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S08.E01: Start Spreading The News

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I have always said that BF is 'fun' for about 2 minutes.


When I watch BF I cringe, it's the same cringe I'd get when I was in the room with my parents and some one cursed or there were nudes on the tube.....my parents are long dead, but I still recoil in shock when something foul comes on the set?


The trick is NOT TO LAUGH AT OR ACKNOWLEDGE her ass-holery. Once she has an 'audience' she keeps going back to the well until it dries up and it's painful to listen to her. Notice that her first jokes aren't crass, she ramps up being a foulmouthed hole after she sees that she has your attention.


When she starts to get rolling, she reminds me of that desperate comedian who gets carried away because they fear that the audience is going to stop laughing. Instead of making us laugh for an hour, we laugh for 5 minutes and look on in horror for the last 55 .

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Idk, what made me really wince at Bethenny's behavior toward her poor, poor employees is her condescension & her disrespect of these women.  Ew, just ew.  So Bethenny, they could smoke crack or have sex with their boyfriends on their desks & you wouldn't care?  Um, OK.  If this was supposed to be funny, it wasn't.  It was condescending & disrespectful as hell to them & just awful.  But that's Bethenny.  Seriously, does Satan Andy find this kinda shit hilarious?  Is this what he thinks of, and how he treats his employees?


And lemme get this straight, Bethenny.  You're telling this staff of assistants they can come up with some ideas for you -- so you can steal 'em & make more dough for yourself, while still paying 'em minimum wage, or slightly above?  Given your complaints about the electric bill, I'm kinda doubting you're paying these women great salaries.  Yeah, real sweet deal working for Bethenny, eh?

Wait until they really do start to fuck off - show up late, take long lunches, leave early, charging lunches to the business accounts?

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Wait until they really do start to fuck off - show up late, take long lunches, leave early, charging lunches to the business accounts?

Lunch Breaks? Do you really think they get any breaks, let alone 1 to eat food? I wouldn't be surprised if Bethenny handed out adult diapers for her assistants/employees at the start of each day! LOL 

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You are right.


As I said, take an infectious control class and it will cure you of sitting anywhere you may want to prepare your meals? And pretty much any surface you put your hands on!


How do you feel about shopping cart handles? I hate shopping cart handles since I had pneumonia and the nurse told me that one of the easiest places to pick up stuff was from shopping cart handles. 

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The NYC housewives are so beautiful - naturally beautiful. Ramona is gorgeous. I was stunned by how great she looks. However, once she starts talking - yikes! - she is gross.

I think Carole's BF, Adam, seems a little dumb and immature? Right? But he is attractive, has a career, and is nice to Carole so he's cool with me.


I love Ramona but I HATE her hair.  I loved her hair last season.  I think it's a little too long.  Cut four inches off and she looks phenomenal.  

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When I watch BF I cringe


I think I'm at a point where I shrug off most of what Bethenny says -- with a few exceptions, when she's especially nasty/disrespectful/cruel/mean.  I mean, isn't she always that way?  Just another day in the life for Bethenny.  But it's Moaner I still cringe at.  And yet (dammit), I'm still entertained by her.  The scene with Moaner & Bethenny gave me a few chuckles.  Moaner does bring out the funny in Bethenny -- well, kinda.  The dress comment & the balls stuff?  Gave me a giggle.

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Thought Sonja's daughter started boarding school before this year. Wasn't the alleged problem with Sonja and the trip to NJ in the limo because her initial arrangement for who was going to watch her daughter when she came home for the weekend fell through?


I could have sworn her child was at boarding school previously as well. I was quite taken aback when she said that. 


While my first thought of Jules was "jeez she is thin!," B can stop with commenting on it. Or claiming her knowledge of eating disorders is from her relationship with her mother.


It was really ridiculous, considering she just met her. She knows nothing about her! Some women are naturally very thing. My step mother is one of them. She eats and eats, but is thin as a rail. It's unfair to make judgments like that. Also, was it just me, or did the editors seem to be zooming in on the food Jules was eating, after showing the comments B was making?

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Sonja spray painting her outdoor furniture at night was one of that saddest things we've seen.


I actually thought that was pretty awesome and think that she should start some sort of Sonja Cheap Fix-It-Up show on HGTV

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I'd like to know why Carole's dog is a service dog.  I am a huge dog lover, but not when people abuse the right for people with disabilities.   And I loved seeing Cookie!  


