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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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Sad to hear that about Devin Lima. I'd forgotten that another member of that group passed away a number of years back-also from cancer. Once again we say, fuck cancer. 

I only knew their "Summer Girls" song, myself, but I did like it back in the day. 

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Sorry to hear about Devin. 

I was a fan of LFO back in the day. I have their first album which was pretty good. I liked almost every song on that album.

Its so odd that both him and Rich died from cancer and at young ages too. Kind of makes me wonder if it was just the universe randomly pointing and happening to land on these guys who were once apart of the same group or if there was something in the environment they shared when apart of LFO that caused this. 

Anyway, RIP Devin. 

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9 hours ago, spiderpig said:

Didn't one if my favorite screenwriters David Mamet include him in most of his films?

I don’t know, but you can go onto IMDB and see a complete listing of his work. I’m rewatching him in Deadwood right now and there are lots of great stories and tributes out there on Twitter. He was very unassuming and humble. 

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First Harry Anderson and now Ricky Jay. Not a good year for magic. 

15 hours ago, spiderpig said:

Didn't one if my favorite screenwriters David Mamet include him in most of his films?

Back in the nineties Mamet went on a heist/con movie run and Jay was in several of them. Usually playing someone in on the con. Spanish Prisoner, House of Games, Heist. . .

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RIP to Ricky Jay. I always loved when he was on talk shows doing card tricks and he was always such a cool presence in movies like David Mamet and Paul Thomas Anderson movies.

1993 The New Yorker article on Ricky: "Secrets of the Magus"

I've only seen one Bertollucci movie, Last Tango in Paris, after reading Pauline Kael's famous rave review. It has one of the best acting moments I've seen in a movie in the scene where Marlon Brando is over the body of his wife who had committed suicide:

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On 11/24/2018 at 9:11 PM, BetterButter said:

Ricky Jay, Master Magician and Actor in ‘Deadwood,’ ‘Boogie Nights,’ Dies at 70

OMG, I had the biggest crush in the Western world on him.  Met him more than once, including before he was really famous, and I was always so overcome and tongue-tied I could barely speak to him.   Can't deal.  Can't deal at all.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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On 11/25/2018 at 7:45 AM, Mindthinkr said:

He was very unassuming and humble. 

Actually he was neither.  He was serenely aware of his own awesomeness and  for those who didn't understand that - he was way too classy to say anything about it.

ETA: this was supposed to go into the previous post but it didn't.  Anti-magic at work.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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2 minutes ago, Mittengirl said:

My local news has just posted that Pres. George H.W. Bush has died, but I don’t see it anywhere else.

Now CNN is reporting it as well.

CBS broke into The Late Show's airing to report it too. They already had a long mini video tribute. I imagine they've had it ready for awhile now though.

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And people are already talking about it on Twitter.

I figured it was just a matter of time after Barbara Bush passed away what, a couple of months ago?

Rest in peace, Mr. President.

Edited by legaleagle53
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I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did w/o his beautiful wife.  He lived a long, fulfilling life and spent it in service to his country.  Thank you, Sir and RIP.

Edited by roamyn
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28 minutes ago, Mittengirl said:

My local news has just posted that Pres. George H.W. Bush has died, but I don’t see it anywhere else.

Now CNN is reporting it as well.

I just got an Apple News notification on my iPhone about it. MSNBC is reporting on it & says they got the news about 45 minutes ago.

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It’s weird. For some reason President Bush 41 popped into my head earlier tonight; but earlier than in the timeframe between now & when MSNBC says they got word that he passed. I think I’d call that more a coincidence than a premonition about his passing or something else happening to him though.

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6 hours ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

George HW Bush spoke at my college commencement.  It was actually one of his more famous post-presidential speeches as it was where he announced he had left the NRA and called them all Jack-booted thugs.  I

President Bush 41 also gave the commencement address at Ohio State when I graduated. Alas, he was VP at the time and the President was pushing his ‘Star Wars’ defense system so the topic of his speech was ‘What if the Russians drop a nuke on The Oval?’. I like your speech better, but I’m sure he didn’t choose the theme, he was a good soldier even then.  OSU has about 7000 graduating that day so we didn’t get the private pep talk., either.

George H W Bush was a man of decency and integrity.  We could use more like him.

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46 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

President Bush 41 also gave the commencement address at Ohio State when I graduated. Alas, he was VP at the time and the President was pushing his ‘Star Wars’ defense system so the topic of his speech was ‘What if the Russians drop a nuke on The Oval?’. I like your speech better, but I’m sure he didn’t choose the theme, he was a good soldier even then.  OSU has about 7000 graduating that day so we didn’t get the private pep talk., either.

George H W Bush was a man of decency and integrity.  We could use more like him.

May his memory be eternal. 

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George HW Bush was not a perfect man (can't help remembering the Willie Horton ad of his 1988 presidential campaign) but I cheered when he left the NRA after they referred to federal law enforcement as "jack-booted thugs" and also cheered when he blasted David Duke as unfit for public office.  Overall, I think Bush 41 was a decent, caring person.  From The New Yorker:  George H. W. Bush is likely to be remembered as the last President of the republic not to have been intensely despised by a significant portion of its population.  Sadly, this may be true.  

Love that cartoon that is out, showing Barbara and Robin meeting him at the gates of Heaven.  CAVU

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