AnnieBeez May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 31 minutes ago, AZChristian said: She tweeted that she was upset that she couldn't become a teacher without having to go through student teaching. Changed her major to Human Services. That's just odd. I'm not a fan of public speaking and didn't like being watched, but I quickly got over it. It's a good thing that I did, as teachers are observed all the time. I wonder what her reasoning is. 1 Link to comment
Christina May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 I didn't watch the episode, but thought with the older kids returning home from college it was summer break, hence why I thought the kids would be at their dad's house. I still maintain that there was no adoption, if it was anything, it was an emergency guardianship issue. I don't think those kids had their names changed, their dad did not give up his rights to them, nor do I believe the State of Nevada circumvented the entire adoption process for this family. It was bull and for the show. Now, someone will probably post a school newspaper with one of the Robyn's kid's names spelled as Brown, and I'll have to rethink my position, but without any proof other than the words of a bunch of grifters, that was all a set up for the show to try and make the divorce of Meri and marriage to Robyn more palatable to the viewers, since it was apparent that those scenes were added in at the end of the season, and I don't think TLC even knew about it at the time it happened. I think Robyn and Kody hid it from everyone, including Janelle and Christine until social media got word of it, and the production company had to start cleaning up the mess, which they did poorly since now everyone thinks Robyn stole her ex's kids from them. BUT, we're just not as smart as they are and we just don't understand. Polygamy makes them better than the rest of us. 6 Link to comment
Snarklepuss May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 11 hours ago, Absolom said: Ratings: 1.348 M viewers and a .43 rating. .06 drop in the rating from last week. That doesn't surprise me. How they could bring this back for two 2 hour episodes in a row of such boring crap makes me think TPTB are secretly trying to kill the show. Either that or they're just unbelievably stupid. 1 Link to comment
CofCinci May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 8 hours ago, Lived In Inch said: Ever since they got the houses, I've always asked myself how did an empty nester (or soon to be, at the time) ended up getting a five bedroom with a wet bar. The "go buy the wreath" rant explained some of it. And it showed that Meri is an inconsiderate selfish spender. Meri's house is used for their LIV business and for their living room church. Link to comment
Jel May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 I couldn't take the "humorous" couch scenes, with the wacky music and the Browns extremely lame attempts at being funny. Please never do that again, TLC. Utter fail. The dishonesty of this show is really starting to wear on me. We've known it for a while -- it's pure polygamist propaganda -- but I feel annoyed at their repeated attempts to shine a turd. The fact that they are deliberately deceptive about how difficult that life is bugs me. Meri, (and the entire family!) are victims of evil! Not seeing much personal responsibility there, another gripe of mine. And mostly, the thing that bugs me about this family is Kody. Kody, who had the pricey sports car and a big old Rogaine prescription when his family was getting food stamps and struggling financially. I side eyed that from the very start. 5 Link to comment
Jel May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 53 minutes ago, CofCinci said: Meri's house is used for their LIV business and for their living room church. What is their LIV business? Is that an acronym? (TIA -- I have seen it a few times here, and my Google fu failed me) Link to comment
bichonblitz May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 I admit that I miss a few episodes here and there so I have to ask when did they all start loving Robin? I thought they were all jealous of her? I don't think in all of my reality show watching I have ever wanted to punch someone in the face like I do Meri. She needs to stop lying. She wanted out of there, thought she found a way, got catfished for the world to see and now is stuck worse than before because she actually has to pretend she likes these people (except Janelle, of course). I can't stand her. Link to comment
Rabbittron May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 41 minutes ago, Jel said: What is their LIV business? Is that an acronym? (TIA -- I have seen it a few times here, and my Google fu failed me) Liv is a multi level marketing company. 1 Link to comment
Jel May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 Just now, Rabbittron said: Liv is a multi level marketing company. Thank you Rabbittron. Do you know what they sell? And is the name Liv, or does that stand for something. TIA Link to comment
AZChristian May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 If you google LIV International, you'll find the company's website. They sell weight loss and health products, but distributors make most of their money by signing up other suckers people who are lower in the pyramid. These Browns (like the ones on Alaskan Bush People) are con artists and scammers. Their "job" is to rake in as much money as they can while doing as little honest work as possible. Both Brown families hit the jackpot with TLC. 3 Link to comment
