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S05.E21: Last Rites

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18 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I just love Captain Swan- and I thought their reunion scene was just amazing. Emma giving him all those kisses it was like she was trying to make sure he was real. But I do have a question right at the end before Emma & Hook turn around to look at Robin's grave- Hook answers or says "So do you" to Emma- she said something to him right before she hugs him- but she says it fast and then nuzzles into his neck again- I have played the video a few times and I can't figure out what she said for his answer to be "So do you". Anyone know? 

Emma says (paraphrasing here), "I'm just happy you are okay." and he says that he is happy she is alright too. Emma replies saying that "Not all of us are." And then she looks at Robin's coffin.

  • Love 3

Do you all think the storybook illustration is the only picture that Emma has of Hook? Now that he's alive again they better get started on their future and take plenty of pictures! 

The thing about Hook and Emma reuniting near Robin's grave that gets me is that they could just as easily have had Emma at Hook's grave, where she was just prior to the dreadfully short funeral scene. Just rearrange the order of the scenes and while Emma would still feel guilty about Robin, we wouldn't get the awkwardness of hugs and happiness at Robin's graveside. 

And since Zeus was sending Hook where he "belongs," they could have had Emma be any place in Storybrooke (my preference would have been looking out at the water) and Hook would have popped up there. It had nothing to do with where his body was at that moment since he clearly didn't have to dig himself out of his grave. 

I think it was done this way to set up Emma's guilt and how she'll act toward Regina next week. I wish the reunion had been almost any place else, but they were so giggly and cute (did you see Emma's smile?), I can't be mad about it either. 

  • Love 10

As soon as Robin started talking about a future, I knew he was toast. I'm not too broken up about it though. Also, once I knew he was going to die this episode, I knew baby Pistachio would be named Robin. Because that's not confusing. Hopefully she'll be like baby Neal and pretty much never seen again.

3 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I think the directing was pretty terrible in Robin's death scenes.  If they were going to take the stoic route with Regina, they should have had Zelena tone it down because she had her grief turned up to eleven and it didn't come across as grief for Regina or Robin. 

Yes, I found Regina oddly non-reactive to Robin's death. I think it sucked the emotion right out of the scene. I'm glad, however, that Zelena staked Hades (as opposed to someone else killing him). She deserved it after being duped.

Yeah, the CS reunion timing was a little odd. I would have reversed the two graveyard scenes and had Emma go from Robin's funeral to Hook's grave.  And maybe it's cliché, but I would have wanted Hook to reappear and make some sort of smart remark about wasting good rum when Emma had the flask. Oh well, I'll settle for the fact that he's not dead.

As Shanna Marie noted earlier, I also thought Hook was going to turn back to Zeus and ask to be returned to Storybrooke (downside of being spoiled, I guess), and I'm glad he didn't.

  • Love 4

I am not sure of this has been mentioned, but I loved Regian pointed out that TrueLove requires a willingness to sacrifice for their partner's wellbeing and pointing out that Hades was unwilling to sacrifice anything for Zelena and therfore didn't truly love her.  I could only think about Rumple and Belle.  Like Hades, Rumple is unwilling to give up power.

i liked this episode.  

I loved the Underworld scenes.  Loved the HooKing bromance.  I like that Arthur got redeemed.  I always felt bad that they made Arthur a villian.  I loved Cruella and the BlindWitch.  I hope Arthur is able to help the children move on and the Lost Souls.  

the only thing that could make the Underworld scenes better was some sort of closure on the Lost Souls in particular Hook with Milah.

I find it interesting how Hook really fits in other fairy tales without seeming forced.  Like his backstory with Ursula felt organic, as did his later friendship with Ariel.  You almost have to take a step back and remember Hook is not from the little mermaid.  His relationship with the Queen of hearts workers as well.  I could see hIm playing Knave to Cora's queen.  Compared to the forced Tink and Regina friendship, Regina playing Ursula and the Pan-rumple relationship.  With the last one, I did come to like how Robbie and Bobbie played off each other, but I felt the Neverland arc was hurt by hamfisted attempt to make Rumple and Pan related.

i like Sean but have been underwhelmed by Robin.  while I was somewhat moved by his death, Regina's nonreaction took me out of the moment.  It was very odd.  It never felt like she truly loved him and While Robin summed to care for Regina, I felt like he didn't really know her and so his love felt misplaced.  The funeral was not as moving as it should have been.

the CS reunion was very cute.  They seemed so happy to be reunited.  I buy that they love each other.  

