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S07.E01: Here We Go Again

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I'm so glad for social media! I do NOT miss those days when I had to take a photo of my kids eating a meal, take the film to the pharmacy to be developed, pick it up 3 days to a week later, then drive around to a few thousand people's houses to show them said photo!


Ahahahaha! This post gave me life. 


I could totally see Leah taking out a billboard to try and prove she's a good mom......

    .....meanwhile the 3 unstrapped kids are rolling down the hill in the car, because she forgot to put it in park while putting up her billboard. 

  • Love 12

The thing is, when this version of TM started, the storyline I was most intrigued with was Leah's, because in my real life, the disability aspect actually relates to my life. But anytime I watch now, I'm heartbroken, not just for Ali who I always will be heartbroken for, but for her siblings as well who aren't getting any adequate needs from their mother because something else takes priority over them.  It's sickening that they don't even get the bare minimum when they live with her. 


Chelsea really is my favorite and I know people will say she wasn't always like this and even a few seasons back, she was still hooking up with Adam, despite him having a girlfriend from time to time. But.. I don't know. I kind of refuse to slut shame her for that- unlike our favorite not a doctor Dr. Panda- because I feel like she was able to separate the two things Adam as a father vs Adam the boyfriend. But that's just my opinion.And I can't fault her in the first couple of seasons to thinking he was going to change and letting him back in because she was a teen and I think she assumed that they would get back together, because of Aubree, And I also think she kept going back because she didn't have revolving door of relationships going on; until she had Cole, I don't think she knew what a healthy boyfriend was. 

  • Love 13

Okay, so this is slightly OT and probably TMI, but regarding Chelsea hooking up with Adumb; when I was single and in my early 20's, if I was horny, I'd booty call my ex so my sex-partner count didn't go up. ALTHOUGH, I did not think the sun shone out of his arse and had no plans to reconcile. In fact, after the deed, I didn't even want a conversation with him and simply went home. He knew it was it was. Women have needs, too. lol

  • Love 10


Chelsea really is my favorite and I know people will say she wasn't always like this and even a few seasons back, she was still hooking up with Adam, despite him having a girlfriend from time to time. But.. I don't know. I kind of refuse to slut shame her for that- unlike our favorite not a doctor Dr. Panda- because I feel like she was able to separate the two things Adam as a father vs Adam the boyfriend. But that's just my opinion.And I can't fault her in the first couple of seasons to thinking he was going to change and letting him back in because she was a teen and I think she assumed that they would get back together, because of Aubree, And I also think she kept going back because she didn't have revolving door of relationships going on; until she had Cole, I don't think she knew what a healthy boyfriend was.

Chelsea's mistakes have always been due to immaturity (which isn't a crime in a teenager/girl in her early 20s), and that is  a much better reason to screw up than the other teen moms, who have done things out of anger, jealousy and addiction and just not caring about their kids.  We all made those kinds of mistakes in our 20s, but mine weren't on national television so I get to pretend it didn't happen.

  • Love 8

I mean, I honestly have no problem with her hooking up with Adam because I too think it was her being young and also at one point, I think she was able to separate him from being a parent, Dr. Panda made it a thing though on some special? Maybe an unseen moment special and made her uncomfortable. On both of TMS, Chelsea seems to be the only mom he goes after a lot. Like, he really doesn't like her. Or Randy. 

  • Love 8

Oh Leah, please. You can clearly hear lil Adderall saying "Mama, mama!" and gesturing for Leah to open the sugar packet. You can see Leah opening it. Why is she pissing on the audience's heads and telling them it's raining?

I know people eat ice, but I have never in my life seen someone eat a sugar packet. Especially not a baby! Is that a thing?

I really hate how Kail always involves Isaac in her and Javi's bullshit. "Isaac wants to ask you something." No Isaac doesn't. Isaac wants to be a little kid and not listen to his mother and stepfather argue.

The only people I have ever seen eat sugar like that are crackheads. I think it has to do with sugar hitting the same receptors in the brain as the crack does. Maybe little Adderall has seen her mama do the same thing. 

  • Love 5


It was totally just editing guys! Leah is the bestest mom EVER and mtv is just trying to get viewers by making it LOOK like Leah did and said all the things we saw in this episode. Geez, they must've cloned her and filmed the clone being a drug addict who can't take care of her kids to fool us all! Horrible, horrible MTV. The ~truth~ will come out!

