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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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Well the ultimate "Widely Hated Characters Who You Like or Even Love" from House was probably House himself. Some people hated him from Day 1 (no idea why they watched then) and others simply let some kind of frustration build up and then hated him.


Interesting. And I agree yes. But I think some people hated him because he was an ass to everyone around him. But to be honest, he spoke truths without any concern or self-censoring to those around him (and the viewing public) that I totally thought was dead-on the majority of the time. House was basically a mouth-piece for the things that we all wanted desperately to say to the idiots around us, but never did because you know, consequences and wanting to not be a dick.


Thirteen from House. I was surprised to hear how many people actually disliked her, at least from many online forums that I scoped.


I remember this. So many people hated Thirteen, but I had no problem with her. I thought her interesting, but from the things I remember reading or hearing, yeah people did not like her. I did.

IMO Brittany was worse. Far worse. 


With Santana you could spin her behavior as a defense mechanism combined with some ridiculous exaggeration of "tell it like it is"/stab you in the front rather than in the back.


Brittany was someone who SHOULD have understood being misunderstood and had compassion. And she was shown to have almost none. But the fans/viewers loved her.

Oh thank God, I'm not the only one that hated Brittany!

Santana at least was openly a bitch. Brittany, on the other hand, pretended to be nice and innocent when she really wasn't. And whenever someone disagreed with her and her ridiculous ideas, she would accuse them of bullying! That was such bullshit.

I really hated how when she and Artie broke up, the show made Artie out to be the bad guy for calling her stupid (and he really wasn't, he just asked how she could be so stupid for letting Santana manipulate her) even though she CHEATED ON HIM. Yet she never got called out on that because nobody held her accountable for anything.

  • Love 8

I hate Rory Williams/Pond. Quintessential "Nice Guy". He married weird Amy Pond with the hopes of turning her into a conventional housewife. Don't get me wrong, Amy was a bitch so I'm not too broken up about it, but the Rory-love in the NuWho fandom is rampant and unparalleled. And he's always in a bitchy mood. You're traveling throughout all space and time, would a little sense of wonder kill you?

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Thirteen from House. I was surprised to hear how many people actually disliked her, at least from many online forums that I scoped. I thought Thirteen was a good character, though I disliked her and Foreman together with a passion (I've always hated Foreman though, just behind Taub).


I can understand people being angry because she (along with Taub and Kutner) were brought in when Chase and Cameron were all but dumped from the show.  As I didn't care that much about Chase and actively disliked Cameron, this was not a problem for me.  So, I liked Thirteen.  OW isn't the strongest actor around but I thought she did a good job.  I certainly preferred watching her than sour, holier than thou, bitchface Cameron.  I also liked the relationship she had with House.  It was the one significant relationship he had with a woman that the show didn't try to push in a sexual/romantic direction so it was refreshing.  I actually thought they understood each other and that she got him more than any of the other fellows ever did.


I went back and forth on House himself.  I felt when he went too far on being an ass the show called him on it and he tried (in his own way) to make up for it.  It was more that his angst and hidden pain and all that crap got so repetitive that at a certain point, I just didn't care anymore.


I'll throw in some love for Ross too.  He had his flaws but no more than the rest of them.  He was funny and you know what?  They were on a break :-P

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Everything about Doctor Who is executed poorly. Things that should be huge, emotional arcs are compressed into one or two episodes and lose all heft, season long arcs are insubstantial and sloppily done, and there are too many episodes that go by without adding to the overall story. Storytelling engineers plot holes--the Doctor can never go back to 1939 New York, so can never see Rory and Amy again, despite the fact he could've easily gone to 1940 New York to get them or anywhere close to New York in 1939. I know it's primarily a kids' show but that is lazy-ass writing.

Also, none of the NuWho Doctors hold a candle to Christopher Eccleston/Nine.

  • Love 3

I have some Unpopular Opinions I'd like to share if you fine folks don't mind.


Doctor Who: NuWho, because I haven't finished the older series yet.

