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Season 6 Discussion


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It was kind of a step back from last week, where Eddie and Jamie had a real talk about their careers and goals and how to treat each other, especially because he's a Reagan (which was kind of a first for the show).


Very late responding to this point, but I do wonder what goes on in the writers room of this show & whether everyone there is on the same page. Eddie & Jamie's differing responses to the 10-13 & the ensuing blow up in Back in the Day exposed the real differences between them & their approach to police work. Those differences have always been there, but the blow up brought about a frank talk between the two that was well past due. Turn around the next week & Eddie's the best partner Jamie has ever had (Huh? Remember last week writers? Not Renzulli? Not the late Vinny?) & in Stomping Grounds, its Jamie to the rescue for Eddie & the other women in spite of Eddie's earlier, very clear request to Jamie to drop the matter. I still love Jamie's take down of Sergeant Smarmy, but it wasn't Jamie's battle to fight. It was up to Eddie & the other women to take care of Ray if they felt a need to do so. Unless there are no women officers subordinate to him in Staten Island for Ray to be inappropriate with, it would have been best to handle Ray through proper channels if the women involved saw a need to do so.

That said & as much as I fuss about certain things, this show does perform very well. The Facebook page is, as one would expect, full of seemingly content fans. I do notice a lot of the same unhappiness with Eddie I have seen here & I will admit to laughing when I read a comment that said Eddie was kept around to annoy fans. Well writers, if that is what you are after, it's working in my case.

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Is headstrong Danny ever going to be suspended for routinely going in without backup, risking his life and that of the victim? And in this case, letting the perp esccape. The situation didn't suddenly become more urgent because he just learned where the perp lived. And once again, only Baez could respond from the station, not the cop on neighborhood patrol. An overdone plot gimmick in cop shows.

I missed my sighting of Erin's shark defense attorney ex Jack as he is nice to look at -- or even mention of him. I would have settled for mention with his daughter busted for drugs & facing a felony. Did I just miss something? Maybe he paid for the lawyer? If Jack is out of Nicki's life, that should be outright said.

St. Angela's is the in town church I take it? It's common here with people who live in the suburbs & work in town. Fanwanking is on the docket this week, I see.

Bless Jamie. The family would be at a loss without him. Danny is just an oaf -- "What the Hell are you doing here?" You should be so lucky Danny.

Eddie annoyed me peppering Jamie with questions. No surprise there.

I thought Sami did well & Nicki is losing her special to the world syndrome bit by bit. Glad once again DW moved & has other irons in the fire. I'm enjoying this season like I did the first three.

  • Love 1

I missed my sighting of Erin's shark defense attorney ex Jack as he is nice to look at -- or even mention of him. I would have settled for mention with his daughter busted for drugs & facing a felony. Did I just miss something? Maybe he paid for the lawyer? If Jack is out of Nicki's life, that should be outright said.

St. Angela's is the in town church I take it? It's common here with people who live in the suburbs & work in town. Fanwanking is on the docket this week, I see.

Bless Jamie. The family would be at a loss without him. Danny is just an oaf -- "What the Hell are you doing here?" You should be so lucky Danny.

Eddie annoyed me peppering Jamie with questions. No surprise there.

I thought Sami did well & Nicki is losing her special to the world syndrome bit by bit. Glad once again DW moved & has other irons in the fire. I'm enjoying this season like I did the first three.

I've always wondered what Danny's problem with Jamie.is, because there seems to be one at times.

  • Love 1

The Danny stuff was generic but I liked the part on the roof because Donnie Wahlberg delivered some great piece of acting there.


Nicki's predicament was realistic, even though both she and her mom was way too stubborn for their own good. Erin, she's a nice kid, stop punishing her! Nicki, stop being a dumbass, they're not your friends! The ADA from Bronx was beautiful, beautiful man. I was kind of distracted by that, even though he was an ass. Glad Frank was sneaky and helped Nicki with the advice, even remotely. The dinner scene was hilarious because of it!


Oh, of course, I was thinking this episode was going so well, what with Nicki's and Jaimie's interactions, and everyone fretting over the Nicki stuff. And then BAM, Eddie being her annoying self and making fun of Jamie's faith! Sooooooooo cute! (Not really, no!).


The priest and the troubled kid subplot was kind of there. Meh.

I've always wondered what Danny's problem with Jamie.is, because there seems to be one at times.

