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S08.E09: The Realness

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It was so refreshing to watch a reality competition where I really liked all of the final four contestants!  It was hard to see Chi Chi go, but it felt like the right decision. Naomi and Kim have really been coming into their own the last few episodes, where Chi Chi has stagnated a bit. 

Naomi has surprised me the most this season. She was amazing in the avant-garde section of the video! 

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Agreed about the likability of this final four. (meanwhile Derrick was off somewhere lamenting how to re work his swimsuit again like Marge Simpson's mangled Chanel suit).

It got a little too telethon at the end with talking to the child portraits, but whatever.

Hey, at least nobody got left at the bus stop! Oh, sorry Roxxy.

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I was absolutely positive that Kim Chi would bomb the video and be sent home.  How convenient that it didn't really call for dancing then!  I don't know if I entirely agree with her being in the top three over Chi Chi, but let's face it (no pun intended), no one can paint like her.  She gives the most amazing looks.

So, ok, send Chi Chi home.  I really didn't want it to be Bob or Naomi, so I love the universe for giving me those two!

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RuPaul paused dramatically, like she always does, just before revealing who was going to go home, and I hoped that there was going to be a surprise final four. I really didn't want to lose any of this bunch. Chi Chi did so well that I bet she'll have an amazing career after this season. As will the remaining three. I didn't want any of them to go either.

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If she isn't already, Naomi needs to be hired to walk some Fashion Week runways. I defy namesake Campbell to do it any better.

I knew I'd be heartbroken whichever girl went, but I super didn't want to lose Bob or Naomi, so I guess I will, uh, survive.

Kim Chi can be so graceful and fluid in her arms and upper torso; it's crazy that all the coordination stops abruptly at the waist. I'd like to see a dance-off between her, Hillary Clinton, and a baby panda, just for the good-natured laughs.

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The right decision was made.. It would be between Bob and Kim Chi anyway, and for the 3rd place finisher, Naomi earned it a little more tha Chi Chi. I hope that for upcoming seasons they can find something more for the last challenge episode, Lets get rid of the speechs and get more looks on runway or a challenge.

PS: Watching the music video that it hit me.. Kim Chi is the first ´´plus size`` queen that made it so far and wasnt labeled/pushed as the big/with more curves queen right?

Edited by Guiaoshi
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22 minutes ago, lordonia said:

If she isn't already, Naomi needs to be hired to walk some Fashion Week runways. I defy namesake Campbell to do it any better.

Yes! I literally can't take my eyes off her. She gives me praying mantis haute couture realness. 

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I watched the show twice in a row, and on the second watching, it seemed so obvious who was going home. I know it could so easily be some sort of confirmation bias in action, of course, but...  there is, for some reason, an air of "kid wearing his mom's clothes" to ChiChi at all times. Maybe he borrowed things from friends, and they didn't quite fit? I'm finding it hard to pinpoint what it is. It's not exactly that they didn't fit physically, but he carried himself with less confidence than the others. He still has a star quality, and I liked him a lot and I'm so glad he went so far. I hope he wins fan favorite and that it's a chunk of cash or a useful GC. I think his life will be different now and I hope he owns his "it factor" -- and everything else! (OPULENCE!) 

As for Naomi, every time I watch Bitch Perfect, I can't look away from Naomi. Neither can the camera. Watch it follow her around, even when other queens are taking the main lip sync line.

On another note, I went to some website that analyzes twitter hashtag trends, and Kim Chi was in the lead, Naomi second, and Bob third. Maybe Bob fans don't feel like they need to tweet? And Kim has her social media army all ready to go. For me, I really genuinely like all three of them and while I want Bob to win, I won't mind no matter who wins. And I'd be kind of sad if Kim loses, which I know is crazy since I'm rooting for Bob.