beeziebee May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 I wonder if that was a LIV product that was in that sports bottle that Meri had next to her while she was looking at her phone. There was a green liquid and ice in the bottle and it really caught my eye because that color of green doesn't exist in nature. I couldn't stop staring at it because the color was so distracting, unappetizing and artificial. I can't imagine anyone who was truly health conscious willingly drinking that stuff that was so obviously full of artificial coloring. Ugh. Link to comment
AZChristian May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 6 minutes ago, beeziebee said: I wonder if that was a LIV product that was in that sports bottle that Meri had next to her while she was looking at her phone. There was a green liquid and ice in the bottle and it really caught my eye because that color of green doesn't exist in nature. I couldn't stop staring at it because the color was so distracting, unappetizing and artificial. I can't imagine anyone who was truly health conscious willingly drinking that stuff that was so obviously full of artificial coloring. Ugh. Probably was. It is often referred to on discussion boards as "the green goo." Link to comment
CofCinci May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 1 hour ago, AZChristian said: If you google LIV International, you'll find the company's website. They sell weight loss and health products, but distributors make most of their money by signing up other suckers people who are lower in the pyramid. These Browns (like the ones on Alaskan Bush People) are con artists and scammers. Their "job" is to rake in as much money as they can while doing as little honest work as possible. Both Brown families hit the jackpot with TLC. And by trying to exploit dumb fans into buying the pyramid scheme, they welcomed the catfish into their lives. By chance, Catfish Jackie (as Lindsey) was in Vegas with her victim (waiting for "Sam Cooper"). They were invited to a LIV presentation at the Wet Bar. Meri communicated with these people because "Lindsey" worked for millionaire "Samuel". If Meri didn't want to rob Sam, she wouldn't have been Catfished. Meri's house serves a purpose as Kody and the gang are still out there "selling." I think they do one presentation a week. Outside of that, Meri's house sits empty. 3 Link to comment
Snarklepuss May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 33 minutes ago, CofCinci said: And by trying to exploit dumb fans into buying the pyramid scheme, they welcomed the catfish into their lives. By chance, Catfish Jackie (as Lindsey) was in Vegas with her victim (waiting for "Sam Cooper"). They were invited to a LIV presentation at the Wet Bar. Meri communicated with these people because "Lindsey" worked for millionaire "Samuel". If Meri didn't want to rob Sam, she wouldn't have been Catfished. Ah, so they were both scammers attempting to scam each other. Got hoist on her own petard, methinks. One wonders how much they really make on that scheme. I am sure they use their fame to hoodwink innocent people out of their hard earned money to buy into it. I'd say it's no wonder TLC will have nothing to do with them breathing a word about it on the show. They don't want to give them any free advertising. 3 Link to comment
laurakaye May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 Do the Browns honestly have that many fans who will buy the green goo and the crap on MSWC? It seems that tide turned long ago, as more and more viewers realize that the Browns are a bunch of grifting liars who lie. Do any of the adults wake up in the morning, drive to work, do the 9 - 5 thing, and come home? I know Janelle used to, but I don't even know what her job is anymore. What the hell does Kody do all day? 2 Link to comment
leighroda May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 How did Aspyn not know she would have to student teach to be a teacher? What is so bad about student teaching? I was an education major for the first half of my college career, until I started actually taking my education classes and realized I just didn't like it, the reality that 20 something sets of eyes would be watching me al day made me antsy... So I can understand just not realizing it's not for her, but simply wanting to circumvent student teaching seems weird to me, with the exception of some private schools (I mean going to teach at a private school not a private college) as far as I know all teachers are required to student teach to graduate. I'm a nurse and I can't imagine changing my mind because I don't want to do Clinicals, or expecting someone to not make me do Clinicals. Don't most majors require some kind of intern/externship? It just doesn't make sense to me, maybe there is more I don't know about. 6 Link to comment
Baby Button Eyes May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 It bugs me when Cody refers to "our church". What "church" is he talking about. Their family isn't a church, but it's not the official LDS church nor the Warren Jeffs FLDS so is there an established FLDS organization or is Cody talking nonsense! 1 Link to comment
