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S06.E18: One Last Dance


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The Moms completely ruined what could have been a nice finale and farewell to Maddie and MacKenzie. The way they tried to manipulate our emotions was shameful. It didn't work and only served to annoy me. Worse yet, I wasn't buying their own sincerity.

Melissa talks about the horrible behavior of Abby and the other mini moms, really Melissa? Vile doesn't even begin to describe Melissa's behavior.

Holly needs to stop preaching what she believes to be morally right in situations where morality isn't in question.

I hate to see Jill and Kendall suffer needlessly over missing M&M&M. I suggest they leave the show, too. A "win for them, and a "win" for the viewers.

I loved the dances and thought the girls were great!

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Did you know this is Maddie and Mack's last week?  No, really.  Did you know that this is Maddie and Mack's week and it should be all about them.  Look, I get that Abby isn't the most mature in how she deals with things.  She's not remotely mature. But at the same time I'm not entirely sure what the "elite" moms originally wanted?  Does Melissa want the ALDC shut down?  Banners hung in the girls honor?  Renaming the studio after Maddie?  Red carpet entrances?  I get why leaving the team would be an actual really big deal to Mack and Maddie, the kids, but the moms carrying on like a bunch of 12 year olds...ugh.   So I feel bad for the kids for Abby's non reaction, but not the moms.

I also get that editing, but there is no way that awful, awful moment with Melissa and the mini-mom could have been scripted.  Edited funny? Maybe.  But nobody would have the balls to show themselves to be that awful of a person for no real pay off.  Yes, Melissa.  Your girls leaving the team is totally more important than another woman talking about her disabled son.  Why would anybody want to hire Maddie or Mack for anything if that is what comes with the deal?

I don't dislike Maddie and good for her for getting real opportunities, but I do not get when the switch happened where the other moms started treating her as this supreme deity of dance who is also responsible for the entire success of Dance Moms.  So much for trying to keep a kid grounded.  I'm scared for that child in a few years.  Either her ego will be out of control from the over the top constant praise or if her career tanks she won't know how to deal with anything since Melissa has Maddie's whole self worth wrapped up in being a star.

If I never see Melissa's face again it will be too soon.  "I am not disrespectful to you.  Your kids will be nothing.  The fans will never love you."  I swear it's comedy.  Do the other elite moms not realize that Melissa feels the same about all of their girls too?  Lol.  It's nice to give the girls a nice send off, but people giving Melissa props for being a self centered witch makes me want to throw up.

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Melissa is really awful. Complaining that people were acknowledging that other mom's disabled son when it was "her kids' week." Really? Really? To that woman's face. Granted that mom lost some of my sympathy when she rolled out her disabled son for TV cameras, but it was still awful of Melissa. And I forget which mom it was that complained about Abby being more emotional over the son than Maddie leaving. I kind of think that's the first normal thing Abby has ever done.

I also forget which mom said how the fans would never accept the mini team, but I am feeling a lot more love for the minis than the current batch. The awful mothers are tainting how I see the girls.

It was crappy of Abby to not say a decent good-bye to Maddie and Mackenzie. But what the hell did they expect?

I was kind of glad Abby corrected Maddie when Maddie said no one could ever replace them because they were the first. I totally get why Maddie would feel that way, but that's not the kind of thing you say out loud.

These moms are such high school mean girls. I was impressed they invited Ashley to brunch with them, but then they started talking about her in the third person right in front of her.

I really like Mackenzie and wanted her to win, but I also loved seeing Melissa have to deal with her losing. I actually thought Mackenzie's dance was performed better than the mini, but I guess it didn't have as many actual dance moves.

I liked the shot they did towards the end that showed Maddie spinning on stage from season 1 to today.

Kalani is really a classy young woman. I don't know how that happened with Kira as her mom, but it did.

Note to Jill: Your daughter hasn't been on the show from the beginning. Why do you think people won't remember that?

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 Either her ego will be out of control from the over the top constant praise or if her career tanks she won't know how to deal with anything since Melissa has Maddie's whole self worth wrapped up in being a star.

I think both are going to happen.  I think Melissa is spinning up her ego currently and then the fall is about a year or so away if she doesn't get something really big in the next few months. 

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The highlight for me was when Kendall the Wooden Face advised the girls to use their faces and show expression, "because the judges love that." Thosewho can't, teach!

Melissa is a serpent. All of the moms keep whining about how Melissa wanted this to be about her kids. No. She wanted it to be about her. And the moms constantly trying to provoke Melissa into outbursts had been traumatic for the girls. They are such wretched wretched people.