Edited by Nerdlove
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I think this is a great final 3.  If I think on it, the one person the video could do without was Chi Chi.  I mean, you couldn't have a music video without Naomi in that blue outfit/white boots.  You don't get footage like that and just throw it away.  Naomi and Chi Chi were too similar to keep them both.  Chi-Chi's shots were good.....but they were nowhere near Naomi.  And I still have a bit of a bitter taste over Chi-Chi after her performance on the Wizard challenge.  But, I'm sure that she will be booked beyond belief now, so good for her.

I was worried for BOB for a hot minute, because I agreed with Michelle that he should have done something a little more for his runway look.....and I know Ru likes to surprise us!  And then I was worried for Kim Chi because......lip sync!

I know this was just one long commercial for Ru's new song....but damn it, still loved it.  But Ru....how will I know where to buy your song if you don't tell me to go to ITunes?

Hi Bianca!  Yea! you're here to throw some shade!  Bye Bianca!

Edited by RCharter
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I really hate that they seem to have completely replaced the Tic Tac lunch with the childhood pictures on the runway. It's emotional exploitation typical of the reality TV that the show used to make fun of. One of the things I really respected about Pearl last season was her complete unwillingness to play along when they tried to get her tragic backstory. I hope they get rid of this romper room fuckery.

Also, as much as I can appreciate RuPaul's Best Friend Race, I wish at least one of the queens would've thrown someone under the bus during the final speeches. There's a way to do it without being too shady - Alaska did it amazingly well, and in my opinion it's still the best speech of all time.

Aside from all that, it was... solid. These music video episodes are never that interesting to me. Still, it's a fantastic final three, and even though I want to believe Kim has a shot at winning, I know it'll go to Bob, which is fair. 

ETA: And speaking of emotional exploitation, I will flip a table if Kim's mother is in any way involved in the reunion. From what I understand that situation hasn't improved at all, but it's exactly the type of thing RuPaul would try to use for an emotional moment.

Edited by Xazeal
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Sigh.  So sad Chi Chi went, but I am ok with it.  Honestly I would have been ok with either of the Chis leaving. As much as I loved the final four, and I do, for me it was 1)Bob 2)Naomi 3) Chi Chi/Kim Chi tie.

It may be blasphemous, I know, but honestly don't feel that Kim Chi is a total package.  Her ability to paint is next level as to be a bona fide art, but as they went through the looks, I noticed that her paint really obscures her face so that she disappears.  It is hard to see her expressiveness.  It was difficult to judge her lip syncing because, again, you really couldn't see her face.

I also think both Chis come off as a bit too tentative.  Chi Chi needs more polish and Kim Chi needs a little more self confidence. 

I would have been upset if Bob went at this point.  She's right, statistically she has done the best.  Her look isn't glamour, but her look is her drag.  And her performances have been hands down the best.

Naomi has grown like crazy.  I wrote her off as canon fodder early on.  Or just a "look" Queen with very little substance.  But her confidence grew in leaps and bounds and you could really see it.  I think she and Chi Chi had the best growth arc. And she comes off as the sweetest one of the bunch.

Loved Bianca showing up 9 episodes too late!  LOL.

Very curious to see what happens at the reunion now.

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PS: Watching the music video that it hit me.. Kim Chi is the first ´´plus size`` queen that made it so far and wasnt labeled/pushed as the big/with more curves queen right?

Yes.  But given that Kim Chi used to weigh at least 100 pounds more than she currently does, she has never gotten the fat jokes that other queens have gotten.  Let's be real, she is no Stacey Layne Matthews or Delta Work.  Sorry, no diss because both these ladies are awesome.

I'm totally shocked Kim Chi was still there!!!  She is the most awkward for sure, she is lovable and sweet but she is very 2 dimensional in my view.  However, I have to say that I do feel that her self-confidence stuff was genuine and it wasn't a poor little me thing she was doing for sympathy.  I admit, I cried during her talk to her younger self.  It was totally manipulative (thanks Ru Paul!) but it worked.  And Chi Chi - OMG YOU ARE SO AWESOME.  I am truly sorry to see you go.  But it was going to be you or Kim Chi and weirdly enough, it was Kim Chi!!!

