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S04.E22: Reunion Part 2

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Part 2 of 3. The SUR staffers gather for a reunion installment. Here, James addresses notorious bite marks; Katie and Tom Schwartz talk about their proposal; Brittany reflects on how her life has changed; and Stassi tries to right some wrongs.

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The girls are so trying too hard. So much make up they all look like old hags. Ariel looks horrible! WTF with Katie's snookie hair.

Oops! Sorry about the double post. Ariana not Ariel! Whatever...

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I just can't with LaLa and her Blueberry Slutmuffin styling---to me, she looks the absolute **worst** of all these trashbags, and that's saying a lot when she's sitting there alongside Jax's Hooters girl from Kentucky in her pink stringy dress and Katie's tired, rusty poofy extensions to match her tired, rusty poofy dress and droopy Kristen in her droopy slip-dress. Ariana and Scheana are just blah and Stassi just needs to put her tits away period.

OBVIOUSLY these clowns all did their own styling, because there's nothing remotely high-fashion or elegantly-upscale in the entire bunch, ditto with Mrs. Vanderpump herself!

Jax is greasy and steroidy-looking as usual, the Tom's are their typically generic LA prettyboy selves and James still looks like a deranged Keebler's elf...dare I say that Shay actually looked the most-improved within the entire male cast??

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This is my first season with this show so I have no history with these people, but full disclosure: from what I know, I do really like Stassi. And now she will forever be THE THING for calling out sociopath James for being a sociopathic mysoginist. Her sarcastic, faux-accented 'huh huh huh, someone like me!' was everything. He wrecks the show. He's a piece of shit and I can't figure out why none of these people are saying so.

Edited by Pachengala
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I think these two reunions have confirmed my feelings that I'm here for originals- -and we can throw Arainia in there, because despite hating her I love hearing her talk and talk and trying to sound so smart she actually sounds like an idiot- Lala and James just annoy the HELL out of me! Whenever either of them open their mouths. Also, Lisa said on WWHL that Lala redeemed herself on the reunion, oh Lisa I know you like Lala now or something but she's a bitch. Katie was right on that Lala yells or asks someone something and then doesn't let them finish their thoughts/statements. 


i love Stassi, I can't help it but I do, at least she brings something to this show. Those 12 episodes without her this season were kind of a bore. She brings something. 


This reunion  better end with something good. Otherwise I am sadly disappointed. I kind of hope it ends with Jax punching James in the face and Schena breaking  another tooth. Thats the Pump Fix I have been needing all season.


And if not James, someone. Someone has to get punched in the face, otherwise what am I here for? 

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The first time around, I started this ep in the middle and I swear, I heard nothing but everyone talking over one another.I now see the beginning of the ep wasn't *quite* as bad, but MAN, they're just as bad as some of the RH reunions now. Sandoval's "I WANNNA SAYYY SOMETHINGGGGGG!" routine was fairly entertaining, though.


Enough with the Lala and James Peanut Gallery, acting like they're the voice of reason and what not. Just no. 

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Forgot to say this but My favorite Arainia moment: "This environment is so TOXIC!" but not toxic enough that the girl is going to not sign on for another season because she wants a paycheck. Which brings me to Lisa  saying Stassi wouldn't be around without the show, rightly true probably  but said nothing when Arainia dropped that wisdom about the toxic environment and toxic people, well, Arainia quit the show or stop your bitching. You get paid for this. It is a job. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Yasss! Everything that Stassi said about James was the gospel fucking truth. He is odious. I wished Stassi had also made mention of how James talked to his mother, Lisa, and Lala. He hates women on such a visceral level and can't even recognize it. I'm giving Sandoval the side eye for saying he likes James. He's only saying that because everyone has made up with Kristen. He's pissed that he's forced to hang not with her, but hang adjacent to her so he retaliates by bringing James along. It's a petty bitch move.

Enough with the stupid texts. I know Ariana is the smartest person she's ever met, but she's got to realize that her mother asking Scheana "if Ariana is in a good place" is not an innocuous question. Ariana has to realize that she's got a crap relationship with her mom. The fact that her mom asked Scheana rather than Ariana means that her mom doesn't think that Ariana answer honestly and truthfully. Additionally the fact her mom walked around for 6 months thinking that Sandoval was a selfish asshole based on Scheana's texts tells me that Sandoval never showed himself to be decent anytime he was around Ariana's mom and that her mom doesn't feel comfortable to talk to Ariana. Yes. Scheana transgressed, but Ariana would rather blame Scheana than work on her relationship with her mom.