I felt bad for Avery's friend who Ramona didn't remember after spending a weekend with her.  

I thought it was a joke.  Service animals have a vest, and I've only seen the ones for anxiety be cuddled like Carol does Baby.

I saw a woman with 2 Bichon's in Barney's years ago and I'm very sure they weren't service animals.  When you have money, or the appearance of it, you can break rules, like "no pets"

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Bethenny looks like she had a construction crew hammer at her face until she was satisfied with the results.


I guess the upside of her getting her own show is that somewhere goats are crossing a bridge in peace.  She really is foul.  Probably watch this with the sound turned down and hope Luann fucks some stranger and Sonja slips back off into the deep end.  Dorinda either finds a horse's head in her bed or puts one in someone else's.  There is something so tawdry and base about her.  Carole tries so hard her body quivers with strain. Except that face.  That face has been just as worked as Bethenny and could sub at Rushmore should any of the Presidents there need a break.


For all the elegance and sophistication this group as a whole is just so low rent in so many ways no matter how much they try to put it on.  I think you could find a bunch of retired strippers the same age and they would be more genteel and naturally refined. 

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So is LuAnn, Countess of condescention, actually going to spend her drunken Manhattan nights in Sonja's broke down townhome in some teenagers bedroom?  Is this supposed to be a prelude to the crazy hijinks these two are going to get in to this season?  Don't make me laugh.

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How do you feel about shopping cart handles? I hate shopping cart handles since I had pneumonia and the nurse told me that one of the easiest places to pick up stuff was from shopping cart handles. 


I use the wipes. If there are none, I'll try to get a cart that has been outside - the germs and viruses don't to well in unless they are in a warm and wet environment.

With all the new illnesses that are showing up from time to time, sometimes I wonder how much it really helps?

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Beth, you have always been my girl, but wow that apartment is awful...it has about as much warmth and charm as an ice pick...and you are coming off just as brittle and cold as the apartment.  You have your little girl, money out the whazoo, talent and humor - lighten up for goodness sake!


I hated Beth's apartment, too.  The more I see of it, the more dull, gloomy and sterile it looks.  Is it underground?  Why are there no windows at eye level?

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I love Ramona but I HATE her hair.  I loved her hair last season.  I think it's a little too long.  Cut four inches off and she looks phenomenal.  

I loved her hair.  I thought it looked great.

I hated Beth's apartment, too.  The more I see of it, the more dull, gloomy and sterile it looks.  Is it underground?  Why are there no windows at eye level?

It's not at ground level.  Didn't you see her and Dorinda go out on her balcony?

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Bethenny needs to STFU about how "small" her closet is.  That closet is about the size of our guest bedroom...which is where my closet is because the one in our bedroom is too small for both of us to hang our clothes!  


I'm done with Dorinda.  Just can't with her.  I think Bethenny hit the nail on the head with her assessment of Dorinda.


I'm withholding judgement on the new girl for now.  Need a little bit more time to see how she handles Bethenny and the others.  I will say this though...that was not negotiating.  That was your child being a brat until you gave in to his demands.  That being said...I can't judge her for it.  I have a 2 year old and god knows there have been times that both myself and his father have just given him what he wanted to eat instead of continuing to fight with him.  There's a reason why we sometimes call him a "little dictator".  And to be fair to her, this was one instance that we've seen.  There could be plenty of times that she has stuck to her guns, even if it meant a full on, blood curdling tantrum...like the one I just had last night with my son.

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I just started watching......

Beth looks great-!

Ramona is starting to resemble Joan Rivers (RIP), and she needs a serious haircut.

Loved Sonja and LuAnne.

Not happy to see Dorinda at all.

Seriously, the new HW spouts the menopause bs too? Gah!

Carole seems so happy and that makes me happy!

I miss my girl Heather. : ((

Edited by ButterQueen
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Bethenny needs to STFU about how "small" her closet is.  That closet is about the size of our guest bedroom...which is where my closet is because the one in our bedroom is too small for both of us to hang our clothes!  


I'm done with Dorinda.  Just can't with her.  I think Bethenny hit the nail on the head with her assessment of Dorinda.


I'm withholding judgement on the new girl for now.  Need a little bit more time to see how she handles Bethenny and the others.  I will say this though...that was not negotiating.  That was your child being a brat until you gave in to his demands.  That being said...I can't judge her for it.  I have a 2 year old and god knows there have been times that both myself and his father have just given him what he wanted to eat instead of continuing to fight with him.  There's a reason why we sometimes call him a "little dictator".  And to be fair to her, this was one instance that we've seen.  There could be plenty of times that she has stuck to her guns, even if it meant a full on, blood curdling tantrum...like the one I just had last night with my son.


