a plant. I loved that he chowed down at the buffet. Why don't more people eat?

As is Daniel. She couldn't even feign her disgust last week as Daniel gave her a peck on the cheek after getting the last rose.

And loved her "up for anything" attitude with Christian and the tub.

Edited by kazza
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3 hours ago, Canada said:

Luke reminds me of that character on King of the Hill who mumbles everything.  I can't understand half of what he's saying.  And the moody leaning-up-against-a-building shots really just need to stop.

yes! Luke does mumble. That doesn't seem very West Point.  it's like he's trying to obscure his words.  And someone else pointed out he seems tense.  I agree.  I put that together with his 'nose touch' that is a tell for a lie..and I say the guy is hiding a girlfriend.    

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I noted on Twitter that Chad is both the best and the worst. I will not condone physical violence but I am so here for smarmy villainy. He's completely aware of what he's doing. 

Wells is very cute even with his Brandon Walsh hair. Plus he does seem intelligent and articulate. Making him very wrong for this franchise, of course, but may be fun to watch. Bonus points for giving his dog a person name. 

As for Jordan - he checks all the boxes and should be attractive but he leaves me cold. As does Luke. 

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I found Chad amusing, but of course the producers hammered us over the head with him ad nauseum.  If they could have given us about 20% less Chad, that would have been great.  I definitely laughed at his West Side Story analogy.  Because when you're a Chad, you're a Chad all the way! 

And the finger-wagging Alex was doing at Chad, that the show is supposed to be about Jo was just too ironic for words.  Alex and his obsession with Chad was absolutely as inappropriate. 

Luke just did those "strong, silent cowboy" poses too often.  Not impressed.  And as a musician, he's got plenty of places to hide girlfriends, but he's definitely way out in public now.  Nothing stays hidden long from Bachelor Nation. 

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Did JoJo just kiss Chad once?  I know they kissed before the rose ceremony, but can't remember how passionate it was.  Did she cup his face, rub his back, etc. like she did with some of the others or did it seem like he was into and she wasn't?  I can't imagine why I blocked this horror from my memory.

Edited by WhoAmIReally
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For those of you who asked, here is Chad's protein shake "metaphor" word for word:

Chad: "If you were making a protein shake made of the dudes here... and then, you know, you blended it up..."

Daniel: "What kind of shake would you get?"

Chad: "Well half of that dude protein shake would be...like...they'd have zero chance."

*Daniel nods inspired*


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49 minutes ago, WhoAmIReally said:

Did JoJo just kiss Chad once?  I know they kissed before the rose ceremony, but can't remember how passionate it was.  Did she cup his face, rub his back, etc. like she did with some of the others or did it seem like he was into and she wasn't?  I can't imagine why I blocked this horror from my memory.

My memory of it was it was a more overtly sexual embrace than with the others. He was all pulling her into his body, me Tarzan, you Jane style, and from memory she melded into him. It was quite brief, and I only caught the one. (This could all be false memory!)

Some general thoughts: This was a cheezy ep.

The most interesting part was the montage of Chad eating meats. I've never seen them show the buffet before, or even knew they had food to offset the endless drinks at the rose ceremony nights.

I am really sad Brandon the hipster went, as I liked what little we saw of him, and he's more my type. Sob.

The way JoJo's hair scooped on one side and sat flatly against her forehead drove me mad. I kept yearning to lunge into the TV and wack it with a blowdryer, and I don't even blowdry my own hair.

I think they could have found a better pool of guys. And keeping Daniel as Chad's dorky sidekick is cruel to the other more decent guys she could have saved last night. Like Brandon.

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27 minutes ago, violet and green said:

The most interesting part was the montage of Chad eating meats. I've never seen them show the buffet before, or even knew they had food to offset the endless drinks at the rose ceremony nights.

I wonder what the girls' buffet is like on the Bachelor?  Cupcakes and celery instead of meat sticks?  I hope they offer the guys some vegetables or they're going to get pretty constipated.  I'd hate to see them fighting over toilet-sitting/magazine-reading time, which seems to be an important part of many men's lives.  I wonder how many bathrooms there are in the mansion.

Sorry for my weird tangent.

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6 minutes ago, Canada said:

I thought JoJo looked like she was about to barf when she said Chad's name at the end of the rose ceremony.

Maybe he had salami in his teeth when they were playing tonsil hockey.

