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S04.E21: Maybe You'll Appreciate Me Someday

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I just realized how passive-aggressive the title of the finale is, should the new ABC schedule flop next season.

Anyway, I cried through many parts of the episode. I am not ready to say goodbye.

I loved all the happy endings.

Rayna/Deacon/Maddie - It was a little rushed. But at least Deacon used his words.

Daphne - you sound good up there, glad she got a moment to shine.

Scarlett & Gunnar - FINALLY! I have to admit for me this was all I wanted for 4 years.

Will - Good for you! Happy trails ahead.

Luke - my friend, who knew this is where you would end up? Started at the bottom and look where you are - the best & brightest of the whole Nashville Bunch.

Layla - Got everything she deserved. Glad Cralya got a shout out. That was one step too far, outing Juliette after she told you everything. Wonder what would have happened to you if Jeff had not been around after your pool overdose to help you.

Jeff - Better as a memory, but still glad he got his shout-out as a Hero. Still the best shocker of the series.

Avery & Cadence - Don't worry, they'll find the plane. Glad that Avery recognized that he had a role with the divorce papers. I know it was not his fault, but I'm glad he pieced it together. And I'm glad he was supportive to Juliette.

Juliette - I love her journey. I love her confession. I loved her taking her responsibility. It was a beautiful journey & arc. As for the cliffhanger, I'm just going to believe that the plane is perfectly fine and lands a few minutes latter. At least they didn't show or report a plane crash. They went for a cliffhanger, but it can easily be made less tragic in one sentence.


For as crappy as some of their choices were this season, the writers wrote that beautiful Rayna Letter & Will on-air response. I was moved and it was stunning. That was amazing,emotional & poignant stuff. And that is what I will remember and miss Nashville for. Yes, it was a nighttime soap. And yes sometimes it was more suds than substance. But it had heart & soul, and that is not something you see often on network TV these days.

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It was obviously rushed, but I was ok with that because they needed to give everyone a happy ending.  Oh, wait ...

I mean, I guess I can tell myself Juliette made it back to Nashville safe and sound, since I hold out little hope the show will be back in any incarnation.  But that was truly annoying.  

Pretty psyched Will finally got to be happy, and even got to end the series with a kiss from Kevin.  And who knew I would end up loving the Luke character?  

I should have known Maddie would be welcomed back into the family without having to apologize for anything.  She basically tried to destroy her own father so she could hang out with her idiot friend Cash and get a better record deal, but everyone will just fawn all over her for coming back home.  Grrrr.   

Props to Deacon for not freaking out on Fun Bobby in a violent way.    

I liked the Scarlett / Gunnar happy ending - simple and to-the-point.

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1 hour ago, Cranberry said:

At least they didn't air the original endings for the other story lines... wasn't Kevin supposed to get shot? What were the others?

Teddy getting shanked in a prison riot.  At least we were spared that one.

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Well, they obviously knew this was the end, but I found the quick wrap up of every story line to be ridiculous. We've been living with the stupid Maddie plot, the stupid Autumn/Gunnar/Scarlett plot, the stupid Will is still gay plot, the stupid Deacon can't control himself plot, & the stupid Layla plot for the entire season & in one episode they wrap everything up & everyone, including Layla who definitely doesn't deserve it, gets a happy ending. All of course except for Juliette who is the queen of bad things will happen.

3 hours ago, DeLurker said:

They remembered Luke's daughter Sage?  Ummm...ok.

Even she apparently gets a better ending than Juliette.

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Obviously, Layla either bombed or shot down Juliette's plane.  Lucky for us it hit Cash and chick (who came between Gunnar and Scarlet who I never bothered to learn her name, Autumn?) on the way down.  Big fireball explosion.  Leaving Avery and Cadence to move in with Will and Kevin to form a country three-way and a baby.  And that's how the series ended.