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 7

I love this about Barb so much.  You can also substitute that with "Ya know, Janelle..." as a nice abrupt non sequitur into Babs having totally lost her temper.  

Lol, I love Barb too! I always took the oh hi Janelle as her being surprised to see her. I guess because this show is probably the longest commitment Janelle has ever made to anyone or anything in her life and Barb is used to her not showing up most of the time.  

  • Love 5


It was totally just editing guys! Leah is the bestest mom EVER and mtv is just trying to get viewers by making it LOOK like Leah did and said all the things we saw in this episode. Geez, they must've cloned her and filmed the clone being a drug addict who can't take care of her kids to fool us all! Horrible, horrible MTV. The ~truth~ will come out!

Holy shit, Leah. You've been on TV long enough to know the editors can't show things unless they happen. If you don't want people calling you out for being a shitty parent, a slob, a menace on the road and a dope fiend, don't be one. I guess the editors dubbed some other little girl's voice telling Leah she was cold, hungry, didn't trust her and Corey and Miranda fed them breakfast. Those editing monkeys! They'll do anything to make Leah look bad!

  • Love 10

This episode really made me feel for Gracie more. I mean, I felt bad for her but always thought she was bratty but now I get it, like another poster said, she is parenting her mother. That's one of the most depressing things ever. Like, really. When she was saying to her mom about how she never worries about picking them up.. Gracie seems to be the mom. I bet you when the cameras aren't there in the mornings, it's Grace getting everyone up for school; it's probably not even the half job Leah does when the cameras aren't there. 

  • Love 10

Leah is making lots of mistakes parenting her kids but I want to chime in on the sugar packet thing because honestly when my nephew was that age, he used to crack open the little half/half coffee creamers on the table and drink them.  I think it started with him playing with them and then discovering how to open it.  It was terrible table manners and drove me crazy but he was very little and I don't think it hurt anything.   Today, he's a junior in high school, varsity athlete and straight A student. 


On the breakfast at school thing - at least in our school district it's not a financial need thing - although just like lunch some families qualify for free or reduced meals but it's also open to anyone that pays.    It's great for parents that have to be at work before school actually starts too.   That same nephew I mentioned has been eating breakfast at school since middle school.  At first I thought it was just for families in need but it's not; he pays full price.  He just enjoys eating with his friends.  I think it's fine.  I used to be in a carpool where it seemed like my kids were often eating their breakfast in the car  - they were hard to get up and dawdled over their breakfast so most days the eggs and toast turned into a sandwich and they took it with them.   I would have loved to have the breakfast at school option - and so would my car back then, lol. 


So while I think Leah is completely overwhelmed, on these two issues at least, I'll cut her some slack.   I don't know how these girls do it anyway; when I was 22 my biggest responsibility in the morning was getting my butt to a 9:00 class and there were days when even that didn't always happen on time.    I can't imagine getting three small children, one with so many physical special needs, out of bed and on the road by 6:30 am.  No wonder everyone is exhausted.  I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. 


And I think Leah does to, which is why I don't understand what she was thinking when she decided to live 45 minutes away from the girlses school. Things are tough enough, why not make life a little easier for everyone and live near the school - on the bus route even?  

Edited by Cosmocrush

I think part of it was, in the back of her mind, she was hoping he'd change and complete the family ideal she had.

I think Chelsea probably did have some hope Adam would change and step up, but that's not so crazy. I had hopes my ex would step up when I was a good 15 years older. It's natural to want the people you loved to wake up and realize that being loved by you is a good thing. I'm ok with that at any age as long as you keep it in perspective. Chelsea never let Adam back into her life on a practical level and that's why I like her. Sure she may have been holding out hope that one day he'd grow up, but that hope never materialized into her letting him move in, or giving him money, or cheating on a good guy with him, or putting Aubree in danger to give Adam a chance. If the worst she did was bang her ex a few more times before she was able to move on...eh, give the girl a break. If my 20s were aired on MTV you'd see worse decisions than that.

  • Love 9

Chelsea DID let Adam move in, DID buy him things (a truck and I'm sure much more, he didn't pay for rent or anything), and she kinda did put Aubree in danger when she, on the rare times he agreed, left aubree alone with him. The whole thing only ended because he moved on to Taylor and then Chelsea DID keep randomly hooking up with him pretty much until Cole came into her life. She would still be with Adam if Adam put in even 10% effort, IMO.

