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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Plus, in this family, unlike in a lot of other highly controlling families, for the past decade and up to now the material rewards for staying on the ranch have probably looked very significant, compared to what they might gain from the literally satanic world they'd encounter outside the TTH.

That's a big reason why I've wanted the show to end. Because I think an end to the material rewards they've reaped as beneficiaries of Boob's TLC contract negotiations will provide the strongest impetus available for someone to wake up and realize that their endless little-child status is not natural or healthy. But it's hard to walk when you're in shock, too. So I expect that it'll take a while for someone to rouse from the slumber.


Thank you Churchhoney! this is exactly how I've been feeling about the cancellation! I keep feeling a little badly for being happy that the show is gone because it does seem unfair to all the kids (except Josh, obviously) that their family income is drying up over something that wasn't their fault and in 10 or so (?) cases happened before they were born. On the other hand, I really do believe that the financial incentive of the show has allowed JimBoob and She of the Missing Back Muscle far more control over the kids than just Gothard's teaching explains. Up until this point, any kid who wanted to break away not only had to deal with fears of Satanic-attacks, crazy purple-haired people, the fallout from their sub-standard education and the loss of relationships; I will bet you anything that JB pointed out (probably right before a trip to ALERT or Journey to the Heart) that breaking away would cost the family the show and cause suffering to the siblings. In a situation like that no wonder we haven't seen any escapees. I am honestly praying that without as much financial need for a united boxed -set family, someone (or someones) will start to become their own person instead of notches on their parents "look how much God loves me" list.

  • Love 16


It's really different, IMO, for the Dillard-Duggars to post a fundraising page to the world at large which doesn't even give potential donors the courtesy of explaining anything at all about what the dickens their money will be funding. Just a blind "Hey, we're gonna be missionaries! Send us money so we can do that!"


Sheesh. The arrogance and entitlement, it's staggering.

According to info from various posters here and at another site, the Dillards don't come close to qualifying for the traditional missionary criteria for their denomination. (I should say their "alleged" denomination, shouldn't I?) In other words, they were so hell-bent on getting out of town they thought they'd pack their bags and sort it out at their leisure, didn't they? (My understanding re: the criteria. derickdillard needed to finish his M.Div. Mrs. Muffin needed to have a certain number of college credit hours, which she does not have and will not be getting on the eternally PG program. I seem to believe there was also a fundraising component, but that fundraising component would be accomplished via churches in that denomination, NOT the legion of leghumpers. I'm also guessing the fundraising thing would be waived with the proof of personal funding a certain family should have after a year of being paid by -- oops, featured on multiple television and media sources),


And WORD to the "arrogance and entitlement". It's tough to see derickdillard was cut from the same bolt of cloth all along, wasn't he?

  • Love 18

It's a free country. People are free to ask for money, and people are free to choose not to give them money. The motivation behind their "mission" may be idiotic, but they've never been rude or aggressive, or lied about what they were doing. Missions, legitimate or not, don't make money, so I can't fault them for asking for funds.

I've learned that nothing makes people angrier than talking about where charitable money should go. And I understand that missions in general are controversial. But people do have the right to ask - that model has been in place for well over a hundred years.

  • Love 1

I have no problem with actual church work asking for money. That includes Jill and Derick, if that is how their lives go. He was doing missions before the show, and Jill had always expressed interest in that world, so that seems in keeping with who they are.

And the Duggar studio request is so tiny that I can't even find it. And the Amy/fiancé request was sent out to fans. This is seriously insider Duggar baseball.

So I thought hmm, how far is the media going to dig up dirt on the Duggars?

So I Googled Duggars YouTube and was provided this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkBO42gKskiIOGNqTCpgmHg/featured


On the top right hand side of the Duggar Studios YouTube page it states this:

Support this channel

Help Duggar Studios make more fresh quality content.

Every contribution is helpful, big or small.


  • Love 1

I can't see it on my phone. So out of the 25k subscribers, they need people watching on a computer to even see it. Only a few of those subscribers are watching the videos, if the views are any indication. Fundraising tells you that perhaps one in fifty supporters (and that's a SUPPORTER) will actually donate.

It's not looking good....

I've learned that nothing makes people angrier than talking about where charitable money should go. And I understand that missions in general are controversial. But people do have the right to ask - that model has been in place for well over a hundred years.

I doubt anyone who asked received any decent answers. I certainly was never going to donate, but anyone who proceeded to donate in any instance did so out of their own free will.