Edited by LekoBoy
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I absolutely LOVED Luke and Will performing together. What a great sound!  They looked like they were having fun and I love that.  I squeed out loud and clapped for Will and Kevin.  Yay! 

Loved Avery telling Layla she was crazy. Loved Glen like always.  I want a happy ending for Juliette, Dammit! 

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The most unintentionally hilarious moment in this episode for me was when Rayna said that Vince was a creepy creeper who creeped on her and Deacon's reaction was to put on his glasses and peer closer at the screen. I know it wasn't meant to be funny but Deacon's "well, lemme get a good look see at this pervert" cracked me up.

I totally love that Rayna was always a little Tami Taylor. When she said Vince tried to put the moves on her as a teenager, she told him, "There must be some mistake. This isn't what I'm here for." I have no problem picturing that at all. Ha and I love that when her manager said it was no big deal, she fired him.

And good for Rayna for being open about what a creeper Vince was. My biggest complaint was ugh, Huffington Post? Why not a legit news outlet like the New York Times? HuffPo is like BuzzFeed. Actually BuzzFeed is probably a little better since they at least pay some of their writers for their listicles.

I loved when Layla got all pouty about Juliette offering to send the private jet to take Avery and Cadence (and Layla) to LA and Avery shut her down immediately by telling her that Juliette is his child's mother and therefore will always be a part of his life so she could come to LA or not. That's the Avery I love!

Layla is straight up crazy. She would leak news about Jeff's death just to keep Avery from going to LA with Cadence. I am so glad that Avery finally knew just how crazy she was (thanks, Glenn!) and dumped her ass. I guess I should give her credit for really committing to her lies. When Glenn confronted her, she tried the innocent, "Who, me?" act, which makes me think that she is crazy enough to actually believe the lies she tells.

Part of me was annoyed that Juliette decided to paint Jeff as a hero. I mean, yes, he saved her life and he should get credit for that but he was a total dickwad too and his one selfless act shouldn't erase all of the things he did so that he can be painted as Saint Jeff. He was a slimy disgusting heartless asshole who happened to do one good thing.

It is hilarious to me that Luke had the boring jerk boyfriend storyline for most of his tenure on this show and he finally got a good storyline and got to be a good guy during the last season. Totally loved that his solution to the protesters was to rent a stage so they could perform.

Poor Sage. Luke finally remembers he has a daughter and she's so excited to hear from him and then he says, "Uh, can I talk to your mom?" If you wanted to talk to her mom, why did you call your daughter on her cell phone? Come on, Luke, think! At least try to have a five minute conversation with Sage!

I love Scarlett and Gunnar's manager guy. I love that he is so supportive of them as people, not just as the musicians who make money for him. When he said he just wanted Scarlett to be happy, I was afraid he was going to put the moves on her so I was really happy to see that he was just being a supportive friend. The best part about Gunnar kissing Scarlett was how mad it made Autumn. Finally something wiped that smug look off her face!

Great that Deacon happened to know exactly where Vince lives so he could swoop in and rescue Maddie at the very moment she was about to be assaulted, but I still felt bad that once again poor Daphne gets the shaft because of Maddie. OF COURSE Deacon ran off right before Daphne's big moment. But at least she finally got a moment to shine on her own!

On the one hand, Cash needs to STFU. But on the other hand, Maddie blaming her for Vince hitting on her? Cash has done a lot of shitty things, but she is not Maddie's 24/7 babysitter. She is allowed to go say hi to someone at a party. It's not her fault that Vince is a creep and Maddie wandered off with him. Vince being a creepy pervert expecting sex from 15 year old girls is no one's fault but his, so I can't put any bit of fault on Cash for that situation.

Yay for Will and Kevin reuniting!

And that last minute of the episode never happened. Juliette's plane landed and then she went home with Avery and Cadence to read her baby bedtime stories and snuggle. The end. Ooh and the next day, Maddie gets grounded.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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The reason they pulled Sexual Predator #103 out of their asses was to shift focus from "Maddie the irredeemable monster" to "Maddie the helpless victim of Patriarchy™". They do that all the time. Case in point with Gunnar's ex and his brother being retconned into a rapist to make him forgive her.

