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S06.E04: Book of the Stranger

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Episode Synopsis:

Tyrion strikes a deal. Jorah and Daario undertake a difficult task. Jaime and Cersei try to improve their situation.

Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into a potential spoiler you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

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Castle Black – yeah, that was pretty great.  Also, those Tormund glances at Brienne would probably bump the episode up a grade point if I assessed it overall in those terms.  Though I was thrown by Jon referring to Ned as "your [Sansa's] father"; uh, guys, he doesn't know his parentage yet.  Either "our father" or "your mother" would have made more sense.

Runestone – okay, so, if I’m understanding Baelish’s plan here, it’s to show up on the pretense of having been ambushed, but to make no effort whatsoever to act worried (he literally opens with gifts like a visiting uncle) then somehow threaten the Lord of Runestone with immediate execution in his own castle (where are Royce’s own men?  These should be his soldiers) to bully him into going along with his invasion of the North.  Why would Royce, as soon as he was away from these guys, not immediately gather his own men and the other lords and arrest Littlefinger?  Yeah, this whole plot is ridiculous.  

Meereen -- much more interesting interactions amongst the leadership triad this time.

Vaes Dothrak – that was also pretty cool.

King’s Landing – Y’know, Margaery kind of sucks as a player.  She’s imprisoned by theocrats but doesn’t make the slightest pretense of being familiar with the “Bible” before she got thrown in jail.  Book!Margaery made a big point of being pious; it was kind of important to her image, as with any would-be queen.

Iron Islands – the less pleasant sibling reunion of the episode.

Winterfell – well, at least they got that over with quickly.

Edited by SeanC
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Hmmmmm.  I'm pretty sure GRRM said that Dany is not fire-proof unless some serious magic is going down (like the birth of dragons.)  I wonder if they've gone completely off-book now.

And they brought Osha back for just for that?  Shit. I guess that means Osha/Rickon/Umber aren't playing the long con like I hoped.

Yay for the Jon/Sansa hug and Brienne calling out the two people involved in Renly's murder and announcing that she killed Stannis.  Other than that, I wasn't enjoying very much in this episode.

Edited by WatchrTina
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My cheers scared my cats. They must not be Stark fans. 

Dany pulling off the fire trick again was impressive. I was expecting Drogon to burst into the temple and eat the Khals but this was better. 

Jon and Sansa taking back Winterfell. FUCK YES!

Osha's scene has me more convinced that ShaggyDog is still alive. Poor Osha.

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Just now, Mya Stone said:

Also, although I know there's going to be some "Dany the Unburnt" backlash, I have to say I truly enjoyed her "Fuck the Patriarchy" moment, and that it didn't involve a dragon. 

I did too.  The problem for me is that she should have come out engulfed in flames or something.  She just looks so perfect.  Not even when the dragons were born did she look that perfectly clean.  She should have had at least a bit of soot here and there, you know?  Maybe her hair is singed a little, and maybe she throws off her burning gown. 

Anywhoo, bye, bye Osha, you were good until the end.  I hate Ramsay.

Jon and Sansa was wonderful.

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Jon and Sansa together again! Yay!!! I wish it could have been Jon and Arya, but anything can happen in the next seasons.

RIP again Tonks. I knew it was coming but still sucks.

Now Ghost HAS to rip out Ramsey's throat at the end of the season.

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1 minute ago, WatchrTina said:

Hmmmmm.  I'm pretty sure GRRM said that Dany is not fire-proof unless some serious magic is going down (like the birth of dragons.)  I wonder if they've gone completely off-book now.

He did say that but you have to remember that Dany learned that life pays for life.  She hatched the dragons and didn't die when she chained the witch to the pyre.  Maybe the lives of the khals was used in exchange for Dany's? 

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I absolutely loved this episode. Some big wins, overall, for the good guys. Jon and Sansa are united and that  hug. Daenerys kicked ass. (Don't care if she will be called a white savior.) She looked awesome in the flames. Brienne confronting Mel...yes! I feel for Davos when he learns how Shireen died.


Poor Osha. I saw it coming though. 

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3 sibling reunions! So of course there had to be one awful death.  I enjoyed the hell out of this episode; I seriously cried when Sansa and Jon reunited.  I wonder if once he finds out his parentage they will decide that it's ok to hook up?