I doubt anyone who asked received any decent answers. I certainly was never going to donate, but anyone who proceeded to donate in any instance did so out of their own free will.

And this is what disturbs me. Most people that have any money-sense at all would not donate without more information. It hurts my sensibilities to think of who is actually donating.

  • Love 15

It's a free country. People are free to ask for money, and people are free to choose not to give them money. The motivation behind their "mission" may be idiotic, but they've never been rude or aggressive, or lied about what they were doing. Missions, legitimate or not, don't make money, so I can't fault them for asking for funds.

Just because Missions aren't supposed to make a profit doesn't mean that the funds aren't going to line the Dillards pockets.  I don't see any accountability where this money is going.

  • Love 18

Thank you Churchhoney! this is exactly how I've been feeling about the cancellation! I keep feeling a little badly for being happy that the show is gone because it does seem unfair to all the kids (except Josh, obviously) that their family income is drying up over something that wasn't their fault and in 10 or so (?) cases happened before they were born. On the other hand, I really do believe that the financial incentive of the show has allowed JimBoob and She of the Missing Back Muscle far more control over the kids than just Gothard's teaching explains. Up until this point, any kid who wanted to break away not only had to deal with fears of Satanic-attacks, crazy purple-haired people, the fallout from their sub-standard education and the loss of relationships; I will bet you anything that JB pointed out (probably right before a trip to ALERT or Journey to the Heart) that breaking away would cost the family the show and cause suffering to the siblings. In a situation like that no wonder we haven't seen any escapees. I am honestly praying that without as much financial need for a united boxed -set family, someone (or someones) will start to become their own person instead of notches on their parents "look how much God loves me" list.


Very well said.


And here's hoping.

  • Love 1

It's a free country. People are free to ask for money, and people are free to choose not to give them money. The motivation behind their "mission" may be idiotic, but they've never been rude or aggressive, or lied about what they were doing. Missions, legitimate or not, don't make money, so I can't fault them for asking for funds.


I agree that they're perfectly free to do it, and to do it in the way they've done it.


But the way they've done it raises two issues for me.


First, it strikes me as just utterly tone deaf -- a sign of their lack of people skills and empathy and their misunderstanding of how humans behave. If you're going to ask for money, it's for many reasons important to win people's trust and the first way to do that is to provide information about how you envision that money being used, what good things you see it accomplishing. A little child knows this. Not seeing the importance of that betokens a fairly high level of ignorance, stupidity or self-absorption -- or all three? -- to me.


Second, it strikes me as a likely example of the warping effect of their reality-tv fame. It seems very likely to me that they think they can just ask for money without any further explanation largely because they're used to being famous. Like the many idiots from tv shows like Big Brother and so on, they're only famous for being famous. But also like those idiots, I'll bet they've come to believe that they're famous because they're fabulous. Combine the hallucinatory ego-boosting effect of reality tv with a lifetime of Jim Bob telling you that you're God's special people and you may produce people whose first thought when they need something is not, How can I get this for myself? but, Why don't I ask somebody for it? Trouble is, being famous-for-being-famous doesn't last all that long. Even the leghumpers are going to find new legs to hump when the weekly tv show and the daily reruns are a couple of years in the past. That's shocked a lot of "famous" people before now, and I doubt the Duggar kids will be the exception.


I really hope that I'm over-interpreting again and that they're just doing the usual thing and haven't been warped out of shape by life on reality tv. They have a baby to take care of now and likely more kids soon.


But while I don't have a lot of experience with people going on missions, in the small experience I do have there's a different approach to asking for money, one that doesn't seem so entitled and so heedless of the giver's desire to know something about what's going on.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 24


that model has been in place for well over a hundred years.

There's some irony here if that's the way the Duggars see it.  Their religious faith was founded in many ways in rejecting church tradition so if they are also claiming a few decades of tradition for their practice, it's amusing to me.  100 years is relatively recent in church history. 

  • Love 13


The Duggars in what may or may not be Israel is the one episode I won't watch.

You know they already went, right? Josh also went by himself a time or two when he was with the FRC to visit the Israeli government. A Muslim woman visiting from he US brought up 'the conflict' and Jim Bob quickly bailed on the conversation. It was classic.


Edit: For clarity, they didn't visit the west bank.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 3

I will admit, I'd give almost anyone else a harder time about it, but Derick does come from a church tradition that once did do missions this way, and married into an Independent Baptist family, so yes, this is how missions are often practiced regarding fundraising. And he WAS doing missions before his appearance on the show, and that WAS a real attraction to Jill.