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6 hours ago, Fisher King said:

Sons o' bitches!


6 hours ago, TVFAN said:

Why can't Juliette have nice things?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Nothing to add really.

Lionsgate owes me a damn happy ending or a 5th season WITH Juliette!

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7 hours ago, turnitwayup said:

Well that was bizarre. They were doing slightly better than the Castle finale until the cliffhanger. Pretty much everyone was getting some kind of happy ending and poor Juliette can't win at all. So Castle and Nashville show runners basically competed this season in who can do the worse damage to the lead female character.

Connie Britton's Rayna is the lead female character and Rayna ended up happy.  Juliette has hardly been around.

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I am not sure why people keep calling Layla crazy.  She blames dumb Juliette for the death of the man she loved, so of course she wanted revenge.  Sounds pretty logical to me.

The show's resident crazy has always been Juliette, but she always gets a pass because of her woe is me childhood, and her messed up hormones post birth.  

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4 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

They are actually co-leads. 

Perhaps that was the intent at the beginning, but with Juliette being gone so much, it does not seem to be the case lately.  

And IMO, Connie Britton is the much bigger name.

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If Layla's crazy wasn't proven in this last episode, I don't know what'll do it. She did all of that because Juliette wanted to see her child. She even invited Layla to come out there. Wth, people.

Hayden is also a big name and is still billed as a co-lead. 

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7 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Teddy getting shanked in a prison riot.  At least we were spared that one.

Oh dang!  You are right!  No mention of Tandy either.

1 hour ago, NeenerNeener said:

Well, at least I'll never have to hear Maddy hesitantly whisper-singing that lame 'Wild card" song again. Honey, if you were a true wild card you would sing it at the top of your lungs.

That was a really stupid song, but yeah - you need to commit if you're singing about being a wild child.  And this is him at probably his tamest.

1 hour ago, smiley13 said:

I am not sure why people keep calling Layla crazy.  She blames dumb Juliette for the death of the man she loved, so of course she wanted revenge.  Sounds pretty logical to me.

The show's resident crazy has always been Juliette, but she always gets a pass because of her woe is me childhood, and her messed up hormones post birth.  

For me, even at her worst, Juliette pretty much owned her behavior and HP managed to infuse some level of likability into this totally horrible person.  Layla was a very watered down version of bad girl by comparison and she just wasn't likable in my book.

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1 hour ago, smiley13 said:

Perhaps that was the intent at the beginning, but with Juliette being gone so much, it does not seem to be the case lately.  

And IMO, Connie Britton is the much bigger name.

That's your opinion, for me she and Hayden are on equal footing given Hayden's longevity in the industry. 

And Juliette is still one of the two leads of the series last I checked. Hayden had a baby and a brief time off for PPD treatment. She really hasn't been missing that much though her storylines were thin in S3.

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2 hours ago, smiley13 said:

I am not sure why people keep calling Layla crazy.  She blames dumb Juliette for the death of the man she loved, so of course she wanted revenge.  Sounds pretty logical to me.

Layla has targeted Juliette before she had much of a reason to. Wasn't one of her first acts calling TMZ on Juliette's affair?

But anyway, Layla's actions in this episode aren't about revenge.  Neither was calling the paparazzi.  It was about jealousy, pure and simple.  She couldn't stand the thought that her boyfriend was developing a good relationship with the mother of his child and was willing to take his daughter to be with her on arguably one of the most important nights of her life. And calling the paparazzi was about promoting her career via who she was dating even though she knew that's not what he wanted.

She's "crazy" for thinking she needed to feel threatened.  She's "crazy" if she didn't realize that people would get protective of Juliette once they knew the details.  And with multiple people having told her what happened, she's "crazy" for playing it as if she's absolutely so totally shocked by it all.  Because that? Made her seem totally loca. It was essentially the giveaway that she was behind it all. Had she said "yes, I know, Juliette told me what happened and it was hard but I let it go" then maybe she could have kept up her con game a little longer. 