Also shut up James and Lala!

Sandoval really doesn't know what therapy is our does. When he said Kristen just modifies her behavior and how she reacts, I was like "yes, because that's what therapy does!" If he thinks that it's going to make her into a fundamentally different person, he's sadly mistaken. I think Kristen's therapy is working. It's curbed some of her more self destructive behaviors and given her new tools to cope with things. In the past, something like her break up with James would have caused her to stomp through the restaurant causing a scene.

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Two three things :


- Please, James, Stop with the MDMA and other things... Your pupils tells all.... ^_^


- Lala : I'm 100% with you regarding the "free the nipples" comment ! (and yes, in Europe, it's pretty common, so... FREE THE NIPPLES !)


- Ariana : STFU. You're boring, unintersting and no, you aren't "better" than any other people there


- Jax : I'm probably one of a very few here, but I like you. You aren't ashamed about anything you did, and I like that.

Edited by Diane Mars
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I actually turned this off, and I usually love this show (though that's fading this season). It was boring and annoying. Around the time of text-gate, I couldn't take the shouting over each other anymore. It's a disappointing way to end the season. BUT if Stassi called James a misogynistic sociopath, I'll have to re-watch. Stassi, who I wanted gone, has kinda been MVP for me this season, and I find myself enjoying her.

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James' eyes were so red he looked like a demon out of a Bionic Woman episode.


ETA: I would totally watch the "Stassi and Kristen go to Therapy!"  show.

Edited by bosawks
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I really need Lala to explain to me why she does NOT want to have sex with James, but she feels entitled to get all pissy about who she is banging? This girl is on my last nerve. I don't even like James, but damn. 


I know everyone likes Brittany, but I continue to find her so ridiculous and naive. She stated that the way Jax treats her is completely different from everything everyone else has said about him. Hmmm, shouldn't that tell you something? I don't know, it's her life. If she's happy, then whatever. But it just seems like she's getting walked all over. And I think Lisa is right in that dating Brittany, an ostensibly "good girl", makes Jax feel better about himself. Like he has to be at least halfway decent to snag a girl like that. 


And Jax is still delusional. His arrest record is not for anything "criminal". What??? DUIs are criminal. Stealing is criminal! 


I'm so sick of Arianna's stupid faces in the background. Why did they make her a full time cast member? I may be alone, but I don't think she's changed at all since getting with Tom. I think HE'S changed. Scheana says it's all about Tom, but I disagree. It's like he never thinks for himself anymore, and goes along with every issue Arianna has with everyone else. He just seems really grumpy now, like Mr. and Mrs. Grumpy Cat. 


Although, I did love his defense of Katie and I'm kind of glad there's one person who's not falling for Stassi's redemption tour. 


Speaking of, did Stassi say she had her boobs lifted? Because.....um......

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This reunion  better end with something good. Otherwise I am sadly disappointed. I kind of hope it ends with Jax punching James in the face and Schena breaking  another tooth. Thats the Pump Fix I have been needing all season.

And if not James, someone. Someone has to get punched in the face, otherwise what am I here for?



Right? They teased us on two different occasions, but nothing ever happened.

Fights I want to see:

Lala and Kristen

Katie and Lala

Stassi and Ariana

Sandoval and Schwartz beating the snot out of Jax.

Anyone, anyone, ANYONE beating down James.

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This is my first season with this show so I have no history with these people, but full disclosure: from what I know, I do really like Stassi. And now she will forever be THE THING for calling out sociopath James for being a sociopathic mysoginist. Her sarcastic, faux-accented 'huh huh huh, someone like me!' was everything. He wrecks the show. He's a piece of shit and I can't figure out why none of these people are saying so.



Ironically, JAX has said so. I mean, he never used the word misogynist because dumbass.  But he did say in the finale that James shouldn't talk to women that way. But seriously, the guy doesn't have much of a leg to stand on. 


Ariana has to realize that she's got a crap relationship with her mom



Being that we've never met Ariana's mom - or even seen the two of them interact - I feel like that's a really presumptive thing to say.  Hasn't Ariana admitted to dealing with depression before?  I can see how her mom would worry about her, and might reach out to a close friend to get a "2nd opinion", if you will, about how A was doing.


I'm actually kinda baffled how Ariana is getting hated on in "textgate" and not the instigator herself, Scheanna. For somebody who called herself "A's BEST friend" for 2 seasons now, that was a pretty shitty and underhanded thing to do, imo.