This has been a great season.  Yes, I was beyond annoyed with the Madonna week and bored silly with Snatch Game, but it has been a great season overall.  Bob for the win!!!

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8 hours ago, lordonia said:

Kim Chi can be so graceful and fluid in her arms and upper torso; it's crazy that all the coordination stops abruptly at the waist. I'd like to see a dance-off between her, Hillary Clinton, and a baby panda, just for the good-natured laughs.


8 hours ago, Guiaoshi said:

PS: Watching the music video that it hit me.. Kim Chi is the first ´´plus size`` queen that made it so far and wasnt labeled/pushed as the big/with more curves queen right?


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Still having formatting issues so hope this comes out ok. ITA with who the final 3 are although sad to see Chi Chi go. She seemed just a bit too short of the usual growth arc RPDG loves so much, but I'm sure she will kick ass re: bookings and exposure and continuing to grow and mature. I don't recall seeing Jayson the video director before, was this his first appearance? I thought he would have been given a seat at the judges' panel since he did interact with the queens during the challenge so that was weird. I too am wondering where the hell Ru's inspirational meal of one Tic Tac has gone, I miss it!! Having the finalists speak to their younger selves is nice (and Kim Chi did end hers with a funny, dance class suggestion, LOL) but it isn't the same. Must add, LOVED Bianca's drive by shade. Nine episodes too late but at least she made it, ha! And yay! Rolodex of Hate next week. :)

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I love love love that I loved all of the final four. I knew that I would be sad about whoever was eliminated this week. Before the episode aired, I was expecting Kim Chi to go home once I knew it was a music video challenge. I was pleasantly surprised by how well she did (heh, no dancing though). I laughed and then felt a little bad when she fell off the table. "Drag queen down!" Ha! ITA that she was very graceful and smooth from the waist up.

I also loved when someone tripped (I think it was Naomi in her avant garde look) and someone called her Kim Chi but they all laughed. I would rather see that kind of friendly joking than the straight up bitch fests we have seen in past seasons.

Normally I roll my eyes when reality show contestants talk about their journeys, but I think that this season in particular, a lot of the queens have really grown, come out of their shells, and visibly improved over the course of the season so it was nice to see them acknowledge that. And I would usually REALLY roll my eyes at someone crying in front of the judges right before the last cut, but I think Kim Chi was so sincere in what she was saying and overwhelmed by the emotions of it all that I just wanted to give her a hug. I might be a sucker, but I don't think she said any of that to gain sympathy.

Naomi did a great job with the music video. I thought she was just going to be another pretty face with a great body without anything else, but she has improved a lot over the past few weeks.

I love Chi Chi but I understand why she was eliminated. She did well in the challenge but she didn't stand out.

I knew Bob would be in the finale. She has done so well throughout the season that it would have taken a complete disaster for her to be cut right before the finale. When one of the judges (Carson?) pointed out that one of the other girls wasn't ready to entertain a whole room of people during a show, that put Bob ahead again. Of all four finalists, Bob is the strongest candidate to get on stage for an hour and entertain an audience. I think the other three queens could do short sets but only Bob could go more than 5-10 minutes before things got repetitive/awkward.

Hee, loved Bianca's belated entrance.

