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S06.E03: Oathbreaker

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10 minutes ago, wayne67 said:

I've never cared who John Snow's parents are. I'm more interested in what characters DO than who they are related to. 

My only thing with that is, how can he do what he's being set up as a protagonist to do if he's just a bastard? Why couldn't any of his full-blooded brothers and sisters have done whatever it is instead? Why couldn't his dad? Why couldn't Bobby B, Stannis, or Renly? Or Tywin through Joffrey? Why does it have to be him? Why do whichever gods who may or may not be real let some people survive fire, warg into Hodors or come back to life and not others? How come the best fighters like two-swords man, Barristan Selmy, and Jaime Lannister aren't the hero characters? So backstory becomes important to make those moments earned.

Edited by Potanical Pardon
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Someone at the AV club mentioned this and I have wondered this as well, I have a hard time getting a handle on religion in Westeros.  It seems as if every section has it's own god or gods.  The Old and the New Gods, The Drowned God of  the Iron Islands.  There is the God of Light and the Many Faced God. Where do the Faith Militants fit in?  If this is a story based on The United Kingdom where is the main religion??   


I am just curious because the medieval period was so much about Christianity and to some extent Islam as well.  Just curious about people's thoughts.  Some said that killing the Head Sparrow would be equivalent to killing the Pope but I don't see it that way.

Anyhow I liked this episode a lot but was very nervous about Rickon and Osha being "gifted" to Ramsey.

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3 hours ago, HumblePi said:

In the back of my mind I'm hoping that Tommen will emerge as a strong King and annihilate the High Sparrow and his followers. There has to be some justice eventually. And Margary may get a chance to kill the woman with the bell that can only repeat 'repent, repent'.

Gold their crowns, and gold their shrouds...

I think poor Tommen is starting to walk the path to his demise. The witch has been right so far in her predictions for Cersei.

Edited by Scaeva
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2 minutes ago, applecrisp said:

Someone at the AV club mentioned this and I have wondered this as well, I have a hard time getting a handle on religion in Westeros.  It seems as if every section has it's own god or gods.  The Old and the New Gods, The Drowned God of  the Iron Islands.  There is the God of Light and the Many Faced God. Where do the Faith Militants fit in?  If this is a story based on The United Kingdom where is the main religion??   


I am just curious because the medieval period was so much about Christianity and to some extent Islam as well.  Just curious about people's thoughts.  Some said that killing the Head Sparrow would be equivalent to killing the Pope but I don't see it that way.

Anyhow I liked this episode a lot but was very nervous about Rickon and Osha being "gifted" to Ramsey.

I see the God of Light as the equivalent as Apollo/Sun God. For the Roman Empire, Constantine basically just changed his name to Jesus. Same god, different name...called it Christianity. All to appease people, maintain order, economy and power. I don't know who the old gods and the new gods refer to. I'm not sure but some of the explicitly named gods may be part of old/new gods. I do remember that the old gods are like a North thing, or maybe a House thing. When Sam and Jon became Night's Watch they were the only ones to go get married under that tree - so I figure noble Houses = old gods thing. And Kings Landing being like Alexandria or Rome are all into the hottest latest things so they'd be about the new gods? I figure Drowned God is like Poseidon and just the one the Ironborn like but is part of either old/new. Maybe Many Faced is the same as old/new but altered to be just one monotheistic entity in order to gain/maintain its own following.

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17 minutes ago, Potanical Pardon said:

My only thing with that is, how can he do what he's being set up as a protagonist to do if he's just a bastard? Why couldn't any of his full-blooded brothers and sisters have done whatever it is instead? Why couldn't his dad? Why couldn't Bobby B, Stannis, or Renly? Or Tywin through Joffrey? Why does it have to be him? Why do whichever gods who may or may not be real let some people survive fire, warg into Hodors or come back to life and not others? How come the best fighters like two-swords man, Barristan Selmy, and Jaime Lannister aren't the hero characters? So backstory becomes important to make those moments earned.

I'd be more impressed if they had him be a pivotal character on the basis of his actual character rather than some secret royal/noble lineage. After all kings only become kings because they either had the charisma/strength to lead or hold the masses. Even if he was a complete nobody, he could still gain and hold power if he had enough followers. History is littered with people from humble beginnings that rise to power, though they usually crash and burn as do most people with power. 

