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S15.E17: Top 8 Perform

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You know the only thing that was missing during MacKenzie's performance? 


I huge video of Jennifer Fuentes behind him. 


* dance * 


A little wayback machine action ... especially note the 1:05 moment ...  


And THAT is what is missing from this season. People whose combined level of cheese and suck is of such magnitude that umpteen years later I still giggle thinking about the snarkfest that was the TWOP thread. 


Thanks for the Tsaggy shoutout though.

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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I think next week La'Porsha should do something fast and light with a big smile on her face, her hair pulled back and a simple outfit.

In her defense, I honestly don't think that hair is capable of being pulled back. I've never witnessed that amount of volume on any human head before, even in a wig.


I absolutely hated what she did at the end of "Halo" with the pause...silence...SCREEEEEEEECH. Well that's what it sounded like to me anyways. I thought it would be melodical and it just was not.

And the audience loses their shit over it. Go figure.


Dalton can wax on about Daughtry all he wants, but last night cemented the deal (for me) that he studied every nuance of every Adam Lambert performance ever. Also: If you SAY you're self-deprecating, then aren't you kind of...not?

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Hashtag en fleek? Can someone explain it to me? TIA. :-)


on fleek.  "Hashtag" is social media speak for something being discussed.  "on fleek" is slang for "looking good". She was saying her eyebrows looked good.

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Every season it is the same thing with those poor contestants getting sick and some ending up in the hospital!  Starting with the group singing often resulting in all night sessions, the contestants start off a stressful non stop schedule with weakened immune systems then spread it to each other sharing housing!


I am not sure what La Porsha can do with her hair but getting it back to black was a great start and I think if they cut it shorter all around it would look better.  I can't imagine it straightened and styled but who knows.   

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on fleek.  "Hashtag" is social media speak for something being discussed.  "on fleek" is slang for "looking good". She was saying her eyebrows looked good.

My little subtitle thingy spelled it en fleek and I had no clue . thank you for that. :-)

DO they share rooms? I'd think the minors have a parent with them. ANd even so, I'd think they could have their own room sheesh.

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My little subtitle thingy spelled it en fleek and I had no clue . thank you for that. :-)

DO they share rooms? I'd think the minors have a parent with them. ANd even so, I'd think they could have their own room sheesh.


Yes the minors have a parent with them.  I think they share with another male or female.  AI used to provide a mansion I think back in the day.  Not sure where they go now, something cheaper I would think.

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I love Harry, but that was bad. His voice was off in the beginning and it didn't get much better. BAD. I was kind of shocked, bc... well... I usually love him.

So glad Rox is gone. I was surprised bc I thought they'd pimp her to the finale. Maybe her dad can buy her way in like Swift and her autotune.

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Watching the second half and can I say what a cruel thing to do to Trent - taking him to task about his facial expressions.  Keith was right on the money when he said sometimes Trent was thinking more about his facial expressions than singing. 


Rewatched the start of the show and while I know many singers come out and sing live, I'm fairly certain there are some who don't.  Watching Kelly singing last week brought home how amazing and talented she is and that she's singing live and not lipsynching her performance.  She showed everyone and not just the current crop of contestants how you continue and put on a show even when your emotions get the better of you.  She's a trooper!  Maybe that's why not much has been said about all the flu etc going through the singers?  If you're going to be an entertainer, you need to suck it up and put on a show.  I think I remember in seasons past some of the contestants had information shared about being sick/under the weather as excuses for horrible performances.  If I hadn't read the comments on here I wouldn't have known some of the singers have been ill.

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For i believe the third time in four seasons at this stage I'm dropping out, because none of the remaining contestants are even remotely interesting to me. (As a piano player myself, last year I stuck around for Clark Beckham.)


What is it, 6 out of the final 10 were 15/16? With the best you can say about any of them, charitably, is that they have raw talent. Apparently the producers have no concept of what made this show popular. The singers from the history of this show who people remember, and still talk about today, win or lose, were all mature and developed performers when they came on the show. It wasn't about, let's cheer on the cute little boy or girl next door.


I'll continue to check this forum for the snark, and to see if there is talk about a performance so good (highly unlikely) or so bad (much more likely) than I should catch it on YouTube.


If they wanted a "bookend" to Kelly Clarkson they should've put a few more strong singers in the Final 10.

Edited by bluepiano
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MacKenzie puts me to sleep. And sorry but up close, not good. I'd like the camera to stay panned back.