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It was a nice ending.  Loved Will's speech on the show--I am a good man and you have nothing to be afraid of.  And it was great to see Juliette be honest about Jeff's death, even though it wasn't really her fault.  I loved seeing her take responsibility for how her actions hurt others in public without concern for her image--it would make me more of a fan.  And in the long run, she'll feel so much better about herself. My wish for Layla is to replace the Ex's with Autumn Chase so they can scheme and manipulate to their heart's content.  Pretty sure Autumn would win in the end.  I get wanting to see more apology from Maddie but that can come later.  And I have no doubt the moment when she said "Dad!" and ran into Deacon's arms was apology enough for him.  In my mind Juliette did have that landing and happy ending, and if by chance someone picks up the show I'll definitely check it out.  It would be great to bring back more music, like in the early seasons. 

Edited by shron17
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Avery's "You're crazy and we're done." was perfect.

I don't usually subscribe to needing a happily ever after but I was very happy to see Will and Kevin reconnect.

It's amazing how Luke's character grew on me over the years. He went from being a self-involved douche to very rootable and, for me at least, it seemed organic. of course the fact that I'm a Broadway fan head over heels in love with Will Chase might have something to do with that.

Juliette's Oscar look was pitch perfect and Hayden's acting in the confession scene really got to me for some reason. I hope she gets whatever help she needs that we get to see her in something else soon.

The Rapey Redemption of Maddie was forced and I didn't care. That child was awful to everyone in her life.

My biggest regret is that we never got a Kyle Chandler cameo.

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So even if the show was still coming back next season, Maddie is still emancipated. Can that be legally undone? Would she just move back home and act like nothing happened?

That whole plot was stupid.

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3 hours ago, smiley13 said:

I am not sure why people keep calling Layla crazy.  She blames dumb Juliette for the death of the man she loved, so of course she wanted revenge.  Sounds pretty logical to me.

The show's resident crazy has always been Juliette, but she always gets a pass because of her woe is me childhood, and her messed up hormones post birth.  

Sane people don't seek revenge. They seek justice. Big difference. 

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So...gonna be honest...haven't really watched this season... not a single story line I was invested in
I only saw this episode (because my sister in law was an extra in it and the last one because they claimed it was the last one).

This show is very poorly written and with the talent in it that is really a shame.

First, Will...this story has literally been going on forever and has had very little movement...since I love Will it was great seeing him tell off that woman.

Luke...does this mean he wants his ex wife back? Actually Luke has changed for the better.

Maddie still awful and WAY too old to be so naive. First business, even music business is conducted in an actual office not alone in someone's home. Glad she is back with her family.

Layla sucks. The best parts of this episode were bad things happening to her.

Juliette is not dead or no one would pick up this show on any network...nice try Nashville.

3 hours ago, smiley13 said:

I am not sure why people keep calling Layla crazy.  She blames dumb Juliette for the death of the man she loved, so of course she wanted revenge.  Sounds pretty logical to me.

The show's resident crazy has always been Juliette, but she always gets a pass because of her woe is me childhood, and her messed up hormones post birth.  

Because Layla is crazy.  The way she latches on to all men that are vaguely even nice to her and insinuates herself in their life.  The way she constantly has crazy revenge schemes but is too dumb for them to actually work. 


Juliette is impulsive and sometimes makes bad decisions but Layla is Crayla.

Edited by dmc
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Juliette is just mean and selfish.  She has been since the first episode.  Even though the writers gave all of the clichéd reasons for it, it does not change the things she was shown doing.  She hated Rayna at the beginning just out of jealousy.

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1 minute ago, smiley13 said:

Juliette is just mean and selfish.  She has been since the first episode.  Even though the writers gave all of the clichéd reasons for it, it does not change the things she was shown doing.  She hated Rayna at the beginning just out of jealousy.

