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S08.E03: The Biggest Boob

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Has skinny shaming become totally OK? Is there a reason so many people here think it's OK to say Jules has an eating disorder? If she was overweight would it be as funny?


Beth and Carole have no place commenting on another woman's body or eating issues, and frankly, I don't understand why people think it's ok here too. 


Asking "what is Jules"? She is a woman and a human being. 

Edited by babykin
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I think Jules is a lamb being led to the slaughter. She doesn't know what Satan Andy will do to her and her family. Already Bethenny has gone out of her way to mock her appearance, race, religion, intelligence and husband. She refused to kowtow to the chief cow and didn't throw Dorinda and John under the bus. She seems a little disorganized and scattered but anybody that has young children had been there. Kristen was the same way. Kids are unpredictable especially on camera. Luckily for some children of the Housewives the husbands refuse to let their kids be exploited by Satan Andy and his lesser demons. If only Jules's husband had been on the ball it could have been avoided. But since they didn't have any power in their first season they had to agree to whatever Bravo wanted. They will be exploited and humiliated as much as possible.


That will keep Bethenny happy. She revels in creating misery.

Edited by Trooper York
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I think he's a smug/annoying queen, but he does know his shit.

​And his shit is niiice. (Yeah, I checked out his Playgirl pics.)


However, he had allegations of date-rape against him from his frat boy days, and if I were the single mother of a small child, I'd chew my foot off before getting involved with a man like that (whether or not denials or dropped charges attached).

Damn. No wonder she lied about being single.


She doesn't look like she's starving or wasting away; she doesn't have bones protruding more than they should be; her skin and hair look healthy, and she's full of energy.

Maybe not now, but last season she had visible protruding bones when she was shot in her bikini from the backside, and her longer hair was rather janky. As far as having loads of energy, that can acquired in many ways beyond a healthy diet. Just sayin'.

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Ha!  This made me spit my drink out.   I can just imagine the rallies.


Mourning for a wasted drink sip .


We had rallies  for all sorts of shite.  Our school slut was Edna (I kid you not), who blew any guy able and willing to accompany her to the "seminar booths".  No rallies for her or our proud & loud sluts, that's for sure.  It all went to the super-jock manwhores (aka boywhores) with big muscles, small minds & needle dicks (or so I was told)..


Who gives a flying fuck about rallies or sex when my high school had the coolest noontime concerts of all time?

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Dorinda strikes me as a woman so desperately afraid of being without a man that she'll cling to John even though she clearly doesn't love him and doesn't much like him, either. And what a shame and a waste that is, too. Jules is obviously a moron and, quite frankly, a terrible homemaker and an indifferent mother. What the hell does this woman do all day? Spend hours trying to think of new ways to allude to Judaism in casual conversation?

This woman drives me insane - can't make coffee, can't rear the kids without a nanny, but yet tries to paint a "woe is me" picture of the rough life of a mom of two? Oh yeah -  she says she's a mom of three, counting her hub.  What I wouldn't give to live that "rough" life!  


That "family car ride" scene (last episode, I believe) was as depressing as hell, too - why not just put the kids in dog crates and negate the need for the nanny? Better yet, why not just stick the three of them in a fifth wheel and pull it?   What in God's name was that partition about?   YICK, very weird.  Actually, just very, very sad to me.

Edited by straightshooter
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I feel sorry for men with that problem, but seriously, I'm supposed to worry about women discussing this, when men talk about women's bodies not only more often, but more critically.  There's a reason there is so much botox, fake boobs, fake noses, fake hair color, and endless working out and dieting out there now. 


But it seems to me that the way to have less botox, fake boobs, fake noses, fake hair color, and only sensible working out and dieting would be to quit being critical of other people, instead of saying, "They do it to me, so it's okay to do it to them."


I just thought it was a little ridiculous (not to mention crude and mean) for these two, in particular, to be making fun of someone else's physical attributes, given their implants and re-shaped jaw and botox and fillers and eating disorder and god knows what else.  You'd think they would be sensitive to how people judging you, never mind making fun of you, can mess you up, and wouldn't want to put someone else in those shoes. 


But I'm sure they're not prone to that sort of introspection, and probably think they're undergoing these procedures "for themselves."


But speaking of, notice in the opening scene how good Bethenny's bra fit--nothing slopping over anywhere, and nice and even all the way around.  There was also a little glimpse of some of the "hands-on" work the bra fitters do, which can be a little weird, but you can't argue with the results. 