I also was shocked that Olivia was saved since she has seemed the chosen one. I wondered if she was so rock bottom in votes that the judges figured there was no point in saving her.

LaPorsha's hair looked so much better darker. Suits her a lot.

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So....the girls all blend in. I was watching again tonight via dvr. I was like"who is this superstar girl?" When I saw the singing.

It was Demi Lovato . I was just hoping it was a performer. I was trying to figure out who it was, they all blend into one. . Ugh.

Edited by Meowwww
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Demi has conviction and power, but ooh she can't sing. Demi is like the best kind of studio artist. She can make good pop songs without a lot of studio magic, but listening to her hollering ass is a chore.

On a shallow note, why is her hair always not done? She always looks like she got in a fight. Kinda sounds like it too.

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Tonight (last night whatever) was underwhelming for the most part, for me, except for a few performances. It was some weird alternate Idol universe where normal standouts like Dalton, Sonika, Mackenzie, and La'Porsha were meh or underwhelming while the usually bad Tristan gave the best performance of the night. 


Dalton - Even as one of his biggest fans, I have to agree with all those who say this wasn't a good showing from him. He's still suffering from the flu and a sinus infection so I chalk it up mostly to that and think he still did an admirable job considering he probably would have preferred to be sleeping in his bed. I think he did the best he could under the circumstances, but unfortunately the song choice was just terrible for him. He said in an interview later that night that he felt the same way the judges did all week... which leads me to wonder why if he thought it wasn't the right choice, why he didn't change it? I hope this week has lit a fire in him and he'll come back next week with a better song choice and hopefully be over the sickness too. He lost his way a little bit this week but I'm confident he'll find his way back and return to that performer we know and love, flipping unexpected songs. Honestly this was the first time I had ever been underwhelmed by one of his performances, because his others have been so strong. I won't say it was awful or terrible, but it wasn't his best. And I felt there was something wonky going on with the audio mix as well, at one point you could clearly hear a male backup vocalist singing louder than Dalton was. That was weird. Next week or in the coming weeks I want to see Dalton pull out a ballad or acoustic song, that's where he really shines and he hasn't gone to that vulnerable place yet. 


Lee - I was shocked that Lee was in the top 8, honestly. I thought he was B3 for sure. He still has no emotional connection to what he's singing, unfortunately, and I don't expect that to change within 5 short weeks. But the kid does have a gorgeous tone to his voice. I don't mind him sticking around for maybe another week simply because his voice really is so gorgeous.


Sonika - Vocally she hit most of the notes, but she did skimp out on one of the high notes in the bridge which I was disappointed by (hate when singers do that), but she didn't bring any of the fire or anger to the song that the original does. I'm just confused now by what kind of artist she is attempting to be. Is she a ballad singer or is she suddenly this angry pop/rock chick? She has one of my fave female voices of the season (mostly because she sounds like Ariana Grande) but I have no idea what kind of artist she is attempting to be, or if she even knows herself. Is she trying to be a rock version of Ariana Grande? Unless she brings out another Bring Me To Life or Safe and Sound level performance, I don't see her lasting too much longer. The world already has an Ariana Grande, she's got to find some other way to make herself unique and stand out.


La'Porsha - I'm getting bored with LP. Sorry. I feel like she just does the same thing every week. She's vocally impressive, no question, but she saturates her performances with unnecessary runs and melismas just for the sake of doing so. This was a blah song choice and I didn't feel much of a connection. The angel wings stuff behind her was distracting, the outfit was strange. The hair was an improvement though. I hated that a cappella bit she did in the middle of the song, it was like she had changed keys or something. And I hate how the judges (including Kelly last week) are showing clear bias by already declaring her the winner. It's such an insult to the others sitting there. Maybe they are doing it on purpose, knowing it will get backlash, and people won't vote if she's being shoved down our throats? Because Scott clearly doesn't want her to win? Next week I want to see La'Porsha bring out something she can emotionally connect with and dig really deep in. She's been through some dark times in her life, why can't she choose a song that allows her to pull from that? I'm thinking something like "Cried" by Candice Glover. 


MacKenzie - I didn't personally care for the arrangement of the song, however, objectively speaking, I saw what he was trying to do with it and it actually sounds like a current indie folk pop song that could be on radio right now (think Mumford and Sons, Phillip Phillips type stuff). The performance dragged and felt sleepy for me halfway through but in general I thought he did do a good job with the rearrangement, at least making it sound current and showing what kind of record he would make.