I wonder if there's some jealousy there.  When looking at the Reagan children, Danny has always struck me as "what's wrong with this picture."  Joe was by all accounts accomplished and well on his way to being the next Reagan PC.  Erin and Jamie are both attractive, well educated, and polished.  They fit right in with Frank when he attends black tie events.  Erin is the only girl and Jamie is the golden-child baby.  They each have a special place in the family.


Danny is more of a throwback to Henry.  His status as the eldest should have given him a special place of his own, but he was a rebel.  He has some talents, but he doesn't quite fit the modern Reagan mold.  I think he may feel that everything comes easier to Jamie.


On a different note, I really enjoyed last night's episode.  I was glad Frank stepped in to help Nikki.  That storyline was realistic in that parents are supposed to come down hard to help kids learn life's lessons, and grandparents are supposed to be your ally no matter what.  Both Erin and Frank did the right thing.  And Jamie was the perfect uncle giving wise advice and trying to keep everyone talking to one another.

  • Love 2

First thought was "Another Reagan got busted by a cop for having drugs in the car that wasn't theirs?"


Second thought was "the war vet that jumped happened 2 years ago not one."  Those moments stuck out because I happened to be on set when those scenes were being filmed.


That said...it was pretty good. I liked that Jamie was tied into all 3 story lines.  3 years ago it was like "wait you're still here?"



Joe was by all accounts accomplished and well on his way to being the next Reagan PC.  Erin and Jamie are both attractive, well educated, and polished.  They fit right in with Frank when he attends black tie events.  Erin is the only girl and Jamie is the golden-child baby.  They each have a special place in the family.


Danny is more of a throwback to Henry.  His status as the eldest should have given him a special place of his own, but he was a rebel.  He has some talents, but he doesn't quite fit the modern Reagan mold.  I think he may feel that everything comes easier to Jamie.


I think it's more that Danny didn't see himself in the law enforcement "business" at first but it's something that he eventually landed into.  He was in construction, a bouncer, sold roof siding over the phone...a lot of odd jobs before he took the exams and joined the Marines. 

Edited by mtlchick

Just my take--I'm tired of Frank not being able to help Jamie or Danny when they are in trouble but always managing to help Erin and now, Nicki.  The hypocrisy of this family is beyond my endurance at times.


That said, I was proud of Erin for the stand she took.  She believed in her daughter but wanted to learn a tough lesson.


As always, I love Jamie.  He needs a new partner or a love interest...something.   No way a man like that would be single.


What was with the "Using the last name Boyle" bit?  Wouldn't Nicki's last name be Boyle?


Henry can drive me up the wall but we need more of him and Linda.  They are being relegated to Sunday dinners and the show has lost something special.  I miss the marital interactions between Linda and Danny that kept him grounded and human, not just super cop; and Grandpa has an important role to play in family dynamics, no matter how irritating his war stories can get.

What was with the "Using the last name Boyle" bit?  Wouldn't Nicki's last name be Boyle?


I believe that Nicki, like Erin, took Reagan as a last name. At least she was Nicki Reagan when she had a situation with her mentally ill roommate.


Henry can drive me up the wall but we need more of him and Linda.  They are being relegated to Sunday dinners and the show has lost something special.  I miss the marital interactions between Linda and Danny that kept him grounded and human, not just super cop; and Grandpa has an important role to play in family dynamics, no matter how irritating his war stories can get.


I think there was some stuff with Danny and Linda before the hiatus.

I really liked this one. I wonder if it was adapted from an unused script from a previous season since it really felt like the classic formula - Danny and the COTW, Frank being morally righteous, a family dilemma, and everything wrapped up neatly at the end. It has all of the classic flaws of course, as well as the new problem of Eddie, but that comes with the territory. It was probably better executed then the early seasons actually - a major Nikki plot so well done that I didn't FF through it, the DW rooftop scene that actually achieved some nuance and subtlety, and good use of the cast as an ensemble. I hope we get more like this.

Edited by wknt3
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I might be in the minority but I actually liked the B-plot between Frank and the priest. It was a nice reflection on the dilemma people often face between realism and idealism. In the end there was no easy way out so they both claimed to have been right and that was that. I liked it since I think the world works best when those two stances are in balance. Same goes for the different ways Erin and Frank chose to handle Niki's dilemma. Erin had to be tough because that was her job as a parent and Frank was stepping in to have Niki's back as a grandparent.


Danny's plot was okay - he was being decent and as mentioned Wahlberg was really good in the scene on the rooftop.


Good episode.