Even if this were true, it doesn't change the fact that Layla is crazy. 

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Just now, smiley13 said:

Juliette is just mean and selfish.  She has been since the first episode.  Even though the writers gave all of the clichéd reasons for it, it does not change the things she was shown doing.  She hated Rayna at the beginning just out of jealousy.

I think that there is large part of Juliette that can be both and the show has done a good job of making her multi-faceted as a character.  One of the few characters they have written well.  What makes Juliette likeable is that you occasionally see slices of someone that has the potential to be a good person.

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2 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

Even if this were true, it doesn't change the fact that Layla is crazy. 

Right remember when she slept with Jeff once and was like don't let them do this to us???


Or when gave Scarlett the wrong answers to the interview questions so she could make her look like an idiot in front of Will that she met exactly once???

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Even in this episode, how was she going to explain firing Glenn? She was just off the rails at that point with no plan to cover her ass for the crazy stuff she was doing. I can't even believe her sanity is a topic up for debate. 

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Well, sort of a decent ending. Hopefully Lionsgate's gamble on the cliffhanger ending will payoff in a season 5 pickup by someone.  Some random thoughts:
- Luke Wheeler fighting for the right thing and putting his integrity in front of his sales numbers.  Well played sir and kudos to Will Chase for such a bang up job throughout the series. He's an established Broadway star, survived his run in Smash (although his "Lexington and 52nd Street" was one of Smash's best numbers), is a great singer and has beaucoup screen presence.

- Bucky and Glenn: Who wouldn't want them as managers.  Both are class acts

- Will finally standing up for himself and putting down the homophobic lunatic on camera.  Yay!

- What the hell was that crap that Maddie was "singing" in the recording booth? She sound like a heavy breather making an obscene phone call.  Sweetheart, Donna Summer you ain't.

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2 hours ago, marceline said:

My biggest regret is that we never got a Kyle Chandler cameo.

There was a Bloodline commercial that aired during Nashville last night - not a cameo, but I'll take it. I'm easy...

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I didn't watch last nights finale but reading what happened from posters I have to say it's kind of ironic don't you think that the writers wrote Deacon not decking the pervert this time when it was really called for trying to molest his daughter, like the Revil King guy tried to do to Scarlett. All the other times when they wrote him decking someone they could have just had him controlling his temper walked away but this time when he should have decked the guy for a good reason they don't. Does that make any sense??? I loved season 1 part of 2 but going down that hole slowly was so hard to watch. Don't know if they will get another chance but Deacon/Rayna together the girls home kind of makes my peace.

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I think it was great that he didn't hit the guy. The producer would certainly have had Deacon charged for assault and really played the victim card. Rayna (and all of the other women who will undoubtedly come forward now) will expose him as the villain he is and damage his reputation and career more than Deacon punching him ever would.

(Well, in TV land, anyway. In real life the Dr. Lukes and the Jian Ghomeshis just keep on being assholes.)

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Layla is not only crazy, she's just plain mean for no real reason. Juliette was sort of mean in the beginning of this show but Rayna was never quite kind to her at the beginning either. Layla really has never been kind to anyone.

One thing that has made me sad is the lack of interactions between our main stars this season. I was kind of hoping for at least 1 scene with Rayna and Juliette.

I don't think I'll watch another season without HP because it won't be the same. The episodes without her this season were kind of painful but that's just my preference.

I am so happy about Will and Kevin though.

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Oh, Deacon's hands were already broken and bloody from fighting his way through the 14 entourage members standing guard at every point from curbside to the door of the designated rape-liaison pit.


Good that Luke became fully committed to support the cause because the rest of his career will have photos of him embracing Will with a rainbow flag in the background and gossip about the last minute cancelation of his wedding to the lovely Rayna James.