I liked that Snow was there for Emma.  I wonder what happened that we are getting Snow instead of Mary Margaret.  

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, kitticup said:

I loved Regina pointed out that True Love requires a willingness to sacrifice for their partner's wellbeing and pointing out that Hades was unwilling to sacrifice anything for Zelena and therfore didn't truly love her.  I could only think about Rumple and Belle.  Like Hades, Rumple is unwilling to give up power.

I was definitely getting a strong parallel between Hades/Zelena and Rumbelle. Now it's possible that after the 18 millionth chance, Rumpel will give up his power for Belle, but I still question whether he could be happy living the life that Belle seems to want to lead. Zelena seemed very content here to just get a house and raise her daughter while Hades was all about the power. Neither Rumpel nor Hades seem like the types who'd be cool with just being average suburban dads mowing the lawn and carpooling with the minivan. Maybe the show is trying to say that you can be incompatible with your True Love in terms of your life goals and so it doesn't always work out? 

  • Love 3

Whyyyy was the major plot of the episode centered around finding pages from the Storybook when one of the major story lines of the season was establishing that Henry could WRITE peoples' pasts and, thus, any story from the Storybook?? The plot of this episode doesn't work if you remember any of the episodes leading up to this one. That's pretty much the definition of terrible writing.

  • Love 3

Robin was so useless I started laughing when he died. It didn't exactly set the right tone for what was an awesome episode. By far the best episode in all of season 5 - A&B. But I wasn't in the most weepy state of mind by the time I got to the emotional stuff at the end. 

I was half expecting Hook to end up in the River of Souls and the final episode to be "Save the Souls' and I could have gotten on board with that. As it is, we still have an episode to go and it seems Rumple is back as the Big Bad. Any chance he too could get fridged to propel a woman's plotline? I have to say, as much as I don't care about Zelena, I was kind of excited at an episode where almost every male love interest died. And we still got Captain Swan back. Bonus!

Killian is a straight-up undeniable hero.Captain Swan is the only thing keeping this show afloat for me at the moment so I'm so glad he and Emma are back together. Let them be happy, show. Let them be happy.

Edited by AudienceofOne
  • Love 5

As unspoiled as I am, I knew Robin was going to die in this episode as soon as he started waxing poetic about how his future was with Regina. I'm not sorry to see him go because as a character, he was practically non-existent this season except when he popped in carrying to ask about Pistachio once every few episodes.

I couldn't believe that Hook asked Arthur to help him. This is someone who you know to be a power hungry liar, but the first thing you think when you see him in the underworld is, "Hey, wanna partner up and go adventuring?" I kept waiting for Arthur to betray him. When he said he was going to stay behind, it made me think that he was just going to become the second coming of Hades.

Heh, loved Cruella imagining herself as the meat in a stubble sandwich. Maybe she and Arthur will team up now that her boy toy James is swimming in the river of souls.

But why am I not freaking surprised that these nitwits just left his pile of ashes on the floor, so, sure enough, Rumple strolls in and finds a magical shard still hanging out in there.  Of course he did.  I'm sometimes wonder if Rumple is brilliant, or is he just simply playing chess while everyone else struggles with checkers.

I watched Buffy and The Vampire Diaries, so I don't trust that anyone is dead just because it looks like they died or that a weapon has been rendered powerless just because it fell on the floor. When Hades crumbled into a pile of ashes, I assumed that someone would take care of that, but no, these nitwits leave his remains on the floor in Regina's office. When I saw Rumple's shoes walking in and then saw that the pile of ashes was still there, I yelled, "SERIOUSLY?!" How could they just leave all the ashes there? Good lord. It's no wonder that Rumple is always rolling his eyes and feeling superior to these people.

  • Love 4

Strong episode. I think Last Rites and Firebird are the best episodes of the season. That is not to say they don't both have major writing issues, but I found them to be more engaging/entertaining than pretty much everything else in season 5. 

Pros                                                                                                                                           Entertaining overall.

Actual conflict with outlaw queen and Robin showing some backbone.

Killian x Arthur quest - they had great chemistry.

Jennifer Morrison's acting. 

Captain swan reunion- change the setting and it would have been perfect. 

Regina x Zelena had a nice dynamic.

Cons                                                                                                                                                             Zelena being so easily manipulated.

People being weirdly judgmental to Emma about her grieving/emotions.

Crystal dildo coming out of nowhere and being what kills Robin and Hades. 

Robin's death being fucking weird- honestly what was happening because it looked so silly. The slow motion closeups of their faces almost made me laugh.