I agree, I am also withholding judgment on her, for now. I can't pretend I never gave in to one of my kids demands to avoid a fall down kicking and screaming temper tantrum because I didn't feel like dealing with it. I also can't judge her comments on her husband yet. I used to tell people my husband married me for tax purposes, it was a joke but a few people took me seriously. 


What I didn't care for was her constant playing with her hair in that restaurant. I hated that, but maybe it was just nerves. 


The one thing that I noticed about Betheny was when she said that she felt at home in this new apartment and that she never felt like that other apartment was home. I had to laugh because as I recall it was all about her, but I guess it's because she didn't get to stay there. I do know I don't want to hear anything about her divorce, or how much she gave up and I don't want to have to listen to her crying all season. In fact I've had enough of the crying from all housewives across the board. 

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It's an awful aspersion to make, but the poster who suggested Bethenny's use of "partying" when describing Dorinda's summer (as opposed to "drinking") could be onto something. People that party until the sun comes up usually have an additional boost, and I'm not talking about the kind Josh Taekman was hocking.

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I'm glad RHONY is back!  It's my favorite of all the RHs.  Sad to see Bethenny getting more brittle as she ages.  Her lack of appropriate intense therapy shows itself as she gets older.  I still enjoy the kookiness that is Ramona.  Dorinda is fun, savvy, and a little wounded on the inside.  I enjoy Carole a lot.  I miss Heather.  Jules is a single-term cast member in the making.  Luann is a heavy smoker- never realized that (she doesn't smoke on camera but you sure hear it in her voice).  Sonja... oh Sonja!  She would annoy the hell out of me as a friend, but she brings the sparkle on camera.


What's sad is the ultimate point of these shows seems to be to criticize women.  (Or more accurately, that's become the point since Andy took over the RH shows which was approx RHOC Season 4 time frame.)  It's like the women get paid to play this queen-of-the-hill social darwinism game while simultaneously subjecting themselves to ridicule.  

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Jules does not look 34. No way. If she's 34 she lived a very rough life. Girl looks at least 40 if not 45.


I thought the same thing.  Or it could be the lineless face due to botox or fillers or whatever else.  It seems to make the younger women look much older.

I could have sworn her child was at boarding school previously as well. I was quite taken aback when she said that. 





It was really ridiculous, considering she just met her. She knows nothing about her! Some women are naturally very thing. My step mother is one of them. She eats and eats, but is thin as a rail. It's unfair to make judgments like that. Also, was it just me, or did the editors seem to be zooming in on the food Jules was eating, after showing the comments B was making?


Especially coming from someone whose life seems to revolve around being skinny.  Now, I think Bethenney is actually not anorexic but still.  She is so obsessed with being thin that it seems strange for her to comment on someone's thinness.

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I agree, I am also withholding judgment on her, for now. I can't pretend I never gave in to one of my kids demands to avoid a fall down kicking and screaming temper tantrum because I didn't feel like dealing with it. I also can't judge her comments on her husband yet. I used to tell people my husband married me for tax purposes, it was a joke but a few people took me seriously. 



When I see moms knuckle under I laugh at them for being a bunch of pussies.


They used my mom as the inspiration for Gunny Sgt. Hartman in the movie Full Metal Jacket.


She was tough, but she was fair. We didn't ask for anything in the store, if we didn't like what she cooked that was tough shit, you didn't eat, If we fucked off she'd bend down and pinch a bit of the skin on the inside part of our upper arm while whispering that she was going to 'beat the shit out of us until we were crippled' (she never said exactly that, but I knew she could, if she wanted to?) We also learned NOT to act like jerks in public, because we had to eventually go home.

When we were kids, mom and dad lined us up on the couch to read us the riot act for some shit we pulled and as we sat there one of my brothers chimed in, "Could you just hit us and get it over with?".

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I have always said that BF is 'fun' for about 2 minutes.


When I watch BF I cringe, it's the same cringe I'd get when I was in the room with my parents and some one cursed or there were nudes on the tube.....my parents are long dead, but I still recoil in shock when something foul comes on the set?