  • Love 10

Leah is making lots of mistakes parenting her kids but I want to chime in on the sugar packet thing because honestly when my nephew was that age, he used to crack open the little half/half coffee creamers on the table and drink them. I think it started with him playing with them and then discovering how to open it. It was terrible table manners and drove me crazy but he was very little and I don't think it hurt anything. Today, he's a junior in high school, varsity athlete and straight A student.

On the breakfast at school thing - at least in our school district it's not a financial need thing - although just like lunch some families qualify for free or reduced meals but it's also open to anyone that pays. It's great for parents that have to be at work before school actually starts too. That same nephew I mentioned has been eating breakfast at school since middle school. At first I thought it was just for families in need but it's not; he pays full price. He just enjoys eating with his friends. I think it's fine. I used to be in a carpool where it seemed like my kids were often eating their breakfast in the car - they were hard to get up and dawdled over their breakfast so most days the eggs and toast turned into a sandwich and they took it with them. I would have loved to have the breakfast at school option - and so would my car back then, lol.

So while I think Leah is completely overwhelmed, on these two issues at least, I'll cut her some slack. I don't know how these girls do it anyway; when I was 22 my biggest responsibility in the morning was getting my butt to a 9:00 class and there were days when even that didn't always happen on time. I can't imagine getting three small children, one with so many physical special needs, out of bed and on the road by 6:30 am. No wonder everyone is exhausted. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it.

And I think Leah does to, which is why I don't understand what she was thinking when she decided to live 45 minutes away from the girlses school. Things are tough enough, why not make life a little easier for everyone and live near the school - on the bus route even?

There is a lot of common sense advice here Cosmo. But addicts are not about common sense. Leah could easily make a quick snack for breakfast but she won't because she is high or too tired from being up all night ingesting or snorting her pillses.

Also, the thing about the sugar packet, although I can relate to the coffee creamer you mentioned, Leah has DENIED DENIED DENIED she did such a thing. Her daughter NEVER ate the sugar even though Leah opened the packet. Our eyes are not to be believed. She also claims she and her daughters NEVER drink soda. She said that in response to the people who tweeted to her about those scenes. Just yesterday she gave an interview and now claims it is the editors making her look bad. Typical addict move.

As for Chelsea putting Aubree in danger, she did reprimand Adam and told him time and time again to ensure Aubree was in a safety belt and that she was not to be placed on a motorbike. Chelsea could not do anything about it since Adam would do those things without Chelsea around. There is a difference between that and how Leah cannot bother to worry about the safety of her children including the time Adderrall walked out of the house without Leah knowing until the police found her and took her home or the time she was reported for not having her kids in their car seats or strapped in.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Really late to the party, as I am watching snuggled in my blankie, I paused my DVR to get a drink right after Janelle went postal about The Roll (gosh, he looks like Nathan) crying and Jace spilling (well, Janelle, how about you give him milk or water to drink instead of red sugar water?). Anyway, on the refrigerator, the word "fuck" is spelled out with magnets. Janelle, we used to do that when we were 10. Way to go, you know Jace can read that word. What a loser. I read that Leah says to wait until episode 4, you can't revise what happens in earlier episodes. Javi is a huge crybaby.

Edited by jacksgirl
  • Love 5

Kinda late but here's my 2 cents on the broken wheelchair.

From what we've seen Leah seems to be a messy hoarder; I have an acquaintance that should be at least using a walker or possibly even a wheelchair at this point but there is no possible way she could use either of those in her grossly overhoarded house or transport them in her hoarded vehicle, she only has room to use a cane and will probably become bed ridden soon because she refuses to let anyone remove her piles of garbage.

I'm guessing the wheelchair was broken trying to maneuver around a pile of floor Cheetos and empty Lunchable boxes and since Leah doesn't want to spend time keeping wide paths clean and probably never set aside enough time in her last minute shit-show of a morning schedule to load it onto the car she was relived she didn't have to deal with it anymore and left it broken.

Doesn't explain why Corey didn't try to get the wheelchair repaired though.

