SneakyCentipede April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) It would be more believable that these people were a real group of friends rather than just a cast for the show if we ever saw Cameron's husband. Have we ever even seen Jason? She throws a dinner party and he's not there? Surely if Cameron decided to throw a dinner party where she was cooking for the first time, and it actually was important to her, she would have picked a night when her husband was not on call. I was saying this same thing. I was starting to wonder if this Jason exists, we've only ever heard him as a voice on the phone. The whole thing seems odd, I get someone working alot, but she seems to spend so much time with her friends going out on the town and drinking, and he never seems to be included. It's like she has 2 separate lives. Im not sure what his career is but I would understand not wanting to be on the show, but then wouldn't her behavior still somewhat reflect back on him? She's the tamest of the bunch but still, she appears to be so drunk she falls in a bush on an upcoming ep I would think he might be getting comments at the office. The strangest thing was her room. When she was getting dressed for the dinner party she was shown in what seemed to be her bedroom but looked more like a college single girls room, no furniture or sign that anyone really lives there, there wasn't even a bedspead. Just bizarre....this mysterious Jason, (unknowing) lover of Stouffer's lasagna. Edited April 12, 2016 by SneakyCentipede 1 Link to comment
Major Bigtime April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I think I read somewhere Thomas is now paying Kathyn $3,100 per month for both kids. And yes, Shep's teeth are capped. He should sue his dentist. I think Jason made a brief appearance when he and Cameron were married. He has a medical practice and I'm sure being on this show might make him look shady or tawdry. 4 Link to comment
Vivigirl10 April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I'm glad they cleared up why Kathryn wasn't invited. She does cause a scene at every event. Kathryn has made some valid points, but her past behavior makes it hard for any of them to trust her. She has a penchant for making scenes at functions. There are consequences to actions. Her little pity-party just shows her complete lack of self awareness. I didn't feel at all sorry for her. Act like a civilized human being and not some finger waving, neck bobbing, screaming, mental patient and maybe people will feel more comfortable having you around. Now he's whining like a little bitch because he has to PAY for HIS OWN KIDS??????? He also has stated that he won't pay to support Kathryn; he intends to pay child support only. I think T-Rav's exact concern over money is that is won't be used on the children, but rather for bags, gowns, booze and who knows what else, by their greedy Momma. Probably a legit concern. One does wonder what in the world Kathryn even offers in the realm of polite conversation/friendship---honestly, since the very first moment she popped onto these screens she seemed to discuss *nothing* but herself: HER feelings, HER messy relationship with Thomas, HER relationships with "this group", HER life as an unwed/single young mother, me,me,me,me, ME....I keep hearing various cast members claim that she's really cool/funny offscreen, but I've certainly never yet seen any evidence to suggest otherwise. I think the show always tries to throw a glimmer of hope at viewers that Kathryn is actually this bright, witty, funny girl who speaks honestly. But's it like it never can really come together. She continually comes across as glum, humorless, self-centered and sour. I think that's the real girl right there. The idea of Kathryn moving into her own home is just stupid. If she can't afford a nanny, who's going to be responsible for TWO babies when she needs her frequent slumber parties and subsequent heart to heart morning chats with BFF Jennifer? She is in by far the best situation right now: rent free living and no cost childcare as provided by her parents. All the complaining over what she doesn't have has gotten real old. Can't she open her eyes and see what she DOES have? Does she even understand that there are single Mothers in the world who are in terrible, dire situations trying to keep their heads above water with children to feed and take care of? Her attitude is disgusting. Be thankful for once. Express thankfulness over one single thing. She's not worrying where her next meal is coming from or trying to put a roof over her head. I'm sure many would be willing to swap shoes with her in a heartbeat. Boo-hoo. I wish I could be "poor" like Landon. Just sayin'. 9 Link to comment
RedHawk April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) Kathryn has a job. She is on the show. So is Landen and Craig. They all get a paycheck from it. People forget this because they can't break the fourth wall and say it.Oh, I haven't forgotten it. But this show is a part-time job, and for now, it's over, though yes, there will likely be another season which will again tape in late summer or fall. They spent 3-4 months filming last fall, for which she's already been paid, and I guess she'll get paid for appearing at the reunion taping in a month or so. She probably got a decent check for this 3rd season -- anyone got a clue how much? Combined with Thomas's (tax-free) monthly child support checks, I guess it is enough for her to live pretty well in Charleston. Is it enough so she'll have money in the bank if/when the show ends? She might be on 5 more seasons and start