  • Love 2

I was so sure the priest would turn out to be the kid's father or interfering with him. He IS Frank, just a little older and with a clerical collar.


Also, a stop for a busted taillight? More of a chance to see if anyone in the car had been drinking and to see if they could shake loose some drugs (which they did). And which wouldn't have happened if Nicki's idiot friends had been able to keep their mouths shut. (I bet she most certainly would have slipped him the Reagan card and that would have been that).


Though I wondered if it were a setup when the cop just saw the baggie and reached in for it. Are kids today that stupid that they don't hide the dope when they're stopped by a cop?


Not only were they dishonest friends, they were STUPID.

  • Love 4

I missed my sighting of Erin's shark defense attorney ex Jack as he is nice to look at -- or even mention of him. I would have settled for mention with his daughter busted for drugs & facing a felony. Did I just miss something? Maybe he paid for the lawyer? If Jack is out of Nicki's life, that should be outright said.


THIS. This bugged me the whole ep. I kept waiting for him to stride into the courtroom as her attorney. If nothing else, at least have Nicki say "Don't tell Dad." or something.


I loved the entire scene where Garrett had to tell Frank about Nicki. Sid was so uncomfortable! HA! It was a car crash - he couldn't look away - but he did NOT want to be there. My co-workers and I call that the "awkward cc:." When two colleagues are "exchanging viewpoints" in an email and they both keep replying to all in an effort to keep it aboveboard and you just watch the emails land in your inbox and cringe. PLEASE TAKE ME OFF THE EMAIL! lol  (This term is also appropriate for a meeting where two people start arguing and you slowly back your rolly chair into the hallway...)  


I have enjoyed Sid a lot this season. Wears his heart on his sleeve and makes no apology for it.

  • Love 2


THIS. This bugged me the whole ep. I kept waiting for him to stride into the courtroom as her attorney. If nothing else, at least have Nicki say "Don't tell Dad." or something.


Indeed.  Any chance I can see Mr Mariska Hargitay, I gladly welcome it.  Especially when it's his own kid nailed for drugs.  I mean he did work for Henry even though Henry didn't want the family to know. The show can't make him appear for Nicki?

  • Love 1

I enjoy Frank's tussles with Mayor Poole & Garrett's attempts to penetrate Frank's thick head.

I really like Anthony. Erin in the form of Bridget Moynahan & that wistful look at the end was well played on the actor's part. I especially liked how Erin the fixer caught herself trying to fix mid-fix & how Anthony handled it.

Liked Baez having her say, just not on something that could jam her & Danny up down the road, you know.

Save the very little Jamie, another good job spreading things about... Eddie managed to grate with a line.

  • Love 5

Linda asks Danny and Baez to help her co-worker who is having trouble with her angry ex-husband. Also, Erin must figure out how to handle her former mentor, a judge who has been handing down unfair sentences since the recent death of his wife; and Frank goes head-to-head with an outspoken City Council Speaker (Whoopi Goldberg) who publicly voices her disapproval of the NYPD’s ‘broken windows’ policy.




Anthony is amazing, but I still miss the chemistry between Erin and Alex (James Lesure), but obviously Lesure is such an in-demand actor they couldn't hold on to him for just a recurring role. Steve Schirripa is a worthy replacement (although if Lesure's new series gets canceled, hopefully he returns, as Blue Bloods looks like it will run about 87 seasons, so there's time for him to return!). 

  • Love 3

There was so much to like in this episode. Steve Schirripa. Continuing to use more of the great actors they've cast. A more tolerable Danny with some actual nuance. Unfortunately I can't say I really liked the episode. Frank was such a huge jackass. Even more self righteous than usual. I hoped they were going for something like what they ended up doing with Danny where they actually were going to present our hero as being wrong and admitting it - at least partially. But no such luck. And I really think they've actually gotten worse at doing politics and the big picture criminal justice issues which I wouldn't have believed possible back in the early seasons.

  • Love 5

I was seriously praying for Baker to grab a huge pile of files and whack both Frank and Garrett during that first scene - one for behaving like a spoiled teenage brat ("I won't go the prom, Steve hasn't asked me yet, sending me a corsage doesn't count, whaahaaa") and the other for enabling the mustached drama-queen.


Instead the script asked for the actress to just sit there looking frustrated (at least it was an easy job she just had to channel her feelings about the writing for her character).

Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 2

I would like the show to go against conventional pairings and let Anthony and Erin become friends and more.  Where is it written that every love interest be model good looking.  I like them together.