Edited by pakalolo

Leah bothers me so much. Ali is constantly falling, and it's not the kind of falling a six-year-old does. It's her legs failing her, and I cannot believe the disconnect between Leah knowing that her kid has this disease and seeing this happen and just saying "oh she's falling a lot." I really think, if you compare the Leah of this episode to the Leah of almost any other season, you will see a decline in her concern over Ali's condition, and I think it's the pills. I think she loves her kids, but that's what addiction does to you. I'm wondering why Corey never got the chair fixed either. I'm waiting to hear more from his this season, because he's one of the few decent people on the show.

I'm not gonna lie, I ate sugar packets like that once in a while as a kid, but not when I was too young to open them myself. Who does Leah think she's kidding? Those kids probably had Mountain Dew in their bottles.

It's sad that Jenelle thinks she's so on track now, but she's facing charges and yelling about custody about her baby. Such quality time, leaving the children inside while you ignore them. Kaiser is going to look very unfortunate, because he looks exactly like Nathan. Poor Barb just asked how her grandson was and Jenelle went off. Maybe there's some therapy involved, or maybe she's just exhausted, but Barb didn't engage Jenelle this time. I love Barbara. I hope she doesn't get stuck with the Roll.

Javi is too scarily possessive to be deployed. What does he even have to be scared of? At least Lincoln got to go have fun instead of being stuck at home with him. Also, Lincoln is getting to be too old for his parents to be hashing out their issues in front of him.

Chelsea has always been my favorite. I think she was young and she fell for a young guy because he was cute (he looked a LOT better before the receding hairline mohawk). He ended up being a jerk, but she wanted to stay with him because she had a fantasy of having a family for her daughter. She committed completely and immediately to being a parent. I'm not sure why people rag on her for having familial support- isn't that the ideal? Dr. Drew is always going after her and defending Adam, but really I don't think he's worth defending. He was an asshole on 16 & Pregnant and he's an asshole now and he'll be an asshole from now on.

  • Love 8

Chelsea DID let Adam move in, DID buy him things (a truck and I'm sure much more, he didn't pay for rent or anything), and she kinda did put Aubree in danger when she, on the rare times he agreed, left aubree alone with him. The whole thing only ended because he moved on to Taylor and then Chelsea DID keep randomly hooking up with him pretty much until Cole came into her life. She would still be with Adam if Adam put in even 10% effort, IMO.

I bet she would break up with Cole and go back to Adam if Adam put in effort. What does she see in him? He's an asshole.

I bet she would break up with Cole and go back to Adam if Adam put in effort.


Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I don't think she would. Four years ago, three years ago, two years ago -- yeah, she might have. Those were all time periods where she claimed to be over Adam's bullshit and would never get back together with him in a million years, but we all knew that she would go crawling back, and not just for their sporadic booty calls that only ever seem to come up in the reunion shows. If he turned into the fantasy family man that Chelsea had dreamed he would be with her, she would have taken him back. Then. But now, finally, for the first time, I think she sees Adam for what he is even separate from all his deadbeat dad and crappy boyfriend stuff and she just isn't interested. At all. I think she's really finally over him.


That's not to say that if Cole weren't in the picture, Chelsea wouldn't still occasionally booty call Adam. But getting back together with him would never ever be a consideration, whereas I would readily believe that idea was still real in the back of her mind before.

  • Love 9

Did the doctors actually say that Ali's life is going to be short?  People with Titin MD can make it to 50, but granted they get it much older than Ali has.  She's the only child that they know of with it.  I would think that makes her life span up for debate.


I think Dr. Tsao, or someone, said a couple of years ago that she might live into her 40s or so.

I thought it was really cute when Ali said how much she liked Dr. Tsao. Even though his English isn't the greatest, he must have a nice way with kids, especially considering his job involves causing them discomfort.

Regarding Chelsea and Adam, first love is often difficult to get over. If Cole wasn't in the picture and Adam cleaned up his act, I could see them getting back together. Even with Kail and Jo, I see a kind of connection between them that I don't think Jo has with Vee. Cory cheated on Miranda with Leah, so it's definitely hard to break those ties.

  • Love 6

Regarding Chelsea and Adam, first love is often difficult to get over. If Cole wasn't in the picture and Adam cleaned up his act, I could see them getting back together. Even with Kail and Jo, I see a kind of connection between them that I don't think Jo has with Vee. Cory cheated on Miranda with Leah, so it's definitely hard to break those ties.

