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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Reasons = $$$$ and the TLC contract. TLC and Jimbob know there are still tons of fans who defend the Duggars, so if they can squeeze another dime out of this, while positioning the family as shocked and victimized, distancing themselves from Josh, but showing enough grace to forgive him, then the parade begins. This will test the waters to see if there's enough interest in continuing on with Jill and Jessa - if viewers will watch, and if advertisers will come back on board. It also shows the innocence of the rest of the Duggars (excluding Josh) to keep them relevant on the church speaking circuit and courtship market.


Until there's another scandal. And I'd almost bet my house there will be. One has to wonder how the Duggars will spin that one. And one also has to wonder what will happen to the programming exec at TLC/Discovery who basically staked her career on this "comeback".

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 4

Sweet baby Jesus, that's mesmerizing. I can't look away. She looks like a chicken.

IMHO, YMMV. Again. Let's just say someone very close to us is a drug and alcohol counselor.


Ladies and gentlemen, here's your next Duggar scandal. And this one will be a huge payday, too. She'll get a book and most likely a TV series out of it.

  • Love 3

A different website is reporting 2.220 viewers/.77 share for the first "Counting On" crap fest.

Or animatronic.

Those numbers, to me, seem huge. Especially for a TLC show. I'm not saying those figures are wrong, just surprised.

zap2it reports the ages 18-49 numbers at 981 or a .4. I think that's one of the most desirable demographics. And that looks strong and could tie in well with the 2.220.


  • Love 1

Here's the top 10 of 100 from  http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/12/15/sunday-cable-ratings-dec-13-2015/


Top 100 cable shows (including ties) among adults 18-49 for Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015

Show Net Time Viewers (000s) 18-49 rating
SUNDAY MOVIE FAM 6:45 PM 2529 1.0
FAMILY GUY ADSM 10:30 PM 1916 0.9
SUNDAY MOVIE FAM 4:30 PM 2085 0.9
SUNDAY MOVIE FAM 9:00 PM 2080 0.9
RICK & MORTY ADSM 11:30 PM 1461 0.8
NFL COUNTDOWN           L ESPN 11:00 AM 1630 0.7

  • Love 2

Weed out the hate watchers, scandal rubberneckers, and those who are stunningly bored and channel surfing through a December Sunday night...is the remaining number sustainable for a series? Especially given how few paid advertisers they have?

I'd be surprised. I had a job not too long ago where agencies used to pitch media buys to me for consideration...and unless the product I'm selling is faux gold copies of the Gothard bible, I wouldn't touch this with a ten-foot pole.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 2

Weed out the hate watchers, scandal rubberneckers, and those who are stunningly bored and channel surfing through a December Sunday night...is the remaining number sustainable for a series? Especially given how few paid advertisers they have?

I'd be surprised. I had a job not too long ago where agencies used to pitch media buys to me for consideration...and unless the product I'm selling is faux gold copies of the Gothard bible, I wouldn't touch this with a ten-foot pole.


Well, Homeland's a series, and it got 1.8 million viewers on Sunday. Maybe that was a repeat or something; I don't know. Nevertheless, scripted series are more expensive to produce. And TLC seems to have done well with Duggar reruns in the past, so that'd be more money. This may just be my fear-of-Duggar-continuance talking, but I think they may pull this off. Sickening, if so.

  • Love 1

Well, Homeland's a series, and it got 1.8 million viewers on Sunday. Maybe that was a repeat or something; I don't know. Nevertheless, scripted series are more expensive to produce. And TLC seems to have done well with Duggar reruns in the past, so that'd be more money. This may just be my fear-of-Duggar-continuance talking, but I think they may pull this off. Sickening, if so.

I agree with you about a big draw for TLC is how well the Duggars do in repeats and marathons. Their similar to the Kardashians in that way (and other ways too) that TLC can just run the shows over and over again and expect a certain viewership. Right now Cake Boss repeats seem to be filling that void for TLC.
  • Love 1

I think their continued pollution of People (a magazine I'm now ashamed I ever read) was always an indicator they still had a following. I imagine those who see them as victims and martyrs to the evil _____ agenda will still stay around, and any attention will slowly fade, as it did with Duck Dynasty, probably not as fast as with Duck Dynasty, because at least with the Duggars there's a little more (unintentional) complex psychological material to watch and it's not all posers with hipster beards and dead/crazy eyes. 


