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S05.E04: Fashion 911

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As much as I dislike Sam (and I really dislike Sam), his default mode is ducking his head and looking up at people through his eyelashes, because for some reason he thinks it makes him look hot. So, yeah, flirting, but if he'd been introduced to Isaac's housekeeper or the lovely Georgina's arthritic bichon frise I'm pretty sure he would have put the same distasteful level of effort into trying to be winsome. If Katy Perry's stylist is that desperately hard up that he's willing to actually do things because a twink twinkled at him, I put it on him, not on Sam.

  • Love 6

I don't think the decision was wrong tonight based on what was sent down the runway. It was a decision that ends my interest in this season, though. There isn't a single person I give a shit about now. I can't listen to Alyssa's horrible delivery any longer. I hate Isaac. Georgina is moderately tolerable, but nothing special. Zanna? Who the fuck is she, anyway? Stella was the only reason I was watching this mess to begin with. And, of course, she would go home on the challenge that I hate the most. I don't think these challenges show who's "creative". I think they show who can use a glue gun and make the best craft project. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
  • Love 6
I wish they could just sketch and not make the outfits.


Heh, that reminds me of the scene where one of the guys (Mitchell?  Alexander?  A tall-ish one anyway) said something like he didn't really sketch for this one and the camera zoomed in past him working with his materials to his sketch pad that just had a blank-faced stick figure on it.  Cracked me up!

  • Love 5

Oy. Well, I'm over the unconventional material challenge anyway, and whoever said before it is, and I paraphrase totally, a yardstick of talent, I'm there with you. I've said the same thing on the Face Off comments. The talent does not live up to the challenge. Period. Plus, there are only so many materials that you can throw out there before they become totally useless. I hated all those looks. From week to week, it looks like the SAME exact things put out by the same designers. Not going to miss Stella. Not sure if I even like anyone enough to root for anymore. Emily has some weird Evil-Lyn stuff going on with her hair and face, and she was one of my favs earlier on. Might have to give the rest of this season a pass.

  • Love 2

What's wrong with the judges on this show!? Mitchell's dress looked like a salsa dress on drugs. All I kept thinking was If that model would have sat down on all those metal stars she would have been in a world of hurt.

And I don't get all the judge love for Sam. I thought his design looked messy and it reminded me of a kimono with that wide black belt. I hate his smug attitude too.

I personally liked Ken's dress and thought he should have won. But all in all except for Mitchell and Stella I thought everyone else did a pretty great job considering the materials they had to use.

  • Love 4

"Blind judging" my ass. No way Mitchell could have been safe for that monstrosity if the judges didn't know he was responsible for it. Easily my least favorite thing on the runway. I didn't like Kini's either and thought he should have been on the bottom.


I think Dom's ugly jacket is what kept her from being in the top. She needs to learn when enough is enough.


Overall, I don't think there's a designer left in this bunch who can meet the decidedly low standards set by past All Stars champs. 

  • Love 2

Won't miss Stella. She was becoming a caricature. I don't think she could have made respirator hoses runway ready either.


Yeah I was NOT pleased with Sam's win, but I won't miss Stella either. I don't think she could have gotten it runway ready, but I would have liked to see her at least try. Hell if the fringe catheters with fake badges was 'safe' she might've done fine.

  • Love 3

Although I wasn't in love with Kini's or Valerie's, at least they both chose to use non-fabric material. Sure, Kini's looked like a pinata, but at least he didn't just slap some gauze on muslin and call it a day. And Valerie's cotton swabs still looked like cotton swabs but at least she made an effort to manipulate them into a pattern. I still can't believe that the show provided all that gauze and the judges let them get away with using it as the majority of fabric on so many designs. Even in the previous PR seasons when they had access to tablecloths, shopping bags, and other materials that were similar to fabric, Tim warned them not to use the most fabric-like materials as fabric or the judges would criticize them for it. Honestly, I kind of wish they had just made it a straight gauze challenge (similar to the duct tape challenge from a few seasons ago).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 10

I just wish this show could really go back to being about the  creative process -- not about the  speed  of completion, or the inherent drama of selecting  pre-disposed to drama contestants.  (And I say this as someone who would equally collapse under the  pressure)  Give the group the chance to succeed and soar... not just  hobble to  a completion of another challenge. 