toodles May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 19 hours ago, Lived In Inch said: Ever since they got the houses, I've always asked myself how did an empty nester (or soon to be, at the time) ended up getting a five bedroom with a wet bar. The "go buy the wreath" rant explained some of it. And it showed that Meri is an inconsiderate selfish spender. They did a shot of the outside of Meri's house and I had to freeze frame. My thought was Good God. That is a big ass house for one person. I guess I never noticed it before. But they are sure getting the TLC we hate these people edit this year. The snotty kids on the couch, the sign they sat under during the catfish cry fest, the pawning the watch (although I'm sure that was Kody's idea) that was Robyn's gift, the kid in his underwear during the baby's room discussion and the stink eye Maddie gives Kody every time she sees him, it all adds add up to a crew that is sick of these people. I think it's pretty funny. I hope they keep it up. Meri blended in pretty well with Halloween decorations, what with the orange face and all. 6 Link to comment
sweet201 May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 22 minutes ago, Baby Button Eyes said: It bugs me when Cody refers to "our church". What "church" is he talking about. Their family isn't a church, but it's not the official LDS church nor the Warren Jeffs FLDS so is there an established FLDS organization or is Cody talking nonsense! The Browns technically belong to a fundamentalist Mormon sect known as the AUB (Apostolic United Brethren.) They hold "home church" as there are presumably no AUB congregations in Vega$. 1 Link to comment
AZChristian May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 Googled this and found it on wikipedia: "The title "Apostolic United Brethren" is not generally used by members, who prefer to call it "The Work", "The Priesthood", or "The Group". Those outside the faith sometimes refer to it as the "Allred Group" because two of its presidents shared that surname. Members of the AUB do not refer to their organization as a "church" . . . Yet again, what the Browns say does not align with anyone else's truth. 1 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 Accidentally posted in episode 1 board and will remove, but RazzleberryPie TUESDAY AT 10:23 AM Meri/Janelle Wreathgate ticked me off. Meri enjoys shopping. Janelle not so much. Meri enjoys spending money. Janelle not so much. Janelle extends the olive branch to invite Meri to do something Meri enjoys, and Meri acts like she is bored to death. Bitch. i have several relatives who are all into Lula Roe and Matilda Jane - the ugliest clothing in earth to me. Yet I attend their pop up parties and listen to them gush about ugly leggings and ruffled headbands, because that's what family members do. Then they listen to me go on and on about whatever weird kitchen utensil or nutrition shake combo I've come up with this week. There is very little crossover in interests, but family and friends support each other. Meri is a selfish bitch. Not like she's interesting herself. 7 Link to comment
Adeejay May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 2 hours ago, toodles said: They did a shot of the outside of Meri's house and I had to freeze frame. My thought was Good God. That is a big ass house for one person. I guess I never noticed it before. When the homes were built, Meri and Kody were still legally wed. He is listed as co-owner on her deed, so therefore that house belongs to both of them. There was no way he was going to allow any of his other "wives" to have a bigger and nicer home. Now that they are divorced, I wonder if his name is still on that deed, if it's on Robyn's or on both. Link to comment
AZChristian May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 16 minutes ago, Adeejay said: When the homes were built, Meri and Kody were still legally wed. He is listed as co-owner on her deed, so therefore that house belongs to both of them. There was no way he was going to allow any of his other "wives" to have a bigger and nicer home. Now that they are divorced, I wonder if his name is still on that deed, if it's on Robyn's or on both. As of a couple of weeks ago, he was still on Meri's deed, and had been added to Robyn's. Link to comment
Kellyee May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 Christine said they are all working the same hours now. Working at what?? They seem to have nothing but time. And as annoying as Robyn is, I would rather live with her than Meri. I can see Aspyn not wanting to get drawn into Meri's drama. And I think Aspyn avoids living with Christine because Aspyn was the co-parent in that house for her whole life. Kody just visits. Aspyn was the person who was really helping Christine raise the other kids. She's probably sick of it, and at least at Robyn's, there is another person helping. And Robyn seems more organized than Christine, and may need less help keeping things moving. Link to comment
Absolom May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 I want to know working at what also? Filming is about all I see that they actually do. 2 Link to comment
laurakaye May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 I don't even know what, if anything, Kody did before the show started airing...did he ever have a 9-5 job? Link to comment
AZChristian May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 He was a salesman (some vague sort of internet advertising sales, I think). But he wasn't very good at it, apparently, He, Meri, Janelle, and Christine have all been through bankruptcy courts which showed that they like to charge things, but they don't like to pay them off. 1 Link to comment
