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S03.E04: Birds of a Feather…

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Kathryn experiences complications related to her pregnancy, motivating Thomas to co-sign her lease; Cameran considers seeing a therapist about her reluctance in regards to motherhood; Craig challenges Thomas' commitment to Kathryn.

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I guess when he said he won't cosign she had to do something to manipulate him.  Thomas your a fool for getting involved with this woman, everyone knew it hell she had sex with every man that was in that show the first season.  She want's him to cosign so that when she goes to court he will be responsible for paying the house/rent when she says she can't pay because she doesn't have the money.  

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I kind of enjoy watching Kathryn dig her own grave. We can all see it, she can't, and even if she watches herself on the show she still won't get it.

The clip someone posted of Kathryn and Thomas fighting in public on the street in NYC tells me her crazy is real, she's not putting on an act for this show.

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Patricia is vile, JD is annoying and the redhead ( can't remember his name) hit the nail on the head with his comment about Patricia.

I love Craig. I love his friendship with Kathryn, he seems like a good friend.

Edited by Lola43
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What has Jennifer done to herself? I swear she looks completely different from the first time we saw her (season 1 or 2?). I think she's definitely lost some weight, but I can't tell if that's what's changed or if she's had something done to her face.


I'm over Patricia. Just like most reality TV "characters" less is better.


So when is Craig's bar exam now? This past February or this July?

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Ugh, Landon. For so many reasons. That quip about looking put together = being a good person told me way more than I needed to know about her.

Dude I don't know: is it really all that hard to turn the head of a Ravenel? Is that a prize?

And who's Ponytail? He looks like that guy who sold "punk" Subarus in the 90s.

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What did I just watch? The stuff going on at that party seemed so disjointed. And... I'm a little on Thomas's side in this argument with Jennifer Snowden (a.k.a. "Snowden" to the gang, apparently). She did seem to have lied to Craig, because I believe Thomas did go to the hospital, and really, two hours is enough, especially if Kathryn was starting to get upset again, which we all know is highly likely. I agreed with him about not calling Kathryn from the party because I had the same thought, "WHY, Jennifer, would you want to call her and upset her all over again?" 


I'm not even ready to talk about Shep and his date jumping in the pool. The date looked like she stripped to her bra and panties. I can't believe that didn't give Patricia the vapors. And then what happened to that girl? She seemed to disappear. What a bizarre party. So much of it seemed scripted and the side players (Shep, Landon, Craig, Cameran) seem just drunk enough to be laughing at having to act out some of the things like watching Jen call Kathryn, etc. 

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I'd have to rewind it (and it's not that important), but I thought that Jennifer told Craig that when Kathryn was released, Thomas wasn't there, not that he didn't show up at all.

I feel like he has the temper to do something crazy. He talked about shoving her in the pool, head first. I thought that Kathryn handled the polo thing badly, and she completely overreacted, but Thomas' interaction with Jennifer wasn't much better.

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One thing I did not agree with Thomas on: He kept talking about "my family" and saying he would defend his "family". What family, Thomas? You are nothing more that a baby daddy. You have not made a family with Kathryn and your children. Sorry, they're your kids ("flesh and blood") but there is no "family" there and there never will be because you and Kathryn, are immature morons! 


I hated that he kept talking about "until the baby is born" and worrying about the baby. Of course, I can understand the worry, but what I disliked was how possessive he sounded and so chauvinistic. His concern was all about his son being born full-term and not that Kathryn might have a medical emergency that could affect her health. It was all about that baby. And he told J.D. that because Kathryn acted out at the polo match and left with Kensie that he then refused to co-sign the lease. Gawd, the games these two play! I almost forgive Kathryn for her little "I won" smile after Thomas told her he'd signed the lease. 


UGH -- Thomas is more and more disgusting with each episode. 

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Don't get me wrong, Kathryn brings a lot of drama on herself, obviously, and she and Thomas are complete train wrecks, but I just can't with Landon. Kathryn's hospital stint may well have been manipulation, but if they kept her for BP issues, that's understandable, too. Landon, who has never had or carried a child, grates when she says basically people go to the hospital all the time and to get the f*ck over it. This side of last week she was all worried about making ends meet and this week she's taking a spa treatment. I mean, GMAFB. I know they make money from the show and yadda yadda yadda, but she just irritates the shit out of me.