All-Stars has only former contestants to choose from, and I feel like the contestants who could really shine and bring it have mainly moved on to bigger and better things (and/or have already done All-Stars), so All-Stars can only grab who is available. But "Project Runway: Former Contestants Who Weren't All That Busy" isn't a very catchy series title.

  • Love 14

Dom was my winner, but I'm glad to see that everyone here feels the same.  Alex did not deserve to be in the bottom.  It was like a Herve Leger dress.  These fucking judges.  When they called Dom and Mitchell to step forward it was clear -- Dom is the top, Mitchell is the bottom.  Then they have the nerve to put them in the SAME CATEGORY AS SAFE.  Well at least they gave the designers enough time to do the challenge for once (rolls eyes).


I'm not mad at Kini for constantly stewing about Sam.  Kini does no wrong in my eyes.


Does Emily always have laryngitis?


Asha, close your mouth.


I was already at my Stella limit last episode when she screamed at Valerie for having the nerve to use non-leather.


Stella's sketch was HILARIOUS this episode.   Why did the editors feel the need to highlight this?






Alex's sketch:



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 12

Did Zanna Roberts Rossi dress for a sixth grader vibe?  Those little barrettes were precious.  I didn't even know they had a Dollar Tree in NYC.



Took me forever to get through this--five times I fell asleep and had to start over, ff'ing to the last point of consciousness.  Okay, maybe it wasn't necessarily THAT boring, but I have to shut down the laptop and stretch out on the couch so I can focus on the design details.  Boom.


My favorite design detail was Stella's skyline.  Did you see it?  Very clever manipulation of the x-ray tones.  There were even little people down at street level.


Least favorite design detail:  Asha gluing all of SEVEN pills and a few narrow strips of x-ray onto a nude bodice with a nearly invisible pink criss-cross.  Yes, even q-tips, badges and catheters were more interesting than that smattering of Good 'n Plenty.


(Question:  was the nude material gauze or workroom muslin?)


Ken hit the jackpot with the inside of the hoses being faux black patent leather.  If I liked him, I would have been happy for his luck.

Edited by candall
  • Love 9

Least favorite design detail:  Asha gluing all of SEVEN pills and a few narrow strips of x-ray onto a nude bodice with a nearly invisible pink criss-cross.  Yes, even q-tips, badges and catheters were more interesting than that smattering of Good 'n Plenty

And my favorite thing about that was one of the judges (could it have been Georgina?) looking at the six-or-ten hours worth of muslin slip and gently pointing out that Asha could have gone just a touch further with the pill detail (eight? nine?).

Her work is starting to remind me of Ashley's, and I'm not sure where that's coming from. Neither of them are old enough for even their moms to have been that heavy into eyelet.

  • Love 3


Ken hit the jackpot with the inside of the hoses being faux black patent leather.  If I liked him, I would have been happy for his luck.

Imma try to give Ken another shot.  I know he is going to blow up at someone at some point, but I'm gonna try to give him a shot.  I liked his dress last night, but I realize that the boob had to keep him from the win.  There is no way to forgive concave boob.


But Asha is beyond....I wish she would just go home.

  • Love 9

Imma try to give Ken another shot.  I know he is going to blow up at someone at some point, but I'm gonna try to give him a shot.  I liked his dress last night, but I realize that the boob had to keep him from the win.  There is no way to forgive concave boob.


But Asha is beyond....I wish she would just go home.

I'll forgive him if it's Sam he blows up at.

  • Love 13

Good bye Stella, your dated wannabe rocker looks won't be missed nor will your sour attitude.

Been waiting to share this tidbit about Stella for years .... On a brutally hot Summer day in NYC years ago, who do I see lumbering around Chelsea with a GIANT dog, but Stella. The dog was covered with sweat, the entire coat soaked or was dripping and panting uncontroably, it looked beyond miserable. It annoys me to see folks out with their dogs on hot days with no water for them but the state of Stella's dog was heartbreaking. (She tied it to a handrail as she entered a Chinese restaurant, so it was just stuck there panting and half dead). Anyone who treats a dog with such indifference and cruelty strikes me as someone with a screw (or two) loose. Stella comes across on TV as really odd and slightly delusional, the dog incident confirmed for me that it wasn't just editing, she seems to be a nut job in "real" real life too.

