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S06.E17: Lymes In The Sand

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So what are the options? Sit at home and live in fear? I was in Paris one week before the attacks. My friend was in the stadium when two men blew themselves up. One week before the attack, we were  supposed to eat at La Carrilon,  The location of one of the attacks . I was in London when the attacks did happen. Would I go back to Paris tomorrow? Absolutely. I could just as easily get in a car crash here in orlando as get taken out by a Terrorist in Paris or Istanbul.  Would I go into a war zone? No. But I refuse to live in fear. I would get on a plane to Dubai tomorrow if the opportunity arose.  I keep my eyes open when I travel, but I refuse to hide in my house

Some people wear their illness like a badge. Yolanda is one of them


I was sitting in my recliner, in my front room and was hit by a car. 


I landed on my wife and only suffered bumps and bruises - Sometimes staying at home and living without fear is just as dangerous.

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 19

I do agree that she oversells how incapacitated she is but I don't get the idea that her illness(es) are of the variety that would make any activity at all undoable 100% of the time, much less trotting around a piano in her own home for a few minutes or getting naked for photos--or especially being animated in a kitchen. Regardless of her selective memory, she probably has good moments and bad ones, and none of those things above require a ton of energy. That's why I don't see the big deal about her missing Erika's dinner party; maybe she got up that day and felt good enough to go to lunch, and later felt worn out. Lunch comes before dinner so it's not even a matter of choosing one over the other.

If it were just lunch and dinner I would probably agree- no big deal.  But it's a job.  If you know you're sick, you have limited hours for activities, and that you have work in the evening, and you wear yourself out because you decided to go hang out with #realfriends, that's on you.  It's not your illness it's your choices, so cut the crap and own it.


Even setting aside the job thing, I think it's a big deal (um, within the scope of this bizarre shallow universe) because of all Yo's talk about supportive friendships and what she seems to expect from people.  Erika proved herself by stopping by with a private plane to bring Yo home from surgery.  Yo couldn't even be bothered to pace herself during the day to have a better chance at feeling well enough to make it from Malibu to Pasadena.  It's lame, imho.  And again, it's because of her choices, not her Lyme.


So I think we're sometimes too picky with what she says- people exaggerate when they talk, Yolanda's clearly one of those, it doesn't automatically make her a liar.  But the whole lunch/dinner thing...I think there's some legit nonsense there.

  • Love 14

This whole season is grains of sand. What a snore. One more bobblehead interview with Lisa Rinna talking total nonsense won't help. Yo has lyme disease, who cares. Everyone on this show has a "thing" they champion, that's hers. She skips boring dinners with annoying women who accused her of faking a disease, so what. Fail to see why the lyme issue is churned then rechurned as though it will get more interesting the more its regurgitated. Enough. 

  • Love 4
If it were just lunch and dinner I would probably agree- no big deal.  But it's a job.  If you know you're sick, you have limited hours for activities, and that you have work in the evening, and you wear yourself out because you decided to go hang out with #realfriends, that's on you.  It's not your illness it's your choices, so cut the crap and own it.


Well, who knows--I don't--but perhaps she didn't realize lunch would wear her out (though, considering the company, it should have been obvious as hell)? And the whole job thing--we as viewers are supposed to pretend we don't even know that part of the equation. This is all real, dammit, REAL! It's right there in the title, haha!

  • Love 3

Everyone in their muumuus reminded me of that old Chiffon commercial. I kept expecting Lisa V to throw her arms out and say "No one fools Mother Nature!" ...crashing thunder and lightning.

Just me? Okay.

edited because I got my crappy margarines mixed up.

Not just you. Those ads were amazing. I was a little kid when they ran and I remember them well.

  • Love 4

I lived in Atlanta for a number of years and have flown in, out, and through ATL enough times to know the airport like the back of my hand and I'd never once seen anyone picked up at the tarmac and taken by private vehicle to their connecting flight.  For some reason that really irked me.