I am so glad Maddie is leaving, because Melissa has got to go. She used to be so meek, and now she is Momzilla.  However, I think without Dance Moms, people will not be as charmed by Maddie and begging her for cameos everywhere like they have been. Maddie is the one somewhat exceptional talent on the team, so she gets all the invites. When she isn't one the team, meh. Who knows. We shall see. .

I am sick of all the "elite" moms addressing all of their jealousy, feeling threatened, and hatred towards the mini moms, and calling them the minis. The little girls do NOT be involved, and it's the little girls who are the minis. If they hate their mothers call them the mothers, not the minis.. Of course they also call themselves the elite team, instead of their daughters.

I always thought Mack was cute and feisty, but I wont miss the acro routines and conatant ponytails and ariels one bit. I know they want to blame choreography, but Arya danced circles around Mackenzie. They did NOT have to exploit her poor brother- the girl was quite pretty enough just doing the dance.

When Holly told the mini moms they needed their moment to walk the red carpet as the "elite" just one last time, it's like she forgot that people don't even come to the fake competitions anymore. Who was she peacocking for? And it was awesome how the kids needing the spotlight weren't who she was referring to, it was the moms. The constant need for attention is so outrageous. 

Jessa Lynn and Jill were so hated for so long for being snakes.... Now they call themselves "the originals." Notice they weren't referring to their daughters who are doing all the work. No, "the team" is the moms needing their kids to keep them on television. 


Note to Jill: Your daughter hasn't been on the show from the beginning. Why do you think people won't remember that?

Yes, THIS.  The things Jill did to get her average talented daughter wedged into the team were horrifying back in the day. And her suddenly being Maddie's and Melissa's number one fan this season is proof that she knew they were on their way out and she always wanted that, so she was in celebration mode.

I love how they expected Mack to win in the end. She doesn't actually win much. I think the Shirley Temple crap she has to do holds her back.She is the kid who would probably have me cracking up all the time, but she is more, to me, a performer than a dancer.

(BTW, the  woman announcing the winners AND the woman interviewing the girls with the judges were dressed kind of racily for a kids' event.)

You know this whole thing is fake because when a competition show cares that two people are leaving a reality show. They aren't dying, geez. Are they never dancing again? And then she gets Melissa up on stage to steal all the thunder again from her daughters. Bleck

(Gia has been there from the beginning and been the best example of professionalism and class this show has ever had. I could not keep my mouth shut the way she does.)

Melissa is not mad until these harpies create confrontation repeatedly, and then she continues to be nasty. The final scene was painful. And why are they taking a break? I mean, I know the show is taking a break, but does that mean the fake competitions stop, and the rehearsals and classes stop? Abby's final words were like the whole studio was shutting down.

Edited by Chewy101
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Bye Melissa, good riddance!! What an absolute egocentric, and ill-behaved, wack job.  Her attitude and behavior this entire episode was disgusting. She was a nasty bitch to Areana's mom.  The world doesn't revolve around you, nor your children. Melissa is really showing her TRUE colors now that she's leaving. No Melissa, the fans will NOT miss you. The whole world isn't going to stop spinning because your kids are leaving a dance team. Life does go on. New stars need to be born. I will not miss Maddie either. She comes off as an arrogant little snot that's full of herself. I'm glad the Zieglers are gone. Will not miss them.

The elite moms are awful. Watching them act like bitchy mean girls on those red stairs, remind me of junior high school girls on the bleachers in the soccer field. And this show paved the way for the girls NOT other way around.

There goes Jill again, acting like she is an original team member. "We started the legacy and paved the way for the team". Smh.... And Jill only became friends with Melissa because she thought it would get Kendall further and it didn't. 

LOL, I find it hilarious how Kendall being in charge of the mini's this week, had Jill gleeing that Abby see potential in Kendall and to be the leader of the team after Maddie leaves. No...just no. Telling the minis to use their face on stage, when she's been dancing emotionless on stage for these past 5 seasons.

The moms looked stupid coming to the competition in those funeral outfits. Mourning??? Nobody died, like give me a break!

The special tribute, flower bouquets, and Melissa giving a speech on stage are further proof that these  recent competitions have been staged and fake. What real competition would do that??

Areana's solo was great and has alot of potential. She's already better than half the elite team. Mackenzie's solo was a mess and too childish with the cutesy acro and ponytails.

Shut up Kira! The elite team moms were rude to Areana's mom this week. You were irrelevant these past two episode then had some stupid outburst telling off another mother. Go back to the background and be silent.

Congrats to the the minis. They're adorable!

Edited by MoonWalker
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I would have loved for Mack to have had a real solo for this final dance. Hated that she got thrown yet another childish acro routine. She just looks ridiculous anymore with those. 

