Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 (edited) Let the games begin... Edited May 16, 2016 by Armchair Critic 2 Link to comment
Christi May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Uhhhhh just noticed...Sister Wives is TWO HOURS tonite?? What the hell? Oh, and I forgot how much Meri looked like a turtle. ? 2 Link to comment
Christi May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Whelp it looks like Janelle gave up the ole diet and exercise routine. Im watching the newest episode tonite. Her stomach is way bigger than her chest again...Last year I thought she was about the same size as Christine. Wow...Hunter looks like a scary ball of rage...yikes. He has gotten huge since last year, and sporting that mullet/faux hawk aint helping? 9 Link to comment
Christi May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Oh crap...literally...Meri and her problimatic colon again?? Kill me How long till Mykelti becomes a sister wife for Cody's buddy Chris. Can.Not.Wait lolololol Whelp it looks like Janelle gave up the ole diet and exercise routine. Im watching the newest episode tonite. Her stomach is way bigger than her chest again...Last year I thought she was about the same size as Christine. Link to comment
MerisWetBar May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Ten minutes in, we got our first mention of DayunRoraAnBriana. I hate it so much. But speaking of-why weren't Robyn or any of her children at the family get together that Garrison called for his news? Even Christine's mother was there. Weird. Oh! AndI did hear Janelle say she married Meri's brother and it only lasted about 11 months. 4 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Author Share May 16, 2016 I must have missed Janelle saying that, I edited my original post. LOL. Flipping between this and Fear The Walking Dead, why do they have to put my shows on at the same time? ;) Mariah is looking rough at the shower. YIKES! 1 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 I do like Nancy when she's handling a single relationship. But I'm a LOT like Jenelle. If I were her right now, I'd be Done. The fact that she's willing to try, after all the years of bullying, is amazing. 5 Link to comment
leighroda May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Wait, plus a interview during the single sad show!? And the interviewer is from bridezillas/marriage boot camp. Tlc sure does want us to forget the Duggars , lol. 1 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Hmmmm. Meri is still horrible and takes no responsibility for her active role in the catfishing. Wouldn't suprise me one bit if during the taping, or even now, she's still in contact with Catfish - just in a "why are you tormenting me, STOP, oh, wait, let me text you that and see if you respond" way. Christine looks really pretty. She does have great hair. Meriah's hair looks good. Why is this baby shower at Christine's and not on Meri's glorious Wet Bar? I see the arrangement of pastries and cupcakes, but at Christine's house. Oh, the side eye from Meri when Christine is describing how Robyn's niece has been helping for years is interesting. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if this neice of Robyn becomes wife #5. Girl is dull, but she looks like Kody's type. Janelle and Meri therapy session. Oh dear lord when I think Meri cannot possibly get worse, she does. Meri has to be in control. Janelle can't even as to try to makeup without Meri have to say no, has to be on HER terms. I seriously think Meri's decision two years ago to try to work thinks out with Janelle was totally self-serving. Isn't that about the time the whole 'divorce Meri to marry Robyn' plot began? Meri actually needed Janelle as a friend, so she agreed to try to get along. That woman has zero redeeming qualities. Robyn, Robyn. The bloom is off the rose, and it's hilarious. How soon did she get legal wife status before she turned into a grumbling harpy? She has wasted no time in being a total bitch. Can't blame it all on pregnancy, because she's been down this road before, and wasn't a total bitch then. Of course, she was still cementing her place as favorite wife then. Now she doesn't have to. The whole pawn shop watch ordeal - quite hilarious that Kody was going to try to pawn a gift from Robyn to buy something for Christine. Another demonstration that Robyn's bloom is off the rose. He never would've done that, even jokingly, before. BTW - Mykelti and Meriah look like they could be twins, except Meriah's scowl makes her so much less attractive than Mykelti. I will say Meriah is far more mature and bearable now. Going away to school is mellowing her out. She needed it. 8 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Meri saying that the insights she just gained.....would have been helpful 20 minutes ago...aiggghhh! How do these women live in the same home for most of that time, and share a husband, not have the slightest idea what makes each other tick??? And where was Ko-duh during all that? He knew they had problems. Doesn't sound like he was ever engaged enough to help them get along. Polygamy sucks. 8 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Author Share May 16, 2016 Aspyn has chunked up too. Those poor kids, the fat genes run rampant in that family. 5 Link to comment
