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S03.E21: Forgiven / S03.E22: Ascension

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54 minutes ago, Sandman said:

ETA: "ADA" was definitely spelled out on screen. I never of think spelling "Ada" (an English or Scottish name) with an "i" in the middle -- my thinking is influenced by the Italian roots of the name "Aida," I guess, which has three syllables, rather than two.


I just went back to check that scene and it's definitely spelled AIDA in both the closed captioning and on Radcliffe's screen.  I'm guessing the AI in AIDA stands for artificial intelligence (or artificially intelligent).  Multiple recaps have her listed as A.I.D.A. too (TV.com, ComicBook.com, ComicBookMovies.com).  And Aida is pronounced with just 2 syllables even with the extra vowel.  Think Aidan (which is also an irish name) without the N.

Edited by xqueenfrostine
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Yup. Looking again, I see the "I." Sorry -- my mistake. Could have sworn there were three letters on that screen. Though of course including "AI" for "artificial intelligence" makes perfect sense.

And I agree that Daisy's guilt was misplaced and self-absorbed. That made it seem realistic to me, and typical of newly remorseful addicts.

Edited by Sandman
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So.Thoughts. Thank goodness it was not May, Coulson, Mack or Fitzsimmons. I am glad that the story of Ward is over. I loved the Obi Wan moment...highlight of the hours. I want more John Hannah

Daisy was...Daisy. Her temper tantrum with Hive actually felt like it had been coming all season. This is a child dealing with pain. She is very self absorbed but she's believed that she is here for a PURPOSE for a while now so selfishness is not unexpected. I like the furthering of the Dark Daisy arc....mainly because I hope there will be less focus on her by not having her around the team. But i also think that she is probably building a refuge for Inhumans with all that stolen money. And maybe less Daisy means less pouting and crying. As for the new director, my pie in the sky hope is  for Maria Hill.(only because they won't pay for Sam Jackson to guest as Fury.) I did not like the attempt to copy the Steve/peggy moment with Daisy/Lincoln. But good for Lincoln for making the sacrifice. I also like Mack and Coulson as partners in the field. I also wonder what May is up to? Will they be able to achieve a darker tone? I am not sure the current staff can do that.

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If Daisy is going to steal money to give to the little girl and the widow, she wouldn't take it by force.

She'd hack banks or whatever and get it that way, like all the cyber criminals are doing now.

Maybe she's committing these public acts to establish a cover for whatever villain they're targeting next season.

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2 hours ago, missbonnie said:

Who carved the bird that Daisy gave to the little girl? I know that I have seen it before but I can't remember where. 

The little girl's dad. He was the Inhuman who gave Daisy the season-ending vision.

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I feel like telegraphing the whole "someone is going to die!" all season made this finale less intense than it could have been. We knew someone was going to die but if they hadn't been promoting that so heavily we might have wondered if more than one character might die. Instead we got a game of Hot Potato with the cross and everyone putting on the same jacket to maintain the ambiguity.

Fitz and Talbot working together was gold. I don't tend to think of Fitz as the silly one so seeing him ham it up with the General was great. And he does have a superpower: the ability to type very quickly with perfect accuracy.

Hive's plan to take out SHIELD was to drop a mook generator in their base? Clever although it did make me cringe at how far Coulson will go to save Daisy but will cut Agent Whatshisname or Technician Idontevengetaline down with the quickness. When it was pointed out that the mook army was all former staff Coulson was basically like "fuck 'em, we've got things!" I will pay actual money to see this as the real reason why he's not the Director anymore. Casual disregard for the working stiffs should merit a demotion.

Speaking of that mook generator, is no one at SHIELD checking incoming packages to make sure there's actually hydraulics in them instead of hydraulic mook generators?!

And speaking of the mooks, what a great power set. They're dumb but tough (classic mooks). They're part zombie and part Borg. They have the exact skill sets that the plot will call for at any given moment. They're ugly enough that we don't feel bad about murdering them even though we were having coffee with them last week. And they're apparently all male.

One thing that really bothered me was around the end of the first hour. Shit is going down, security is compromised, bad guys are everywhere... and every single one of the good guys is standing there mouths agape watching the action on monitors. Just because your organization is called SHIELD does not mean you should sit around waiting to get hit!