Jon Snow rallied the Night's Watch and the Wildlings around him based on his actions not his pedigree. 

Wouldn't it be more interesting that John was a nobody that gained power because of his own actions rather than based on something someone in his family line did a hundred years ago.

It's the difference between Danerys and Visarys, they were both of the same family line but Danerys had far more depth and charisma than the man child whining about what he was owed. Admittedly Danerys has gotten a tad tedious with her recitation of titles that no longer apply.

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44 minutes ago, izabella said:

Whoever has the biggest army.  I don't know how big Umber's army is, but he is asking for help from Ramsey to fight the Wildlings, so maybe the Bolton army is bigger.  Plus, it looks like Ramsey has the Karstark forces behind him, so it seems power is consolidating with Ramsey.  Does the Frey army ever leave the Twin Towers? 

Anyway, Ramsey now has a Stark at Winterfell again, and is still married to Sansa despite her not being there (making Rickon his BIL), so it's looking like the Boltons hold the North at this point. 


But even if they don't care about what happens to Rikon other than how he can be leveraged to their advantage, why didn't the Umbers give him up to Roose? Surely they would have been able to negotiate more favorable terms for themselves in the long run with Roose the strategist rather than Ramsey the psycho. The wildings didn't just show up yesterday, and the Umbers didn't say shit to Roose while he was searching for the Stark boys. The only upside I see to dealing with Ramsey is to manipulate and ultimately destroy him, and it wouldn't take an army to do that. 

Or maybe it's one of the many ways people don't act in accordance with human nature in this show.

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12 minutes ago, wayne67 said:

I'd be more impressed if they had him be a pivotal character on the basis of his actual character rather than some secret royal/noble lineage. After all kings only become kings because they either had the charisma/strength to lead or hold the masses. Even if he was a complete nobody, he could still gain and hold power if he had enough followers. History is littered with people from humble beginnings that rise to power, though they usually crash and burn as do most people with power. 

Jon Snow rallied the Night's Watch and the Wildlings around him based on his actions not his pedigree.

It's the difference between Danerys and Visarys, they were both of the same family line but Danerys had far more depth and charisma than the man child whining about what he was owed. Admittedly Danerys has gotten a tad tedious with her recitation of titles that no longer apply.

I think the stuff with the Night's Watch and Wildlings is exactly to show what someone without the pedigree is capable of doing when no one in the world sees the pedigree, especially the very guy doing the things without some entitlement issue. No one treated him special and he earned all of it on his own.

Dany is a horrible leader. She, just like her brother are both entitled brats. Her only plus is that she's well-intentioned. Her arc, as tedious as it is, is to show just like Ned, you can be well-intentioned and an idiot. Tywin and Olenna are like their opposite, understanding how to play the game but for selfish reasons. Littlefinger too. Varys and Tyrion are the same but understand that society won't let them play, though aren't selfish...they're all about the people and kingdom. 

Jon, if it plays out whatever way, has the best of both worlds. He earned it before ever knowing he had any birthright at all. The birthright part would be stronger than Dany/Viserys not just because of order and patriarchy but due to the connection with whatever crap happened above the Wall forever ago. That Night's King/Jon staredown didn't happen because Jon was a no name.

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13 minutes ago, dramachick said:

Or maybe it's one of the many ways people don't act in accordance with human nature in this show.

This younger generation of Lords doesn't seem quite as on the ball as their fathers!  They are less respectful of history, oaths and what the North supposedly remembers.  Even Rob Stark broke his oath and married Talisa instead of a Frey.

I think the Umbers kept Rickon a secret while Greatjohn Umber was alive.  Now he's died of old age and his son is Lord, so, he gave up Rickon.

Edited by izabella
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Apparently the audience would need magnifying equipment to see it anyway, so no loss there.

Yeah but cold has a shrinkage effect so it stands to reason that being dead must have an ever greater super shrinkage effect, so it's difficult to gauge by that.

Jon: I was in the pool! I was in the pool!

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Anyone have any idea why Osha would be included in a "gift" to Ramsay? She's a wilding/freefolk woman, and she has absolutely no role in helping the Boltons secure their hold on the North. I'm praying that she is part of some long con by the North houses (with even Karstark in on it and playing the role of willing conspirator), but if that's not the case, then maybe..