Seriously. Don't know where the other person grew up but those were the days when "nice girls did" and got on the pill to avoid getting pregnant. We were the generation of girls who said yes to boys who said no to war.The 70s the sexual revolution and fun! Not everyone had sex with more than one boy you weren't serious with before graduation, but a ton did it with at least one. No herpes, no HIV/AIDS, no whatever that thing is teens get a shot now for,


Sadly, I have a friend who died of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV (the thing teens get a shot for now).  She was one of the ones having sex with her boyfriend in high school in the 1970s; I don't know when HPV became deadly.



And I must have gone to a slow/boring high school, because in 1974 girls having sex in high school was not the norm.  College, yeah, lots more happening.  But part of my point about Ramona was how she always acts so holier than thou.


And she called him her "high school lover."  I've never heard that before--it was always "high school boyfriend."  It kind of gave me the creeps.


I grew up in a fairly small town in Texas, and having sex in high school was most decidedly not the norm. Certainly no free clinics or anything of the sort.  The conservative slant of this town hasn't changed (and I think it's actually gotten more church-y since the 1970s), but I'd bet a ton of money there's a lot more sex in my high school now than back then.


At the University of Texas in swinging Austin, in 1975, my dorm was all girls and we voted on what hours men would be allowed to visit, and even then, they had to call from the lobby and be escorted by a resident.  Of course, I'm elderly, so that explains a lot.

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Ok, so I went to go look and Eeeww!!

I looked out for that sort of thing when they were at the bra party, because there is something skeletal about Jules. Both Carole and Bethanny seem to appreciate a good meal and certainly don't appear to be exercise freaks, so maybe they are naturally skinny. Jules's skinny doesn't look natural at all to me. Something's not right there it seems. But we shall see.


I think Dorinda's fourth row at the funeral comment was meant to imply that Ramona was seated closest to or with members of the family. The reason she was so furious with Ramona was because they are really actually close friends and she resented Ramona sharing the gossip about John publically.


Why do people call Bethanny Beth? And why do they hate her so much as if she'd actually done something to them? It's striking.


Also, why is there so little of Sonja and Luanne?

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Bold mine.

But it seems to me that the way to have less botox, fake boobs, fake noses, fake hair color, and only sensible working out and dieting would be to quit being critical of other people, instead of saying, "They do it to me, so it's okay to do it to them."


I just thought it was a little ridiculous (not to mention crude and mean) for these two, in particular, to be making fun of someone else's physical attributes, given their implants and re-shaped jaw and botox and fillers and eating disorder and god knows what else.  You'd think they would be sensitive to how people judging you, never mind making fun of you, can mess you up, and wouldn't want to put someone else in those shoes. 


But I'm sure they're not prone to that sort of introspection, and probably think they're undergoing these procedures "for themselves."


But speaking of, notice in the opening scene how good Bethenny's bra fit--nothing slopping over anywhere, and nice and even all the way around. There was also a little glimpse of some of the "hands-on" work the bra fitters do, which can be a little weird, but you can't argue with the results. 




Sadly, I have a friend who died of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV (the thing teens get a shot for now).  She was one of the ones having sex with her boyfriend in high school in the 1970s; I don't know when HPV became deadly.




And she called him her "high school lover."  I've never heard that before--it was always "high school boyfriend."  It kind of gave me the creeps.


I grew up in a fairly small town in Texas, and having sex in high school was most decidedly not the norm. Certainly no free clinics or anything of the sort.  The conservative slant of this town hasn't changed (and I think it's actually gotten more church-y since the 1970s), but I'd bet a ton of money there's a lot more sex in my high school now than back then.


At the University of Texas in swinging Austin, in 1975, my dorm was all girls and we voted on what hours men would be allowed to visit, and even then, they had to call from the lobby and be escorted by a resident.  Of course, I'm elderly, so that explains a lot.

Was that because of the bra or because of Betthhenny's fake bullet-boobs?

They looked frightening in an earlier season in a pool scene at Jill's.

She looks like she's put on some weight and doesn't look quite so stringy.

I'm trying to watch this episode but that mean hyper bitch wears me out. SHUT UP!!

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I just watched as much of this show as I could stand and imho Jules looks skinny in a way that looks unhealthy as opposed to just naturally thin. Practically skeletal.

And to think that the camera adds 10 pounds.

Edited by NewDigs
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But speaking of, notice in the opening scene how good Bethenny's bra fit--nothing slopping over anywhere, and nice and even all the way around. There was also a little glimpse of some of the "hands-on" work the bra fitters do, which can be a little weird, but you can't argue with the results.

Sadly, I have a friend who died of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV (the thing teens get a shot for now). She was one of the ones having sex with her boyfriend in high school in the 1970s; I don't know when HPV became deadly.