Killing off another rape victim while the rapist gets redemption.

Regina during the death scene seeming so lackadaisical. I get being in shock after the fact, but she barely seemed to care as he was dying. 

Naming the baby Robin. Thats just dumb. 

Even with the weird writing choices, I do think it was a great episode. Could have been so much better if they had done Robin's death justice.

Edited by janett snakehole
  • Love 4

Not much else to add that hasn't been said already.  Really like the episode overall.  I felt absolutely nothing when Robin died.  Ok, that's a lie.  I was actually kinda glad.  I never felt their love was organic or earned.  The one time they finally have some conflict and Regina admits she's maybe possibly wrong about something, is the time Robin takes an Olympian bullet for her and erases himself from existence.  *shrug*

I was SO HERE for the Arthur/Killian quest in the underworld.  I always liked Arthur, and to redeem him by pairing him up with one of his victims was really brilliant.  Arthur had the makings of a good man deep down in there, it was just completely overwhelmed by his manifest destiny syndrome and his rage over Merlin screwing over his life.  He just needed someone to show him a real example of what makes a hero.  And once he was inspired by what he saw in Killian, Arthur rose to the occasion; just like the legend he was foretold to be.  The fact that the kingdom he will bring back to its former glory happens to be the Underworld is a fantastic twist, imo.

The CS reunion was perhaps one of the most joyful and pure things I've ever seen on television.  It could not have been more perfect if they tried.  I could watch it a million times over and still cry with happiness.  God I love those two so damn much.

Edited by Lieutenant
  • Love 4

Robin finally gets to be angry with Regina.  Finally.  He was interesting for a good minute and a half.  Then he died.  I might’ve even been sad, if he’d been more like that all along. 

It also shows that the writers KNOW how to make characters and relationships interesting; they just can't be bothered until it can punch up a plot point that they can rush through to get to the next contrived set piece.  SIGH 

I am still hoping against hope that they spend a minute in the 2 hour finale to just mention that the souls were released from the river.

Edited by Arnella
  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Camera One said:

They made it seem like Belle's father began to accept Belle with Rumple.  And now, the father is acting like Season 2B-5A never happened.  Yes, I can see him hiding his disdain for Rumple, but give me a freak'in break.

I was confused by that as well, because wasn't Moe the one who gave Belle his blessing to marry Rumple at the end of Season 3? Didn't he freaking walk Belle down the aisle at her wedding?

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I couldn't believe that Hook asked Arthur to help him. This is someone who you know to be a power hungry liar, but the first thing you think when you see him in the underworld is, "Hey, wanna partner up and go adventuring?" I kept waiting for Arthur to betray him. When he said he was going to stay behind, it made me think that he was just going to become the second coming of Hades.

I kept waiting for Killian to remind Arthur that he killed him back in Camelot. Even a sarcastic "Not being able to move on from this place hurts worse than taking Excalibur to the neck."

  • Love 1

what if the real Robin Hood is actually Baby Pistachio? Smallville did it where Jimmy Olsen wasn't the legend. Maybe the Robin Hood we've been having is just in name like Ursula was. But Baby Pistachio will grow tired of being raised by two rapist where one is royalty and leaves to create her own Merry Men.


Someone should write a fic on this.

  • Love 8

Better way to get rid of Robin would have been to make Pistachio Hades’ baby, then have Robin decide that he’s tired of all the drama and take his son and the Merry Men and go back to the EF.  Kill Hades.  Give the baby a decent name.  And have CS reunite at their house instead of someone’s grave.  These writers are horrible…seriously, why is it so hard for them to come up with storylines that make sense?  Damn, they suck…I mean, they’re just bad

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, FierceAfroChick said:

Better way to get rid of Robin would have been to make Pistachio Hades’ baby, then have Robin decide that he’s tired of all the drama and take his son and the Merry Men and go back to the EF.  Kill Hades.  Give the baby a decent name.  And have CS reunite at their house instead of someone’s grave.  These writers are horrible…seriously, why is it so hard for them to come up with storylines that make sense?  Damn, they suck…I mean, they’re just bad

At least the plots are not recycled over and over again like the ones on Downton Abbey where there was only 1 writer - Julian Fellowes.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

Funny how Emma will get the blame and the guilt for Hades coming to Storybrooke when she didn't even see him once he got there. 