Was very pleasantly surprised by Areanna. She's pretty much the whole package already. More expressive than Maddie was at that age and better technique. Beautiful dance, though I hated the Emcee having her go out to hug her brother before her critique.

Melissa acted like a lunatic b*tch. It's not all about you and your kids Melissa. Yes, it would have been nice if Abby had been a little more affectionate with Maddie and Mack, but your beef is with Abby not the mini Mom.

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Then when Melissa tried to assure the moms that Abby doesn't give a crap about their kids - that they are just using them to bring in more kids. You mean, like a dance studio owner? Like a teacher? She cares about their craft, she isn't adopting them. And considering they all constantly whine that Abby doesn't care, why are they so surprised this week that she is being herself? All of these moms are so delusional. They are not preparing their kids for the wicked world of real competition, but instead expecting loyalty and nepotism over actual qualification. 

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I hardly pay actual detail to this show anymore-I kind of checked out when Chloe left and it's normally on in the background. But tonight I watched and damn, are these people dramatic. I did feel a little sad for Maddie and Mack, I'm sure it's sad to be leaving, but..god, it became the most dramatic thing ever. With the mom's making it that way and the flowers stage moment, the hell? A part of me did feel bad that Abby was kind of rude about it and her snide comments here and there about how the moving on may not be such a good thing in the end. 

And the only Mom besides Melissa who has been there from the beginning is Holly. 

And here's the thing, I do feel a bit sad for Maddie and Mack. More so Mack. Since I'm pretty sure Maddie has known about this decision to not return for a little bit and Mack found out when everyone found out a few weeks ago. Plus, like most things, Mack is doing it because Maddie doesn't need to dance for a studio anymore, she's in Sia videos and movies and dancing on award shows and Coachella. Mack isn't doing all that. I'm not saying Mack doesn't have a bright future, I'm sure she does, I just don't know what the plan is for her, unlike Maddie who I know is going to be doing so many things with Sia and then other stuff. So, I kind of feel more for her. 

This is why I wonder if after the first season, the show should have moved on to another team in Abby's studio with new moms and daughters each season. Obviously, the network likes Abby- more so then when they tried the Miami seasons, they seemed to never take off as much as this version- so the network and show would still get Abby but we would get a new crop of kids and moms. And we could cycle in some of the girls we already know officially. Granted, I know that most of this is all fake anyway, but still.  

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So....I got Elastic Heart by Sia stuck in my head, and decided to watch the video.  Maddie is very, very captivating in the video......however, I naturally got stuck watching more Sia videos (damn you YouTube) and found that the little girl doing karate in the Alive video was just as captivating......and I have to wonder how much of this is the girls, and how much of it is the director, the lighting, the choreography...the wig.....is Maddie all that captivating without it?

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I am thinking the other older girls are not long for this show if this show comes back for another season and Abby is not locked up somewhere. The girls are getting pretty old and tall and by next year Nia will need a huge bra,looks like she was falling out of the dance costume already. The minis will be the show, cute little girls who dance amazingly well. 

What can you say about Melissa. The "original" moms hated her and considered her manipulative. And she always played the poor victim. Nope, we always say they canedit you to look bad but those words have to come out of your mouth.  I wondered what Holly did when they cut away after Melissa's tirade. She looked poised to do something and then it cut away.

Kendal was not part of the original team. but it seems her mom was always scheming to get her on the team from year one.  I know she danced at the school when the show started.  Heck Kira is bad, she was not on until a few years ago. 

So much bad this show, Don't they even think they are going to appear on TV with these huge warts they call mouths?

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5 hours ago, Clemgo3165 said:


Was very pleasantly surprised by Areanna. She's pretty much the whole package already. More expressive than Maddie was at that age and better technique.


Those leaps were horrible.  No follow through or completion on her moves, legs not stretched at all.  I don't get how the judge said she had flawless technique.  She is not a well trained 10 year old.  I thought she was about 7 years old but they said she was 10.   No way is she anywhere near the level of Maddie or Brynn or Kalani when they were all 10 years old.  The minis appear to be much younger than they are.

51 minutes ago, RCharter said:

So....I got Elastic Heart by Sia stuck in my head, and decided to watch the video.  Maddie is very, very captivating in the video......however, I naturally got stuck watching more Sia videos (damn you YouTube) and found that the little girl doing karate in the Alive video was just as captivating......and I have to wonder how much of this is the girls, and how much of it is the director, the lighting, the choreography...the wig.....is Maddie all that captivating without it?

Just because there are other entertainers that are as captivating, that doesn't take away from how talented Maddie is.  I don't get that.  When people see a great performance do they say, "well so and so could have done that,"  or do they say, wow that was good?  Did you see her dance tonight without a wig or director or lighting?  People are still trying to trivialize her talent?