getting $100,000 per season, and some might say that while she's taking a risk on the next season(s) happening, at least this "job" gives her lots of free time with her kids. Also, I didn't expect her to get a job while she was pregnant or in the months soon after her son was born. But now, when he's ~six months, maybe she should consider how to support herself after the show ends. I don't see her being a Kardashian and generating income by tweeting about her favorite labels, hawking weight-loss drinks, and releasing apps. Then again, stranger things have happened. I have no idea what her "fanbase" is -- it would probably amaze me. At this point, I still kinda like Kathryn, and if this show lasts another couple of seasons I think we'll see T-Rav further unravel while Kathryn might find herself on solid ground. Edited April 12, 2016 by RedHawk 6 Link to comment
HunterHunted April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 And speaking of Thomas - why does he keep whining about laws in South Carolina being so bad for him? Buddy, they have these things called court orders. Instead of pouting about how you need one, just go GET one. You can't be a rich, successful businessman and the former Treasurer of South Carolina and expect me to listen when you act like it's just so *hard* for you to navigate the court system. Thomas doesn't want to do any of that because he's afraid the court will make him pay more. Plus when he inevitably becomes smitten with some chick he meets randomly and runs off somewhere and misses a weekend with his kids, he knows that Kathryn will take him to court about missing his visitation times. Right now their informal system works for him. The moment Kathryn becomes really vindictive (and she never will because she wants that check) he'll take her to court. 5 Link to comment
Major Bigtime April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I think T-Rav's exact concern over money is that is won't be used on the children, but rather for bags, gowns, booze and who knows what else, by their greedy Momma. Probably a legit concern. Absolutely. He knows her partying habits better than anyone. She doesn't want to stay with her parents because it's so far out in the boondocks. She wants to be where the action is, near downtown. Funny thing is, she's still not getting invites to things. I remember the first season when she ingratiated herself with this group because she knew they were filming a reality show. Boom, next season, she's a featured player. That's where she gets the golddigger reputation. That, and trying to get a rich man to marry her. 6 Link to comment
RedHawk April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Her little pity-party just shows her complete lack of self awareness. I didn't feel at all sorry for her. Act like a civilized human being and not some finger waving, neck bobbing, screaming, mental patient and maybe people will feel more comfortable having you around. I think T-Rav's exact concern over money is that is won't be used on the children, but rather for bags, gowns, booze and who knows what else, by their greedy Momma. Probably a legit concern. I think the show always tries to throw a glimmer of hope at viewers that Kathryn is actually this bright, witty, funny girl who speaks honestly. But's it like it never can really come together. She continually comes across as glum, humorless, self-centered and sour. I think that's the real girl right there. The idea of Kathryn moving into her own home is just stupid. If she can't afford a nanny, who's going to be responsible for TWO babies when she needs her frequent slumber parties and subsequent heart to heart morning chats with BFF Jennifer? She is in by far the best situation right now: rent free living and no cost childcare as provided by her parents. All the complaining over what she doesn't have has gotten real old. Can't she open her eyes and see what she DOES have? Does she even understand that there are single Mothers in the world who are in terrible, dire situations trying to keep their heads above water with children to feed and take care of? Her attitude is disgusting. Be thankful for once. Express thankfulness over one single thing. She's not worrying where her next meal is coming from or trying to put a roof over her head. I'm sure many would be willing to swap shoes with her in a heartbeat. Boo-hoo. I wish I could be "poor" like Landon. Just sayin'. I gotta say, if Thomas willingly impregnated her within a few weeks of meeting her (and then did it again, when he KNEW her character), then he should have taken into account that she might indeed blow his child support checks and on shoes and clothes for herself. Boo hoo, Thomas. Maybe her parents also want her to set up her own home for her kids. She mentioned playdates in the neighborhood she was touring. Probably not so easy to make other-mom friends and playmates for your toddlers stuck on the family plantation amid 800 acres at Moncks Corner. At 24 Kathryn is likely a mix of all thise things. Witty but self-centered, bright but also sour. She seems to be unformed. Being responsible for two babies could help her shape up into a decent human being. If she'd just stop screaming she'd improve SO much. 5 Link to comment