Eileen is the only one who dressed appropriately for a 14 and a half hour flight.  Comfort and ease should be the key, not stilettos and perfect makeup.



I thought Erika dressed the most comfortable of them all.  Caspar bandana sweatshirt, leggings and pink sneakers.

  • Love 7

If it were just lunch and dinner I would probably agree- no big deal.  But it's a job.  If you know you're sick, you have limited hours for activities, and that you have work in the evening, and you wear yourself out because you decided to go hang out with #realfriends, that's on you.  It's not your illness it's your choices, so cut the crap and own it.


Even setting aside the job thing, I think it's a big deal (um, within the scope of this bizarre shallow universe) because of all Yo's talk about supportive friendships and what she seems to expect from people.  Erika proved herself by stopping by with a private plane to bring Yo home from surgery.  Yo couldn't even be bothered to pace herself during the day to have a better chance at feeling well enough to make it from Malibu to Pasadena.  It's lame, imho.  And again, it's because of her choices, not her Lyme.


So I think we're sometimes too picky with what she says- people exaggerate when they talk, Yolanda's clearly one of those, it doesn't automatically make her a liar.  But the whole lunch/dinner thing...I think there's some legit nonsense there.


When you put it like that, I have more sympathy for Yo ditching out.  Even on my best day I wouldn't want to schlep from Malibu to Pasadena to have diner with these assholes.

  • Love 3

I'm pretty sure we're in agreement on just about all of it; like I implied, she annoys me too. I just didn't think those examples I quoted earlier really made much sense in the context of the point. I mean, of course someone can laugh in a kitchen.

Oddly enough, I don't know if Yo has ever said, "I have good days and bad days" verbatim, but I can totally hear her voice saying it in my head, right down to the inflection she'd use! It would be slightly defensive and have a silent "so what?" at the end.

I am the one that wrote the examples that you didn't think made sense. Perhaps they didn't in my befuddled writing, but in the context of the scenes shown on the show to which I was referring, they certainly did, as they showed a vibrant, healthy individual. Not of a person who has been incapacitated since the day she was married.  Not of a sick person having an isolated good moment.

The rebuttal that I want one of the hos to come out with in the reunion is that  there have been NO confirmed diagnosis of Lyme Disease in the geographic area Yo claims to have contracted the disease. The odds of three people in a family contracting the disease in an area where it has not been shown to exist makes Yo and the non-Gigis VERY special indeed.

  • Love 12

Gosh.  Busy here today and I'm enjoying so many of the posts.


Regarding Eileen's overalls:  The only time I wore them was during my pregnancies.  Heck, they're just about all I wore once I couldn't fit in my regular clothes.  I couldn't stand anything that put an iota of pressure on my belly.  I think my husband wanted to burn my favorite one after the last child.  That's all I could think of when I saw Eileen.


Read most, ok some, of Yo's blog.  I just couldn't deal with all the lies in her 'acceptance' speech.  Note to David:  As you already know this woman is going to try and suck every penny she can get out of you.  You weren't a minion.  Even though I don't like you and your shallowness but even I can give you sympathy for what you've had to deal with.


Speaking of Yo's speech,  the worst part is when she says that no mother should have to see what her children have gone through with 'chronological' Lyme.  My God.  Get a clue.  The non Gigi's are sitting with you at the 'gala' all dressed up and looking fantastic.  Your son is physically active.  Your daughter has a successful modeling career.  Are you that ignorant to not have an iota of a clue that there are children in this world who are suffering from incurable diseases?  Going through hell because of cancer?  Victims of violent crimes and/or accidents?  I could go on but really?  When my son was in the hospital to make sure that he didn't have a bad reaction to the IV rocephin,  there was a young mother there with a nine month old baby in the same wing (it was a wing designated for 'special' cases and the pediatric ICU) and we spent some time talking in the middle of the night while taking a break.  Her child was blind and deaf and having other complications.  It broke my heart hearing her story and I will never forget the time we spent together.  She didn't know it but she put what I was going through into perspective.  Yo:  You don't know what it is like to have a child who is seriously ill.  Not knowing if your child will live or die is what no mother should have to see or deal with.  I just 'can't' with this self absorbed person.