  1. I really didn't like Rose with Ten and loathed Amy after about three episodes. I would have rather had Mickey and Rory than those two.
  2. I often found Ten completely unlikable. He had his moments of charm, and I can't knock Tennant's acting, but Ten really rubbed me the wrong way at times.
  3. I hated Eleven being so intertwined with various and sundry Ponds for the majority of his run.
  4. Donna's departure was awful. Especially when she regressed to her previous personality. I would have rather had her killed off than that.
  5. I liked Martha.
  6. I wish Clara had a full season with Eleven.




For the record, I liked Rose fine, but I agree that they made her way too special (she's the Doctor's One True Love? Gimme a break). Also, I didn't like how she treated Mickey. I vastly preferred -no, make that loved- Martha (I kind of have a girl crush on Freema Ageyman) and the much-maligned Donna (Catherine Tate really brought something special to the character).


BUT! I will take Rose's absolute worst behavior over Amy Pond's perpetual whining, shrieking, pouting, half-assed snarking any day of the week. Even Rose's royal treatment was more tolerable than the seasons of Amy being hailed by one and all as the most precious, blindingly perfect human equivalent of a Faberge egg ever. I thought she was a useless, uninteresting, googly-eyed load, and Rory should have wised up and dumped her miniskirted ass a long time ago.


I like Ten, I want to love Ten, but I harbor a grudge over what he did to Harriet Jones. So not cool.


Loved Eleven, and word that Clara should have  gotten a full season with him (they were too cute together). Twelve is such an asshat, I don't think I can go back to the show. He is downright abusive to Clara (seriously, what did she ever do to deserve it?!).

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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I was completely with you, Weindish Fitch, all the way until the last paragraph. +1111111 to all of the rest.


Clara's just Amy Pond redux and I loathe her just as much. As far as I'm concerned, Twelve should've dumped her super special snowflake self and found a new companion. In fact, I really wanted him to do as Six did to Peri* but not screw up on the follow through.


*I loved him from that moment on.

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Willow Rosenberg. This one kind of pains me to admit, because on paper Willow is someone I would love and identify with more than almost any other character I've come across. And I still find myself mostly liking her during Buffy's first season...but, unfortunately, the series lasted for seven. :) There's so much talk lately about the classic "Nice Guys" who aren't actually all that nice (which I sometimes agree with but other times sounds like just an excuse for rooting for the protagonist to end up with the sociopathic jerks we've mentioned upthread, but I digress!) Anyway, Willow is kind of like the female equivalent of that to me--she seems all sweet and sympathetic and endearingly awkward and all that, but when things don't go her way she ranges from over-the-top, selfishly self-pitying to blatantly manipulative---and I'm talking about BEFORE she turned evil and tried to destroy the world! There's just something really irksome about her to me: The "did I tell you my boyfriend's in a BAND!" need to be regarded by random people as 'cool' despite having close friends who accepted her just the way she was; the way she'd deliberately play up the cutesy, cooing baby talk to get what she wanted, and, mostly for me, the insufferably breathy, exaggeratedly forced stammer Alyson Hannigan used to deliver her lines along, accompanied with that wide-eyed, open-mouthed "who, you mean little old ME?!" expression. Whenever I rewatch BtVS, I want to love her as much as I know I should, but the acting (and sometimes the writing, but more the acting!) makes that nearly impossible for me. 

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I was completely with you, Weindish Fitch, all the way until the last paragraph. +1111111 to all of the rest.


Clara's just Amy Pond redux and I loathe her just as much. As far as I'm concerned, Twelve should've dumped her super special snowflake self and found a new companion. In fact, I really wanted him to do as Six did to Peri* but not screw up on the follow through.


*I loved him from that moment on.


Fair enough, ABay! We'll just agree to disagree! :)


I also don't hate Six, but, boy oh boy, did I hate whiny, worthless Peri (it doesn't help that Nicola Bryant's acting was the pits). Mel was infinitely more tolerable (damning with faint praise, I guess, but I think my point is still valid).

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
  • Love 1

For the record, I liked Rose fine, but I agree that they made her way too special (she's the Doctor's One True Love? Gimme a break). Also, I didn't like how she treated Mickey. I vastly preferred -no, make that loved- Martha (I kind of have a girl crush on Freema Ageyman) and the much-maligned Donna (Catherine Tate really brought something special to the character).