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It's already been said but I will repeat: the original moms were HORRIBLE to the mini moms.  That being said, I like Ari and her mom but bringing her disabled son on to garner ratings/sympathy, etc is just wrong. 

You could tell Maddie is just over this.  I think she was parroting things she'd heard when she said they were not replaceable or however she phrased that.  I kind of felt sorry for her when Abby put her in her place, I am sure she wasn't expecting that reaction from Abby. 

I found it funny when Kendall was telling the little girls to use their faces because the judges love that.  It seemed a bit sarcastic to me.

If I was in the crowd when they gave the flowers and speeches, I would have left because that kind of stuff drives me crazy.  The dance competition wasn't about Maddie and Mac but all of the kids who competed.  I am sure other kids have left dance studios with no fanfare and been just fine. On that note: what the heck was Melissa expecting?  A large going away party or what?  I also think it was not just Abby that she was expecting a big to do from but seemed to expect production to set something up for her.  If I heard it was her girl's week once, I heard it a thousand times.  Just because you are leaving doesn't make it your week!

I am not sure I can watch for the minis because I only like one mom and they seem to just fight to fight.

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I don't normally feel compelled to post but I had to after this episode.  Mourning attire? Really?  Yes, I get it.  It's bittersweet that the girls are moving on.  But that's life,  You move on, you leave one thing and move to another.  To say the moms were being dramatic about it all is an understatement.  Sure a goodbye party with a few nice parting words from the dance teacher would have been nice but this was another week with another competition that involved all the girls on both teams.  The whole world doesn't stop just because you are moving on to something else.  Ridiculous. 

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She may have thought they deserved a party from the show, but dance studios don't throw parties for students who leave.  That's something that happens every spring.  I think Abby's true colors are you're important to me if you're helping me.  You're leaving?  Don't let the door hit you.  It's all become too much drama and lies for me.  I'm sticking around to see the results of Abby's trial. 

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I think what make the funeral-esque charades even more ridiculous is the fact M&M&M are not leaving the ALDC, they are just not going to be a part of the TV team anymore.  I made sure every time someone mentioned the girls leaving, that person always specified "leaving the ALDC elite team", not the ALDC, in general.  I don't think the Z's are going anywhere, so a full-on farewell wasn't really necessary.   The cake and balloons was more than enough, though Abby could have been a little nicer towards M&M.  But expecting to be the center of attention for a full week is greedy and disrespectful to a woman trying to keep a business going IRL.  

The minis are growing on me, but the moms....not so much.  I thought Areana did a beautiful job and I literally cried when she was talking about her brother (damn pregnancy hormones).  I can't believe she is 10, and I give her credit for dancing on a mini team without complaints, that we know of.  I'm not too thrilled Abby is pulling the same age tricks with the minis as she did with the original team, where she used girls that were too old by throwing in a little one to balance the ages out (Brooke and Kenzie).  

The minis are fun, but I don't know if another generation of kids will have the same magic that the original team had.  The originals were all from the same studio, so it was something special to see them improve and win.  Any teacher can take the best minis or juniors from around the country and make them a winning team, there's no excitement in that, IMO.  

LOL at Jill having to push the idea her kid is an original.  Not only did Kendall come in during Season 2 from a different studio, she also left in Season 3, I think, to join the enemy at Candy Apples.  It was probably producer-driven, but the viewers remember this stuff.  Your kid is not an original member, fact.  

It boils down to the fact that Melissa is a selfish, selfish woman that thinks the world revolves around both she and Maddie, so she wanted the full STAR treatment this last week.  I'd add Mack in there, but let's not pretend Melissa cares about Mack to the same level she does Maddie.  Talk about a woman that believes her own hype.  I really think she beyond anything for Abby to admit that there will never be somebody better than Maddie and for Abby to just give up and close the ALDC doors forever.  Then they could have given Maddie a crown and the other girls could have danced around her while thanking Maddie and Melissa for their meek Dance Moms existence.

The other hysterical part about the moms acting like they did is supposedly Maddie and Mack are moving on for happy reasons.  Maddie's big career!  Why are you acting like it's a funeral when Melissa chose to leave to pursue Maddie's career on a full time basis, which is supposed to be a happy thing.

Then you have got lovely revisionist Jill who keeps claiming that she and Kendall were one of the originals.  At this point I think Jill has actually erased Paige and Brooke from her mind and probably thinks its true.  Also if I want to be petty, Kendall needs not do "hip hop".  She was the weakest link that I saw in that group number.