She likely will, but it will make even less sense than usual.  Hades didn't go to Storybrooke because he found about it through Emma's Underbrooke trip, but because he was obsessed with Zelena and getting free of the Underworld.  He wanted Storybrooke because it was Regina's, and he thought Zelena and he should have it.  All he had to do was get Zelena in Underbrooke for a while, and judging by how easily people (Red, for example) popped in and out, he'd have done that before long.  It would've taken more time to convince Zelena without Regina's encouragement , but he had time.

5 hours ago, Anisky said:

Whyyyy was the major plot of the episode centered around finding pages from the Storybook when one of the major story lines of the season was establishing that Henry could WRITE peoples' pasts and, thus, any story from the Storybook?? The plot of this episode doesn't work if you remember any of the episodes leading up to this one. That's pretty much the definition of terrible writing.

The only thing I can come up with that even remotely makes sense is that Henry couldn't rewrite the pages until after they were destroyed, and Hades never did that.

  • Love 5

I'm 95% unspoiled but I knew about Robin's death because I sensed fandom craziness and was too nosy not to see what was causing it. When he actually did die, I snickered because I remembered Sean's tweet of the spoiler pic of Regina/Zelena weeping over Robin's corpse with the crack about Robin's narcolepsy struggles. I did not see the Robin/Roland pictures, but if those scenes were shot I wish they'd been aired. Roland was the most interesting thing about Robin for most of his run (through no fault of Sean's). 

On another note, see that, Charming?!?! Not everyone is reluctant to bromance with Hook. Now stop playing hard to get. 

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, janett snakehole said:

Robin's death being fucking weird- honestly what was happening because it looked so silly. The slow motion closeups of their faces almost made me laugh.


Regina during the death scene seeming so lackadaisical. I get being in shock after the fact, but she barely seemed to care as he was dying. 

Agree. Something felt so off in that death scene. It was totally weird when Robin's soul extended a hand towards Regina, as though trying to say something, and Regina was so slow to react before he got obliterated. 

3 hours ago, Curio said:

I was confused by that as well, because wasn't Moe the one who gave Belle his blessing to marry Rumple at the end of Season 3? Didn't he freaking walk Belle down the aisle at her wedding?

Many things have happened since the wedding. Belle banished Rumple after their marriage and then Rumple almost destroyed Storybrooke by coming back to the Town. Mo probably also found out that Rumple was the Dark One again via the returned Snow and the Gossip Grumpy network. Can't blame Mo for recanting his blessing.

1 hour ago, FierceAfroChick said:

And have CS reunite at their house instead of someone’s grave.  These writers are horrible…seriously, why is it so hard for them to come up with storylines that make sense?  

This was on purpose IMO. It wasn't the the writers are clueless about the bad taste of writing a CS reunion in front of Robin's grave. They framed it that way deliberately to reintroduce the poor Woegina narrative. 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 4

The episode was quite good, even with it's (many) problems. Robin's death was terribly shot and acted. And, really, between Zelena, Regina and Robin didn't make a whole brain. Zeus was ridiculous, and saying that the CGI in that scene was bad is being generous.

The best part was the Underbrooke adventure of Hook and Arthur, but I wish they would have saved the lost souls. I'm going to miss Cruella and the Blind Witch. Hook and Emma's reunion was lovely but incredibly tacky. It should have been somewhere else, not in front of Robin's coffin.

Rumple is a bastard, and I hope they keep him like that. He is way more intereting when he is bad.

  • Love 1

I loved how throughout the Hook/Emma reunion scene, they both seem equally ecstatic and baffled by the whole turn of events. Like, Hooks face when he was describing how Zeus sent him back to Earth with this tone of voice like "can you believe this shit" and Emma's delightful "what?" were just so funny and sweet. It didn't really both me that it was by Robins grave. I was just so happy they were together!

In contrast, I feel like the writers were going for shock with Robins death, but despite some nice tear acting from lana, I didn't really feel her horror or sadness at the death of Robin. She was upset, but not devastated. I mean., if my partner was just wiped from the face of the Earth and all possible afterlifes, I feel like I would have had more of a reaction than some crying. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, kpw801 said:

At least the plots are not recycled over and over again like the ones on Downton Abbey where there was only 1 writer - Julian Fellowes.

I'm sorry, why is it necessary to slander Downton Abbey, when it has gone to the great Underworld of the TV airwaves, and can't bother anyone anymore? Defend this show all you want, but using another show as an example of why this show is better, to me, is just not cool. I don't even see how it's relevant, given that I can't think of a single thing the shows had in common.