Absolom May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 He did food sales for awhile I read with Schwann's before the advertising. Link to comment
CofCinci May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 They're all involved with LIV. Their "work" to is walk around Vegas tourist areas, wait to be recognized and then invite the fan to a LIV gathering (usually at Meri's Wet Bar). It's how Jackie Overton became involved in their lives. Jenelle's work as a "real estate agent" is very similar. She is the draw. Prospective buyers call for her, she makes contact, and then she passes them on to a true agent. The woman has the Brown last name, even though they aren't related --- but I wouldn't be surprised if they lead fans into believing Jenelle will eventually be a part of their homebuying process. Real estate in Vegas is on the rebound, yet Jenelle has no sales They're all hustling to figure out ways to keep up their lifestyle once the TLC money dries up. I wouldn't be surprised if they work on becoming more likeable on the series so that they can book speaking engagements. 2 Link to comment
LucyEth May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 So Meri and Janelle for all these years have never been comfortable with each other. So much for this sister wives bond crap. It is so clear Meri really does not like Janelle. She barely put an effort in and practically rolled her eyes as if she was annoyed by her indecision over the wreath. I guess sharing a husband and supposedly children doesn't make you close. IMO listening to the Kody/Janelle story, Janelle pretty much went after Kody and obviously got what she wanted, much to Meri's dismay. The old we started out as friends story and then we just fell in love. 3 Link to comment
riverblue22 May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 (edited) 32 minutes ago, LucyEth said: IMO listening to the Kody/Janelle story, Janelle pretty much went after Kody and obviously got what she wanted, much to Meri's dismay. The old we started out as friends story and then we just fell in love. In the monogamist world it would be rotten to go after another woman's husband. But in polygamy circles it is supposed to be expected. In that documentary on polygamy, Polygamy USA, they said the women picked their husbands (based on messages from God). So if Janelle heard from God that she should be married to Kody, Meri can't complain. Edited May 20, 2016 by riverblue22 1 Link to comment
SuzWhat May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 I am trying to watch this. Seriously, this is totally a boring and dreadful episode. The background music is crazy. I have a bad cold and can't find the fucking remote. 3 Link to comment
Adeejay May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 1 hour ago, LucyEth said: IMO listening to the Kody/Janelle story, Janelle pretty much went after Kody and obviously got what she wanted, much to Meri's dismay. It has long been rumored that when Janelle heard Meri and Kody were going to be living in polygamy, she divorced her husband and made her move. Hence the acrimony. Christine went after him too, but given that he has never hid his contempt for her, Meri didn't feel threatened. 3 Link to comment
spidermiss2426 May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 On 5/18/2016 at 0:35 AM, AZChristian said: She tweeted that she was upset that she couldn't become a teacher without having to go through student teaching. Changed her major to Human Services. Student teaching was hard for me, and where I found out I wasn't cut out to be a teacher. My school even gave me two shots at student teaching and even gave me the option for a 3rd try, but I told them I'd rather graduate without getting certification. If Aspyn is going the way of her parents, of course she wouldn't want to student teach. In my college back in 2000, you had to take a class just to prepare for student teaching, plus have so many hours of observation in classrooms before you COULD student teach. Link to comment
SometimesBites May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 2 hours ago, Adeejay said: It has long been rumored that when Janelle heard Meri and Kody were going to be living in polygamy, she divorced her husband and made her move. Hence the acrimony. I'm by no means a Brown apologist, but this is pure speculation. Any of us could cook up any number of motives and any kind of timeline for how Kody and Janelle went down, but it's all fiction unless one of the parties involved decides to tell the actual story. Link to comment
CofCinci May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 Jenelle was homeless, living in a tent on Kody's father's land. She threw her all into landing Kody. 4 Link to comment
SuzWhat May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 It was obvious that all parties were in on the fake watch pawning "joke" even before Kody admitted it. SoooooOooOooo fake. I guess the are trying to create a wacky, fun show. It was horrible. 2 Link to comment
andromeda331 May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, CofCinci said: Jenelle was homeless, living in a tent on Kody's father's land. She threw her all into landing Kody. I'll admit the last part throws me every time. I can't imagine why any woman would want to throw herself at Kody. I hope he was really worth it back in the day cause I can't see anything about him that Janelle would want or Christine or Meri or really any woman would want him. Edited May 20, 2016 by andromeda331 3 Link to comment