Trent - One of the best of the night, I would say easily best of the men. I could tell he was trying hard not to make faces during most of his performance though. Yes, his faces are distracting and something he should work on, but at the same time, there have been numerous performers before him and will be after him that make strange faces while singing that are legendary. If it helps him sing the right notes and connect to the song, who cares? I noticed he couldn't help but make a face when he hit the high note so... Joshua Ledet's version will forever be my favorite and basically all time favorite Idol performance ever, but I liked Trent's version surely better than Clark's from last year and think he did an admirable job. I'll be surprised if he actually makes the finale, but I think he could make top 3 or at least top 4. 


Tristan - Surprisingly gave the best performance of the night IMO. I haven't liked her at all this season, not even her highly praised audition, but for the first time tonight I really saw her talent. To pull out a performance like that at only 15 is a thing rarely seen. I'm glad Scott told her to change the song. Tristan's problem is that she keeps choosing the wrong songs and trying to be some country pop artist that she's not. She should stick to the piano, that is where she really shines and no other contestant is doing that, so she has her own lane. I really thought she emoted well here, sounded damn good, and she really impressed me tonight. She bought herself at least 1 more week based on that. Initially I couldn't believe she was in the top 8 (thought she'd be B3 for sure) but she earned her spot with that. Gotta give credit where it's due. That being said, she needs to stop with the constant crying. Her immaturity showed during her package when she broke down because Scott didn't like her song. If she can't handle something like that, she is never going to handle being part of his record label and having him telling her what songs to sing or telling her a certain song is not good enough to go on an album. Talented, gorgeous, sweet girl, but way too immature right now and not emotionally ready for this.


Avalon - I was shocked that she was in the B3, thought she was one of the fan favorites, honestly. The judges made the right choice in picking her. I feel she is more of a genuine artist than either Olivia or Gianna could ever be. Perfect song choice for her at the exact right moment. She is not my favorite but I like her well enough and think she has a really radio friendly pop R&B voice. She's a quite different contestant for Idol. 


Olivia - Vocally this girl has wicked talent. Possibly the best singer in the top 10, even better than La'Porsha, to be able to do whistle notes like she did at any age is incredible but at only 17, that takes wicked talent. Her main issue though and most likely the reason she was eliminated is that she does not come off authentic at all. She always came off very Hannah Montana/Disney Channel to me and it showed tonight more than ever with the pink jacket, pink hair, stage moves, etc. She didn't bring the necessary grit to the song she chose and it wasn't convincing at all. She's much too "nice" for a song like that. It all just felt very much like she was playing a role as the rock chick in a Disney movie. I don't buy her as a genuine artist at all. Supremely talented vocalist, but nothing else. She should get rid of the stupid stage name "Rox" IMO. Maybe she can get her own show on the Disney Channel, but otherwise she should drop the whole act if she really wants to make it in the industry as a serious artist. But I don't get people ragging on her because she smiles too much. So what? Some people are just naturally happy and positive people all or most of the time and there's nothing wrong with that. I'll take her smiling too much over Tristan crying every 5 seconds.


Gianna - FINALLY. I feel bad saying that because she's so young and a generally nice kid that was most likely pushed into this by her stage momager, but she was overstaying her welcome by this point and it was long past due for her to go. Once again, no emotional connection and just a lot of big, loud notes in her song. I was worried JLo would try to save her but thank God they made the right decision and let her go. I suspect Gianna had the lowest number of votes anyway.




- The Demi performance was weird. I thought it was cute how the guys were playing guitars but why didn't any of them get to sing? Why only the girls got solos for that? Weird. At least if Dalton was subpar on his solo performance, the bright side is he looked absolutely adorable playing the guitar here. I did not like her Stone Cold performance. She can sing but she also screams all the time when she sings. She was screaming in this. I've never liked Demi because of that. She brings a lot of emotion to what she sings and has obvious vocal talent but she always screams when she sings. I read that her Stone Cold performance was pre-taped which would explain why the cutting between Confident and that looked so weird to me.


- WTF was that Harry? I would say he easily had the worst performance of the night and that's saying a lot considering how many train wrecks and mediocre performances there were tonight. That was just dismal. The song was pretty lame and bad and he, the king of intonation, was ironically out of tune a lot of the time. I tuned out midway in because I just thought it was so boring and uninteresting. I don't remember a thing about it, other than that I hated it. 