  • Mind Blown 1
  • Love 5

Dom was robbed this week and last (I would rock the FUCK out of what she made last week. Want one in every color). I could see giving Ken the win this week too, but Sam? (Who is not as cute or witty as he thinks. That flirting scene was so gross.) Ugh, no.


I laughed when Stella said she was happy that she'd dressed the model. Aim high! I wanted to see the tubing garment she was working on because I had no idea, based on what was on the mannequin, what it was going to look like.

  • Love 2

Boldng mine.

And my favorite thing about that was one of the judges (could it have been Georgina?) looking at the six-or-ten hours worth of muslin slip and gently pointing out that Asha could have gone just a touch further with the pill detail (eight? nine?).

Her work is starting to remind me of Ashley's, and I'm not sure where that's coming from. Neither of them are old enough for even their moms to have been that heavy into eyelet.

No that it matters but I think Johnny wanted more pills. So did I. But not on that top.

More pills. Is that like more cowbell?

Wonder what kind of pills those were.

  • Love 4
STELLAAAA!!!! There's not much to say. She was working on something costume-y that, in tonight's judging, would have netted her a win, and she allowed herself to be talked out of it. Sad.


That's a huge leap to think that mess of oxygen tubing would've turned out to be anything.


Ken (wow, did you see his piss face when Sam won instead?, that's the Ken I remember)

He and Asha both have RBF.

Poor Stella Ramone

I will miss her obvious dislike for Zanna. She gave zero effs about anything Zanna had to say. I have no idea why she listened this time.


Sometimes fate hands you Katy Perry's costumer as a judge.

And his opinion outweighed the other three judges? I don't think we can lay the blame entirely at his feet.

I'm also going to have to say that they really threw them a softball this year for the UM challenge, bandages are already pretty fabric like -- almost everyone just used the bandages. 

I bet they all picked bandages because they thought they'd be easy to work with...so it was justice when they realized they were adhesive and therefore a pain in the butt.


But making gauze bandages look like suede? 

This was said a few times on the show and really bugged me. They made it sound like the designers did some fantastic technique to achieve the suede effect. No. They glued the bandages to muslin, and coincidentally, it looked like a sueded material.


The cop, firefighter and emt did not look impressed.

It seemed really weird to me that they were standing around watching while the designers were snatching up materials. Not even standing off to the side. They were right at the table while people were grabbing things. I don't remember seeing observers all all up in there in other UMCs.


The talent does not live up to the challenge.

I read somewhere that most reality competition shows do best in seasons 2-3. After the first season is a sensation, really talented people come forward for the next one. By the end of season 3, everyone with enough talent to compete based on amazing skills realizes it's all producer-driven bull, and they're likely to be damaged by manufactured drama and exaggerated characterizations. Thus the people with sick talent stay far away. PR starting draining the dregs seasons ago. Design talent is optional. Now you just need to be able to sew well enough to produce a circle skirt or sleeveless shift.


I can't believe that "coat" won.  The sleeves were atrocious, and the zipper was all kinds of janked up - not purposely asymmetrical but just crooked.

I thought the bandage dress underneath was weird too. Made the model look naked and wrinkly. Georgina was so full of it when she praised that dress.


I liked his dress last night, but I realize that the boob had to keep him from the win.  There is no way to forgive concave boob.

Why didn't  anyone fix that? Surely it wasn't concave when they left the workroom? I understand there's nothing he could have done if the chest caved in while she was backstage. But as soon as the model walked out to stand next to him, Ken should've had her stick her hand in there and poke the bodice out.

  • Love 6

That's a huge leap to think that mess of oxygen tubing would've turned out to be anything.


He and Asha both have RBF.

I will miss her obvious dislike for Zanna. She gave zero effs about anything Zanna had to say. I have no idea why she listened this time.


And his opinion outweighed the other three judges? I don't think we can lay the blame entirely at his feet.

I bet they all picked bandages because they thought they'd be easy to work with...so it was justice when they realized they were adhesive and therefore a pain in the butt.


This was said a few times on the show and really bugged me. They made it sound like the designers did some fantastic technique to achieve the suede effect. No. They glued the bandages to muslin, and coincidentally, it looked like a sueded material.


It seemed really weird to me that they were standing around watching while the designers were snatching up materials. Not even standing off to the side. They were right at the table while people were grabbing things. I don't remember seeing observers all all up in there in other UMCs.