Now, "Seewald Family Ministries" I actually would be more cynical about. Yes, I realize that's a fine line, but I guess I do see a difference. I think Derick gave up something. I think Ben just hopes to gain something.

I could be wrong. I don't know either of them.

And I'm not contributing, anyway.

  • Love 6

First, it strikes me as just utterly tone deaf -- a sign of their lack of people skills and empathy and their misunderstanding of how humans behave. If you're going to ask for money, it's for many reasons important to win people's trust and the first way to do that is to provide information about how you envision that money being used, what good things you see it accomplishing. A little child knows this. Not seeing the importance of that betokens a fairly high level of ignorance, stupidity or self-absorption -- or all three? -- to me.


There's some irony here if that's the way the Duggars see it.  Their religious faith was founded in many ways in rejecting church tradition so if they are also claiming a few decades of tradition for their practice, it's amusing to me.  100 years is relatively recent in church history. 


So, no, I'm not bothered one whit that they're being grilled about the money in all forms of media or subjected to the legitimate questions coming from people like me (us ?)  because we deserve an answer. Are you digging wells ? Teaching crop rotation ? Establishing mini-loans for single women to become self-supporting ? Building a school ? Well sign me up, Skippy - I'm on board !


But proselytizing in a place where they don't have clean water, food, or shelter ? Giving Bibles to people who can't even read and are dressed in rags ? I'm going to ring in with a big "I can't even..." on that. 


It's hard to hear the word of Jesus when you're dying of dysentery, ya' know ???


Save a life, THEN save a soul.


Priorities, people. Priorities.


These kind of hit on my issues. Because these kids aren't particularly well educated, have very little real world experience, and have always had someone else handling their finances. If they'd asked for money to be donated to an existing missionary organization earmarked for them, I would have no issue with it at all. But as it is, nobody knows what they're trying to do, how much of their funding will go towards doing it, and whether they're capable of doing it at all. 


Non-profits are supposed to be transparent. That's a tradeoff they make in return for not having to pay taxes and tax-free donations. If they're not interested in disclosure, they should get a Kickstarter and take money from people who are donating specifically to contribute to the financial support of that nice young celebrity couple from the TV show.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 11

I agree with saving a life. But, saving a soul? Maybe they don't need or want to be saved and are quite happy with their religion they having been practicing their whole lives.


Bin and Jessa are shameful money grubbers and and anyone who gives them money needs their heads examined.

NEGirl - I made an error, a grievous one, in posting that, and take the hit, gladly. I didn't mean what I said, and what I meant was... errr...umm...


Oh, Hell - I effed up. 


I'm not interested in saving souls, nor anyone else who claims to want to do so. Most people would consider me a heathen, though I don't think I am, but I wouldn't want anyone trying to "convert" me when I'm perfectly comfortable as I am, in my place, at peace. 


I can try to clarify this all day long and never quite get it right, I know. I just meant it was more important to save the lives of those around the world who live in poverty and chaos and hunger. If the Duggars ever get around to resolving all of THAT (good luck, right ?) then they can pass out all the Bibles they want. 


Jeez, I hope I explained that right. Mea culpa. 

  • Love 8


On the top right hand side of the Duggar Studios YouTube page it states this:

Support this channel

Help Duggar Studios make more fresh quality content.

Every contribution is helpful, big or small.



 I wonder when they are going to start taking requests?  Ya know, give  a few dollars and include a note saying, " I'd like to see  all the boys under the age of 18 doing a page of age appropriate Math please"  or " I'd like to see Joy reading Little Women to  Hanna, Jenny   & Jordan."  Produce these scenes and I'll give more money!

I mean, if they are relying on people to just donate, they've gotta give people what they want, right?

  • Love 12
I will admit, I'd give almost anyone else a harder time about it, but Derick does come from a church tradition that once did do missions this way, and married into an Independent Baptist family, so yes, this is how missions are often practiced regarding fundraising. And he WAS doing missions before his appearance on the show, and that WAS a real attraction to Jill.


Yep, and this is why I'm disappointed in Derick. I'm very familiar with missions and missionaries (although I haven't been on a trip myself) and in every case I knew exactly who I was contributing to and what the mission team was doing. Maybe the supporters are getting private messages or a prayer card or something that explains things more in depth, but there's no reason not to make public the purpose of a trip and what you'll be doing once you get there. Dang, this could have been a really great opportunity to shine a light on this organization and to give people a better understanding of how missions funding works. Instead we're all questioning Jill and Derick's integrity. 