It's like someone telling me Tom Brady cheated and me responding "Well, at least he wasn't the Chicago Black Sox!"

  • Love 1

Comparisons to other TV shows are made frequently on this board. It's fair game.

I don't get the message the writers are trying to send us. Robin was a fairly decent person and a good man, but he gets rewarded by ceasing to exist. Meanwhile, Regina has done countless evil acts but will probably end this series either alive and well with her happily ever after or will be sent off into heaven. The morality on this show was already messed up and this episode just took it to a whole new level with Robin's death.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 11
39 minutes ago, 3dog said:

I had to laugh when Hook and Arthur were in the boat, and Arthur sort of reached out to touch the water, and then Hook told him about how touching the water = lost soul fate. Shouldn't he have opened with that information the minute they found a boat? That seems like vital "floating on lost souls" pre-flight safety info.

He was so casual about informing him! I laughed :)

As far as where the Emma/Killian reunion was, I don't care that it was near Robin's grave. And I'm not sure why so many people are bothered. It's not his fault it happened there, or hers. So the writers then? But I think it would have felt 'too perfect' to have it happen at home or by Killian's grave. Sh*t happens where and when it happens. I'm sure the writers are using it to rub it in Regina's face, much like when Emma brought Marian back, but that's not tacky, it's just annoying writing. Aside from that, I don't think it was particularly callous or tacky to have it near a grave (I mean, dude IN the grave was ok with crypt sex...). Regina wasn't there watching, and I believe if she had been, E/K would have toned it down.

Though personally I would have preferred something even more random and mundane, like Hook just pops out from behind an endcap of Cheerios or paper towels while Emma was grocery shopping :)

Edited by Randomosity
Crypt sex!
  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

It's like someone telling me Tom Brady cheated and me responding "Well, at least he wasn't the Chicago Black Sox!"

I think that's a totally reasonable thing to say! I also think that comparing shows is totally fine and normal. E.g., Dawson's Creek used big words, West Wing used lots of words, Gilmore Girls used lots of big words, and OUAT just uses savior, true love, etc. over and over :\

  • Love 1

Poor Robin, he didn't even get the send-off centric episode, which may say something about how the writers viewed this character. That was a big Lost thing -- you could generally tell a character was going to die in that episode when the flashbacks focused on that character's backstory and made you really like him. They did that with Graham. Neal didn't get quite the same treatment, as we already had his backstory and his send-off centric made me like him less because he was a total idiot, but at least he got a send-off centric. Hook got the flashbacks in the episode in which he was killed. Most of the villains get some kind of send-off centric. So I figured that for Robin's death, that's when we'd finally really see him as Robin Hood, with him Errol Flynning it all over the place -- the quarterstaff fight against Little John, cheekily leaving a wealthy noble in his underwear after a robbery, winning an archery tournament disguised as a stork, swinging from the chandeliers, etc. But no, the only Robin Hood flashback that I recall (other than Robin 1.0 being tortured by Rumple and the glimpse of the tattoo) was his journey to Oz. I think every flashback of Robin we had was actually about some other character. So the poor guy died of the writers just not caring enough.

Hades didn't get a send-off centric, either. In fact, we didn't even get to see his villain origin story, just his brief flirtation with Zelena. I like the idea that he didn't have a villain origin story, that he was always bad news, but he was woefully underdeveloped as a villain, and we still don't know why he was torturing Hook.

I can actually believe Zelena being so easily manipulated by Hades. Sadly, it's something I've seen in real life -- the nerdy girl who's never had boys showing her any attention is incredibly vulnerable to the first guy who even acts like he's into her, and it's even worse if she's also got some home life damage so that she's desperate for love. There are predators who seek out women like this because they are so easily manipulated.

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

In contrast, I feel like the writers were going for shock with Robins death, but despite some nice tear acting from lana, I didn't really feel her horror or sadness at the death of Robin. She was upset, but not devastated. I mean., if my partner was just wiped from the face of the Earth and all possible afterlifes, I feel like I would have had more of a reaction than some crying. 

Yes, she was pretty crying (lone tear theatrically sliding down cheek) when the occasion warranted some full-on ugly crying.


As far as where the Emma/Killian reunion was, I don't care that it was near Robin's grave. And I'm not sure why so many people are bothered. It's not his fault it happened there, or hers.

Yeah, it's not like they choose to have sex - I mean reunite - in a crypt full of hearts and his wife's frozen body - I mean near a grave...

