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S06.E16: Hearing Is Believing

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I thought the side convo with David and his friend was telling.  I felt bad for David - he sounded so defeated.  I can't imagine how much it must have sucked to watch his new wife dive into her years-long bathrobe Odyssey of untested, unapproved, unbelievable alternative woo treatments and potions, not to mention living with her attitude of entitlement.

  • Love 21

In theory, I understand how upsetting it would be that Yo gets the same pay, but skips a lot of the work. But come now - just like when they were bitching that Kim got away with stuff - you can't tell me that they don't have a better time when she's not there.

So it really comes down to this, IMO - Yo (and Kim), gets paid as much as me, yet she won't show up so I can make her look bad on camera, and bring the drama.

I know that (IRL) I'm always extremely grateful when the drama queen is a no show. The environment is more relaxed, and everyone has a good time. And I don't spend my time bitching about said person's absence.

  • Love 9

Memory is a funny thing to me. Camille did look nice (plus the blown-up lips), but all the calls for her to return are puzzling to me. Post-S1 everyone thought she was a fake, sanitized version of herself who wisely quit the show after her PR apology tour worked.


To me, the woman had an almost bipolar-like pendulum swing of moustache-twirling villian to not-believable-at-all Saint Camille of Donatacci, who claimed her worst swear word was "poopy stink." Yeah... I'd only be fine with her returning if she were S1 Camille, but we all know that's never going to happen. 



The Camille nostalgia clearly illustrates just how much we dislike the group dynamics now.   Time for a change Bravo!!!   

  • Love 5

In theory, I understand how upsetting it would be that Yo gets the same pay, but skips a lot of the work. But come now - just like when they were bitching that Kim got away with stuff - you can't tell me that they don't have a better time when she's not there.

So it really comes down to this, IMO - Yo (and Kim), gets paid as much as me, yet she won't show up so I can make her look bad on camera, and bring the drama.

I know that (IRL) I'm always extremely grateful when the drama queen is a no show. The environment is more relaxed, and everyone has a good time. And I don't spend my time bitching about said person's absence.

Agreed I know Yo is a bitch eating crackers but take that up with Andy or the Bravo executives.
  • Love 5

WoeYo was supposed to burn her white bathrobe, not her bra.  Lyme-brain, again.

I was thinking the same thing!  What was she wearing, yoga clothes and a sports bra? The girls were in cocktail attire and Yo shows up in yoga pants, really?  It seems that some of the women are very familiar with that jewelry designer, I wonder if any of them were wearing his designs?  Yo should have been wearing some sort of jewelry to dress up the sweat suit she had on.

I wonder if she slept on the plane so she could recharge her batteries enough to host a bejeweled cocktail party.  She has energy for the travel and the parties but couldn't muster the energy to attend Erika's dinner party after a lunch outing, I guess Kim and Brandi can be exhausting, lol.


Erika will soon tire of giving Yo a pass for missing events because of the Lyme disease but how many times will Erika be a door mat in that regard?




  • Love 7

You've done a lot of homework and an excellent job at dissecting all of these complex relationships. I like to keep it simple in my head (the 'KISS.' approach) The bottom line is that they all dislike each other for whatever reason and want camera time so they expand on whatever minutiae they can dig up or hold onto that will do that for them.

The thing is, Erika isn't talking about a $50 piece of jewelry from Macy's, what she's talking about is a piece of jewelry that's probably valued at a quarter of a million dollars. I know that everything is relative but if we wanted to buy a ring for ourselves that had a price tag of $5,000 we would certainly not buy that without 'prior authorization' from hubby.

I think Tom's concerns about Erika buy her own jewelry are valid-this is a woman who buys a necklace that spells "Cunty" and wears it on TV. 

  • Love 21

Ha ha ha ha ha!  As good as your post saying LVP almost accused Eileen of eating a poodle!!  Hysterical.  

Eileen says that in her blog as well but doesn't own up to the fact that Lisa's feelings were hurt because of something LisaR told her Eileen said about her. I guess only Eileen's feelings count. LOL


In theory, I understand how upsetting it would be that Yo gets the same pay, but skips a lot of the work. But come now - just like when they were bitching that Kim got away with stuff - you can't tell me that they don't have a better time when she's not there.

So it really comes down to this, IMO - Yo (and Kim), gets paid as much as me, yet she won't show up so I can make her look bad on camera, and bring the drama.

