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S06.E01: The Red Woman

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I am glad that Game of Thrones is back. I was going a bit stir crazy with TWD on haitus.


Poor Ghost. Jon should never have locked him up. Treacherous Thorne. How long is it going to take for Jon going to wake? Well, that was a surprise, Melisandre is old as sin using magic to stay young.


Shut up, Ramsey, no one cares about your grief.


How on earth did Sansa and Theon survive that jump? Theon is not redeemed after the things that he did, but he earned a measure by saving Sansa. Brienne and Podrick to the rescue! I wondered where they were. I was cheering for the always brave Pod.


Cersei deserves all her losses. I have no sympathy for her. I expect that she will lose all her children.


Where is Olenna? Why isn’t she freeing Loras and Margaery?


Damn just like that Tristan and his father are gone. I can't believe how they wasted Alexander Siddig.


Who set the ships on fire? They have got to find out who is in charge of the Harpies.


I am enjoying Daario and Jorah on their adventure. At least, they are on Daenerys’ trail.


Arya’s story still isn’t interesting.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 12

I love how the description is so understated.  


Ahhhh, my favorite show is back!


Brienne to the rescue!  I love how she pledged her service to Sansa, all but daring her to say no this time.  "I saved your life again! Can I serve you now? Damn!"


Looks like Dorne is under new management.  Can't say I was surprised.  I just didn't know how the other Dornish feelings matched the Sand Snakes!   (And yes, what a waste of Alexander Siddig's talent. Thanks George!)


Poor Dany. Unless Drogon decides to rescue his mommy, she'll end up at Vaes Dothrak. 


I'll have to rewatch to catch all the gems.

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Great episode.  And a great set-up for the season, what with the bad guys (worse guys?) having the upper hand over everybody.  Which is when their downfall eventually comes, it will be even more delicious.


Cersei and Jamie have almost matching hair cuts!  The're twins now.


Crossing the icy river to escape the hunters and hounds?  Uncle Tom's Cabin did it first.


Real romantic, that Ramsay Bolton.  "Feed her to the dogs".  Twu wuv!


I gave a little cheer when Brienne showed up and laughed real loud to the "You're a greedy bitch, you know that" line.  That line is still making me laugh when I think about it.


What's the Grey Nun's name again?  Una?  Anyway,  I can't wait until High Sparrow's own sins come out.  It's going to be fantastic.


Well, Daenerys opened her big mouth and got herself in deeper shit.  Classic Daenny.


And Melisandre actually looks like The Grand High Witch from The Witches.  Or Ross Perot.  Take your pick.


Next episode:  More stabbings, probably.  And the door to the room where those loyal to Jon Snow are gets battered down (eep), and more dragons.  Can't wait!

Edited by bmoore4026
  • Love 7
  On 4/25/2016 at 2:08 AM, Stardancer Supreme said:

Looks like Dorne is under new management.  Can't say I was surprised.  I just didn't know how the other Dornish feelings matched the Sand Snakes!   (And yes, what a waste of Alexander Siddig's talent. Thanks George!)

Ellaria and the gals are treacherous snakes (It's in their name), but they'll put up a much better fight against the Lannisters than Doran.

Edited by AimingforYoko
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I'm glad others noticed the Monty Pythonesqe exchange between the Dothraki.  Do on the upside Dany won't be raped, on the downside she'll be locked away forever.


Lena Heady always hits it out of the park.  Cersei is so awful but she manages to humanize her. 


Totally cheered with Brienne and Pod to the rescue! 


Also bored with Arya and Dorne.


Curious to see where they're going with the Red Woman because I was NOT expecting that. 

Edited by Lillith
  • Love 4

Favorite scene by a lot: Brienne (and Pod) arriving at the crucial moment.


I hope we weren't supposed to be touched by Ramsey's scene with Miranda's body. Because I wasn't.