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Only Cam can make falling into a boxwood cute and silly, and then recover gracefully Quiet down TRav. I hate it when people call out things like "cut her/him off", whether it's warranted or not warranted. It's just a blowhard thing to do. Mind your own beeswax and for gosh sake, lay off the bourbon and get a facial. And some laser. Your gin blossoms are showing.

p.s. I could barely understand what Landon was saying when she was in Thomas's kitchen before the party.

Thomas calling out to cut someone off! Oh, please. I even suspected that "special" coffee J.D. made Thomas had a shot of bourbon in it. Thomas drinks heavily and slurs or has bleary eyes half the time we see him. 

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I'd have to rewind it (and it's not that important), but I thought that Jennifer told Craig that when Kathryn was released, Thomas wasn't there, not that he didn't show up at all.

I feel like he has the temper to do something crazy. He talked about shoving her in the pool, head first. I thought that Kathryn handled the polo thing badly, and she completely overreacted, but Thomas' interaction with Jennifer wasn't much better.

That's how I interpreted it as well when Jenn said that.  Craig misunderstood.  And Landon should keep her mouth shut because bleeding can be very serious and add to that Kathryn's BP was apparently high.  She really grates on me.  Why is she so on Kathryn's case....except maybe she does have (or probably had) a thing with TRav.  Yeah Landon, Kathryn managed to cause bleeding in order to manipulate TRav.


And TRav with 'family'.  Your unborn son and his mother were hospitalized.  You stayed two hours and left because she got upset.  Then take a freaking walk and do your damn best to be supportive.  It's not about 'you' at that moment. Understand that there was something serious enough going on that Kathryn was admitted to the hospital.  Get over 'yourself' and grow up. You are just as responsible as your unborn child's mother.  And if you're so concerned about 'family', then why are 'you' playing games about the lease which is a drop in the bucket for you if you did end up having to pay the rent. 


Don't get me wrong.  Kathryn is no innocent angel.  But this is what you sign up for TRav when 'you' chose to have unprotected sex.


Patricia is trying to hard.  I can see where Whitney gets it from.  And I love the red haired guy's (sorry, I can't remember his name) comment about why Patricia can't stand Kathryn.  I think he may well be right.

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I find it so ridiculous that this group is hard on Kathryn while seemingly giving Thomas a pass. They're both obnoxious and juvenile. They're both manipulative and narcissistic. If we're going to judge anyone negatively, it should Thomas. He has more education, is more worldly, and is over half a century old. This dude is getting AARP the magazine and is still acting like a drunken 20 something. Fuq that noise.

Landon is a dumb thirsty bitch. Yes, people get admitted to hospital everyday. They also die there too. Spotting can be sign of something really bad in a pregnancy and women still die during even in the U.S. The maternal mortality rate is still far too high in this country. But to hear Landon tell it, Kathryn is a manipulative, malingering, fabulist who convinced an entire team of medical professionals to admit her into a hospital just so she can get Thomas to do whatever she wants. In Landon's eyes, Kathryn is a master manipulator to rival a James Bond villain. There are not enough shut ups in the world for Landon.

Shep's friend who jumped into the pool with him looked like a toddler next to him.

Edited by HunterHunted
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She's friend who jumped into the pool with him looked like a toddler next to him.


She did look very young, and it just seemed really creepy to see them together.  And then she disappeared without a trace after they jumped into the pool? 


Who was that other woman that was interested in Shep?  Bailey?


That flamingo party looked like it should have been fun, but it wasn't.

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On 4/26/2016 at 0:24 AM, HunterHunted said:

Landon is a dumb thirsty bitch. Yes, people get admitted to hospital everyday. They also die there too. Spotting can be sign of something really bad in a pregnancy and women still die during even in the U.S. The maternal mortality rate is still far too high in this country. But to hear Landon tell it, Kathryn is a manipulative, malingering, fabulist who convinced an entire team of medical professionals to admit her into a hospital just so she can get Thomas to do whatever she wants. In Landon's eyes, Kathryn is a master manipulator to rival a James Bond villain. There are not enough shut ups in the world for Landon.