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I wasn't looking forward to this season's Bachelorette because of the way Fleiss and Co. treated the girl who originally was chosen and replaced with Khloe Kardashian 2.0. But this is the first season I can remember watching the show only for the contestants. Chad has to stay on for two more episodes. I like Wells, but he won't go very far either, Jordan is a skeevy, knock kneed version of his more talented older brother with the Arie storyline from Emily's season, That JoJo song was cringeworthy (thank you, Chad), and Luke is your next Bachelor. And Chase is Joelle's final one (I can't call a grown woman by her family name. I have a cousin nicknamed Bunny. I wouldn't call her that in public).

Christian stripping and getting into the tub at the end of the show? There are simply no words.

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4 minutes ago, Nedsdag said:

I wasn't looking forward to this season's Bachelorette because of the way Fleiss and Co. treated the girl who originally was chosen and replaced with Khloe Kardashian 2.0.


That's funny, because I was going to remark that she had the makeup gun set to Kardashian again.  A little more skilled than last season (the contouring was horrendous), but still totally airbrushed without an iota of naked skin peeping through.

And I do feel bad for poor what's-her-name.  She seemed so vulnerable.  Hope she is getting on with her life and will stay out of the limelight.

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I'm glad for Caila that she's not there. The group of guys likely would've been the same (or mostly the same), and I can't imagine them doing singalongs about how much they like Caila. Maybe the show should hook her up with Wells if JoJo doesn't keep him around. He's the only one who seems to be less of a JoJo and more of a Caila kind of guy.

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Chad is a total tool but god I love him. I do think the show really beat the horse to death, but honestly, Chad was the best thing about the show this week. I know he's an asshole and I think we'll see it more in coming weeks, but I can also see how his confidence and his aloof mysteriousness would be attractive for a woman. I'm a lesbian and even I was thinking, "I get it."

I think he lost a lot of cool points when he told Alex he would knock his teeth out, but otherwise seemed to make some reasonable points. Like how dumb it was for the guys to be saying they love her. (The nagging comment though, even if a joke, makes me think he's as misogynist as the "she needs a real man" talk would have you suspect. But I'm waiting until he 'roid rages to hate him.)

Line that made me laugh out loud: "It was like if the Care Bears, like, surrounded you and told you they were gonna kick your ass."

Alex though... For as bad as Chad looked, Alex looked worse. Dude was obsessed with Chad and would Not. Stop. Talking. about him. His interrogation of Chad after he walked JoJo in was insane. I have to say, despite his douchiness, Chad again had a point. What exactly did Alex expect Chad to say? What was the purpose of the interrogation? Why did he think he entitled to a play-by-play? Alex is the one that gave Chad most of his power in the episode and did come off looking a bit Napolean complexy. I'm convinced Chad was still eating at the rose ceremony just because of all the comments -- he knew it got under everyone's skin.

The guy who looks like Jim from The Office just seems boring. He's nice enough, but there nothing there. No spark, no chemistry, just politely enjoying a romantic, unexpected getaway in San Francisco, as two strangers would do.

I was shocked JoJo cried at James' poem, but I don't see James going that far. Not to be a dick, but I think JoJo is too shallow to pick him in the end.

The farmer guy (I still don't know all their names) is the frontrunner to me.

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3 hours ago, huahaha said:

I'm glad for Caila that she's not there. The group of guys likely would've been the same (or mostly the same), and I can't imagine them doing singalongs about how much they like Caila. Maybe the show should hook her up with Wells if JoJo doesn't keep him around. He's the only one who seems to be less of a JoJo and more of a Caila kind of guy.

I said the same last week after realizing he wasn't JoJo's type and seemed more like Caila's. I really like him and hope he goes far enough to be considered for the next Bachelor and I hope the producers put as much into what  the viewers want, (as I have already saw a lot of posts wanting him for next season), as they did last season for B'ette.  After that I'm not buying they can't pick number 3 or even 4 or 5 place finishers. They proved they can do whatever they want to do.

Edited by yorklee2
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Alex needs to chill out. Yeah, Chad is an asshole, but you're not doing yourself any favors by following him around and repeatedly calling him out. I'm calling Alex as the first to run to JoJo crying Wrong Reasons, and subsequently being sent home.