And she called him her "high school lover." I've never heard that before--it was always "high school boyfriend." It kind of gave me the creeps.

I grew up in a fairly small town in Texas, and having sex in high school was most decidedly not the norm. Certainly no free clinics or anything of the sort. The conservative slant of this town hasn't changed (and I think it's actually gotten more church-y since the 1970s), but I'd bet a ton of money there's a lot more sex in my high school now than back then.

At the University of Texas in swinging Austin, in 1975, my dorm was all girls and we voted on what hours men would be allowed to visit, and even then, they had to call from the lobby and be escorted by a resident. Of course, I'm elderly, so that explains a lot.

I thought the good fit was due to the implants, though thinking now she didn't seem as big on top as usual.

Sorry to hear about your friend, I hadn't heard of HPV being around in the 70's.

My college had one all girls dorm, but also had one floor that had restricted hours for male visitation. Apperently not that many middle class parents on Long Island were that concerned (I always swear that at every SUNY - State University of NY for those who don't know the reference - one third of students were from Long Island!).

Edited by Mrs peel
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But the most bizzare scene of the whole epi for me was Jules and her hubby in the vehicle. The kids are way in the back in car seats, and there is some weird high partition between the parents in the front and the nanny and kids in the back. The nanny was behind the hubby's seat, facing the children. I don't know

Exactly. I clocked that too.

I'm watching RHOM and RHOD as well atm and I'm really getting over


What is it with the franchise producers, given Housewives' audience HAS to be majority women, that they think pitching the 'dumb' girl storyline is going to convert to better ratings? Was Jules run past Bethenny first for approval as skinnygirl cannon fodder? We've now got Jules, Brandy and Lydiot on our screens as weapon grade morons. Not fun and not funny. The coffee making scene with its undertones of 'look at me! I'm a subservient idiot, but I'm cute and I don't take up ANY space! ' is just boring and insulting.

Bethenny I have always liked but her bitterness is really starting to grate and she does appear to be a de facto producer now and out to settle some major scores. The early season Beth was far easier to relate to in a lot of ways. She seems to want to be Joan Rivers for the 21st Century.

Lu seems to be losing her mind and they better find a storyline for both her and Son because they are fast becoming redundant.

Everyone's storyline seems to hinge on the Beth fulcrum: screen time converts to how much of an impact in relation to her. And what indeed gives with Beth narrating! ?? No!

Lastly, watching Dorinda hurts my sinuses. Maybe it's an allergic reaction to alcohol. Or maybe Beth's nasty insinuations are actually founded in real reality?

Edited by queenjen
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I looked out for that sort of thing when they were at the bra party, because there is something skeletal about Jules. Both Carole and Bethanny seem to appreciate a good meal and certainly don't appear to be exercise freaks, so maybe they are naturally skinny. Jules's skinny doesn't look natural at all to me. Something's not right there it seems. But we shall see.


I think Dorinda's fourth row at the funeral comment was meant to imply that Ramona was seated closest to or with members of the family. The reason she was so furious with Ramona was because they are really actually close friends and she resented Ramona sharing the gossip about John publically.


Why do people call Bethanny Beth? And why do they hate her so much as if she'd actually done something to them? It's striking.


Also, why is there so little of Sonja and Luanne?

To answer your 2 questions:

Re Bethenny's (spelled this way) name, posters shorten it to Beth probably for different reasons, I call her B because anyone I don't want to call attention to on Social Media gets an initial. Beth is probably just shorthand for some and a bit of a dish for others and better than B*tch because since her spin-off show she really acts like one.

Re Sonja and LuAnn, they both held up signing their contracts and the other HWs started filming so Bravo is just playing a bit of catch up with some added on scenes until they join the cast. We're not suppose to notice...

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If she keeps making reference to them being old, then I'll revisit, but one exaggerated comment/low blow about the other women being older doesn't bother me too much... yet.

To second ghoulina on this - this was the major theme of her comments last week, too. She mentioned them all being old enough to be her mother but acting like children, wondered if this was some kind of menopausal insanity, and referred to hoping to not be like them when she's their age. That + this week's comment about them being "the elderly" was enough to make for a theme, to me.

Edited by itainttippithebird
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To answer your 2 questions:

Re Bethenny's (spelled this way) name, posters shorten it to Beth probably for different reasons, I call her B because anyone I don't want to call attention to on Social Media gets an initial. Beth is probably just shorthand for some and a bit of a dish for others and better than B*tch because since her spin-off show she really acts like one.

