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Season 6 Discussion


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"Police critics used to be occasionally misguided and able to be persuaded of the error of their ways. Now they are always hypocritical zealots and it's an every week thing."

I have always found the police critics portrayed as hypocritical zealots, or complete idiots, and it's one of the things that have driven me crazy from the get go.

I think the potrayal of police critics was spot on accurate. They are generally horribly close minded and bigoted against the police and have little or no desire to hear the truth or anyone elses views.

It was very timely given what is going on with all the spoiled, self righteous, clueless, hateful brats, who know nothing about life, but think they know everything, on college campuses this past week.

I liked that Nicky finally seems to be thinking for herself again instead of being sucked into the Leftist mob thinking. I don't mind her being left of center as long as she uses her own mind and experiences to come to those views.

I liked the Jamie and Eddie plot, except I thought the part about the sargeant wanting to die in the line of duty was unrealistic and took away from the debate about when to disobey a superior.

I wish they would wrap up the stupid serial killer plot. At least Danny is finally starting to learn to wait for backup.

Seems like Linda is far more traumatized by constantly having to worry about Danny than by her own near death experience.

If the powers that be want Eddie to continue to be Jamie's partner that's fine, but he needs a love interest with whom he has some chemistry! Eddie is just not his type. He needs someone with brains and class. He also needs someone who shares his value system.

I think Jamie and Eddie would be great together. They admire and respect each other and greatly enjoy each others company. Their disputes are usually job related and a Jeddie ship would break them up as partners, solving those issues.

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"Police critics used to be occasionally misguided and able to be persuaded of the error of their ways. Now they are always hypocritical zealots and it's an every week thing."

I have always found the police critics portrayed as hypocritical zealots, or complete idiots, and it's one of the things that have driven me crazy from the get go.


It's always been there, but it wasn't every week and they used to mix in some naive fools who might have been idiots, but were at least well meaning. Witht the exception of African American clergy of course. I guess we should be grateful that they're not showing us officers being killed every week, because they aren't allowed to violate civil rights willy nilly.

So, I guess the special program Frank wanted Jamie to head has already been forgotten? Wouldn't the cop who's trying to get himself killed have been a pretty good candidate? 


I am in the I don't like Eddie camp. She's like the younger, female version of Grandpa. And I totally agree with others, there's not any chemistry there. 


I know Nikki's a moron, but you can't tell me she's so stupid she wouldn't have known what the end result with Frank's speech would be. Why the hell would she invite him? He did say she invited him, right? 

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"It's always been there, but it wasn't every week and they used to mix in some naive fools who might have been idiots, but were at least well meaning. Witht the exception of African American clergy of course."

Re the portrayal of AA clergy: It's always been simplistic and gratuitious, but given events of the past couple of years, it's become downright offensive. Has there ever been any protest from the AA community? I don't recall hearing aboubt any.

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I know Nikki's a moron, but you can't tell me she's so stupid she wouldn't have known what the end result with Frank's speech would be. Why the hell would she invite him? He did say she invited him, right? 

Someone who still has the episode handy can tell you for sure, but I believe that what happened is that Frank, as the Police Commissioner of New York City, often gets asked to speak at pretty much all the schools in the Northeast. He decided to pick Nicki's school because his granddaughter goes there. Garrett told him to choose one of the schools where he would actually be allowed to speak, but he wanted to speak at Nicki's school because of the reasons he gave later on (about how he won't have many more opportunities to show Nicki what he does while he is still actually doing it). So I don't believe that this was one of the many examples of Nicki being foolhardy. 

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Yes, I checked back. It was never stated that Nicki invited him. It sounded pretty much as if Frank had picked the school for the reasons stated above. I was surprised that Frank had to give up - I truly expected him to wear those sanctimonious brats down by a ton of even more sanctimonious pontificating. The show normally does not allow Garrett to be right about anything - I hope he appreciates the win. But knowing this show that plot might come back to haunt us some more.

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Almost didn't recognize Nicki. Love her new hair and glasses.

That's all:)


I thought they made her look so much like Bridget Moynihan. I could really see them as mom and daughter. 


I'm usually not a fan of Blue Blood's politics, but sadly there have been a number of incidents of college students shouting down speakers who say things they don't like, or forcing their schools to disinvite speakers. So even though the speech scene had the usual BB heavyhandedness, it wasn't too far from the truth. 