I liked that Hive was accepting of his fate and I appreciated the symbolism of the Jesus metaphor. However, I'm dismayed that Hive promised us rage and never delivered it. He didn't even deliver it in the next sentence after promising it. He's all "GONNA KILL SUNZABITCHES!! And when I do it, I'm going to do it very respectfully, in a low and professional tone of voice that doesn't convey any of that supposed rage I just mentioned. Thank you."

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On the one hand (sorry Phil), the "who will die?" setup was cheap ploy.

On the other, it really worked to keep everyone guessing and on edge.

Would anyone have been shocked and surprised when they killed Lincoln if they hadn't been hyping it for months? Not a chance.

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9 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Half-way through the 2 hour finale -- and it's like the writers checked out and let the interns write this thing.

Tremors -- pity party for one.  And the cure is hugs from Mack.

And that super slo-mo of Daisy attacking Hive was just so incredibly bad.

Honestly, they writers would have to work their way up just to be bad; that was lazy and oh so predictable.


On a positive note, I thought Brent Dalton sold the heck out of the Ward-Hive mind ungluing scene.


So, next season is a SHIELD hunt for Daisy - who is all rad now that she's sporting a long wig and goth make-up <bleck>


Now that we've been shown LMD - any takers on whether or not Brent Dalton reappears as Ward?

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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I am in the minority and really like Daisy and looking forward to RougueDaisy.  I thought Lincolnshire death scene was very well done .  I wasn't really a fan of Daisy and Lincoln but I did line how the show ended them.

The two parter wasn't bad.  It passed around the cross nicely and made it look like different people were going to die at different times which finales ate supposed to do.  I actually kinda thought Fitz was going to buy it there for a moment.

I know that I am going to be in the minority but I really liked the finale and I am looking forward to next season. 

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16 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

The two parter wasn't bad.  It passed around the cross nicely and made it look like different people were going to die at different times which finales ate supposed to do.  I actually kinda thought Fitz was going to buy it there for a moment.

I know..when Fitz took the Cross o' Doom and went to make sure that the "gel matrix was secure, " I thought, OMG No! Not Fitz, even though it was too early in the episode and not in the right situation, from the vision. And he did come pretty close to Mookdom which would have been an unforgivable end for one of my favorite characters.

SquidWard's ending wasn't quite painful enough, but other than that it was a pretty good finale and a fun set up for next season.  

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So, next season is a SHIELD hunt for Daisy - who is all rad now that she's sporting a long wig and goth make-up <bleck>

Geez Louise, will this show ever not be all about Daisy. The rare few moments that it's not are actually not terrible.  I was so ready for her to die but not only does she not die but more characters die to save her and now everyone will be in "Where's Daisy?" mode next season(she was even wearing a hat and everything). AoS, stop trying to make fetch happen.

I liked Lincoln when he wasn't around Daisy. When they first introduced him I really liked his brief scenes he had with Raina.  But then they put him in the black hole of suck that is Daisy and I no longer really cared for the character.

They should have had more Mack and YoYo.

I hated the hive henchmen. All I saw were the Power Ranger's putty patrol  every time they appeared. 

I liked Lincoln and Hive's drift into oblivion.

I'm totally down however if they bring Ward back. It's crazy but now he's just become like an AoS meme. It's like "let's see who we can have BD improbably play this year.


So happy Mack finally got a proper shotgun-axe!

This was the best!

Edited by miracole
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I actually liked Lincoln, so I will miss him. I will not miss Ward, SquidWard, or Brett Dalton. So, if I have to give up Lincoln to not see an incarnation of Dalton, I am ok with it.

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9 hours ago, paigow said:


Who is the new Director of SHIELD?

  1. Melinda May
  2. Sharon Carter
  3. General Talbot
  4. Natasha Romanoff
  5. Vision
  6. Loki - Impersonating any of the above

My guess either General Talbot gets flipped ahead of Coulson and all of his crew because of how close SHIELD was to the Inhumans and their rebellion against the Serkovia Accords or an off screen Maria Hill since the Avengers did agree puts the two SHIELDs back together again.

2 hours ago, dwmarch said:

I feel like telegraphing the whole "someone is going to die!" all season made this finale less intense than it could have been. We knew someone was going to die but if they hadn't been promoting that so heavily we might have wondered if more than one character might die. Instead we got a game of Hot Potato with the cross and everyone putting on the same jacket to maintain the ambiguity.