BUT! I will take Rose's absolute worst behavior over Amy Pond's perpetual whining, shrieking, pouting, half-assed snarking any day of the week. Even Rose's royal treatment was more tolerable than the seasons of Amy being hailed by one and all as the most precious, blindingly perfect human equivalent of a Faberge egg ever. I thought she was a useless, uninteresting, googly-eyed load, and Rory should have wised up and dumped her miniskirted ass a long time ago.


I like Ten, I want to love Ten, but I harbor a grudge over what he did to Harriet Jones. So not cool.


Loved Eleven, and word that Clara should have  gotten a full season with him (they were too cute together). Twelve is such an asshat, I don't think I can go back to the show. He is downright abusive to Clara (seriously, what did she ever do to deserve it?!).


You've articulated my issues better than I ever could. If I had to choose, I would take Rose at her worst over Amy any day.


I hated the fact that Rose ended up in the parallel dimension with her rich dad, mom, and Handy.


I love Donna so much that I fully subscribe to the headcannon floating around that it actually is Twelve in The Fires of Pompeii and that he is there to see her again without melting her mind.


I cannot forgive Ten for Harriet Jones. He was completely in the wrong for that. I can't quite remember, but did he ever get called out on the fact that he basically set the stage for The Master to become Prime Minister?


Everything about Doctor Who is executed poorly. Things that should be huge, emotional arcs are compressed into one or two episodes and lose all heft, season long arcs are insubstantial and sloppily done, and there are too many episodes that go by without adding to the overall story. Storytelling engineers plot holes--the Doctor can never go back to 1939 New York, so can never see Rory and Amy again, despite the fact he could've easily gone to 1940 New York to get them or anywhere close to New York in 1939. I know it's primarily a kids' show but that is lazy-ass writing.

Also, none of the NuWho Doctors hold a candle to Christopher Eccleston/Nine.


Nine will always have a special place in my heart. I wish Eccleston had stayed longer. 

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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In Doctor Who, I liked Nine, Ten, and Eleven equally for different reasons. Also, the only companion I did not like was the beloved Amy Pond. So I figured I would like Twelve, since I have enjoyed Peter Capaldi in other shows and liked the previous NuWho Doctors. Nope, I think Twelve is an ass. I want him to regenerate so badly.

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Brenda from 90210.  Her best friend & boyfriend get together and I am suppose to not feel sorry for her? Her brother isn't even on her side to comfort her.   


Oooh.  That's a good one.  Brenda was my favorite from that show.  I remember there being a whole 'I hate Brenda' movement that included billboards.  I think that was even before the backstage stuff made the mainstream press.


I recall Kara Thrace being reviled in the BSG forum I visited.  Its how I learned the term 'Mary Sue' and it was used in every single sentence.  That was one I really did not get at all.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Anyway, Willow is kind of like the female equivalent of that to me--she seems all sweet and sympathetic and endearingly awkward and all that, but when things don't go her way she ranges from over-the-top, selfishly self-pitying to blatantly manipulative---and I'm talking about BEFORE she turned evil and tried to destroy the world!


I've said a similar thing about Willow, particularly when Xander gets so much criticism for being a Nice Guy towards Buffy. Willow does the exact same thing to him, more because of Cordelia than because of Anya. "You'd rather be with someone you hate than to be with me." Really, Willow? It never seems to occur to her that if she'd actually been up front about her interest, the Evening Wear Fiasco would never have become an issue, and yet somehow Xander is the jerk, either because he gives Buffy a hard time about her (incredibly questionable) romantic choices or because he I guess fails to drop into Willow's lap without her having to make even the slightest effort. And sometimes both.

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I recall Kara Thrace being reviled in the BSG forum I visited.  Its how I learned the term 'Mary Sue' and it was used in every single sentence.  That was one I really did not get at all.

She was the best pilot, the best shot with a rifle, she drank spirits, was a great card player, had a special destiny, loved like a daughter by Adama, and was the love interest of three other characters. That can get a little much for one character. However, I always liked her.

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I cannot forgive Ten for Harriet Jones. He was completely in the wrong for that. I can't quite remember, but did he ever get called out on the fact that he basically set the stage for The Master to become Prime Minister?