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Garrett told him to choose one of the schools where he would actually be allowed to speak, but he wanted to speak at Nicki's school because of the reasons he gave later on (about how he won't have many more opportunities to show Nicki what he does while he is still actually doing it). So I don't believe that this was one of the many examples of Nicki being foolhardy.


Yeah if anything, she was really trying to talk him out of it because she knew it would go south.  Who knows how many people at the school really know who her grandpa is, but I'm guessing not many because I think if people figured it out, she would have been targeted.  At least the show didn't go down that path.  It was essentially to spare him the trouble but Frank being Frank was too stubborn to care until he was booed right off.

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I live in NYC, and given all the tension between cops and certain communities, it drives me nuts that they chose to make someone like Danny a lead character. He is pretty much everything no one wants as a cop in this city. Hot headed, violent, incapable of being subtle. Wish they had a decent person as lead cop even as Jamie's is decent enough.

I so agree.


It's always been simplistic and gratuitous, but given events of the past couple of years, it's become downright offensive. Has there ever been any protest from the AA community? I don't recall hearing about any.

I think those with long memories remember the Tawana Brawley case of the late 80s. Al Sharpton put a really bad taste in people's mouths. Then, in my opinion, it's snowballed into what we see depicted on this show. And I mean everything's snowballed. People (speaking of no special group) have a hard time considering conflicts on a case-by-case basis when they're holding onto old memories. Every blunder gets magnified and harped on.


To me, the police are a reflection of our society. There is still the old guard that wants to retain its power and authority over others and is quite reluctant to give up its old ways, and the new guard that sees things differently. (Fortunately, not everyone over 40 is necessarily old guard.) 


I would not be able to watch this show if it weren't for Jamie, the women, the kids, and Frank's PR guy. Too much of the time, it would feel like spending an hour watching FoxNews (which I do from time-to, but not for entertainment).

  • Love 6

I'm usually not a fan of Blue Blood's politics, but sadly there have been a number of incidents of college students shouting down speakers who say things they don't like, or forcing their schools to disinvite speakers. So even though the speech scene had the usual BB heavyhandedness, it wasn't too far from the truth. 


Yeah, I'll admit that this was one of the few times I said, "Okay, Blue Bloods, you got me there. That IS a pretty annoying thing people do." I am all for protests - heck, I don't even mind interrupting speeches with protests, but just flat out never allowing the person to speak at ALL? That's not cool. 

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It is weird to see Diane Neal as such a reckless person who was one juror away from throwing an innocent man in jail. Casey Novak and Abby Borlin would have never let that happen. Fortunately, Erin and Steve Schirripa were able to fix that. 


Wonder how Timon feels about Pumbaa trying to get all the senior citizens out of his buildings.


No Danny story. Hopefully, he and Linda are still in counseling. No Nikki story either.

Edited by DrScottie
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It is weird to see Diane Neal as such a reckless person who was one juror away from throwing an innocent man in jail. Casey Novak and Abby Borlin would have never let that happen. 

She was no slouch of a lawyer as Allison Holt in "Suits", either. Playing the no-nonsense professional is apparently her thing.


Danny as the voice of reason at the dinner table. Odd. 


While watching, I thought of how Erin rarely seems to laugh. Even Frank chuckles.

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I liked the Erin plot, even though she was really indignant and unfriendly from the start towards another ADA. I also liked another investigator, he was a weirdo but in a good way. The case was obvious but the point was more about bad justice served than about the murder itself. The juror was excellent at making a point to Erin. I liked how she was pushed out of her comfort zone a little.


Eddie was not as obnoxious as usual but it's because she wasn't there much. Jamie was kind of a smart badass, though.


Frank being obstinate about the Mayor's offer/lack thereof was strange to watch. Baker and Syd kvetching over losing their jobs were even more though... Danny was barely there but had a nice little scene that tied everything together. I appreciate they wrote that way and showed us he know his dad so well.

The scene with the new cop who Frank had found in a dumpster as a child was kind of random in this episode. It didn't have to do with anything, and when there was a follow up with the cop calling his son after Frank, it felt shoehorned.

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Wonder how Timon feels about Pumbaa trying to get all the senior citizens out of his buildings.

Ha!  I did chuckle at this though my early 90s mind went to Mr Carisi from Saved By The Bell first.



I lose track of all the mayors. Which one is this that Franks thinks is not showing respect.


It's still Mayor Poole (I guess they couldn't get David Ramsey to fly out from shooting Arrow for this.)  Though I really didn't get the hand wringing as they went through this at the start of season 2 when Poole was elected into office; it was basically more song and dance from Frank saying "well maybe I SHOULD put in my papers! There I said it!  And now that I said it, I won't!"  I brace myself when we get to that in season 10 if we get that far.  At least we got something personal about Baker out of this despite she was pregnant in real life and that never got mentioned. 