Fitz and Talbot working together was gold. I don't tend to think of Fitz as the silly one so seeing him ham it up with the General was great. And he does have a superpower: the ability to type very quickly with perfect accuracy.

Hive's plan to take out SHIELD was to drop a mook generator in their base? Clever although it did make me cringe at how far Coulson will go to save Daisy but will cut Agent Whatshisname or Technician Idontevengetaline down with the quickness. When it was pointed out that the mook army was all former staff Coulson was basically like "fuck 'em, we've got things!" I will pay actual money to see this as the real reason why he's not the Director anymore. Casual disregard for the working stiffs should merit a demotion.

Speaking of that mook generator, is no one at SHIELD checking incoming packages to make sure there's actually hydraulics in them instead of hydraulic mook generators?!

And speaking of the mooks, what a great power set. They're dumb but tough (classic mooks). They're part zombie and part Borg. They have the exact skill sets that the plot will call for at any given moment. They're ugly enough that we don't feel bad about murdering them even though we were having coffee with them last week. And they're apparently all male.

One thing that really bothered me was around the end of the first hour. Shit is going down, security is compromised, bad guys are everywhere... and every single one of the good guys is standing there mouths agape watching the action on monitors. Just because your organization is called SHIELD does not mean you should sit around waiting to get hit!

I liked that Hive was accepting of his fate and I appreciated the symbolism of the Jesus metaphor. However, I'm dismayed that Hive promised us rage and never delivered it. He didn't even deliver it in the next sentence after promising it. He's all "GONNA KILL SUNZABITCHES!! And when I do it, I'm going to do it very respectfully, in a low and professional tone of voice that doesn't convey any of that supposed rage I just mentioned. Thank you."

If anything the Alpha Primitive take over reminded me of Aliens, just faster and no chest bursters

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The things that stuck out for me :

  • When Mack brought in a wounded Yo-Yo to Simmons, Simmons - the doctor - did not even bother to look at her wound or attempt to treat her. That was odd.
  • SHIELD's security still sucks. (Daisy was all "don't let me out!", but later typed a few characters on a keyboard and was out of her confinement. ) 
  • The primate-zombie siege of SHIELD HQ did not feel at all suspenseful to me. It is strange how Walking Dead does such situations so much better (maybe because you feel as if people might actually die, not just red-shirt agents you've never seen before.) 
  • Hive had one extended fight with Skye-Daisy, but the threat of a god-level inhuman never really materialized (to me). He killed a few people (mostly Hydra) and infected a few inhumans  (tho not many). 

Despite my annoyance that this two hour finale basically crowned Daisy as the star of the show, I must admit that the actress really brought it, acting-wise. SHIELD needs to have a portrait wall of agents and others who have died in the line of fire for Daisy. Will there be more next season? 
It really didn't help matters when we see that next season SHIELD's main mission is to find Skye-Daisy. 

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The transformation of Daisy/Quake into the MCU Magneto is now complete. I doubt if the show gets to season 5 and she will probably be on both sides of the fence unless she is in deep cover to recruit unregistered Inhuman vigilantes

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4 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Hive's plan to take out SHIELD was to drop a mook generator in their base? Clever although it did make me cringe at how far Coulson will go to save Daisy but will cut Agent Whatshisname or Technician Idontevengetaline down with the quickness. When it was pointed out that the mook army was all former staff Coulson was basically like "fuck 'em, we've got things!" I will pay actual money to see this as the real reason why he's not the Director anymore. Casual disregard for the working stiffs should merit a demotion.

This attitude of Coulson to sacrifice everything and everyone to save his favorites makes him look really bad - - even though I know it is really just poor writing. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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Coulson is better in the field because as a director he sucked.  He was a like a good middle-manager they promoted to CEO because he'd been with the company for 30 years.

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Yeah, I know there are people who don't like Daisy, but I like her. It's Coulson and his 'We need to save Special Snowflake Daisy no matter what and anyone who even thinks of defying this is dead to me' attitude. He makes Daisy look more special than she is. He has just gotten annoying. I know this time around, him wanting to shift blame from Daisy's actions was alright, but even Hive said that they wouldn't dare drop the Quinjet out of the sky because of Daisy being on it. I'm positive Coulson would sacrifice people to save Daisy. If it was between Daisy and anyone else, he'd choose Daisy. It makes me wonder if the choice was between her and May and he had to choose. But yeah, Coulson can be quite annoying because he's turned people into the Special Snowflake Daisy supporters. 