I know that (IRL) I'm always extremely grateful when the drama queen is a no show. The environment is more relaxed, and everyone has a good time. And I don't spend my time bitching about said person's absence.

I don't think it is about Yolanda blowing off things as much as Yolanda trying to control everyone's narrative about any and all by using her "illness" as a means to control them, be it showing up for 10 minutes and then leaving or not showing up when she said she would, no one is allowed to comment other than by saying "Poor Yolanda, what can I do for her".

  • Love 15

I think that what Rinna and the others have been dancing around via Munchausen' s and happy/ sick selfies is that Yolanda is being paid as a full time housewife, but isn't showing up for HWs gigs. However she is well enough to do other things. It's too production based/inside-baseball to address directly though. That's why the Kim and Brandi lunch bugged her.

If Eileen needs a concrete example of why LVP asked her how "good" they were, she needs to look at this episode. LVP had felt that Eileen' s issues with her had been addressed and resolved more times than she would normally done with others. LVP wanted to be sure it was the last time it would come up. Obviously LVP's deep understanding of dogs and their bones made her as psychic about the luggage store convo as Lyme' s has apparently made Yolanda.

Exactly, Yolanda does things she wants to do. She isn't well enough for things that aren't about her.

And, that would be annoying. She's being paid like the others but picks and chooses what she will or will not film.

She should have been demoted to FoH.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 20

A quick note on Yolanda's appearance schedule.  The unedited version of Yolanda's group e-mail addressed Yolanda's film schedule.  Apparently she got a pass.  Film went she felt like it.  I do not believe she got a pass and a big paycheck.  She would be in year three of her three year contract so she probably didn't see a raise. 


I do believe after the cc'd  e-mail to Kyle played a part of Eileen's rather abrupt dropping out of LVP's event, was directed just as much at production as LVP.  I don't feel like working today.  If Yolanda doesn't have to go to Erika's, Eileen doesn't have to go to Vanderpump's.  I smell a bit of mutiny in the air. 

  • Love 13

Memory is a funny thing to me. Camille did look nice (plus the blown-up lips), but all the calls for her to return are puzzling to me. Post-S1 everyone thought she was a fake, sanitized version of herself who wisely quit the show after her PR apology tour worked.

To me, the woman had an almost bipolar-like pendulum swing of moustache-twirling villian to not-believable-at-all Saint Camille of Donatacci, who claimed her worst swear word was "poopy stink." Yeah... I'd only be fine with her returning if she were S1 Camille, but we all know that's never going to happen.

Nope, I don't want Camille back! I couldn't stand her season 1 and just because she learned to stay quiet and be boring as hell didn't change my mind about her.

  • Love 14

I can't anymore with this season.  It's so boring, so blah, so awful that not even my undying love for Eileen can get me to continue to watch. 


Is Ken under contract to appear in every scene?  I used to enjoy the doddering old fool but now I wish he'd just go away.

I thought Ken explained succinctly when he said he didn't want to have to hear about it when LVP came home.  The old guy wants ringside.  It does seem off but Yolanda drags Daisy along.



They all do this. It's the easiest and cheapest way to get in a dig.  Kim and Yo did it to LVP in S4, and she greatly resented it, since quite rightly she had a lot on her plate and couldn't make everything. For that reason, I was surprised to hear her call out Eileen, since she knows she is very busy. Not only does she have a full-time job away from this show, she has a young boy at home. Of course often they miss the things they would probably prefer to not go to, either because they don't care for the person, or the event sounds dumb. LVP had something better/more important to do than paint tiles for Gigi's apartment, and Eileen had something more important to do than LVP's event. They all get it but they use it against each other when it suits their argument. 

LVP had a zoning meeting before the city council at the precise time of the oh so boring tile painting party.  Who was not present was Yolanda's most supportive friend Kim.  After the episode aired there were copies of the City Counsel meeting's agenda.  Eileen on the other hand committed and then when she could not get what she wanted emotionally from LVP she snubbed her.  Her kid was home before she committed the first time to the rally/protest.  It makes Eileen look petty.  



I think not showing up for the march, wouldn't of been a big issue if Eileen and Lisa hadn't been in such a tense situation. Also LisaR ratted Elieen out that she a manipulator, so there is lots of bad blood brewing. Then to top it off Eileen flat out says I cant because I need a day off, it's a shity thing to say to a "friend" or even a coworker. Can you imagine telling Susan in accounting I don't want to go to your charity bbq because I want to just rest(even if it is the truth). I think it's almost social norm to make an excuse as to not hurt the other person. Maybe I'm wrong. 