kassa May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 I call shenanigans on the whole doctor visit. The doc acted like she was giving an anxious Meri the all-clear about her tests. But what she says is that the ultrasound showed that what the ct saw as suspicious was benign. Unless they do things very differently at strip mall medical offices, what kind of ultrasound is ever done without the doctor saying what's up while you're lying there? Presumably she got the dildocam and it would have been pretty straightforward. The only thing I can think of to explain it is that this doc outsources the ultrasound to technicians, not MDs, and they're prohibited from discussing diagnoses. Which is bullshit for somebody on edge expecting a cancer diagnosis. So it was all playacting for the show or Meri needs a better provider. 3 Link to comment
mamapajama May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Christine is trying to take Robyn's place as the team crier. Maddie's leaving, Garrison's enlistment, the preview of wedding gown shopping. Enough with the "I'm gonna cry." "Oh, I feel emotional." blah - blah - blah... Please. Please. Please learn some grammar! "Her and me..." "Him and I..." "Haffin' to go to the hospital." 6 Link to comment
Adeejay May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 It's unfortunate that Maddie and Mykelti decided to drop out of College. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Aspyn would rather live with Robyn than her Mother. Given that Meri has two empty bedrooms, and she has known her all her life, I wonder why she didn't stay with her. I find it interesting that Garrison's Mother doesn't seem worried that he is joining the Armed Forces, but everyone else is having heart palpitations. So, Meri and Janelle didn't get along because Meri was jealous that her husband was sleeping with another woman. It's been 20 years. We get it. Please move on. I was under the impression that the idea behind this show is for the world to see that polygamy can work. But, based on some of their confessions, it clearly does not. 11 Link to comment
jacksgirl May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 This episode was all over the place. Big Kids moving out, military possibilities, baby showers and therapy, wow! I really hope Garrison was ok with Kody announcing he had passed his physical and was now a private. Knowing what a show off Kody is, who knows. Also Christine and Janelle are much more insightful in their past roles and relationship dynamics than Meri is. If these people are a model of polygamy it's amazing anyone is a polygamist. The women are jealous and miserable. 4 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Author Share May 16, 2016 Mullet alert!! LOL at the hair on Hunter. 4 Link to comment
Galloway Cave May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 (edited) The Gang had several "Screw you, Interwebz" moments tonight. Like when Meri said that she was a private person and never told Kody or the other wives about her stomach problems and that is why Kody didn't go with her to the doctor. Janelle finally came clean about how she knew Meri. There was a ton of backstory on several family situations that we have discussed here and on CJ's blog (not that I believe the majority of it in any way). I guess they are mopping up the crime scene during the last season. Hunter is his father's son. There is no way in hell that Christine doesn't know how far along Robyn is. Why didn't Aspyn move in with Meri? There is a ton of more space there and she could act like it was here own private apartment. Why in the world would she think moving in with Robyn and that wad of hyperactive kids plus Mindy would be a good thing? Edited May 16, 2016 by Galloway Cave 7 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Did Meri offer Mykelti to movie in? 3 Link to comment
Adeejay May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 (edited) 7 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said: Did Meri offer Mykelti to movie in? Aspyn is the daughter that lives with Robyn; Mykelti works at the Pawn shop in St. George. Edited May 16, 2016 by Adeejay 2 Link to comment
truelovekiss May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Aspyn doesn't want to mother her siblings anymore so she moves in with Robyn, mother of the youngest beloved son, and a newborn baby girl... ...seems legit. 15 Link to comment