She sweetens the deal because she can be tortured/raped. (But wouldn't the Umber know that there are plenty of folk around Winterfell who Ramsay may have for that same purpose?) This would mean Smalljon Umber is an awful asshole.

She can be tortured for the same info Rickon knows, but without harming Rickon, the vastly more important player/puzzle piece.

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7 hours ago, Timetoread said:

The show hasn't said anything about Jon Snow's parentage other than that he is a "Snow".  And all they have shown of Ned's sister is a girl riding a horse and yet the boards erupted into orgasms over it.  I was like, "oh I guess this character is somebody in the books.".  And now after this episode, I can pretty much stop watching since the board has basically told me what to expect from the girl on the horse and her connection to Jon - even though just watching her ride, I never made that connection.

I had my strong suspicions about Jon's parentage after the first episode and they were solidified long before the end of the season one. There have been many clues. No, I'm not a book reader, but it seems (to me) they have been throwing anvils about it that are getting less subtle with each one. 

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48 minutes ago, Colored Francie said:

Anyone have any idea why Osha would be included in a "gift" to Ramsay? She's a wilding/freefolk woman, and she has absolutely no role in helping the Boltons secure their hold on the North. I'm praying that she is part of some long con by the North houses (with even Karstark in on it and playing the role of willing conspirator), but if that's not the case, then maybe..

She sweetens the deal because she can be tortured/raped. (But wouldn't the Umber know that there are plenty of folk around Winterfell who Ramsay may have for that same purpose?) This would mean Smalljon Umber is an awful asshole.

She can be tortured for the same info Rickon knows, but without harming Rickon, the vastly more important player/puzzle piece.

Emotional turmoil for watchers , she became Bran and Rickon's surrogate mother / protector, just as for the Starks the fan base loves Osha.

GRRM liked her a lot for what she did for the character.

Edited by GrailKing
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Okay everyone, listen closely: this is a NO BOOK TALK thread. This means NO BOOK TALK. It's quite simple, really.


I understand some of you are scared that people's speculation is book-related spoilage. I assure you, it is NOT. If you have a question about a post, PM myself, Silver, or Athena, or report the post. 


Now here's something we can all agree on: 



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54 minutes ago, Colored Francie said:

Anyone have any idea why Osha would be included in a "gift" to Ramsay? She's a wilding/freefolk woman, and she has absolutely no role in helping the Boltons secure their hold on the North. I'm praying that she is part of some long con by the North houses (with even Karstark in on it and playing the role of willing conspirator), but if that's not the case, then maybe..

She sweetens the deal because she can be tortured/raped. (But wouldn't the Umber know that there are plenty of folk around Winterfell who Ramsay may have for that same purpose?) This would mean Smalljon Umber is an awful asshole.

She can be tortured for the same info Rickon knows, but without harming Rickon, the vastly more important player/puzzle piece.

I think they just brought her back we actually have reason to care about Osha, whereas Rickon is barely a character in his own right.

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2 hours ago, applecrisp said:

Someone at the AV club mentioned this and I have wondered this as well, I have a hard time getting a handle on religion in Westeros.  It seems as if every section has it's own god or gods.  The Old and the New Gods, The Drowned God of  the Iron Islands.  There is the God of Light and the Many Faced God. Where do the Faith Militants fit in?  If this is a story based on The United Kingdom where is the main religion??   

The New Gods (the Seven) are the main religion. I'm pretty sure they have all been named in the show.

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I hope the Lannisters & Sparrows kill each other.  Can't root for Cersei, but I also despise religious zealotry in all forms.


Where you going, Jon Snow?


As others have mentioned, I hope the show doesn't once again fall into the rut of all talk, no action for the next several episodes.

Edited by Duke Silver
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Yes. The White Walkers. The main reason all this nonsense is happening south of the Wall.  Are they waiting for pizza delivery? I guess it's hard to destroy nations on an empty stomach.  The continuity fairy overdosed on crystal meth 3 seasons ago, so no one knows how much time is left before Winter really comes. 

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8 hours ago, applecrisp said:

Someone at the AV club mentioned this and I have wondered this as well, I have a hard time getting a handle on religion in Westeros.  It seems as if every section has it's own god or gods.  The Old and the New Gods, The Drowned God of  the Iron Islands.  There is the God of Light and the Many Faced God. Where do the Faith Militants fit in?  If this is a story based on The United Kingdom where is the main religion??   