Re Sonja and LuAnn, they both held up signing their contracts and the other HWs started filming so Bravo is just playing a bit of catch up with some added on scenes until they join the cast. We're not suppose to notice...

Didn't Heather try to call Bethenny "Beth" last season and she, Bethenny, was not happy about it at all. Some here started to call her Beth because she doesn't like the name. LOL

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Was that an actual apartment or just a set? 


I think Bethenny's been around and seen a lot of dysfunctional relationships, and that's what she probably sees with Dorinda and John, a big steaming pile of dysfunction.  Just because a woman has a man doesn't make her better than a woman who doesn't have a man.  I mean any woman can get into a relationship with an active alcoholic, just keep the booze flowing and pretend everything's fine.


That awesome apartment in The Affair was absolutely real.  I pass the building (in Tribeca) all the time cuz my best friend lives a few blocks away from it.  It has the most incredible, enormous, high-ceilinged apartments, which go for $30 to 40 thou+ a month, and with $8 Mil+ price tags.  In comparison to these, Bethenny's Soho place & Carole's place in the Village look like cramped teeny dumps.  Showing places like the one in The Affair woulda been great.  What they showed sucked (to me anyway), but I appreciated the brief breakie-poo (even if it was for what seemed like 2 seconds) from Bethenny.


Idk, getting involved in anyone's relationship spells trouble to me.  I'd avoid it, unless I witnessed physical abuse or some kind of criminal activity/scamming.  And even then, I'd tread carefully.  Ah, but this seems to be the basis of oh-so-many Housewives catfights, eh?  While I'm totally turned off by Bethenny's nasty cracks on John & her judgement calls on the Dorinda/John relationship, I get that's what Bravo is paying her a million+ to do.  I'm just not especially entertained by this stuff or finding it hilarious.

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I looked out for that sort of thing when they were at the bra party, because there is something skeletal about Jules. Both Carole and Bethanny seem to appreciate a good meal and certainly don't appear to be exercise freaks, so maybe they are naturally skinny. Jules's skinny doesn't look natural at all to me. Something's not right there it seems. But we shall see.


I think Dorinda's fourth row at the funeral comment was meant to imply that Ramona was seated closest to or with members of the family. The reason she was so furious with Ramona was because they are really actually close friends and she resented Ramona sharing the gossip about John publically.


Why do people call Bethanny Beth? And why do they hate her so much as if she'd actually done something to them? It's striking.


Also, why is there so little of Sonja and Luanne?

I call Bethenny 'Beth' on the forum because it's shorter to type.  I consider this place informal and thus is my writing - sometimes my grammar is atrocious.   I hope I'm not getting graded.  I would fail.


I also refer to Luann as 'Lu', Kristen 'Kris',  Ramona 'Ro', Yolanda 'Yo', Lisa Rinna 'Lisar', Megan 'Meg', Vickie 'Vicks'.  OK.  I'll stop. 


I don't 'hate' Beth but like many here, I dislike her intently. 

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I'm even lazier and just call her B. And I go through phases with her because she can be genuinely witty sometimes but the bullshit has really overtaken that.

There is so much bizarre discussion around Jules' body. I think she looks fine, and Carol is actually skinnier than her. But I think both of them like that aesthetic and neither actually has the horrific disease of anorexia. People throw that term around too casually IMO.

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I've been slowly quitting all of the Howives, but decided to On Demand the NY hos for fun tonight.


What in hell has Carole done to her face? Is it just extremely overdone fillers and botox? She looks frightening!


Watching Dorinda and John is exactly like watching the people that live down the road from me. But, in the city instead of the country. Get shitfaced every night, make everyone around them uncomfortable, scream, break up, pass out and repeat the next night. 


The new one, Jules?, seems dumber than a box of hair and should completely turn over the raising of the kids to the nanny, stat.

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Bold mine.

Was that because of the bra or because of Betthhenny's fake bullet-boobs?

They looked frightening in an earlier season in a pool scene at Jill's.

She looks like she's put on some weight and doesn't look quite so stringy.

I'm trying to watch this episode but that mean hyper bitch wears me out. SHUT UP!!


Bethenny has to grow just a smidge here and there, so that she can continue to take selfies of herself in Brynn's current pajamas.  (as Brynn grows a little each year, so must Bethenny).     ;-)

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I thought exactly the same thing -- if Bethenny is "elderly", that means Jules' husband is too.

Someone else here said that Jules' comment was no different than all the RHs who have done the same thing (Kristin, Meghan). I think the difference is that it was done without any sense of taking a wicked shot and came off as humourless. Either she's really bad at delivering what she thinks is a "funny" line, or actually believes "the elderly" means something like "these women are supposed to be my elders.". I got the feeling she meant "too immature for their age" and actually doesn't know what "elderly" means.