I do like Daisy. I do want less of her next season and I don't really want any more Secret Warriors bullshit, but I enjoy her character, and Chloe Bennet has really brought it these last few episodes. She did really well in her interaction with Hive. She also did well with her last scenes with Lincoln. I may be happy that he's the one that died (the only other person I might have wanted dead was Coulson, but at the same time, I've enjoyed more Coulson scenes) but I did feel bad for Daisy losing him like that. Lincoln/Hive's scene before their deaths were well done as well. Lincoln was just boring, and that was his downfall. Sorry Luke Mitchell; you're a great actor, but they gave you nothing to work with, so that made you look like a boring actor. The May/Lincoln scene was great because it showed potential of how Lincoln could have been. Oh well.

I was worried for several scenes about various characters. Fitz was definitely up at the top. I forgot the significance of the cross, even with the preview, until later on in the second episode. I'm glad Fitzsimmons finally get a happy ending at the end of a season. I still don't ship them though. They still feel like they have a brother/sister relationship....honestly, furthered by Fitz being the only one to read the subtext of Simmons' 'show you something new in the Seychelles...Snorkeling' comment. Also, gotta be totally honest, at the beginning of that scene, I totally thought Simmons was going to reveal a pregnancy and I was not going to be happy.

I wasn't sure about Elena, but I don't mind if she pops in once in a while as Mack's girlfriend. The two are cute together, and she took a bullet for him! Also, that new doctor? I loved his presence. The moment I knew I wanted more of him next season was after they captured Hive, and the team is all silently standing and staring...and then he gives a little whoop of excitement. I worry about what he's building, but he's a lot of fun and I think I'll enjoy his interactions with the team, but mostly Fitz. 

As for the time jump, it seems like Daisy turned Goth or is wearing a disguise. I wonder what she's been up to, besides destroying buildings. Coulson's not the director anymore, which I'm happy about. I'm seriously going to laugh hard if the new director is Talbot. Part of me is hoping it's May, though. She needs something new for season 4, and she'd be good at it. Fitzsimmons are still together, which is surprising, but oh well. I imagine the show will bring them further drama for next season with whatever new doc and Fitz are working on. 

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I liked Talbott this episode for the first time ever.  He actively helped the situation with the missile disarming code, and threatening Dr. Radcliffe with turning him into a zombie was pretty chilling.  It actually sounded menacing rather than his usual all-bark-no-bite tone.


I also liked that Dr. Radcliffe defied the omnidisciplinarian scientist trope -- "Fix it!" "I'm not a rocket scientist or computer programmer, I have no IDEA how to fix it."

4 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

The little girl's dad. He was the Inhuman who gave Daisy the season-ending vision

Daisy said that she wanted to introduce them to a guy who worked nearby who also liked animals -- I'm assuming that's Crazy Cal.  Nice call back.

31 minutes ago, miracole said:

I was so ready for her to die but not only does she not die but more characters die to save her and now everyone will be in "Where's Daisy?" mode next season(she was even wearing a hat and everything). AoS, stop trying to make fetch happen

They have an opportunity to do some Daisy-lite or even Daisy-free episodes during the six month time gap.  Daisy can take a sabbatical, off-screen, then a few episodes later pop up on their radar with her first bank robbery.

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13 minutes ago, mac123x said:


I also liked that Dr. Radcliffe defied the omnidisciplinarian scientist trope -- "Fix it!" "I'm not a rocket scientist or computer programmer, I have no IDEA how to fix it."


They have an opportunity to do some Daisy-lite or even Daisy-free episodes during the six month time gap.  Daisy can take a sabbatical, off-screen, then a few episodes later pop up on their radar with her first bank robbery.

It would seem strange for the star of the show. But it does seem that Daisy will be like Ward of the past two seasons as new characters are introduced. It does seem like Dr. Radcliffe got pardoned and he will be above Fritzsimmons in some capacity under the new SHIELD

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56 minutes ago, Raja said:

The transformation of Daisy/Quake into the MCU Magneto is now complete. I doubt if the show gets to season 5 and she will probably be on both sides of the fence unless she is in deep cover to recruit unregistered Inhuman vigilantes

I get the feeling that Daisy is going to be more Magneto like, focusing on protecting Inhumans no matter the cost.

