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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Would that include those in prison?

True story: my mother wrote an article about me and some medical complications I had as a teenager for a church magazine. The magazine included my photo. I DID get quite a few letters from young men (ewwww) and more than a few were from men in prison.

I can only imagine what the Duggar girls get. (Or what Jim Bob gets, addressed to them.)

Who Will Be The Next Duggar to Marry? The Family Weighs In. Supposedly applications have been pouring in for John David ever since he joked about looking for a wife at Jill's wedding rehearsal, but I'm going to need to see the receipts on that one...

Bahahaha, yeah right. John David, the slack jawed yokel. He's a few fries short of a Happy meal and sporting a beer belly.

What a catch.

  • Love 3

If I were the right age, I'd go for Josiah. I'm not sure he'd go for me though. I'd have to pretend to follow their beliefs before they'd ever let me near him, and then once married I'd do everything I could to get him to follow his own path, whatever that may be. He's not respected in that family, and I'd love to see him get some support and encouragement to break out of his shell.[/url]

I don't think it would be that hard to get accepted by Jim Boob and Mechelle to court one of their kids. Wear fundie-approved clothing, rattle off the same canned lines about purity and modesty and wanting to save your first kiss for marriage. Maybe compliment Jim Boob and Mechelle some and inflate their already big egos. Say you have no debt, and that you plan to have "as many kids as God blesses you with."

I think you could "fake" your way into the Duggar's acceptance pretty easily.

As far as one of the young adults going for anyone in general, I think most of them would go for just about anyone as long as they were approved by Daddy and good-looking. They haven't been allowed to have so much as a normal teen crush or ever show feelings for members of the opposite sex until they're courting, and for the girls being married and having babies is the ultimate fundie/Gothard goal.

Edited by heckyeahheartland
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It's making JimChelle look like bad parents when hey have 17 kids living at home doing nothing waiting to get married. Especially the girls. All of these courtships are going to get boring

I don't think it would be that hard to get accepted by Jim Boob and Mechelle to court one of their kids. Wear fundie-approved clothing, rattle off the same canned lines about purity and modesty and wanting to save your first kiss for marriage. Maybe compliment Jim Boob and Mechelle some and inflate their already big egos. Say you have no debt, and that you plan to have "as many kids as God blesses you with."

I think you could "fake" your way into the Duggar's acceptance pretty easily.

As far as one of the young adults going for anyone in general, I think most of them would go for just about anyone as long as they were approved by Daddy and good-looking. They haven't been allowed to have so much as a normal teen crush or ever show feelings for members of the opposite sex until they're courting, and for the girls being married and having babies is the ultimate fundie/Gothard goal.

I don't think JB realize how easy it is to court a duggar. Just play along with the game. Once you get pass daddy, convince the girl to get engaged which is easy anyway they don't know love from lust/crush say the right things, and you'll be married in less than 6 months to a year.

Again JimChelle shouldn't be against anything when they themselves have made the choice to have 19 kids

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I don't know how easy it would be to fake it. I'm sure JB looks up what church the boy (I almost wrote man but Bin is a boy to me) belongs to, who his parents are, how likely is it that they will tow the line. Sure, the boy can pull the wool over JB's eyes as far as how he's going to behave around the girl or that he won't get into debt, but I don't think a virtual stranger is going to get in without JB checking him out thoroughly. It's all about control...

  • Love 2

There is no way Ben would have been invited to "church" if his parents weren't long time Vision Forum members. They may not have known the Duggars personally, but I'm betting that despite the FB post about Ben liking her "from the show" the families' paths have crossed or they were only one degree of separation from each other.

Edited by GEML
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Again JimChelle shouldn't be against anything when they themselves have made the choice to have 19 kids

The thing that I find funny about people who have extreme political beliefs (towards one side or the other) is that they often fail to see the flaws in their logic. The same people who rant and rave about abortion killing babies are the same ones who rant and rave about all the single moms on welfare and EBT sucking the American taxpayers dry. You can have a belief system without being judgmental assholes about it. The Duggars fail miserably in this aspect.