I think it was a subtle Eff you to vanderpump, so I have no problem with her firing back. I

I was kind of hoping Eileen was going to say she had to look in on her good, sick friends Erika and Yolanda.  I appreciated LVP's comment, Eileen's blog just made her sound like a sarcastic, and not particularly amusing, old bat. 

  • Love 13

Eileen could've handled the bowing out of the fundraiser better.  To say she just didn't want to get up (basically) wasn't the best excuse.  The march looked pretty lame and I wasn't exactly sure how a march in Beverly Hills was supposed to effect change in and small town in Japan.


I thought it spoke volumes who showed up for the Yo trip to NYC.  Erika's there because it's her plane (why again do they always take Yo places?), Kyle's there because she loves to hang on, and probably the draw of the plane, New Girl's there because she has to catch up on filming and probably had nothing better to do, I mean, does she really even know Yolanda?


David's attitude that evening was a dead giveaway that all wasn't as it seemed.  It was also bizarre that she was wearing a fancy sweat suit.  Put on a necklace or something!


I'm glad Lisa spoke her mind and I'm glad she did it to Eileen, because she's not likely to break their confidence.  I do think it's interesting that Vanderpump has clearly cottoned on to Yo's tactic of showing up for filming only to announce that she needs to leave 1-2 hours later for another engagement.  She gets credit for filming, but it either cuts the evening short or she gets out of the bulk of the evening.


I'd be ticked too if Yo was making the same amount of money that everyone else was, especially since most of her filming has been done with one of the other women having to visit her.

  • Love 3

Eileen could've handled the bowing out of the fundraiser better.  To say she just didn't want to get up (basically) wasn't the best excuse.  The march looked pretty lame and I wasn't exactly sure how a march in Beverly Hills was supposed to effect change in and small town in Japan.


I thought it spoke volumes who showed up for the Yo trip to NYC.  Erika's there because it's her plane (why again do they always take Yo places?), Kyle's there because she loves to hang on, and probably the draw of the plane, New Girl's there because she has to catch up on filming and probably had nothing better to do, I mean, does she really even know Yolanda?


David's attitude that evening was a dead giveaway that all wasn't as it seemed.  It was also bizarre that she was wearing a fancy sweat suit.  Put on a necklace or something!


I'm glad Lisa spoke her mind and I'm glad she did it to Eileen, because she's not likely to break their confidence.  I do think it's interesting that Vanderpump has clearly cottoned on to Yo's tactic of showing up for filming only to announce that she needs to leave 1-2 hours later for another engagement.  She gets credit for filming, but it either cuts the evening short or she gets out of the bulk of the evening.


I'd be ticked too if Yo was making the same amount of money that everyone else was, especially since most of her filming has been done with one of the other women having to visit her.

On twitter, Eileen is now saying that she didn't go because "her son needed her". She is taking lessons from Yolanda on how to spin it using your children as an excuse/shield. LOL


It, the protest, wasn't just in BH, it was televised to the nation on the show, so Yes, it may have an effect on the Chinese Government, though I doubt it will, but it did get the word out to a rather large, vocal, audience.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

LVP kind of cut to the chase regarding being manipulative:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/lisa-vanderpump-i-cannot-invest-in-the  Bravo.  Part of the reason I posted the link is the great photo of the Great Pyrenees.


At one time I thought Eileen intelligent and she has this strange way of being so easily derailed.  Eileen brings up Rinna going shopping with Kim in Amsterdam and LVP's response is essentially that she was trying to get the band back together, and she certainly didn't force phony Rinna to prattle on so in Amsterdam about how much she loved Kim, and Eileen is dumbfounded. Of course it is relevant.  During the same conversation she can't understand why someone pointing out to the self-proclaimed people pleaser who is proud of it, that she is a follower is somehow off topic.  I guess what Eileen doesn't understand there are very few people who can manipulate the unwilling.  What a dope.

  • Love 18

Eileen: How the mighty have fallen!


The more they badmouth Lisa the more I like and respect her. I´m so glad that Kyle is sticking up for her and being a real friend.