6 hours ago, scrb said:

If Daisy is going to steal money to give to the little girl and the widow, she wouldn't take it by force.

She'd hack banks or whatever and get it that way, like all the cyber criminals are doing now.

I definitely thought that was interesting too. Daisy doesn't need to physically destroy a bank (and endanger how many humans inside) to get money. Besides which, how much physical money is there, compared to how much you could get by hacking? I think though that it's about showing off her powers and creating a rep for herself as an INHUMAN.

2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

I am in the minority and really like Daisy and looking forward to RougueDaisy.

I normally don't like Daisy, but I too am interesting in Rogue Daisy. I think that this is an important step for her character. We've had two seasons of her being the good little girl of SHIELD and Coulson's daughter, but particularly at the end of season 3, we started to see how that doesn't really fit anymore. Like any child, it's time for her to grow up, leave home, and figure out who she is apart from Mom and Dad. I don't doubt that she'll go back into the fold, but I hope that this will allow for some interesting character development.

1 hour ago, shrewd.buddha said:

The things that stuck out for me :

  • When Mack brought in a wounded Yo-Yo to Simmons, Simmons - the doctor - did not even bother to look at her wound or attempt to treat her. That was odd.
  • SHIELD's security still sucks. (Daisy was all "don't let me out!", but later typed a few characters on a keyboard and was out of her confinement. ) 
  • The primate-zombie siege of SHIELD HQ did not feel at all suspenseful to me. It is strange how Walking Dead does such situations so much better (maybe because you feel as if people might actually die, not just red-shirt agents you've never seen before.) 
  • Hive had one extended fight with Skye-Daisy, but the threat of a god-level inhuman never really materialized (to me). He killed a few people (mostly Hydra) and infected a few inhumans  (tho not many). 

Despite my annoyance that this two hour finale basically crowned Daisy as the star of the show, I must admit that the actress really brought it, acting-wise. SHIELD needs to have a portrait wall of agents and others who have died in the line of fire for Daisy. Will there be more next season? 
It really didn't help matters when we see that next season SHIELD's main mission is to find Skye-Daisy. 

Simmons is a PHD, not an MD. She has functioned as the field doctor in the past, but Lincoln actually has an MD. What's really odd/gross about the Yo-Yo scene, and Mack burning her, is that there was no need for any of that. In medicine, you use electricity to cauterize wounds. So Lincoln should have just given short controlled zaps rather than pointing a blow torch at her.


Daisy certainly has collected quite a body count. I guess that's her superpower.

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Being season finale, gotta say, love, love the recaps. They provide the right level of detail to give me a warm glow of self satisfaction for having stopped watching the show this season.

Hoping Brett Dalton and Luke Mitchell move on to something that actually uses their talents. Luke Mitchell was a charming and charismatic hero in Tomorrow People I thought but the writing on this show made his as attractive as cold fish sticks. And Brett Dalton when I caught him in Beside Still Waters played a lively character instead of a Dudley Do-right or his later mustache twirler (which wasn't helped by the character being the only one in the cast who had a legitimate defense for his crimes, namely, mental illness. And they were pretty much all vicious in one way or another. Maybe not Fitz?)

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9 hours ago, missbonnie said:

I cried my heart out. I think that I am one of the few who loved Lincoln's character. Solid season finale in my opinion and I am going with May as the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. 

No, I liked Lincoln a lot too.  The problem was that the writers actually started writing for him and developing his character these last few episodes rather than having done that since they introduced him.  It's actually more depressing now because I was really starting to like him more and more and could see the potential, only to have them kill him off.  

8 minutes ago, sjohnson said:

Luke Mitchell was a charming and charismatic hero in Tomorrow People I thought but the writing on this show made his as attractive as cold fish sticks. 

Luke Mitchell's John Young was the only interesting character on TTP and showed what he could do, and so I was really looking forward to him on AOS only to have the writers completely neglect him as a character until these last four episodes.  Dumb.  I hope he lands in a much better role.