What I like most about Anthony and Erin working together is that they WORK well together. Their relationship isn't complicated by a potential love interest, like every other man Erin works with. Work relationships rarely result in romance in real life and when they do, they can really get messy when they end, like Erin and her bosses. How many posters complain constantly about Jaimie and his partner?

Give me couples like Danny and Baez and Erin and Anthony, working partners.

  • Love 3


Anthony is amazing, but I still miss the chemistry between Erin and Alex (James Lesure), but obviously Lesure is such an in-demand actor they couldn't hold on to him for just a recurring role.

I don't think the target audience for this show wants to see that chemistry. It seems to keep a racial quota. Use someone Hispanic if you need a minority, but not too many at once, and it's best to keep black characters as adversaries. 

  • Love 1

I was seriously praying for Baker to grab a huge pile of files and whack both Frank and Garrett during that first scene - one for behaving like a spoiled teenage brat ("I won't go the prom, Steve hasn't asked me yet, sending me a corsage doesn't count, whaahaaa") and the other for enabling the mustached drama-queen.


Instead the script asked for the actress to just sit there looking frustrated (at least it was an easy job she just had to channel her feelings about the writing for her character).


I'm not sure about Garrett enabling him, but I still can't figure out what they were going for with Frank. It was just so ridiculous, so OTT, and he was so self evidently wrong that I thought there was going to be some reveal that this was really about something else, or we were going to see them try something new and have Frank admit he was wrong, or just be wrong from the show's narrative POV and suffer consequences from it. I don't understand how professional writers came up with such a mess.


As far as Baker is concerned it's pretty clear from the way the scene was staged that she is very pregnant now, so she might not up to anything as strenuous as chasing people around and beating them up. :-)


I liked Danny and Baez too, I love their partnership. Danny doing something for her and looking the other way. I also wondered if her saying what if it was his family and his saying it would never happen wasn't foreshadowing. Especially with her "that's what they all say." 


Foreshadowing a future plot? What series have you been watching expecting that level of writing? If it was any other show I'd know we were in for the Linda becomes addicted story, but I'm not too worried here since continuity and planning ahead has never been their strong suit. Or writing in general. I mean they missed the obvious opportunity here. You have an addiction story. You have cliche Old School Irish Cop stereotype. You are trying to introduce some shades of gray and undermine the moral certainty. And there's no fellow cop with a drinking problem that he's covered for in the past? Maybe even a cousin we've never heard of before? It's Screenwriting 101.

Finally watched the episode. My first thought was wondering why the police officer picked up the drugs barehanded. Way to screw up your evidence! The case would've been solved quickly with a fingerprint test. I was surprised when that became the bluff. No, Erin, it didn't take a seasoned professional to come up with that brilliant suggestion.

A couple of nitpiks: no Catholic mass ever ends with people seated during the final blessing and the priest hanging out on the altar. You stand for the final blessing and the priest processes out just like he processed in. I also hate when people call their priest simply by his first name. It is a sign of respect to refer to him as "Father Pete" and I didn't like it when Frank dropped the Father whenever he remonstrated him.

Finally, I am tired of watching shows in which the police blame a priest and try to bully him into breaking the vow of the confessional. It will never happen. Ever. So stop trying to depict the priest as the bad guy for holding sacred the sacrament of reconciliation.

Finally, I am tired of watching shows in which the police blame a priest and try to bully him into breaking the vow of the confessional.


I don't think that happened in the show. The young guy was apprehended after he stole the money the first time (or whatever he did) and the priest bailed him out of jail. And then he stole the money, and the priest refused to call the police on him. That had nothing to do with the confessional.

Cooper, it was the scene of Frank at Father Pete's hospital bed.  We discover that the kid is messed up because he saw his father murder his mother.  Father Pete knew about it because the father confessed to him.  Frank was mad and told Father Pete that he put innocent lives at risk by failing to come forward to turn the father in at the time.

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"CooperTV, the Bronx DA was Timothy Stickney, minus the dreads. He played RJ Gannon on One Life to Live. It took me most of the episode to figure out it was him because I'm not used to seeing him clean shaven and with no hair lol!"

I only knew because We Love Soaps has a regular feature alerting fans when soap alums are on prime time.



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With Frank & the Mayor, I just wanted to say: KISS AND MAKE UP ALREADY! (Which is what their seconds were telling them to do). Frank actually really likes the Mayor, though not the way he likes his fellow Irish mafia/cop bros. At the end when he said "it's US," he included the Mayor in the frat of bros who can do anything they want.