My top 3 performances of the night go to Tristan, Trent, and Avalon. I keep wondering if we're going to get studio versions anytime soon. I thought by top 10 we would have them but still nothing yet. 


Prediction for B3 next week: Lee, Sonika, and possibly Avalon again. I don't think it will be Dalton or Mac because they have the 2 biggest fanbases. Going home will probably be either Lee or Sonika, depending on how the save me performances go. 


Yes I think it's incredibly stupid how they specifically said there would be no judges' save this year yet it basically still exists. Only now the judges get it every week instead of only one for the whole season. This week it's probably ok because I do genuinely believe Gianna and Olivia probably had the lowest votes anyway (Gianna definitely had to have had the lowest). But it is getting annoying how much the judges get to stick their hands in the voting this year. I hope at some point they no longer get a say, like how the judges save had to be used by top 5.


These producers are not very bright, are they? I think they took us too literally when we said to get rid of the light up chairs. They got rid of the chairs, but kept the same concept. Hey producers, we meant to get rid of the entire concept in general, not the actual chairs themselves! We know they only do it this way to build suspense and have drama for the end of the show but it seriously doesn't do the contestants any favors. I wonder if that's why most of them were off tonight. We saw it happen last season too, wouldn't shock me. How can they be expected to deliver their best when they are too worried about being safe or not and then having to get over the quick rush of emotions when they find out they're safe? Even though at least they all get to perform no matter what, it doesn't really make that much of a difference, wondering if they're safe or not. SMH


I saw the spoilers for next week's theme too and seriously thought it was a joke when I read it and was hoping they had been pranked again. The producers can't be serious. They aren't even trying anymore with these themes. 

Edited by BogoGog24
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Demi has conviction and power, but ooh she can't sing. Demi is like the best kind of studio artist. She can make good pop songs without a lot of studio magic, but listening to her hollering ass is a chore.

Demi is one of my least favorite singers out there. I hate someone like her who promotes herself as "vocalist," but all she does is scream--mostly off-key. It's a shame, too, because she does have a few songs I'd like performed by someone else. I think "Skyscraper" was originally a song for Jordin Sparks, and still wish it had ended up with her. And "Heart Attack" was intended for Pia Toscano for her debut album before Iovine dropped her.

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Tristan is gorgeous but boring... like Halle Berry in X-Men type boring.  Now, if somehow she could channel the singing version of a Monster's Ball HB... then maybe we'd have something here but she's too young and sheltered to pull off something like that.  I'm not saying you need to be at Amy Winehouse levels of torture to be a great singer... but when the source of Avalon and Trent's facial tics are the most tension inducing moments of the episode, I think the show may find that it has over sanitized its finals screening process.

Edited by Sentient Meat
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Was there something wrong with the audio? Seemed like everyone sounded like crap.

Probably. There's always problems with the audio and everyone gets drowned out by Bandzilla/the backup singers.

I meant to comment before on Avalon's twitching. I had never noticed it until tonight. But it's something she does consistently I think as I saw her doing it in an interview too. Could just be a facial tic I guess. I'll have to watch closely and see if she does it when she's not wearing any makeup, as maybe she's allergic?

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Yes, Dalton wakes up with him guy liner on.  He talked about this last week with Ryan and made me laugh when he did.  What does he do when he's not on the show that his schedule is so regimented?  He sounds as if his days are very scheduled and he doesn't deviate from them no matter what.


Couldn't agree more about Demi!  Wow, that was horrible!!


Demi and Harry were both bad; Harry shockingly worse.  I would assume those commenting on the acoustics were correct, Gianna couldn't wait to whip hers out of her ear.


Speaking of Gianna, now that she revealed herself to be essentially a dork in the typical 15-year-old dorky manner I like her, ironically.  (Though, Mr. Borchetta, maybe you could've turned some of those Trent-facial-tics time to telling Gianna, prom dress and dandling your hands rhymically along your own hips while in front of the eyes of all America awaiting final judgment, probably isn't the best look either. Clearly any "poise coordinator" type budget has been cut, leaving them solely with SB to instruct baby Idols in all manners of deportment.  God help them all.)


I think Dalton was hinting he might have OCD, heh.


Although overall I sort of agree with you, last night Jennifer's comments about some of the performances were on the nail.  Which is a rare enough occurance to be worthy of noting it.


Every now and then even Paula Abdul hit upon some music theory.  For Jennifer, that little story about her "trying out things in private" solidified for me that she probably was that blind-itemed person I spoke of a few weeks ago, doing the off-key hollering of J.Lo songs in a hotel room.