Edited by Bishop
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I never really understood why people hate Daisy besides the tired old "snowflake" reason which isn't even true and hasn't been since the first season.  I hate it when people use tropes to justify disliking characters but that is just my opinion.  Daisy is a character who has steadily improved since season one.  There a plenty of characters on plenty of shows who don't who are fun right off the bat and then platue.  Honestly I think May is a cool character who has done nothing of consequence in seasons and besides romance Fitz and Simmons have been pretty boring since Simmons came back from blue world.  So honestly I prefer Daisy who is at least entertaining.

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13 minutes ago, kitlee625 said:

Simmons is a PHD, not an MD. She has functioned as the field doctor in the past, but Lincoln actually has an MD. What's really odd/gross about the Yo-Yo scene, and Mack burning her, is that there was no need for any of that. In medicine, you use electricity to cauterize wounds. So Lincoln should have just given short controlled zaps rather than pointing a blow torch at her.

While I've got you here, do you think you could help me, please? When I'm grocery shopping and using the self-checkout lane, sometimes the voice tells me to remove items from the belt because there are too many when there's really nothing on the belt causing obstruction. How do I move on without needing a human being to come through and bypass via when-in-doubt-scan id-enter pin-menu-button 1-button 2- button 3-button 4-button 5-button 6-button 7-cancel-confirm-okay-confirm-move your 'ba-na-nahs' to the belt.

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Daisy/Chloe Bennet had a different look this epi, not just the disguise. Maybe it was the crying scenes that made her look tired. Also she looked skinny in the final scene. I'm not a hater and her character and actress have improved steadily through out the show. I still have her in some kind of leadership role.

6 Month jump? I guess to match when the show returns/'real time'?

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15 minutes ago, misstwpherecool said:

Daisy/Chloe Bennet had a different look this epi, not just the disguise. Maybe it was the crying scenes that made her look tired. Also she looked skinny in the final scene. I'm not a hater and her character and actress have improved steadily through out the show. I still have her in some kind of leadership role.

6 Month jump? I guess to match when the show returns/'real time'?

It gives the greater MCU time to digest and really start to implement the Serkovia Accords, they could have jumped even further into the future. As it was Coulson and Mac seem to have Jaiying, Wolverine of Deadpool healing factor going back into hand to hand fights with broken bones mending.


So Lincoln is the last casualty after the Civil War, again.

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SHIELD needs to figure out what lock down means because it certainly doesn't mean people can punch a code into a door and go from place to place, nor does it mean everything is secure except for the giant open ceiling in the Cargo Bay. Plus, nothing should be shipped directly to the super secret base and all cargo should be inspected off-site before it's brought in by agents. The idea that the base was locked down was hilarious once all the weak points were highlighted by the show itself.

I'm ready to move on from the Daisy stuff, please. I like her but how many times can we do "Daisy's in danger, rescue mission"? It's already gotten old and it really doesn't help develop her if she's just repeating the same patterns. Be in danger, get rescued, change personality dramatically as a result. Daisy's been hacker girl, Super Agent, Inhuman and now Dark Daisy. I know she's always going to be an important part of the show and she should be because she has so many great relationships between her and other characters, but I'd love for the show to try new combos of people next year and not follow a pretty obvious pattern anymore. I'd kill to see more interaction between Coulson and anyone other than Daisy, Mack or May. Can Simmons have a scene with Mack? Can Fitz and May have a plot together? They were a breath of fresh air on the plane this episode as was Fitz with Talbot. I feel like the show has gotten into a bit of a rut and this time jump and shakeup is a chance to try new character pairings and do something exciting and less predictable.

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So i take it Daisy going rogue but still fighting the good fight is Civil War related? With the new director, SHIELD will probably go pro Sokovia Accords, forcing Daisy to pull a Cap. 

At least I hope this is what they're going for. 

Not sad about Lincoln. Never warmed up to the character. 

The shotgun axe was the best payoff since Vir Cotto waving his hand. 

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14 hours ago, xqueenfrostine said:


Speaking of characters I've been hoping would die, Chloe Bennet deserves mad props for her work this week.  She's come a long way as an actress since season one.  I may frequently hate her character, but Chloe's clearly able to kill it when the writers give her good material to work with.  I really liked the scene between Daisy and Hive when she first went to him.  Her desperation to rejoin Hive was so raw and real, as was her anger when he was unable to retake control.  

I rolled my eyes at Daisy's new look though.  