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What's wrong with Sandoval? Dude has totally lost his sense of humor. 


Scheana looks like she would rather be anywhere else. Something off with her. Her face looks so different and she seems unhappy. 


Kristin is really keeping her shit together. I don't like her but gotta give her credit. 


What's with the dresses with the gaping slits all the way down to the belly button? Scheana and Kristin love them and now that Stassi had her boobs lifted she wears them, too. I hate those dresses! Maybe I'm just jealous because I never had perky little boobies that would look good in a dress like that. 

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I admit to being the first in line to tell Stassi to take several seats after the my fucking birthday chronicles and, well, everything else.

However, I...I take it all back. I'm not giving her any congeniality points but I think she is very perceptive and unlike FI Tom and Jax does not take 50 years to kinda sorta not really make a point. She nails it right away.

And I like that she made fun of herself for making a sex tape that only retails for $900.

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I LOVE SO MUCH that the editors last season thought Ariana made a good "cool girl," and this season they're very obviously just really fucking irritated that she refuses to play the game with any kind of sense of humor at all. (Even though she takes sketch comedy SUPER SERIOUSLY.) The edit she's gotten is maybe not entirely fair, but I am so down with the editing staff. They're employed by this big dumb bimbo of a show, and I think they're taking it personally when Ariana spends every second of the day rolling her eyes at the entire venture.

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Thinking about something... I'm not sure I remember correctly, but didn't LVDP say, when asked why she still trusts Jax, that when he was on shift, there was never any money problems, and that he was a kind of good at that ? (that were not her words at all, but that's what I kept from her answer)

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Ironically, JAX has said so. I mean, he never used the word misogynist because dumbass.  But he did say in the finale that James shouldn't talk to women that way. But seriously, the guy doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.


Yea, when Jax says it, it just falls on deaf ears. HE treats women like shit too. This is the guy that tried to micromanage his girlfriend's boob job, and also tells her that being in jail is better than living with her. He's a serial cheater and a compulsive liar. He might not be as blatantly disrespectful as James, what with the spitting and yelling. But he's just as bad, IMO. 


It would be nice to see one the kinder dudes, like Schwartz or Shay, take James to task for his behavior. 


Kristin is really keeping her shit together. I don't like her but gotta give her credit.


I don't. The best part about Kristin was watching her LOSE her shit. Damned personal growth. 


Thinking about something... I'm not sure I remember correctly, but didn't LVDP say, when asked why she still trusts Jax, that when he was on shift, there was never any money problems, and that he was a kind of good at that ? (that were not her words at all, but that's what I kept from her answer)


Yea, I think she said that his till (cash register) is always correct when his shift is over. Okay. But what about the booze and silverware he has admitted to stealing?

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... This is the guy that tried to micromanage his girlfriend's boob job...

IIRC, Jax and Bittany were OK regarding the shape and the size, and that's the MOTHER of Brittany who said that she'd better to go bigger, because if not, she will regret it later, lol !


Yea, I think she said that his till (cash register) is always correct when his shift is over. Okay. But what about the booze and silverware he has admitted to stealing?

Maybe he's not the only one doing it ? Maybe isn't that "so" important to LVDP vs. the cash ? (I don't have a clue, TBH)

Edited by Diane Mars
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Right? They teased us on two different occasions, but nothing ever happened.

Fights I want to see:

Lala and Kristen

Katie and Lala

Stassi and Ariana

Sandoval and Schwartz beating the snot out of Jax.

Anyone, anyone, ANYONE beating down James.


How about EVERYONE and ALL beating down James??  Or, just roid-raged Jax throwing one punch at James??  

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LucyHoneychrrch, on 29 Mar 2016 - 10:20 AM, said:

I LOVE SO MUCH that the editors last season thought Ariana made a good "cool girl," and this season they're very obviously just really fucking irritated that she refuses to play the game with any kind of sense of humor at all. (Even though she takes sketch comedy SUPER SERIOUSLY.) The edit she's gotten is maybe not entirely fair, but I am so down with the editing staff. They're employed by this big dumb bimbo of a show, and I think they're taking it personally when Ariana spends every second of the day rolling her eyes at the entire venture.


Eh, I don't think any of the cast really gets a "good edit" at this point.  Maybe the Toms to some degree.  But for the most part, they're all set up to look bad.  And let's face it, they ALL give them some pretty sweet (as in awful) material to work with. 

