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  1. Extra fishy are Bethenny's motives for demeaning Dorinda. How about envy? Envy that Dorinda knows the likes of Hillary Clinton. It's all about the superficial for Bethenny. A puddle is deeper than she is.
  2. Bethenny's world has taken a turn for the worst of Bravo. And if the blind mice at Bravo can't see it or don't want to, then it's their show's funeral. There's only so much of Bethenny I can handle & this season it's already waaay too much. She's not funny, witty, smart or entertaining in any way, shape or form. I think what crawled up her nasty ass was finding out that Hillary Clinton watches rhony b/c of Dorinda. This has made the B pea green. What to do? Go after John. The poor schlep that she had no problem with last season has suddenly become Quasimodo. Why? Because B needs a reason to go after Dorinda--a woman she met less than a year ago but Bethenny needs to demean in front of H.Clinton. Good luck with that, you Barfenny shrew. If Dorinda's daughter couldn't stop Dorinda from seeing John, why will Bethenny succeed? Or is that even the objective? Watch Dorinda give Clinton a huge donation. End of Bethenny's objective.
  3. Regarding how classless Vicki is, Briana doesn't bother me that much. She's not even on the show that much plus I'd love to hear more about the disgusting Brooks. I'm sure Briana knows where a lot of the bodies are buried when it comes to that slime ball. I find it interesting that Briana feels no loyalty towards her mother. She actually sat there and told us how he had behaved with her? And how Vicki reacted calling her own daughter a liar? I can't help but think that if Briana were 12 yrs old & Brooks had molested her, would Vicki still stand by her man? Probably. Vicki is obviously starved for male attention. This woman is beyond help. And I think her daughter is headed in the same direction. Briana's husband is no prize. He has anger issues that will affect their marriage. I hope VG is gone next season. I can't watch her anymore. She's beyond pathetic.
  4. Is Shannon ever not mad with David? I give that marriage 6 months or less. Life is too short to spend it with someone like Shannon Bemoans.
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