Yolanda comes across like a soulless narcissist, she kept it under wraps by acting and lying for the first couple of seasons, and by manipulating everyone, but now we finally see the real Yo. She has no connection to anyone or anything, and doesn´t care, it´s all about her, what she gets, how it makes her look. She´s disgusting.


Erica is quickly becoming a Brandi 2.0 in the way she licks Yo´s a**.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 16

On twitter, Eileen is now saying that she didn't go because "her son needed her". She is taking lessons from Yolanda on how to spin it using your children as an excuse/shield. LOL

This is the kind of stuff that I find maddening.  If you didn't want to go, don't go, but this is not the excuse she gave LVP.  I'm sure Lisa would have easily accepted an explanation that had to do with children.  Don't ramp up your excuse post taping because you don't think the one you offered (which was probably the truth) was good enough.  I honestly would have respected her more had she not done that. 

  • Love 12

LVP kind of cut to the chase regarding being manipulative:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/lisa-vanderpump-i-cannot-invest-in-the  Bravo.  Part of the reason I posted the link is the great photo of the Great Pyrenees.


At one time I thought Eileen intelligent and she has this strange way of being so easily derailed.  Eileen brings up Rinna going shopping with Kim in Amsterdam and LVP's response is essentially that she was trying to get the band back together, and she certainly didn't force phony Rinna to prattle on so in Amsterdam about how much she loved Kim, and Eileen is dumbfounded. Of course it is relevant.  During the same conversation she can't understand why someone pointing out to the self-proclaimed people pleaser who is proud of it, that she is a follower is somehow off topic.  I guess what Eileen doesn't understand there are very few people who can manipulate the unwilling.  What a dope.

I love that photo and it makes me miss our GP badly.


In the link I posted earlier where LisaV talks to MM on her radio/podcast, she, Lisa, explains that she does encourage all of them to talk about/express their feeling on camera because it makes the show more interesting. Which, IMO, it does and it also keeps it real. None of these HWs that have accused Lisa of "manipulation" have ever said that she puts words in their mouths or that she tricks them into saying something they did not think/feel/or say themselves off camera, which would be manipulation. She, Lisa, is correct in that they want to blame someone else for what comes out of their mouths instead of owning it.

  • Love 14

LVP kind of cut to the chase regarding being manipulative:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/lisa-vanderpump-i-cannot-invest-in-the  Bravo.  Part of the reason I posted the link is the great photo of the Great Pyrenees.


At one time I thought Eileen intelligent and she has this strange way of being so easily derailed.  Eileen brings up Rinna going shopping with Kim in Amsterdam and LVP's response is essentially that she was trying to get the band back together, and she certainly didn't force phony Rinna to prattle on so in Amsterdam about how much she loved Kim, and Eileen is dumbfounded. Of course it is relevant.  During the same conversation she can't understand why someone pointing out to the self-proclaimed people pleaser who is proud of it, that she is a follower is somehow off topic.  I guess what Eileen doesn't understand there are very few people who can manipulate the unwilling.  What a dope.


At first I thought Eileen was just acting a ditz (or twit) when she spilled the beans at the luncheon where Erika was introduced and then again something similar in a different episode. Also her harping on and on about something she doesn't want discussed on camera made me think--ok, she is acting like a moron just for a storyline. However, now with her not understanding the logic of LVP's response to LisaR's examples of Amsterdam (Rinna brought it up so it wasn't deflection by LVP but rather it was LVP explaining her rationale--get the group together---and it worked---LisaR's I love you to Kim) all makes me think that Eileen is a dope. Her therapy style of talking use to be entertaining but now it just sound fake and manipulative. I don't even think she realizes she is being manipulative herself.

So now we have dumb and dumber to add to the casts and ex-casts nicknames of drunk and drunker


Eileen also lies. She lied about being over it (with LVP). She should have said, let's agree to disagree and move on (but she couldn't move on because she has no other storyline). Now she is lying about her kid needing her (he always "needs" her but does he really NEED her). That wasn't what she said at dinner when turning it down without giving excuses. She should have been polite yet vague and said "sorry, but I have other plans" then change the subject or ask a question....


I love how LVP laughs off the insults with Kyle (joking about spiders at Habitat for Humanity and joking about manipulating people at the Yulin March).

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 18

This is the kind of stuff that I find maddening.  If you didn't want to go, don't go, but this is not the excuse she gave LVP.  I'm sure Lisa would have easily accepted an explanation that had to do with children.  Don't ramp up your excuse post taping because you don't think the one you offered (which was probably the truth) was good enough.  I honestly would have respected her more had she not done that. 