I read somewhere that most reality competition shows do best in seasons 2-3. After the first season is a sensation, really talented people come forward for the next one. By the end of season 3, everyone with enough talent to compete based on amazing skills realizes it's all producer-driven bull, and they're likely to be damaged by manufactured drama and exaggerated characterizations. Thus the people with sick talent stay far away. PR starting draining the dregs seasons ago. Design talent is optional. Now you just need to be able to sew well enough to produce a circle skirt or sleeveless shift.


I thought the bandage dress underneath was weird too. Made the model look naked and wrinkly. Georgina was so full of it when she praised that dress.


Why didn't  anyone fix that? Surely it wasn't concave when they left the workroom? I understand there's nothing he could have done if the chest caved in while she was backstage. But as soon as the model walked out to stand next to him, Ken should've had her stick her hand in there and poke the bodice out.


I disagree with this premise.  Strongly.  While not in the US. two standards come to mind, The Great British Bake-off and the UK Masterchef: The Professionals which have both raised their game season after season.  But I would also point to Top Chef.  While it has had lackluster seasons, it has also had some rather incredible contestants in their later years.  The Las Vegas season had an incredibly strong cast.  Texas had a standout in any field with the winner Paul, Seattle with the winner Kristen.  And even the poor burnt out too soon Kwame this season has shown that a show can attract really strong contestants several seasons in.  In fact if the show is consistently done right it should be able to ride out the years and bring in the next "generation" of new talent who growing up identified early with the first seasons.  Even with poor over-tweaking a show can tap into an organic cast that rises above their material.   Survivor has definitely been one to try and fix what isn't broken in terms of the structure of play in the show and yet the horrible idea of teams by ethnicity not only seemed the season to sink the show as it started to play out, once the ethnic element was erased with the merge it turned into one of the most compelling and talked about season's ending with Yul brilliantly playing Ozzie. 


The problem is that show's do get tweaked.  There is too much response to ratings and there is a sense that something has to be "new" and "better" even if it is working.  In this case it was bringing in the man who created and then did everything he could to destroy MTV's Real World to take the helm and drama became the key element to the show.   I think there has been some raw talent that the show squandered.  I loathe how Mondo turned out but his initial season showed something that sadly seemed ignored in the end.  The fact the judging let the pile on in regards to Michael Costello and let Gretchen not just stay around after she claimed to be the only person essentially responsible for the horror that was that collection but she stayed to win with an overall array of fashion that was amazingly weak.  And since that season the show has kept sliding down the hill, sometimes in inches and others in miles on Lifetime as the focus shifted.  I think many know that unless your fashion creations are perfect you better accessorize with as much conflict and drama as you can to stay on as long as you can.  And All Stars has made that even a greater demand.


In fact I think I would argue that just as being too busy to take the time to do the show is a reason for some; maybe as many if not more just don't want to deal with the show's shit again.  For many, they were on not that long ago when all is said and done and can measure the experience to the amount of professional gain they can attribute to it and the latter is simply not worth repeating the experience.  Their one and done first appearance a bitter pill to swallow but an effective cure to Project Runway famewhoring.   The overly deliberate short challenge times, the aimed-for-conflict structure of many if not most of the challenges simply not worth the reward.  Especially when the judging seems out of tune with what some of these people who do have a finger on fashion's pulse understand regardless of their success at a particular challenge. 


Mitchell's presence to me pretty much sums up what the problem is.  And I think Mitchell was not cast because there was no one else better.  I think they knew Mitchell would bring an attitude that would cause conflict and drama.  And he was happy for a chance to be in front of a camera in exchange.

  • Love 4

Some of them looked like my Vitamin E gel caps. I figured they were all either supplement type things, or as you said, placebos.  I think someone could have done something a little more interesting with those - make more of a pattern or something.

Hah! I was reminded of my flax seed oil capsules.

Wonder why EMS/firehouse stock great containers of whatevers.

I'll admit I haven't been paying much attention to the actual interactions on this show, but when did Mitchell and Sam become so friendly?

Dom's dress was great, but I didn't like the jacket with it. It made the model's arms look like skeleton arms.