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The scene with the new cop who Frank had found in a dumpster as a child was kind of random in this episode. It didn't have to do with anything, and when there was a follow up with the cop calling his son after Frank, it felt shoehorned.

Well, it was a reflection of the things Frank loves about the job, seeing a kid he saved becoming a cop later on vs. having to deal with the press (and the mayor) about whether he's staying on. The press took what was a very nice moment for them and didn't even stop after Garrett told them to put a sock in it. It's frustrating to say the least for Frank. 

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I really liked seeing Erin shown doing her job and being good at it.  This show is always pitting her against her family, and they don't seem to respect her job at times, so it was great to see her do something she could feel good about.


She needs a little more fun in her life, though.  I'd like her to have a romance...who was her friend who talked her off the ledge an episode or two ago?  He's hot  and they seemed close.  I thought I saw chemistry, but maybe he's a co-worker and that's a no-no?


I liked Jamie and Eddie's little old couple, too.  I was happy to see a Jamie focused episode, also when he's being clever and not in peril.  Isn't it time for him to be promoted to detective by now?

  • Love 3
I'd like her to have a romance...who was her friend who talked her off the ledge an episode or two ago?  He's hot  and they seemed close.  I thought I saw chemistry, but maybe he's a co-worker and that's a no-no?


You may be thinking of Alex, who is one of the investigators. They have great chemistry and a terrific friendship, but I sort of don't want to see them romantically linked because it would probably trash the friendship (and because, as you mentioned, he's a colleague).

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Caught up via DVR.

More please of smart, bad ass Jamie. Eddy still bugs me. Don't rock the boat for me is selfish no matter who says it & under what context. It's Eddy's choice to stay in this particular boat. If a man's principles are an issue for you, that's just special. No wonder I wish the boat would sink & Eddy would park herself somewhere off my screen.

Ditto on Danny & Linda re: counseling. Danny is way past due for some real talk about his ish & Linda would be the one who could get him to continue the conversation past lip service.

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Linda's issues seem to be intermittent, she's kind of annoying with it. She knew who and what family she was marrying into and Danny in counseling seems unlike him. 


I don't really understand what Linda wants from Danny. But I guess she doesn't either. She's been changed by a trauma. For once, I feel for Danny. What's he to do? That said, I have no idea how you walk into an apartment, clear the first room (living room), then walk backwards down the hall to the rest of the apartment. WTF?


Agreed. First - She demanded he go - that day. I'm not saying he shouldn't make time or he doesn't have to go, but Linda - you know his job. Give him a heads up! When they were in there together and Linda kept saying she wanted it to be like before - it CAN'T be like before. You got shot! you have PTSD! Danny cannot treat you the same! His whole adult life has been making sure his job doesn't harm you. And you got shot because of your job - not his! Except now you are in danger because of him.  Every event informs the next. Linda has to accept that their marriage has changed (I'm not saying for the worse - just mean that it's different.)


I thought the most true moment of this show ever was Danny saying "I'm good at solving problems. That's what I do - I fix things. But I can't fix this." Linda needs to listen to that.


(Hmmmm. residual hatred of Amy Carlson from Third Watch. I need to try to separate the two. Still stand by my opinion, tho.)


I liked the therapist/whatnot from when Danny had to go to anger management counseling. Maybe he could go back to him.


Also, for those of you who watch Chicago Fire, where was Danny when someone needed to tell Boden to wipe down the liquor bottle!?!??!

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I liked the Erin plot, even though she was really indignant and unfriendly from the start towards another ADA. 

Yeah - what was that about? She was extra bitchy to her in the beginning, even if she did get a case dumped on her and had to cancel beach time. I kept waiting for the backstory but all we got was they were in school together. I thought for sure Casey Novak had slept with Erin's ex or something (while they were still married).


Syd is by far my favorite character. His delivery of "I'm not goin' to Staten Island!" cracked me right up.

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The young actor who played Lily is beautiful in a non cookie cutter way. I wish her luck for her future acting jobs.


For all you Nicki haters, I wish my daughter turned out to be like Nicki who is someone who questions authority. Instead my daughter is now a conservative Christian who is submissive to her husband which is not the way I raised her.