Initially, Eileen was supposed to attend the march but she decided to back out at the last minute, because she is mad at Lisa, on camera and couldn't think fast enough to come up with a plausible excuse. Now that months and months have past, she decided to follow Yolanda's script and used her son as the excuse because she knows/sees that she came off petty both on camera and now in her blog. She is getting blasted on twitter today.

  • Love 18

The irony is that it's Eileen that has turned it into a season long storyline by being so damn butt hurt and not just letting it drop already.  Nobody would still be talking about it if she didn't keep bringing it up.

I agree. She needs to fucking let it go. The woman apologized but that's not good enough for Ashley Abbott because she wants Lisa to feel something that she actually does not feel at all. Vanderpump probably wouldn't have been asking all of those questions if Eileen hadn't brought up the affair in the first place. Lisa was a little tipsy and curious and began asking questions. She wasn't trying to hurt the girl, who should have asked her to stop during the inquisition. I like Ashley Abbott but she's a little too judgey for my tastes. 

  • Love 11

I think Yo had on some type of strapless tube bra, but the whole effect including whatever it was she was wearing was not flattering. I like the new hair, but not combed straight back like it is in her TH's.

Eileen said she'd had a long week at work and just wanted to be home with her kid and family. I get that.

<dodging tomatoes> I'm fine with pets and I even gave injections to a dying pet rat, trying to save her life. Loved all my cats growing up. Shed tears over death of afore-mentioned pet rats. But I do get tired of all the animal love over human love causes. Not everyone is into animals the way Lisa is.

I vote a big fat NO to Camille returning.

Edited by Thumper
  • Love 5

In theory, I understand how upsetting it would be that Yo gets the same pay, but skips a lot of the work. But come now - just like when they were bitching that Kim got away with stuff - you can't tell me that they don't have a better time when she's not there.

So it really comes down to this, IMO - Yo (and Kim), gets paid as much as me, yet she won't show up so I can make her look bad on camera, and bring the drama.

I know that (IRL) I'm always extremely grateful when the drama queen is a no show. The environment is more relaxed, and everyone has a good time. And I don't spend my time bitching about said person's absence.


I agree. I love it so much more when the girls are having fun and up to mischief or showing off their "jobs" and homes. I think my favorite part of this show were the early episodes of season 4 when sober Kim took them to Ojai and they basically acted like a bunch of coeds on spring break while Kim and Yoyo went to bed early. 


It would be nice if Yo just showed up for her rare appearances and then disappeared into the ether otherwise, but even when she's not around the narrative is still about her. Yolanda can't have it both ways. At this point she is holding onto her HW title by a thread and insists on making herself the martyr in the me vs them narrative that she herself invented. Either stay on full time or revert to "friend of" status.


This show is a lot more fun when the HW are traipsing around getting up to no good. Even those moments can't be enjoyed if they are constantly forced to bring up Yolanda and her everlasting absence. I'm convinced it's mainly producer involvement but I really wish the other women would stop talking about Yolanda in front of the cameras, just like I wished they would stop bringing up Brandi and Kim in the past seasons. Maybe they should apply the Carlton theory. Nobody liked her, no one filmed with her, and none of them talked about her. Eventually she faded off into HW purgatory.

  • Love 9

I wasn't all that impressed with the rooftop view at Yolanda's party, but I'm biased towards natural landscapes. I go ga-ga if I get to overlook mountains or bodies of water. Skyscrapers and concrete..eh. But I am looking forward to seeing all the money porn in Dubai next week. Not looking forward to Brandi.

Kyle looked great in that black and white dress. Last season, she ditched the caftans, toned up, and really started wearing some hot clothes. I loved the red number she wore on the yacht last year.

I even liked Eileen's little 90's flowered dress she wore in the luggage shop. I owned so many dresses like that many years and pounds ago.

Kathryn is just so ugh...I dunno how to describe her. She looks like somebody's crazy Aunt Kitty who always needs money for "cigarettes" and who you don't leave your purse around. She almost looks like Kim Basinger in 8-Mile.

  • Love 8

I think Yo had on some type of strapless tube bra, but the whole effect including whatever it was she was wearing was not flattering. I like the new hair, but not combed straight back like it is in her TH's.