What is up with Ellaria and the Sand Snakes? Previously, Doran had been presented as a good guy. Is he really hated in Dorne? And she called out Oberyn. Was all the anger about him last season a fake-out? This coup has been planned all along?


Edited: OK, I misunderstood what Ellaria was saying. Doran did nothing when Elia and Oberyn were murdered, and the people therefore despise him. That at least makes a little more sense. Still not sure how she and the SS have the power to take over. 


Of course, you can always trust a Sand Snake to stab you in the back. If they dropped everything about this subplot, I'd be just as happy.


I can't muster up much sympathy for Cersei. Good acting by LH, but the character is too far gone for me.


Color me surprised that Melisandre didn't try to bring Jon back. Really expected that. Maybe in the next episode?


Arya needs to remember her dancing lessons.

Edited by peggy06
  • Love 6

- I didn't need that pity-me scene for Ramsay. He's one of, if not the worst, human being on the show and nothing is going to change my mind about that.

- Maybe now you'll listen to Brienne, Sansa?

- What's gonna happen to Ghost?

- I might've felt a slight twinge of pity for Cersei then I remembered what brought about her daughter's death and my sympathy disappeared.

- They completely destroyed the Dorne storyline. I am not happy about that at all.

- Someone free Margaery.

- So Dany is stuck with the Dothraki again? Praying to the Seven gods that her story stops being so circular.

- Melisandre is so, so gross. No wait, gross isn't the right word. Creepy is what I mean.


I'm sure I missed a few more things but those are my thoughts so far.

Edited by kdm07
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  On 4/25/2016 at 2:10 AM, AimingforYoko said:

Ellaria and the gals are treacherous snakes (It's in their name), but they'll put up a much better fight against the Lannisters than Doran.

I disagree. I think if it came down to it Doran, would have made much better use of his army if it meant protecting Dorne. But this isn't about protecting Dorne, this about avenging or "avenging" his idiot brother who was too busy yapping than to finish of a person nicknamed "The Mountain".  I am sure Ellaria started spreading lies or her truths to his guards, and maybe the guards were pissed that Princess Elia brutally killed and Doran didn't send them to avenge her, but it I hope that they, along with their sons, brothers, cousins, what have you, are sent to march against the Lannisters army and end up kill each other and their last thoughts are the shame of siding with those bitches over a ruler that knew better than sacrifice the small folk for a personal vendetta.


Maybe it will come down to Ellaria vs Cersei and they end up offing each other. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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  On 4/25/2016 at 2:15 AM, Lillith said:
Lillith, on 24 Apr 2016 - 9:15 PM, said:

Also bored with Arya and Dorne.


Oh, I don't know.  I sort of like The Snakes wacky adventures.  They need their own spin-off.


Arya, on the other hand, I totally agree with.  She got herself in the mess.  And the guy she went to join turns out to be an entity that can take the form of any dead person but really likes to take the form of a fourteen year old girl  who enjoys beating the shit out of her.  God, it is such an annoying storyline.

  • Love 5

I stand corrected. 


I think Melisandre will come into play later.  I see that she is a very powerful witch, considering most witches don't get to grow old. The young hot Red Witch is just a glamour used among other people that isn't needed when she sleeps. Isn't she still at Castle Black? Thorne might get fucked up if he tangles with her.

  • Love 4
  On 4/25/2016 at 2:15 AM, Lillith said:

I'm glad others noticed the Monty Pythonesqe exchange between the Dothraki.  Do on the upside Dany won't be raped, on the downside she'll be locked away forever.


Lena Heady always hits it out of the park.  Cersei is so awful but she manages to humanize her. 


Totally cheered with Brienne and Pod to the rescue! 


Also bored with Arya and Dorne.


Curious to see where they're going with the Red Woman because I was NOT expecting that. 

Setup, they already did resurrections, this is showing us she can change looks, possibly not just her own.

  • Love 1

Three characters I never feel sympathy or cocern for 1) Cersei, 2) Dany, 3) Ramsey.