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What's wrong with Sandoval? Dude has totally lost his sense of humor. 


Scheana looks like she would rather be anywhere else. Something off with her. Her face looks so different and she seems unhappy. 


Kristin is really keeping her shit together. I don't like her but gotta give her credit. 


What's with the dresses with the gaping slits all the way down to the belly button? Scheana and Kristin love them and now that Stassi had her boobs lifted she wears them, too. I hate those dresses! Maybe I'm just jealous because I never had perky little boobies that would look good in a dress like that. 


Sandoval - what's wrong with him is that he is living with perpetual buzzkill named Ariana.


Scheana - I can't figure it out, but something is really off with her mouth now - maybe she got veneers?  She lost a lot of weight and her face is very gaunt looking, but there is definitely something different about her mouth.  I also never noticed before that she has some serious "resting bitch face" going on.

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How about EVERYONE and ALL beating down James??  Or, just roid-raged Jax throwing one punch at James??  

And... What about Kristin, with a HUGE beautiful high kick under his chin, while everybody around clapping hysterically? I Would LOVE that !

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And... What about Kristin, with a HUGE beautiful high kick under his chin, while everybody around clapping hysterically? I Would LOVE that !


Yup...then he would have another cleft in his chin!!  ;-)

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I mean, a day later, Stassi is my favorite from this show. I know she's a bitch and I know she has basically had to come back with her tail between her legs but AT LEAST SHE HAS, unlike half of these people on this show. Her takedown of James was excellent, her questioning FI was also excellent, FI has never liked Stassi from the start, he always has had a disdain for her so when he tries to act like it's because he doesn't like how she came back into the group and he's protective of his friends, it's a ruse, he has never liked her. And I sort of get why, now that we know the story of the sex tape why she was reluctant to hang out with these people and why she was offended when Katie was all of a sudden best friends. Also, she did win points when the girls were in palm springs and she said about Schena crying over Araina that it wasn't "Taylor Swift vs Katy Perry". Stassi is really good at this being on Vanderpump rules show thing. She just is. Lala can never compare. 

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What's wrong with Sandoval? Dude has totally lost his sense of humor. 


Scheana looks like she would rather be anywhere else. Something off with her. Her face looks so different and she seems unhappy. 


Kristin is really keeping her shit together. I don't like her but gotta give her credit. 


What's with the dresses with the gaping slits all the way down to the belly button? Scheana and Kristin love them and now that Stassi had her boobs lifted she wears them, too. I hate those dresses! Maybe I'm just jealous because I never had perky little boobies that would look good in a dress like that. 

FI Tom needs an Arianaectomy.


You know, I watched the Season One - Behind the Scenes special on Bravo's website the other week and they did a bit on Ariana.  They showed footage of her at Scheana's rehearsal before she performed her craptastic song at some club.  A producer interviewed that Ariana was hating it so much that she kept draping her hair in front of her face to avoid being seen on camera and that they had to keep moving around at different angles just to get a shot of her.  Basically, she was amiserable cow the whole time.  I wonder what made her join the cast? She seems miserable now too.   


I cannot - no matter how hard I try - stop looking at Lala and that makeup.  The fuck?  It's pretty clear that they styled themselves, but holy hell.  I also want to see her stand up so I can see the whole blue velvet ensemble she's got going on.

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Jax in jail five times for nothing criminal. Just DUIs, dodging court dates, assaults, theft. Sigh.



Kind of like Jax stealing flatware, alcohol, etc. but not lifting money from the till so he's a good employee and not really a thief. 


I did find it fun to watch FI every time Kristen spoke or was brought up in any way.  He looked like his head would explode.  So much for his "at peace" zen state.  Unless maybe he's macting.   I did snort with laughter every time Andy addressed him as Sweetie.  I do think that FI needs to consider therapy himself because he's so damn bitchy at these reunions.


Brittany never watched VR before hooking up with Jax? And never Googled him?  Girl, please. Of course you did.  I Googled my non reality show/non jailbird ex before I dated him. 


Otherwise, pretty boring.  LaLa needs to zip it.  And take Muppet with you. 


Schwartzie continues to be cute and the only male on this show I could ever seriously hang out with.

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IIRC, Jax and Bittany were OK regarding the shape and the size, and that's the MOTHER of Brittany who said that she'd better to go bigger, because if not, she will regret it later, lol !