Eileen said she'd had a long week at work and just wanted to be home with her kid and family. I get that.

<dodging tomatoes> I'm fine with pets and I even gave injections to a dying pet rat, trying to save her life. Loved all my cats growing up. Shed tears over death of afore-mentioned pet rats. But I do get tired of all the animal love over human love causes. Not everyone is into animals the way Lisa is.

I vote a big fat NO to Camille returning.

This is the first season that Lisa has done any event for animals (dogs), she has promoted charities for humans the other 5 seasons and she continues to be involved with many charity events, the majority of them are for people.


Eileen had already told Lisa that she would attend the march and canceled at the last minute saying she needed "a rest", she did not say it was to spend time with her family. She is only saying that her "son needed her" now, months later.

  • Love 16

First of all, if Eileen feels uncomfortable discussing how she and Vince "got together", maybe she and Vince should have "gotten together" after BOTH of them were divorced, or at least legally separated. If she's concerned about how this topic could "make her son feel", maybe Eileen should have considered how Vince's (approx. same age sons) would feel about the news their parents were splitting up because of an affair. I liked Eileen t first but she likes to point fingers but not like when they re pointed back at her. She's a hypocritical pot stirrer, accusing LVP of manipulation so when she is guilty of the same.

As for Yo, she's a self serving narcissist and as another poster stated, I too, will be FFW through the award ceremony that David and Yo bought and paid for. While I agree that her actions aren't anyone else's business, isn't that exactly what she's asked the others to do? Make her business their business? Oh wait, that's only when it benefits Yo. Yo, like Eileen, is guilty of being then"pot that called the kettle black."

  • Love 12

I can't anymore with this season.  It's so boring, so blah, so awful that not even my undying love for Eileen can get me to continue to watch. 


Is Ken under contract to appear in every scene?  I used to enjoy the doddering old fool but now I wish he'd just go away.

I hear you, it must be especially tough as a mod if you HAVE to watch this one.  Or maybe you moderate other forums so you can bail?  Ha.

This is the kind of stuff that I find maddening.  If you didn't want to go, don't go, but this is not the excuse she gave LVP.  I'm sure Lisa would have easily accepted an explanation that had to do with children.  Don't ramp up your excuse post taping because you don't think the one you offered (which was probably the truth) was good enough.  I honestly would have respected her more had she not done that. 

So 12 hours before the march when she begged off citing she just wanted a day off-her son didn't need her?  Interesting and yet another weak Eileen  moment. 

  • Love 9

As ridiculous and petty as this season has been, it's a hundred times better than last season, and the season before, with Brandi & Kim.

Yo can leave anytime as far as I'm concerned. I'm tired of hearing about Lyme, swollen brains, and how sick she is. If she's so sick and tired all the time (and I don't doubt that she is), then she doesn't need to be on a reality show.

However, I'll take 2 Yolanda's, a Rinna, an Eileen, and a Hybrid of Erika & Kathryn to keep BG & KR from ever rejoining the cast.

I'm not all that excited about Dubai, sadly, just bring on the reunion and put this season in the can.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 15

I've always felt Eileen feels she has to work this housewife gig because money is tight and or the fear of shrinking acting opportunities as she ages. She came on board with the hope that she could rise above the usual nonsense and be a voice of reason but tptb are pushing her for more plus she seems burned out with the housewife universe and the hits her life has taken lately. I'm cutting her a lot of slack and wish she could just wrap herself up in a fluffy white robe and chill for awhile.

  • Love 5

I've always felt Eileen feels she has to work this housewife gig because money is tight and or the fear of shrinking acting opportunities as she ages. She came on board with the hope that she could rise above the usual nonsense and be a voice of reason but tptb are pushing her for more plus she seems burned out with the housewife universe and the hits her life has taken lately. I'm cutting her a lot of slack and wish she could just wrap herself up in a fluffy white robe and chill for awhile.

I get that impression too.


It's also a bit strange that we rarely see Vince accompany Eileen to anything "housewives" anymore.


I also think that Eileen's lame excuse to Lisa was deliberate, she wanted to send her little "fuck you" to Lisa by using a lame one.  She was making her point.  She's an actress, if she wanted it to sound sincere it would have been very easy to do it.  "I'm so sorry, my son had something come up and he needs me that day, you'll be in my thoughts though, and good luck with a great cause!"