Whatever the case, it comes across as dumb-as-a-stump.

Kinda like that elder/"elderly" comment Tereesa not Terehsa made about Kim G on RHONJ ;-)

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In comparison to these, Bethenny's Soho place & Carole's place in the Village look like cramped teeny dumps.  Showing places like the one in The Affair woulda been great.

I get real estate porn, but I'm fine with Bethenny and Carole's apartments. It's a classic NY apartment, high rent with small space. At least they're not living beyond their means (or so it seems). Lu was beyond frontin' checking out that 22 grand a month place. Girl, stop. Also, it never made sense to me to pay *that* much for an apartment. If you can afford to spend thousands of dollars on rent, then why not buy an apartment or a house? But I'm not in real estate, so maybe there's a method to the madness.


Jules is obviously thin, yes, but she doesn't look near death to me, either. Maybe her size is striking up close, but on tv, meh. I think what makes her look kinda The Scream-ish is her hair. She has a Morticia Addams look.

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OK guys, lets cool it with the body shaming in general. There's so so so so so much more to talk about with regards to every person on this show. Talking about this stuff as it relates to the actual "plot" or whatever of the episode is fine, but I think we can be done with the body comparison/skinny/fat shaming now. Thanks. 

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I get real estate porn, but I'm fine with Bethenny and Carole's apartments. It's a classic NY apartment, high rent with small space. At least they're not living beyond their means (or so it seems). Lu was beyond frontin' checking out that 22 grand a month place. Girl, stop. Also, it never made sense to me to pay *that* much for an apartment. If you can afford to spend thousands of dollars on rent, then why not buy an apartment or a house? But I'm not in real estate, so maybe there's a method to the madness.


Yeah, I enjoy seeing Bethenny and Carole's places too. NY real estate is such a unique beast, I like the mix of different homes we're seeing. And to be fair to Lu, I doubt she was ever seriously considering that 22k place. She's always been pretty prudent about her finances.


I'm sure that was more of a producer-driven move, and I liked seeing what 22k a month will get you in Manhattan, so I'm not going to call anyone out on that scene.

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Why do these women want to fuck Carole? But I'm sorry if I sound shallow but what is so hot about Carole?? I don't get it.

I'm amazed by this also. I'm not in the habit of disparaging anyone's appearance, but this has been mentioned time and again. I just don't see it. I think Carole is butt ugly! Her teeth look much nicer, I will give her that. Also tired of her dog poop storyline.

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Thanks for posting, Umbelina - I think Carole looks adorable in her suit.  That's all I got.


B really went there, holy schnikes, with the coke talk.  Hot damn.  She's so fucking tacky and plays a mean game by her own set of rules.  No doubt she'd go postal were anyone to accuse her of HGH or Adderall abuse. 


bosawks, thanks for having that kind of real talk about B the POS and her 'special needs' comment.  B is beneath contempt so much of the time. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Bethenny's world has taken a turn for the worst of Bravo. And if the blind mice at Bravo can't see it or don't want to, then it's their show's funeral. There's only so much of Bethenny I can handle & this season it's already waaay too much. She's not funny, witty, smart or entertaining in any way, shape or form. I think what crawled up her nasty ass was finding out that Hillary Clinton watches rhony b/c of Dorinda. This has made the B pea green. What to do? Go after John. The poor schlep that she had no problem with last season has suddenly become Quasimodo. Why? Because B needs a reason to go after Dorinda--a woman she met less than a year ago but Bethenny needs to demean in front of H.Clinton. Good luck with that, you Barfenny shrew. If Dorinda's daughter couldn't stop Dorinda from seeing John, why will Bethenny succeed? Or is that even the objective? Watch Dorinda give Clinton a huge donation. End of Bethenny's objective.

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I cheered when Bethenny put ice in her glass from the ice bucket that Jules washed her hands and arms off in last week!! Ha ha! Hope your drink was extra fishy Bethenney!

Extra fishy are Bethenny's motives for demeaning Dorinda. How about envy? Envy that Dorinda knows the likes of Hillary Clinton. It's all about the superficial for Bethenny. A puddle is deeper than she is. Edited by Lisin
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I cheered when Bethenny put ice in her glass from the ice bucket that Jules washed her hands and arms off in last week!! Ha ha! Hope your drink was extra fishy Bethenney![/

Extra fishy are Bethenny's motives for demeaning Dorinda. How about envy? Envy that Dorinda knows the likes of Hillary Clinton. It's all about the superficial for Bethenny. A puddle is deeper than she is.