suomi May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 When we first met them, I believe Kody was still working for YESCO or just wrapping up that part of his, um, career. YESCO = Young Electric Sign Company, founded by one of Brigham's followers in SLC. They do a shit load of electric signage in Vegas and other places but Kody was working for their billboards division, driving hither and yon in an outlying sales territory, like Wyoming and Montana and such. He offered somewhere along the way that he was an outstanding salesman but didn't like being away from home so much. Link to comment
laurakaye May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 (edited) 3 hours ago, andromeda331 said: I'll admit the last part throws me every time. I can't imagine why any woman would want to throw herself at Kody. I hope he was really worth it back in the day cause I can't see anything about him that Janelle would want or Christine or Meri or really any woman would want him. I cannot believe I am even going to type this, but I can KIND OF see the Kody draw. Back before he went all caveman-surfer dude, he seemed to be one of those larger-than-life charmers, the type everyone notices when they walk into a room. I can see how someone like Meri - more on the wallflower side - would be all up in that. When the two of them were newlyweds, they actually seemed happy together. Meri frequently talks about Kody as her best friend, and that they did everything together. During the first couple of seasons, they still seemed like the best, most natural pairing. Now Janelle is harder to figure out. She has never seemed like the type to marry for passion and romance. Based on that, I wonder if she went for Kody because she wanted to be married and have kids, just without all that romantic nonsense. I also wonder what went down with her and Meri's brother - how long were they married, and why did they divorce? If it was acrimonious, why on earth would she attach herself to her ex's sister? On the flip side, I also wonder why Meri ever agreed to let her brother's ex into her own family? Where was Kody in all of this? This particular triangle seems like it was doomed from the start. Christine had the hots for Kody (still in his non-caveman phase) and wanted to be a third (and LAST) wife. Kody agreed to it because Christine was plyg royalty, and he might have felt that this cemented his image as a true polygamist - to show the outside world that he was in it for the right reasons, not his own selfishness and to show the world how desirable he was (which I can't help thinking was his secret motive). Robyn just wanted the TLC money. Edited May 20, 2016 by laurakaye 11 Link to comment
riverblue22 May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 5 hours ago, CofCinci said: Jenelle was homeless, living in a tent on Kody's father's land. She threw her all into landing Kody. I thought the tent thing was just for the experience, and that she only lasted one night in the tent before going back indoors. 2 Link to comment
egilsdottir May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 I've long suspected that Janelle had some kind of nervous breakdown, or at least a brief "wtf am I doing with my life?" episode after she divorced Meri's brother. She was raised in a normal, non-plyg Mormon household, and probably felt pressure to be the perfect Mormon wife. When that didn't happen, she left and lived on Kody's dad's property for a while. I think they've mentioned before that Janelle has a fascination with rural, Wild West type places and the outdoors. I'm guessing the tent (which I also believe was a tepee) was part of her experimentation with a different type of life. Then her mom apparently came out to visit and fell for Kody's dad, and they got married. Then Janelle and Kody decided to get married. Kadooz to y'all for taking one for the team and watching this stuff. I can't bring myself to watch this season, but love the snark. 1 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 What kind of idiot thinks you can be a teacher without doing any sort of student teaching? I want to be a surgeon? Can I just skip med school and residency and go straight to the OR? I don't like blood, either. Just give me the scrubs, salary and title of surgeon. 14 Link to comment
Kohola3 May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 Quote What kind of idiot thinks you can be a teacher without doing any sort of student teaching? What kind of idiot thinks you can be a realtor and only show houses for a few hours each day and only when kids are in school so as not to interfere with Mommy and Me Time. It's not like people with actual jobs can do things when they are at their workplace and have to do their house hunting after work and on weekends. The young generation continues to exhibit the Brown Brain Trust. 4 Link to comment