LOVED Cersei and Olenna cutting a deal, recognizing each other as playas.  Jaime and Kevan are just along for the ride.

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Sansa hugging Jon brought a cheer to my lips and a tear to my eyes.  Though couldn't they get Kit Harrington a box to stand on?  


I'm happily surprised that Dany took control of the Dothraki on her own rather than because of another last minute rescue from Drogon.  Doing another Unburnt thingy contradicts what GRRM has said about the first one being unique, but what the hell, it looked cool.


Super Ramsey strikes again.  Really, D&D, fuck off with your Ramsey love.  I really hope this wasn't part of some scheme from the Umbers because I'd rather they were actual bad guys instead of morons.


I have no idea what the hell Tyrion is trying to accomplish.  "Get rid of slavery in seven years".  "Okay, sure [because you'll be dead or otherwise gone well before then]".  And while making that deal, he managed to antagonize the Freedmen, the only people actually still on his side.


I'm totally rooting for Cercei and her plots and schemes against the High Sparrow.  Because seriously, fuck that guy.  I just hope someone gets to punch Septa Unella in the throat, a lot.

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Fuck yeah!

That was awesome.  We FINALLY get a Stark sibling reunion and it was well worth it.  Very emotional reunion between Jon and Sansa and I'm so glad they'll be marching south back to Winterfell and that Sansa wants to lead the charge.  Plus, we got a version of the Bastard Letter. 

I'd forgotten how interesting the dynamics are between Brienne, Davos and Melisandre.  That's a power keg waiting to explode.

When it's time to credit D&D for something, I will.  The fact that they disposed of Dany's Dothraki subplot in four episodes (in three appearances for her) is a job well done.  The scene might have been slightly ludicrous but it was pretty awesome.  Finally the Dothraki got interesting!  Plus, I like how much better Vaes Dothrak looks this season.  Sadly, I'm pretty sure it will take over a thousand pages for Dany to wrap up her Dothraki business in The Winds of Winter.

I thought the actress who plays Yara (Gemma Whalen?) did a really good job in the reunion with Theon (so did Alfie).

They brought back Osha for that?  Sigh.  I'm only grateful it was a relatively painless death compared to what could have happened to her.  So looking forward to Ramsay being taken down for good.

Yeah, being able to threaten Royce in his own castle is bizarre though the dynamics with Littlefinger in the Vale are interesting.  I hope Jon doesn't trust him.

The Tyrion Meereen storyline is finally getting interesting.

Never expected a High Sparrow backstory but to no one's surprise, Pryce nails it again.  Though the show's portrayals of Loras and Jaime continue to rub me the wrong way about this storyline.

Edited by benteen
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Um it's going to take me a few days to process what I just saw.

Mereen- Dany has no chill. She has to be the final villain. If not you have an indestructible hero and that would be bad writing. She has a dothraki army with her, can we finally start moving her away from Mereen please. That offer by Tyrion was obviously to buy time

Iron throne- Nice setup for next week. I still don't see how Yara's going to beat Euron

North- Did we really need to see Ramsay kill Osha? I've never been bothered by Ramsay before but that scene was just torture porn for the sake of making him more evil.

The Vale- Littlefinger somehow using what should've been a huge fuckup to strengthen his position <3.

Kings landing- Finally Cersei's back. Welcome back to the game, we all missed you. Margery would've been such an interesting protagonist. Sadly, this ain't her story. Hopefully the queen of Thorns being around stops her from going too far off the rails.

The Wall- Jon and Sansa reuniting <3. A guarantee that one way or the other that Rickon will be with them  by the end of the season is also kind of cool.  Pink Letter <3. Sansa smacking Jon off his emo horse <3 The Wall in general was just awesome.

This episode definitely had a feminist bent to it.  I now see what they were talking about when previewing this season.

Edited by Oscirus
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Of course the embrace we've been waiting for. Best moment. However, Tormonds look at Brienne during dinner are still making me laugh. So awesome. Plus I loved her total WTF look back. Lol

Im tired of Dario picking at Jorah. I'd choose him over Dario without batting an eye cuz he is one sexy beast. And laughed at his little peak at Dany. 