I think the only reason TLC well and truly dumped that Boo Boo clan was that the ratings had crashed.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 8

Well, Homeland's a series, and it got 1.8 million viewers on Sunday. Maybe that was a repeat or something; I don't know. Nevertheless, scripted series are more expensive to produce. And TLC seems to have done well with Duggar reruns in the past, so that'd be more money. This may just be my fear-of-Duggar-continuance talking, but I think they may pull this off. Sickening, if so.


They might, but I think it's a BIG might. And I really don't think it can be sustained for more than a year. Jill, Jessa et al simply can't handle it. TLC is already having sponsor troubles and there are now a whole lot of people who know the Duggars are not what they claimed to be. They may watch for a while, but the truth will eventually dawn on them. That's what I hope for, anyway.

  • Love 8

They might, but I think it's a BIG might. And I really don't think it can be sustained for more than a year. Jill, Jessa et al simply can't handle it. TLC is already having sponsor troubles and there are now a whole lot of people who know the Duggars are not what they claimed to be. They may watch for a while, but the truth will eventually dawn on them. That's what I hope for, anyway.

But they will also to be able to finagle other stories; Jessa is Jinger's wedding planner, Jill gives birth to 2nd child in Guatemala, Jessa is Joy's wedding planner, Jessa hires Josie as envelope licker, Jill moves home and delivers her own baby and Jessa's baby at the same time ...

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 17

They might, but I think it's a BIG might. And I really don't think it can be sustained for more than a year. Jill, Jessa et al simply can't handle it. TLC is already having sponsor troubles and there are now a whole lot of people who know the Duggars are not what they claimed to be. They may watch for a while, but the truth will eventually dawn on them. That's what I hope for, anyway.


Yeah, I'm with you on the "can't really last" part. It's just too boring. I do think that they may actually get a first series though. TLC seems just that determined. Or desperate. Or something. damn and blast. I hope you're right.

  • Love 6

But they will also to be able to finagle other stories; Jessa is Jinger's wedding planner, Jill gives birth to 2nd child in Guatemala, Jessa is Joy's wedding planner, Jessa hires Josie as envelope licker, Jill moves home and delivers her own baby and Jessa's baby at the same time ...

OMG - You guys are cracking me up!  Too effin funny!!  Thanks for the bust-out-loud laugh...I needed that.  :) 

  • Love 4

I can see why the first episode was all about how Josh fucked them over, they didn't want to be accused of sweeping it under the rug and ignoring serious issues. Now they got it over and done with, they'll ignore the subject and his existence completely and sweep it into the dusty corners of their minds. I assume no one but Anna will be seen talking about Josh while weeping with a quivering chin. Scott Enlow, aka Mr Courtney Enlow, better deliver something actually entertaining in the next two episodes.

I wonder if there was some sort of coup that toppled Sean Overbeeke.

  • Love 2

No legitimate adoption agency would approve them. It's all talk. They need to be vetted by a social worker, health histories, including psychological, investigated. And does MEchelle realize they don't just hand you a newborn baby? Most, especially in cases of international adoption are over a year old. The only way it's going to happen is if they find someone privately or somehow pass a home and psychological evaluation and adopt internationally, and that likely would be a child with special needs. They are not parenting the kids they have. I can't see them properly caring for a special needs child. These two just the more narcissistic people I have ever seen.

  • Love 17

No legitimate adoption agency would approve them. It's all talk. They need to be vetted by a social worker, health histories, including psychological, investigated. And does MEchelle realize they don't just hand you a newborn baby? Most, especially in cases of international adoption are over a year old. The only way it's going to happen is if they find someone privately or somehow pass a home and psychological evaluation and adopt internationally, and that likely would be a child with special needs. They are not parenting the kids they have. I can't see them properly caring for a special needs child. These two just the more narcissistic people I have ever seen.

Exactly. If they really have made any actual inquiries about adopting, they would've been told they have no chance in hell. I doubt they'd even meet the requirements for an "undesirable" special needs child, Michelle flakes out on parenting her regular needs children.
  • Love 4

What would amuse me is to see someone at TLC run with this idea, giving them all sorts of encouragement as to how filming the process would make for a wonderful TV show...and then watch as their child-raising methods are scrutinized and all the failings brought to light.


I will never happen for a variety of reasons, but it's a show I would tune in to :)

  • Love 7


“Michelle says she doesn’t care if they adopt a boy or a girl, or what ethnicity the child is,

Any color, as long as it's white!



“They’re a desperate family,” a source revealed, “who want to stay in the spotlight.”

That's the truest part of the article. Maybe they can disown Josh, then bring in Josh II - and still say they have 19 kids.