I looked at Holly's twitter out of curiosity as to how she was spinning her behavior these last several weeks.  Last night she offered one of those sarcastic backhanded apologies about how they just wanted to celebrate Maddie and Mack's Dance Moms legacy and she's sorry (or not since it reeked of sarcasm) that it bothered people.  Legacy.  These girls do not have a legacy.  Nor does Holly realize that nobody would have made a big deal out of Nia leaving if she was the one leaving the team instead.  

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, tessat said:

I loved Maddie's routine and you can see how much she's improved with being able to work with other choreographers.

Everyone has opinions - that's just the way it is. Lack of leg extensions bother you - I thought Areanna was beautiful and she reminded me of Chloe.

I'm over the elite team and am Team Mini from noww on!

Leg extensions are boring.  Crooked legs bother me. 

I don't know how good Mackenzie is or isn't in hip hop, but she sure shines in those numbers, and shows more confidence than anything else she does.

Has Maddie had a growth spurt of late?  She almost looks like a different person.  I've always felt that part of her appeal is she was tiny and looked like a much younger girl.  I wonder if she's going to soon age out of some of her popularity.

16 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Melissa is really awful. Complaining that people were acknowledging that other mom's disabled son when it was "her kids' week." Really? Really? To that woman's face. Granted that mom lost some of my sympathy when she rolled out her disabled son for TV cameras, but it was still awful of Melissa. And I forget which mom it was that complained about Abby being more emotional over the son than Maddie leaving. I kind of think that's the first normal thing Abby has ever done.

I also forget which mom said how the fans would never accept the mini team, but I am feeling a lot more love for the minis than the current batch. The awful mothers are tainting how I see the girls.

It was crappy of Abby to not say a decent good-bye to Maddie and Mackenzie. But what the hell did they expect?

I was kind of glad Abby corrected Maddie when Maddie said no one could ever replace them because they were the first. I totally get why Maddie would feel that way, but that's not the kind of thing you say out loud.

These moms are such high school mean girls. I was impressed they invited Ashley to brunch with them, but then they started talking about her in the third person right in front of her.

I really like Mackenzie and wanted her to win, but I also loved seeing Melissa have to deal with her losing. I actually thought Mackenzie's dance was performed better than the mini, but I guess it didn't have as many actual dance moves.

I liked the shot they did towards the end that showed Maddie spinning on stage from season 1 to today.

Kalani is really a classy young woman. I don't know how that happened with Kira as her mom, but it did.

Note to Jill: Your daughter hasn't been on the show from the beginning. Why do you think people won't remember that?

I thought Holly was against excluding people or does that only apply to Nia? 

I agree that Kalani comes across as being very classy, much classier than the moms and very humble. 

I hate that Jill tries to act like she's been on the show for all 6 seasons. 


If I remember correctly Melissa and her husband saved Abby's studio by investing. Perhaps she thinks that should get her kids some consideration.

I believe this is what happened too.  Abby was bankrupt at the time. And also I think pre the show, the studio was failing because it was just a studio in Pittsburgh at the time and Abby isn't a nice teacher so I doubt it was making money but then then Melissa's then boyfriend helped and then the show (also fun fact: the show sort of started because of Christi, I think, I remember when they did house tours on the lifetime website and Christi was showing her porch and she said something, this is how it started, I sat out here with a women and a camera and talked about my life with the studio and my daughter) and obviously, the show bought in more people. But yes, Melissa's husband helped. Also, Melissa did work at the front desk and help out Abby from time to time. 

Yeah, plenty of dancers leave studios for various reasons, Maddie's reason being that she is no longer able to be a competing dancer right now, others being college or moving away, leaving a dance studio isn't.. something new. Like I said, I feel the most sad for Mackenzie since I think at the end of the day, she seems to lose certain things because of what Maddie does. Back in Pittsburgh when Mack and Maddie did home-school, I think Mack would have liked to stay in school but it was easier on Melissa to have both girls in home school. 

Also the lack of acknowledged for who the original team members were is funny. If the elite mom's wanted it to be the team from day 1, then only Holly and Melissa should have walked in together. In their stupid hats. 

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I have to say (and I'm surprising myself here) Maddie's solo was quite good.  Until recently, I've been pretty meh on Maddie and her dancing but since she returned from her movie shoot I've been able see more of the draw.  I wonder if maybe my lack of interest or more recently my appreciation has been due to the choreography.  I've been uncharacteristically pulled into her dances since she returned from her movie shoot and wonder if that's perhaps because they are being choreographed by someone other than Abby or Gia?  Similarly, while I've always enjoyed Kalani's dancing, I enjoyed it far more when she was working with her home studio teacher.