I remember from his intro clip that he is a twin, what is up with twins on this show deeming themselves the Right Reasons Police? I think the editors must not be crazy about Alex either because packing ALL of those whiny moments into one show did not paint him in a good light. Plus that truly golden sequence of Chad (while listing all of the guys' faults at length) summing up Alex as simply "Alex is too short" followed by a cut to Alex having to jump into a high chair and a cut back to Chad laughing. 


Alex though... For as bad as Chad looked, Alex looked worse. Dude was obsessed with Chad and would Not. Stop. Talking. about him. His interrogation of Chad after he walked JoJo in was insane. I have to say, despite his douchiness, Chad again had a point. What exactly did Alex expect Chad to say? What was the purpose of the interrogation? Why did he think he entitled to a play-by-play? Alex is the one that gave Chad most of his power in the episode and did come off looking a bit Napolean complexy. I'm convinced Chad was still eating at the rose ceremony just because of all the comments -- he knew it got under everyone's skin.

Yeah, that was one of those confrontations that clearly seemed like a better idea when the little circle of guys were standing around together being outraged. Once they actually got Chad in front of them, it became clear that they actually didn't have any real reason to be upset with him nor did he owe them an explanation. I was listening to that whole exchange trying to figure out exactly what they wanted to know and why it was so outrageous that Chad was outside the house.




I can't help but root for Chad. His description of being "confronted slightly" or however he described that dumb scenario was cracking me up. 

I don't think I believe he's only 28 though...I think he looks much older.


That made me laugh too. His tone was hysterical. And I kind of love that the drunken Canadian has taken up his side, might as well team up with the OTHER guy everyone hates if you acted the fool and burned your own bridges on the very first night. 

I'm not buying 28 either, he looks a solid 35 at least. He really is hot though, which may carry him through for awhile. 



Chad is the only thing saving this season for me, which is too bad, because I'm sure his Crossfit American Psycho edit has only a couple weeks left in it. 

Almost all of these guys look like somebody took Henry Cavill's gene pool and severely watered it down. I swear half of them have the exact same hair. Just a sea of generic white guys with brown hair and severe bone structure and the worst personalities.

I'm living for Chad, though. First of all, I've never known a sane, likeable Chad, so the consistency is good. And the bizarre protein shake metaphor he tried to make happen in the first hour gave me life. And the menacing rose ceremony snacking!! Who knew someone could eat so evilly. He's a gift.


LOL at Crossfit American Psycho edit. And the eating montage was hilarious. Was he eating during the rose ceremony?? 

Luke was my favorite after the first week but he did not come off well in this one. A bit clingy right off the bat. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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14 hours ago, Koala said:

For those of you who asked, here is Chad's protein shake "metaphor" word for word:

Chad: "If you were making a protein shake made of the dudes here... and then, you know, you blended it up..."

Daniel: "What kind of shake would you get?"

Chad: "Well half of that dude protein shake would be...like...they'd have zero chance."

*Daniel nods inspired*


I couldn't believe people didn't notice that! I fully expected that line to go down in Bachelor(ette) history! It's a thing of beauty!

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I really hope you guys are right that Chad is a producer plant and JoJo is in on the joke, because otherwise she is DUMB. He's basically a walking red flag for domestic abuse and narcissism. I'll allow that he did say a couple of funny things (hey, narcissists are charming!), but I don't think he made any good points. Listen moron, everyone on this show KNOWS it's a game. Of course none of the guys are in love with her yet. You're making a TV show. Don't come on a fake show and then pretend to be all wise and above it all. 

I think there should be a special place in hell for people who say mean, hurtful things to make themselves look good and others look bad, and then follow it up with, "Hey, I'm just being honest." You're not being honest; you're being a dick. And on top of that, the obvious negging with the comment about JoJo being naggy? Who are you, Mystery? Neil Strauss? Is PUA still a thing? Gross. Just gross. 

In other news, I think James Taylor and Wells are adorable. 

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On 5/30/2016 at 11:02 PM, Alapaki said:

I know literacy can't be assumed with someone like Chad, but I think he's read The Game one too many times.  Books on Tape, maybe.

Oh yeah. If he's not a plant, he's a Game devotee for sure. He is also fairly entertaining and definitely has some valid points. But the overall vibe is just so much ick.

However, I also agree that the others — especially Alex — need to chill about him. Chasing a guy around to "confront him slightly" is not a good look for anyone.

On 5/31/2016 at 10:47 AM, JudyObscure said:

 Anyone else see JoJo in her car take both hands off the wheel to push her hair back? 