On a lighter note, Lisa looks great in yellow.  She should wear it more often.   And I liked what Kyle wore to the 'gala'.  


Does Erika ever laugh and just have fun with the other woman?  I just don't get that celebrity 'guests' on WWHL love her.  To me, she's a Debbie Downer most of the time because she just doesn't seem to have 'fun' except when it's about her and the payed minions are adoring her.     

  • Love 21

When you put it like that, I have more sympathy for Yo ditching out.  Even on my best day I wouldn't want to schlep from Malibu to Pasadena to have diner with these assholes.

If the meet up with Kim and Brandi was for filming/the show, I could give her a pass on Erika's dinner, even though it was Erika's first dinner at her house, which is a big deal in the world of Bravo HWs. That said, I am not sure it was for filming, so bailing out on her because she spent what little energy she had with Kim/Brandi was/is a slap on the face of her good, dear, supportive friend Erika.

  • Love 13

One of the MOST devastating things in the episode was david pointing out the shit in the fridge was fake.


There are about 8 different 'Rules to a Relationship' - One that is in the Top Five is "Thou shalt not reveal any secrets".


Like, "The fridge that my wife designed and takes so much pride in, is filled with fake fruit to make it look pretty"


 Dude...That was brutal. All this time people were fawning over what was the most perfect fridge in America. It had it's own facebook or whatever the fuck that was and you killed the whole representation of perfection that your wife wanted to portray.


I loved it.

  • Love 24

The stuff on the top shelf was fake, because it was difficult to reach, looked like bottles filled with colored water IIRC.

The reachable stuff wasn't fake.

Why would they have fresh food in a house they did not live in?  They had moved into David's condo many months earlier. I think the whole thing was staged.  Obviously the bottles were real and most likely the lemons.

  • Love 5

Why would they have fresh food in a house they did not live in?  They had moved into David's condo many months earlier. I think the whole thing was staged.  Obviously the bottles were real and most likely the lemons.

Very true, I really doubt that they allowed renters to live in the house full of their personal belongings and I am sure the renter didn't want their (Foster/Hadid) personal photos/clothes/knickknacks/junk scattered about either. LOL

  • Love 2

Weird that when Lisa and Harry were talking, they seemed to purposely be actively avoiding any type of eye contact. It was very strange. I think they made eye contact twice and then quickly looked away. I always notice eye contact. Kyle is big on eye contact, and has that gift of connecting to people-- she seems to really be sensitive to how others feel when they are being emotional/ genuine because she looks people dead in the eye and feels them.


Erika seems to be very serious and business like, even if it's her outfit and hair. She even seems a little stiff around her "gays." The most relaxed and fun I've seen Erika is when she was on WWHL the other night. She really lives up to her tagline.


I get the feeling that Yolanda and Erika don't know each other very well at all. I think Erika is trying to become friends with Yolanda  on this show by taking her side and sticking up for her. 


I always got the feeling that David was living off Yolanda. He happily moved into HER 20 million dollar home, and suddenly lost interest when it sold and Yolanda moved in with him. I could be wrong, but my feeling was always that HE was the gold digger. Now that Yolanda isn't getting the shit tons of child support and sold the amazing home, he felt financial pressure or  and I don't get the "provider" vibe from him. Yolanda seems to be grooming her girls to be models so they can marry rich men (like Mohammed who requires a model) and she will be taken care of that way. 

My point-- Yolanda doesn't need David and I don't believe ANY of the alimony rumors. I could be wrong though. 

The best part of Brandi on the show was her dishing on the wig rumor. I CAN'T STOP STARING AT HER HAIRLINE! I just want to touch her hair SO BAD and find out. 