Not to mention, they'd be over 50 by the time this thing goes through. No way in hell they'd get an infant or young child.

  • Love 8

Oh, my! A blind item reveal. Whoops!




September 7, 2015

This in the news former reality star from an A list reality family has bailed on his rehab and was spotted at a hotel with a blonde woman. This should be good.

Josh Duggar

 Wait till she revels she's knocked up! Wasn't that like a week after he got to rehab? Jesus, Run Anna, Run!!!

TLC would be better off to follow a few families that have recently adopted, or a family that has adopted multiple children. Have enough families that ONE doesn't control the filming. They could also start a series of missionaries. REAL missionaries, not missioncation. I would advise them to follow several groups in different areas, again, to make sure one family doesn't control filming. Never use the Duggar editing production crew again. Snooze.

  • Love 4

New article on Anna with the extended TLC CLIP




She is sounding way, way, way too Michelle-like for me

Was that filmed in the girls room, with what looked like an extra rack of clothes?

The video is locking my phone, but the quote Huffpo used is definitely scripted from the Boob playbook. All Christians are not betrayed by the actions of one asshole, which is what she claims. Smuggar merely showed that their beliefs are not foolproof. I said ages ago that he looked like he was going through the motions. Poor Anna is doing what a Gothard wife has to in order to save face. Remember, in their world, what he did is all her fault.


  • Love 5

NO.  Just no.  Parent the kids you have, assholes.


But that's like haaaaaard.  So they're just going to go buy a baby now.  Because, you know, that means they'll get their own special on TLC.  Some women cry "pregnancy" to trap a man, these people cry "adoption" to trap a network.  What other contrived bullshit can they try, once they find out that most credible agencies will not allow them to just waltz into a nursery and pick out the (undoubtedly white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed) baby their heart desires? Or do they flip the script and adopt a little person baby and thus help TLC up the stakes in their Little People Programming War with Lifetime?  Will they go the Roloff route and start "planning weddings" for the fundie set at the TTH?  (Because nothing says romance like the town dump in the offing and modest bridesmaid dresses not-so-lovingly glued together by the Lost Girls, and yes, everything licked by Josie.)  Maybe have JimBob buy into that whole plural wife thing or have JD go find a lovely 19 year old Philippino woman to bring over on a K1 visa?  

  • Love 4

Anna is a straight up idiot. I know, she has been raised to be a dutiful wife, mother and faithful Christian, but come on.

Her ignorance is so apparent as she describes the behavior of her pig husband as "it was hard." Really? Is her vocabulary that limited?

I could have almost been somewhat sympathetic toward her, but saying that Josh's behavior was a betrayal to Christians - WTF?

She goes on to say that Christians watched their wedding and heard their vows, etc.... WHY does she think she is so special? NO ONE thinks about your wedding and if they do it is the way Josh almost ate your face off (what a first kiss to remember) and/or that horrible singing of Josh's. Get over yourself.

I get it that she landed the royal Josh Duggar, but face it girlfriend - he is lazy, a loser and a cheater.

  • Love 7

I think the Ban the Duggars groups and protestors are getting a little ridiculous. If you don't like them, don't watch. They can rant and rave all they want, but if the numbers are there, TLC is going to go forward with a regular series. It's not like twenty million people will stop going to Walmart because they run an ad during the show.

  • Love 2

I think the Ban the Duggars groups and protestors are getting a little ridiculous. If you don't like them, don't watch. They can rant and rave all they want, but if the numbers are there, TLC is going to go forward with a regular series. It's not like twenty million people will stop going to Walmart because they run an ad during the show.


You can view it as another battle in the great Culture Wars, but you're correct, we all need to buy new underwear sometimes.

  • Love 1

I can't imagine TLC would have ran the ads without the okay from legal. The third party ad block purchasing is kind of a slick move if you think about it. It gives the sponsors plausible deniability when the backlash hits, but still allows their commercials and products to be seen by millions of viewers. It's a win/win for everyone.

  • Love 2


I wondered about that. I thought there were some listed that had previously said they wouldn't be advertising anymore. Sadly they're probably getting even more press out of the 'extra' advertising from being supposedly accidentally advertised.

  • Love 3

It was and made me wonder if they moved Anna and her kids into the dorm rooms.

I was thinking the same thing. I guess Boob wouldn't allow them living by themselves in the pool house. As I posted in one of the other threads, Anna was definitely coached & she reminded me of Priscilla grasping for words. She acts like she was talking about another couple, not her & Joshley.

  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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