  • Love 3

Yo actually filmed quite a bit.  We saw her surgery, her teeth pulling, her new condo with Eileen and Rinna, her beach scene, her tete a tete with Rinna, the flashback talk with Eileen, talk with Kyle, the flight with Erika, the fights with the vimen, the meeting with Tom/Erika and My Love, the scene with her and David, the dinner she hosted at the restaurant. She went to Camille's.  She popped into Rinna's bday party and Kyle's bbq.  She tortured Lisa and Kyle with the freezing. She joined them after the Soul Cycle.  I probably even forgot a few Daisy scenes or random family stuff - oh yea - the living will scene with the kids!


I do think production made a deal with her to film when she can.  The other HWs may be pissed at her deal, but that's an issue with production. I don't think LVP really cares, I think her gripe with Yo is more about Ken.  Kyle just loves infighting and causing trouble. Rinna apparently loves petty shit.


As for Kathryn, can she climb any higher up LVP's ass while simultaneously annoying her at the same time.  I think LVP is probably annoyed that her newest ally is also loud, obnoxious and socially inept.

  • Love 2

Curious if the women have to let production, and the other women, know before filming what events they have planned.  I would assume so, so they all knew ahead of time when LisaV's protest was going to take place.  Same with all the dinners, etc.


Yo seems to think that unless any/all compassion should be directed at her - and her alone.   She makes a slight, disheveled appearance at LisaR's birthday, swooning the entire time, looking like something the cat dragged in, but her energy was electric when she and Daisy, or Erika went for her daily IV, or when she wanted to be frozen.    When Yo finally shows up to any event, the entire conversation must revolve around her, and she will once again deem who is worthy of her friendship.    Her Lyme brain can't function during stress, but it seems quick able to pinpoint each and every slight that has come her way.   The dig about Kim & Brandi being better friends "than any of these women" was very telling.   Uh ok, lets look at it another way YO.   Kim has nothing better to do beside community service and AA meetings.  Brandi only seems to be doing a once a week pod-cast, otherwise she's up for a free lunch, especially if it includes wine.    Meanwhile, the other women work at one thing or another, children, spouses.   I'm just sick of her.  Maybe her new found psychic ability will tell her that. 

  • Love 18

I am so jealous of the fabulous hotel suite they had in New York, gawd....that terrace and hot tub, to die for.


But I couldn't help but have such a creepy, awful feeling watching Yolanda and David together acting as though everything was all love and kisses and all the time they were in the midst of serious marital problems.

There was a few moments, that was quick and hard to pick up. It happened while Yolanda was outside on the terrace. Kyle was inside sitting on one side of a long couch primping herself, fixing her hair and adjusting her dress, not aware that the camera was on her. A minute later, Erika sat next to her, then Kathryn came and sat on the couch too. David had come with a glass of wine in his hand and sat at the opposite end of the couch with his friend Tom. Neither of them were in camera sight when they spoke, but the sound was picked up.


The brief interaction went like this:

David's friend, Tom: "how are you?"

David: "good"

Tom: "are you feeling better?"

David: "A little, yeah" "It's been a stretch"

Tom: "I want your life to go back to the way it was, when you first got together"

David:"How's that going to happen?"

Tom: "It's gonna happen"

David: "I don't know"


Yolanda: "David has lost his wing-man. He married a woman that was a social butterfly always out and doing and doing and then all of a sudden I got sick. I'm a shell of the woman I used to be."  So all of this toasting each other and 'love you' stuff they showed in front of their friends out on the terrace was all bullshit. David Foster didn't have the beautiful blonde on his arm to show off in public, that's why he wanted a divorce.


Next week, in Dubai..... I might just puke.


Which goes to show that David married the shell of Yolanda, not the inner core (surprise surprise). Long blonde locks gone + boobs gone = David gone.  He's such a narcissistic turd; she's much better off without him.  Then again, I'm pretty sure she didn't marry David so much for his inner core either.  Yolanda's digs for and always gets her gold.  I wonder who's next?


Speaking of Yo, am I the only one annoyed with the whistle through her teeth whenever she uses a word with an S in it?  It didn't start bothering me until this season for some reason.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 3

Ken has checked out on the season too, he doesn't defend lvp any more.


I don't 'buy' having a jewelry sale to raise money for a cause.  The overhead on diamonds is stupidly high - what is the percentage of sales that were donated? I am done with the dress up/pretend charity events. I had hoped for the HWs to do some real charity work - building a house, but then I remembered that you have a gtoup of assholes that are too busy worrying about being asshurt - that and power/hand tools don't mix.