truelovekiss May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 36 minutes ago, jacksgirl said: This episode was all over the place. Big Kids moving out, military possibilities, baby showers and therapy, wow! I think the episode is supposed to come across as scattered and erratic. Like, lol those zany Browns have so much going on! It must be crazy to have FOUR WIVES. 5 Link to comment
absolutelyido May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 (edited) 23 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said: The Gang had several "Screw you, Interwebz" moments tonight. Like when Meri said that she was a private person and never told Kody or the other wives about her stomach problems and that is why Kody didn't go with her to the doctor. I can believe Meri wanted to keep her doctor appointments private. So she just kept them between herself and the camera crew. Because nothing says privacy like a nationally televised doctor appointment. Quote Why didn't Mykelti move in with Meri? There is a ton of more space there and she could act like it was here own private apartment. Why in the world would she think moving in with Robyn and that wad of hyperactive kids plus Mindy would be a good thing? Yeah I don't get that either. I can understand not wanting to go back and live with her mother. And I guess I can understand why she wouldn't want to live with Janelle even though Janelle now only has two kids at home because I think they all know Janelle likes her separate time. But for all Meri's faults, it does seem like she got along with all the kids, I would think it would be a good choice for Aspyn to stay with her. Maybe Aspyn wanted to stay with Robyn so she will actually get to see her father. Edited May 16, 2016 by absolutelyido 10 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 10 minutes ago, Adeejay said: Aspyn is the daughter that lives with Robyn; Mykelti works at the Pawn shop in St. George. Either way, did Meri offer? 3 Link to comment
kassa May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Aspyn may not mind mothering her siblings but merely doesn't want her mom second guessing her when she does it. Wasn't she the one pressing for them to take Truely's illness seriously? I can see some damaging aftermath from that. I too wondered why not Meri. I also wondered how many damn rooms Robyn has. She already has two teen girls and a teen boy and her niece presumably upstairs. Her bedroom and the nursery downstairs. ?! 2 Link to comment
truelovekiss May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 The only way I can see Aspyn picking Robyn over Meri is A) is Meri didn't want Aspyn to live with her or B) Aspyn didn't want to live with Meri. 6 Link to comment
Adeejay May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 If I were a betting woman, I'd bet that "Aspyn didn't want to live with Meri." I distinctively remember Meri giving Mykelti quite a dress down for wearing what she considered an inappropriate top. 3 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Meri is selfish. As much as she whines about being lonely, she has isolated herself from her family on purpose. She was planning to split with Catfish, so why on earth would she bring in another wife's grown daughter into her home, so she could report back Meri's affair? Meri July has four or five bedrooms, so having someone else there might district her scrapbook room or her self tanning room or what ever. also, I can't imagine Mykelti wanting to live there with micro manager control freak Meri. Now why Robyn? No idea. Janelle didn't have enough room? 7 Link to comment
Jodio May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Tonight's show was soooooo depressing. I was hoping the catfishing humiliation humbled Meri a little, but nope, she's still the same miserable, manipulative bitch. Janelle should run away from this reconciliation. Bad idea all around. There's nothing in it for Janelle and I think Meri just wants an ally. Very sad to see Mykelti dropping out of school to work in a pawn shop. No way she needs to take that route to growing up. She might have well have stayed in Vegas and found a job as a receptionist in a brothel. No good will come out of her new career direction. She will not be meeting people there who will influence her into going back to college. Every time I see the Browns blowing money on party/holiday decorations, my blood boils. I wonder how much money they've wasted over the years on crap. If these morons had stayed in Utah, kept their expenses as low as possible, got/kept actual jobs, and invested the TLC cash, they'd be way better off in the long run. When the TLC gravy train pulls out of the station, they're going to have nothing. 10 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Author Share May 16, 2016 2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said: Robyn, Robyn. The bloom is off the rose, and it's hilarious. How soon did she get legal wife status before she turned into a grumbling harpy? What happened to her marital advice of treating every day like a honeymoon? [/eyeroll] 3 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Author Share May 16, 2016 LOL at Meri and Janelle shopping together. Janelle does seem like the most boring person ever. 7 Link to comment