Edited by Serena
  • Love 10

The reactions in this episode were off to me, especially with Regina. Robin's death was sad and depressing, but not devastating. Regina cried a little bit immediately after his death, but kept a solemn look at his funeral. I seem to recall more distraught expressions from the characters at Neal's. I was already not too impacted by Robin's death, and the lack of strong emotions kept that feeling solidified. I'm probably comparing it to all the other times a loved one died in a character's arms. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6

and we still don't know why he was torturing Hook.

I've pointed this out before, it was because in 5x11 it was said specifically that since the Dark Ones came out of the Underworld, the equivalent amount of souls had to be sent back as a rule.  Instead, because of Hook, only Hook went back: the souls that were to be traded were spared and the souls that came out in the first place got turned to pure darkness and absorbed by Rumple.  Hades did not like that.

Edited by Mathius
8 minutes ago, Serena said:


Yeah, it's not like they choose to have sex - I mean reunite - in a crypt full of hearts and his wife's frozen body - I mean near a grave...

Ha. Everytime I see someone say it was tacky or inappropriate I think we'll it's certainly less tacky than crypt sex.

  I'm not sure what Hook and Emma were supposed to do. Be reunited and just shake hands and say "Good to see you again"? 

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, shoregirl said:

Ha. Everytime I see someone say it was tacky or inappropriate I think we'll it's certainly less tacky than crypt sex.

  I'm not sure what Hook and Emma were supposed to do. Be reunited and just shake hands and say "Good to see you again"? 

Maybe that is what they should have done. Isn't that basically all Killian and Liam did? So there's precedent.

  • Love 1

 I can't think of a single thing the shows had in common

I can - Mrs. Patmore and Johanna.

I don't have a problem with Regina's muted reaction to Robin's death. Sometimes, people take a while to process a death and losing your soulmate, having him fling himself in front of you to save your life and knowing that he is obliterated from all existence has got to take some processing. Regina was obviously numb - Henry had to hand her an arrow to put on the coffin.

I really liked that touch at his funeral. It made it seem really personal. They've actually done some nice funerals on this show. From the arrows at Robin's funeral to the sound of dirt landing on Neal's (as his father weeps in an underground prison).

I kind of wouldn't mind a spin-off of Arthur in the Underworld where he and his trusty side-kick Stealthy battle Cruella and the Blind Witch for souls while stopping off at Auntie Em's for some sage advice.  They can set right what once went wrong - Quantum Leap without the leaping and with fairytale characters. They could tackle a bunch of the stories that at are too small or weird for the main show. "So, you are telling me that you got attacked by three large dogs - one with eyes as big as dinner plates and now your daughter is married to the owner? Tell me more." Stealthy has had about 5 minutes of screen time in the entire series and he's totally built a character. I like the actor they cast as Arthur and still think he got a crappy deal from that idiot Merlin, so I was glad to see him redeemed.

  • Love 5

Did I miss something Cruella said about the story book? I thought she mentioned that she threw the book in the River of Lost Souls, but then it just happened to be sitting in the gargoyle's hands. Why would she put it in a spot so reachable? Why not throw the entire book into the water? Wouldn't that be a much more difficult place to retrieve it from? Then we could have had an epic scene where Hook had to dive into the water to grab the book, having to trust that shady Arthur would pull him back up with the rope, and then he could run into Milah underwater who helps give him the book. The whole staging where Hook awkwardly stood frozen on the stairs while looking at Arthur getting dragged into the water was bad directing.

20 minutes ago, Mathius said:

I've pointed this out before, it was because in 5x11 it was said specifically that since the Dark Ones came out of the Underworld, the equivalent amount of souls had to be sent back as a rule.  Instead, because of Hook, only Hook went back: the souls that were to be traded were spared and the souls that came out in the first place got turned to pure darkness and absorbed by Rumple.  Hades did not like that.

That's a good headcanon. but that's not what Hades himself said. He blabbed something about Hook bringing hope into the UW, which how he did that before the Nevengers decided to come down to rescue him is beyond me.


Stealthy has had about 5 minutes of screen time in the entire series and he's totally built a character. 

I know, right??!

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Curio said:

Did I miss something Cruella said about the story book? I thought she mentioned that she threw the book in the River of Lost Souls, but then it just happened to be sitting in the gargoyle's hands. Why would she put it in a spot so reachable? Why not throw the entire book into the water? Wouldn't that be a much more difficult place to retrieve it from?

I noticed that too, but it happened to be one of the times where I was okay with "because magic, that's why." The book flowed down the river and flipped itself up somewhere more reachable, just like in season 1 that book turned up right when Snow and Henry needed it.