bichonblitz April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Sorry, but... Cameren, Landon and Kathryn are seriously lazy. Just because Cameran has a real estate license doesn't mean she's working long hours. She probably dabbles in it, sells a house here and there, just like alot of women who already have a very comfortable lifestyle because they are luck enough to have husbands that provide nicely. Being in the business, I know alot of women (and retired people in general) that just do it for something to keep them from being bored. She doesn't cook, probably has a housekeeper and apparently has a successful husband that adores her. Nicely done, Cam. You have everything Kathryn wants. Except the kids. As for Landon, really, what a moron. She was married to a very wealthy guy and walks away from the marriage with nothing! She doesn't have the brains or stamina to start her own business and keep with it. It looks like from the previews for next week, her Dad is going to lay in to her about getting off her ass and getting a job. Can't wait for that. What an entitled airhead. Kathryn- if you know everybody in the "group" dislikes you, then go find new friends. After baby #2 arrives (I'm going by TV timeline), go back to work or school and make something of yourself. Make sure asshole TRav pays child care, support and housing for your kids while you are trying to figure out who the hell you are. There is a court system in place if he doesn't pay consistently or on time. And if all you really want is a rich man to take care of you, start looking now. TRav will never be that man. You made a mistake thinking he was, so move on now. 6 Link to comment
Primetimer April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 They're both excluded, but so far, only one of them has been locked in a closet. Read the story Link to comment
TexasGal April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) Besides Kathryn, that we know slept with both Shep and TRav, I wonder how many mutual partners they've had? At what point are they just having sex with each other? I watched last weeks episode again in the rerun before this one, and forgot that Naomie had called TRav Mr. Ravenel when he arrived at their house for the party. That must have really bugged him! And, points for good Southern manners with your elders Naomie, lol!! I wonder how much of Patricia's dislike for Kathryn is because she slept with perfect Whitney but chose someone else over him? I'm sure it doesn't compute in her martini addled brain. Edited April 12, 2016 by TexasGal 3 Link to comment
bblancobrnx April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) OK - I have to ask - what is a Flamingo Party? Does everyone have to wear pink and stand on one leg?? I believe it is a "flamenco party" not in the flamenco dance? But hey, knowing these people it could very well be flamingo. Maybe it's another occasion Cooper made up? Edited April 12, 2016 by bblancobrnx 2 Link to comment
Missmissie173 April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Oh Goody - my favorite guilty pleasure is BACK! Having been born and raised in the South, I have been around jackhole, idiot trustfunder/ Peter Pans most of my fact my first husband was pretty much a carbon copy of old T-Rav. All I can say is most of them blow their hearts out around the age of 60 - the booze, coke and swinging dick life style catches up about that age T-Rav is what, around mid-50's? Katherine, girl, make sure that last Will and Testament has your babies covered cause your dream of not "working" and having a cozy, three bedroom bungalow will probably come to fruition, just T-Ravless. I can totally see her living off her two little Ravs. I think she and Drunkie-O have more in common then they think....just skipped a generation. Landon continues to annoy the every lovin' crap out of me. Move along Miss Moon Pie face. Your not going to get T-Rav's bucks either. Go back to the boat and sail away. Still love Shep & Cameron. At least they seem honest about themselves and their shortcomings. Plus they both make me giggle.;) 9 Link to comment
Major Bigtime April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 It's flamingo. There's a clip of Cameron wearing one on her head. 4 Link to comment
bblancobrnx April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Also, does it not matter in the courts eyes (if they were to go to court) that Thomas specifically told Katheryn last season that she would never have to want for anything because she was having his child? I can definitely understand Katheryn being frustrated by Thomas not supporting her when he specifically said he would, however she needs to realize that pouting about it is not going to change things. He did not tell her that he would always take care of their kid(s)..he told her that he would always take care of HER. In my opinion it makes him look even more scuzzy that he said that and now he is not. I don't feel bad for either of them, I only feel bad for the kids. I feel like she was definitely trying to trap him, and he was definitely using her for her fertility, and during that time they never even bothered to see if they could get along together before bringing a child into the mix. The laws in SC are what they are. If either one of then is unhappy with the situation, then they need to bring the other to court to try to get what they want. At least Thomas is giving her something to help support the kids. There are too many people in the world (even rich people) who do nothing whatsoever for their children. I am quite sure if the children desperately needed something, Thomas would pay for it. I agree with the people who posted above that he has just decided he no longer is interested in supporting Katheryn or giving her a lavish lifestyle. I just think he looks real bad after specifically telling her that he would afford her that lifestyle 4 Link to comment