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29 minutes ago, Kaboom 2.0 said:

And yay! Rolodex of Hate next week. :)

While I'm happy to see this next week I am bummed that we won't get a highlight special/deleted scenes or something episode for S8!  I was looking forward to seeing some behind-the-scenes stuff from *humph*

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I thought ChiChi was the right one to go, but was wondering if Ru would not eliminate anyone. I love Bob as much as the next person - she's an incredible drag queen. That being said, there's nothing that I see that pushes the boundaries of drag (and I say this as knowing drag only through RPDR so very limited knowledge). KimChi brings something new and vulnerable and Naomi is what I think Ru wanted Tyra to be but was not - Namoi is also exciting in a different way and sweet. Bob, I feel like, would be another BDR type winner - which on one hand, great! I flove BDR and rooted for her in her season and was excited to see her cameo. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like Bob as winner brings something fresh to the winners circle

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I also loved when someone tripped (I think it was Naomi in her avant garde look) and someone called her Kim Chi but they all laughed. I would rather see that kind of friendly joking than the straight up bitch fests we have seen in past seasons.

I loved their camaraderie so much! The post-runway return to the work room is always so full of shade and conflict, but last night, there was none of that. Between that and all of them coming in on runway day holding the purse together, it was so clear how much this final four loved each other and I love them all for it.

Bianca showing up fashionably late was hilarious.

Last night, I finally realized that I'm partial to the performance queens. I adore Naomi and Kim, but Bob is the only one of the remaining three that I would pay to see, because I know he would put on a hell of a show and entertain me the entire time. Naomi's performance skills will grow over time, but she's not on Bob's level yet. And I can't imagine what there is to do at a Kim appearance other than gawk over her makeup and clothes. And there's nothing wrong with that, but I can do that on the internet.

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No tic tac lunch, no clip show, dang.  I am disappoint!

I love all 4 so it was going to be sad no matter who but I kind of hoped it would be Naomi. She and ChiChi were very close and I thought ChiChi was more charming and more up Ru's alley.

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So what is next week if there is no clip show? I didn't see a preview after the episode. I'm disappointed in this season, for one, the queens, and second, the season seems very rushed. Do we usually get more episodes?

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I hope the tic-tac lunch isn't dead, but hopefully moved to the finale somehow?  That was one of my favorite things, and I couldn't wait to see what Ru was going to think of for this year!!!!

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1 hour ago, cpcathy said:

So what is next week if there is no clip show? I didn't see a preview after the episode. I'm disappointed in this season, for one, the queens, and second, the season seems very rushed. Do we usually get more episodes?

Next week is Bianca's Roladex of Hate movie.  And yeah we usually get more episodes, 12 I think so this is a short season.  The T is that it's because All Stars 2 is gonna air this summer....


Dang I didn't even notice there is no more tic tac lunch!  So I guess it's talk to your younger self...enh tomato tomahto, same thing I guess

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I don't love Kim Chi as much as most. She's a designer, absolutely, and while all her looks are gorgeous there's nothing else there for me.  She's a more creative Miss Fame, as much as I can tell.  

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I was all in for Chi Chi, but also resigned to the fact that it was her time to go. Naomi also grew on me, and I loved that she mentioned how sad she would be if her and KimChi got split up before the final three. The New York Three being friends made sense, but I'll have to re-watch and figure out how and when Naomi and Kim got so close.

So all season I've been going to the same viewing party that gets more crowded by the episode (to reserve your seat, you pretty much have to message the bartender at 9:01 PM Central Time on Monday nights). Anyway, when they did the final hashtags, #TeamBob got slight applause, the crowd ROARED for #TeamKimChi, and my best friend was the only one who cheered for #MissNaomi. It might be that Kim Chi comes in with the most sympathetic storyline, but it could also be that she's from Chicago and we're from Minneapolis. One of the three will be here for Pride but the promoter hasn't shared yet (and won't tell me, either!), but Derrick will be here a few weeks earlier and since I know one of the queens performing with him I am pre-emptively begging to get the dirt.

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Did the show really devise a challenge requiring the drag queens to be on their backs and have their legs in the air, and yet not make over-the-top smutty jokes about it? What is happening?!

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11 hours ago, Corgi-ears said:

Did the show really devise a challenge requiring the drag queens to be on their backs and have their legs in the air, and yet not make over-the-top smutty jokes about it? What is happening?!