The trick is NOT TO LAUGH AT OR ACKNOWLEDGE her ass-holery. Once she has an 'audience' she keeps going back to the well until it dries up and it's painful to listen to her. Notice that her first jokes aren't crass, she ramps up being a foulmouthed hole after she sees that she has your attention.


When she starts to get rolling, she reminds me of that desperate comedian who gets carried away because they fear that the audience is going to stop laughing. Instead of making us laugh for an hour, we laugh for 5 minutes and look on in horror for the last 55 .


I really loved her the first two seasons when she seemed more humble and less desperate to be the smartest, funniest person in the room.  Now it's like "This Bethenney Goes to 11."  I find myself so annoyed by her there's no fucking way I'd buy one of her products.

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I use the wipes. If there are none, I'll try to get a cart that has been outside - the germs and viruses don't to well in unless they are in a warm and wet environment.

With all the new illnesses that are showing up from time to time, sometimes I wonder how much it really helps?

Took my response to this convo Small Talk.
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I could have sworn her child was at boarding school previously as well. I was quite taken aback when she said that. 



I thought so as well but understood that she was home on weekends (split between Sonja and Morgan). Maybe it is now a full on BS where she only comes home on holidays.

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No fellow Hamilton fans?


"Talk less. Smile more."

--Aaron Burr

YESSSS!!   "Fools who run their mouth off wind up dead"  I have the soundtrack  playing on a loop most days, and that's the first thing I thought of when Carole said it.

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When I see moms knuckle under I laugh at them for being a bunch of pussies.


They used my mom as the inspiration for Gunny Sgt. Hartman in the movie Full Metal Jacket.


She was tough, but she was fair. We didn't ask for anything in the store, if we didn't like what she cooked that was tough shit, you didn't eat, If we fucked off she'd bend down and pinch a bit of the skin on the inside part of our upper arm while whispering that she was going to 'beat the shit out of us until we were crippled' (she never said exactly that, but I knew she could, if she wanted to?) We also learned NOT to act like jerks in public, because we had to eventually go home.

When we were kids, mom and dad lined us up on the couch to read us the riot act for some shit we pulled and as we sat there one of my brothers chimed in, "Could you just hit us and get it over with?".


Don't misunderstand me, my children knew not to misbehave in public, but at home, yes, I gave in probably more than I should have. I'm not talking about giving in to them if they were acting like jerks in public, but all kids have temper tantrums and yes, I did avoid them at all costs on occasion because I didn't want to deal with that at that particular moment. I don't think that makes me a bad mother. I didn't negotiate those things though, if I knew there was going to be a fit when one asked for something I just said yes when it wasn't that important to me. Everyone parents differently. My kids are no worse for the wear. 

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Hi all, so glad this show is back. As usual I'm a day behind, having to search it out online as it's not shown in the UK anymore (Boooooo!!!)


Most of what I wanted to say has already been said so all I can add is:


- Bethenny's hair is fabulous. My hair is also quite thin and now I'm seriously thinking about getting that style.


- Jason lookalike - Run!  Run away as fast as you can! While you still can!


- John is skeevy.


- Do not play with your hair when there's food on the table. That was gross.


- That kid needs "a good smacked arse" as we say in England.


- I LOL'd at the R2D2 comment. (Yes, I am a bad person, but fun to be with.)


- I cringed at "Baby and I" from Carole. But then I go apeshit at misplaced apostrophes.


- Ramona looked very odd in her TH.  Gold hair, gold blouse, gold lipstick and something strange going on with her mouth as she had a bit of a lisp. Lip filler? The lighting in that TH was very unflattering, showing all the crepeiness in Ramona's throat and the tightness of her Botox, fillers or whatever she's done to her face.

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- Jason lookalike - Run!  Run away as fast as you can! While you still can!



He's already gone. B said on WWHL last night that her well has been dry for quite some time. No boyfriends currently. 

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Jules looks like Anne Curry before she cut that long gorgeous hair off. I'm not super grossed out about hair at dinner, but goodness she was flinging it around more than Kyle Richards on the dance floor. And with all the whirling, twisting, and bun making, it ended up still hanging down everywhere. I find women with long hair who only extremely reluctantly tie it up very irritating. I especially dislike the pageant queen look of all hair pulled forward over one shoulder.

I really think Bethenny's office is fake, but I can't figure out the motivation of doing such a thing. It really reminded me of the interns on The Hills, sitting around and pretending they were doing something.

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That said, I love Bethenny's hair too; a style she never could have pulled off before lopping off her jaw lumps.