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Rinse, wash, repeat. Danny whines loudly and seemingly, never learns that actual evidence is needed to prosecute not just because the perp is a bad guy. If I had someone in my life who routinely whines like a 4 year old, they would not remain in my life. He is insufferable.

And, of course, Frank is all knowing and oh, so clever in approaching potentially difficult situations. Again. Tiresome each and every time.

The only family I like is Jamie. I find "sis" Erin, just plain dull and I kind of laugh and wince a bit when she gets on a high horse about something. She is just bland, to me, as a character and when she is exerting authority, it seems so lifeless as does every word she utters. Don't know if that is the character or the actress.

I would like to see them shake things up some, maybe by having some unexpected, interesting characters in the cast. Not holding my breath as they have pretty much covered every generic sort of stereotype.

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For all you Nicki haters, I wish my daughter turned out to be like Nicki who is someone who questions authority.


Admittedly I think her questioning authority now makes more sense than when she was doing that at the beginning of the series.  She has less blinders when it comes to the "family business."  She realizes that while her grandpa is doing his job the best he can, she can see why her classmates are not fans of his and have no problems booing him off the stage.   (Aside; I may be looking for the sweater she wore at dinner.) 


So with Malik Yoba, Danny has been through 7 partners in 8 years.  (DeMarcus King, the woman from 2 episodes in season 1,  Jackie, two more actresses, and now Baez.)  I...see.  


I would like to see them shake things up some, maybe by having some unexpected, interesting characters in the cast. Not holding my breath as they have pretty much covered every generic sort of stereotype.

Yeah, maybe they'll invite Sidney Poitier over for Sunday supper.



For all you Nicki haters, I wish my daughter turned out to be like Nicki who is someone who questions authority. Instead my daughter is now a conservative Christian who is submissive to her husband which is not the way I raised her.

Ugh. My sympathies. I recall questioning authority as a teen. That's part of what being a teen is. And hell, if you're from a cop family, you would have more questions than most.


It's funny to me that the two female characters on this show who are given any kind of personality are so over-scrutinized and despised by many. All the other women are tertiary (Nicki and Eddie are secondary) to the male characters. 


I guess, though, considering the demographics for this show, I shouldn't be surprised. 

Edited by mojito
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She is a delight. You may have recognized her as Little Red Riding Hood from the Into the Woods movie extravaganza. At the age of 11, she played Annie in the revival of Annie on Broadway. (Lilla Crawford)

I did not immediately recognize her as Riding Hood, but now can't believe that I didn't realize it right away! She was very good in both the Into the Woods movie and her stint on Blue Bloods this week.

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I watched late so am commenting very late. Nicki did not bother me -- & it surprised me -- as like mtlchick noted Nicki's comments seemed to come from a more sensible, reasoned place this particular time. Less mouthing off than clearly expressing a different opinion in a way that didn't feel snotty, but strong & almost dare I say, mature. Now Nicki just needs to lose the eye roll, instill more finesse in her delivery & she will be golden to me. :-) I think Erin & Nicki are written like people who have always felt special. Only girl in her family, Erin was automatically special to everyone & Nicki enjoys that same status among the grandchildren with the added status of oldest & by enough where she would have been conscious of being the only grandchild for a while. Not a bad thing in & of itself as you should feel special to your family, but I think back to that episode in season one where Nicki got out of the car after being explicitly told not to & then had nightmares from what she saw. I thought of how Erin railed at Danny as though it was Danny's fault that Erin's kid didn't do what she was told. "She doesn't need this..." And neither does Danny, Erin. Teach your special kid to listen when told to stay in the car at a crime scene. Or when Danny got arrested, Nicki's "Would you jump off a bridge?" crack to his two upset sons. I was glad when Linda snapped at Nicki. There's teen & then there's special to the world because he/she is mine teen. I hope the writers will continue to write Nicki out of special to the world because he/she is mine teen -- & her mother too while they are at it. 


Speaking of feeling special, the dinner scene felt like a throwback to the season one & two conflict with Jamie & Danny right down to the "golden boy" crack. Will Estes pulled off a look of hurt & disbelief after Henry asked that the family keep it civil. It was already well past that thanks to Danny & Jamie just had his manhood & patriotism questioned by someone who should have known not to go there. Jamie -- & Linda from what I could tell -- thought Jamie & Danny were past all that... Guess not. If they want to get back to interpersonal stuff from early on in a real way, I think that is the way to do it rather than forced, chemistry less banter with a partner who based on scenes of late is probably ready to move on from her training officer.