I agree. And for that period during which Chelsea had booty calls with Adumb, she didn't turn them into some deep relationship they weren't to protect her child. Aubree probably never knew her father was in the next bedroom. And I seriously doubt that Chelsea bought Adam any kind of vehicle because Randylicious would have killed her And as another poster said, if MTV had been broadcasting my teens/early 20s, they, too, would have seen worse decisions, aside from the whole teen pregnancy thing. Did not do that, but made plenty of other boy-related errors. I'm proud of her: the dimmest bulb now shines the brightest! I know that has much to do with her parents, but that's what parents are for and it doesn't mean she didn't still make mistakes.


Hope there's more Barb and Jace in the next episode and I hope that Jace is doing well. He's a sweet boy who doesn't deserve a mother like Janelle. Thank goodness he knows what side his bread is buttered on -- Barb's!. 

  • Love 2

I don't remember hearing that she actually bought it but on one of the reunions Randy said that Adam would tell Chelsea shit like he'd break up with her if she didn't buy him a truck or whatever he wanted at the time.

They were both sitting there and neither she nor Adam denied it but I don't remember her buying it, just that Adam threatened her with it.

  • Love 4

I'm very late in watching this episode since I was traveling for spring break.... So I'm sure a lot of what I want to say has already been said, but good lord I feel so bad for Leah's kids. I've always felt bad for them but seeing them sent off to school without breakfast (and presumably tardy enough that they would miss the school's breakfast) made my heart hurt. Leah couldn't have given less of a fuck about Gracie's complaints about being cold, hungry and not trusting her until Gracie mentioned Corey and Miranda. Then of course Leah springs to life to defend herself. And then little Addy shotgunning sweet n low packets.... Yikes, her poor teeth are going to rot out of her mouth. AND the twins were drinking Sprite in a later scene when Leah was driving somewhere, don't remember where but it stood out to me. No wonder these girls act like little hellions, they're sugared up out of their minds and don't have anything resembling a healthy diet. They're being set up for a lifetime of health issues. I hope they eat well at Corey and Miranda's. 


Poor Ali going downhill at 7..... That must have been so awful to hear. I hope they got the wheelchair fixed, I haven't seen it in any recent pictures but maybe she still doesn't use it around the house. 


I don't even remember anything that happened with the other 3 girls, other than Javi being an insecure jackass, because I was so fixated on Leah's poor girls.

  • Love 1

Jo is looking really slovenly these days (I'm trying to think of a nice word to use), I don't remember him looking so sloppy in previous seasons.

His hair was resembling Bob's Big Boy in a few scenes too, and just like the other men on this show, why doesn't he have a job?

I just don't understand a man not wanting to work. I come from a long line of hard working men, my husband hasn't been out of work longer than a week since he was 14 and worked with his grandpa doing construction. My son turned 30 last December, he got his first job at 15 (waving a sign at Little Ceasers) and has been working steady ever since.

He's been at his current job for 9 years and has steadily moved up in the company.

The men I know equate working and taking care of their families with being men and they're proud of it.

I just don't understand the guys on this show. Do any of them besides Corey have steady, secure non MTV jobs?

THIS.  The longest I've personally been out of work since I was 14 was 5 months when I was on maternity leave a couple of years ago and I'm pushing 40.  I have very very little respect for able bodied people who choose not to work (not including stay at home parents in this, obviously.)  To me, it just shows an absolute lack of ambition and drive which I find extremely unattractive.

  • Love 4

I think I might be done with this show, not just watching it, but also commenting here. Don't get me wrong, I love you guys, but this thing with Jenelle has been bothering me all week. I usually fast forward through her scenes and then just read about her shenanigans on this site, but I don't even have the stomach for that anymore.


As sad as it was to hear Gracie say she's hungry and cold, while Leah just rolls her eyes and continues smoking, at least Gracie knows that at some point that week, she's going to be with her dad who will take care of her, and will listen to her when she complains about Leah. He may not be able to do anything about it right away, but Gracie has some recourse. Poor Kaiser has no one. The thought of that baby in pain while his selfish irresponsible mother screams at him for bothering her, and having no one to help him is just heartbreaking. Maybe it's because my own son isn't that much younger than Kaiser is on the show, but I can't separate the two very well anymore and not only can I not watch it, I can't even stand to read about it anymore. On top of that, knowing some people in my personal life that are struggling with either infertility or a loss of a child (or both), all the sudden just knowing a piece of shit like Jenelle is out there is more than I can take. I am actively hoping one of these times she gets arrested she ends up doing real time and Kaiser gets put with a family that will actually take care of him.