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Perhaps it was reuniting with a sibling, or having thousands of miles between her and Ramsay, or maybe it's just Brienne's kickass influence on her but I'm totally here for Sansa and her "let's go to war with these fuckers" attitude.  Just a couple of eps back she was still a damsel in distress so this is an awesome change.   So the wildings that support Jon, the Knights of the Vale and whatever Northern houses that still support the Starks are going to battle the Boltons?  I hope this means the end of Ramsay because more than anything, I am ready for a new villain on the show.  I'm sick of everything's coming up Ramsay and the High Sparrow isn't otherwise cutting it.  I could not care less about anything happening in King's Landing or with Dany.  Give me some white walkers.

I know the Iron Islands aren't crowd faves but I really enjoy the actress's portrayal of Yara Greyjoy.

Edited by LilaFowler
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1 minute ago, Avaleigh said:

I loved Brienne being totally upfront with Mel and Davos that she executed Stannis because Stannis killed his brother using blood magic. She has no fucks to give with these people.

I kind of feel bad that she seems to have the wrong impression of Davos though and hope that she gets to know him a bit better. 

I forgot about that scene. I'm kind of mad that Brienne interrupted before Davos could find out about Shireen.

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Eh, at least Osha didn't get tortured? Which is the best we can hope for when SuperRamsey is involved. Rickon is in dungeons? If it's near the tombs, he'll be happy.

Margery was cultivating the people of King's Landing, a bit surprised that she hasn't thrown out her charity work to the sparrow. Olenna and Cersie on the same side? Poor Loras didn't get a mention in that whole conversation.

Dany had her fire trick again, now she can be all "told you I was 'the Unburnt' bitches". How long will Daario keep Jorah's secret?

Too bad Brienne interrupted Davos' questions about Shireen. I want Mel to pay for that burning. Oh, and Brienne, my man Tormond is a pretty decent catch, as guys of the North go, he'll appreciate you as a woman, not a decoration.

Best part of the episode was Jon and Sansa. Just awesome. She's grown from the naive little girl of the first season. The Pink Letter was pretty awesome. Guess once Sweet Robin and the Vale army shows up, they'll have enough for a battle? Only hope is that Sansa and Robin turn on Littlefinger. I want that man to suffer.

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A dragon cannot be hurt by fire! I don't care that they changed Dani's fireproofness from the books, that looked awesome and she needed to pull of a huge magic show to get the entire Khalasar to bend the knee to her. I liked that she did the killing herself this time rather than be rescued by her dragons. But yeah, she's definitely got the Mad King genes. 

The Sansa/Jon reunion was everything. Even though they were not as close as he and Arya were. I hope Sansa told Jon that Arya was still alive somewhere as well. 

I'm guessing Cersei is willing to work with her enemies to get rid of the bigger threat that she created. 

Another brother/sister reunion with Yara and Theon, while not as heartwarming it was still nice to see siblings working together. Although I think they should both leave, there is no way they are winning the Kingsmoot. They should go to join Jon and the Wildings. 

I loved Tormund seeing Brianne and was like I want her. I could ship it. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm actually on the High Sparrow's side.  He made an excellent fucking point that more people should think about today:  "I assume you've worn the fruits of one full life on your back."  There's an obligation that goes with that.  Too many people don't think about that every time they walk into an Old Navy, much less Neiman.  That never ends well.

Sansa and Jon...  Bittersweet.  Kinda pissed about Osha, but at least she had a decent go.  All in all, if you're gonna get killed by Ramsay, good on her for making him do it fast.

Brienne and Tormund!  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!  I want Brienne to have an awesome man to love her so much.  And Tormund's pretty damn cool.  Why didn't Brienne tell Davos about Shireen???  Does she know?

Dany.  Just right amount of crazy.  She plays that particular thing SO well.  Sometimes you can see her Viserys peeking out around the edges.

Not sure what Tyrion is up to. 