imjagain April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) Katherine shut up! Thomas is giving you money, get a part time job for all the things you need. Landon didn't bother nearly as much as Katherine did. Landon doesn't want a "boring" job, cool. She can do whatever she wants. She has only herself to worry about. So, if she struggles to afford the things she wants that's on her. Katherine thinks having a child is an excuse to not work. I might buy Cameran's act /story if we had not met her mother. Yeah, right, I'm sure her mother didn't help her with what to register for. Her mom seemed classy and very put together. Cameran might not know how to cook and that's fine, but it's all to cutesy for me. She has never used a pepper mill? The serving of the meat did Crack me up, the way Cameran plopped it on Patricia's plate. Was Katherine ever this groups friend? Edited April 12, 2016 by imjagain 3 Link to comment
scrb April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Pretty generous of JD to cut Craig into his business, if it's for real. Guess he figures it's free advertising. Viewers may Google Gentry and visit his restaurants, hotels and spas. Would not be surprising if Cameran had a cook as well as housekeeper. Eating out all the time would get old. 1 Link to comment
imjagain April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Kathryn just because you are not a successful gold digger doesn't necessarily mean your not a gold digger.I have never laughed so hard! You speak the truth, biakbiak 1 Link to comment
selhars April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) All I can say is most of them blow their hearts out around the age of 60 - the booze, coke and swinging dick life style catches up about that age T-Rav is what, around mid-50's? Katherine, girl, make sure that last Will and Testament has your babies covered cause your dream of not "working" and having a cozy, three bedroom bungalow will probably come to fruition, just T-Ravless. I hadn't thought about that…and I doubt Kathryn has either. I'm don't with her. I'm harder on HER than him. SHE is a young person with her whole life a head of her. I'd hope she would want more in life. I don't mean not being a mom, I just mean running after a lech. Where a T-Rav IS a lech so I don't expect anything more or better of him. It's who he is. It cracks me up that the screen says "Craig and Naomie's house" -- when it's HER parents house. Makes me chuckle AND eye roll. Pretty generous of JD to cut Craig into his business, if it's for real. I'd love to see that investor agreement. I can bet it's NOT a partnership deal. Is JD's empire actually structured as a corp so Craig can buy some of Jd's stock? Or is it structured and laddered LLC's. What exactly did Craig 'buy" or get for his 15K. I sure as hell bet he didn't buy in for 15 percent of the profit. Heck some companies want to show as little "profit" as possible. I'm sure he's no Rockefeller or Carnegie -- but JD is a legitimate businessman in Charleston, so I doubt he wants to scr ew anyone -- business-wise on national TV -- but what exactly while Craig DO for his "interest in the company." Seems like a big fish in a small pond to me, but in any event…. JD is nice but I just don't see him being THAT nice to bring Craig on on "in" -- for the little bit of contribution he can make. I said it before. I think Craig should just buckle down and be a model….but then he'd have to actually hustle (work, in a good way). And he'd be gone a lot traveling, and not hanging out with his friends. But heck he could model when they're not filming and make more than enough. What can Cragi possibly add to JD's company, what skill set, what expertise? be some kind of "ambassador"…he could jus HIRE him to do that. ANd to what audience? Partiers who will tear up his hotel and restaurant? Edited April 12, 2016 by selhars 5 Link to comment
breezy424 April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) Can you be a reality star and have a full time career job working 9 to 5 for someone else? Pretty hard deal to work out. Craig did work for someone else last season and got fired. Yeah, he was partying hardy but he also was filming the show. There just aren't many reality stars that can take that amount of time off from a full time job to film a show for three or four months. Think about it. Whitney, TRav and Shep work for themselves. Cameron is a realtor who can make her own hours. Craig is now working for JD but JD is on the show (part time) and knows the drill. Landon doesn't work. Even on other reality shows, how many people work 9 to 5 for someone else? In theory, it sounds easy but the reality is it's not easily doable. Edited April 12, 2016 by breezy424 1 Link to comment
Pickles April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Cameron's husband is an anesthesiologist. She has said that he supports her being on the show, but he does not want to be on it. I suspect Cameron does not socialize a lot with the others on the show, outside of filming. She did show pictures of the two of them (Jason and Cameron) with Patricia and Whitney, but I don't think it is like she is out with Shep, Craig, Landon, etc every week when the show is not filming. 4 Link to comment