Word. I'm gonna roll through my random thoughts below, but a recurring idea with me throughout the finale- despite not being in love with the plot itself- was "Damn. Chloe's killin' it." 

As to the epilogue; I'm a comic naivete, but I was hoping that, now that the moniker of Quake is out there, her costuming was pulled directly from comic images. I've read some wiki today and see that I'm wrong. :(

Thoughts throughout in no particular order:

Show, please let us keep John Hannah.
More Yo Mack togetherness please. Of *course* Yo thinks Turtleman Mack is handsome!
Chloe's killin' it
All the Previously.TV posters called Daisy's guilt fest.
Cool to see Fitz, Simmons, May, Lincoln, Mack all dressed up and ready to kick ass. While Coulson does a PL-R2D2 shout out.
DON'T SHOOT YO! Dammit Mack, of *course* she tried to catch the bullets!
Crap. I thought Hive's carrier had to be dead? Why is he looking at Coulson like that? STOP looking at Coulson like that! Oh- whew.
I wish I cared more about FitzSimmons vacation plans. Show, please stop using proposed happiness and umbrella drinks to bring the danger.
AHHH! Fitz! Take OFF the Navy (black?) Jacket of Destiny!
Chloe's killin' it.
Why are we revisiting the Matrix and bullet time again?
 How does May get taken out with a random flying wrench? Show, nice to see Fitz invisi-gun down a legit baddie, but really? May with a wrench?
Gah- Show! I hate it when you do random crap like Absolution, MT
Fun time explaining Fitz and his green screen to my daughter.
Whew, Daisy's now wearing the Navy (black?) Jacket of Destiny. All the posters will be happy.
Of Course! Lincoln's gonna die for Daisy.
Hmmm. I don't think I'm gonna miss Ward, Hive, Giyera, Hellfire, primatives, or any part of this plot. Maybe InHumans can do better next year?
Nice Quake news clippings; is that what she looks like in the comics?
New director. Mack and Coulson in the field. Daisy on the run. Hmmm.
Yay! We get to keep John Hannah!

Edited by Tarasme
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After further reflection, I think I understand why I'm cool with the Dark Daisy storyline ( as long as we don't spend the A story of the first 10 episodes chasing her.). She will likely not be everyone's special snowflake anymore. I have no hope for Phil getting over the snowflake syndrome anytime soon but I think May, Simmons and even Fitz will be a little bit past trying to understand Daisy and her struggles. In fact,  I wonder if the reason it was just Phil and Mack in the field is because everyone else has kind of said, "well ok, it's her decision. If she hurts someone, we'll bring her in, but we're not going to continue to put ourselves out there for someone who doesn't want us in her life." I can even see Mack giving up a little, but he's there to watch over Coulson and make sure Phil doesn't go too far in his quest to bring her back.  I think I prefer Daisy not being in SHIELD  and would be okay if she never became an agent again. She could still be part of the show, even be a "consultant" on ops - just not an official SHIELD agent. Is it too much to hope that they will let her start showing us the kind of person she is instead of telling us? 

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As long as May didn't get killed off I was going to be fine with whoever died. Daisy is annoying and the whole "emo/goth look" is ridiculous! I am hoping that May is the new director to me she has a much better mindset for the job and has most definitely proven herself. Mac & YoYo are fantastic and I hope we get more of them together next season. I'm amazed that Fitz and Simmons survived because normally when a couple get's together right before a "who will die show" it signals death for one of the two. I'm so glad that Ward is finally gone I really hated him and wanted his smug stupid face gone. Agent Coulson saying "Help me Obi Wan" was hilarious. Clark Gregg plays the role perfectly. 

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First THANK GOD May, Fitz and Mack didn't die. When Fitz picked up the cross I went "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Also glad Elena made it. I was having flashbacks to Daredevil season 1 with the cauterizing a wound.

Fitz and Talbot's greenscreen show was hilarious.

May telling Lincoln to shut it about Lash' purpose to save Daisy must have made a lot of posters happy.

Coulson's hologram trick was great.

Jed Whedon's ending riffed on the first Captain America movie with Steve talking to Peggy on the radio and his brother's Age of Ultron with Lincoln and Ward talking like Vision and Ultron about humanity.

Look I know people on these board hoped she'd die even thought the producers love her but I'm cool losing the prettyboy white guy to keep a WOC no matter how much of a "Mary Sue" she is.