  • Love 1

Weird that when Lisa and Harry were talking, they seemed to purposely be actively avoiding any type of eye contact. It was very strange. I think they made eye contact twice and then quickly looked away. I always notice eye contact. Kyle is big on eye contact, and has that gift of connecting to people-- she seems to really be sensitive to how others feel when they are being emotional/ genuine because she looks people dead in the eye and feels them.


Erika seems to be very serious and business like, even if it's her outfit and hair. She even seems a little stiff around her "gays." The most relaxed and fun I've seen Erika is when she was on WWHL the other night. She really lives up to her tagline.


I get the feeling that Yolanda and Erika don't know each other very well at all. I think Erika is trying to become friends with Yolanda  on this show by taking her side and sticking up for her. 


I always got the feeling that David was living off Yolanda. He happily moved into HER 20 million dollar home, and suddenly lost interest when it sold and Yolanda moved in with him. I could be wrong, but my feeling was always that HE was the gold digger. Now that Yolanda isn't getting the shit tons of child support and sold the amazing home, he felt financial pressure or  and I don't get the "provider" vibe from him. Yolanda seems to be grooming her girls to be models so they can marry rich men (like Mohammed who requires a model) and she will be taken care of that way. 

My point-- Yolanda doesn't need David and I don't believe ANY of the alimony rumors. I could be wrong though. 

The best part of Brandi on the show was her dishing on the wig rumor. I CAN'T STOP STARING AT HER HAIRLINE! I just want to touch her hair SO BAD and find out. 

I could be way off but I think Yolanda bought the land but that David built/financed the house it self or they did it together. I think ZM knows the details on that so I hope she will remind us which is correct. Yolanda does have her "own" money from her divorce settlement from Mohammed and from her % of the sale of the Malibu house but that may not be as much as she wants/needs/craves. She spent a few million on her new condo/apartment and all her supplements/treatments/(quack)Dr.s can put a serious hurt on what is left if she keeps that up for a few more years.

  • Love 4

 Amusing  contrast in the hotel hallway: LVP with her knock knees, side by side with Kyle, stomping along ungracefully, both wearing unflattering black travel pants;  then we see them again, walking together down the same hall, looking like gorgeous goddesses in amazingly becoming caftans - they've never looked better, IMO.  Ditch the super tight BH spandex, ladies!

  • Love 13

I completely fell out laughing at the picture of Yolanda holding her award with the caption, "I haveyn’d gone to da bowlingz in ten jeers."  Hahahahaha


I think Yo already won the lunch/dinner battle because the narrative is winnowed down to whether or not viewers agree that not having enough spoons is a good enough excuse.  Her narrative wipes out the possibility that she was boycotting many filming gigs because she was ticked that Brandi and Kim got the boot and she lost her posse.  I saw attending lunch with them vs.shooting a housewives' dinner as a giant middle finger to the show.  Maybe that was how Rinna felt as well.


Then again, they could have been filming the Brandi/Kim gig and I'm totally off base.  Happens on the regular, so I wouldn't be shocked.

  • Love 6

Very true, I really doubt that they allowed renters to live in the house full of their personal belongings and I am sure the renter didn't want their (Foster/Hadid) personal photos/clothes/knickknacks/junk scattered about either. LOL

Could it have been filmed out of sequence? Before they moved out and into the condo? Which I don't think David lives in.

  • Love 3

I get what you are saying and it makes sense to me. I always thought it was a little bit of a dig toward him. It's almost like she's saying I know you married me for superficial reasons and see what a great martyr I am. Or something to that effect. 

I wonder if David agreed to appear this year on the condition that they set up the divorce as long, suffering David.  Yo has been very defensive of David in social media when people have criticized him after she announced the divorce.  Her girls have supported him also in social media.  He went to their fashion shows in Paris and was seen with them afterwards.  Whether Yo is doing this for a settlement remains to be seen.  She did mention on the show her first season I believe that they had a prenup. But there really isn't a reason for the girls to go out of their way to be so friendly with him if he was a real dick to Yolanda.