selhars April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) There just aren't many reality stars that can take that amount of time off from a full time job to film a show for three or four month I'd think if you're a model -- and a good one, an agency might just work around your availability. Why couldn't you just take gigs at certain times. Nene Leakes was on TWO TV shows and still filmed Real Housewives of Atlanta, and "designed" a clothing line. Hell, the Kardashians have five jobs going at the same time, and film a reality show. I'll give it to Craig he IS handsome, and the right build for a model. Why not hook up with a deigned and become their exclusive model and representative. Where the hell is Craig's AGENT! Vera Wang just launched a new male bridal (groom) line. Why couldn't he be the face of that? HE's got some cache from the TV show…USE IT! for bigger and better things. But again that might take WORK! I know male moles don't make what females do. Trust me, if Craig got an agent and started WORKING this entertainment/modeling thing he could take off. He'd make more than enough money. I don't' think Marcus Schenkenburg or Mark Vanderloo are hurting. But that DOES take work. ANd I just don't think he wants to work that hard to build a CAREER. The one thing I'll give the Kardashians and the Nene Leakes and the Omarosa's of this world is they hustle. They're the Pete Rose of entertainment. Heck Omarosa started off on ONE reality show with am embellished resume and she's STILL on TV hustling. (in a good way). (And if you're took young or not a sports fan you won't even know who Pete Rose is.) Edited April 12, 2016 by selhars 2 Link to comment
nexxie April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I think I read somewhere Thomas is now paying Kathyn $3,100 per month for both kids. And yes, Shep's teeth are capped. He should sue his dentist.I think Jason made a brief appearance when he and Cameron were married. He has a medical practice and I'm sure being on this show might make him look shady or tawdry.Jason is smart not to associate himself with this group - could really hurt business. At least Cam comes off as sane and relatively normal compared with the others! 2 Link to comment
Bronzedog April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I'm not buying Craig's storyline and I don't think he's ever gotten over Kathryn sleeping with absolutely everyone but him. Naomi e-mails him out of the blue, he falls madly in love with her, her wealthy parents just happen to have a vacant house the two of them can live in OR wealthy girl wants to be on a reality show, unidentified rich daddy contacts someone, rich daughter is given a storyline on a reality show with the cast member who needs a place to live and a reason to be back in town. Also, last night Craig said he hadn't taken the courses he needed to take in order to take the bar. So, he was just lying in past seasons? Boy is never going to be an attorney. He's the biggest poseur of them all. 8 Link to comment
SFoster21 April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I'm not buying Craig's storyline and I don't think he's ever gotten over Kathryn sleeping with absolutely everyone but him. Naomi e-mails him out of the blue, he falls madly in love with her, her wealthy parents just happen to have a vacant house the two of them can live in OR wealthy girl wants to be on a reality show, unidentified rich daddy contacts someone, rich daughter is given a storyline on a reality show with the cast member who needs a place to live and a reason to be back in town. Also, last night Craig said he hadn't taken the courses he needed to take in order to take the bar. So, he was just lying in past seasons? Boy is never going to be an attorney. He's the biggest poseur of them all. He was vague about his inability to comply. He graduated from law school; speaking from my experience of being admitted to practice in two states, the bar exam is the least of the effort. It's possible that SC would want some CLE if he delayed taking the test. It's not clear from what he said. 3 Link to comment
scenicbyway April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Cameron's husband is an anesthesiologist. She has said that he supports her being on the show, but he does not want to be on it. I suspect Cameron does not socialize a lot with the others on the show, outside of filming. She did show pictures of the two of them (Jason and Cameron) with Patricia and Whitney, but I don't think it is like she is out with Shep, Craig, Landon, etc every week when the show is not filming. She does hang out with Shep but she and Landon do not seem close at all and Craig's been at his parent's house. I liked that they showed pictures of them hanging out together that included her husband. She's said from the beginning he has no desire to be on the show, but supports her. I'm sure they chose a weekend when he was "on call" for the dinner so it wouldn't look like he was really there but just not coming to the dinner. He hangs out with some of them off camera--in real life and that's fine. He's not paid to be on the show, he's got a real job. 2 Link to comment
wovenloaf April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 He was vague about his inability to comply. He graduated from law school; speaking from my experience of being admitted to practice in two states, the bar exam is the least of the effort. It's possible that SC would want some CLE if he delayed taking the test. It's not clear from what he said. When I heard him say he "failed to comply with the requirements" I thought he might have meant he either 1) failed but didn't want to say so, so he dodgily worded it like that, or 2) just plain didn't fill out all the paperwork because he was too drunk to figure out his address from middle school or whatever, or 3) didn't pay the fees. 3 Link to comment
Bronzedog April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) I don't have a problem with Cameran's husband not appearing on camera. He has a professional image to protect. Edited April 12, 2016 by Bronzedog 9 Link to comment