Sorry if I repeat something... I've just finished watching the episode during my lunch break and before I was trying to keep up the comments here, since being spoiled is not a problem to me.

I too agree with those who thought Regina was quite... nonreactive with Robins death. Sure, the one tear coming down was sweet, but after that... Zelena was crying out loud, even in the funeral Regina had a face.... probably they are going with the tough woman, not wanting to show her pain, route. But at least at the moment  Robin was lying down ont he floor, I expected a more visceral reaction.

Loved seeing Snow back, she was very supportive of Emma, very caring, as well as Charming. Those family moments are so adorable! And I really enjoyed the fact it seems the wardrobe people don't want to hide (or can't!) Ginny's pregnancy. We all know she is expecting other baby, but Snow is not, I think I prefer Snow wearing normal clothes, like that beautiful black dress with baby Charmings (yeap, I refuse to call him for his name) than those horrible rags she was dressing  supposely to hide the pregnancy. What if some pregnancy belly shows up? I don't care.

Hooke and Arthur was a very nice bromance! As well as Hook and Charming... so I guess I am just very well please just by Hook and anyone! I adored him with Cora as well.

Finally Emma and Killian! Loved loved loved that scene! Yeah... I'd prefer some reverse scenes... like after Robin's funeral Emma could go to Killian's and then he would appear... but all those 40 seconds of pure joy (yes, I counted, rewinded and rewatched counting on the clock) were sooo damn cute! And I am being very positive, 40 sec from the moment he said "Swan" to the moment she said "Not all of us", so one could even count it a little less, from the first smile and kiss to Killian's last sentence that reminded her not everything was ok... would be more like 30 something seconds. Half a minute, guys! Pure joy! I hope next episode (double) we manage to reach around 1minute... if we get really lucky 2 minutes... <3

  • Love 4

Maybe Cruella threw the book into the river and floating souls are nice enough to put it on the statue.

It would make sense if the souls were becoming more aware that some would be helpful and some malevolent. Auntie Em or Milah might have put the book somewhere that it was easier to reach while Pan and James might try to prevent Hook from retrieving it. You would think that even Pan though would want to see Hades defeated (James probably would not until he's had an epiphany) because there was certainly no love between Pan/Hades when we last saw Pan.

Actually, Pan might become self-aware faster since he hasn't been in the water long and he probably recognizes the significance of the book. It would be like him to toss the book on the gargoyle. Auntie Em would have tossed it on the dock to make it easy, but Pan would want to make a game of it - never sure if he'd be happier defeating Hades or his old nemesis Hook. Meanwhile, James would totally be attacking people because he currently wants joy for nobody, rather liked Hades and would rather have Cruella creating havoc.

Or the book might have climbed out itself. It has long been thought that the book does what it wants and appears when needed. In this very episode it first twitched on the desk like Emmett from the Lego Movie and when that didn't work, it gave up and opened itself to a specific page (you can almost hear it sighing in disgust that Emma wouldn't take the hint). Perhaps the book senses what people want. Snow wanted something to help Henry and she finds the book where a book might be found. Somebody else found it washed up in the street. Hook heard that the book was in the River of Lost Souls and probably hoped it wasn't actually in the river. So, it was not. The book is kind of like the Sword of Gryffindor. Or the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man (if you think it, there it is).

  • Love 2

well I loved this episode.  some thoughts on the episode: 

  • Loved the Killian and Arthur bromance, I assumed Arthur would just be in Storybrooke but I really enjoyed his adventure in the UW.  
  • Still don't care about Merida - I don't know why they bothered bringing her back.  
  • loved all the Charming family scenes - Snow and Charming have been really there for Emma during 5B and I'm loving every minute of it.
  • love that Emma and Hook were still working together even though they were seperated, and I really liked the scene where Emma found the pages.
  • count me as underwhelmed by Robins death - I expected a bigger reaction from Regina, but then again I think we'll get that next week - I do feel sorry for all the OutlawQueen fans though.
  • thought Jmo and Rebecca Mader really knocked it out of the park in this ep.
  • Emma at Killians grave = lots of feels
  • LOVED LOVED LOVED the CaptainSwan reunion - I like it more every time I see it (& I've watched it a few times)
  • Love 3

I rewatched the scene with Cruella and the stubble sandwich. She said the book was "In sight, but out of reach. I put it in the River of Souls." I didn't get the impression that she actually threw the book in the water, just put it where she thought the souls of the Underworld would be least likely to go.