I don't understand why won't they just ask jesus for money. Jesus did give them the show


I know this is a tongue-in-cheek statement, but that is kind of how missions works. You step out in faith that if God wants you to go, He'll provide the funds through supporters. It's also a way for people who either can't or don't feel called (like moi) to take part in the mission program. By having others fund your trip, you have a serious responsibility to them and to God. It's not something to take lightly since people have put their faith in you to do the work you promised to do and to be a good steward of the funds you've been given. Which is why people get upset--rightly so--when there's a lack of transparency. 

  • Love 5

SomePitty - No offense taken or intended.  

I personally just hate when people like Jill and Derick think it is their job aka "mission" to convert people who have been quite happy with their religion. If they were building schools, homes, wells for water, donating their time as a doctor, dentist or a nurse then they would deserve all the thanks and and have every right to ask for funds to continue their work. So far it appears they are not doing to much of anything useful to help the people.

I have contributed to Doctors Without Borders, The Smile Train and Save The Children. These organizations all do wonderful work to help people all over the world.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 13

Dang, this could have been a really great opportunity to shine a light on this organization and to give people a better understanding of how missions funding works. 


And this is another thing I'm wondering about, because from what little we know (not that we have much information) the only unique qualification the Dillards have to contribute is fame. They could use it to do a lot for the group they're working with and they've apparently chosen not to. It seems like an odd choice.


Of course, I'm assuming that they had some say in how this was handled, and since it was one of Jim Bob's political connections who set up their fundraising it's entirely possible that they didn't.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 4

You know they already went, right? Josh also went by himself a time or two when he was with the FRC to visit the Israeli government. A Muslim woman visiting from he US brought up 'the conflict' and Jim Bob quickly bailed on the conversation. It was classic.

Edit: For clarity, they didn't visit the west bank.

I know they already went, Jimbob just strikes me as the kind of person who would say "There's no such thing as a Palestinian", and my blood pressure didn't need to hear that.
  • Love 10

As far as J & D and their fundraising my concern is less with their integrity and more with their naivete. Whether this sort of fundraising is steeped in tradition or not, the times they are a changing.

Transparency is needed to provide a donor with enough information to see if the mission fits with their beliefs, as well as how the monies are being used. Just because Derick has 1 year of accounting under his belt and Jill, well and uhm Jill is...  uhm kindhearted, does not mean they are well versed in the best ways to use donations.

Like SP1066 mentioned, are the donations supporting the Dillard's stay or is being used in, and for, the community? Whose to say that J & D wouldn't innocently believe that a Bugaboo stroller is a needed online purchase.

  • Love 7

 I wonder when they are going to start taking requests?  Ya know, give  a few dollars and include a note saying, " I'd like to see  all the boys under the age of 18 doing a page of age appropriate Math please"  or " I'd like to see Joy reading Little Women to  Hanna, Jenny   & Jordan."  Produce these scenes and I'll give more money!

I mean, if they are relying on people to just donate, they've gotta give people what they want, right?



 I wonder when they are going to start taking requests?  Ya know, give  a few dollars and include a note saying, " I'd like to see  all the boys under the age of 18 doing a page of age appropriate Math please"  or " I'd like to see Joy reading Little Women to  Hanna, Jenny   & Jordan."  Produce these scenes and I'll give more money!

I mean, if they are relying on people to just donate, they've gotta give people what they want, right?


Brilliant. Perfect. Bears repeating.

  • Love 6

Brilliant. Perfect. Bears repeating.

Again, spot-on, Honeycocoa and Churchhoney. I want them to put the money where their mouth is - not the mouth that spouts "neat", "awesome", "amazing", etc, etc, in reference to the most banal, mundane things that most "normal" (I use that word sparingly) people just chalk up to having a regular ole' day...


Y'all want our money now that the Gravy Train has not only left the station, it's pulled out forever and ever...? You want us to support your little YouTube channel like you're "Wayne's World" ??? 


Progress. Independence. REAL swimsuits. The girls in pants reading a book. A REAL book. The boys learning a REAL trade, not just by watching the "carpet guys" set up ONE house. (Laying carpet is HARD, you guys, and not something you learn in four hours just WATCHING while LegoHead hovers over you smiling as the carpet guys cover up every fuck-up J-Boy #7 makes...