Nine will always have a special place in my heart. I wish Eccleston had stayed longer. 


A poster at TWoP said that there was supposed to be an episode where the Master gloats to Ten about how, if he (Ten) hadn't screwed over Harriet Jones, he (the Master) never would have risen to power. The writers chickened out and decided not include that scene, because Ten was so beloved. I think they should have. I don't care how loved a character is, if they screw up, then, dammit all, I want them called on it. Actions should have consequences, big or small. I don't like it when horrible deeds are conveniently swept under the rug. 


I loved Nine, too, but Eccleston is famously commitment phobic when it comes to TV shows. One season was enough for him. Our loss. 


Another UO is that the Weeping Angels should have been one-shot villains. They became a bit nonsensical as time went on.

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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Doctor Who: I loved Nine, too, but Eccleston is famously commitment phobic when it comes to TV shows. One season was enough for him. Our loss.

Christopher Eccleston is coming back for season 2 of HBO's The Leftovers. (Perhaps fatherhood's changed his priorities, like Jeff Goldblum doing those commercials.)

My UO is that I enjoy shows without pat answers—like the aforementioned Leftovers. It's about those left behind when 2% of the world's population disappears, and I don't care if we never find out where the disappeared went—or why.

Edited by editorgrrl

I recall Kara Thrace being reviled in the BSG forum I visited. Its how I learned the term 'Mary Sue' and it was used in every single sentence. That was one I really did not get at all.

"Reviled" is a harsh term. There were people who hated her but there are ALWAYs people who will hate a character for a number of reasons. Personally I hate the term "Mary Sue." I think it is used far too liberally especially with women. How dare a woman be good at her job AND be attractive to men. A woman can be one of the other...never both. Now that I got that out of my system Kara Thrace was an entertaing character but then I don't think there was a character on the show i didn't like.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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It can be a lonely feeling to find yourself liking those generally despised characters who inspire hatred from the general audience (and not in a 'love to hate way'!) Sometimes it can even make you doubt your own opinion of the character and/or make discussion of the show less enjoyable. So here's the place to safely confess your fondness for widely reviled characters without shame :) 




7) Sam Winchester (Supernatural) Granted, after a certain period of time I lost most of my affection for both Winchesters, but I'll always have a soft spot for Early Seasons Sam and think the vitriol his character receives is way, way over the top. 


I don't get this at all.  I'm only one person, but in my 6+ years as part of the SPN fandom, I've hardly seen anyone say they "hate" Sam.  I've seen a lot of displeasure over his words and actions (and a lot of hate directed at TPTB for making Sam say/do those things), but hating Sam himself?


Actually, I've seen more people say they hate Dean because everyone loves him so much.  *cough* See other thread. *cough*

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But is that hate for Sam?  I am not exactly happy with the way he's been written over the years -- he's said some stupid things and acted in some ridiculous ways -- but I don't hate the character.  Just like I hate a whole lot of things that Crowley has done, but I don't hate the character.


I'd say Dean is hated just as much as Sam is.  *cough* Unpopular Opinions thread. *cough*


Oh dear, that cough just won't go away!

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Willow Rosenberg. This one kind of pains me to admit, because on paper Willow is someone I would love and identify with more than almost any other character I've come across. And I still find myself mostly liking her during Buffy's first season...but, unfortunately, the series lasted for seven. :) There's so much talk lately about the classic "Nice Guys" who aren't actually all that nice (which I sometimes agree with but other times sounds like just an excuse for rooting for the protagonist to end up with the sociopathic jerks we've mentioned upthread, but I digress!) Anyway, Willow is kind of like the female equivalent of that to me--she seems all sweet and sympathetic and endearingly awkward and all that, but when things don't go her way she ranges from over-the-top, selfishly self-pitying to blatantly manipulative---and I'm talking about BEFORE she turned evil and tried to destroy the world! There's just something really irksome about her to me: The "did I tell you my boyfriend's in a BAND!" need to be regarded by random people as 'cool' despite having close friends who accepted her just the way she was; the way she'd deliberately play up the cutesy, cooing baby talk to get what she wanted, and, mostly for me, the insufferably breathy, exaggeratedly forced stammer Alyson Hannigan used to deliver her lines along, accompanied with that wide-eyed, open-mouthed "who, you mean little old ME?!" expression. Whenever I rewatch BtVS, I want to love her as much as I know I should, but the acting (and sometimes the writing, but more the acting!) makes that nearly impossible for me. 