kassa May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 On 5/17/2016 at 2:27 PM, RedheadZombie said: I bet Christine appreciated whatever discipline the other mothers contributed with Mykelti. Christine has said multiple times that Mykelti is the one that keeps her up at night - more than the rest of the kids combined (and I bet she means all 20-something). To me, Christine is the most religious of the Browns. She believes this stuff on a level they don't -- to the point, even, that when Kody changes the rules, she can fall back on his being her priesthood holder and that being sufficient reason to go with it. I think her belief is sincere, if childlike in its simplicity. I suspect that her "fears" for Mykelti that kept her up all night were more a matter of knowing in her heart that her daughter didn't buy any of this and was unlikely to ever come around than that the girl actually ever behaved in such a way that anybody else would consider her trouble. Christine, to whom spaghetti straps = falling in with the wrong crowd = leaving the church and abandoning the family, was always going to clash with any kid who showed signs of attraction/identification with the scary outside world. As for TLC hiding the MLM business scam, they also do not in any way want to be named in eventual lawsuits as having promoted it. Some soap actors got caught up in something like this (maybe the same one!) and the networks cracked down because they were promoting it in interviews/social media, even sneaking it into scenes. Nobody wants the liability. 2 Link to comment
Snarklepuss May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 4 hours ago, laurakaye said: I cannot believe I am even going to type this, but I can KIND OF see the Kody draw. Back before he went all caveman-surfer dude, he seemed to be one of those larger-than-life charmers, the type everyone notices when they walk into a room. I can see how someone like Meri - more on the wallflower side - would be all up in that. When the two of them were newlyweds, they actually seemed happy together. Meri frequently talks about Kody as her best friend, and that they did everything together. During the first couple of seasons, they still seemed like the best, most natural pairing. Now Janelle is harder to figure out. She has never seemed like the type to marry for passion and romance. Based on that, I wonder if she went for Kody because she wanted to be married and have kids, just without all that romantic nonsense. I also wonder what went down with her and Meri's brother - how long were they married, and why did they divorce? If it was acrimonious, why on earth would she attach herself to her ex's sister? On the flip side, I also wonder why Meri ever agreed to let her brother's ex into her own family? Where was Kody in all of this? This particular triangle seems like it was doomed from the start. Christine had the hots for Kody (still in his non-caveman phase) and wanted to be a third (and LAST) wife. Kody agreed to it because Christine was plyg royalty, and he might have felt that this cemented his image as a true polygamist - to show the outside world that he was in it for the right reasons, not his own selfishness and to show the world how desirable he was (which I can't help thinking was his secret motive). Robyn just wanted the TLC money. ITA with your whole post, would have said the same. Meri and Kody married because they actually fell in love and had a connection beyond surface advantages and appearances. The rest of them picked him more like a commodity, not a person. Janelle needed a husband who would support her and give her many babies. Beyond that she didn't need or want much of anything and was happy that he already had a "soul mate" in Meri so she would feel less pressure to be romantic with him. Christine needed a husband too but yes, she also had the hots for him so it was about as much as she could ever hope for. You pretty much said it all about Robyn, only she was also looking for a quick husband replacement like Janelle was and Kody was at least willing to take her on despite being divorced. And from his POV he was looking for a younger more attractive wife in Robyn who would not be an emotional drain on him and would kiss his rear end because she was the most motivated to reap the advantages of being his new "favorite". 2 Link to comment
laurakaye May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 57 minutes ago, kassa said: To me, Christine is the most religious of the Browns. She believes this stuff on a level they don't -- to the point, even, that when Kody changes the rules, she can fall back on his being her priesthood holder and that being sufficient reason to go with it. I think her belief is sincere, if childlike in its simplicity. I actually think one of the reasons Christine seems to be on medication much of the time is because she does wholeheartedly believe in polygamy and the religions aspects of their lifestyle, and she knows on a deeper level that Kody does not, and it haunts her that she has been duped and has no way out. I may be way off, but the way Kody constantly throws his lifestyle in people's faces tells me that he went into polygamy as a way to scream, "Look at me! I am so desirable and awesome! I have FOUR...count 'em...FOUR women who want me! I have FOUR WIVES! You wish you were me! LOL but you're not!" Polygamists are raised to keep their lifestyle a secret. Christine has said this repeatedly on the show - that she couldn't tell people about her family, lest her dad be taken to jail. She grew up scared. Kody isn't scared one bit. He wants everyone to know, and it's not for religious reasons, it's for Kody reasons. 8 Link to comment