I am just curious because the medieval period was so much about Christianity and to some extent Islam as well.  Just curious about people's thoughts.  Some said that killing the Head Sparrow would be equivalent to killing the Pope but I don't see it that way.

Anyhow I liked this episode a lot but was very nervous about Rickon and Osha being "gifted" to Ramsey.

The Faith Militant believe in The Seven.  I can't remember what all has been said on the show about them, other than that, so I'll end it there.


7 hours ago, Zanne said:

I had my strong suspicions about Jon's parentage after the first episode and they were solidified long before the end of the season one. There have been many clues. No, I'm not a book reader, but it seems (to me) they have been throwing anvils about it that are getting less subtle with each one. 

The show has definitely dropped many clues, and all of it is speculation.  There is also a completely unsullied section here, people that don't even watch previews, read reviews, etc. if you are more comfortable with that.

Edited by Umbelina
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Sorry, I just find Jon Snow dull. The actor shows no emotion, IMO. Give me Tyrion over him any day of the week! 

Besides Ghost, are there any dire wolves left? Arya set hers free so we don't know about him. :-(

I hope Dany's dragon shows up soon.

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The three-eyed raven is like your DVR when it cuts off a minute too early - booooooooo! I wonder if he merged with the tree because he stayed in a vision too long? 

15 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

I'm all for Tommen falling under the spell of the High Sparrow if it somehow means Cersei will be destroyed.  But am I remembering correctly that the witch's prophecy to Cersei was that all three of her kids would die while she was still alive?  Doesn't give me much hope for poor ol' Tommen this season.

I wondered about the wording of the prophecy as well - I remember the "gold shall be their shroud" bit, but could that be artfully interpreted as Tommen casting off his old life (therefore "dying") and taking up the faith? Some of the priests wore gold and white robes, I think.  He'd still be lost to Cersei....

in a strange way, I'll miss Ser Alliser - a total jerk face for sure, but a good antagonist with some strengths.  You could see the reasoning behind his decisions and actions, even though we know he was wrong. I guess you could say the same for the Umbers. But they could have told Ramsey they had Rickon but kept him hostage, until either (1) Ramsey defeated the wildlings and solidified his power base or (2) Until the North rebelled, needing only a Stark - and his brave protectors - to rally behind. To do what they did, they must feel super threatened by the presence of the wildlings.

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5 hours ago, applecrisp said:

Someone at the AV club mentioned this and I have wondered this as well, I have a hard time getting a handle on religion in Westeros.  It seems as if every section has it's own god or gods.  The Old and the New Gods, The Drowned God of  the Iron Islands.  There is the God of Light and the Many Faced God. Where do the Faith Militants fit in?  If this is a story based on The United Kingdom where is the main religion??   


I am just curious because the medieval period was so much about Christianity and to some extent Islam as well.  Just curious about people's thoughts.  Some said that killing the Head Sparrow would be equivalent to killing the Pope but I don't see it that way.

Anyhow I liked this episode a lot but was very nervous about Rickon and Osha being "gifted" to Ramsey.

I don't see very much correlation between the religions of any of the kingdoms and modern day religion. The only thing that is similar to today is that they are all very different and varied. Just as we have Christian, Muslim, Judaism, Hindu, etc. They have old gods, new gods, and all kinds of gods. I don't feel the story is based on the United Kingdom at all. I feel that it's just a completely different civilization without any basis on real history or facts. The Head Sparrow appears more like a dictator to me, one that's filled with self-importance and self righteousness. He's cruel but the cruelty is hidden beneath the guise of religious justice. How else has any religion managed to control people and use them for their own benefit?  Through fear of course.

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Sorry, I just find Jon Snow dull. The actor shows no emotion, IMO. Give me Tyrion over him any day of the week! 

Besides Ghost, are there any dire wolves left? Arya set hers free so we don't know about him. :-(

I hope Dany's dragon shows up soon.

HER! Nymeria is female.

Nymeria,Summer and Ghost, if this is shaggy.

ETA: Robb,Jon,Bran and Rickon male wolves

Sansa and Arya female wolves.

Edited by GrailKing
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I was thinking of the many faced God being the 7, since you know, they have 7 faces.  I'll edit, thanks!  That's what I get for staying up too late and being sleepy!