Edited by queenanne
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I've appreciated many of JLo's comments this season, especially where Dalton is concerned. I think her comments about him have been spot on. I liked what she said this week about him getting in his own head too much.

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I did NOT expect to see Allison Iraheta (season 8) as Harry's back-up singer. I had to rewind a few times to make sure! What up girl?!

She's not Harry's backup singer. She's been working for Idol as one of their backup singers for several seasons now.

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Harry has a "current hit"?  On what radio stations?



I've heard it once or twice in the past month. I think - but can't be sure - I heard it on Sirius XM, on The Blend. It's a nice tribute to his wife but really a forgettable, lackluster song. He can do better (and certainly has). 


I have no recollection of Gianna from the past two weeks (which is when I started watching this season). Just no memory of her whatsoever. 


I was very surprised that Olivia was cut, I thought she might have been a judge/show favorite who'd go far. Whatever. I'm still not an Avalon fan and if she'd gone home, I wouldn't have had issue with that.

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For i believe the third time in four seasons at this stage I'm dropping out, because none of the remaining contestants are even remotely interesting to me. (As a piano player myself, last year I stuck around for Clark Beckham.)


What is it, 6 out of the final 10 were 15/16? With the best you can say about any of them, charitably, is that they have raw talent. Apparently the producers have no concept of what made this show popular. The singers from the history of this show who people remember, and still talk about today, win or lose, were all mature and developed performers when they came on the show. It wasn't about, let's cheer on the cute little boy or girl next door.


I'll continue to check this forum for the snark, and to see if there is talk about a performance so good (highly unlikely) or so bad (much more likely) than I should catch it on YouTube.


If they wanted a "bookend" to Kelly Clarkson they should've put a few more strong singers in the Final 10.


Like whom?  The only eliminated contestants who I thought were clearly better than some of the Top 10 were Jessica Cabral and Stephany Negrete, both of whom were on the young and inexperienced side, even if over 18.  The good more experienced singers all seem to be over on The Voice (right alongside a crop of teens who seem at least as talented as those on AI).


Personally i would rather watch a less experienced singer with loads of natural talent over some burned out guy whose been playing bars for a decade or two and has clearly plateaued (for example, James VIII from this season).  The youngster may be less consistent from week to week, but they are also much more likely to pull off something out of the ordinary,

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I've never like an HCJ performance.  I fast forward them now. 


I think Avalon's fake eyelashes were bothering her.  I think she looks good with makeup but this week they took it too far.  She looked overdone in the hair and face and underdone in the clothes-- colorless, shapeless, styleless.  


I made my teen watch with me.  She said Dalton is trying too hard to be edgy so his look is a big fail.  Eyeliner is out, and not in a cool/retro way.  Mak looks better but the jeans and shoes were bad.  She also didn't like Avalon's look, though she has liked previous looks of hers.  She thought LaPorsha's hair and eyes were really pretty but she hated the cape/wings/train on her dress.  I hated everything about her dress.  She looked like a disco ball.  


We both thought Demi looked and sounded really good, and Jen looked good.  Kind of Sophia Loren or something.  She said Google invented Image search after her 2000 Grammys dress sparked so many searches.  We pulled it up to look.  16 years ago and Jen looks better in the face now.  Not sure if it's great docs or makeup artists or both but I don't think it's all good genes.  


I wonder if Scott nixed the Zed song for Tristan because he wants her to stay in the country lane since she's the only country singer.  

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I was feeling a little nostalgic about AI leaving....was preferring it to the Voice but the finals are a good reminder that it is time for the show to end.  The spark left a long time ago and I don't think it can come back.

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I was feeling a little nostalgic about AI leaving....was preferring it to the Voice but the finals are a good reminder that it is time for the show to end. The spark left a long time ago and I don't think it can come back.

Sad to say but I liked this show when Nigel Lythgoe was running it. People accuse him of too much manipulation but that hasn't changed and at least his during his era the show looked more professional. We didn't have the contestants sitting in the chairs before performing. Edited by waving feather
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I made my teen watch with me.  She said Dalton is trying too hard to be edgy so his look is a big fail.  Eyeliner is out, and not in a cool/retro way.  Mak looks better but the jeans and shoes were bad.  She also didn't like Avalon's look, though she has liked previous looks of hers.  She thought LaPorsha's hair and eyes were really pretty but she hated the cape/wings/train on her dress.  I hated everything about her dress.  She looked like a disco ball.  