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To get it over with: I'm pissed about Osha. The character deserved better and the actress is awesome. She was a great character in the first 3 seasons, and then was brought back to be killed in perfunctory fashion after 2 scenes. That sucks. I'd rather she'd never been brought back at all. This is something I worry about with D&D on their own now that the book material is exhausted. This has NOT been  a show where anybody can die at any time. This is a show where actions had consequences, and everyone from Ned and Robb and Cat to Barristan Selmy, Stannis, and Roose Bolton died for reasons. They made mistakes or died nobly, but their fates were the naturalistic results of their actions. We didn't get this with Osha and Rickon. And honestly, Rickon's just a kid who hasn't been interesting so far, and I don't like dogs (I know I just offended half of you, but I had to get past a mean dog every day to get to school as a kid and I just don't like them) so I was only invested in Osha. Frankly I thought she'd be tortured and flayed alive and mounted on a Bolton Cross, so I'm glad it was quick, and she went out trying to take out Ramsay, but it was a waste of a character and based on previous scenes, she should have been able to take him. But whatever, it's done, and it wasn't as bad as I expected. But I'm still disgusted at the waste of a great character.

Otherwise this was great. I loved the Sansa/Jon reunion. I loved the Yara/Theon reunion. For once I really think Tyrion is wrong and out of his depth in Mereen, but the scenes were good anyway.  The  occupation of Mereen has just been an unmitigated disaster - but that's Dany's fault. The voice of Princess Leia echoes in my head: "When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out?" Dany in Vaes Dothrak was sweet and to the point. Who barred the doors? I wish we'd seen her win over more than one of the Dosh Khaleen.

For people who point out that GRRM says she's not always fireproof, that's the books. In the show, they set up her being fireproof throughout Season 1, not noticing the boiling water, being able to reach into the flames and pick up the hot dragon eggs when her handmaiden was burned, etc. Show Dany is fireproof. It is known.

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I cried as soon as the gate opened at castle black and we saw Sansa. We've been waiting for a stark sibling reunion for 6 seasons so it was so amazing to get it!

came close when bran saw Jon in season 3 or 4 but this was the real deal. It was just so amazing and I was so happy for Sansa.

liked how theon began to talk like himself again when yara asks him what he wants and he says he wants to help her take the salt throne.

i thought Emilia Clarke said no more nudity but it was very appropriate here. It didn't really make sense to me that all the dothraki would bow to her. Why would they? I can understand being shocked and amazed but bowing doesn't really make sense here.

where is drogon? Kind of thought we'd see him flying above the flames.

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Okay I was kinda hoping to get through an episode with seeing Ramsey Bolton (who btw I think was finally shocked at the thought of eating his enemies)  but it was okay for two reasons.

1) The hug between Sansa and Jon, so many many feels..FINALLY a Stark reunion after 5 damn years. The last time they were seen together was Season 1 episode 1/2 .

2) That Epic ending, Dany's story lost me a while ago, but when that girl mentioned she couldn't leave Dosh Kahleen until her body rises up smoke I think an idea formed in Danaerys's head..burning all the Khals and emerging from fire. Seriously I had to rewind that a few times, the only thing that would have made it better is if the dragons were circling.


Other thoughts - Petyr, you sly dog you..you are getting the knights of the Vale to join Sansa at Castle Black, combine that with the wildings and the loyal men from the nights watch and Sansa and Jon will have a great army.  I also see that Robyn got hit with the puberty stick but is still....not quite right.

Edited by bluvelvet
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Rewatching the Stark reunion and it's just so lovely. Kit and Sophie play off each other really well. Sansa's confidence with Jon and her assertions that they should take back the North tell me that she truly feels safe. I'm loving every moment. 

And Brienne totally picked up on Tormund's lust at first sight because she reached for her sword when he looked at her. Love her. 

Thinking about what Martin said about Dany and fire. I wonder if we'll learn (in show) that she can be harmed by dragon fire and her trick tonight is to make us think her invulnerable until the time is right. 

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3 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

The Sansa/Jon reunion was everything. Even though they were not as close as he and Arya were. I hope Sansa told Jon that Arya was still alive somewhere as well. 

She did! When she was telling Jon about how Winterfell belonged to their family, she mentioned Rickon, Bran, and Arya, who were "out there somewhere" (paraphrasing). 

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9 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

North- Did we really need to see Ramsay kill Osha? I've never been bothered by Ramsay before but that scene was just torture porn for the sake of making him more evil.

I was fully expecting Osha to be tortured or killed by the hounds so I think this was pretty tame by Ramsay standards especially when I think of what other victims like Walda and that older 'The North Remembers' lady from last season had to go through.