I can't remember what else was said about the Faith Militant on the show, probably the names of the Gods and maybe more, but since I'm not sure, I'll leave it there.

Edited by Umbelina
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On May 9, 2016 at 10:31 PM, Advance35 said:

Good Episode Tonight.

Cersei is still Cersei, no matter what she goes through.  Her sneering and rage filled "I want little birds in Dorne, Highgarden and The North."  The cycle of revenge continues.  

Liked the scene with the Small Council and had to laugh because somehow Olenna managed to weasel her way onto it.   The Small Council use to be Twyin, Cersei, Tyrion, Pycelle, Varys and Littlefinger with guest appearances by Joffrey and now, Kevan Lannister, Olenna Tyrell, Mace Tyrell and Lord Pycelle.  How times change.   Loved seeing Olenna reiterate to Cersei that Margaery is "THE"Queen.  lol.    And I don't doubt she already knew but she had a ring side seat to the clear division within House Lannister still.

The North is like every other Kingdom.   People want to get on the good side of those in power.   The Starks (as far as everyone knows) are on the verge of extinction.   The Boltons are in power, clearly some are thinking "The Starks were lovely but it's time to face facts and play ball."   Protecting Rickon was a favor to a family that will never be able to repay it (as far as they know).   Ramsay and Lord Karstark are clearly loving their ascendancy.

Couldn't care less about Sam and Gilly.

Danerys is boring as all hell.

Arya?  Snore.  Wake me when the interesting Stark girl is on.

Agree about Sam & Gilly.  Who would the interesting Stark girl be?  Surely not Sansa.

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On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 9:15 PM, mojoween said:


I can't remember the wildling woman's name (Osha, I think?) but the boy is Rickon Stark. 

Oh...now I remember him....he's Kate Crackernuts, ain't he?

I know he's a guy, but I'm still calling him Kate Crackernuts.

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Holy hot damn, we saw Jon Snow's butt. ? and he still has his pretty hair and his pretty eyes. And he's finally leaving all those ingrates at the wall, presumably to go back to Winterfell. Then he will be reunited with Rickon and the two of them plus Osha can fuck shit up for Ramsay. Or they will miss each other by 10 minutes. I am deeply afraid for Rickon and Osha. It's been awhile since they killed a Stark (not counting Jon's whole issue) and I think Bran, Arya and Sansa all have a lot going on with their storyline. It would be stupid of Ramsay to prolong killing Rickon with torture, especially after how Sansa escaped. But Roose isn't here to tell him to quit being a freak. I'm worried about Osha. Very worried. 

Sam and Gilly are just good for the feels. Baby Sam is getting big! I guess his plan is to leave Gilly and the baby with his mother, and leave for the citadel?

So they take Daenerys to this place where all the Khaleesi's live in what looked like an actual building (not a collection of tents), and now we have to wait for all the Khalasars to come, and have a Khal meeting where they talk about which cities to raid and enslave. Since when did the Dothraki have a congress and social welfare programs? Did they ever mention the ex-Khaleesi retirement home before? Shouldn't someone have mentioned this to Daenerys in her year or so of being Dothraki?

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5 hours ago, wayne67 said:

Did Jon take his Direwolf with him when he left ? He looked like he was going solo... 

I'm sure he didn't leave without Ghost. Maybe he just didn't make it in the shot?

12 hours ago, Colored Francie said:

Anyone have any idea why Osha would be included in a "gift" to Ramsay? She's a wilding/freefolk woman, and she has absolutely no role in helping the Boltons secure their hold on the North. I'm praying that she is part of some long con by the North houses (with even Karstark in on it and playing the role of willing conspirator), but if that's not the case, then maybe..

She sweetens the deal because she can be tortured/raped. (But wouldn't the Umber know that there are plenty of folk around Winterfell who Ramsay may have for that same purpose?) This would mean Smalljon Umber is an awful asshole.

She can be tortured for the same info Rickon knows, but without harming Rickon, the vastly more important player/puzzle piece.

Also, Osha is very important to Rickon. She's been like a mother to him, and she was the only person in his life for like a year or two. If Rickon sees her tortured, he might be more ready to comply. I'm really afraid that could happen. I think Ramsay may have learned a lesson from Sansa and will be more careful about his treatment of the Starks.

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I'm guessing you are referring to the walnut-smashing scene, in which case yes, that is him.