OK, we know Kathryn is a lunatic & a nutcase & a ridiculous drama queen.  Well, of course we know that.  But seriously, are pregnant women routinely admitted to hospitals when nothing is wrong?  JD was also implying Kathryn was faking something.  Er, huh?  First off -- fuck off, JD, you slimy weaselly wiseass.  Second, you can go fuck off too, whiny Landon.  At least Kathryn has gotten banged in the last 5 years.  OK, it was by an AARP coke-head booze-hound, but it's more than Landon has gotten or is getting.  Btw, was Ponytail Dude, Landon's blind date, who Thomas sorta set her up with -- or am I projecting?


God, Craig is just about the biggest moron on this show.  I suspect some may assume (mistakenly) everyone who graduates from law school is smart/clever/sharp/bright.  Uh, no.   I am a lawyer & I can confirm -- that ain't true.  And Craig sure as shit is proof enough of it.  Marry that rich chick, Craig.  Marry her fast & marry her quick.  Otherwise, you'll be picking up dog doody for JD for the rest of your pathetic life.


I'm fascinated by Patricia's hair, which I think looks very nice.  Honestly, she is such an unpleasant woman -- who would wanna be anywhere near her?  She's this show's Bethenny.  Ew.


Ugh, Horseteeth in his undies?  Double ew.  Triple ew.  And all the dopey young chicks in Charleston are sleeping with this?  Guess the gals down there must be really guzzling down tons of booze to be with him.


Man, WTF is Whitney on?  Those glassy eyes at half-mast & the slurry speech -- Idk, he's on something.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I am super interested in the Thomas/Jen/Kathryn dynamic because when he was talking to JD the morning after the polo match he said the reason Kathryn freaked was because Jennifer riled her up which is not what we saw and Thomas didn't even see her freak out but at the party Jen seemed to be stirring shit unnecessarily.

Timelines are always suspect but her going to the hospital was what got Thomas to cosign and he mentioned bedrest, but they show her driving with one hand (I didn't know there were still states that weren't hands free) while talking to him on te phone and telling her that he us going to cosign.

Edited by biakbiak
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What was up with Thomas' new friend, Whitney Junior: Revenge of the Smug? All along I'd assumed that Whitney was the pathetic one sniffing around TRav. But the fact that TRav has replaced Whitney with the newer younger model and that Whitney is nonplussed, leads me to believe that TRav was more dependant on Whitney's company than I realized.

I refuse to believe that Whitney was calling his girlfriend. I think he was calling the Lufthansa customer service line.

I wish Cameran would admit that she doesn't want children because it really sounds like she doesn't want children.

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I wasn't sure if that was Shep's female friend or the daughter of a female friend, until they stripped to their bathing suits.


It seems they're not holding back on the antagonism between characters any more.  This show was suppose to be about the genteel South, not the trashy melodrama of Bravo's other shows.


But the network's brand is what it is so the cast is no doubt being egged on.  Cooper sniping that Patricia was the same as Kathryn before marrying up, while probably true, is kind of tough to forgive.  But Pat called him a second-rate Truman Capote or something like that?


I don't know if Jennifer wanted more to be on the show or part of the social circle.   Seems more the former because if she can play both sides, she gets more camera time.  The show gave her edits with the almost black and white clips of what she actually said versus what she claims at the party.  She's getting the inveterate liar edit so is she still positive about being on the show?

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Btw, was Ponytail Dude, Landon's blind date, who Thomas sorta set her up with -- or am I projecting?

That whole setup skeeved me out. Thomas basically told Ponytail, "this girl you're about to meet is an awesome hookup. But not tonight. Give it a couple dates." Blech.

Remember when this show was fun to watch? :p

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Veering away from all the sniping in tonight's episode, I loved seeing the ladies having lunch in the delightful outdoor courtyard of 82 Queen, one of Charleston's classic restaurants. (Also enjoyed last week's fried chicken at Martha Lou's Kitchen.) Charleston is such a wonderful restaurant town, it's always enjoyable to see some of them highlighted. It makes me wonder if Bravo's setting up some SC crossover for the upcoming Top Chef Charleston season.

Almost everyone showed their not-so-nice sides during tonight's episode. Landon especially. To me, the only regular who didn't come across poorly was Craig.