  • Love 3

I had to share this.


No, you really didn't.  I could have gone happily through my life without seeing that.  ; )


At least they're having "normal" fun.  As long as it isn't an attempt at a professional music video, it's just kids messing around.  That's a good thing.

Please, no shade thrown at ME, but I think it's a really cute video. I'll bet that the kids thought of doing it, planned it out and then made the video. Now that is something normal kids would enjoy doing IMO!
  • Love 5

The safety violations in that video would give OSHA months of litigation possibilities. Namely, having four children standing, unsecured, in the back of a moving vehicle driving along an unpaved road. What could possibly go wrong?

Ok. The song is very country bumpkin, Jesus freak chic. I thought Lawson actually had talent. But, then I remembered how low the bar is set in fundy circles. He can yodel...I don't know why you'd want to, but he can. But, the song (lyrics and melody) are amateur. The video makes no sense.

But, let's see if there's any repercussions for the on camera safety issues?

  • Love 2

Bahahaha, yeah right. John David, the slack jawed yokel. He's a few fries short of a Happy meal and sporting a beer belly.

What a catch.

I laughed.


I'm starting to think the Duggars are some sort of parody. They're becoming ridiculous now. Constant selfies? Kissing selfies? (This is the kids - I won't go into the parents' long-standing talk of their sex life.) It's the exact opposite of modesty. They just want attention for being godly, while not being godly at all. I'm sure it's a big practical joke.

  • Love 4

Oh come on, I thought the video was cute. But then, I'm partial to that genre of music and I thought the kids showed their fun side in that "performance" and had fun goofing around. Jason Duggar in his red skinny jeans -- what a hoot!

As a side note, my brother has won numerous amateur yodeling contests and performs in a country ensemble in the PNW -- true story!

  • Love 2

Oddly enough, the sound of yodeling has always made me unreasonably happy (despite not having been raised around anything resembling that sort of music). Then again, I love things like barbershop quartets as well. Evidently I was off, distracted by something else in my ADD way when they were handing out musical taste, because mine does not seem to fit the standard.


Which kids are those on the video, BTW? I don't really know most of my Bates/Duggars by sight. And does the kid with the accordion really play? Granted, it was all dubbed in later, and out of sync to boot, but while I was hearing various runs going on, his fingers did not seem to be doing anything at all.

The picture of Bin and Jessa doesn't really gross me out because a) they're newlyweds and b) it's pretty common for kids in their age group to "overshare" on social media. The picture of Boob and Michelle however, that one just skeeves me out. Probably because all of their creepy PDA skeeves me out. And the group kiss? Yeah, I could have done without that. I can't imagine kissing Mr. Bitter Apple with my brother two feet away. Gross. The Duggars are slowly crossing into pervy territory.

  • Love 9

If you're obviously pretending to sing, and doing it badly, I might add, AND obviously not playing instruments, what's the point of this video?

The kid's video about waking up in the morning was better... at least it showed some imagination, and skills with the photography.

It's one thing to "play around" at home with a camera, and "ham it up" with the family, but another to post it.  Just my opinion, folks.

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Such a load of hypocrisy!!! We can't see Michelle's knees or Jim Bob's friggin legs, but we can watch every couple in the Duggar Family make out? The kids can't wear normal swim wear. But, we can have multiple pictures capturing these couples in an intimate embrace. I'm not even buying the "precious and sacred" line anymore. If kissing, not even sex, is so sacred and necessitates chaperones to prevent because it could stir up "righteous desires that can't by fulfilled", how does it get a pass for distribution after marriage. Just because the kissing couple is married doesn't mean some teenager or young adultwouldn't find it arousing. These people invented a God damned code word to avoid the boys seeing cleavage and thighs on people. I'm guessing some of those modestly dressed females were married. By Duggar logic, marriage changes a kiss from sexual to God pleasing with the vows. Why doesn't it change skirt length. The chick wearing a mini skirt might be pleasing her husband in the same way that Michelle's willingness to be groped and fondled in public pleases Jim Bob. Anyone can make the husband a sandwich, after all; not everyone can righteously be his eye candy and show off some inspirational cleavage. Modesty my ass.