Jaime is now the one threatening to tear ish up and he doesn't even know what happened to his beloved sister.

So Cersei believes she was cursed by the witch. Poor Tommen, if he was an emasculated, spineless, momma's boy before, Cersei will wrap him in a cocoon and never allow him to leave his room now.

Tyrion and Varys together is gold, add Bronn in the mix and its platinum.

  • Love 3

Davos, how I missed you. And Edd, still loyal. I am waiting for the wrath of Tormund. A fight between Alliiser and Tormund would be epic. And my hopes are that Ghost makes a meal of Olly. 

Watching the Red Woman unravel, as all her certainties prove to be false is interesting. Once invulnerable, now ancient and frail, I am reminded of when she met Thoros of the Brotherhood, and how amazed she was that he could bring back Beric from the dead. Something else that is beyond her powers.

I am almost rooting for Cersei to take out the High Sparrow, since his sanctimonious act is working on my last nerve...then I remember that this means I am rooting for Cersei and the Mountain. Well, so be it. But I bet Tommen buys the farm, and Cersei knows that too.

Prince Doran never got a decent scene, nor did Areo Hotah...and the snakes remain a lame bunch of mean girls. A cage match between Ellaria and Cersei would liven things up.

And Roose threatening Ramsay...for once, I think Roose has misjudged the situation. And it bites him in the ass...and bites Walda too. A thwarted Ramsay is an ever more vicious Ramsay.

  • Love 7

Great episode.


I was literally going to cut a bitch if something happened to Sansa or Theon. Game of Thrones doesn't often do the faiytale, last-minute save, but I'm glad it did in this instance. 


Is it wrong for me to desperately ship Sansa and Pod??? 


The Melisandre reveal was jaw-dropping, but I also could not help but feel they were implying that there is shame in an old woman's body.


Arya used to be my favorite, but I have been confused by her storyline since last season. I may need to rewatch season 5.

  • Love 5
  On 4/25/2016 at 3:22 AM, Hava said:

Great episode.


I was literally going to cut a bitch if something happened to Sansa or Theon. Game of Thrones doesn't often do the faiytale, last-minute save, but I'm glad it did in this instance. 


Is it wrong for me to desperately ship Sansa and Pod??? 


The Melisandre reveal was jaw-dropping, but I also could not help but feel they were implying that there is shame in an old woman's body.


Arya used to be my favorite, but I have been confused by her storyline since last season. I may need to rewatch season 5.

I don't think that's what was implied at all, they gave us a woman who lost her faith, because she read her signals wrong and is tired and broken.

The ruby is needed for the glamor, but without her faith and belief in what she sees it becomes worthless, after a hit like that you feel tired and aged and she showed it.

I can't speak for others though on what they think of old people's bodies.

  • Love 18

I have NO empathy nor sympathy for Cersei and Ramsay. Both have been needlessly cruel and unrepentantly horrific in their activities. Both have writhed with sadistic enjoyment as they tortured being after being.

(So sad about poor naive Myrcella. Tommen, too, will probably suffer and that is sad.)

Jaime attempting to kill Bran... and with such utter dimissiveness...has precluded me from ever commiserating for and/or about him. Has Jaime ever given one flyin' f _ _k for crippled Bran ?

Danaerys' storyline has always bored me BUT 'needs must', I guess.

(YAWN) SandSnakes and pal.

Arya's storyline ❓


ETA: Jon AND Ghost better live.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 5

Finally something good has happened to Sansa.  I have  been waiting years. Brienne and Pod (Pod!!) kicking ass so fantastic.


The conversation between Tyrion and Varys was actually boring,  I never thought I would write such a sentence.


Dorne - a word to the producers - it is a complete stereotype how you are portraying these women - please stop it.  This story-line is straight out of "The A-Team." There could be a thread for this question - What lame TV show/movie does this suckitude of a story actually belong to?