But with that little parable of Frank being the lifeguard stand and the Mayor drifting further from it, was he implying the Mayor was getting further left wing? It also implies that Frank is fixed in his beliefs, which isn't actually true. He's changed his mind about things (like women cops and gay people, sort of, and even homeless people). 


I sometimes wonder if Tom Selleck "helps" the writers write his lines.


And I see next week that Frank has another African-American opponent in Whoopi Goldberg. I wonder if she'll turn out to be corrupt, or finally capitulate and see things Frank's way.


I kind of miss the chemistry Selleck had with Bebe Neuwirth, but she's in a MUCH better place now...(that is, in Bess McCord's office on Madam Secretary).

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I suppose Will had another gig? I hope that's the reason Jamie only appeared for dinner again. I would have hoped those days were over. What problems may exist with the Blue Templar, undercover in the mob & Eddie stories, I would not attribute to Will.

Linda's trauma made a reappearance as did Danny's. That is good, but if it's all vanished by the next episode or pops up again down the road after seemingly disappearing, it's part & parcel of my issues with the writing. Is there a Bellisario on this show forbidding writers from speaking? :-)

The continued Erin time is great & the softer Danny is welcome too. I enjoyed the episode.

I don't know how I feel about last night's show.  Whoopi Goldberg was excellent.  Why is Frank constantly in meltdown mode?  First he had a hissy fit about the mayor last week and now this.  And the world is coming to an end because I heard Frank utter the words "Thank you".


I am not an Erin or Nicki fan.  I understand Erin's position on the judge but hated the way that she puts issues ahead of friendship.  She deserved her suspension, not for reporting the judge but because she thought she was above following the bosses orders and she should have had to ride out that suspension no matter what the judge told the D.A.'s office.  Sorry, but her attitude when the judge came to her house was so snippy until he apologized then she was his best friend again.  He's a better friend than her.  Sorry, I just can't with the "Erin is perfect" premise of this show.  Whenever she screws up, it turns out that she was right all along and that just doesn't happen in real life.


I did not like Danny's attitude about this case nor how he treated Linda or Baez.  He just needs to tone it down.  I am glad to see that he apologized to his wife.  She is his redeeming grace.


The boys are getting big and would have loved to have seen the NIcky gets in trouble story line play out with the oldest son rather than her.  She just needs to come home at Thanksgiving and Christmas and when they are off the air for summer hiatus.


Can we please have more Jamie story lines?  And get him a girlfriend.  A nice, handsome man like him wouldn't be free.


And when the last show airs, is it wrong of me to want Garrett to deck old Frank?

  • Love 4

The Nuremberg Trials established that "I was just following orders" is not a permissible defense for either committing or allowing injustice. The DA was out of line for putting the judge above the law, spiking Erin's complaint, and jeopardizing the public's faith in the system. That said, Erin should have been suspended for insubordination, regardless of whether the judge filed a complaint (and not just because I don't like the anal-retentive Erin character). Doing the right thing when there is no consequence is an empty gesture. As Huckleberry Finn observed, "It's troublesome to do right and ain't no trouble to do wrong."

  • Love 1
And when the last show airs, is it wrong of me to want Garrett to deck old Frank?


Nope, I do that almost every episode. When Garrett finally leaves this job he deserves a special medal for serving the greatest drama queen that ever resided in one pp. Baker was once again reduced to pained looks. I had not known that pregnancy can cause loss of speech.


Good episode - I liked all the plots.

  • Love 5

I actually thought Linda was finally going to leave (even if temporary) Danny. All he did this episode was yell at her and treat her like a child. Half the time I feel like she's too good for him. She puts up with a lot of his BS and I don't know of many women who would willingly have Sunday Dinner with their in-laws every week (especially since half the time they don't even respect her opinions - and why is it she never has to work on a Sunday?).

I really wish we'd see more of Jamie (doesn't he ever date? I volunteer :) )

  • Love 5

Actually, as an attorney, if Erin knew the judge to be acting in violation of the Code of Judicial Ethics, she had an ethical duty to report him and could be disciplined by the bar for any failure to do so. (That's true regardless of what the DA wanted her to do.)   It's her boss who should be in trouble, not Erin.  She did the right thing.


The show would be much more interesting if Frank lost a battle once in a while.


More Jamie please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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