How did Beth get her jaw lumps lopped off? LOL. Her face does look better.

I do believe Beth must be on Adderall or something. I was prescribed Adderall one time to help try and boost my energy level due to illness. Good lord, I could conquer the world when I took it and not eat a bite of food; I had no appetite at all. I stopped taking it because not only did it make my heart race, it made me very uptight and mean at times. Not worth it for me!

I'd rather have Kristen on the show than Jules....I did not like her attitude. That whole speech about how hard being a SAHM was, made my eyes roll. That was some soapbox she suddenly jumped up on. And twirling her hair around in a restaurant was just gross. I actually thought Kristen added a sweet touch to this show.

I too gave in to my children at times, and allowed dessert or treats when their meal wasn't eaten. I don't think it made me a pussy, which is quite a judgmental insult to moms, I just chose to pick my battles. I'm not going to judge her parenting based on that short scene. Children need to be raised with love and kindness, along with appropriate discipline, but I don't think I would consider it a compliment if my children compared me to a drill sargeant.

I find it so irritating that no one bats an eye when a woman is with an older man, but for some reason, Carole looks foolish for being with Adam. I just do not understand the double standard. I thought they seemed very happy and I was glad to hear that Carole was refusing to put Adam in a situation where he would have to be around LuAnn -- the biggest pot/kettle.

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Jules does not look 34. No way. If she's 34 she lived a very rough life. Girl looks at least 40 if not 45.

You know, I remember them saying how old she was, but thought more about the age difference with her spouse than her actual age. You're right! She DOES look older! I attribute it to her how thin she is - eating disorder or not (don't know/don't care). When you're that thin, it'll age you at some point. 


Dorinda has had some work done!  She looks great!   

I thought so too! I wondered if she had something done. Everything looked more refined. Smoother. Botox? Fillers? She just looked softer, and it obviously wasn't a filter on the lens.


I loved it. I forgot how much I loved the NYC group. With all the hoopla around BH, I wasn't really hyped for this, but I am after this first episode!


Didn't miss Heather or Kristen. It'll be interesting to see how Jules fits in.


Dorinda... WHY do you keep John around? I want her daughter to do TH and give some insight because it makes no sense to me. The way he tried to sell Beth on the dry cleaning at the lunch!?!?! If he does that all the time, I wouldn't want to be around him either. I feel like Dorinda knows he behaves this way yet still puts up with it. She's clearly embarrassed by it and still puts up with it. 


Carole bugs.  Enough with the botox and fillers, lady. Your skin is start to look like wax.

Edited by chipsnsalsa
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This may be a minority opinion, but I'd love to see B and Ramona get off John's jock. Dorinda obviously gets something out of their relationship, and she already knows how they feel. Rehashing it is not only rude to do on camera, but we've already seen this movie and know how it ends. I get that John isn't a HW and thus talking about his dry-cleaning business is opportunistic. But it's no more crass than any of the HWs (or their husbands/boyfriends!) plugging their businesses on the show, in varying degrees of relentlessness. Give it a rest.


Yet B is blustering around the office talking about how it's essentially  their job to create and deploy a marketing strategy. WTF?


I may be totally off here, but I've been seeing a lot of Skinnygirl products in discount stores. Bethenny was hot after the Beam deal, but nothing she's done since has gotten the same level of interest. She slapped her logo on a lot of products (energy bars! chapstick!) and she's got to be feeling the pressure of producing another hit. But she's consumed with her divorce, she travels in insular circles, and isn't the hot single girl she once was, with her finger on the pulse of everything trendy and edgy. I think that's where her Millennial-aged assistants are supposed to come in. 


I know Luann mentioned having extra bones behind her teeth, not a second row of teeth, but I thought of sharks and their numerous rows of teeth. Luann as a shark seemed very apropos to me! And I hope Sonja just stays kind of harmless and loopy this season, doing home improvement projects with her interns and not pushing yet another ridiculous, doomed business idea.


Jules? I respect SAHMs, no question. But when a SAHM has a nanny AND a housekeeper, I can't help but think WTF do you do all day if someone else is tending to the kids and the house? 

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You know, I remember them saying how old she was, but thought more about the age difference with her spouse than her actual age. You're right! She DOES look older! I attribute it to her how thin she is - eating disorder or not (don't know/don't care). When you're that thin, it'll age you at some point. 