And let's face it, he did marry her for superficial reasons probably.  He saw her photo at Mohamed's and that is why he wanted to meet her. Mohamed set them up.


Gigi's little dig in her speech about how some people didn't believe her mother because of how good she looked was clearly intended for Kyle and was surely planted in her ear by Yolanda.

If you look at Yo's instagram/twitter, Kyle isn't the only one who makes comments about Yo's appearance. People write crap like, "You said on the show you never had short hair, but in this photo with Ellie (her friend with ALS) from 20 years ago you have short hair!" (Yo's hair is in a bun in the photo). People are real assholes on social media because it is anonymous like these boards.  Yo doesn't have to come read these boards, but her instagram/twitter accounts she actually does read and respond to.


"During a typical day more than 100 high-value customers are transferred from gate-to-gate at Delta's largest hub in Atlanta. Transferring select SkyMiles Diamond Medallion customers with Porsche vehicles is just another way that Delta delivers exceptional customer service for its most valuable flyers while providing a unique travel experience."


To put this in normal human terms "money talks and bullshit walks".

Bullshit money talks and the poors walk.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 3

 Amusing  contrast in the hotel hallway: LVP with her knock knees, side by side with Kyle, stomping along ungracefully, both wearing unflattering black travel pants;  then we see them again, walking together down the same hall, looking like gorgeous goddesses in amazingly becoming caftans - they've never looked better, IMO.  Ditch the super tight BH spandex, ladies!

If LVP knew how ridiculous she looked when she wears heels and tight pants - she'd have a bonfire in her back yard.


Now, I am not an expert on asses, but I have looked at them for a while and hers is one of the more entertaining from the standpoint of "that (bitch) doesn't have a mirror/someone that was honest with her/someone who hates her and would let her know."


First of all, when you walk in heels, you should walk erect, not like a baboon that is 65% ass..

You should walk with confidence, shoulders back, not afraid your ass is going to make you topple over backwards.

When your ass is THAT big, wear something that is going to not make it look like it's a big ass.

Wear something that won't make us think "Ken must have liked that ass about 25 pounds ago."

Wear something that won't make us think, "Lisa has a big ass" or "whoa, Lisa has a big ass".


Again, this is NOT an expert's opinion on a woman's hindquarters, I am only an observer.........

  • Love 4

I love the Yolanda bits he does.


I never read these trash talk recaps before.  I couldn't sleep last night and ran out of lives on Candy Crush so I popped over here, saw that link and popped over there to read it.  Hysterical!!!  OMG...I loved his Yolanda bits!!  Lololol!!!

I completely fell out laughing at the picture of Yolanda holding her award with the caption, "I haveyn’d gone to da bowlingz in ten jeers."  Hahahahaha


I think Yo already won the lunch/dinner battle because the narrative is winnowed down to whether or not viewers agree that not having enough spoons is a good enough excuse.  Her narrative wipes out the possibility that she was boycotting many filming gigs because she was ticked that Brandi and Kim got the boot and she lost her posse.  I saw attending lunch with them vs.shooting a housewives' dinner as a giant middle finger to the show.  Maybe that was how Rinna felt as well.


Then again, they could have been filming the Brandi/Kim gig and I'm totally off base.  Happens on the regular, so I wouldn't be shocked.

You said Yolanda was "ticked".  HA!!!


Lyme disease got its name from a town here in CT. If YoYo has her way, it will be renamed Yolanda Foster (survived this) Disease.

I live in CT also and I'll move if they name a town after her!  UGH!!!  