I honestly don't think it has anything to do with Dorinda knowing HC, because she really didn't know her, her late husband did. I think Bethenny is jealous that Dorinda was the fan favorite last season, with her help that is, and is trying to knock her off that pedestal. Dorinda went after Heather with a vengeance and Bethenny help her do it because Heather was the fan favorite the season before Bethenny came back. There is only room for 1 "Queen B" on the show and it must be Bethenny, so Dorinda is the target this season and John is her Achilles heel. LOL

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I honestly don't think it has anything to do with Dorinda knowing HC, because she really didn't know her, her late husband did. I think Bethenny is jealous that Dorinda was the fan favorite last season, with her help that is, and is trying to knock her off that pedestal. Dorinda went after Heather with a vengeance and Bethenny help her do it because Heather was the fan favorite the season before Bethenny came back. There is only room for 1 "Queen B" on the show and it must be Bethenny, so Dorinda is the target this season and John is her Achilles heel. LOL


It makes perfect Bethhenny-sense.

But kinda' risky for Bravo. Makes no sense to go after fan-faves.

Do you keep a spreadsheet on this stuff? At times these shows, and later opinions, get so conflated and convoluted (mine too) that I feel in need of a PowerPoint. lol

eta I just today found out there had been a Marisa on RHoBH.

Edited by NewDigs
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It makes perfect Bethhenny-sense.

But kinda' risky for Bravo. Makes no sense to go after fan-faves.

Do you keep a spreadsheet on this stuff? At times these shows, and later opinions, get so conflated and convoluted (mine too) that I feel in need of a PowerPoint. lol

Actually that's exactly what Bravo does. Builds them up like Dorinda who I think got a good edit last season and then the next year or the one after BAM the rug gets pulled out from under her. I'm waiting for B's magic carpet to take off out from under her...
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I was pretty perplexed at Dorinda's popularity last season after Turks & Caicos. Don't get me wrong, she totally belongs on this cast, but lord what a messy, belligerent drunk. And her ass kissing of Bethenny/going after Heather to look better in B's eyes seemed so transparent to me. 


After that point, I kinda filed her away under "necessary evil." A title reserved for the likes of a Ramona or a Vicki. A whirling dervish of a mess that absolutely needs to be there to give the saner ones something to comment on.

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Has skinny shaming become totally OK? Is there a reason so many people here think it's OK to say Jules has an eating disorder? If she was overweight would it be as funny?


Beth and Carole have no place commenting on another woman's body or eating issues, and frankly, I don't understand why people think it's ok here too. 


Asking "what is Jules"? She is a woman and a human being. 


ITA a million times!  My mom was super thin (naturally) & she was the target of nastiness when she was young.  I remember it as a kid & I hated witnessing it.  It's strange, because even then, people thought it was flattering to be teased about being thin.  It wasn't then & it isn't now.  It's nasty, mean, cruel & exceptionally thoughtless.  Ah, but Bethenny is running the show now & this is her all over.  I'm still baffled, that she of all people is doing this -- when she most certainly has been the target of these kind of attacks herself.  Is this Bethenny's attempt to deflect attacks on being too thin away from herself?  Ya think?


You know, I watched this ep once -- and that's all for me, folks.  I can't watch Bethenny insult John & call him fat & ugly -- again.  I see some here are OK with calling him that too.  Makes me uncomfortable.  Very, very uncomfortable.  I hate it, actually.  It's just so freakin' mean.  Does Bethenny (and anyone here) think it's OK to call him fat & ugly (maybe not in those exact words, but close to it) because she doesn't like his character?  It's not OK to me.  It's brutal, it's nasty & it's extremely ugly to watch this mean shit.  Ah, but this is Bethenny.  


It's not right by me that Bethenny (or anyone else) is hating on John merely because he isn't young & model gorgeous -- NOT just because of his character.  Well, her vicious/lowball attacks on his looks certainly imply that.  If you don't like his character, Bethenny, that's fine.  Then attack his character alone, without attacking his looks.


I thought John's comments on Bethenny were dead-on right -- but please note, his comments were about Bethenny's character ONLY.  John never commented about Bethenny's looks.  And hot damn, he sure could have.  Well, maybe he did and Bethenny's (and Satan Andy's) edit monkeys cut them out.  Not exactly fair, eh?  BUT since we've entered Bethenny's universe, she can call anyone fat & ugly (in so many words) or worse (far, far, far worse) & NOBODY is able to zing her back in the same way -- because naturally, she won't allow it.  This is Bethenny's universe, after all.