People who bluster about like Danny tend to be the most insecure at the root of it & with his juvenile shenanigans & academic underachieving, I can see how Danny would feel up against Erin (even if Danny is/was Erin's protector back then), the late Joe & Jamie. It would be nice if the writers let us see Jamie -- gasp! -- come to outrank Danny at work. Can you imagine what Danny hears about Jamie at work already? I believe Sergeant trumps a Detective shield -- correct me if I am wrong -- & then I think it would really come out. Siblings will be siblings & that sort of stuff between them never really goes away especially when Jamie had other places to excel besides the family business.

I still don't like Eddy, who from the start felt like a bad composite of limited run & likable love interests for Jamie. Ray's delivery -- not that any actress could make Eddy's manner appeal to me -- & the way the writers seem to try too hard to get people to like Eddy (such as when Eddy shot & killed a perpetrator) grates on me. If Ray & Estes had chemistry & it didn't feel like Eddy was the perfect girl for Henry, the writers might have a chance at something that would at least ring true, but without it, it doesn't matter how great friends the actors are off screen. It doesn't translate & I just see partners bantering about for no reason. I perhaps naively still hope that when Jamie is promoted -- fingers crossed -- Eddy gets a great posting somewhere, off screen.

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It would be nice if the writers let us see Jamie -- gasp! -- come to outrank Danny at work. Can you imagine what Danny hears about Jamie at work already? I believe Sergeant trumps a Detective shield -- correct me if I am wrong -- & then I think it would really come out.


Ever since it was first mentioned that Jamie was considering taking the exam I figured that would be the end game; he would eventually jump ahead of Danny in terms of rank.  I that doesn't mean Jamie becoming Danny's sergeant because that would be way too much (speaking of which, we haven't seen Danny's current CO in a long time.)

When Frank's first partner announces plans to publish a book filled with stories of their early days on the force, Frank worries about his personal stories being made public. Also, when Jamie and Eddie catch a call about a nearby officer needing assistance, the choices they each make will affect their future in the department and their relationship.


Oh noes, not the future of Jamie's and Eddie's relationship.

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Liked seeing Carlson & Gayle in the credits.

Frank's old partner Lenny publishing that book while he's still on the job; not great. Wait until he retires. Oh that's right, it may not sell as well. As it is, you as his old partner are not having his back. Like that Frank ultimately gave his blessing & saw & took the opportunity to get words in -- it's only fair when you are putting someone else's business in the street besides your own.

Frank saved a baby & Jamie saved a baby. And their partners reaped the benefits of those heroic actions. Like father like son.

There's a lot to be said for being happy with what you have. It doesn't mean more would not be nice, but that you are happy in the here & now. I would like Jamie to take the sergeant's exam for the story it would generate. But ambition & a hunt for glory can cloud your vision & make you act a way in the present you should not or still respect yourself for doing so. Frank did not want to be in that book & Jamie did not want to be on that operation. Their partners decided for them. Like Frank, Jamie ultimately took the high road, but I would not want to cross the street with Eddie anymore let alone partner with her. What if that 1013 was real with time wasted arguing & Jamie running there? Jamie already knows he can't trust Eddie. Eddie will choose what is best for Eddie next time too & too bad for you & the 1013.

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Jamie needs someone who shares his world view, and that is just not Eddie.  I really am curious about what Jamie wants to do with his life.  I understand why he wants to stay on the beat, but he seemed to indicate that was just for now.  With his brains, education, and experience, he should be in a leadership role of some type, but I'm not sure what type or if it involves police work.  His natural bent is to something more like social work.

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I loved what Jamie said about preventing things from happening instead of cleaning up the mess afterward. Based off that I don't know if Jamie will end up as a detective. I'm curious to see what his future holds because his thing is helping and protecting. In comparison to someone like Eddie who is more self absorbed and focused on career goals.

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Wow, what a surprise with Eddie being selfish brat and Jamie folding to her BS! At least the writers are consistent with her. I didn't expect Jamie and Eddie to be separated anytime soon, though.


I miss Erin's pretty investigator. Although I like the new dude, and the case was engaging, more or less.


The Grandpa being bitter over Robert Conrad playing him and the Dinner scene were the best parts of the episode for me. I also liked bonding scene between Jamie, Frank and Danny.


The Frank and The Tell-all Book Of Doom was forgettable. We know Frank was young once and looking like Young Tom Seleck and stuff, you know. Pretty sure girls were all over that! And it was 1970s. Lots of rules were being different back then. Who cares? Garrett's hand-wringing was even more weird.

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