I thought so too! I wondered if she had something done. Everything looked more refined. Smoother. Botox? Fillers? She just looked softer, and it obviously wasn't a filter on the lens.


I loved it. I forgot how much I loved the NYC group. With all the hoopla around BH, I wasn't really hyped for this, but I am after this first episode!


Didn't miss Heather or Kristen. It'll be interesting to see how Jules fits in.


Dorinda... WHY do you keep John around? I want her daughter to do TH and give some insight because it makes no sense to me. The way he tried to sell Beth on the dry cleaning at the lunch!?!?! If he does that all the time, I wouldn't want to be around him either. I feel like Dorinda knows he behaves this way yet still puts up with it. She's clearly embarrassed by it and still puts up with it. 


Carole bugs.  Enough with the botox and fillers, lady. Your skin is start to look like wax.

I don't get Dorinda keeping John around for the negative energy he brings during filming. Storyline? I had a friend who for many years dated an older somewhat cranky guy and one time she mentioned (I didn't ask) that she loved the male companionship and going out with a guy on her arm and being a part of several social circles. Frankly, I think Dorinda and John seem fairly well matched and that her first husband seemed a step up for her. Just saying... But then I've never been impressed by Dorinda and always thought she was benefiting from a very favorable edit her first season.

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Lunch Breaks? Do you really think they get any breaks, let alone 1 to eat food? I wouldn't be surprised if Bethenny handed out adult diapers for her assistants/employees at the start of each day! LOL 

Exactly.  I thought Beth was saying that they could screw around as much as they cared to as long as their jobs got done.  I would not be surprised if they got "To Do" texts from Beth a mile long each morning.  I think  Beth wanted to sound as if she's all Cool but I think she will run that office in a totally Uncool way (tm The Countess).

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How did Beth get her jaw lumps lopped off? LOL. Her face does look better.

I do believe Beth must be on Adderall or something. I was prescribed Adderall one time to help try and boost my energy level due to illness. Good lord, I could conquer the world when I took it and not eat a bite of food; I had no appetite at all. I stopped taking it because not only did it make my heart race, it made me very uptight and mean at times. Not worth it for me!

I'd rather have Kristen on the show than Jules....I did not like her attitude. That whole speech about how hard being a SAHM was, made my eyes roll. That was some soapbox she suddenly jumped up on. And twirling her hair around in a restaurant was just gross. I actually thought Kristen added a sweet touch to this show.

I too gave in to my children at times, and allowed dessert or treats when their meal wasn't eaten. I don't think it made me a pussy, which is quite a judgmental insult to moms, I just chose to pick my battles. I'm not going to judge her parenting based on that short scene. Children need to be raised with love and kindness, along with appropriate discipline, but I don't think I would consider it a compliment if my children compared me to a drill sargeant.

I find it so irritating that no one bats an eye when a woman is with an older man, but for some reason, Carole looks foolish for being with Adam. I just do not understand the double standard. I thought they seemed very happy and I was glad to hear that Carole was refusing to put Adam in a situation where he would have to be around LuAnn -- the biggest pot/kettle.


She used to have a severe, kind of square jaw protuberance on each side of her face.  I remember it was very distracting and looked like it hurt.  I'm guessing she had the bones shaved down, or something of that nature, hence why she looks so much better now and can pull off a chin length bob.



Seriously.  I came here to say the same thing.  I am so disappointed.  I can't stand it when half the population (at least) uses the "I" incorrectly but an educated and paid writer?  Carole!  And please, stop referring to yourself as a girl.  You're a woman or a lady.  Own it.


I love Bethenny's hair.  I actually liked her clothing as well.  She looked very nice.  Her apartment isn't my thing but whatever.


I can already tell that Jules will get on my last good nerve.  You don't "negotiate" with your child.  If he doesn't eat his dinner, he doesn't get a Popsicle.  If he's going to whine and cry about it, take your happy ass to your room.  Simple.  He's behaving like this at 5, he's going to be a nightmare as a teen.


I did notice that Jules gave her dog a "normal" name (Zoe) while naming her daughter after a locale (Rio.)  Is she friends with Peggy from the OC?


Ramona looked good and seemed happy, as she liked to tell us.  Of course.  Her lunch with Carole was a hoot - - total Ramona.  Does she even breathe?


Dorinda looked nice.  Her boyfriend gives me the creeps.  I remember her daughter not liking him last season.  Since her daughter is 22, maybe Dorinda should consider why her daughter doesn't like him.  It's not like she's a moody teen and/or isn't ready to see her mom with another man yet.