Melissa is batshit insane and a horrible human being. That said, I loved Maddie's dance this week and thought Kenzie's was way too basic. However, the group hip hop number was great, and I thought both girls shined in it. I also want to say "Poor Kenzie" one last time. For her solo, Melissa, Abby, and the other moms just sat there and clapped half-heartedly at the end, but after Maddie's solo, they were all up on their feet, sobbing, and cheering madly. Ugh. Poor Kenzie.  

Also, I hate it to break it to the elite team moms, but I am beyond ready for a new team and new moms. Bring on the minis I say. The only downside would be losing Brynn, who I think is really talented.  Kalani is also a beautiful dancer, but Kira is just crazy. She's either completely silent or full of rage, yelling and cursing. There's no in between with her. Jill and Jess are total hypocrites and Holly has zero self-awareness. In short, the elite moms all suck and I hate every second they're on screen. I watch the show in spite of those women, not because of them, and I have felt this way since day one, back when Christy, Chloe's mother and Paige and Brooke's mother, whose name I honestly can't remember, decided to get a drink at the bar right before their girls were about to dance. I am also good and ready to get rid of  Kendall and Jo-Jo who are spoiled, annoying, and talentless. Even Nia is a bore to watch, in my opinion. 

I wish the show would cut back on the mama drama entirely and focus on the girls perfecting their routines, but the drama is the show's winning formula so I know it's an idle hope. 

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Well the majority of posters on the other social network are in agreement with most of us. Melissa is vile - some will miss Maddie - some won't but all will miss Mac. Supposedly Maddie is also doing a movie called The Ballerina but 2 people did read an article last week stating the Zieglers would be back for Season 7.

There was not 1 poster that likes Jill and wishes she was leaving with Melissa. The love now for Melissa is so funny because for the 1st 3 years - all they did was complain about Melissa and Abby's favortism of Maddie. Jill constantly was upset the Kendall wasn't getting solos and Maddie was. As off the wall that Christi and Kelly were - I enjoyed watching them much better.

I also think it's comical that after they announced awards and Maddie and Mac are presented with flowers that the auditorium is empty. Looks like only the first 2 rows are filled. That's sad but goes to show what a farce this show is.


Oh my Gawd. This show. These women.

I hope and assume it was EDITED to look like Melissa interrupted the mum with the disabled son, to complain about how they're talking about that instead of Maddie & Mackenzie. I'll have to watch it back to see if that's the case. But holy hell, either way. That woman is completely brainless to do such a thing!!

I get why she was upset about Abby's attitude towards Maddie and Mackenzie. It was very odd and jarring for Abby to be so dismissive. I don't blame Melissa for expecting more... perhaps a lyrical dance that dealt with the other girls saying goodbye, perhaps a bit more of a fuss made. I get why she felt hurt and short-changed, sure. I would too. But to openly, out-loud rant about too much attention being on a disabled son... wow. Sh*t for brains.

I also see Abby's point of view. She can't mope around making it look like her career and tv show and dance studio are over now these girls are gone. She HAS to look to the future - and fast.

Maddie's dance was gorgeous, made me teary actually. I wish Mackenzie could have placed - what a shame she got lumbered with yet ANOTHER terrible acro dance on her last episode. Areana's dance was lovely too and yes, better than half the elite team.

The crazy manipulation of making us like the mini team... well, it's working on me. Mainly because of the 'elite' mums behaviour, rather than because Abby and the producers are pulling out all the stops to manipulate us into liking them. The elite mums need to GO. With Maddie and Mackenzie gone, how many people will truly care about that team anyway? And the mums are simply AWFUL. Get rid. The minis seem cute, lets watch them instead.

HILARIOUS that Kendall told those kids to use faces.


ETA: Of course kids leave dance schools all the time, though the situation is a little different here. The girls and mums have been through something rather exceptional, like it or not. They have shot to celebrity status, had all the cameras, spent every living day together as far as I can see. That makes it a little different than your average dance competition team. And given what a massive part Maddie in particular had to play in it, I don't blame Melissa for expecting more from Abby.

Edited by hellohoping
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I think the elite moms are terrified that Abby is going to replace the elite team with the mini team and that's why they are so nasty to the mini moms. Melissa is just furious that the mini moms don't kiss her ass, like she thinks everyone should do just because she is Maddie's mom. 

Abby was being typically passive-aggressive and Melissa should have expected it since she knows Abby so well. She shouldn't have let Abby see how bothered she was because then Abby got what she wanted. Melissa basically took all her anger at Abby out on Ariana's (?) mom, which was a crappy thing to do.

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2 hours ago, sharkerbaby said:

I wonder if maybe my lack of interest or more recently my appreciation has been due to the choreography.  I've been uncharacteristically pulled into her dances since she returned from her movie shoot and wonder if that's perhaps because they are being choreographed by someone other than Abby or Gia? 