I know it's just her voice and she can't change it, but Alyson Hannigan's baby voice annoys me to no end.  I couldn't watch How I Met Your Mother because of it.


As for my character I hate, it's April from Parks and Rec.  There is something so amazingly off-putting to me, and I know she's supposed to be snarky and dark, but instead of celebrating it (like I think the show wants us to), I just wonder why they all still talk to her.  

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I have some Unpopular Opinions I'd like to share if you fine folks don't mind.



  1. I don't like Carol Hathaway. At all.
  2. Mark and Elizabeth were cute together.
  3. While I didn't enjoy every storyline, I don't think the later seasons are bad at all.



  1. Ross/Rachel should have been done after their first break-up.
  2. Phoebe is one of my least favorite characters on television.



My ER UO is that I really, really hated Abby Lockhart.  I like Maura Tierney, but good lord, did I hate Abby.  I never quite got what Carter or Luka saw in her.  I didn't like Carol when I watched the first time through, but I liked her much more on rewatch.  I hated Doug more on rewatch though; I think we were supposed to think he was an adorable scamp, but I couldn't stand how he just did what he wanted without any regard for anyone else .


I agree with your Ross/Rachel UO.  I think Ross was best when he wasn't dating anyone, to be quite honest.  Ross and Rachel being together brought out the worst in each other.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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Both Willow and Xander get a lot of hate. I think they - well, Willow, since no one here is claiming that Xander is widely loved - are incredibly polarizing characters, not exactly fandom darlings. It'd be more shocking if y'all hated Giles. :D


Seriously, though, on another message board I frequent, whenever there's a Buffy topic, someone always, ALWAYS has to bring up how much Willow and Xander suck, and then more people join in, and it turns into a big ol' Willow-and-Xander-are-the-worst hatefest. It warms my cold black heart, because I hated them both. 

Helena from Orphan Black.

YES. I loathe Helena. I groaned when it turned out that she wasn't really dead in season 2.


I think some of the beloved characters I dislike has more to do with hype fatigue than anything else. See: Stiles and Derek on Teen Wolf. No, not Sterek, that's a whole different ball of wax. 

Edited by galax-arena
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Lorelai Gilmore - she was so in love with how fast she talked that she never stopped to listen to anyone else. The fact that she was so pleased with herself for constantly eating junk food is indicative of the level of her intellect. I used to watch the show occasionally because I was interested in some of Rory's story arcs, but I never stopped being disgusted with Lorelai.

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Claire from Degrassi falls in that category for me. I liked her in her first appearance as Darcy's sister, but I quickly stopped liking her when she became a regular character.

Yes, Claire's character turned me off of Degrassi, a show I watched despite my not being in the target demographics. I guess they wanted the non cheerleader type to be the "everygirl", but she just grated. A lot.

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Eddie on Fresh Off the Boat. Well, I wouldn't say I like him, particularly, because the kid is a brat. But he works as a character, and the actor does a good job in a pretty thankless role. People keep saying that they wish Evan and Emery would get more screentime instead, but I really can't agree. Evan and Emery are cute and adorable, but they can't carry the show. Right now I think we get the perfect amount of screentime for those two. They work because they're peripheral characters IMO.


TBH, I feel that way a lot of the time when fans say how much they wish [plucky/quirky sidekick character] were the lead instead.

  • Love 7

I love Helena. I think she has a great story arc. I think of her as an abused charcter finding family and love after a lifetime of abuse. But hey that is me.

I tended to hate both Winchester boys on Supernatural which is why I stopped watching the show. It didn't help I started hating the show.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 4

But is that hate for Sam?  I am not exactly happy with the way he's been written over the years -- he's said some stupid things and acted in some ridiculous ways -- but I don't hate the character.  Just like I hate a whole lot of things that Crowley has done, but I don't hate the character.