  • Love 8

That's the thing here. Yo comes to little of the group stuff, and when she does it is usually for a short period of time. She shows up minus make-up with her greasy hair. She gets told she looks beautiful and is asked about her health. She gets to remind everyone that she is such a brave soldier for getting into her Bravo appointed limo and making her way over to the job that requires her to interact with others for the paycheck that she receives. She makes sure everyone knows how hard it all is and then she leaves. On one of the days she is supposed to interact for her paycheck she decides to go and hang out with drunk and drunker for the afternoon. Is she saying she didn't realize this would leave her too tired to attend her work event later in the day? Bitch, please. She cannot even find the strength to put on Concealer. Concealer, y'all. How is she going to make two appointments in one day? Since she keeps reminding folks she can hardly get out of bed, she surely knew she was pushing things, but she made the choice that she did. It would be like someone at work continually calling in sick, then seeing them out at a club one night having a grand old time after they had missed going to work that day. It's the exact same thing, and yes, it would enrage some.


Had yoyo gone to the eri-cunta dinner, things would have gone differently. The dinner would have been about her being sick and driving ( doesn't the prod company send cars out to pick up people?) out.  Her makeup. Her Robe, Cyrotherapy, Daisy, Gigi, the Not Gigi and the Un Gigi, Her Lohve, Her Struggle, Journey, Losing her Luggage on the Journey. She would have told Kathryn to shut up/act like a friend/act like a U.S. citizen. Talk about her day with Drunk and Hoof and Mouth Disease and how THEY are. There would be mention of how Yo hasn't drawn a breath in 13 years, had a formed stool in 6, a period in 9, an IV in 45 minutes or had a new illness since she logged off her "Website of Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes and Sickness" that morning......She would have left early, leaving everyone tired, confused and wondering what the fuck is the matter with her?

  • Love 6

I am the one that wrote the examples that you didn't think made sense. Perhaps they didn't in my befuddled writing, but in the context of the scenes shown on the show to which I was referring, they certainly did, as they showed a vibrant, healthy individual. Not of a person who has been incapacitated since the day she was married.  Not of a sick person having an isolated good moment.

The rebuttal that I want one of the hos to come out with in the reunion is that  there have been NO confirmed diagnosis of Lyme Disease in the geographic area Yo claims to have contracted the disease. The odds of three people in a family contracting the disease in an area where it has not been shown to exist makes Yo and the non-Gigis VERY special indeed.

Gotcha. I don't disagree with your assessment of Yo in a general sense. And there have definitely been plenty of times that "lesser offenses" have stuck out in my mind too in regard to various housewives (for some reason, after a a time, everything Caroline Manzo did annoyed the hell out of me!).

  • Love 3

I was sitting in my recliner, in my front room and was hit by a car. 


I landed on my wife and only suffered bumps and bruises - Sometimes staying at home and living without fear is just as dangerous.

I know someone whose coworker was at home taking a shower in his ground-floor end-unit apartment when a car came crashing right through his bathroom wall. 

  • Love 1

Just caught up on the episode. The women looked gorgeous in the caftans...especially LVP, hers was my favourite.


Essentially Lisa R feels that Yolanda is using her disease as a convenient way to get out of her RH responsibilities when it suits her. Ultimately, the show is a job for all of them and perhaps part of the reason why Lisa R isn't being very direct about it is because she can't flat out say that it's their job to hang out with each other. That said, get over it. She says she believes Yolanda is sick, then stop taking issue with Yolanda wearing her sickness as a badge and on the flip side, consider yourself lucky that it's one less person that you have to put up with.


I was quite surprised that though Erika brought her Glam squad, her make up was very minimal at the meet up later in that evening.


I lost track of what Lisa was talking about when she said that something was brought up but they've talked about it and they're good...Erika was the one looking at her and nodding her head. Was she referring to making good with Erika or someone else?


The episode overall was a bit of a bore but I guess it's supposed to ramp up next episode. Should be interesting to see the full context of the Lisas conversation with one another. I feel like no matter is what said I won't believe either party is being 100% truthful in their accounts. And I see Eileen will be bringing back the dinner conversation with LVP again. Thank God. It's been so long since she's talked about it, I can't remember at all what happened.