absolutelyido April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) The serving of the meat did Crack me up, the way Cameran plopped it on Patricia's plate. You've got to know that you are at the bottom of the pecking order when the host of a party takes food off your plate and gives it to someone else. Ha! Edited April 12, 2016 by absolutelyido 10 Link to comment
RedDelicious April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I don't necessarily think the pots/pans were from Cam's wedding registry either. I think that production picked up a mish mosh of things on the way to the shoot to support the story line. She had three different mid-market brands of stuff. The Waterford probably was from her registry, but its a shame she didn't unwrap it for almost two years. I wouldn't be too happy if I was one of the people who purchased it and saw that on tv. I also noticed they were using a sauce ladle to serve the mashed potatoes. At least the silver was polished, that made me happy :) 2 Link to comment
bblancobrnx April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 (edited) At least the silver was polished, that made me happy :) I have a feeling you can thank Michael for that I'm not buying Craig's storyline and I don't think he's ever gotten over Kathryn sleeping with absolutely everyone but him.Hmmmm. Interesting that you think that. I don't feel that way at all. He seems to me to be really the only person who has an actual friendship with Katheryn. I don't detect any sexual tension between them. I ABSOLUTELY think that was why they had a big fight at the season 1 dinner party, but I don't feel like that is the case AT ALL any longer Edited April 12, 2016 by bblancobrnx 3 Link to comment
Pickles April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 I thought Cameron needed some placemats on her table. It looked odd to me with the plates and glasses right on the table top. Wouldn't the finish get ruined? 2 Link to comment
KnoxForPres April 12, 2016 Share April 12, 2016 Cameran's storyline of no cooking irrationally annoyed me. For one, if you heat up soup, make Mac and cheese, boil water for....anything, you have a saucepan in your cabinet . I love to cook, so I'll concede if I'm wrong, but....come on. Her house is gorgeous! 5 Link to comment
izabella April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 (edited) Also, does it not matter in the courts eyes (if they were to go to court) that Thomas specifically told Katheryn last season that she would never have to want for anything because she was having his child? He didn't legally marry her, so no, it matters not at all to the court what he may or may not have said. Just like it never matters what a guy who is just trying to get into your pants says. You can hold it against them for manipulating you, but you can't hold them to what they said. The way I see it is she barely knew Thomas, and knew him in such a limited way. What person in their right mind makes a life decision like having a baby based on some slurry, drunken promises of a guy they just met? She made some huge life decisions there in the space of a few shots and a couple of shags. What could possibly go wrong? She shouldn't have been at all surprised that he didn't turn out to be Prince Charming afterwards. The laws in SC are what they are. If either one of then is unhappy with the situation, then they need to bring the other to court to try to get what they want. At least Thomas is giving her something to help support the kids. There are too many people in the world (even rich people) who do nothing whatsoever for their children. I am quite sure if the children desperately needed something, Thomas would pay for it. I agree with the people who posted above that he has just decided he no longer is interested in supporting Katheryn or giving her a lavish lifestyle. My guess is she won't go to court because she already knows perfectly well what she would legally be entitled to in child support. She probably thinks that's too low to fund a "home", and she is holding out for more from Thomas by settling it out of court. Thomas won't go to court, because he prefers to control the situation, but if she starts being difficult about visitation, I think he would go to court and pay the legally required amount, and not a penny more. He does not want to pay her rent or buy her a house; he will pay child support, but not Kathryn support. Sometimes, that's what you get when the only thing you like about each other is sex - luck of the draw, both of them are morons. I just think he looks real bad after specifically telling her that he would afford her that lifestyle There are a lot of things that Thomas does that make him look bad. I actually don't put that on his list because that falls under his pompous pontificater category, a blowhard. He talks big all the time without any follow through. Anyone who had known him for 5 minutes would know he's full of shit about his promises of what he'll do for others. Edited April 13, 2016 by izabella 6 Link to comment
Bronzedog April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 I really don't cook. I hate it. When I worked I ate dinner for lunch at work and warmed up soup or had a salad when I got home for dinner. Did that for years. I now order cooked food from a service that makes low fat meals and delivers them twice a week. So it's possible. However, I will occasionally make something I really want, or, something my mother used to make. It's kind of hard to escape not knowing how to cook anything. I think Cameran's situation was exaggerated to make the story more entertaining. 9 Link to comment