LotusFlower May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 So of the five oldest kids, only Logan and Mariah are still in school (college), right? (Is Mariah still at that private university?). It's really sad that Madison, Aspyn and Mykelti dropped out. What happened to Mykelti's interest in fashion? Why on earth would she move out of state and live on her own, working at a pawn shop? Everything about that sounds miserable. How is this going to "mature" her? Isn't that what college is for? I'm not sure why her parents didn't encourage her to move into a dorm and stick with school. Speaking of college, what happened to Meri's plans to go back to school? 4 Link to comment
RedheadZombie May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Maybe Aspyn wants to live with Robyn because she enjoys a chaotic household. So Janelle's contribution to planning, decorating, and preparing food for the baby shower was purchasing eleven cupcakes? I like seeing when the moms are loving towards another mom's child. Meri was snuggled up with Gwendlyn (WTF? Autocorrect substituted "aged flies"). Hopefully the other kids will compensate for Mariah's ride on her high horse. How many bedrooms does Robyn have? She needs one for Dayton, one for her, one for the girls, one for Solomon, one for the niece and now one for Aspyn? Six bedrooms? 1 Link to comment
CofCinci May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Aspyn wants to live with Robyn for one reason and one reason only --- to have more access to Kody. She wants his attention and has decided to put herself where he is the most. 5 Link to comment
Granny58 May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 9 hours ago, Galloway Cave said: The Gang had several "Screw you, Interwebz" moments tonight. Like when Meri said that she was a private person and never told Kody or the other wives about her stomach problems and that is why Kody didn't go with her to the doctor. Janelle finally came clean about how she knew Meri. There was a ton of backstory on several family situations that we have discussed here and on CJ's blog (not that I believe the majority of it in any way). I guess they are mopping up the crime scene during the last season. Hunter is his father's son. There is no way in hell that Christine doesn't know how far along Robyn is. Why didn't Aspyn move in with Meri? There is a ton of more space there and she could act like it was here own private apartment. Why in the world would she think moving in with Robyn and that wad of hyperactive kids plus Mindy would be a good thing? would you move into a type A controlling woman's house? Not me! You would be walking on eggshells every day. 2 Link to comment
SistaLadybug May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 I think there might be a few reasons for why Aspyn wouldn't move in with Meri: Meri didn't invite her. Even with the therapy, Meri is still separated from the family and doesn't seem all that willing to re-engage to the same degree yet. Meri has been around all of Aspyn's life. She is Mom. If Aspyn is trying to achieve a bit of "grown-up" space, she's not going to go home to Mom. Christine, Meri, and Janelle are Mom. Robyn isn't. No matter what they try to portray, I don't think any of the kids (save her own) think of Robyn as a mother figure. They don't seem to respect her. Most of them don't even seem to like her. The kids aren't stupid and Aspyn is at the age that she'll be very active on social media. I'm sure all the older children are aware of the catfish situation. I'm sure that Mariah isn't the only one angry with Meri. I can see Aspyn being embarrassed by and pissed at Meri and not wanting to be around her as a result. 8 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Author Share May 16, 2016 Did I miss Mariah talking about her mom getting involved with the Catfish? I admit I sometimes don't watch that closely as I find the comments here more interesting than the actual show. 3 Link to comment
CofCinci May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Why did the producers partly name this episode "polygamy perks"? There are no perks. Everyone is miserable. 22 Link to comment