  • Love 2

I could be way off but I think Yolanda bought the land but that David built/financed the house it self or they did it together. I think ZM knows the details on that so I hope she will remind us which is correct. Yolanda does have her "own" money from her divorce settlement from Mohammed and from her % of the sale of the Malibu house but that may not be as much as she wants/needs/craves. She spent a few million on her new condo/apartment and all her supplements/treatments/(quack)Dr.s can put a serious hurt on what is left if she keeps that up for a few more years.

When the original property deeds were shown David owned the lot.  David is wealthy they built the house as a spec, used it for the wedding and began marketing it in early 2012.  Yolanda saying it was on the  market a year and half is wrong-it was listed and relisted at a lower price to avoid the "stale".  David Foster is wealthy in his own right and I doubt he needed Yolanda's money. Realestatestalker estimated the cost of the home was between 12-13 million as built, they originally listed it for $27.5 million, grossly overpriced.  I think the house may have had an effect on the marriage.   They moved out of the house last year and same source said it was being rented.  I think it was probably a short term rental where much of the items would remain intact.  My guess is the monthly maintenance on the place is astronomical. 

  • Love 13

As ravingly stupid as Yoolander is, she is not exactly up against some Oxbridge brain trust that spars for fun with Stephen Hawking.  But I do wish someone would push her on camera since she whores her own children out as ancillary nails hammered in her own cross.  Like "does Anwar's school know he has chronic lyme?  Are they okay with him playing football?  What kind of waiver did you have to sign to make that happen?"  or "Bella was called a drunk by Brandi; you did not like that when she said it on camera.  Yet now you are fine with her repeating her assertions it was in the tabloids.  Why didn't you simply say she had this 'chronic lyme' then?"  For that matter why is the poor victim of 'chronic lyme' even more victimized by you being a raving bitch and sending her that email you did?  You of all people should know how horrible it is?  Why did you punish your child so publicly for something that was not her fault?  Does 'chronic lyme' make you the very person you chide the rest of us as being in terms of failing as friends?  How BIG a failure are you as a parent Yoolander?  Or is it just a steaming shitbag failire as a person as a whole?  What's next?  A diatribe on social media when Anwar is too tired to carry your ass for social media photo ops?  And should a young man no matter how he looks be carrying his mother around if he suffers too from the same "invisible disease"?  If others should be shamed for daring to compliment you on your looks despite all the suffering no one can see, why aren't you affording your own son the same courtesy you expect others to automatically figure out?  Just why are you a disgusting troll of a person to your own kids.  Your own kids who suffer and are ill?".


Well I could hope that sheltered opulence in Dubai might inspire some careful plotting.  I mean if the OC wives can take down liar liar Brooks the Crook, then this asshole Lemon with Lyme deserves a concerted effort to show what a horrible wretch of a being she is.  She makes Brooks look like a hobbyist in terms of illness lying. 


I want that self made cross of hers to land on her ass as hard as Dorothy landed in Oz.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 16

When the original property deeds were shown David owned the lot.  David is wealthy they built the house as a spec, used it for the wedding and began marketing it in early 2012.  Yolanda saying it was on the  market a year and half is wrong-it was listed and relisted at a lower price to avoid the "stale".  David Foster is wealthy in his own right and I doubt he needed Yolanda's money. Realestatestalker estimated the cost of the home was between 12-13 million as built, they originally listed it for $27.5 million, grossly overpriced.  I think the house may have had an effect on the marriage.   They moved out of the house last year and same source said it was being rented.  I think it was probably a short term rental where much of the items would remain intact.  My guess is the monthly maintenance on the place is astronomical. 