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I love how they constructed the episode around the women being the strong, decisive ones in their pairings.  All of them (Sansa, Dany, Margaery, Yara, Cersei) were looking ahead and trying to solve their current problems.  Of the men, Jon and Theon are the more proactive ones with Theon throwing his support to Yara and Jon coming around to Sansa's POV with the arrival of the pink letter. 

I loved Dany's rebirth in the flames.  Emilia Clarke finally got some good material and this episode could be one of her Emmy submissions.  Sophie Turner and her are the standouts this episode.

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Daniel Portman is making the easy money this season.  He's been in three episodes so far and has had, what, 1-2 lines?

The Jon/Sansa scenes this episode were awesome, though I belatedly realized they kind of jumped over some pretty important stuff, e.g., the White Walkers coming to kill them all, Jon coming back from the dead, Sansa being Ramsay's bride.  The first two, especially, should be kind of metaphysically significant for Sansa, who up until now has had nothing to do with magic.

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Just now, TexasChic said:

What was the title of this episode referring to?

The High Sparrow quoted from the Book of the Stranger in his conversation with Margaery.

Yeah, it's one of the less significant episode titles.

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1 hour ago, SoWindsor said:

i thought Emilia Clarke said no more nudity but it was very appropriate here. It didn't really make sense to me that all the dothraki would bow to her. Why would they? I can understand being shocked and amazed but bowing doesn't really make sense here.

This is a flashback to the first season, when Dany emerged from the flames and all the remaining Dothraki bowed to her. As with Jon's resurrection, those around her think she's a god of some kind. So do I, born of salt and smoke and waking dragons from stone and all that, she's definitely Azor Azai. But I digress. I'd like to know more about who helped her by barring the doors. Jorah knew this because he was there the first time, Daario 2.0 seemed genuinely shocked.

I thin Emilia Clarke insisted on no more gratuitous sex scenes and sexposition. The nudity here was entirely appropriate, it was a callback to the first season, her clothing would have been flammable, and it was unfashionable anyway.

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1 minute ago, SeanC said:

Daniel Portman is making the easy money this season.  He's been in three episodes so far and has had, what, 1-2 lines?

The Jon/Sansa scenes this episode were awesome, though I belatedly realized they kind of jumped over some pretty important stuff, e.g., the White Walkers coming to kill them all, Jon coming back from the dead, Sansa being Ramsay's bride.  The first two, especially, should be kind of metaphysically significant for Sansa, who up until now has had nothing to do with magic.

I don't think that Sansa ever wants to talk about her time with Ramsay again if she doesn't have to.

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30 minutes ago, Mya Stone said:

I can and will forgive this show for all transgressions, purely because that embrace between Jon and Sansa was EVERYTHING. 


Also, although I know there's going to be some "Dany the Unburnt" backlash, I have to say I truly enjoyed her "Fuck the Patriarchy" moment, and that it didn't involve a dragon. 

Yes!  And that wasn't the embrace of a couple who will make a political marriage, IMO, but two siblings reunited.  And I loved that Jon hesitated at the last minute, probably unsure of where he stood as the "bastard", and someone that Sansa has looked down on in the past.  It probably meant a great deal to him that she embraced him whole heartedly.

And I agree on Dany, also.  I had read semi-accurate spoilers on this scene, but the assumption seemed to be that Drogon would set the fire, and the Dothraki would bow to Dany because of the dragons.  It was a girl-power moment for me.  Dany herself did the killing, by her own plan, and the people bowed to Dany because of who she was - not for fear of her dragons.  Ironically, I made a comment last episode about being happy that EC let the show know she was done with the T&A.  It was impossible to avoid it this episode.  And because I remembered EC telling the story in which IG told her "nice tits, love", after the original Drogo funeral pyre scene, I kind of snickered that everyone bowed to Dany and her "nice tits".  Jorah had to give them an extra look, I noticed.

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This is my favorite episode of the season, so far.

Castle Black: The dialog between Sansa and Jon was better than predicted in these forums. And I get that Sansa has grown a brain and realizes they'll be dead if they don't take Winterfell, but she's got no business trying to order Jon around. Never imagined I'd be happy to see the Pink Letter.