ghoulina May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 I don't think it's a huge deal that Mykelti has quit going to school. College is not for everyone, but at least she tried. They still have Mariah, Logan, and Aspyn in school, as far as I know. Maddie has insisted she'll go back, so we'll see. Hunter and Garrison are pursuing military careers. I wouldn't be hugely supportive of that, given my stance on war, but that route will give them education opportunities, as well as a life long career, if they so choose. But it's very unrealistic to expect every 18 year old to have it all figured out. Some may know exactly what they want to do, and start to pursue that course. But others may not have any idea. Why waste the money if you're not into it? If you're not sure what you want to do? Your youth is about finding yourself, and for some that takes many different paths, trying out many different things. What I do like is seeing that Brown kids have choices and support. As fucked up as the adult relationships are, I think they've done pretty good by their kids (mostly putting that on Christine and Jenelle). Take Garrison, you could tell they were uncomfortable with the idea, but they supported him. They'll even go so far as to sign for him, since he isn't quite 18 yet. These are parents who recognize the individuality of their children and let them follow their own paths. It's interesting that Aspyn is moving in with Robyn. It makes perfect sense, to me, that she wouldn't want to move in with Christine, but Robyn??? Isn't she just going to have the urge to "mother" those kids as well. But Robyn has help already, so maybe that won't be an issue. If it were me, I'd be kicking it in Meri's big, empty house. Where the hell are they going to put Aspyn? They've got almost 5 kids in there and Mindy. Speaking of, Mindy better not be a contender for the 5th wife. Number one, ew. But also, her THs simultaneously put me to sleep and made me want to stab people. Yawn, Meri doesn't have cancer. Knew that. Want to know why you were losing weight, Meri? Because you thought you were going to be getting the D. Was Kody wearing one of Maci Bookout's horrible leather pocket T's during one of his rushing around between houses segments? Good Lord, those things are ugly. So I think the whole thing about Meri and Jenelle wanting to work on their relationship has been one, long power struggle. "I'm ready to work on things"- "Oh really? I'm not." "Okay, NOW I'm ready" - "Oh, sorry, changed my mind". I agree that those two are very very different, when it comes to communication and how they deal with conflict. But they are very alike in one way - they're stubborn as hell. But I will say, since this decision to work on things, I think Jenelle is honestly taking it very seriously. Meri, I don't know. Something about her reeks of condescension. The skeptical side of me thinks she's just going through with it for a storyline, a storyline that ISN'T the catfishing. She seems to be placating Jenelle, and Jenelle seems to be serious. JMO I still wish they'd tell more about what happened in the early days. They're always so vague. Jenelle acts like she was so hurt and traumatized by it. What exactly happened? I want a blow-by-blow accounting of each fight, damnit! But back to the Mindy thing, what is with Christine's excuse - that they need help because they're all working the same hours. Doing what???? I bet Meri was loving that the baby shower was hosted at Christine's. I bet she didn't know you could serve treats without a wetbar. 9 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 16, 2016 Author Share May 16, 2016 I also snickered when Christine said they needed the babysitters because they all work the same hours? WORK?!? I wonder if Kody and Robyn may secretly not be so thrilled that Aspyn is moving in with Robyn because it may interrupt them playing footsies and really reveal who he favors (although the kids probably already know). 1 Link to comment
ghoulina May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 10 hours ago, Armchair Critic said: Aspyn has chunked up too. Those poor kids, the fat genes run rampant in that family. It's interesting that Jenelle, who has been the heaviest wife, seems to have the thinnest kids. Logan and Hunter and Garrison all seem pretty fit and average. Maddie has gained some weight over the years, but she's still the smallest of the older girls. But poor Christine's I don't think these kids have been given very healthy food options over the years. 10 hours ago, Adeejay said: I find it interesting that Garrison's Mother doesn't seem worried that he is joining the Armed Forces, but everyone else is having heart palpitations. I think Jenelle is probably just as worried, but she's not an outward emoter like the rest of them. 4 Link to comment
Jordan Baker May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 1 hour ago, CofCinci said: Why did the producers partly name this episode "polygamy perks"? There are no perks. Everyone is miserable. Maybe it was a typo. Polygamy jerks sounds more appropriate. 18 Link to comment