I'm going to have an unpopular opinion. I didn't hate Mitchell's dress. I seem to recall the judges approaching the unconventional material challenge as relatively symbolic. By that I mean that they see things like sheriff stars and interpret it to a conventional counterpart. So I guess that could be silvery flowers or something? (Now this is Mitchell and I realize it wouldn't be unusual for him to use giant metallic stars of some sort.) I didn't like the color, but I don't think that was something he could control. I'm not sure what he used to make the top, but it's not the gauze at least.

  • Love 2

I'll admit I haven't been paying much attention to the actual interactions on this show, but when did Mitchell and Sam become so friendly?

Dom's dress was great, but I didn't like the jacket with it. It made the model's arms look like skeleton arms.

I'm going to have an unpopular opinion. I didn't hate Mitchell's dress. I seem to recall the judges approaching the unconventional material challenge as relatively symbolic. By that I mean that they see things like sheriff stars and interpret it to a conventional counterpart. So I guess that could be silvery flowers or something? (Now this is Mitchell and I realize it wouldn't be unusual for him to use giant metallic stars of some sort.) I didn't like the color, but I don't think that was something he could control. I'm not sure what he used to make the top, but it's not the gauze at least.


You like what you like.  I loved every hooker outfit my little Sandro made, and was roundly dismissed for it, but what can I do....I guess there is a little eastern european hooker inside of me (all jokes and puns intended).  Although, I would say that I never saw the UMC that way by the judging.  I think they have always wanted to see the material transformed.  So, I think if Mitchell had hammered the stars to actually create a flower, or if he had broken them down and made a pattern.  But just using the material in the exact same form it came in and not fashioning it in any way has never seemed to be what the UMC was about.


As much as I disliked Kate and despised Helen......this dress really transformed the materials.



Mitchell's use of the stars on his dress....not so much.....I can't find a picture of the dress in question


as regards friendships...when did Ken and Alexander get friendly???

  • Love 3


Re: the talent on reality shows.


I think both points are valid in the discussion, and I'm not sure if its a chicken/egg type thing.  I do think that season 1, its all brand new and so maybe you don't get a lot of applicants because no one knows what its all about and the kinks aren't worked out.  After the show explodes you get a ton of talented people who want to apply because the show is popular and its hip and its going to introduce your work to a wide audience.  And in the case of PR, it was the first show of its type, and there were very prestigious guest judges and sponsors in those early seasons past season 1.  I think that the well is deep enough for at least a good 3-4 seasons of designers.  But suddenly you are facing talent that wants more money (apparently Tim didn't even get paid for the first season, so he needed a raise), Heidi wants more money, Nina wants more money, you know MK wanted more money.....sponsors don't want to pay any more money.  You can raise the price of ads because the show is super popular, but you may not be able to raise it by enough.  And sponsors may sign into a multi year contract that keeps them from having to pay more.  So you have to cut costs....production costs.  And  so you cut the time for challenges, which brings down the quality of the work....so you interject mean spirited drama, because the show is less about the clothing and more about the fighting because people like drama.  The downturn in quality makes the show a lot less prestigious.  Now, popular and established designers don't want to guest judge.   Without the prestige, luxury brand sponsors are no longer interested, so you go from the MUFE studio, to the Wet n' Wild studio.  Young designers are like "so, I'm going to be on this show, and I'm going to have to show the world some shitty piece of work I put together in 4 hours? and I might be made to look like a villain?  No thanks."  And the most talented young designers are the ones that are going to be smart enough to stay away from such a trap.  So, there may be just as many talented designers out there, but fewer of them want to apply for this circus.  And whoever the Weinstein brother is that is associated with the show has always said that he will sell sponsorships to the highest bidder.....which further drags down the prestige of the show.  Honestly, if you had a luxury brand, would you want to be associated with a fashion/design show that sells sponsorships to Yoplait and Red Robin?

  • Love 3

I agree with an lot of what you say, RCharter, but have a slightly different take on some of your points


Yes, of course everyone wanted more $, that's natural when a show becomes successful and is making $ for TPTB. But I suspect that, in some cases, a high profile and rising careers had a part to play in, for instance, Kors bailing out. His brand exploded and I can easily see him moving on and simply not having the time tp play judge. Gunn also had new jobs to deal with, Klum is everywhere and is a merchandising maelstrom. And yes, it certainly looks like they're beating a dead or dying horse here. Seriously--Daniel as an All-star? The man is a crappy designer who was offed in each of his several seasons and with good cause. Sam? C'mon. At least Stella has a  point of view, of a limited one.