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I think Jennifer has had lip injections or something because they are a lot plumper than last season. And her face looks tighter. I thought she was pretty as she was. But she sure wasn't pretty in her actions at the party. Yes, by all means, call your friend who just went to the hospital for being upset, and make her upset all over again. She's a shit-stirrer.

Jennifer told Craig "She got released around dinnertime, but Thomas wasn't there..." because they replayed it with subtitles later when Jennifer was arguing with Thomas about this. I just replayed it to be sure. To me, if I heard that, I'd think he wasn't at the hospital at all. It's all about interpretation.

Landon reminds me of friends who cry about how broke they are on their way to get a manicure and pedicure. She can shut up and go help ponytail boy decorate.

Thomas can also shut up with the "my family" bullshit. You have children, you don't have a family. At least, not one that I'd want to be a part of. I feel for those poor kids.

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Look, I do have some sympathy when it comes to Katheryn, but did you see the big ol grin after Thomas called her to tell her that everything was sent over to the leasing company for her house? It was a "cat that got the Canary" grin. That kind of manipulation is SCARY. Mark my words...we are going to be seeing their story on "SCORNED:LOVE KILLS" on the ID Network one of these days.

Not saying she didn't have a legitimate medical scare, but she (and Thomas of course) worked her BP into a lather. That is the time when people snap and do something crazy (except when they have bleeding during a pregnancy and are rushed to the hospital). They are trying to use their respective "powers" (her power over the kids, and his power of money) to punish each other. This can only end terribly.

Edited by bblancobrnx
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It was a "cat that got the Canary" grin. That kind of manipulation is SCARY. Mark my words...we are going to be seeing their story on "SCORNED:LOVE KILLS" on the ID Network one of these days.

Totally agree. It was if she was congratulating herself for getting him to co-sign the rental lease. Now she can sit back and not pay her rent or utilities and he'll be responsible. Way to get a guy to pay your bills, which was what she wanted all along.

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Definitely the highlight for me was the lunch at 82 Queen, where I ate for my senior prom dinner and my fifth wedding anniversary.  


The rest?  God, these people are all insufferable.  

Edited by theajw
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On 4/26/2016 at 0:09 AM, breezy424 said:

Don't get me wrong.  Kathryn is no innocent angel.  But this is what you sign up for TRav when 'you' chose to have unprotected sex

Not once but twice!  This day and age, who does that?  Thomas is not the hottie he thinks he is.  His body is gross.  He has that alcoholic decimated yet middle age paunch going on.

Does no one have blue tooth in that city?  Driving with one hand is so turn of the century.

Edited by jumper sage
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That flamingo party was awful -- the plastic birds in the pool and the champagne tower is like something from a 1970's wedding.  Who wants to eat hot pink macaroons?  Gross!  Where was a fabulous food, drinks, entertainment, music?  Patricia needs to take a queue from Lisa VanderPump (Real Housewives BH) on how to throw a party. And her hot pink caftan/mumu?  Seriously?  She looked like Mrs. Roper from "Three's Company."  It was hard for me to write this because normally I admire Patricia's beauty and style.  

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I hate that half the show seems to take place on Twitter.... Anyway, Kathryn has admitted that she was not bleeding, she had high blood pressure and was told that if she hadn't come in right away she would have begun to bleed from her ears and eyeballs. (?!?!?!?) High blood pressure from working herself up into a lunatic frenzy at the polo match to hog the limelight, as you do when you are concerned for your unborn child. Jennifer says she only told the others Kathryn was bleeding because that's what Kathryn told her. Lord, I need some of that rose champagne....

I could have done without Shep shoving his hands down his Speedo and fluffing his balls. We get it, Shep. It was a chilly night. Shrinkage.

Patricia's flamingo party was a disappointment. It was obviously just slapped together for the cameras with barely anyone but the cast in attendance. I wanted to see a proper social shindig, not some crew member (I assume) dressed up as catering staff saying "here ya go" as he passed out champagne. Come on. I tune into this stuff for real estate and party porn. Also, the psychic did not look psychic-y enough. I'd hoped for Ann Magnuson as Madame Miranda.