Must be going soft in its "old" age…maybe some Ru-Agra will help? *Available in stores, but not on iTunes.


I'm extremely happy with this final three, though I would have been equally Happy to swap Naomi and Chi Chi.

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If I did not love Kim Chi so much, I would be annoyed at how this episode in particular and the season in general was scripted to keep her safe. That being said, any of the top three would be a suitable winner in my opinion. 

Speaking of the winner, I snagged tickets to the finale. It's my daughters graduation present. We are driving out from Arizona. So excited! I will be sure to post any juicy info when I get back. 

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Thanks pookymama.  Don't forget!

  If you get a chance to chat with any of the queens see if you can find out anything about a possible All Stars. Like you could lead with " I loved you on season xyz, you really should have won, you were robbed!  everybody thinks so.  I can't wait to see you on All Stars!  When will that be airing......?"

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On another note, I went to some website that analyzes twitter hashtag trends, and Kim Chi was in the lead, Naomi second, and Bob third. Maybe Bob fans don't feel like they need to tweet? And Kim has her social media army all ready to go.

I will be pissed as heck if Kim Chi wins. She's an amazing visual artist, but if you YouTube her lip syncs, it feels generous to call her a baby performer. She has about 1 minute of entertainment in her... the initial walk on that reveals her fabulous look and some graceful upper body work. After that, it's the same graceful upper body work that stops being interesting when it goes on and on and on. I think she absolutely deserves to be f3, but IMHO, she's too one note to deserve to win. When it was Violet vs. Ginger, they were both skilled performers in very different styles (Violet's always been underrated as a performer here--I think because she's a sexy performer and RPDR is a better showcase for funny performers).

I've been annoyed that Bob's look hasn't gotten more critique in the past, but I think it's like Bianca del Rio's repeat silhouette... it should be criticized in the context of the show because everyone gets nitpicked, but ultimately, it doesn't really matter. It works fine for non-competition purposes.

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2 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I will be pissed as heck if Kim Chi wins. She's an amazing visual artist, but if you YouTube her lip syncs, it feels generous to call her a baby performer. She has about 1 minute of entertainment in her... the initial walk on that reveals her fabulous look and some graceful upper body work. After that, it's the same graceful upper body work that stops being interesting when it goes on and on and on. I think she absolutely deserves to be f3, but IMHO, she's too one note to deserve to win. When it was Violet vs. Ginger, they were both skilled performers in very different styles (Violet's always been underrated as a performer here--I think because she's a sexy performer and RPDR is a better showcase for funny performers).

I've been annoyed that Bob's look hasn't gotten more critique in the past, but I think it's like Bianca del Rio's repeat silhouette... it should be criticized in the context of the show because everyone gets nitpicked, but ultimately, it doesn't really matter. It works fine for non-competition purposes.

I feel like a traitor saying this (I'm Korean myself), but I really am #TeamBob. Kim's aesthetic is unreal, and if pushing drag as a solely visual medium is where the producers want to go, then she's the winner. However, Bob's performances encompass both stand-up and a very arresting lipsynch style using such innovative mash-ups (in a way that separates him from Bianca). Bob addresses gender, race, and sexuality in his performances in such smart ways. It's not surprising to me that Kim would have such huge social media support as that really is her medium of choice, but I feel that Bob *should* be the winner.

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I am hunting down Katya first do I will ask. She will always be my favorite since she tweeted my mom. 

OMG Katya tweeted your MOM?  How awesome is that!  Can't wait to hear the details of the finale, pookymama!

I liked this episode...I would be happy if either Bob or Kim Chi wins.  I really didn't like Naomi's pantsuit on the runway, but her style is not my favourite. 

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This is probably the first Top 3 that I adore and would be happy with any of them winning. I'm Team Bob and have been since the beginning. I think Bob will end up being the best choice in terms of performance. The Drag Race gals do alot of promotion, not just for themselves but for Ru and the network. Bob is the only one I can see hopping up on a stage and giving it his all every single night. I also like the idea of a RPDR superfan getting the crown in season 8. I think that was the thing that appealed to me most about Bob is that he studied this show. The fact that season 1 inspired him to become a drag queen really really special.