Going for the pre-arranged drama instead of actual designing? Oh, yeah. I keep wondering what would happen if the producers could convince Austin Scarlett or Jay (I forget his last name, the winner that year) or Christian to show up to compete again. For the most part they're having the second or third string on then ham-stringing them by cutting their design and working time to nothing. I believe that there are plenty of good, young (or not so young) designers out there who would jump at the chance to be on this show if it were run as a real design competition and not just another contrived dramafest.


I also think that the audience for a show about real design is out there--as evidenced by the numberless complaints and comments. The producers are, IMO, making a  poor choice and killing their once golden calf.

  • Love 4

I agree with an lot of what you say, RCharter, but have a slightly different take on some of your points


Yes, of course everyone wanted more $, that's natural when a show becomes successful and is making $ for TPTB. But I suspect that, in some cases, a high profile and rising careers had a part to play in, for instance, Kors bailing out. His brand exploded and I can easily see him moving on and simply not having the time tp play judge. Gunn also had new jobs to deal with, Klum is everywhere and is a merchandising maelstrom. And yes, it certainly looks like they're beating a dead or dying horse here. Seriously--Daniel as an All-star? The man is a crappy designer who was offed in each of his several seasons and with good cause. Sam? C'mon. At least Stella has a  point of view, of a limited one.


Going for the pre-arranged drama instead of actual designing? Oh, yeah. I keep wondering what would happen if the producers could convince Austin Scarlett or Jay (I forget his last name, the winner that year) or Christian to show up to compete again. For the most part they're having the second or third string on then ham-stringing them by cutting their design and working time to nothing. I believe that there are plenty of good, young (or not so young) designers out there who would jump at the chance to be on this show if it were run as a real design competition and not just another contrived dramafest.


I also think that the audience for a show about real design is out there--as evidenced by the numberless complaints and comments. The producers are, IMO, making a  poor choice and killing their once golden calf.

I agree with your post.  Well put.


I think the biggest problem is there is no real competitor at this point.  I wish there was.  You have the Fashion Fund, but that is a relatively small show (although its just come to Amazon, so maybe it gets bigger) and I think the format is too radically different (from what little I've seen).  There is the House of DVF show, which I like, but it doesn't often feature design projects.


There was that one show that Jessica Simpson, Nicole Richie and John Varvatos did for NBC.  I really liked the concept, but they fucked it ALL the way up due to poor execution.  An that was such a massive and public fail that I doubt anyone wants to take a risk at this point.  I think if PR just died someone might realize there is an audience and pick up the mantle, but its a risk.  And I hope someone comes out with something similar soon, or maybe another network buys PR and makes a few changes.

  • Love 1

Sam's look reminded me of the "Lucy Gets a Paris Gown" episode of I Love Lucy.


Me too! I kept thinkng that all that outfit really needs is a horse's feedbag.


WTF is wrong with the judges?  


I think I found an answer ...


And what kind of pills were they giving out? I thought it was kind of odd that the designers could just grab random pills. 


Maybe they weren't all placebos and supplements 


Did Valerie just say..."power of reduction?"  oh boy.


I didn't hear her say it, so I can't confirm anything.  But I do think that Kini's and Mitchell's ourfits could have benefited from the Power of reduction.  

  • Love 3


When I worked in a pharmacy we had empty capsules like those to fill with those little beads from other drugs. I don't know why an EMT place would have something like that in stock though.

I'm sure they don't.  All this junk was just brought into a decommissioned firehouse (now a TV and radio studio)  for the designers to pick through.  BTW although the episode did not mention it the best known show that does its production out of Downtown Community Television is Amy Goodman's radio/TV show Democracy Now.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
  • Love 2

RCharter, hookers need clothes too!  I understand your Sandro love. 


I think more recent years of unconventional materials challenges have focused on materials that can "easily" be transformed.  The dress you showed is kind of a perfect example.  I'm sure it was a pain shaping the placemats, but really, they only had to have a design and figure out how the mats would bend.  In past years, they had to use far more complex materials and sure, they transformed them, but there was no hiding the materials.  I'm thinking back on things like Austin Scarlett's corn husk dress or the other florist-challenge dresses.