I'm absolutely certain that the titles of the Seven have been named in at least one of the many weddings of the series, so here they are: Father, Mother, Warrior, Maiden, Smith, Crone, Stranger. As noted, they are indeed the main faith of southern Westeros, and the Faith Militant are basically a fundamentalist group in control of the main branch. Feel free to draw your own conclusions regarding the gendered aspects of doing vs. being.

Then we have the old gods, a more druidic faith based in the North. I don't think any of them have been named.

The Drowned God is the deity of the Iron Islands. Interestingly enough, people somewhat frequently swear oaths by the Old and New Gods; this doesn't seem to include the Drowned God, which kind of emphasizes the outsider status of the Ironborn as a whole and Theon as a character. It also doesn't include the Many Faced God of Braavos, the Lord of Light from Essos, or the Dothraki deity, but those are pretty explicitly foreign gods.

I can't think of any others we've seen thus far.

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Another great episode, some solid twists as well.

I'm really liking the flashbacks with Ned courtesy of Bran's storyline this season. Can't wait to see where it's actually leading to though.

Did not expect to see Osha and Rickon show up at Winterfell. How many more advantages is Ramsay going to get before he's eventually taken out?

Jon leaving the wall at the end as his traitors were executed was a good one to end the episode on. Nice moments with Melisandre and Davos too.

Dany is soon gonna have to realise that spouting off numerous titles isn't going to get her way all the time. Those widows already seem to dislike her too.

Varys certainly knows how to get results and I loved the awkward scenes with Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm in this one.

I wasn't expecting Arya to get her sight back so quickly but at least this storyline can finally move forward now.

Great scenes with Cersei/Jamie/Qyburn/Olenna and Tommen/High Sparrow this week too, 8/10

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9 hours ago, Umbelina said:

The Faith Militant believe in The Seven.  I can't remember what all has been said on the show about them, other than that, so I'll end it there.


The show has definitely dropped many clues, and all of it is speculation.  There is also a completely unsullied section here, people that don't even watch previews, read reviews, etc. if you are more comfortable with that.

Thank you for clearing that up.  I was thinking it was a new,emerging religion.  The Sparrows are like some of the reinvigorated evangelicals we have now.

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1 hour ago, truelovekiss said:

So they take Daenerys to this place where all the Khaleesi's live in what looked like an actual building (not a collection of tents), and now we have to wait for all the Khalasars to come, and have a Khal meeting where they talk about which cities to raid and enslave. Since when did the Dothraki have a congress and social welfare programs? Did they ever mention the ex-Khaleesi retirement home before? Shouldn't someone have mentioned this to Daenerys in her year or so of being Dothraki?

She knew about it. After Drogo died, some of his bloodriders wanted to escort her to the Dosh Khaleen (sp?) as their last act of fealty to Drogo and when she refused, most of them left her.


Re: religion. I thought the Red God = the many faced god = Lord of Light? so then in my thinking, we have the old gods, the Seven, and the LoL.

Seems to me like the gods who have any supernatural mojo at all are the old gods (3 eyed raven, children of the forest, etc.) and the LoL (Melisandre's power, Thoros raising the dead). The Seven seem more cultural/social, without "magical" powers but now with plenty of political/military powers.

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7 hours ago, wayne67 said:

Did Jon take his Direwolf with him when he left ? He looked like he was going solo... 

He did look alone.  

But did I just miss it, or did we never see Ghost go to Jon after his resurrection?  We got a reaction shot from Ghost, but I wanted some joy from the direwolf that seemed to be missing.  

Are direwolves CGI-expensive?  

Edited by Bad Example
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1 hour ago, DigitalCount said:

I'm guessing you are referring to the walnut-smashing scene, in which case yes, that is him.

I'm absolutely certain that the titles of the Seven have been named in at least one of the many weddings of the series, so here they are: Father, Mother, Warrior, Maiden, Smith, Crone, Stranger. As noted, they are indeed the main faith of southern Westeros, and the Faith Militant are basically a fundamentalist group in control of the main branch. Feel free to draw your own conclusions regarding the gendered aspects of doing vs. being.

Then we have the old gods, a more druidic faith based in the North. I don't think any of them have been named.