She has a very distinct way of pushing her hair back, which does unfortunately involve both hands. She should definitely consider either putting her hair up when driving or leaving the driving to others.

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3 hours ago, violetr said:

I really hope you guys are right that Chad is a producer plant and JoJo is in on the joke, because otherwise she is DUMB. He's basically a walking red flag for domestic abuse and narcissism. I'll allow that he did say a couple of funny things (hey, narcissists are charming!), but I don't think he made any good points. Listen moron, everyone on this show KNOWS it's a game. Of course none of the guys are in love with her yet. You're making a TV show. Don't come on a fake show and then pretend to be all wise and above it all. 

I think there should be a special place in hell for people who say mean, hurtful things to make themselves look good and others look bad, and then follow it up with, "Hey, I'm just being honest." You're not being honest; you're being a dick. And on top of that, the obvious negging with the comment about JoJo being naggy? Who are you, Mystery? Neil Strauss? Is PUA still a thing? Gross. Just gross. 

In other news, I think James Taylor and Wells are adorable. 

I completely agree with you about Chad.  He seems to think that no one else in the world knows that this is a STAGED TELEVISION SHOW and that he is a genius for figuring it out and a hero for saying it out loud.  I don't know if he is a plant but i suspect the producers insisted that Jo Jo keep him.  Probably until he crosses some line that only Fleiss knows.

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Me, too fusan.  We have 2 episodes of the chad show next week. I will settle in with some sushi and sake and enjoy.  I reserve high class snacking for special occasions.  A bag of chips and a beer is just not good enough for Chad. 

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4 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:

Chad chowing down on deli meat during the rose ceremony is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on tv.  I hope he never leaves.

Is it wrong for me to be simultaneously attracted to and repulsed by Chad? I like his no-BS approach to the game. It's impossible to fall in love with someone that you barely know, and I got a kick out of his approach to the guys' ESPN exercise.

But Chad's confidence keeps veering into cocky territory. I think the editors and producers are having a field day with him. 

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8 minutes ago, C76 said:

Is it wrong for me to be simultaneously attracted to and repulsed by Chad? I like his no-BS approach to the game. It's impossible to fall in love with someone that you barely know, and I got a kick out of his approach to the guys' ESPN exercise.

But Chad's confidence keeps veering into cocky territory. I think the editors and producers are having a field day with him. 

Not wrong, just scary as shit.  

Edited by wings707
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I could never have imagined I'd be this delighted to tune into the Chad And a Bunch of Other Dudebros (ChadABOD) show. Bring on the deli platters!

Edited by piewarmer
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On May 30, 2016 at 11:02 PM, Alapaki said:

(I mean, when your goal the "the type of love Ben and Lauren have"?) 

Especially since, if I have the timeline even REMOTELY close to being right, they started filming this series like a nanosecond after the F2 episode of Borin' Blauren?

So, "the type of love Ben and Lauren have" would be ... what, exactly? Two people who hooked up and got engaged days after the guy had slept with JoJo and the words "I love you" to JoJo have not even evaporated fully into air yet? THAT type of love?

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4 hours ago, wings707 said:

Not wrong, just scary as shit.  


You made me laugh so hard, I can't even begin to tell you.

I like it when people are direct even when it pisses others off. There are times when that sort of thing can be amusing. Sadly, Chad also strikes me as an incredibly greasy, arrogant prig. I'm curious about what people who know him IRL have to say. 

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Yes, Chad is hot, but crazy and dumb, or crazy dumb.  His head seems so empty.

There are a LOT of hot guys on this show.


Alex is beautiful, but short.
Ali is beautiful, but maybe too introverted for this show.
Robby is BEAUTIFUL.  He gets no airtime.
Grant is a hot firefighter, but has a weird eye.
Christian is hot, but kind of weird exhibitionist - I have no problem with it so far
Wells is like Dan Humphrey or Seth from O.C. in real life - hot hot hot!


Derek seems like a sweetheart and looks like Jim Halpert
Canadian Daniel is cute, just seems unhinged (and I'm Canadian) - I DO love how he made friends with the outcast though - because he was outcast on Week 1 probably
Luke - army veteran, very good looking but so serious I guess.

The rest are still okay looking, the only bad looking one is Erectile Dysfunction.

Jordan is more girlier than any girl, I'm sorry, I just can't.  I can't take his weird hips and legs and hair I just can't do it

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Chad's instagram is beyond repulsive.  The only saving grace is that there are a lot of dog pictures.