No more breathy, little-girl-speak bullshit from Michelle. Haven't you heard that "vocal fry" is not a good thing, you twit ? 


No more gazing upwards, adoringly, at your husband. He's not God, and he's not YOUR God. Let's get that straight. 


Take care of the umpteen kids you still have at home. Give Jana, Jinger, and Joy a break and do some bath time yourselves. 


You WANTED this "garden" of precious blessing flowers, now water it your damn selves !!!

  • Love 22

Have any of you seen "unreal" on lifetime? It's a drama about behind the scenes of a "bachelor" type show. I highly recommended. Got me wondering about behind the scenes at 19k&c. There has to be a way for info to leak out! I don't want to wait for one of the lost girls to spill a decade from now. Cause you know one of them will.

  • Love 4


You WANTED this "garden" of precious blessing flowers, now water it your damn selves !!!


This points to the reason for my unhealthy obsession with the Duggars. And it's all about Jim Bob (and Michelle, probably, depending on how the power relationships actually play out there.)


They've done nothing but infantilize their children, control them to a sick degree and use them for their own neurotic purposes. And then they've handed them over to reality tv, there to be further deluded and warped as they learned, among other wrong things, that the world would give them a living because they're the lucky offspring of these two idiots. And even though I believe that JB and M had no conscious ill intention, they've done a terrible, unforgivable thing to their kids, who'll be followed by the bad consequences for their whole lives. And they just go on doing it. They never never learn.


I have irrational loathing for anyone who would do this to children, and for anyone who never stops to think or learn, especially when children are involved. I really need to just look away.

  • Love 11

I doubt anyone who asked received any decent answers. I certainly was never going to donate, but anyone who proceeded to donate in any instance did so out of their own free will.

According to Derick's blog post, donations came from people through whom god was working in order to fulfill his plan for the Dillards. Makes it sound like no one has free will.

  • Love 5

I've learned that nothing makes people angrier than talking about where charitable money should go. And I understand that missions in general are controversial. But people do have the right to ask - that model has been in place for well over a hundred years.


I think what makes people the angriest is where tax dollars should go, with charitable donations a distant second.

  • Love 6

I can't see it on my phone. So out of the 25k subscribers, they need people watching on a computer to even see it. Only a few of those subscribers are watching the videos, if the views are any indication. Fundraising tells you that perhaps one in fifty supporters (and that's a SUPPORTER) will actually donate.

It's not looking good....


On my MacBook Pro, there's nothing about subscribing or paying anything at all, although I have AdBlock which might be considering the "Gib us your dollars..." message as an ad. ?? And there's a tab or whatever labeled Merch, but if you click it, you get asked for a password. ?? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find them selling things online in the very near future.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 3

Just because Missions aren't supposed to make a profit doesn't mean that the funds aren't going to line the Dillards pockets.  I don't see any accountability where this money is going.


Exactly right. No, missions are certainly not supposed to be profit-making excursions for missionaries, but let's say this happens. For argument's sake, Derrick and Jill receive $100K in lunkhead, leghumper contributions for this 2015 mission trip to Honduras, but end up needing only $10K for living expenses for six months of work - and they return to AK after their stint is over. What do we think would happen to the excess funds? Not that we'd ever know what the total turned out to be or that there WERE excess funds. I think it's abundantly clear that the $$ would stay in a Dillard or Duggar account to future use. This is why I don't have one iota of concern about post-cancellation hard times for the Duggars. I think there is much more $$ there than any of us would reasonably guess right now.

  • Love 11

Exactly right. No, missions are certainly not supposed to be profit-making excursions for missionaries, but let's say this happens. For argument's sake, Derrick and Jill receive $100K in lunkhead, leghumper contributions for this 2015 mission trip to Honduras, but end up needing only $10K for living expenses for six months of work - and they return to AK after their stint is over. What do we think would happen to the excess funds? Not that we'd ever know what the total turned out to be or that there WERE excess funds. I think it's abundantly clear that the $$ would stay in a Dillard or Duggar account to future use. This is why I don't have one iota of concern about post-cancellation hard times for the Duggars. I think there is much more $$ there than any of us would reasonably guess right now.


This is the Huckabee PAC model of fundraising. :  )

  • Love 4

PAC money buys you influence. The Duggars have none.


Yeah, I know.(And thank goodness!)  I was just referring to the "10 percent (if that) for the cause, and 90 percent for me and my personal purposes" aspect, of which Huck has been one of the (kinda numerous) practitioners.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

It's all the candidates' model of fundraising. It's why there are 16 declared presidential candidates, most of whom don't have a prayer. They say outrageous things, gather up the hate money, and then drop out. I'm wondering if that will be JimBob's next move.