Rayna, that would have been a much better story if you hadn't handwaved the ending.  "Oh, and then, I don't know, I just got away from him somehow."



Edited by candall
Deleted Juliette snark. Too soon?
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11 minutes ago, candall said:

Good that Luke became fully committed to support the cause because the rest of his career will have photos of him embracing Will with a rainbow flag in the background and gossip about the last minute cancelation of his wedding to the lovely Rayna James

I really LMAO at this because if this was RL, it's exactly what would happen.

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Here's a little twist that would have made the Maddie vs Fun Bobby scene much more effective: when Fun Bobby starts in on the rapist lines about how this is the way adults do business, he should have said, hey just ask Cash, she's known me for years, she knows the score. At least then that part of the story line would have had some resolution.

Creepy producer or not, Maddie signed a contract, so going home with Mom and Dad didn't resolve any of that.  I wonder how the courts will feel about a minor returning home to a father she claimed to be too afraid to live with.  

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17 hours ago, whatsatool said:

At least everyone's hair looks good. baby steps.

Um, Avery's facial hair was hella weird. His hair in general hasn't done it for me in quite awhile, but the patchy facial hair was so distracting last night that I almost couldn't fully appreciate his "You're crazy" to Layla. Almost.

I thought that worked well as a finale. I'm pretending the last minute didn't happen. The Scarlett/ Gunnar relationship has taken way too many wrong turns, but I still loved the kiss. The Will/ Kevin kiss was a nice bonus. And Deacon got to grow up and redeem himself. So well done, show. I don't need you to come back.

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I haven't seen it, but I'm going to love it, especially Avery's "we're done" moment.  I can't wait.

And the missing plane, shrug.  In my mind it's just TSA budget cuts and poor radar that is responsible for the missing plane.  Juliette will survive.  She and Avery will live happily ever after.

I don't know if Lionsgate will succeed at shopping the show, but I suspect that some of the cast won't go along.  HP will probably be one of the no-shows.  And we'll have a new show with Avery as "widow". Shrug.

I'll be watching You Tube for the alternate ending. If the show ends for good, surely the alternate will make the DVD and someone will post it to You Tube.  I love JJ and HP together.  Great chemistry.

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I'm amazed at how much I ended up liking Luke after they made him a douche for so long.  He became one of my favorites this season, so I'm really glad he and Colt are on much better footing, and that it seems he's finding his way back to his ex-wife as well.  They showed growth in his character this season, both with his family and also with his support of Will, so I am happy to buy tickets for his next tour.  

I'm telling myself that this pop-up concert and tv appearance will be the turning point for Will with all the non-homophobic country fans out there, and his music will be played everywhere and his career will take off.  Super happy that he and Kevin also found their way back together, and can resume writing together, too.  Hooray for Will!  Finally, they let him grow as a character, and that includes accepting himself as well as not being afraid to speak out on his own behalf.

I'm also telling myself that Layla's career burns out faster than it took for her to try to sabotage Juliette.  Layla, in my Nashville universe, is a has-been already, if she ever was anything at all.  Love Glenn for shit-canning her as soon as he figured out what she was.

Maddie, that's what you get when you don't take anyone's advice and make yourself deliberately stupid.  You have the queen of country as your mom, a star guitar player and song-writer as one of your dads, a rock-star manager in Glenn giving you advice, and you choose to blow them all off because some failed hanger-on tells you that you're downtrodden and being held back by your family.  Daphne for the win!

The only time I ever thought Scarlett and Gunnar were interesting was...um...hmm...well...never.  So I don't care what happened to them, either way. 

I'm so glad Juliette, Avery, Cadence and Emily will be living happily ever after, because they will.

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Don't care if it comes back or not.  Connie B. may be a bigger name than Hayden or anyone else on the show but damn, that woman can't sing for shit.  And the way she clenches her mouth when she speaks, I usually don't even know what she's saying.  The fact that she was the "star" of the show is a joke.  A show about Nashville and music people should at least have people who can sing.