Hate is such a strong word, isn't it? I many times find I might dislike a character as a person, but find I love them as a character. As long as they are richly drawn and make sense in their universe, I have a hard time saying I hate them. They are fictional, after all. I do sometimes suffer from not understanding the appeal of certain characters, though.


When it comes to those Winchesters it seems like there is some unwritten rule out there, that I'm somehow exempt from, in which liking one automatically means you must dislike the other. It must somehow bring some sort of balance to the universe...or something. ;)

  • Love 5

Lorelai Gilmore - she was so in love with how fast she talked that she never stopped to listen to anyone else. The fact that she was so pleased with herself for constantly eating junk food is indicative of the level of her intellect. I used to watch the show occasionally because I was interested in some of Rory's story arcs, but I never stopped being disgusted with Lorelai.

I think Lorelai was polarizing rather than widely loved.

I liked her, but I understood why many didn't.

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It's about those left behind when 2% of the world's population disappears, and I don't care if we never find out where the disappeared went—or why.


I think the Leftovers was terribly executed and just sloppy. TPTB relied on the viewers to fanwank far far too much to make the show work imo. I did like the one plot from the woman who works for the agency collecting benefits for people who disappeared. Although I agree that we shouldn't find out the reason, I don't really buy the overall reaction. I know the show isn't about figuring out why, and it shouldn't, I can't get past that there's no major effort going on in the background, given the massive data driven society we are. I really think the show would have been way tighter if that woman was the main character. 


I'm over all this True Detective trashing. I'd really like to talk about the episode, but all the comments are about how it's not S1. Is anyone actually watching this season?

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Disclaimer, I've only watched through S4 of Game of Thrones so this might be outdated...


I was having a hard time even remembering any rape on the show. It's been hinted at and definitely threatened a lot, but I couldn't remember it actually happening onscreen. There are a lot of ugly awful things that happen on Game of Thrones, though, and not just to women. I totally understand why some people are turned off by and refuse to watch the show. It's kinda one of those shows that isn't going to appeal to the masses and that's okay by me.

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My ER UO is that I really, really hated Abby Lockhart.  I like Maura Tierney, but good lord, did I hate Abby.  I never quite got what Carter or Luka saw in her.  I didn't like Carol when I watched the first time through, but I liked her much more on rewatch.  I hated Doug more on rewatch though; I think we were supposed to think he was an adorable scamp, but I couldn't stand how he just did what he wanted without any regard for anyone else .


I agree with your Ross/Rachel UO.  I think Ross was best when he wasn't dating anyone, to be quite honest.  Ross and Rachel being together brought out the worst in each other.


I'm in the middle of an ER rewatch and am finding that I don't mind Weaver, Gates, and Morris nearly as much as I used to. I do hate the Ray/Neela shiptease more than ever. To me, they are best as platonic life mates.


Not sure how unpopular this is but Chopper coming back to finish the job on Romano still pisses me off. If they wanted to cut the character that badly, have him retire or move to teaching. Or use another method to kill him. Just not a damn helicopter!


Another UO: I don't like Arrested Development. I get the humor, I just don't find it funny. 

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I cannot forgive Ten for Harriet Jones. He was completely in the wrong for that. I can't quite remember, but did he ever get called out on the fact that he basically set the stage for The Master to become Prime Minister?

What Ten did to Harriet Jones was despicable and cruel. I could never get into him for that moment alone.

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I'm drawing a blank, what did Ten do to Harriet Jones?

He basically undermined her tenure as prime minister by stating in front of members of the press that she look tired, thus implying that she was no longer capable of doing the job.  Whether such a ploy would work in real life is a question for another forum, but within the world of Doctor Who, his comment set the stage for her losing the upcoming election to the Master.  Not that British elections actually work quite like that.

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I didn't know where else to post this. At first I thought, maybe it should go in the 'shows that crashed and burned' but then I remembered so many (not here) have stated what a great show this was, and how it was cut too short.  But I watched the entire show over the past three days, and the first season was great; the second and last? Oh my goodness, I don't recall it being such a trainwreck. I'm speaking of HBO's Rome.  And how one of my favorite characters, Mark Antony, had to be sacrificed for that pissant and petulant Octavian.