Naomi will undoubtedly end up modeling ala Pearl. Naomi is only 22 and hasn't been doing drag very long at all. She's still a baby in every sense so sky's truly the limit.  I wouldn't be surprised if Naomi ends up walking catwalks in Fashion Week.

 Kim Chi will probably get more makeup artist work. And Chi Chi? Well, she won everyone's heart and I sincerely hope that she stays booked and that she isn't dealing with financial stress the way she has been.

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1 hour ago, kylies-lips said:

This is probably the first Top 3 that I adore and would be happy with any of them winning. I'm Team Bob and have been since the beginning. I think Bob will end up being the best choice in terms of performance. The Drag Race gals do alot of promotion, not just for themselves but for Ru and the network. Bob is the only one I can see hopping up on a stage and giving it his all every single night. I also like the idea of a RPDR superfan getting the crown in season 8. I think that was the thing that appealed to me most about Bob is that he studied this show. The fact that season 1 inspired him to become a drag queen really really special.

Naomi will undoubtedly end up modeling ala Pearl. Naomi is only 22 and hasn't been doing drag very long at all. She's still a baby in every sense so sky's truly the limit.  I wouldn't be surprised if Naomi ends up walking catwalks in Fashion Week.

 Kim Chi will probably get more makeup artist work. And Chi Chi? Well, she won everyone's heart and I sincerely hope that she stays booked and that she isn't dealing with financial stress the way she has been.

I would love, love, love to see Naomi walk Fashion Week.  I think she is absolutely gorgeous.  

I'm also Team BOB.....I know its sometimes easier to root for an underdog, but I find him so likable, and I can't be mad at him winning all the challenges, because I know he works his butt off.  The level of preparation in everything he has done has been awesome.  He brought three separate characters for Snatch Game.....how often is a queen thrown off her game because her first choice was taken?  Wasn't going to happen to BOB, even if first and second choices were taken, he had a third.  And I think he did both of his characters well.  I still wish Naomi had done her Whoopi, because I would have loved to see gorgeous Naomi uglied up and giving me some Ciely realness.  

I think Chi Chi will do very well, she is very talented and I think a lot of people are moved by her story.

On 5/4/2016 at 11:37 PM, Corgi-ears said:

Did the show really devise a challenge requiring the drag queens to be on their backs and have their legs in the air, and yet not make over-the-top smutty jokes about it? What is happening?!

I think the music producer was too new to know to make the jokes, they should have had Michelle and Ru sit in on the video shoot.  Hell, even Russ, Carson or Todrick would have made the jokes.

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14 hours ago, kylies-lips said:

Naomi will undoubtedly end up modeling ala Pearl. Naomi is only 22 and hasn't been doing drag very long at all. She's still a baby in every sense so sky's truly the limit.  I wouldn't be surprised if Naomi ends up walking catwalks in Fashion Week.

 Kim Chi will probably get more makeup artist work. And Chi Chi? Well, she won everyone's heart and I sincerely hope that she stays booked and that she isn't dealing with financial stress the way she has been.

I read somewhere that being on Drag Race raises a Queen's profile immensely and does translate to better club bookings, higher turn out since people who would not normally go to a club would go because of the name/face recognition, and some embrace by mainstream celebrities.  I mean Shangela didn't even get this far and started popping up on tv shows right after her stints.  It helps she was an LA performer but I'll bet her appearance on the show helped cut her from the herd.  Also they are part of the Logo  WOW media family now and you see so many former Drag Race queens on various stuff.  Bianca's tv show probably wouldn't have happened without her being on Drag Race.  So I am very hopeful that these queens will see some professional success from this.  I am especially hopeful on Chi Chi's behalf.

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