Major Bigtime April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 Agreed, Cameron being so hapless in the kitchen was a setup for the show. That's her storyline, dingy wife with a great husband who can't cook. 2 Link to comment
MyAimIsTrue April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 I don't necessarily think the pots/pans were from Cam's wedding registry either. I think that production picked up a mish mosh of things on the way to the shoot to support the story line. She had three different mid-market brands of stuff. The Waterford probably was from her registry, but its a shame she didn't unwrap it for almost two years. I would have been married 26 years this year had I not thrown his loser ass to the curb some time ago and the crystal goblets I had to have and registered for? They're still in the original box. Hell, I don't even like wine or champagne so maybe I can be a classy broad and drink beer out of one someday. 5 Link to comment
HunterHunted April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 (edited) I'd think if you're a model -- and a good one, an agency might just work around your availability. Why couldn't you just take gigs at certain times... I'll give it to Craig he IS handsome, and the right build for a model. Why not hook up with a deigned and become their exclusive model and representative. Where the hell is Craig's AGENT! Vera Wang just launched a new male bridal (groom) line. Why couldn't he be the face of that? HE's got some cache from the TV show…USE IT! for bigger and better things. But again that might take WORK! I know male models don't make what females do. Trust me, if Craig got an agent and started WORKING this entertainment/modeling thing he could take off. He'd make more than enough money. I don't' think Marcus Schenkenburg or Mark Vanderloo are hurting. But that DOES take work. ANd I just don't think he wants to work that hard to build a CAREER. The one thing I'll give the Kardashians and the Nene Leakes and the Omarosa's of this world is they hustle. They're the Pete Rose of entertainment. Heck Omarosa started off on ONE reality show with am embellished resume and she's STILL on TV hustling. (in a good way). (And if you're took young or not a sports fan you won't even know who Pete Rose is.) If some of the Vanderpump Fools can get work as models, then Craig certainly can. Schwartz seems to get fairly regular work as a model. I know he was in one or two national ads during the past year. Craig is younger than Schwartz and doesn't have dad bod like Schwartz. Craig should be able to get work. Also when Craig was talking about why he didn't take the bar, it really sounded like he didn't fill out the application and like he didn't sign up for BarBri. This all speaks to Craig's fundamental laziness. Edited April 13, 2016 by HunterHunted 3 Link to comment
biakbiak April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 (edited) To be fair Schwartz is also based in LA where there are a lot more opportunities than in Charleston. Edited April 13, 2016 by biakbiak 2 Link to comment
CriticalMass April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 (edited) Craig is a terrible actor, so he shouldn't plan on becoming a mactor like those buffoons on Vanderpump Rules. His smirks while writing out the check to JD were quite evident. I think the 15k was payment to JD for his part on the show and the producers used Craig as the cut-out. I'm torn as to which woman in this cast (breaking the fourth wall, we know this is paying gig for them) disgusts me the most. Kiki and Landon want to be kept women just like their idol Pat and Cameran wants to show that she is so so busy with her career that she doesn't have the time to unwrap wedding gifts. edited because it's Cameran, special spelling for a special gal Edited April 13, 2016 by CriticalMass 1 Link to comment
HunterHunted April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 (edited) That is true. Though Craig is partially based out of Delaware and could get into Manhattan fairly easily. But for sure being in LA really benefits Schwartz. Given that Craig really does have to work if he wants to do a little modeling on the side he could probably get a decent amount of work doing some modeling for mid-Atlantic campaigns--Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. Edited April 13, 2016 by HunterHunted 1 Link to comment
CriticalMass April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 I'm watching the rerun and just caught perfect Cameran in a bold faced lie. While the domestic goddess sensei was with Cam she asked about carving and Cam got a dumbfounded look on her face and Sensei pulled out a carving knife from the knife block and showed it to her. When Butler asked about carving Cam pulls the "who, me? what's carving? I'm just a helpless southern belle that forgot how to walk in heels without getting caught in the rug. Aren't I adorable? But, my husband is going to dump me because I'm not making babies nor dinner." I like Kiki's game, at least she calls Pat on her shit. Kiki needing Sensei was pathetic, for Cam it's adorable. 3 Link to comment
selhars April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 Speaking of Cameran…I was just glad she didn't fall and break her neck, when she tripped and her shoe got caught in her damned rug when she was running to the door after Patricia rang. She really could have twisted her ankle or worse, so it wasn't something to laugh about -- but it was likely one of the few NON-scripted moments of the hour. 4 Link to comment