Edited by Rustybones
No big fan of Connie Britton.
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18 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Well, they did leave her with Fun Bobby, so..

I don't like Cash and wanted her to get her comeuppance, but no one deserves that. 

17 hours ago, Cranberry said:

At least they didn't air the original endings for the other story lines... wasn't Kevin supposed to get shot? What were the others?

Really?! Good grief.

I loved watching Connie Britton's hair. It became straighter in the middle of the concert, but I didn't care. And Daphne sounded great!

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I agree with so much of what has been said. That was so pushed to so quickly to get things all wrapped up to nicely....except Juliette, Avery and Cadence. So disappointed in how that went down. I so wish we could have had either a 2 hour show to not rush it as fast or 2-3 more episodes....would have preferred another season instead though. I wanted to see the Maddie/Cash thing play out in more ways so Maddie could have realized she was a stupid stuck sucker and played by Cash. While I loved how Deacon saved her sorry ass and didn't beat the crap out of that guy (which he deserved) it just was to easy. I am glad Will got his happy ending finally though. Its been to long a wait for him. The whole thing with Luke calling his daughter and wanting to talk to his ex wife was odd and out of place I thought. Loved hearing Daphne have her moment to shine. Wish she could have had more of those moments and less of the tears and shoved to the side thanks to Maddie. Scarlet and Gunner, while I love the 2 of them...it was another to easy ending since he had just slept with Autumn. Layla, oh how I have never once liked this character. She was always so needy and annoying. While Juliette has not been the best person, Layla was 1000 times worse. Always playing victim to use whoever to try to get her way with things and move up in the business. I hate they gave her any happiness at the end. I loved how Avery and Glenn both dealt with her once realizing it all. To bad it wasn't sooner though. I would have liked to see this play out that it got back to Rayna and she dumped Layla's sorry ass and Layla ended up with nothing and no one wanting to deal with her crazy self. I think I will be like the others in just assuming they found Juliette alive and she gets to have her happy ending with her baby girl and Avery. Which really does he never EVER get to have a nice happy ending on anything he does? 

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1 hour ago, dcalley said:

I don't like Cash and wanted her to get her comeuppance, but no one deserves that. 

Really?! Good grief.

I loved watching Connie Britton's hair. It became straighter in the middle of the concert, but I didn't care. And Daphne sounded great!

Yeah I guess I'm not that evil to want to leave Cash with fun Bobby that would be awful. I do agree with a few others who suspect that Cash may know already of fun Bobby. Like how he is. Apparently all the other people in the country music world had an idea of who he was. That label head pretty much told Rayna it happens. Cash probably would have encouraged it. But in reality I don't wish that kind of thing on anyone.

I don't know if I would follow this show anywhere. I did love it. And then it was just kind of there for a little. There were stories I didn't like at all. I really wish the show hadn't felt compelled to write certain storylines the way they did. But I don't really think I'll follow the show on another network. I wish good things for all the actors though.

In my head canon, Juliette makes it to the airport and she goes to her house with Avery and they discuss possibly reconnecting while Juliette makes pink macaroni.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
Label head lady was not a producer
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Would have been good if Jessy Schram played Layla and they let her go complete batshit for the entire arc of the storyline. I think she could have pulled it off.

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I spent a good portion of the episode trying to figure out if Fun Bobby was old enough to have been inappropriate with a teenage Maddie AND a teenage Rayna.  I think not.  Or maybe??  

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4 minutes ago, Hawkeye720 said:

I spent a good portion of the episode trying to figure out if Fun Bobby was old enough to have been inappropriate with a teenage Maddie AND a teenage Rayna.  I think not.  Or maybe??  

Good point. The actors for Fun Bobby and Rayna are essentially the same age, FWIW.

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I really loved the episode.  It's also super easy for me to give Juliette a happy ending...the TSA guy was in on a plan hatched by Juliette and Glen to surprise Avery by coming in a different way.

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