The choreography has improved immensely.  It has to be done by professionals along with their make up and costumes.  At first Maddie had that horrible competition choreography with the overly angsty look, the fouettes, the rolling around.  Her talent and potential were always there on the surface but you couldn't really tell if she would be able to transition out of the dance competition circuit.  It wasn't until the Sia video that her versatility showed and professionals took notice of her.  Her dance last night was no way choreographed by Abby or Gia. 

2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:


Yeah, plenty of dancers leave studios for various reasons, Maddie's reason being that she is no longer able to be a competing dancer right now, others being college or moving away, leaving a dance studio isn't.. something new. Like I said, I feel the most sad for Mackenzie since I think at the end of the day, she seems to lose certain things because of what Maddie does. Back in Pittsburgh when Mack and Maddie did home-school, I think Mack would have liked to stay in school but it was easier on Melissa to have both girls in home school. 


I think it's more to do with them leaving the TV show, not necessarily the studio.   And I think Melissa is foul but at least she didn't leave Mackenzie back in another state like the other moms. 

It's not so unusual that one child in the family is super talented in sports, music, acting or something and the other ones have to learn and accept it.  It has to be difficult for parents.  Although I don't think Melissa is a typical parent.

4 hours ago, sharkerbaby said:

I have to say (and I'm surprising myself here) Maddie's solo was quite good.  Until recently, I've been pretty meh on Maddie and her dancing but since she returned from her movie shoot I've been able see more of the draw.  I wonder if maybe my lack of interest or more recently my appreciation has been due to the choreography.  I've been uncharacteristically pulled into her dances since she returned from her movie shoot and wonder if that's perhaps because they are being choreographed by someone other than Abby or Gia?  Similarly, while I've always enjoyed Kalani's dancing, I enjoyed it far more when she was working with her home studio teacher.

I used to be pretty meh on her too, but this season she has really impressed me. I don't know if she's had more training away from Abby or if it's something else, but there's definitely been a huge improvement for her.

2 hours ago, EVS said:

I think the elite moms are terrified that Abby is going to replace the elite team with the mini team and that's why they are so nasty to the mini moms. 

That's why they are nasty to any new mom that comes in. They are scared their kid is going to be replaced. Then after a new kid lasts more than a new season without their kid leaving, they relent a little. Then someone even newer comes in and the first new mom gets into the "cool moms' club." You can even see them being nicer to Ashley now that the mini moms are there. (They're still pretty bitchy to Ashley though).

3 hours ago, hellohoping said:

I hope and assume it was EDITED to look like Melissa interrupted the mum with the disabled son, to complain about how they're talking about that instead of Maddie & Mackenzie. I'll have to watch it back to see if that's the case. But holy hell, either way. That woman is completely brainless to do such a thing!!

I hope it was edited too, but you can hear her voice breaking in while you still see the mini mom talking. If they edited it, they did a really good job.

I agree with everyone here about Melissa -- just despicable behavior.  The way she spoke to Areana's mom about her disabled son was just horrendous.  Her true colors really came out when she was pushed "YOU'RE KIDS WILL BE NOTHING!!! THE FANS WON'T LOVE YOU!!!".  

Yes, Melissa.  Because they love you.  

That being said - if Abby had ANY sense, she would have scheduled Areana's special dance for her brother on another week (any other week) so that it wouldn't be competing for attention with M&M's last dances ever.  Abby was pretty clever with that move.  She basically introduced her a new "star" in the episode where M&M left.  

I felt bad for Mackenzie - I read somewhere that she actually did place 1st in Junior, and that Areana was actually competing in Mini.  Anyone else hear this?

I thought Maddie's solo was stunning.  I really hope dance training remains a priority for her as she pursues other things.  

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4 minutes ago, tinydancer2828 said:

Doesn't Abby pride herself on creating employable dancers? Now Maddie is being employed and she's upset. I know the show is edited but I am embarrassed by Melissa's behavior. 

She also always says everyone is replaceable, so she's just pushing that line right now. I think it's really just her defense mechanism because she was way too over attached to Maddie.

Also, I hate to defend Abby, but I think if she showed a lot of emotion about Maddie leaving the moms would complain that she didn't do that for all the other girls who had left. 