I have a feeling that this is revisionist history, or only part of the truth. We never heard squat about Brittany's mom on the actual show. No, what we did see was a girl who wanted a boob job, went in and told the doc what she wanted, and was upsold by her skeeving boyfriend. She looked very uncomfortable in that scene, and I don't for one minute believe Jax was okay with the "smaller" size. Also, there was the scene at whoever's party where Jax was loudly stating that since HE was paying for them, he should have a say in it. 


Brittany tends to laugh off and poo-poo a lot of Jax's disgusting behavior. So I'm not surprised she's telling a different version of how it went down now. But that is NOT what we saw on camera. 


And... What about Kristin, with a HUGE beautiful high kick under his chin, while everybody around clapping hysterically? I Would LOVE that !


She could finish it off by spitting on him. 

You know, I watched the Season One - Behind the Scenes special on Bravo's website the other week and they did a bit on Ariana.  They showed footage of her at Scheana's rehearsal before she performed her craptastic song at some club.  A producer interviewed that Ariana was hating it so much that she kept draping her hair in front of her face to avoid being seen on camera and that they had to keep moving around at different angles just to get a shot of her.  Basically, she was amiserable cow the whole time.  I wonder what made her join the cast? She seems miserable now too.


Yup. She definitely never wanted to be on camera, at least not back then. They hypothesized it was because they didn't want anyone finding out about her and Tom. But I think it was that same attitude she has of being above it all. I'm guessing Tom begged her to step up more and film with him, because it would really cripple his storyline if his live-in girlfriend refused to be a major part of the show. So now, since she acquiesced, she has him by the balls. Hence his equally miserable attitude. 

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I really need Lala to explain to me why she does NOT want to have sex with James, but she feels entitled to get all pissy about who she is banging? This girl is on my last nerve. I don't even like James, but damn. 


I know everyone likes Brittany, but I continue to find her so ridiculous and naive. She stated that the way Jax treats her is completely different from everything everyone else has said about him. Hmmm, shouldn't that tell you something? I don't know, it's her life. If she's happy, then whatever. But it just seems like she's getting walked all over. And I think Lisa is right in that dating Brittany, an ostensibly "good girl", makes Jax feel better about himself. Like he has to be at least halfway decent to snag a girl like that. 


And Jax is still delusional. His arrest record is not for anything "criminal". What??? DUIs are criminal. Stealing is criminal! 


I'm so sick of Arianna's stupid faces in the background. Why did they make her a full time cast member? I may be alone, but I don't think she's changed at all since getting with Tom. I think HE'S changed. Scheana says it's all about Tom, but I disagree. It's like he never thinks for himself anymore, and goes along with every issue Arianna has with everyone else. He just seems really grumpy now, like Mr. and Mrs. Grumpy Cat. 


Although, I did love his defense of Katie and I'm kind of glad there's one person who's not falling for Stassi's redemption tour. 


Speaking of, did Stassi say she had her boobs lifted? Because.....um......


Yeah, Stassi mentioned a reduction and lift.


James is immature, with a horrible temper and cannot handle his alcohol. Maybe he should ask Kristen for her therapist's number. Jax is the last person that should be taking offense to James. They're like two peas in a pod. Brittney may be a nice girl but she's pretty stupid and insecure. When you're able to see how poorly he can treat the others around him but make an exception because he treats you well - that says a lot about him...and you. Why do you want to be with someone who is a compulsive liar, thief and treats people badly? We all can have our choice of drug, Brittney chose Jax.


Arianna is a sour puss but Scheana was totally in the wrong for what she did. She wants to justify what she did by saying that Arianna's mom asked her the question. Well, her mother didn't ask you what your opinion of Tom was or what their relationship was like. Her mother asked you if she seemed happy. Just because you think Arianna has changed doesn't mean that Arianna isn't happy.


What is Katie's actual problem with Lala? Schwartz is lazy but she better hold on tight to him because if this group is a reflection of what the aspiring generation in LA is like, Katie bagged her a good one that seems relatively normal and drama free. Of course 10 Schwartz's wouldn't make for good TV but he's the one person I always find enjoyable because he's much more level headed than the others and has been a voice of reason among all their petty drama.

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I really need Lala to explain to me why she does NOT want to have sex with James, but she feels entitled to get all pissy about who she is banging? This girl is on my last nerve. I don't even like James, but damn.

I cannot stand LaLa for that very reason. She hints at giving Lewinski's in Europe over the weekend then acts upset when people react poorly to it. She's extremely fickle with her men and I could have sworn she said she and Jax didn't "bang" (or was it DJ Muppet Baby?) because he couldn't get it up.