Hey look, it's a personal choice to like Bethenny.  I think this season, what we've seen of her so far, she's become an absolute BULLY.  And where the fuck is her sense of humor?  I've seen some comments in this thread from some who laughed throughout this ep.  From what?  I can't laugh at the behavior of a bully.  It's not funny in the least to me.  Idk, I guess I'm envying those who found something to laugh at & be entertained by.  I sure as fuck didn't.  This overload of Bethenny's nastiness/bitterness/hatred/cruelty just makes me tense, nervous & anxious.  And that ain't what I'm looking for from this show.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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It makes perfect Bethhenny-sense.

But kinda' risky for Bravo. Makes no sense to go after fan-faves.

Do you keep a spreadsheet on this stuff? At times these shows, and later opinions, get so conflated and convoluted (mine too) that I feel in need of a PowerPoint. lol

eta I just today found out there had been a Marisa on RHoBH.

It is Bethenny's nature to be top dog, she can't stand the idea that another NY HW is the fan favorite. She has to dominate the group, be the center of the group, decides who is in/out, be in control at all times. She thinks she is the smartest, the funniest, the most successful, the most desired......the greatest NY (if not all the HW shows) HW of all times. Her come back fell flat last season, Dorinda was more popular by the end of the season so Bethenny has to put her in her place this season.


Actually that's exactly what Bravo does. Builds them up like Dorinda who I think got a good edit last season and then the next year or the one after BAM the rug gets pulled out from under her. I'm waiting for B's magic carpet to take off out from under her...

I don't think it is Bravo's doing as much as it is Bethenny's. Of course, she does have Andy's blessing to do whatever she wants.

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I don't remember Dorinda being overwhelmingly popular, maybe it was mostly here?  She seemed OK, until her blotto drunk mean side came out.  This year, apparently we are getting that side of her and her boyfriend despite the time of day.


Lulu seemed the most popular to me last season.  Who knows or cares which one is the most popular anyway?  It changes, sometimes by the episode.

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Yup. At the end of the day Bravo is buying this stuff from Andy.

Hope this bites him in the ass.

And I kinda' like him.

It is Bethenny's nature to be top dog, she can't stand the idea that another NY HW is the fan favorite. She has to dominate the group, be the center of the group, decides who is in/out, be in control at all times. She thinks she is the smartest, the funniest, the most successful, the most desired......the greatest NY (if not all the HW shows) HW of all times. Her come back fell flat last season, Dorinda was more popular by the end of the season so Bethenny has to put her in her place this season.


I don't think it is Bravo's doing as much as it is Bethenny's. Of course, she does have Andy's blessing to do whatever she wants.

Yup. At the end of the day Bravo is buying this stuff from Andy.

Hope this bites him in the ass.

And I kinda' like him.

eta quote

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I don't remember Dorinda being overwhelmingly popular, maybe it was mostly here?  She seemed OK, until her blotto drunk mean side came out.  This year, apparently we are getting that side of her and her boyfriend despite the time of day.


Lulu seemed the most popular to me last season.  Who knows or cares which one is the most popular anyway?  It changes, sometimes by the episode.

Dorinda came out on top followed closely by Luann but I don't think Bethenny fears fan competition from Luann but she does from Dorinda. Bethenny knows where all of Luann's skeletons are buried and she knows that Luann will kiss her butt in the end like she did last season. All of the HWs that filmed with Bethenny years ago kissed her butt last season and I think Luann advised Dorinda to follow suit in doing it as well. Now, Dorinda will face Bethenny's wrath for being popular with the fans. It will be interesting to see who stands with Dorinda (other than Jules) of the returning cast, who will dare risking Bethenny's for wrath next season. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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So why weren't Sonja & Lu at the bra party?  I think they both woulda been a hoot there.  Maybe evil Bethenny didn't want either of those 2 distracting from her nasty bullshit?  I'm wondering if Lu & Sonja have been banished from Bethenny's universe because they weren't following her orders or (for some reason) fell out of favor with her Highness. Ugh, cue sinister music now at the mere mention of Bethenny.  Hey, even Satan Andy seems terrified of her.  Strange thing is -- neither Lu or Sonja seems skeered of Bethenny.  They both casually zing her with no hesitation.  Could that be why they've been banished to Bethenny's dungeon?  Well, guess it's better than being thrown in Bethenny's torture chamber -- that's where John & Dorinda are now trapped in.  Yikes, don't envy those 2.