  • Love 13

Oh come on, I thought the video was cute. But then, I'm partial to that genre of music and I thought the kids showed their fun side in that "performance" and had fun goofing around. Jason Duggar in his red skinny jeans -- what a hoot!

As a side note, my brother has won numerous amateur yodeling contests and performs in a country ensemble in the PNW -- true story!

You are totally within your rights to love yodelling and think the video is neat. I'm glad it makes you smile and your brother is obviously talented. If you read my comment again, I wasn't insulting yodeling (I know it's hard!). I'm saying that the song was poorly written and Lawson isn't as talented as I thought, after all the hype.

Now, had Lawson been allowed to do develop his school outside the home, as your brother did, he may be where your brother is. Sadly, Lawson has to turn to the Duggars and his siblings for production because he is not allowed to go outside that bubble. :(

You are totally within your rights to love yodelling and think the video is neat. I'm glad it makes you smile and your brother is obviously talented. If you read my comment again, I wasn't insulting yodeling (I know it's hard!). I'm saying that the song was poorly written and Lawson isn't as talented as I thought, after all the hype.

Now, had Lawson been allowed to do develop his school outside the home, as your brother did, he may be where your brother is. Sadly, Lawson has to turn to the Duggars and his siblings for production because he is not allowed to go outside that bubble. :(

I didn't take it that you were insulting yodeling and I wasn't offended by anything you or anyone commented about -- it's all good. :)

Regarding Lawson, he isn't even in the video is he? I'd have to watch again, just to be sure, but I think he's a bit older than these boys. Unless you're saying he's the one singing the song and not appearing in the video. TBH, that thought never occurred to me until now and I have no idea if he's the one singing or not. I thought the kids were goofing around and thought the whole thing pretty cute. Still do.

  • Love 1

The silly, poorly produced "music video" is probably the most normal thing the Duggars have done this month! :)

I have middle school aged cousins and they're always making silly videos like this. I agree it's a perfectly normal thing to do. I thought the video was cute; and who approved those skinny jeans that Jason was wearing?! 

Edited by BitterApple
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The picture of Bin and Jessa doesn't really gross me out because a) they're newlyweds and b) it's pretty common for kids in their age group to "overshare" on social media. The picture of Boob and Michelle however, that one just skeeves me out. Probably because all of their creepy PDA skeeves me out. And the group kiss? Yeah, I could have done without that. I can't imagine kissing Mr. Bitter Apple with my brother two feet away. Gross. The Duggars are slowly crossing into pervy territory.

I totally agree, but slowly?  I think they've been there a while.  We get it.  You are married and can kiss and have sex.  Get over it!

  • Love 1

They're totally missing the point. You don't get to be the priory of modesty, then have a daughter post a shockingly intimate pic of herself. Just being married doesn't make a kiss or the shape of someone's body less erotic or desirable. They're so unbearably thick . No one is in arms or making a fuss because they're kissing. People are reacting because it's hypocritical, inappropriate, and a little too intimate. NiKE!!!!! They're the NIKE!

  • Love 7

Has everyone seen the Josie-sings-the Star-Spangled-Banner video? I admit I was pretty surprised. 

I just looked it up on YouTube, and wow, she was pretty darn good. She was able to stay on pitch the whole time, which is hard when singing the national anthem. Musical talent is a wonderful thing to have, hopefully her interests aren't squashed by her dream killer parents.

  • Love 3

Nike is the Duggar Family's word for alerting the boys to avert their gaze, lest they be defrauded.  Yes, they actually call out Nike.



The thing I don't get is, why is it "Nike" for the boys but not the girls? And why/how do the girls judge such a thing? How old are the girls when they start this?

Edited by ginger90
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As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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