Tormond/Brienne: Oh my goodness. If Jamie gets killed, I'd have no trouble seeing Brie transfer her affections. The ones she won't admit to. Tormond acted like he's found the woman of his dreams - or nightmare. I do wonder, though. Brienne has been told all her life she's ugly. I hope she doesn't think Tormund is making fun of her, the way many knights have.

Davos/Melisandre ... truth leaking out. I thought it was interesting that, here those two have been at pains to not have that conversation about what happened to Stannis, and Brie pretty much cut right into it, and by the way, don't bother mourning, cause he wasn't that great a guy, anyway. Okay.

Winterfell: Osha, my girl, you served bravely. And at least there's not going to be any torture for our girl. This spells very bad things for Rickon. Like they weren't bad enough, already.

Kings Landing: liked Marg & Loras, like that she's trying to yank him to reality. Not sure what to make of Cersei's plan; I fully expect a double cross in there, somewhere.

The Vale: Littlefinger played everyone in the room, and played them brilliantly. Who knows? Maybe he will end up on the throne for a minute or two.

Iron Islands: I'm not sure who looks worse for age — Theon or Yara /Asha. Seriously, Yara looks like, 5 years older, sadder than when we saw her last. Lighting?

Come to think of it, this episode was all about brothers and sisters, wasn't it? Jon / Sansa, Marg/Loras, Yara/Theon ... and for once, Cersei/Jamie took the back seat.

Mereen: on one hand, Dany's going to be pissed. OTO, isn't it about time we wrap up that story and move to Westeros? I enjoyed how Tyrion worked the contrasting rooms.

Jorah / Daario show: let's face it, they're never going to be Butch & Sundance. Or even Arya/ Hound. But. They Did. Something. And now, someone knows about Jorah's stone skin.

Dany: I had it figured that she would summon Drogon, but she had it all going for herself. I know people say she's crazy, but IMO she's got the right kind of crazy going for her. She is not another case like Aerys, either — she knows exactly what she's doing and has got it under control. Never imagined she'd kill all those Khals – okay. Maybe that was a bit on the extreme side, but they weren't about to listen to her. Sometimes, you gotta prove your point.

Edited by FemmyV
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25 minutes ago, mac123x said:

I'm totally rooting for Cercei and her plots and schemes against the High Sparrow.  Because seriously, fuck that guy.  I just hope someone gets to punch Septa Unella in the throat, a lot.

I'm looking forward to the High Sparrow and Septa Ratched going down. The only thing I'm looking forward to more is seeing Ramsay brought down. I won't know what to do with myself if it all happens in the same episode. 

The High Septon is putting Margaery through all of this torture because she decided to defend her brother. Loras is being tortured and punished for his sexuality and the High Sparrow is going to pretend that he's the kindly grandfather who is just trying to spread the goodness of the Seven. It's such a load of nonsense, I'm so happy that Margaery hasn't been converted and has still managed to hang onto her identity after all of this time. 

I want the High Sparrow to be privately furious if and when the plan to free Margaery works. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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Just now, Oscirus said:

I don't think that Sansa ever wants to talk about her time with Ramsay again if she doesn't have to.

It's kind of important to their political situation.

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Of course Tormund lusts after Brienne.  She draws her sword on him will only increase his lust.  He will follow her into battle just to see what she is capable of.

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2 minutes ago, SeanC said:

It's kind of important to their political situation.

Well, Ramsey's asking for his bride back, and Jon doesn't look surprised, so I suppose he's been filled in on the bare outline, if not the details...

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2 minutes ago, SeanC said:

It's kind of important to their political situation.

Since Roose is dead and Theon isn't telling anybody, it's only important if she decides to say anything. Otherwise she can just lie and still claim to be a virgin.

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FINALLY!!! I watch this show for the day all the Stark kids are reunited, so I'm a very very happy camper.


But... Two episodes ago Sansa gabe up on running from Ramsay's men, just sat there ready to be taken back and is only free because Brienne and Pod saved her ass and now she says she will lead a battle? Pluze.

Edited by Raachel2008
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Daario 2.0 seemed genuinely shocked

I think Daario 2.0 suddenly realized he'd been playing with literal fire and the entire past year of being Dany's plaything was suddenly seriously recast for him.

Also, I forgot to call out not-so-wee Robyn.  I kind of like that he's still just as crazy, but now teenager sullen and laconic.

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