Time is a precious thing - Had Eileen bailed out on an event over a faked illness, then was caught out shopping, eating or ? I'd much rather be told the truth, than lied to and find out about it later on.


IF I have to ask my wife about a purchase, that means its something we BOTH are going to benefit from? Otherwise, I have free fucking reign!!!!! I am master and commander of the paper in my wallet.


The one thing that bug me about this season is that I want yo to really have a health scare. Something that will knock her off her pedestal and onto her knees. I hate for thinking that way, but it's fucking irritating to hear her go on and on about illness. I have read some of the posts on this site about people dealing with their own illnesses and it makes my dislike grow even more.


I don't even feel sorry for Giggy anymore.


The two new HWs, the screecher and Ms Bi Polar, were a flop.  I can see Kathryn pulling the Sergeant Carter - "I can't hear you!!!" with her husband and I still don't know what to think about Eri-cunty Jayne. My cat hates her too.


I laugh and talk in a stupid high pitched voice while I "Pat the Puss(y)".


He looks at me like I am crazy and maybe he is right?

Speaking of Yo, am I the only one annoyed with the whistle through her teeth whenever she uses a word with an S in it?  It didn't start bothering me until this season for some reason.

She still hasn't broken in her new teeth.

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 6

Yo actually filmed quite a bit.  We saw her surgery, her teeth pulling, her new condo with Eileen and Rinna, her beach scene, her tete a tete with Rinna, the flashback talk with Eileen, talk with Kyle, the flight with Erika, the fights with the vimen, the meeting with Tom/Erika and My Love, the scene with her and David, the dinner she hosted at the restaurant. She went to Camille's.  She popped into Rinna's bday party and Kyle's bbq.  She tortured Lisa and Kyle with the freezing. She joined them after the Soul Cycle.  I probably even forgot a few Daisy scenes or random family stuff - oh yea - the living will scene with the kids!


I do think production made a deal with her to film when she can.  The other HWs may be pissed at her deal, but that's an issue with production. I don't think LVP really cares, I think her gripe with Yo is more about Ken.  Kyle just loves infighting and causing trouble. Rinna apparently loves petty shit.


As for Kathryn, can she climb any higher up LVP's ass while simultaneously annoying her at the same time.  I think LVP is probably annoyed that her newest ally is also loud, obnoxious and socially inept.

Yes, Yolanda did film a lot but she controlled the narrative every time she was on with any of the other women, be it just Erika or Eileen/LisaR or the entire group, She. Controlled. The. Narrative. They could only talk about what she wanted to talk about, which was usually her health or her definition of what being a friend is. If you asked her anything that was not full of praise towards her she would complain about her "brain fog" then leave, accuse them of not being a "real" friend or worst of all, she would call them "ignorant of those suffering from invisible illness" to shut them down each and every time. I think this is what most of them are complaining about, not her pop in leave stunts but her controlling everyone/everything.

  • Love 14

Eileen's blog is disturbing to me for two reasons. Firstly, per the editing, I didn't find the fashion in which she declined the editing particularly gracious; from what was aired, she offered a nebulous reason for her absence and by directly launching into her "you're manipulative, I don't think I'm reinventing the wheel here" salvo, she actually presentationally conflated the issues. Secondly, she's really quick to exploit Jesse as a cudgel against Lisa (guess Yo taught her well). Back when the Hamptons episode ran, Lisa was responsible for the trauma that Eileen's son was doomed to suffer over hearing about his parents' relationship origins. Now, Lisa wants to deprive him of quality time with his mom and, despite a decades-long career as a working mother herself, doesn't have any sensitivity to the demands of work-life balance.

  • Love 12

It's here!   Trash Talk re-cap




My favorite part so far? 


Lyme, Deafness, and now Cancer. We’re in minute six. This show is turning into a phone conversation with my PawPaw.


I've been tellin ya'll it's like my mother in law!!  She must be related to Ronnie's PawPaw.

Edited by tabloidlover
  • Love 11

It's here!   Trash Talk re-cap




My favorite part so far? 


I've been tellin ya'll it's like my mother in law!!  She must be related to Ronnie's PawPaw.

Thank you-I have checked a couple of times today and the best I could find was the recap of Kim's show.

  • Love 2

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