Isn't the goth chick thing something that girls go through in their teens and grow out of by adulthood?

She pretty much had a childish tantrum when Hive told her he couldn't sway her anymore. Also the audience needed a visual that Daisy went "bad".

I'm more shocked that both Coulson and Mack("Big daddy" and "Big Brother") went after her with guns drawn(though it could be Icers), but looking at the board and all the damage she's done I don't blame them. Look we all take the death of a loved one hard, but Daisy definitely took it too far.

Peggy Carter thought she lost Steve and didn't go on a damn rampage!

Edited by VCRTracking
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35 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

I'm more shocked that both Coulson and Mack("Big daddy" and "Big Brother") went after her with guns drawn(though it could be Icers), but looking at the board and all the damage she's done I don't blame them. Look we all take the death of a loved one hard, but Daisy definitely took it too far.

Peggy Carter thought she lost Steve and didn't go on a damn rampage!

Not only that, but Daddy and Brother said that the new director will be sending the National Guard after her, and didn't seem torn up about it, merely resigned. So I'm hoping that we can enter into a new phase of Daisy where she's my everyone's favorite little girl in need of sacrificial martyrs to rescue her.

Edited by kitlee625
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Is there any reason the new director can't be the old director, Nick Fury? Sam Jackson does NOT turn down a paycheck! LOL

And if it isn't, it has to be Mac; he's already been director once before -- oh so briefly! -- but he still nailed it out of the park.

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1 minute ago, hello said:

Is there any reason the new director can't be the old director, Nick Fury? Sam Jackson does NOT turn down a paycheck! LOL

And if it isn't, it has to be Mac; he's already been director once before -- oh so briefly! -- but he still nailed it out of the park.

I'm pretty sure Mack and Coulson referred to the director as a "she" so that limits the pool quite a bit. Either May or Hill or someone we haven't met yet who will be cast over the summer.

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Booking Samuel L. Jackson (who stays very busy) and the Marvel tv division paying him the salary he deserved would be a miracle - a very welcome miracle but still it would take something akin to divine intervention to make that happen. 

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I am hoping the new director is none of the core cast we have seen. That was always a big problem with Coulson - he acted as if SHIELD was a group of six or seven agents who all worked in one location. That's not SHIELD. 
Just like in the finale, there were many SHIELD agents and technicians who were 'killed' when they were turned into Inhuman morlocks  - - but Coulson didn't give a shit about them. They only act as if Lincoln, an agent for about two minutes, was the only person who perished in the fight. They could at least give some throwaway comment about the loss of personnel. 

It would  be nice if Coulson, or anyone, would occasionally act as if other people work for SHIELD. I think it would also help the show to have a few recurring characters in minor roles - it would make the workplace seem more natural. (And not just for sacrificial redshirt purposes.) 

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8 minutes ago, shrewd.buddha said:

Just like in the finale, there were many SHIELD agents and technicians who were 'killed' when they were turned into Inhuman morlocks  - - but Coulson didn't give a shit about them. They only act as if Lincoln, an agent for about two minutes, was the only person who perished in the fight. They could at least give some throwaway comment about the loss of personnel. 

It would  be nice if Coulson, or anyone, would occasionally act as if other people work for SHIELD. I think it would also help the show to have a few recurring characters in minor roles - it would make the workplace seem more natural. (And not just for sacrificial redshirt purposes.) 

Maybe that lack of concern for the bigger SHIELD, its people and its mission is  what leads to him not being the director anymore or seemingly having any choice over the mission he takes. His actions get reported by someone (likely Talbot, who's probably a terrific snitch when it serves his needs.) and the director position is taken from him. The thing I'm curious about is if he willingly surrenders Fury's toolbox to someone new. Or does he hide it and keep those resources for himself. Or do the writers forget that the toolbox existed? 

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There have to be repercussions to stealing those missle codes so the new director will. Probably be there With an anti Inhumans lets make everyone's life harder addenda.  Things have been running to smoothly for too long anyway.

Duplicate sorru

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So. bummed it wasn't Daisy. Killing Lincoln was a cop out - he was the one who had the least developed relationships of all of the. But eat least it wasn't May. 

I might read episode reactions next year before watching the episode because I find myself surprisingly over this show. 

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