Missmissie173 April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 I wonder how much of Patricia's dislike for Kathryn is because she slept with perfect Whitney but chose someone else over him? I'm sure it doesn't compute in her martini addled brain. Whoa, whoa, whoa - back up the bus...Katherine slept with Whitney? EWWW. Good gravy, how drunk was she when that happened? Honestly, I knew she was fairly free with her charms *cough* but WHITNEY?! Forgive me for being shocked, but I only started watching mid-season last year. I had no idea. Color me speechless. 1 Link to comment
biakbiak April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 (edited) Whoa, whoa, whoa - back up the bus...Katherine slept with Whitney? EWWW. Good gravy, how drunk was she when that happened? Honestly, I knew she was fairly free with her charms *cough* but WHITNEY?! Forgive me for being shocked, but I only started watching mid-season last year. I had no idea. Color me speechless. It's been mentioned several times on the show, in about a three week period she slept with Shep, Thomas and Whitney. She has since mentioned that it was a one week stand with Whitney.I don't think Patricia doesn't like Kathryn because she chose someone other than Whitney, I think she thanks her lucky stars that happened. Edited April 13, 2016 by biakbiak 5 Link to comment
bichonblitz April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 Craig telling Shep in their "bro-moment" that Shep is the only one that ever called him on his shit and admitting he has always gotten exactly what he wanted when he wanted tells me all I need to know about Craig. He's a charmer, a liar, and a poser. And a lazy one at that. His parents wasted their money on law school. 6 Link to comment
TheFinalRose April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 First off, Cameran, never use Pledge on your dining room table. I worked at a furniture store once and that was common knowledge that Pledge is crap for real wood. Also, I am left with a huge hole in the dinner party preparation...where did the mashed potatoes come from???? I cook all the time but I freeze at the idea of a dinner party menu. It's the judging of my food choices that get to me. So Kathryn is being frozen out, not of the friend group, but of the filming of the show, which she counts on. It is so obvious this group only comes together for these staged filming events, but when she is being purposely left off the call list that has got to make her mad. Love how JD came in and got some cash out of poor lil' fame-whore Craig for the privilege of giving him a desk to sit behind and a business card and, more importantly, screen time for his Gentry group brand name. Smart work there with the free exposure. I am still laughing at Landon's idea of creating a magazine for income. HAHAHA. Even JFK jr. couldn't make a go of his magazine. At first I thought it was a manufactured storyline but then the preview of next week when she's having lunch with her dad and she looks like she is going to cry when he tells her she has to pay her bills seemed real. She should just dump those ideas and go into real estate with Cameran. Then she could dress up, tour pretty houses, and still be on tv. For some reason I like having her on the show now. Whatever happened with her marriage, I think her struggle to re-establish herself is real and scary for her. But she needed a t-shirt bra in that scene where she met up with Craig and Shep at the bar. You could see the bra outline very prominently under her shirt. 2 Link to comment
Alison April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 As someone who works in print media, I (and my bank account) can wholeheartedly assure Landon a magazine is not the way to go to generate income. The whole scenario with Jennifer lying about hooking up with Thomas and Kathryn miraculously forgiving her (off-camera, of course) seems so convenient. I get such a social climber/clinger-on vibe from Jennifer.I try to shy away from commenting on others' bodies, especially weight, but when Dani walked back into Cameran's dining room after the well-done meat debate, I was taken aback by how skinny her legs were. Alarmingly so. 4 Link to comment
bblancobrnx April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 First off, Cameran, never use Pledge on your dining room table. I worked at a furniture store once and that was common knowledge that Pledge is crap for real wood. I thought it was Old English furniture polish? Not Pledge. But i don't think either one is very good for wood that has clearly been sealed with a coating of lacquer. Unless you are trying your best to attract dust. It is completely unnecessary. The oils will not soak in. It might actually eventually make the furniture appear to be cloudy. 2 Link to comment
woodscommaelle April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 I try to shy away from commenting on others' bodies, especially weight, but when Dani walked back into Cameran's dining room after the well-done meat debate, I was taken aback by how skinny her legs were. Alarmingly so. This. Yes. Oh my god. I bet she's just one of those naturally skinny girls. But, she is, as you said, alarmingly skinny. Did she and Shep used to date? 1 Link to comment
RedHawk April 13, 2016 Share April 13, 2016 (edited) I thought Cameron needed some placemats on her table. It looked odd to me with the plates and glasses right on the table top. Wouldn't the finish get ruined? I was surprised there was no tablecloth. Edited April 13, 2016 by RedHawk 1 Link to comment
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