The Red Woman continues to be a waste of space.  You would think with an episode named after her, she might do something useful.  No, not her.  She just turned off her glamour and went to bed.

Edited by Macbeth
  • Love 8
  On 4/25/2016 at 3:44 AM, Drogo said:

I figured she just goes to bed like that every night. The necklace can't be comfortable to sleep in. She mentioned to Selyse last season that most of her "magic" is an illusion.

I interpreted that scene as she was taking off the necklace and laying down to die, which sent me into cat - startling fits of despair because I want Jon Snow back

  • Love 7

Can the Red Woman even raise Jon from the dead or is all her power being sapped trying to get the illusion of youth and those gravity defying boobs? I understand why the show did it but goodness, can this show go one episode without showing the Red Woman's tits? I get it. They are firm, high and saluting God.


Feeling sorry for Cersei? HA! I've got no sympathy for the devil. She is in her sad feelings right now, but she will be back to her malicious, spiteful, hateful self by dinner time. 


I reserve my sorrow for poor Ghost. He was howling in his 'cage' as if he knew something was deadly wrong. 


So am I to assume that Brienne actually did kill Stannis? There was some speculation that that was a bit of a cliff hanger as it was shown with Brienne's sword on the downstroke but we never saw Stannis dead.


I'm so happy that Sansa has a loyal, ally that can actually fight and isn't using her as a pawn. 


I really, really need Davos to know that Shireen died by fire at her father's (and her mother's too I suppose) own hand at the recommendation of the Red Woman and it was all for nought as Stannis got powned by the Boltons. 


Dany.... I just can't with her running around in the dust again. Nope.  She just got interesting with Tryion and now here we are taking 2 steps back. 


I had to come back and edit my post because I forgot to mention the Sand Snakes and Dorne, which should probably be an indication of how many f*cks I give about it. Zero.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 14

Hey Cersei, why don't you make wine from your tears? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Ghost! I assume that the red witch will figure out what Thoros did and bring Jon Snow back to life.


Glad to see Theon coming back to himself to save Sansa, but he still has to answer for Robb and Ser Rodrik and Winterfell!


I guess Dorne and King's Landing are going to wipe each other out.  I don't care.

I actually wondered for a bit if Mel dropping her illusion would give her more strength to focus her power on resurrecting Jon.  While I appreciate everyone who wants Jon's resurrection NOT to be connected to her (I feel the same) - I'm 99% sure in the next previouslies or two we are going to see the scene the inserted from when she picked up Gendry and learned about the Red Priest's resurrection from the BWOB.  That scene had to have been inserted into the show so people would understand what's she doing when she gets around to giving Jon the kiss of life.

  • Love 5
  On 4/25/2016 at 3:22 AM, Hava said:

Is it wrong for me to desperately ship Sansa and Pod??? 


The Melisandre reveal was jaw-dropping, but I also could not help but feel they were implying that there is shame in an old woman's body.

Didn't look like a normal old woman to me, if that was what they were going for, could've just used an elderly body double instead of whatever prosthetics were going on there. I think the implication was that she'd prolonged her life well beyond a natural span. (The Gollum visual comparison above is pretty apt imo.) If she can live indefinitely, bringing someone back from the dead doesn't seem out of bounds. Nothing to say she can't if she's never tried it before.

And no, you're not the only one who ships Sansa/TriPod. Decent and near her own age is a rare combination around Sansa.

Hopefully, that was just a clearing of the decks so we never have to see Dorne again, but gods, what a waste. Somehow I doubt Oberyn would want his daughters to go from killing a Lannister girl to killing their own family, no matter how different the two brothers were.

  On 4/25/2016 at 2:01 AM, mojoween said:

I know there was a lot to process but I really just want to stab Olly in the eye with a pitchfork.

I want Ghost to eat him, or Wun Wun to stomp him like a bug. Either would work, I'm not too picky. I'm guessing Tormund gets Thorne in a rematch of their 4.09 fight.

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