We both thought Demi looked and sounded really good, and Jen looked good.  Kind of Sophia Loren or something.  She said Google invented Image search after her 2000 Grammys dress sparked so many searches.  We pulled it up to look.  16 years ago and Jen looks better in the face now.  Not sure if it's great docs or makeup artists or both but I don't think it's all good genes. 


I think Mackenzie's shirts are hideous, sorry Mack.  I feel like you could have the hair OR the shirts; both together are pushing it.  And he seems to own an endless supply.


I'm betting on "emaciation" for J. Lo.'s "fountain of youth secret", that episode where she said "the only thing I'm going to have to eat all day is this mango", seemed more like truth than hyperbole, sadly.

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 She thought LaPorsha's hair and eyes were really pretty but she hated the cape/wings/train on her dress.  I hated everything about her dress.  She looked like a disco ball.

My kid announced that LaPorsha looked like a barrel of fabric with shrubbery balanced on top.
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My kid announced that LaPorsha looked like a barrel of fabric with shrubbery balanced on top.

I agree, and I like LaPorsha.  I think Harry mentioned how "they" put the contestants in what they wear so I'm guessing the styling is heavily producer driven.

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I can only imagine Simon Cowell's scathing comments about her weight and her hair!!


At least with Keith and Harry (both of whom have daughters, which I'm sure plays into it), when they comment on a contestant's appearance, I generally get the feeling that they are thinking of stage appearance rather than personal appearance.

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The best part of the whole show for me was watching Borchetta in the front seat of that Ford pretending to enjoy it.  He wouldn't be caught dead in one of those, unless he were being compensated.


HCJ's song was crap.  The arrangement was awful.  Honest to goodness, he would have been launched as an AI contestant if he did that after the initial audition.


Ameriker and the jidges got it 100% right this time.  Having said that, it wouldn't be 19E without the shenanigans of telling us we finally had the vote, and then breaking out some sort of jidges save without warning.

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The best part of the whole show for me was watching Borchetta in the front seat of that Ford pretending to enjoy it.  He wouldn't be caught dead in one of those, unless he were being compensated.


HCJ's song was crap.  The arrangement was awful.  Honest to goodness, he would have been launched as an AI contestant if he did that after the initial audition.


Ameriker and the jidges got it 100% right this time.  Having said that, it wouldn't be 19E without the shenanigans of telling us we finally had the vote, and then breaking out some sort of jidges save without warning.


THIS ^^^^^


That is all.

Are you the poster who says "histoire?" bc that makes me giggle snort every time. :-)

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The judges picked the right one out of the three.  When do they stop doing saves?  I don't think it would be fair if we got to the top five and they were still choosing who makes the top three or the finals.


I still wanted to hear Olivia for one more week.  She wasn't her best the week before but I figured it was because she had the flu.  Plus, she went first so it was easy to forget her.  I would have put Tristan in the bottom but now she's not going to be there because she did well this time.  She really needs to stop crying.  Scott is only trying to help her and she ended up picking a good song for her.

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And of course Tristan won't go this week because of the Christian pandering. *rolls eyes* I'm glad this show's going out.

Not sure what is meant by this.  I haven't seen any "Christian pandering."  The only "pandering" I've seen is the judges drooling all over themselves for LaPorsha when she sings her runs that they normally put others down for doing.  

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Not sure what is meant by this.  I haven't seen any "Christian pandering."  The only "pandering" I've seen is the judges drooling all over themselves for LaPorsha when she sings her runs that they normally put others down for doing.  

I'm talking about her song choice. The same thing happens when people trot out a patriotic song.

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I like Sonika  more and more every day.  Love her voice and think they could make her a star.

  Not sure if I like Mac or it's just the type of music he performs that I like. 

Edited by tribeca
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Heaven forbid!  (and now I'M rolling MY eyes)

I don't think her choice of song (or TPTB's choice of song as the case may be) was innocent, sorry, any more than her family's military connection being trotted out regularly is. It'll probably delay her elimination, but they won't be able to get a win with her. But, then, I find the desperate shilling of your faith for votes pretty tacky.

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Well, to be perfectly honest, almost every one of the contestants is  "shilling" in one way or another.  Over the years we've heard the plight of single moms, jilted lovers, diabetics, unemployed,  dead or dying family members, father in prison, mommy-hated-me, etc, etc. Faith and a nod to the military seems less negative than any of the other forms of "shilling."

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