ghoulina May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 8 hours ago, andromeda331 said: I'll admit the last part throws me every time. I can't imagine why any woman would want to throw herself at Kody. I hope he was really worth it back in the day cause I can't see anything about him that Janelle would want or Christine or Meri or really any woman would want him. Kody is not appealing to me, at all. But I can see how, in THEIR circles, he would be appealing. When he was younger, he could have been considered a pretty handsome guy. And while he is an irresponsible doofus who doesn't take the best care of his wives's feelings, a lot of the men involved in these communities are a lot worse - straight up nasty abusers. Some women get married off to OLD dudes. So yea, I can see these women thinking Kody was a hot commodity. Although, Jenelle doesn't come across like she was EVER the type to really pine after someone, so I don't know.... 42 minutes ago, laurakaye said: I may be way off, but the way Kody constantly throws his lifestyle in people's faces tells me that he went into polygamy as a way to scream, "Look at me! I am so desirable and awesome! I have FOUR...count 'em...FOUR women who want me! I have FOUR WIVES! You wish you were me! LOL but you're not!" Didn't Kody share some stories once about his dad favoring other kids over him? Or being left out? I've always got a vibe from him that he feels starved for attention. And yes, I think you're completely right - that this lifestyle is about getting that attention, not a deep belief he holds. 6 Link to comment
RedheadZombie May 20, 2016 Share May 20, 2016 9 minutes ago, ghoulina said: Kody is not appealing to me, at all. But I can see how, in THEIR circles, he would be appealing. When he was younger, he could have been considered a pretty handsome guy. And while he is an irresponsible doofus who doesn't take the best care of his wives's feelings, a lot of the men involved in these communities are a lot worse - straight up nasty abusers. Some women get married off to OLD dudes. So yea, I can see these women thinking Kody was a hot commodity. Although, Jenelle doesn't come across like she was EVER the type to really pine after someone, so I don't know.... Didn't Kody share some stories once about his dad favoring other kids over him? Or being left out? I've always got a vibe from him that he feels starved for attention. And yes, I think you're completely right - that this lifestyle is about getting that attention, not a deep belief he holds. I really feel for Kody when it comes to his father. I don't know that Kody has outright stated his father preferred his siblings, but he's told stories that I found disturbing. The thing is, Kody justifies and rationalizes his father's treatment. How many bitter Wyoming (?) winters did Kody work the range without proper protection before his father bought it for him? And he just happened to purchase it and present it in a box that usually holds a letterman jacket? And he just happened to know that Kody wanted that letterman jacket more than anything. It's borderline abusive, IMO, and certainly an attempt to crush his spirit. He also never went to any wrestling match - ever - that Kody was in. And Kody was supposedly pretty good. Kody justifies that away. In my opinion, I think his father was deeply uncomfortable with Kody's personality (all his classmates suspected he was gay), thought he wasn't man enough, and that was that. I think this contributed to Kody's conversion to polygamy. It's an attempt to prove how manly he is. I don't think his heart is in it. He's not killing himself trying to do it well, like Brady Williams. The number of kids clearly overwhelm him. And he seems monogamous at heart. And I think that this unloving relationship with his father is why Kody has such an awkward relationship with his own sons - even when they share his passion, like wrestling. I'm a little uncomfortable saying negative things about a dead man, but I was saying it when he was alive, too. And this doesn't excuse anything Kody does, but it helps me to understand why he is the way he is. 18 Link to comment
VedaPierce May 21, 2016 Share May 21, 2016 I found it odd that janelle didn't want to rehash the past with Meri and the therapist....she only wanted to move forward, and actually said that should be a rule in the therapy session. Now, I think that's selfish, if Meri has unresolved feelings, and hurts that she would like to explore, doesn't she have a right to discuss them? Shouldn't that be the safe place for Meri to express her feelings? It seems as if Janelle is worried about how she may appear when some of her past actions are brought to light. I have never bought in to the character Janelle is portrayed to be, as so wise and stoic and hard-working. Something's off with her too. Why would she try to repress any discussions of ANYTHING in therapy? Isn't that the point of therapy? That showed dishonesty and sneakiness and yes, control over Meri. (Also, I wanna hear all the juicy bits! Lol) I'm not a fan of her repeatedly jumping up and running out of rooms, for such minor things like not being into a flash mob the rest of them are planning, or that guy talking about all the women's cycles running at the same time -silly joke, why the dramatics, Janelle? Her stupid bewilderment at feeling emotional when Hunter called in in Alaska...duh, Janelle, wonder why talking to your son whose been away for long time should make you cry....stupid. She moved in on Meri and Cody when they where married for less than a year! I think Janelle kinda sucks. 9 Link to comment
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