I know everyone likes Brittany, but I continue to find her so ridiculous and naive. She stated that the way Jax treats her is completely different from everything everyone else has said about him. Hmmm, shouldn't that tell you something? I don't know, it's her life. If she's happy, then whatever. But it just seems like she's getting walked all over. And I think Lisa is right in that dating Brittany, an ostensibly "good girl", makes Jax feel better about himself. Like he has to be at least halfway decent to snag a girl like that.

I found Brittany's claim to have never Googled Jax or watched this show before dubious, to put it mildly. Something just doesn't add up...

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Stassi needs to get a refund on that breast lift. And then she needs to make an appointment with Jax and Brittany's hot doc.


What's wrong with Sandoval? Dude has totally lost his sense of humor.

​It is puzzling, considering his girlfriend supposedly has a Ph.D. in comedy and a lifetime of stand-up experience.


Y'all were right about Scheana morphing into some kind of alien/insect hybrid. The hell?

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... Basically, she was a miserable cow the whole time. I wonder what made her join the cast? She seems miserable now too...

I think she thought I could be damaging to her "career"... And when noticing the ones she took in really low esteem were doiing better than her, she went in...


... She could finish it off by spitting on him.

Wheeee ! Like a saliva firework \o/ !

EDIT : sorry, but it's like I'm wearing gloves to type....

Edited by Diane Mars
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Sandoval - what's wrong with him is that he is living with perpetual buzzkill named Ariana.


Scheana - I can't figure it out, but something is really off with her mouth now - maybe she got veneers?  She lost a lot of weight and her face is very gaunt looking, but there is definitely something different about her mouth.  I also never noticed before that she has some serious "resting bitch face" going on.

All the people at the reunion have more chill than I do cause I feel like I prob would've punched Tom, Ariana and James. At the very least thrown a bunch of evil looks in their directions like every couple seconds. I cannot stand them. 


FI is piiiissed that he and the golden nugget aren't so universally loved that everyone would refuse to film with Kristen for them forever. And he's pissed that now that Stassi's back she's not only taking back her rightful attention (cause she's actually interesting) but that she's another one that is friends with Kristen again.


Everyone has pretty much said everything I feel about James, though I have to add again that Lisa Vanderpump should not be at these reunions, especially when she continues to condemn Stassi and Kristen, yet doesn't do anything about DJ Muppet Baby who is horrible and misogynistic. 


As for why Scheana looks so different, I don't necessarily think she's had any major plastic surgery. I think her smile completely changed after she had that accident and had to have her whole front teeth redone, so that doesn't look natural anymore. And she's def lost A LOT of weight so her face just looks sunken in now.

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I have a feeling that this is revisionist history, or only part of the truth. We never heard squat about Brittany's mom on the actual show. No, what we did see was a girl who wanted a boob job, went in and told the doc what she wanted, and was upsold by her skeeving boyfriend. She looked very uncomfortable in that scene, and I don't for one minute believe Jax was okay with the "smaller" size. Also, there was the scene at whoever's party where Jax was loudly stating that since HE was paying for them, he should have a say in it. 


Brittany tends to laugh off and poo-poo a lot of Jax's disgusting behavior. So I'm not surprised she's telling a different version of how it went down now. But that is NOT what we saw on camera. 





She could finish it off by spitting on him. 




Yup. She definitely never wanted to be on camera, at least not back then. They hypothesized it was because they didn't want anyone finding out about her and Tom. But I think it was that same attitude she has of being above it all. I'm guessing Tom begged her to step up more and film with him, because it would really cripple his storyline if his live-in girlfriend refused to be a major part of the show. So now, since she acquiesced, she has him by the balls. Hence his equally miserable attitude. 


If I have to choose between being miserable for free and being miserable and getting paid, I'm getting paid!


Nugget's one constant is her perpetual state of disdain.

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I think she got a breast reduction? I thought I heard reduction. 

She said she had both reduction and lift. Were they really that big and sloppy to begin with? I can't remember... Can't anybody in Hollyweird just be happy with their natural selves? 

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I need to see Kristen in Jax's chunky sweater kicking James in the nuts. Repeatedly. Stassi can eventually pull her off, accidentally sending her flying into Scheana's pinky and breaking it so she has to have surgery. No one but the Bubbas, Kristen & LaLa visit her in the hospital & we have a third of the storyline set up for season 5!

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