  • Love 9

That's a really good point. If you think about it, poor Kaiser probably has it worse than any other child on these shows. Jace is with Barb most of the time, the girlses all have sane, responsible fathers. Although, I think Addy is with Leah more than Germy - but I also think she drops that little sugar high baby off with Germy's folks a lot. Who does Kaiser have? Barb doesn't seem to have a lot to do with him. I can't say I blame her. Clearly she loves her grandson, but I think she's afraid that if she steps in too much, she'll end up raising another kid. 


I wonder if she's still taking care of Gabriel. 


I wonder what Nathan's parents are like, and how much involvement they have with Kaiser. 

  • Love 6

Even if Jo doesn't have a traditional job, doesn't he have some side projects he's working on?  I thought he was trying to do a clothing line or something? Even if he's getting paid $50k, that's still a pretty good yearly salary (although hopefully Vee is working cause that's not so hot of a salary for only 2 people plus now a baby). 

That's a really good point. If you think about it, poor Kaiser probably has it worse than any other child on these shows. Jace is with Barb most of the time, the girlses all have sane, responsible fathers. Although, I think Addy is with Leah more than Germy - but I also think she drops that little sugar high baby off with Germy's folks a lot. Who does Kaiser have? Barb doesn't seem to have a lot to do with him. I can't say I blame her. Clearly she loves her grandson, but I think she's afraid that if she steps in too much, she'll end up raising another kid. 


I wonder if she's still taking care of Gabriel. 


I wonder what Nathan's parents are like, and how much involvement they have with Kaiser. 


Addy isn't in what I would consider an ideal situation, but at least Leah's enabling white trash family would probably still step in and pick her up if she was screaming in pain. And I think Leah's sister and mom actually care about these kids, even if they don't put their wellbeing over Leah's delicate feelings. If Kaiser hasn't seen his dad in a month, he probably also hasn't seen  his dad's family. And we know Jenelle doesn't let Barb near Kaiser much. That means the only caretakers Kaiser has besides his piece of shit mother is whatever deadbeat happens to be hanging around his house, offering to babysit in exchange for a shot at camera time and a free meal at TGI Fridays.

  • Love 3

The make a wish conversation seemed pretty obviously a separate topic than the wheelchair. Doctor said that she is going to lose strength so she should be in the wheelchair all the time. And that she is going to go downhill around 7 years old. Then, you guys may want to get in touch with make a wish now. Leah said that she'd rather wait till she's older so she can have a wish she wants, not have them make/suggest one for her (pretty sure a 5 year old can still decide something they want to do). Doctor responded that they should do it now because they only have so much time, as in she may want to, for example, go to Disneyworkd, but if you wait, she may not be able to fully enjoy it. Never realised this would be such a controversy till reading this thread lol. Especially considering the whole purpose of the organisation is to do cool things for sick kids, not assist with medical costs, so it never even crossed my mind it could be about fixing the wheel chair.

THANK YOU!!! Im only on page 5 of 7 but I reeaaallly hope that you're explaination has put and end to this nonsense. I can't believe this far down in the thread people are still adament that theDr. suggested MAW to get the wheelchair fixed and then getting aup in arms that Leah's would misuse the program for something she could afford. There are plenty of things to get disgusted with Leah for, (being a druggie, liar, neglecting her children, cheating on everyone, lazy beyond comprehension, dirty, nasty living conditions, her habit of chucking a used tampon across the room into a corner and leaving in there for days, being a sleepyhead, midnight drug runs making her kids pee their pants, her deathtrap van complete with second hand smoke, no seatbelts or carseats, and the looming fear of being buried by an avalanche of lunchboxes, playing the constant victim and poor me single mom martyr when she's had all the help and opportunities in the world and still effed it up, he inability to ever take responsibility for anything she does, her collection of imaginary diseases, her ungrateful ways towards everyone, nodding off while holding/driving children or wiping down a tanning bed, her misuse of the word bath instead of bathe, I could go on and on.) And honestly, if given the opportunity to use money she's not entitled to for stuff she can afford (or I should say, she should be able to afford, if not for the pillses) she probably would take it. But that is not the scenario that was going on in Doctor Tsao's office and I really don't understand the confusion on this.