I firmly believe Pan was the lost soul trying to prevent Arthur and Hook from fulfilling their quest. It's totally something the little shit would do, oh how I'll miss him. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 3

Also, Hades commits murder with a little innocent baby in his arms.

That moment when he just snaps Arthur's neck was a tad shocking for me. I did not expect it, I had a WTF reaction to it, and in the background, all I could see was the baby in the pink blanket.

Hades went from not being to harm anyone to murdering 2 people in a very short span of time. 

Making up for lost time and all.

  • Love 5

I enjoyed this episode and thought it moved along nicely. I too thought Regina's reaction was wooden but as I've mulled it over, I guess we're suppose to understand this broke her.  She usually reacts so over the top over the smallest slights but the death of Robin just did her in and she almost went catatonic.  With Zelina losing it next to her, it made her response stand out even more.

I love, love love Cruella and the Blind Witch and just wish they would find a magic mirror where they can observe the residents of SB and provide commentary on their lives - UW MST3000!.  Just think of the fun they could have!

Loved the Hooking bromance and so wish we would get some reaction from Charming!  Speaking of Charming (or really JD), I loved the interaction between him and BDO.  He lifted him up in the air and then was doing the small back circles with his fingers to keep the baby calm - not how some actors who had no experience with small children pounding the kid on his back. It made me smile to think he must be great with his own son.

Hook/Emma - loved that they were working together even though they were worlds apart and we're willing to let go.  Those 40 seconds of their reunion were packed with emotion!

I too agree that A & E wanted it over Robin's grave as to push Regina even further but I also think they did because they knew it would ignite the fandom. A & E do labor under the impression that all Twitter/Tumblr internet chatter/fights are good for the show!

I like Rumple evil and he is not disappointing.

  • Love 3

If Regina even suggests that Emma is responsible for Robin's death, then Emma needs to take a play out of Diane Lockhart's playbook and slap the shit out of her.

Considering Regina blamed Snow for Daniel's death instead of blaming Cora--you know, Daniel's actual murderer--things don't look great for Emma. Or for my sanity while watching the fallout from Robin's death next week.

  • Love 6
54 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Also, Hades commits murder with a little innocent baby in his arms.

That moment when he just snaps Arthur's neck was a tad shocking for me. I did not expect it, I had a WTF reaction to it, and in the background, all I could see was the baby in the pink blanket.

Hades went from not being to harm anyone to murdering 2 people in a very short span of time. 

Making up for lost time and all.

Yeah, now that Hades could harm the living again, he had a field day with it. He practically orgasmed when Robin died.

Unfortunately, he was also handed the Idiot Ball by feeling the need to make the Olympian Crystal to "end" people with out of pure sadism, even though it was the only thing that could kill him.   C'mon, Hades, you're smarter than that!

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 2

I'm wondering, when did they have Hook's funeral? Emma was still wearing the same clothes from when Hook died when she sensed the dagger the next morning, and they seem to have gone straight to the Underworld, so it doesn't look like they paused for a funeral before leaving. Did Smee have the funeral for him while they were in the Underworld? I guess it could have been the day before or the same day as Robin's funeral, and some time could have passed between Robin's death and the funeral, and Hook might have been in transit between worlds for awhile. It would have been interesting to see how Hook's funeral would have gone. Really, that should have been where Hook returned. I guess the big magic whoosh would have made it clear he was back, so he couldn't have just stood there and listened to what people said about him.

The problem with having him return after Robin's funeral is that in a way, it makes it about Regina even though it has nothing to do with Regina and Regina wasn't even there to have their joy rubbed into her face at her lost. It parallels more directly with Emma getting her boyfriend back while Regina loses hers, and kind of makes Hook's return about Regina's pain. At least, that's the way they seem to have framed it, and they're just inviting comparisons.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Mathius said:

Yeah, now that Hades could harm the living again, he had a field day with it. He practically orgasmed when Robin died.

Unfortunately, he was also handed the Idiot Ball by feeling the need to make the Olympian Crystal to "end" people with out of pure sadism, even though it was the only thing that could kill him.  

Gald I'm not the only one who thought he was having a moment when he killed Robin. With his reaction, and what he was holding in his hands, it was just too much.

Regarding the idiot ball, I don't think he even thought that anyone would dare try to kill him, and even if they did, they wouldn't succeed because he's a God. That's what it came down to for him. He's a God, therefore untouchable. I don't think he ever saw the pages of the book coming back to bite him in the ass.

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