Like I said, he may be a producer plant, but he definitely has a personality disorder or two.  Narcissism, sure, but maybe also sociopathy, or whatever they're calling it these days.  He scares the crap out of me. 

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4 hours ago, terminalpreppy said:

Haha!! Who are you, Mystery? hahaha! Chad emulates Mystery, but Daniel actualls LOOKS like Mystery!! ! Haha! Actually Daniel looks like a Twilight extra.

So a huge YES Chad is a TOTAL Narcissist - i just checked out his instagram which i found through reading bach tweets. He is SO vain, or should i say "vein" all his pics are basically him without a shirt, many veins popping out all over the place. Yuk. Do girls find this roid look sexy? I sure don't. 28 year old narc with a bad attitude who thinks he is kind shit hot. He is going to be more hated than Juan Pablo i feel....


For those interested:



Damn! He IS hot! Um, I guess you can put one tally in the Yes, column. (My husband is veiny over muscles, too.) 

That's how Chad can get away with being an asshole. He said he hasn't had a girlfriend in 4 years and doesn't really seem to want one, so he probably has the perfect combination of looks/attitude to get women into bed and then run them off before they get attached. Mystery would be proud. Chad doesn't even need a furry hat or old-timey aviator goggles or other odd pieces of flare to draw attention to himself. Just give him a coldcut platter, and he's good to go!

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Chad did seem genuine when talking about his mom and his dog but his whole "I'm being honest" schtick is just a license to say whatever insulting thing he wants. For instance, the whole "your being naggy" when JoJo made a simple request for him to say what he liked about her. He seems immature and emotionally stunted. Also, his grasp of grammar was poor, as is JoJo's. I'm usually not that bothered by all the "you did goods" but there seems to be more of that than usual this season.

I guess I like Wells the best. He seems relatively smart, charming and has nerdy, good looks. I thought the hipster guy was kind of cute but he also seems kind of dumb. I wonder if he writes hipster on his tax forms under occupation.

Usually I have no problem suspending my disbelief that everyone is looking for lurve but JoJo is too TV ready for me and nothing she says seems genuine at all. She seemed more like a real person when she was on The Bachelor. This version of her seems more like an E News reporter. When the guys came in while she was "hosting" with the ESPN guys, she seemed most at home. Maybe she's actually just auditioning for a hosting gig. That makes more sense to me than her looking for a husband.

Edited by Soobs
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The thing about Chad is that it's possible that "in real life" he would be a pisser (using the term in the positive way) ... As people have said, he's made some very legitimate points about how on earth could guys already be "in lurve" with JoJo when they haven't gotten to know her, etc. etc. 

But he has SO many other strikes against him (he's ON THE SHOW, he's on THE SHOW, he's on the SHOW, he's obviously a famewhore) that it's just grating. We get it.  You're this season's designated douchebag, there to rile up the other guys.  And he is very good-looking (too buff for me, but can't argue that face). Obviously, as mentioned, fodder for BIP. 

And I can't help but wonder about the kind of guy who would be fine with that.  I'm still not convinced that Olivia "got" how she was being edited, whereas Chad is clearly planted to be what he is.

Pre-show PR had me totally convinced that Jordan was TCO (and I've resisted spoilers and Reality Steve, so all I can glean to any degree are coming attractions and they all mostly look alike to me) and I'm still not convinced he's NOT, but there's just something really off about him, like someone took all these nice parts of a car and took it apart and screwed up when they tried to put it back together.  But I have a feeling he might be "the one" anyway. I don't give enough of a hoot about JoJo to care if she finds "love like Ben and Lauren" but I'll keep watching because I have no life.

I'm still not convinced they won't pull off some sort of surprise mid-season and bring someone else in.

I find Luke actively UNattractive, personally. The hair is a complete dealbreaker. And his little beady angry eyes. He's a little skeery. No disrespect intended to a veteran.

Wells is probably the cutest, IMHO, but somehow I can't help but think he's just a little too mellow to keep firecracker JoJo interested for the long haul ... do think he'll go far, though. And he could be the next Bachelor, but does he have enough personality and uniqueness to carry a show? Not sure yet.  Not sure ANY of them do.

I could totally see Grant sticking around long enough to finally give the franchise a really viable BOC (Bachelor of Color). He's attractive, seems really sweet and romantic, and he's a FIREMAN y'all.

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