LuAnn and Sonja are LuAnn and Sonja.  Talking about bjs and teeth.  Keep it classy.


I wonder if Aviva caught that. :P

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She used to have a severe, kind of square jaw protuberance on each side of her face.  I remember it was very distracting and looked like it hurt.  I'm guessing she had the bones shaved down, or something of that nature, hence why she looks so much better now and can pull off a chin length bob.




I wonder if Aviva caught that. :P


It looks like that and those awful cheek implants are no more.  


She looks great no doubt!

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Did anyone else find the R2D2 comment funny?  As soon as Dorinda admonished Bethenny not to say anything about his height, we all knew it was coming.  It's something we all do.  I actually forgot about what Dorinda said until the dinner and when I heard Beth's comment, my mouth hung open for a minute (not unlike a certain former HW) before I laughed.  I didn't mean to laugh but I did and it looked like Beth was sorry she let that one fly.

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Bethenny's hair did look a lot better than that longish style that she's had in previous seasons.  However at that lunch with Dorinda and Jules, her incredibly deep side part had morphed into a Trump-like combover.  Not cute. http://i.imgur.com/lWmHek9.png  http://i.imgur.com/bqjiFiy.png


I have read online (where everything written is FACT, lol) that Bethenny had employees helping her after her surgery.  I mean, how much does that suck? To not have a single close friend or relative to help you out when you're in poor health?  She is truly alone in this world and it makes me feel sorry for her daughter.  I watch her on this show and I can see why her relationships never last, though.  Cutting, bitter, defensive, jealous... and she's aging.  Even a grifter like Brooks from OC wouldn't put up with her for access to her money and lifestyle.  She's a sad person to me now.


Dorinda is a mean drunk and it appears that someone finally said it.  I'm trying to figure out what John does for her, besides her dry cleaning.  Maybe she doesn't want to be alone. Maybe she doesn't want to date.  Maybe he's great in bed.  Maybe he supplies her with drugs.   Whatever it is, it's not his personality.  She always seems like she can't stand him when they're alone together.


Luann and Sonja started off well enough but I noticed that Lu seemed a bit deflated after Sonja informed her that she couldn't bring her date back to her daughter's room for the night.  Why doesn't Sonja have a proper guest room?  I wouldn't want to sleep in a teenage girl's room.  That would feel invasive or something. 


Ramona prattling on during her lunch with Carole really stressed me out.  To an extent, she's always been that way.  I think it's energy and nerves.  I did notice that for all of her positive attitude and being upbeat, a shadow crossed over her face when she mentioned Mario and their divorce.  I don't care what she says, it has to be really hard to be dating again at her age.  That's tough.


Carole and her boytoy never really bothered me.  If it works for them, whatever?  Even though they've been together for a year it still seems like such a casual relationship to me.  No real plans for the future, just blowing whichever way the wind takes them -- I guess that's what dating a millennial is like. 


Lots of people (myself included) are naturally very thin so I didn't think much of Jules's weight when I saw her.  I can't say that I even noticed.  I did notice her strange meal of meatballs, broccoli and chicken soup, though.  I'm not one to judge parenting but her kids are going to be very spoiled and entitled and I can just tell.  Go ahead and judge me for that statement.  I'm not surprised that Bethenny's claws are out already for this woman because she has a successful marriage, two kids and a husband who makes enough money that she doesn't have to work and can still live large.  Bethenny is another homely working girl like OC Vicki and she can't stand the PYT who seemingly have everything and try to invade "her" turf.  I hope Jules is smart and tough because everyone else is up B's ass.

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I was initially surprised that people are referring to Jules as a POC and to hear her compared to Ann Curry. I don't think she looks Asian at all. I'm wondering if it's because I have a 100 % Asian daughter and I'm accustomed to looking at her? Social Scientist , listen up, I think I've just discovered a new " thing". Unless other people don't see it as well, in which case scientist get to bed, it's late.

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I don't get Dorinda keeping John around for the negative energy he brings during filming. Storyline? I had a friend who for many years dated an older somewhat cranky guy and one time she mentioned (I didn't ask) that she loved the male companionship and going out with a guy on her arm and being a part of several social circles. Frankly, I think Dorinda and John seem fairly well matched and that her first husband seemed a step up for her. Just saying... But then I've never been impressed by Dorinda and always thought she was benefiting from a very favorable edit her first season.