I might just be romanticizing when they had more time and more interesting materials!


In regards to the capsules, I saw some that looked similar to the fish oil capsules I give my dog.  I just assumed they were given things you find in the vitamins/minerals section of the store.

  • Love 5

RCharter, hookers need clothes too!  I understand your Sandro love. 


I think more recent years of unconventional materials challenges have focused on materials that can "easily" be transformed.  The dress you showed is kind of a perfect example.  I'm sure it was a pain shaping the placemats, but really, they only had to have a design and figure out how the mats would bend.  In past years, they had to use far more complex materials and sure, they transformed them, but there was no hiding the materials.  I'm thinking back on things like Austin Scarlett's corn husk dress or the other florist-challenge dresses.


I might just be romanticizing when they had more time and more interesting materials!


In regards to the capsules, I saw some that looked similar to the fish oil capsules I give my dog.  I just assumed they were given things you find in the vitamins/minerals section of the store.

LOL, well, hookers technically need clothing :)  I just couldn't help it with my little Sandro.  I know he did wrong, I know he was a disaster, but if they are bringing crappy Asha, and shitty Sam back, and Daniel Franco for the 10th time maybe they can find a little room in their heart to forgive Sandro.  I felt like he was unfairly pushed by the other contestants for simply asking for feedback and that was the reason behind his incident.  My poor little firey Russian.


I suppose you're right on the mats, but it at least transformed them, I can't remember if those were straw hats or straw mats, but there was some transformation.  But you're right, it wasn't as tough as the candy challenge, or the florist challenge.


Those pills were in giant containers, i can't imagine why anyone would have those at a firestation.  I'm going to assume the producers ordered them online (I'm not sure if they were filled, if so probably with something like sugar or salt) in a massive quantity just to fit the theme and to offer something that would be easy to use to accents on a dress...just the same way the catheters could easily be piping..or whatever the hell mitchell did with them.

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Yes, Kini made his model look like a pinata but I liked the crazy glove dress....he accomplished three times as much as the others (which gets him no points since he doesn't have Sam's hair).

I thought he was certainly more innovative that some of the others...but what was up with that skirt? It looked like there was something wrong with it in the front, like the front was longer or heavier or had more fabric or something. It was really lopsided.


Asha just glued the capsules on the front...they weren't incorporated in a design particularly.

The way she glued those on reminded me of macaroni art.


On an unrelated note, I really really really hate Valerie's nose ring. Too big to be unobtrusive, too small to make a serious statement. She constantly looks like she's got something coming out of her nose. I find myself touching my nose whenever she's on screen.

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Yes, Kini made his model look like a pinata but I liked the crazy glove dress....he accomplished three times as much as the others (which gets him no points since he doesn't have Sam's hair).

I thought he was certainly more innovative that some of the others...but what was up with that skirt? It looked like there was something wrong with it in the front, like the front was longer or heavier or had more fabric or something. It was really lopsided.

Yes, yes, and yes.


But I also thought that, while it didn't work all that well, Kini came the closest to filling the bill of transforming weird items into a garment. The skirt was, indeed, awkward, but it did transform a zillion pairs of latex gloves into a semi-wearable skirt which actually looked like it would be walked and moved in without showing any lady parts we'd rather not have thrown in our faces on a televised runway. It moved (sort of), have texture and probably weighed nothing. It was a creative answer to the problem and was--god forbid--finished and not falling apart of off his model.

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I think more recent years of unconventional materials challenges have focused on materials that can "easily" be transformed.  The dress you showed is kind of a perfect example.  I'm sure it was a pain shaping the placemats, but really, they only had to have a design and figure out how the mats would bend.  In past years, they had to use far more complex materials and sure, they transformed them, but there was no hiding the materials.  I'm thinking back on things like Austin Scarlett's corn husk dress or the other florist-challenge dresses.


The dress that was shown was actually made out of red sombreros.  The good design comes from the fact that they managed to keep the curves and hat shapes in part of the garment, and then flatten them out to make the rest of the dress.


Kini and Mitchell were the only ones who really managed to do that in this challenge.  I thought Mitchell was going for something similar to Justin's pipette dress, minus the cool sound of the pipette's rubbing together.  Valerie's swabs were cool, but they still looked like cotton swabs all lined up.


I think Ken was robbed.

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