islandgal140 May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 A two hour episode?!? On a Sunday!?? Ain't nobody got time for that. Sunday is a televisual feast for me what with Game of Thrones, Fox Animation Domination (yeah, I still watch it), Fear the Walking Dead (not that that is anything to write home about) Penny Dreadful and not to mention I got to get to work in the morning. I don't know why TLC has to front load the season with these long ass episodes that don't even dive deep. 8 hours ago, LotusFlower said: So of the five oldest kids, only Logan and Mariah are still in school (college), right? (Is Mariah still at that private university?). It's really sad that Madison, Aspyn and Mykelti dropped out. What happened to Mykelti's interest in fashion? Why on earth would she move out of state and live on her own, working at a pawn shop? Everything about that sounds miserable. How is this going to "mature" her? Isn't that what college is for? I'm not sure why her parents didn't encourage her to move into a dorm and stick with school. If you remember Mykelti's design book there would be little need to wonder. LOL! Let me not shade, but yeah, she still could have gone to fashion school. If she didn't have the talent to be a designer, there are other aspects of fashion. She could go into merchandising, marketing, any number of fields in fashion. I admit that I turned it off after someone mentioned Mykelti would learn more in a pawn shop than in 4 years of college. No college ain't for everyone and work experience together with interaction with a wide spectrum of people can provide a rich experience but that was just eye rolling. Wonder why some of the kids don't think about trade school. 9 hours ago, Jodio said: Every time I see the Browns blowing money on party/holiday decorations, my blood boils. I wonder how much money they've wasted over the years on crap. If these morons had stayed in Utah, kept their expenses as low as possible, got/kept actual jobs, and invested the TLC cash, they'd be way better off in the long run. When the TLC gravy train pulls out of the station, they're going to have nothing. My ass is petty as hell so even small things got me gritting my teeth. Seeing so many of the wives with their nails did, Meri with the latest large iphone - the better to be catfished with, no doubt- kinda chaps my ass. Don't get me started with Kody's toys like his cars and watches. Robyn and Meri being so close, or used to be, I wonder why Robyn doesn't hook Meri up with her hair routine. Robyn's hair always looks moisturized and healthy. Meri's hair looks like it would snap off if you touched it. Jenelle definitely put some of that weight back on. In one of her THs, she looked about as pregnant as Robyn. 15 Link to comment
butterbody May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 11 hours ago, Adeejay said: It's unfortunate that Maddie and Mykelti decided to drop out of College. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Aspyn would rather live with Robyn than her Mother. Given that Meri has two empty bedrooms, and she has known her all her life, I wonder why she didn't stay with her. I find it interesting that Garrison's Mother doesn't seem worried that he is joining the Armed Forces, but everyone else is having heart palpitations. So, Meri and Janelle didn't get along because Meri was jealous that her husband was sleeping with another woman. It's been 20 years. We get it. Please move on. I was under the impression that the idea behind this show is for the world to see that polygamy can work. But, based on some of their confessions, it clearly does not. I also thought it was weird that Aspyn wouldn't stay with Meri. I guess this is why Robyn was trying to figure out how to cram the new baby in the same room as Sol last week. Plus if Aspyn doesn't want to 'parent' kids, why move in with the breeder wife? While Meri is locked in her "office" surfing, Aspyn could have that whole wet bar to herself. 12 Link to comment
laurakaye May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 (edited) 11 hours ago, Adeejay said: So, Meri and Janelle didn't get along because Meri was jealous that her husband was sleeping with another woman. It's been 20 years. We get it. Please move on. I was under the impression that the idea behind this show is for the world to see that polygamy can work. But, based on some of their confessions, it clearly does not. So much this. I am completely over these women acting as if jealousy is an emotion they must suppress in order to gain entrance into Kody's Holy Planet or whatever. And they are all suppressing it so well...Meri looks like a clinically depressed orange, Janelle acts like it ain't no thing, yet her weight and perpetual blank stare suggest otherwise, and Christine all but grabs onto Kody's legs and makes him drag her around the cuddle-sac to get a smidgen of attention from him. They've been drinking the Kody kool-aid for years. Now they're complaining that they don't like how it tastes...or something like that. 11 hours ago, truelovekiss said: I think the episode is supposed to come across as scattered and erratic. Like, lol those zany Browns have so much going on! It must be crazy to have FOUR WIVES. Wait - Kody has FOUR WIVES?! You don't say? How does he do it? And still manages to maintain those flowing golden locks?! The show should be called "SuperKody Saves the Cuddle-Sac!" Wow! He is, like, sooooooooo desirable!! LOL. 43 minutes ago, Jordan Baker said: Maybe it was a typo. Polygamy jerks sounds more appropriate. LOLOLOL...Internet win for the day. Edited May 16, 2016 by laurakaye 10 Link to comment