The thing is, I think Abby is upset not that Maddie is leaving to work more and get more accolades, Abby said, "I wish I had moved on first" at one point. I think Abby expected not for Maddie to stay at the studio forever, but to stay on this show.. until Abby decided she, Abby, was done with the show. Like, when Abby didn't want to be on this reality show, then it was okay for Maddie to leave. But Maddie should not have left without her. Also, in an odd way, I think Melissa assumed that if Maddie, Mack, and herself were done with Dance Moms, the show would be done too. I think Melissa also thought she and her kids were the stars of not only the elite competition team but of this show. It seems like the producers were just like, "okay, bye! We have the mini moms now" like, they don't need her for a storyline. So I think in a way, Melissa is upset about this fact as well. Melissa isn't going to be a dancer, Maddie is and will probably have a long career but Melissa had this show. So, that's just my theory. I think Melissa really thought this show would cease to go on without her in a way. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:


The thing is, I think Abby is upset not that Maddie is leaving to work more and get more accolades, Abby said, "I wish I had moved on first" at one point. I think Abby expected not for Maddie to stay at the studio forever, but to stay on this show.. until Abby decided she, Abby, was done with the show. Like, when Abby didn't want to be on this reality show, then it was okay for Maddie to leave. But Maddie should not have left without her. Also, in an odd way, I think Melissa assumed that if Maddie, Mack, and herself were done with Dance Moms, the show would be done too. I think Melissa also thought she and her kids were the stars of not only the elite competition team but of this show. It seems like the producers were just like, "okay, bye! We have the mini moms now" like, they don't need her for a storyline. So I think in a way, Melissa is upset about this fact as well. Melissa isn't going to be a dancer, Maddie is and will probably have a long career but Melissa had this show. So, that's just my theory. I think Melissa really thought this show would cease to go on without her in a way. 

Edited 2 hours ago by WhosThatGirl.


I actually like that little moment with Abby saying her wishes, lol. It felt so out there. But I also think she owed them nothing to gratify their ego. Now that they left Abby, let's see how many people will now kick their butts instead of kiss them. Why do the moms keep expecting their kids to be flattered and fawned over by their instructors in THIS industry?. What attention Melissa expected for herself (in guise of for her girls) was ridiculous - especially for doing nothing She slept with her boss and eventually married him and smugly stated in the pilot that he pays for all of their dance stuff. She sits there and leeches glory off of her daughters, while playing all sides. Meanwhile, I don't see Maddie having some long career. I think she was famous as the girl from Dance Moms.. I hope Maddie gets a degree, just in case.

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14 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I believe this is what happened too.  Abby was bankrupt at the time. And also I think pre the show, the studio was failing because it was just a studio in Pittsburgh at the time and Abby isn't a nice teacher so I doubt it was making money but then then Melissa's then boyfriend helped and then the show (also fun fact: the show sort of started because of Christi, I think, I remember when they did house tours on the lifetime website and Christi was showing her porch and she said something, this is how it started, I sat out here with a women and a camera and talked about my life with the studio and my daughter) and obviously, the show bought in more people. But yes, Melissa's husband helped. Also, Melissa did work at the front desk and help out Abby from time to time. 

Yeah, plenty of dancers leave studios for various reasons, Maddie's reason being that she is no longer able to be a competing dancer right now, others being college or moving away, leaving a dance studio isn't.. something new. Like I said, I feel the most sad for Mackenzie since I think at the end of the day, she seems to lose certain things because of what Maddie does. Back in Pittsburgh when Mack and Maddie did home-school, I think Mack would have liked to stay in school but it was easier on Melissa to have both girls in home school. 

Also the lack of acknowledged for who the original team members were is funny. If the elite mom's wanted it to be the team from day 1, then only Holly and Melissa should have walked in together. In their stupid hats. 

Yep. Abby was going broke. There was like 30 kids I believe on her company team. Then a casting call went out. Abby wasn't apart of it. Christi story is right. The reason why DM was created was due to the single ladies dance choreographed by molly long in 2010. The single ladies parents said no due to bad publicity with the dance. Producers saw Abby and how she treated people. Then they auditioned Abby and put her on the show. 


Melissa and Kurt divorce due to dance. They also went bankrupt. Even Kurt said dance ruined his family back in season one. Melissa was always at the studio and saved it due to Greg, her bf now husband. 

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12 hours ago, sofiah said:

I agree with everyone here about Melissa -- just despicable behavior.  The way she spoke to Areana's mom about her disabled son was just horrendous.  Her true colors really came out when she was pushed "YOU'RE KIDS WILL BE NOTHING!!! THE FANS WON'T LOVE YOU!!!".  

And this is the way she chose to ride off into the sunset. What a wonderful parting image of herself she has left for the viewers.

My DD11 is leaving a cheer team that she's been on since she was 4. The state finals will be her final competition with them.  (My husband is being transferred to a different office). She's not expecting a big party, or even for the coach to mention it, but she is making bracelets for her team mates, with charms that call back some of her favorite memories with them. 


Kids move. Kids change studios and programs. It happens. Life goes on. 

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