  • Love 3

Who cares if Jo does not work. Neither does Cate, Tyler, Amber, Leah or Jenelle. Jo might be going to trade school or something similar. Kail is in school. Whatever the case may be, Jo's job is the same as everyone else on this show. Funny how the dads get pointed out while the mothers are doing the same thing: nothing but getting paid by MTV. Another thing, Jo not only loves his child, he is involved in his son's life. There is no addiction or neglect there. Jo moved to be closer to his child. Jo and Kail are trying their best to co-parent. Jo is more involved with his child than Tyler. That is pretty sad considering Jo does not have Isaac full time. Jo would love to his child in his home full time, not shipping him off to a relative's home five days a week.



If I'm not mistaken people slam Jenelle, Tyler and Amber for not working as well.  Not quite sure how that excuses Jo.  I'm sure if he was at a trade school, that would've been mentioned somewhere in his pleas to Kail to not make him pay any more child support. 

  • Love 2

I think Barb needs to have a blase attitude towards Kaiser as a means of self-preservation. I've mentioned before that I have an addict cousin who could be Jenelle's twin. Every time my aunt swore she'd never take in another baby, she got attached and caved. My aunt is now in her late 50s, has a serious heart condition and is raising THREE kids under the age of six. My cousin has a total of five, but the oldest two live with their father. I feel horribly for Kaiser but poor Barb has to draw a line somewhere.

  • Love 8

Yeah I don't blame Barb for Kaiser's lot in life- that is 100% on Jenelle and Nathan. I just can't watch it anymore.

From what I've read in various forums, you're not the only one who feels that way. It's one thing to watch trashy adult drama, but when you see innocent children being neglected and abused, all of a sudden it's not fun anymore. Even Kail pissed me off with the way she got Isaac involved in her petty power struggle with Javi. She may not be as bad as Leah or Jenelle, but she shouldn't be discussing child support, custody or her marital problems in front of her son.

  • Love 4

Dr. Panda made it a thing though on some special? Maybe an unseen moment special and made her uncomfortable. On both of TMS, Chelsea seems to be the only mom he goes after a lot. Like, he really doesn't like her. Or Randy. 


There's a surefire way to make Dr. Drew like Chelsea. All she has to do is take a lot of drugs and make horrible decisions with consequences such as prison time and CPS threatening to send the child to foster care. I would also recommend sitting on the couch for hours, days, or weeks at a time. Hell, years! If her skin actually becomes fused to the couch he'll love her almost as much as he loves Jenelle.

  • Love 7

I could be wrong, but I think there's been mention of Jo being in school. Studying what, I have no idea. I also would bet my head Chelsea never bought Adam a car because she would not have had the credit then, since she wasn't even paying her own rent, or that kind of access to her MTV bucks.


I also don't blame Barb for not taking on Kaiser. In addition to the self-preservation factor mentioned, unlike Jace, he has another parent as an option.

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I think Dr. Tsao, or someone, said a couple of years ago that she might live into her 40s or so.

This was my understanding, that Ali's life would not be long, and that she would start deteriorating quite soon, and need her wheelchair close to full time. My take on the MAW suggestion was "do it now, while she is not confined to a wheelchair full time"

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Ok I'm seriously late to the party but just a few comments 


Poor little Ali only has a few more years before she needs her power wheelchair full time and so her caring mother plans to spend that time dragging her up by her arm, not feeding her or really providing any type of care.  The scary thing is that Ali may never be able to live by herself (I don't know the intricacies of her disease) and may be reliant on Leah for years to come, even more so than her sisters.  

One of my friends is in a wheelchair so do you know what his family did?  BOUGHT A ONE STORY HOUSE.  Honestly, it's just cruel to Ali.  If she is falling over 5 times a day it really isn't safe for her to be climbing stairs, especially in the mornings or evenings when she might be tired.  That may be the reason that she was on the couch although that really just makes it so much worse. 

Plus, Ali probably needs a lot of support over the next few years as she transitions to her wheelchair and her mother is completely unequipped to help her with that.  Leah can't even provide food for crying out loud!  This is the point when they should be working on Ali's strength and mobility and we have yet to see that from either parent (although I have more faith in Corey that maybe it is happening behind the scenes). 