I meant to add, regarding the ladies' attitude towards John, it's not like Dorinda has shown herself to be a sophisticate at all times. I'd guess that alcohol is the shared interest there. (If that seems flimsy, I had an aunt and uncle who based a whole marriage on that.)

Speaking of partying, Ramona mentioned that NYC is the best city for single people. Is that true?? I've read several times that the ratio of single men to women greatly favors the men.

Edited by archer1267
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I have always said that BF is 'fun' for about 2 minutes.


When I watch BF I cringe, it's the same cringe I'd get when I was in the room with my parents and some one cursed or there were nudes on the tube.....my parents are long dead, but I still recoil in shock when something foul comes on the set?


The trick is NOT TO LAUGH AT OR ACKNOWLEDGE her ass-holery. Once she has an 'audience' she keeps going back to the well until it dries up and it's painful to listen to her. Notice that her first jokes aren't crass, she ramps up being a foulmouthed hole after she sees that she has your attention.


When she starts to get rolling, she reminds me of that desperate comedian who gets carried away because they fear that the audience is going to stop laughing. Instead of making us laugh for an hour, we laugh for 5 minutes and look on in horror for the last 55 .

Nailed it!


Oh my goodness, it's been so long since I've thought of these gals (even tho I pass by Sonja's townhouse nearly every day), silly me, I almost forgot about Brian Moylan's fun recaps-




Aw, what happened to Pickles?  She went the way of Lu's NYC pad?

According to Sonja on WWHL, Pickles went back to Belgium. 

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Bethenny's hair did look a lot better than that longish style that she's had in previous seasons.  However at that lunch with Dorinda and Jules, her incredibly deep side part had morphed into a Trump-like combover.  Not cute. http://i.imgur.com/lWmHek9.png  http://i.imgur.com/bqjiFiy.png


I have read online (where everything written is FACT, lol) that Bethenny had employees helping her after her surgery.  I mean, how much does that suck? To not have a single close friend or relative to help you out when you're in poor health?  She is truly alone in this world and it makes me feel sorry for her daughter.  I watch her on this show and I can see why her relationships never last, though.  Cutting, bitter, defensive, jealous... and she's aging.  Even a grifter like Brooks from OC wouldn't put up with her for access to her money and lifestyle.  She's a sad person to me now.


Dorinda is a mean drunk and it appears that someone finally said it.  I'm trying to figure out what John does for her, besides her dry cleaning.  Maybe she doesn't want to be alone. Maybe she doesn't want to date.  Maybe he's great in bed.  Maybe he supplies her with drugs.   Whatever it is, it's not his personality.  She always seems like she can't stand him when they're alone together.


Luann and Sonja started off well enough but I noticed that Lu seemed a bit deflated after Sonja informed her that she couldn't bring her date back to her daughter's room for the night.  Why doesn't Sonja have a proper guest room?  I wouldn't want to sleep in a teenage girl's room.  That would feel invasive or something. 


Ramona prattling on during her lunch with Carole really stressed me out.  To an extent, she's always been that way.  I think it's energy and nerves.  I did notice that for all of her positive attitude and being upbeat, a shadow crossed over her face when she mentioned Mario and their divorce.  I don't care what she says, it has to be really hard to be dating again at her age.  That's tough.


Carole and her boytoy never really bothered me.  If it works for them, whatever?  Even though they've been together for a year it still seems like such a casual relationship to me.  No real plans for the future, just blowing whichever way the wind takes them -- I guess that's what dating a millennial is like. 


Lots of people (myself included) are naturally very thin so I didn't think much of Jules's weight when I saw her.  I can't say that I even noticed.  I did notice her strange meal of meatballs, broccoli and chicken soup, though.  I'm not one to judge parenting but her kids are going to be very spoiled and entitled and I can just tell.  Go ahead and judge me for that statement.  I'm not surprised that Bethenny's claws are out already for this woman because she has a successful marriage, two kids and a husband who makes enough money that she doesn't have to work and can still live large.  Bethenny is another homely working girl like OC Vicki and she can't stand the PYT who seemingly have everything and try to invade "her" turf.  I hope Jules is smart and tough because everyone else is up B's ass.


I think that was all for domestic show so she didn't come off as spoiled, lazy or completely reliant on help in every facet of child rearing, thus the odd combination of foods. With the amount of money R2D2 makes, there's no way they don't have a cook or private chef.

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