The Drowned God is the deity of the Iron Islands. Interestingly enough, people somewhat frequently swear oaths by the Old and New Gods; this doesn't seem to include the Drowned God, which kind of emphasizes the outsider status of the Ironborn as a whole and Theon as a character. It also doesn't include the Many Faced God of Braavos, the Lord of Light from Essos, or the Dothraki deity, but those are pretty explicitly foreign gods.

I can't think of any others we've seen thus far.

I think the Drowned God is a off shoot of the Old Gods, (Earth,Wind,Fire, and Sea),i.e Nature

Edited by GrailKing
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14 hours ago, GrailKing said:

While my wife may agree with you, I prefer Ygritte, Missandei, young Meliesandre,Marg or poor Roz.

Yes I agree with you. It seems we are outnumbered by the women on this forum though. 

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15 hours ago, applecrisp said:

Someone at the AV club mentioned this and I have wondered this as well, I have a hard time getting a handle on religion in Westeros.  It seems as if every section has it's own god or gods.  The Old and the New Gods, The Drowned God of  the Iron Islands.  There is the God of Light and the Many Faced God. Where do the Faith Militants fit in?  If this is a story based on The United Kingdom where is the main religion??   


I am just curious because the medieval period was so much about Christianity and to some extent Islam as well.  Just curious about people's thoughts.  Some said that killing the Head Sparrow would be equivalent to killing the Pope but I don't see it that way.

Anyhow I liked this episode a lot but was very nervous about Rickon and Osha being "gifted" to Ramsey.

Think of it as religions during pre-Christianity Roman empire.  When Rome conquered a land they erected temples for their gods (Zeus, Hera, etc etc) (ie Westeros New gods) and  demolished the temples of the natives (ie. Westeros old gods).  This should be similar to King's Landing.  However, some areas/ small kingdoms were in alliance with Rome and Rome did not force its religion on them (ie. how old gods are still worshipped in northern part of Westeros).  

As for the other gods, the people in GoT world are polytheists, like the Greeks, Romans, and Indians (ie. Hinduism).  The people were free to pick (or crate) a god (or gods) and worship them.  Usually these are nature based gods.  Note that most of the gods are limited to an area (like drowned god and many faced god) and have the characteristics of the nature of the surrounding areas.

Would there be similarities between gods? Sure, just like the Nords had god of thunder and Romans/Greeks had their god of thunder.

FM is related to the Seven. The Seven = new gods.  I believe the High Sparrow is the high priest of KL's chapter of The Seven religion.

Edited by DarkRaichu
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11 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

FM is related to the Seven. The Seven = new gods.  I believe the High Sparrow is the high priest of KL's chapter of The Seven religion.

He's not just in charge of the KL chapter of The Faith, he's The High Septon, the head clergyman for all of Westeros, he's The Pope.

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35 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

He's not just in charge of the KL chapter of The Faith, he's The High Septon, the head clergyman for all of Westeros, he's The Pope.

Cool. I must have missed that. I thought High Septon was the title for head of KL chapter.  Probably because I thought it was weird that Tywin was able to bar the head clergyman from his own main temple (the main temple for the 7 is located in KL, right?). 

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I never thought I would be nostalgic for Joffery! When the Great Bird Turd was snowing Tommen, I was thinking "Joffery would never have put up with that crap." He would have made the old guy kneel when he asked to sit.

IMO, Ghost had a cautious reaction to Jon's rez. He stood back and whimpered when Davos was talking to Jon. No joyful reunion.

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4 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I never thought I would be nostalgic for Joffery! When the Great Bird Turd was snowing Tommen, I was thinking "Joffery would never have put up with that crap." He would have made the old guy kneel when he asked to sit.

IMO, Ghost had a cautious reaction to Jon's rez. He stood back and whimpered when Davos was talking to Jon. No joyful reunion.

Yup. Jeoffrey would have burned KL before letting anyone steal the joy of torturing his own queen from him. 

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On 5/9/2016 at 10:16 AM, absnow54 said:

The way the Stark kids have powered through puberty, Baby Samwell still being a swaddled infant was starting to push credibility.

I would love for HBO to do a prequel series, because I'm pretty much over all the current characters (the Starks excluded) and would rather watch an hour of Bran's visions each week.


they really could. I mean you keep reading how they had a lot of stuff planned regarding the Mad King (re: flashbacks) and cut it all out. you could do ALL of it :) I shouldn't watch this tired. I really didn't realise that Bran's visions were of the past until like. the end LOL

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