On 4/26/2016 at 3:20 AM, SuzWhat said:

I can't figure out where Ravenal and JD went for coffee. He knocked on the door and then they walked outside to get to a kitchen. Was it in a barn or some outbuilding?

Yeah, I assumed it was a guest cottage. Maybe he uses it as an office? It was a little weird to see them go out back without any explanation...

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Is Jennifer the one who posted to this forum or the old TWOP forum? Asking all kinds of attention-seeking, disingenuous questions about why we were being so mean to her?

JD said something about his family sleeping and directed Thomas to what looked like an outbuilding for coffee? I assumed it was a guest cottage or office. Maybe they don't want cameras in their home and around his kids.

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2 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Is Jennifer the one who posted to this forum or the old TWOP forum? Asking all kinds of attention-seeking, disingenuous questions about why we were being so mean to her?

Yes, that was her.  I believe the thread is still somewhere within this forum.

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No matter how nasty and ugly she is willing to be towards Kathryn to curry Thomas's favor, Landon will never be more than worthy of a hook-up for Thomas.  Landon, your ancestors didn't have the foresight to wash up on shore in South Carolina, and buy up a bunch of human beings so that 400 years later you'd be considered South Carolina high society and therefore worthy of  a layabout like Shep or a belligerent drunk like TRav.  

I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a jerk.  Talk about acting against your own self-interest.  Why she and Cameran are willing to help bolster the Charleston outdated, misogynistic caste system by venerating Thomas Ravenal is beyond me. 

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I noticed that when Thomas walked over to Jennifer at the flamingo party and asked if he could talk to her she looked up with a sweet smile and said, "sure Thomas", almost flirtatious. She still has the hots for him and would be with him in a heartbeat. But since he is rejecting her, she is going against him with Kathryn. Except she's not really a good friend to Kathryn either, always stirring things up. Jennifer is suspect.

The way Thomas talked to Jennifer was nasty.

I agree about the "cat ate the canary" grin. Kathryn has always scared me. Remember way back when Thomas grilled her about if she had slept with Whitney and she so easily kept lying to his face? I have always seen a sinister, manipulative side to her. That doesn't mean I am on Thomas' side. I think they are both abhorrent people.

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1 hour ago, Gaily said:

That flamingo party was awful -- the plastic birds in the pool and the champagne tower is like something from a 1970's wedding.  Who wants to eat hot pink macaroons?  Gross!  Where was a fabulous food, drinks, entertainment, music?  Patricia needs to take a queue from Lisa VanderPump (Real Housewives BH) on how to throw a party. And her hot pink caftan/mumu?  Seriously?  She looked like Mrs. Roper from "Three's Company."  It was hard for me to write this because normally I admire Patricia's beauty and style.  

Or even the Shahs of Sunset. Nearly every one of their parties looks fun before they start throwing cake; Adam's adult petting zoo bachelor party was horrible. The Shahs always have great food and party decor. When they showed Mike and Jessica's sad backyard as they were setting up their Shabbat dinner, I wouldn't have predicted that it would turn out so lovely. They had a beautiful dinner spread, the string lights, and crystal chandeliers overhead.

Patricia's party was dated and juvenile. Not even Pinky Vanderpump has that much pink at a party.

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HunterHunted, I agree -- the food and drink always look amazing at the parties on the Shahs of Sunset.  I am surprised that Patricia got a book deal to come out with a book on entertaining.  She just hires people to do the work so what is the book going to be about? How to boss people around when you're on your third martini of the day? Come to think of it, that does sound like a nice life.

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1 hour ago, ninjago said:

No matter how nasty and ugly she is willing to be towards Kathryn to curry Thomas's favor, Landon will never be more than worthy of a hook-up for Thomas.  Landon, your ancestors didn't have the foresight to wash up on shore in South Carolina, and buy up a bunch of human beings so that 400 years later you'd be considered South Carolina high society and therefore worthy of  a layabout like Shep or a belligerent drunk like TRav.  

I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a jerk.  Talk about acting against your own self-interest.  Why she and Cameran are willing to help bolster the Charleston outdated, misogynistic caste system by venerating Thomas Ravenal is beyond me. 

I get the sense that Landon has the hots for Thomas, why I don't know; he looks like an old drunk.

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