And just to make sure, I did a search and read up on the real life history, and of course so much was fictionalized, but I did not like, did not care for what an utter tool they turned Antony into in the second season.  And this was the worst incarnation of Cleopatra I've ever seen.  It also didn't help that I couldn't tell how much time had gone by in the series. Except for when they aged upped Octavian and in the last three episodes.


And Dammit all, I wanted, was looking forward to Mark Antony's "Brutus is an honorable man" speech and the show didn't even show it!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule

Please remember that this thread is for Unpopular Opinions ... the posts you would find here would be something that might differ from the masses on certain shows.  It's not a place to discuss certain shows ... chances are that we have a forum dedicated to that particular show and you can have a discussion there.


Thank you for your consideration in taking show discussion to the correct particular forum.

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Gina from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Sure, she's not my favorite on the show and I can get tired of her attitude during certain episodes, but I still like her. Mostly, I think it's because the show acknowledges her faults sometimes (not enough, but baby steps) so we're not being told that she's flawless. That said, she could be taken down a notch more often. Either way she doesn't ruin the show for me like she does for some people. 


Jorah from Game of Thrones. I don't know if he's hated really, but it is irritating to see his character constantly be tied down with friendzone comments. Partially because it's not so much of a friendzone case as it is unrequited love (Daenerys never led him on, he doesn't resent her for rejecting him, he sees her as a queen and a leader instead of just someone to have sex with, etc.). But also because I think Iain Glen does a great job playing him, especially this season (ex. the scene when he finds out about his father's death). Every episode he gives a nuanced performance and it bugs to see everyone boil it down to "lol friendzone".


I haven't really watched the new Criminal Minds episodes in the last couple years, but I do remember deciding to check into a forum to see what was happening lately and being very surprised at how many people hated JJ, since she had been my favorite character before I stopped watching. I can understand disliking a character, but the amount of hate was enough to make me get out of the forum and not look back. 


And this was a few years back, but I remember reading about people hating Fiona on Burn Notice when that show was on. Sure, the first season she was a bit annoying, but I think her character improved quite a lot afterwards so I never understood the hate.

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Gina from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Sure, she's not my favorite on the show and I can get tired of her attitude during certain episodes, but I still like her. Mostly, I think it's because the show acknowledges her faults sometimes (not enough, but baby steps) so we're not being told that she's flawless. That said, she could be taken down a notch more often. Either way she doesn't ruin the show for me like she does for some people. 

Gina is a comic device more than a character. She's intentionally kind of a cartoon character--an over the top force of nature. And personally I'm fine with that.


Did people scream and yell about Cosmo Kramer, for example, not being a realistic person?  Not so much.  What makes Gina any different? Is this a gender thing?

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Moriarty from Sherlock. I am one of the few people who didn't really love the actor's portrayal of the character, (some people thought it made the character more unpredictable...I just thought it was overacting) but I was entertained enough by him and was ready to say goodbye to him at the end of season two when he put a bullet in his head. But apparently the end of season three shows a hint that he may be back, and I'm (again) one of the few who isn't excited for it. I already handwaved Sherlock faking his death, now I have to handwave this one too? Eh.


All the characters on Suits. Any time I try watching the show (usually when someone else is watching it in the room) I am actively routing against all the characters. They are all just so full of themselves, I want them to fail.


Elliot and Olivia on Law and Order: SVU. It depends on the episode, because sometimes they're tame and I actually like them. But when there's an episode where one (or both) of them is on their high horse and takes it out on everyone else involved...urgh. 

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Moriarty from Sherlock. I am one of the few people who didn't really love the actor's portrayal of the character, (some people thought it made the character more unpredictable...I just thought it was overacting) but I was entertained enough by him and was ready to say goodbye to him at the end of season two when he put a bullet in his head. But apparently the end of season three shows a hint that he may be back, and I'm (again) one of the few who isn't excited for it. I already handwaved Sherlock faking his death, now I have to handwave this one too? Eh.

I hated Moriarty.  Hated the character, hated the writing for him, hating the acting choices - overacting is indeed the correct word.  And I never found him the least bit entertaining, so the thought that he might be back makes me want to vomit.  But I got tired of Sherlock (the series) in general by the end of season three and have already decided I won't be bothering with any future seasons unless some actor I really like guest-stars.

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