Galloway Cave May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Quote How does he do it? And still manages to maintain those flowing golden locks?! Half the time this episode Kody's hair looked like a geyser coming out of the top of his head- it stood straight up for about three inches then hung limply down in all directions. It was quite the look. 5 Link to comment
luvmylabs May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 Janelle has put on weight. Wonder why Aspen didn't move in with Meri...she doesn't want to 'mother' kids so Robyn seems a poor choice. Link to comment
Lsk02 May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 I haven't gotten through tonight's show yet (I quit last season and still haven't worked up the motivation to start back up again, but still follow here and other sites), but did Aspyn really quit college? She seemed very into her sorority and campus life. I checked her social media and it's all private now, but she says she's the Panhellenic president, which is a huge deal at a school that size. Anyone have further info on her? Link to comment
Misslindsey May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 (edited) Quote I don't think it's a huge deal that Mykelti has quit going to school. College is not for everyone, but at least she tried. They still have Mariah, Logan, and Aspyn in school, as far as I know. Maddie has insisted she'll go back, so we'll see. Hunter and Garrison are pursuing military careers. I wouldn't be hugely supportive of that, given my stance on war, but that route will give them education opportunities, as well as a life long career, if they so choose. I concur. Your whole post said it better than I could have. I loved college ( Sparty on! ), but can see how it isn't for everyone. I think with the amount of children they have it is unrealistic that they would all pursue college. It seems that if the kids are not in college they at least have jobs. I mean there is another big TLC family that I am not sure if any of their kids have jobs. Quote I haven't gotten through tonight's show yet (I quit last season and still haven't worked up the motivation to start back up again, but still follow here and other sites), but did Aspyn really quit college? She seemed very into her sorority and campus life. I checked her social media and it's all private now, but she says she's the Panhellenic president, which is a huge deal at a school that size. I do not have any further info on her, but I just assumed that she was still in college (though was this filmed in the summer?) and just moved home while still attending. I wondered if it was just for the summer that she moved home and maybe she would move back in the fall since Christine did say their lease was up. It could be a cost cutting measure or she could be moving into a sorority house or a new apartment come fall. I have to give it up to the editors who constantly show shots of Meri on her phone. It cracks me up every time. Maybe she found another model-worthy multi-millionaire who she can try to have sexy times with at Disneyland. Also Meri, if you are trying to make your relationship better with Janelle maybe you should try to be a bit less bitchy in your TH's. Just a thought. Edited May 16, 2016 by Misslindsey 2 Link to comment
3girlsforus May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 11 hours ago, truelovekiss said: The only way I can see Aspyn picking Robyn over Meri is A) is Meri didn't want Aspyn to live with her or B) Aspyn didn't want to live with Meri. Or C) they told her she could only move out of her mom's place if she moved in with Robyn to help her and told the TV people it was her idea 2 Link to comment
toodles May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 11 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said: Half the time this episode Kody's hair looked like a geyser coming out of the top of his head- it stood straight up for about three inches then hung limply down in all directions. It was quite the look. Plus it was a greasy, gross mess. Greasy, smelly hair is one of my pet peeves. I liked this for the most part. It had the usual tlc bs, with the pawn shop, thanksgiving crap and stupid baby shower. But I liked the Janelle and meri part. It interested me and I thought it was a peek in to the reality of bringing another wife to a new marriage. Imagine my surprise that I actually liked part of this episode. My spell check doesn't know what to do with itself. 2 Link to comment
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