You mean Yolanda said something that was wrong? Yolanda has a history of exaggerating the truth. When she said she hadn't gone out walking in over a year but she had participated in that scavenger hunt less than a year from the date the comment was made. In yesterday's episode she mentioned it was the first time in a year that she had put make up on. How far in advance do they do promo shoots for the new RH season? It's those small things that make it easier to understand Lisa R's point that the question is not whether Yolanda is sick, but she uses her illness to her convenience to get out of what she doesn't want to do, and she uses it in a context that will always make her appear as a hero for 'marching through' or a victim because she says she hasn't done the most simplest of things during her sickness which isn't always the truth.

  • Love 7

I don't know how many times Yolanda's 'swollen head' has been brought up on the show but it started out by Yo explaining to Erika that she felt her face was swollen. It took off exponentially from there. Swollen face > Swollen head > Swollen brain. What next, exploding swollen brain from a swollen skull? The point is that the exaggerations and ballooning of something so basic and simply seems to get blown way out of proportion. If Yolanda felt well enough later in the day to have lunch with Kim and Brandi, so what? She may have gone back to bed for the day afterwards. Just because she bowed out from dinner at Erika's doesn't mean she didn't feel well earlier in the day and it's not breaking one of the Ten Commandments and she will not be going to Hell for telling Erika she felt lousy, like her whole face was swollen. Lisa Rinna just can't let it go with Yolanda and I'm sick of both of them. LisaR needs to get over this once and for all. Of course it does bring focus on her while filming and isn't that what they all need?



I really don't see what is so contradicting. The thing with Yolanda is that she's this type of speaker:


"Wow guys I haven't seen ya'll in like a million years"

"Uggggh I am so tired I just climbed like a thousand stairs"

"I'm not feeling well, oh man I'm dying..blaaah"

"I am absolutely livid that they canceled my favorite show"

"I saw that movie like 4, 5, 10 months ago something like that"

"I'm so upset I've literally cried my eyes out"


Add that English isn't her first language, her tendency to talk in exaggerations and well the Lyme and I'm just not getting all the fuss.


I actually haven't seen anything that Yolanda has said or done that even gets my radar up. You can pick apart any situation and string together a bunch of BS if you really want to see something then I'm sure a person can convince themselves. Basically somebody and I think it was Taylor wanted to talk shit about Yolanda and how she's presenting her disease. Instead of jumping on what the women wanted to basically gossip about they hem and hawed around it and turned it into a pretty inappropriate "issue". I'll tell you what this is really about.


What they WANTED to do was sit around gossip freely and laugh at how ridiculous they think Yolanda is for wanting to sensationalize her illness. They wanted to poke fun, laugh, roll their eyes with each other. Giggle and express how silly they thought she was to be putting it front and center. How she's not fooling anyone when she skips this that and the other. Admit that it's annoying how she's treating her illness like a publicity tour etc. etc. etc. But nooooooo! Nobody had the balls to just say it or get into a Yolanda bashing tea season in whoever's back yard instead a person here and there (until Lisa made it her crusade) would touch base on it and feel out the vibe and all they ended up doing was setting up uncomfortable and inappropriate chatter that ended up being construed as doubting her being sick at all. Then the bad vibes kept escalating cause now it's about them defending themselves, denying this that and the other and Yolanda having multiple confrontations over it that involved proving it, questioning people, losing trust, etc. etc. What we have here folks are a bunch of embarrassed women who are now on the defensive because they originally just wanted to be able to declare amongst themselves what a corny, cheesy, nuisance they thought Yolanda was/is.

  • Love 7

LVP in her caftan looked liked Elizabeth Taylor. Beautiful and elegant. 

I HATE Yo with the hate of a thousand suns but I do love her haircut.

WHY would that idiot Erika want to take not one, not two, but three flaming gay men to a country where being gay can get you imprisoned or killed? Really? You'd put some guys LIFE at risk because you can't figure out bush and eye shadow? Loser.

I meant blush and eye shadow but bush and eye shadow may be just as good.

  • Love 21

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