Yep. Hard to argue with that when it comes to our many presidential hopefuls.


Interesting thought that JB might follow the model and try to make a one-time grab of what money he can from the currently outraged fans then return to life as a background player ... I kind of doubt it, though, since I think he wants the fame too much!


Anyway, interesting to speculate on how the Duggar money-making machine will develop as time goes on. They're certainly going to accumulate more young kids in the next generation, and that will put the pressure on somebody. Don't know how much pressure JB will actually feel to help support the new little ones. But if they do grow up in a money scramble, it's going to be largely his fault, I'd say.

  • Love 3

Yep. Hard to argue with that when it comes to our many presidential hopefuls.


Interesting thought that JB might follow the model and try to make a one-time grab of what money he can from the currently outraged fans then return to life as a background player ... I kind of doubt it, though, since I think he wants the fame too much!


Anyway, interesting to speculate on how the Duggar money-making machine will develop as time goes on. They're certainly going to accumulate more young kids in the next generation, and that will put the pressure on somebody. Don't know how much pressure JB will actually feel to help support the new little ones. But if they do grow up in a money scramble, it's going to be largely his fault, I'd say.

He is probably still looking for a media gig.


Their homes must be paid off. They have rental units and a cell tower. They still get speaking gigs. Dillards made out the best imo. They got the wedding and baby special and all the covers, now have a tax free income stream.


As for JB helping his kids: What a conundrum for him. He either keeps ponying up to maintain that barbed wire fence around his kids and he keeps control or, he keeps his pile of gold.

  • Love 3

VERY graphic. These types of articles disturb me a great deal. There is absolutely no reason other than financial gain to drudge up old & resolved horrific stories and try and make a connection where there is none, and there is none. There are more innocent people in the Duggar family than not. That production editor criminal creep also has innocent family members. Stuff like that goes way beyond too far.


I so regret clicking the link, for so many reasons.

  • Love 10

They had no problem with tabloids making tenous scurilous connections about others as long as the stories about them (Duggars) were favorable and the Duggars were very proud to outright accuse innocent people of hideous and graphic things when it benefitted them.   Many of the people he Duggars denigrated had innocent children of their own, and some were innocent children themselves. 


As for the little innocent Duggars, it's the parents' responsibility to protect them and that includes not putting them on TV and selling stories about them to clickbait tabloids when their own homegrown molester was still running loose.  No sympathy for the Duggars.  Karma's a bitch, even a bigger bitch than Jessa.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 17

They had no problem with tabloids making tenous scurilous connections about others as long as the stories about them (Duggars) were favorable and the Duggars were very proud to outright accuse innocent people of hideous and graphic things when it benefitted them. Many of the people he Duggars denigrated had innocent children of their own, and some were innocent children themselves.

As for the little innocent Duggars, it's the parents' responsibility to protect them and that includes not putting them on TV and selling stories about them to clickbait tabloids when their own homegrown molester was still running loose. No sympathy for the Duggars. Karma's a bitch, even a bigger bitch than Jessa.

Hell would freeze over before the Duggars of ever used the language in that "article", and I think at best it can only be inferred that the family never mentioned having any problems with tabloids in general.

I think nearly everyone has a duty of care in some way to children.

  • Love 2


19 kids and counting crew member arrested for child pornography

Edit: sorry, didn't see something similar posted earlier, however, this article doesn't have disgusting pictures.

Edited by starlightlost
Radar Online carried this story in 2011, when they used it as a hit piece on Jon and Kate Gosselin. It's beneath shabby for them to revisit it as a Duggar story without noting that they knew all about it before the Josh news came out when they were still fluffing the Duggar family. Not that I expect better from Radar Online, but I thought In Touch were attempting to be the journalists in this scenario. Edited by Julia
  • Love 4

I don't approve of making tenuous connections like that but my care factor is somewhere near zero.  That article takes it too far though. 

For those who haven't clicked, please don't.  It contains graphic descriptions of child pornography that made me sick to my stomach.  

Thank you for warning people, I wish I had had someone warn me before I clicked on the radaronline article. I didn't read but a few sentences and I was so sickened I quickly shut my computer down. 

Huge trigger warning, far too graphic.

thank you for the warning, I wish I read yours and another post  also warning people before I did click the link. 


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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