Can anyone see Leah taking time out from complaining/going and finding her "anxiety" dealer/texting and driving/otherwise neglecting her children to help Ali with therapy exercises?



I started thinking about how literally everything is Corey's fault and I wouldn't be surprised if any of these come up in the show/FB comments- 

Leah moved away from Corey and now lives 45mins away from school?  That darn Corey just didn't follow her (and the trash of the month) to a new place! 

Leah texts and drives?  She is so overwhelmed taking care of the girlses for 6 hours a day, three days a week that she needs to decompress by checking her phone with minors strapped in the backseat!

Leah doesn't have any food in the fridge?  I bet Corey has conspired with all the local shops to deny poor Leah any food!

Leah is overwhelmed with having to care for three girls?  Well it is all Corey's fault for impregnating her 5 years ago (because obviously the virgin Leah had nothing to do with their conception) and he probably told Germy to get her pregnant, just to make life harder! 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
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If I'm not mistaken people slam Jenelle, Tyler and Amber for not working as well. Not quite sure how that excuses Jo. I'm sure if he was at a trade school, that would've been mentioned somewhere in his pleas to Kail to not make him pay any more child support.

Jo, unlike the rest of the TM participants, does not reveal a lot of his life to social media. A lot of his life is reduced to a few minutes here and there on the show. If Jo is making money under the table or going to school, or both, it might be something he just does not want to mention on the show. We know Javi is in the military, but we have no clue what he actually does on a daily basis. He has chosen not to reveal that info. Maci's pregnancy was hidden on the last season including on the reunion and after-shows. Leah's newest dick and his kids are not being referenced (so far) and will likely remain hidden from the viewers for the season. Many things are not clear and many things are withheld either by the cast members, MTV or both. Not knowing about Jo's status is just another aspect of someone's life that we are likely not going to hear about soon. It may not be for ulterior reasons as much as it is Jo just not wanting to mention it. Or, perhaps MTV has edited it out, just as they have many other things.

The fact Kail backed off on her pursuit for more $$ means Kail is aware of his reasons. We are not privy to that info, unfortunately, but Kail is the one who knows and is ok with it.

I agree about Barb taking a stance and not taking on Kaiser. That is Jenelle and Nathan's issue. I'd be upset if she took on that child. That is not her problem.

The child abuse and neglect that is going on in this show is beyond frightening. I just cannot fathom how anyone with brains thinks Jenelle or Leah are suitable mothers. I am as fearful of them being around their kids as I am of Matt being around any female adult or child. How many chances do these twats get to make another bad choice? What the hell do they need to do before people open their eyes and stop with the pity party? Do children need to be maimed or killed in order for these two to be looked upon as the trash that they are in life and have their kids removed them?

Edited by GreatKazu
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I guess I just don't understand why we assume the worst of all of these girls, but always give Jo the benefit of the doubt.  Other than moving closer to Issac, he hasn't done anything to show that he's a super stand-up guy.   He knocked up his girlfriend without having any job to support them (that doesn't let Vee off the hook for that bit of irresponsibility) he tells his pregnant girlfriend that she either moves with him away from her entire family and support system or they're done, then he begs Kail to not go to court so they can calculate child support because "how can I take care of Issac when I can't even take care of myself??" (while he knocks up another girl.)   As far as we know, he doesn't work (he's said as much on the show) and there's been no mention of school.   I just don't understand why he continues to get the benefit of the doubt from everyone here when no one else on the show gets cut any slack whatsoever.  

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I also wonder what many of these people do all day. Chelsea and Cole work. Adam claims he works as a personal trainer. It sounds like it's very part-time at this point (5 clients), but it sounds like even he is trying to build up his customer base. Kail goes to school full-time. Javi works. Even Nathan apparently goes to school. But what do Jenelle, Leah, Jo, Gary, Amber, Tyler, Cate, etc., do all day, especially when they don't even have their kids with them? Even if they make enough from Teen Mom to rationalize not working, it would be nice to see them do something productive, like volunteer work, coach their kids in sports, and so on. Leah is wasting her life and throwing away precious time that could be used with Ali before she is completely confined to a wheelchair. If she had her shit together, she could be volunteering at the girlses school, spending quality time with them and helping out the teachers who are dealing with Ali falling numerous times a day.

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