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So why weren't Sonja & Lu at the bra party?  I think they both woulda been a hoot there.  Maybe evil Bethenny didn't want either of those 2 distracting from her nasty bullshit?  I'm wondering if Lu & Sonja have been banished from Bethenny's universe because they weren't following her orders or (for some reason) fell out of favor with her Highness. Ugh, cue sinister music now at the mere mention of Bethenny.  Hey, even Satan Andy seems terrified of her.  Strange thing is -- neither Lu or Sonja seems skeered of Bethenny.  They both casually zing her with no hesitation.  Could that be why they've been banished to Bethenny's dungeon?  Well, guess it's better than being thrown in Bethenny's torture chamber -- that's where John & Dorinda are now trapped in.  Yikes, don't envy those 2.

More likely they weren't there because it was filmed early, before Luann and Sonja signed their Bravo contracts.

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So why weren't Sonja & Lu at the bra party? I think they both woulda been a hoot there.

Because they didn't sign their contracts until later and most likely missed some of the filming with the other women.

ETA: Beaten by a minute.

Edited by Luciano
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So why weren't Sonja & Lu at the bra party?  I think they both woulda been a hoot there.  Maybe evil Bethenny didn't want either of those 2 distracting from her nasty bullshit?  I'm wondering if Lu & Sonja have been banished from Bethenny's universe because they weren't following her orders or (for some reason) fell out of favor with her Highness. Ugh, cue sinister music now at the mere mention of Bethenny.  Hey, even Satan Andy seems terrified of her.  Strange thing is -- neither Lu or Sonja seems skeered of Bethenny.  They both casually zing her with no hesitation.  Could that be why they've been banished to Bethenny's dungeon?  Well, guess it's better than being thrown in Bethenny's torture chamber -- that's where John & Dorinda are now trapped in.  Yikes, don't envy those 2.

They were contract holdouts so the other HWs had already started to film.
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ITA a million times!  My mom was super thin (naturally) & she was the target of nastiness when she was young.  I remember it as a kid & I hated witnessing it.  It's strange, because even then, people thought it was flattering to be teased about being thin.  It wasn't then & it isn't now.  It's nasty, mean, cruel & exceptionally thoughtless.  Ah, but Bethenny is running the show now & this is her all over.  I'm still baffled, that she of all people is doing this -- when she most certainly has been the target of these kind of attacks herself.  Is this Bethenny's attempt to deflect attacks on being too thin away from herself?  Ya think?


You know, I watched this ep once -- and that's all for me, folks.  I can't watch Bethenny insult John & call him fat & ugly -- again.  I see some here are OK with calling him that too.  Makes me uncomfortable.  Very, very uncomfortable.  I hate it, actually.  It's just so freakin' mean.  Does Bethenny (and anyone here) think it's OK to call him fat & ugly (maybe not in those exact words, but close to it) because she doesn't like his character?  It's not OK to me.  It's brutal, it's nasty & it's extremely ugly to watch this mean shit.  Ah, but this is Bethenny.  


It's not right by me that Bethenny (or anyone else) is hating on John merely because he isn't young & model gorgeous -- NOT just because of his character.  Well, her vicious/lowball attacks on his looks certainly imply that.  If you don't like his character, Bethenny, that's fine.  Then attack his character alone, without attacking his looks.


I thought John's comments on Bethenny were dead-on right -- but please note, his comments were about Bethenny's character ONLY.  John never commented about Bethenny's looks.  And hot damn, he sure could have.  Well, maybe he did and Bethenny's (and Satan Andy's) edit monkeys cut them out.  Not exactly fair, eh?  BUT since we've entered Bethenny's universe, she can call anyone fat & ugly (in so many words) or worse (far, far, far worse) & NOBODY is able to zing her back in the same way -- because naturally, she won't allow it.  This is Bethenny's universe, after all.


Hey look, it's a personal choice to like Bethenny.  I think this season, what we've seen of her so far, she's become an absolute BULLY.  And where the fuck is her sense of humor?  I've seen some comments in this thread from some who laughed throughout this ep.  From what?  I can't laugh at the behavior of a bully.  It's not funny in the least to me.  Idk, I guess I'm envying those who found something to laugh at & be entertained by.  I sure as fuck didn't.  This overload of Bethenny's nastiness/bitterness/hatred/cruelty just makes me tense, nervous & anxious.  And that ain't what I'm looking for from this show.

IMO, Bethenny doesn't have to do much to make Dorinda look bad, she does it all by herself. She even makes Ramona look sane.

Regarding the negative comments about John -- Bethenny isn't the only HW saying negative things about him. And as for the comments here about John, I've read worse disparaging comments about Bethenny and Carole's looks here. Everyone is fair game. I get that you "know" him, but he comes across very badly on the show, IMO.

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